The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 15, 1897, Image 2

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HtfTJ.lH.I0IIXI 1M0.
INsMMfhed every Bvenlng, Kioept Sunday, at
I Iwta Jardii Bthbt. Mm (Imuran.
Vy steratil In rleilveied InMhenandoan and tb 1
.agroundlng towns fur six cento n week, ony
to the oarrlers. By mall B.00 A year, or ar
tost a month, payable In advance. Advertise
Mt charged aocoraiiig to Npnoe and position
rve iraDiisners reserve ine ni
rVe nabllaf
ant to change thr
a2Hon nf advertisements whenever the uub-
Mtatlan at newa demands it. The riant la
aarred t reject any advertisement, whether
u, wnetner
i mar deem
MM far or not, that the publishers
Mprper. AnverMsing
ratoa made known
Mua apuiioatlon.
Ifftii'eil at the poetoffloe at Shenandoah, Ph., a
xon claea mail matter.
Evening H r I d
Wahtkd. Some new mean of stlmnlit
Ing the Jaded public tnste for sensatlonl and
licentious news. Address the Coal street
manufactory and general jobber.
Tub bridegroom who wonld give spurious
checks to the clergyman who married It I in,
the organist, the sexton and the carriage
driver who helped to make him happy may
have given his betrothed a rhinestoiie In her
engagement ring. If the Norfolk, Vs., man
did as be is charged with doing at I'ongh.
keepsie, his career should meet with a gen
uine check.
The charity entertainment to ' be given in
Ferguson's theatre to-morrow evening is one
that should be encouraged by our people.
The public school teachers have adopted this
means for raising a relief fund for the de
serving poor, and if we mistake not the
people of Shenandoah the theatre will he
packed. Lend your assistance and encour
agement to the movement, as au endorsement
to those who have devoted their time to this
good cause.
He will be the right kind of a citizen who,
before going to tho primaries to vote this
month, first carefully Inquire into the char
acter and qiiHllncatioiis uf the candidates,
and who, having done tlmt, casts his ballot
for the one or ones whose record liost un
titles them to the support of those who have
the town's interests at heart. This investi
gation and conclusion should be reached und
carried out without regard to individuals.
The term of Nathan C. Sehaolfer, superin
tendent of public instruction expiies in Juiu .
Tuere are said to lie several prominent edu
cators of tho state who went his job. Pitts
burg bas a caudidtte in 1'ro feasor Sum.
Andrews, a member of common councils, and
who usually "goes along" witli Magee and
Flinn, but for the pat two years he has been
eareful not to do anything that would dis
please Quay. In the Combine fight of 1895
he kept his hands off. Last Spriug when
Quay appeared us a candidate for president,
Professor Andrews announced that he would
support him. lie made a number of speeches
in Pittebure during the campaign fornational
delegates. A few days ago Professor
Andrews slipped down to Washington to see
Quay about getting Dr. Sehaofor's place. It
is said that the interview with Quay was very
While tho Uhroniclo nud other exchanges
are condemning tho attendance of women und
children at court listening to the filthy and
obscene evidence, they have, nothing to say in
condemnation of the course of the disreputable
sliest that is spreading broadcast among tho
school children and into tho homes of the
good people of Shenandoah literature, that is
of tho vilest character, llesides, this same
sheet, at leaBt those who aro writers for its
columns, pose as great moralists. The peo
pie of all shades of opinion, are condcuiiug
the act and say there is no justification for it.
The receptacle for most ot the copies
is the stove. The punishment is severe,
and it should be applied in defense of the
children of the town. In the language
indignant parent, it were better to have a
Superintendent charged with a felony than
one who is devoid of the better instincts of
humanity as to revel in such vile lilth.
With the close of tho hearings upon tho
subject of tariff revision there will probably
come a lull in the discussion of the subject
The Ways and Means Committees will here'
after address its energies to the formulation
of amendments to tho uxistiug law, with
view to perfecting the draft for the next
Congress to consider. There will pro ably
be no attempt to pass a bill before March.
Neither the Senate nor the present Executive
can be depended on not to frustrate tho com
lnittee's work.
That the new bill will embody tho extreme
views of some of the witnesses who ap
pcared before the committee is quite uu
likely. It is probable that in some in
stances duties will be raised, but not in the
manner prayed for by the most radical ap
plicants. The reveuuo idea will take pic-
eedence of the protectionist, although the
latter will certainly not be ignored.
There ought to be no further dUsturlame
of trade by conjecture on this score. What'
ever changes are to be made will be favor
able, not hostile, to business. The country
can now proceed to lay out Its plans for a
great business revival, assured that what
ever form the new tarifl may take the manu
facturers and those who depeud on them will
not be losers.
Celebrating a silver wedding Is something
o talk about, while the celebration of a
guntcu one is a matter of still greater
moment, but both events sink into iuslguilic
nee in comparison Willi tne coming oeie-
1 .u. .i . I I... , -....I- (I,..
auuu ui bae M1IW1U l,ltl ,nn.j w
L-ign ut Victoria, iueen oi Augiauu, ue-
'lominated by the I'riueeof Walesa Diamond
.Inbiitd. That it is so regarded by tho English
people is evidenced by the I u teres t is regaid
to it already created in that country.
Victoria's reign has been the longest in the
world's history, in which a woman is the
prominent factor. It will, therefore, be most
appropriate to give it such a greeting as au
event so extraordinary will merit.
It is stated that the I'riuce of Wales, upon
being requested to give his views ae to the
most fitting method of celebration, lias stated
that "the Queeu weuld prefer that the occa
sion should be marked by works or meicy
among the skk and suffering, embraciug any
movement tending to brighten the lives and
ameliorate the condition of her subjects."
Just such a suggestion as might have been
exnected from Victoria, aud while it will no
doubt be largely carried out, Ue people of
England will not becouteut to quietly eon-
form to it. They will insist upon demon
strations of a more pretentious, if not quit
as meritorious, character. There will be re
joicing, not only in England, but in all the
many rntintilr that are par nnd parcel of
the ilotulnlun upon thlch "the sun never
Here's to her Majesty. May she, whether
he atidloates ur whether aha cimtlnuea to
roigu, have many yearn uf life before her.
Ohh Hi He If ant YmlMe.1 for KnrgMry.
CLgVKLAxn, Jnn. IB. The grand jury
yesterday rutiirnod a true bill against
Charles N. Cunningham, president of the
Wnrwlok Rlectrlo Manufacturing com
pany, charged with forging the nnma at
.Inilgo K T. Hamilton to a chock fur ",
Tho Wnatlier.
For MMtern New York, eastern Penn
sylvania and New Jersey; Knlr, preceded
ny ugnt enow ; rtoruieasterly wind.
OliMlng Quotations or the New York and
rhihi .ipiiia Mtelinncm.
. Nivr YoHK.Jan. 14. The stock market today
waa for the mojt part extremely narrow and
professional, but with one or two exceptions
the tone was firm and the movement of prices
upward. Closing bids:
Baltimore A Ohio
Chen. A Ohio.
Del. jHadaun
I)., L. A W . ...
Kri ....
LakeRrleAW ..
Lehigh Nav.
All ass'ti paid.
Lehigh Yalley
New Jeraey Con
WewYorkOn .
ll.'.j i
Reading 86
St. Paul 74K
W. K.Y.APt. ... JJf
rieuernl Market.
Phiijulphia, .Tnn. 14. Flour steady; -winter
super, tg.80u)a.l0; do. r.xttns, 12.838.50;
Pennsylvania roller, dear, M.254.10: do. do.
straight, $4 WQi.nii; western winter, clear, I
W.(W.40. Wheat steady; January, W9Ue. 1
Oorn quiet ; January, K&Sflo. Oats inactive;
January, 28lv9&94C. Ray firm for good; choice ,
timothy, 114 4.14.50 for large bales. Beef steady ;
beet hams, lt$18.9u. Pork dnll; moss, B.5IXgiB ;
family, HOidlO.Acl. Lard higher ; western steam,
M.271,. Butter Arm; western creamery, 18
mm. ; do. rectory, wio. ; jsigtns, ale. ; lmlta-
tion creamery, UtgllBo. ; New York dairy, 10 1
lto. ; do. creamery, 13Tgl9c. ; extra state
prlutx, wholesale, 22a. ; print Jobbing at H) i
Mo. Choose dull ; large, 7'($llc. ; small, 8llo. ; I
part skims, 4.8830, ; full skims, gQSo. Biggs '
Arm ; Now York and Pennsylvania, 176Uo. ; i
-western froth, lil6Ho.
I.lvn Uek Markets.
NHW York, Jon. 14. Gables quote Americsn
steers at 10(gl.4c., dressed weight; shepat
84(0100. ; rcrrlcprator beet at adjure. Calves
aotivo mid firm ; veals, $3(8; btbrnyard calves,
$80JI8.rjO; wuterns, IB.M. Sheep lower; lambs
steady, but vtry dull; slieep, sX4.15; lanibri,
U.WM.Vi. Ilogd Arm at M.7UQ4.10.
Kast Lihehty, Pa., Jan. 14. Oattle steady;
prime, 1.80(a)5; feeders, W804; bulls, stagH
and cows, it 9 J BO. Hogs active ; prime light aud
host lntxUum weiifhts, W.Ma.CO; fair, 8.59
8.M ; himvy , .l 30 Jffl.40 ; rouglis, $2.i8.10 ; prlnio
pigSrW Waa (15. Sheep stoady ; prime, 8.85fa)4 ;
fair, (-l.'M!3..'); common to good lambs, t4
4.86; vuil calves, M.50MS7.
" Merit talks" the
Intrinsic value of
Merit In medicine means the power to
cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses actual
and unequalled curative power nnd there
fore it has true merit. When you buy
Hood's Sarsaparilla, and take it according
to directions, to purify your blood, or
cure any of the many blood diseases, you
are morally certain to receive benefit.
The power to euro la there. You are not
trying an experiment. It will make your
blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus
drive out the germs of disease, strengthen
the nerves and build up the wholosysteui.
Istlicbest, in fact the One True Wood Purifier.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
r,i) r:n I'o not purge, pain or
HOOCl S FlllS gripe. All druggists. 25c.
All persons who wish to be candi
dates on the CITIZENS' TICKET
at the
In the Boiough of Shenandoah,
must present their names and the
required fees to the Secretary of the
Citizens' Standing Committee, not
later than
At 7.30 p. m.
By order of the Committee,
V. J. W ATKINS, Sec'y.
Harper's Bazar
IN 1897.
The IlAZ.ilt, a thoroughly up-to-date periodi
cal fur women, will enter upon its Thirtieth
Volume In 1HU7.
As a Fashion Journal It is uniiraiied, and Is
an Indispensable rcquUlle for every wcll
dretwd woman. Katmakini; I)k Fobiwt writes
a weekly letter on current fafthlon from Paris
In New Vorlc Fashions, and in the fortnightly
pattern-sheet Hiipplement, lmlfes And full de
tails, tllreetiuns, and diagrams for gowns, wrajw,
and vhtldien' clothing. Samk., IIaidk. mill
tlHAPl'ls draw and engrave the newest and lln
cst Parisian dealgiis every week
The srrlMa for 1HVT will bo : The Red Bridge
Neighborhood, by AIakia Lorisie Pool: and
Father Qulnnalllon, h ih-tavkThasfk. Short
stories will be constantly jiresentetl by brilliant
writers, among whom nre Mak K. Wii.kihb,
Uauuikt I'aBscoTr HFoKFoan, Marion IIar
i.ani), HtTH M Kkkuv Stuart, Viola Kcwkb
oho, and Maboabm' Si'tths IIiiisiiik.
What Women we Doing in various jiarts of
the Union will form a series of special interest.
Other Interesting features are The Out-door
Woman, devoted to healthful sports and
uptimes; Mutdc, a weekly crltieal summary of
music in New York; Amateur Theatricals, Kni
brofderv and Needlework, Ceremony and
Kthlilette. (Jowl Housekeeping, "What OlrlS
are Doltur," "Current Hoeial KvenU," ami
Personals gleant il from original source.
Women and Men. CoiunelT. W. Hiocinsou
will regulurly cttntliiue his valuable essays.
Answers to Correspondsnts. This column
isc-ondmit d for the ImmioIU and eoiiveiileutw of
reatlers. and all questions received are answered
in riitatioii, ai promptly '-nd fully ospraetieabls.
Art. The IIAZAH la a notable iiirtilre-gallery,
repro'bieiiig the most beautiful works of
American and foreign artisU, as presented In
the annual Paris aud New York exhibition.
WH aud Humor. Everybwly turns for a
heaity laugh to the ItA.AH'H lust uge.
As A1.1. ftoi'HO Woman's I'ai'KK what more
appropriate gift can be made to wife, daughter
or .later than a subscription to IIARPBK'H
BAZAK? 8eoure it as a welooiue visitor In
your buusahold for 1SV7.
spafirt are Hti It etfy thit athiertiumtHt
Mlhoul th$ tKfrets trdtr of Harper
ItorossyMr, - $4.00.
I'estagt Frtt to all ivhcrihtn Vj iKt UmttJ
States, Canada and Mexico.
I. O. Bex 99, N. Y. City.
Hood s
Actress Katharine Cleininnn Will Wed
the New York Millionaire.
8A Fhaxoisco, Jan. 15 The Poet hits
nn Interview with Mrs J. AV. Daynn, of
IVtlo Alto, m ,'ier of MlssKatherlno Clem
liinns, the notre.s, in which Mr, Dayan
says her dnn rhter Is ongngeil to Howard
Gould, m of tho Into Jity Gould, anil
that Sir. Gould ucknowloiljT'nl the ungnge
ment to her recently while in Now York,
lira. Daynn sold that ICatlierlne Is mm
ins; to Ciillfiiriilii in few days to visit her
family prior to her marriage.
Cniiftclotioe Mnlios Onwards.
Drtkoit, .Tan. 18. Kugeiie Ilrenon, of
Chicago, accompanied ly his wife, entered
jmlice headquarter-, yesterday nnd ailcl:
"I want to be arrested. I was formerly
manager of tho Akron nnd Canton Stona
company, at Chicago. In August, 18H0, I
absconded with a large sum of money."
Mrs. Beronson nt this point fell to the
lloorln a faint, llcrenson said that since
leaving Chicago they had roamed the
country, haunted by oonstant fear of ar
rest The matter jireyoil upon Ills wife's
mind, th'olr funds hud dwindled to almost
nothing, ami she llnally induced him to
surrendor. The amount of the einbenle
mont was about 96,000. Mrs. Ilerenson Is
daughter of a Boston millionaire Hor
father cast hor olt upon har marriage.
Absolutely pure, perlectly harmless, ami
Invariably reliable are the qualities nf One
.Minute Ouiigh Cure. It never fails in colds,
croup and lung troubles. Chllilren like it lo
calise it is pleasant to taKo and it helps them.
0. II. Hngenbuch.
Don Carlos llnmbatt.
Ven'ICR, Jan. IB Don Carlos, tho pre
tender to the Spanish throne, has mado
tho following stntomont to tho Associated
Press roprosontatlvo liere: "I do not wish,
ns a Spaniard, to remember tho Insults
addressed by the American senate to my
fatherland, lint u politician ought not to
forgot that friends novor Insult Medi
ators aro out of place whom thoro is a gov
ernment worthy of the name. It is this
which Spain lacki, and It is due to this
that the Unltod States flouts her. But
the Spanish peoplo, who oonqnored Amer
loa, nud who aro ns courageous ns tholr
government is weak nnd shortslghtod,
still exists. One should nevor bo the pro
voker, but must be randy to defend ono's
self against all. Spain can do this."
(3 rip-Colds-Ileudarhe.
Why sudor with Coughs, Colds and L
Qrippo when Laxntive Ilrnmo Quinine will
cure you In ono day. Put up in tablets con
venicnt for taking. Guaranteed tocuie, or
money rofunded. Price, 85 cents. For sale
by Kirlin's Pharmacy.
Verdict Asrainat "Samuel o Pnson.'
New Yokk, Jan. 15. A decision was
handed down yestordny by Justice An
drows, In tho supremo court, in n suit
brought against Jinry A. Stroll ngor and
hor husband, tho actor, known 119 M. 11.
Curtis, by Mlunlo Bookor, for tho recon
veyance of certain property or of damagos
In lluu theroot. Tho plaintiff alleged that
sho oxch'ingod certain property in this
city for property ownod by tho defendants
In California, and that tho California
property was not of tho vnlito stated by
tho defendants. Justico Andrews flntls
in favor of the plaintiff and directs a re
conveyance of hor property to her by tho
defendants, who, if thoy do not transfer
it, must pay her $!),000 damages,
Kremis, Mercer County, Pa. We believe
Chamberlain's Cough Kcraedy to bo the best
remedy in use. Wo use it In our own fami
lies, and it is a favorite among our customers.
Hooker fires. & Co. 25 and 50 cent bottles
for sale by Uruhlorliros., druggists.
Young Leo May Gut Hack.
Wasiiinutox, Jan. 15. Among tho
thirty caduts dropped from tho military
academy as tho result of the January ex
aminations was George Mason Lee, of
Virginia, son of the Ainoricuu consul gen
oral at Ilnvnna, who was found ilollcient
In several studies. Secretary Ijiimont has
reopened this case, together with that of
Philip S. Ward, of -New York, similarly
dropped, to tho ncademlo board for rooon
sldoration, It being represented that thoro
were oxtonuatlug circumstances in c.icli
instance. The decision of tho board la
filial in suoh mattsrs.
To cure all old sores, to healnn indolent
ulcer, or to speedily euro piles, you need
simply npply DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve
according to directions. Its mafic-like ac
tion will surprise you. C. H. Hagenbucb.
Urging Curtailment nf Production.
Boston, Jan. 15. T. JofJerson Coolidge,
treasuror of tho Amoskeug corporation, of
Manchester, N. II., said today: "Business
has been go bad the last fow weeks that
a curtailmont of production seeing almost
necessary. The Fall Hlver mills appear
to ho the greatest sufforers, but all linos
are suffering from overprodnotlon. I nm
In hopes of some Improvement in tho
spring, but ns yet there nre no signs of
any. The impoverishment nf tho oountry
prevents people from lulux goods of
which they were formerly Urge consum
ers, and in consequence we have an over
production In all commodities."
Kheumuilsin Cured lu Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Itheiimatlsm and Neu
ralgia radically euros in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon the system Is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause aud
the disease immediately disappears, The
first dose greatly benefits.
T. F. Anthony, ex-Postmaster of Promise
City, Iowa, says : "I bought one bottle of
'Mystic Cure' for libeurnatism, and two doses
of it did me more good than any medicine I
ever took." 75oen4.
Sold by C. II. Ilageubuch, druggist, Shen
andoah. Prlncaas Clilmay flolng to Afrlua.
IJUDA P-kbth, Jan. 16 I'rlnoeas 1I9 Chl
irCtty and Jano Klgo, her gypsy lover, have
suddenly and unexpectedly left this city
for Nice. Irately the princess has been very
nervous. Hue refused to see former King
Milan, of Sorvin, although well acquainted
with him lu I'arlg, The couple are going
to Africa. Seven-eighth of the princess'
money hag beeu spent; the rest Is in the
hands of her 11 nolo In America. Already
she feels hampered for funds.
Don't Toboeoo pU and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, be made well, strong, magnetic,
full of new life and visor, take No-To-Bac,
the wonder-worker that makes weak men
strung. Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over -WO.OOO cured. Buy No-To-IUo from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
cure. 50c or fl.OO. Booklet and sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.,
Chicago or New York.
Ann on cash and given free
As follows:
4 First Prizes, each of $100 Cash t - - .$ 400.00
20 Second" " " $100iqfABlcjolos2,000.00
40 Third " " " $ 25 Gold Watches - 1,000,00
Cash and Prizes glien each month
Total given during 12 mos. IB97, IOJOOOO WRAPPERS
Cinmnrlltornlnnnve ns ninny 8UNLIOMT
SOAP Wrnpncru n they cnn collect, lint
oil tho ton portion 01 rani
jvrnppcr, Hint poriinnrnntnln.
liter Hie (ieii(llnr "SUNLICHT
SOAP." Tliee (calleiOHloif
nous") nroto ln neat, pnMnge
iiiiiy. rj""
t.nnlni,i Willi
nner Htntltiff Cnninct
llor's full
fitiil llm
I tiiiitm nnil nildrcns
llio nuiiilier of Columns
unit In, to l.ever.llros
of llm IU.ST ItlC'l
Uainnrlicilon outside
T :oinnriitor lives in. ,
New York Ulty, Kronklyu, I.011K
nmlHlnlen Inland", New Jersey.
Tinw Vnrlc HI n I n I nutuld o f Jf. 1. City,
S I Jlrooklgitt Long an J StalenJfiandaJ.
l'eiinsrlvniiln, Delaware. Jlnry
3 Inn.l, V,t 'Virginia and Ufs
trlct ef 'oliiinhiq.
Tho New Tinalnnd Stnles
The Bloole are the oelebrrtejl I'leree Speelnli
17 llAltwn. mrM hv ftn.
(aio, Uojton and Mew York.
Fitted with Hartford
Th-as, Pint OIlM mi
1rftt ilia
telle Lamp, new Dnpartare
Dell. Standard Cyclometer, aw
ill Ullnc oaaaie.
At Shaftesbury Hollow, Vt, John MIU
iiigtoii died from bullet woiimls Inflicted
by hie brother Solomon in a drnnKeu row.
M. S. Pnrmoll, formerly prominent In
church ami business circles of Kockfnnl,
Ills., was sent to Jull under the iniietorini
Hate net, a self confessed emliezzlor.
The Mexican government has just
awarded a contract for tho making of a
harbor whom shtp may s.ifuly anchor at
Mnzatlau, to cost $10,000,000 in. Mexican
Condensed Testimony.
Cbas. 11. Hood, llrokerand Manufacturer's
Agent, Columbus, Ohio, certifies that l)r,
King's New DiscoTery has no equal as a
Coitah remedy. J. I). Brown. Prop. 8t.
Janins Hotel, Ft. Wayne, Ind., testifies that
he was cured ot a tough 01 two years stand
ing, caused by La Unppc, by Dr. King s jew
Discovery. 11. F. Merril, llnldwinsville,
Mass., says that ho lias used and recoinniond
ed it and never knew it to fail and would
rather have it than any doctor, because it
always cures. Mrs. Hemming, 222 E. 25th
St., Chicago, always keeps it at hand and has
no fear of Croup, because it iintantly relieves.
Free Trial Uottloe at A. Wasley's Drugstore.
Throe-Day Tour to Washington.
Washington at uresent is the cynosure of
all eyes; not only because it is the Nation's
Capital and of the interest which attaches to
tho deliberations of Congress, hut the bril
I in nt Presidential reception on New Year's
1)4 y formally opened the season of fashion
able festivities, and it has in v become the
great social centre of thecnuuliy. Brilliant
miuds, waiving for the time the cares of
government, abandon themselves to the gay
whirl of tho social world. IJei-eptious, din
ners, balls follow each othor with bowihlnr
ing rapidity.
The state of the Cuban question and the
possibilities of Congressional action is also
claiming attention, and the never-dying in
terest which attaches to the many depart
ments of the Government is attracting its
usual number of visitors.
The three-day personally-conducted tour
of the Pennsylvania Itnilroad Company,
which leaves New York January 21, affords
tho best opportunity of visiting the National
Capital at this season. The party will he
under tho care and guidunco of an ex
perienced tourist agent, and the program in
Washington has been prepared witli an ac
curate knowledge of tho location and best
time to visit each of the principal points of
Hound trip tickets, including railroad trnns
portatiou in each direction and accommoda
tions at the best Washington hotels, will he
sold at the following rates: From New York,
fUSO; Trenton, $13.70; Atlantic City,
J12.75; Potteville. $11-30; Philadelphia,, and at proportionate rates from other
Apply to ticket agents, Tourist Agent,
11UI! Broadway, New York, or Geo. W. Hoyd.
Assistant General Passenger Agent, llrosil
Street Station, Philadelphia.
Did You liver
Try Electric Hitters-as a remedy for your
troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get
relief. This medicine lias been found to be
peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of
1111 f cmalo Complaints, exerting a wonuertiil
direct inllitoiico in giving strength and tono
to the organs. If you have Loss of Apiietite,
Constipation, Headache, Fainting Stiells, or
are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy
or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Hitters
is tho medicine you need. Health and
strength are guaranteed by its use. Largo
bottles only fifty cents at A. Wasley's drug
Mccormick Will Not lie on the Hills.
Washington, Jan. 15 The secretary of
tho treasury has directed the chief of tho
buroau of engraving aud printing not to
use tho portrait of Cyrus MoComiiok, of
Chicago, on tho now $10 silver certificates,
as was contemplated. The proiiosltion
was opposed by persons interested in rlml
harvesters of those monufaoturod by tho
MaCormlck company.
Kullef 111 Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "Now Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain lu
thn hlnflrir. lrlilnnva. Vuutlr anil nvnnr nart
of the urinary passages in male or female.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quicic rcilet and euro this is ycur remedy.
Sold by Shapiro's pharmacy, 10' South Main
Street Car Collides with n Telegraph I'nlo.
Pittsburg, Jan. 15 Yesterday an elec
tric car on the Pennnveuuellne, In oharge
of Conductor Crouse and Motormau Steed,
liecniue uncontrollable just after the oar
had passed to the heavy grade west of
Main street. Kvorything possible was
done to stop its wild flight, but without
success. Plunging down the hill, It went
Into a telegraph pole. The oar wag almost
split In twain, and the frightened passen
gers were hurled In all directions. Strange
as It may appear, there were no fatalities,
though four irsons were seriously In
Take Laxative ISromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure,
tf cents.
lloHiirntg an American Artlat.
London', Jo ti 15. John Singer Sargent
hag I teen elected a royal af tdi'iiiiclau, und
Messrs. J. J. Slmunuii and Alfred Parsons
have been made associate academicians.
George Henry Houghton, who Is always
regarded as an American artist, although
he was born in KuglauU, is the only othor
Anierloau lu tho list of royal acndeinlolang,
although the election of Mr. Sargent hag
been for some time a foregone conclusion,
lie has been an associate royal auademlolan
for gome time, sharing tlmt honor a an
American with Kdwlu Austin Abbey.
I hail severe attacks of gravel aud kidney
trouble: aud unable to get a medicine or
doctor to cure in until I used Hop lUUen,
aud they eurtd me In a short time. A
N. Y.
Count I. EMS AND CoLU. A young girl
deeply regretted that she wag go colorless aud
and eold. Her face was too white, and her
hands and feet felt aa though the blood did
not circulate. After one bottle of Hop
Bitters had beeu taken she was the rosiest
and healthiest girl in the town, with a
vivacity and cheerfulness of mind gratifying
to her friends.
I" i 1
1 . Frr month faring XKi In each of ths 4 dletrlcU
Imritrst Number olcoapom from
ths district In nliiebhs or she resldei
The a Competitors who send In the
Next I.nrgest Niunhcrs ol oon
pons (mm (be dletrlot In wnloh tber
reside will Knell reoelre t wlnner'e
option ajsnj'BorBentlwnsn'e Pierce
tJnccliil lilcjole. price 8100.110.
The 10 ornpetltora who send In IPS
Niimhcrsof ooupons from thedls
t reside will Knell wceUeatBinner'a
ntlan,.naflnlrlVafceb. DrlOB SK.
Next I.nraTPNt
trlnfc In wliloh thev T
option a lad j'e or Kentleman'i
The Oompelltlons trill rioso tnsi.nsr. imv w
h BIonllldarlnglW7, Oonpnne recelred toolata
ne month's competition wlllbe put Into too next.
f. MninetltlnN ivlll I,m ntlfcl
a, fjompetitrs wno ontam TrrapperB iron, uhmhu
soap In dealer's etock will be dlsaaallfled. Bmplojeee
of tow Brothers, Ltd., and their families, erode
barred from comttellcit. . . f: ,
4 , A printed fist ot Winners In Competitor's district
win bo Innrarded to Competitors In about 11 dais alter
each competition eloeee.
fi. Lerer Hrothers, Ltd., will endearor to award the
mites fslrlr to tho beetoltbelr ability add Judgment,
but It is understood that all who compete agree to ao
oept the award oi Ijerer Uroibera, Ltd., aa final,
I,liTEll 11KO.S., Ltd.. New York.
Tours to Culirornln.
California lias been most fittingly termed
the "Italy of America." All the delicious
balm, the cloudless sky, and the rich ver
dure of the great European peninsula are
duplicated In this sunny land or the I'Acillc.
Here nature basks in the sunshine of her owu
beauty; and here she bas established her
own sanitarium, where eternal spring In
spires everlasting youth. With the snow
mantled peaks of the 8ierras upon tho one
band, the calm Pacific with its soft
upon the other, and a veritable paradise of
lluwers, fruits and plants between, man can
find and needs no lovelier land. To visit
such a country is a privilege, a blessing.
The Pennsylvania Itallroad Company,
recognizing the need of a more comfortable
and pleasant way of crossing the continent,
inaugurated a series of annual tours to Cali
fornia, running a through train of Pullman
palace cars from New Y'ork to the Pacific
CoaBt, Rnd stopping at the principal points of
interest en route. The great popularity of
these tours demonstrates tho wisdom of tho
For tho season of 1807 three tours have
been arranged to leave New York, Philadel
phia, and Pittsburg, January 27, February
24, nud March 27.
The first tour will run direct to San Diogo
via St. Louis and tho Santa Fe Route, and re
turn from S.n Francisco via Salt lke City,
Denver, aud Chicago, allowing five weeks in
The second tour will run via tho Mammoth
Cave and Now Orleans to San Diego, stopping
at the "Crescent City" during the Mardi
Gras Carnival. This tour will teturu via
Salt Lake City, Denver, Omaha, and Chicago,
allowing fuur weoksln California.
The third tour will run viaChicago.Deuvor,
and Salt Lake City, allowingpassciiEersto re
turn by regular trains via different routes
within nine months.
All of these tours, either going or return
ing, will pass through the famous Colorado
region, Glenwood Springs, Leadvmeuud the
Garden of tho Gods.
Hates from all points on the Pennsylvania
Itallroad System cast of Pittsburg: First
tour, $810 ; second tour, $350 ; third tour,
$210 round trip, and $150 one way.
For detailed itineraries and other Informa
tion, apply at ticket agencies, Bpccial book
ing olllces, or address George W. Boyd,
Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad
Street Station, Philadelphia.
Ouo thing is cortalu : It will not do to
fool vt ith a bad cold. No ouo can tell what
tho end will be. Pnoumouia, catarrh, chronic
bronchitis, if not consumption, invariably
result from a neglected cold. It is surprising
too, that bdd colds arc so often neglected
when one remembers how easily and at what
little expense they may bo cured. Cham-
lierlain's Cough Hciiiedy is always prompt
und eUectual, and costs but a trifle; 25 or 50
cents is a trifle ns compared with tho disas
trous effects of a neglected cold. Mr. Abuer
Mercer, of Dilwortlitown, Chester County,
Pa., in speaking of tills remedy, said : "Soino
time ago I had a bad cold and cough. I
tried almost everything. Finally Mr. Hunt,
the druggist, recommended Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, and ono 50 cent bottle of it
cured me entirely." For sale by Gruhler
Bros., druggists.
Tours to l'lorltla.
No district in Amorica presents, during tho
Yt 11, u-rRMson, so many varied attractions as
the Statu of Florida. Besidos its delightful
climate, which to one escaping from the cold
and iiuhealthful chances of the North seems
almost ethereal. It is pre-eminently a laud of
sport and pleasure. Along its eleven hundred
miles of salt-water coast and in its twelve
hundred fresh-water lakes are fish of almost
every conceivable variety, from the migra
tory tribes common to .Noitliern waters to the
tarpon, pouipano, and others of a more
tropical character. Nowbero in all our broad
laud can tho angler find a greater variety of
game or better sport.
Here also the most enthusiastic hunter
finds satiety. Deer, turkeys, bears, panthers,
and wild cats roam at largo through the more
sparsely settled regions, while birds of all
kinds may bo found lu abundance through
out the State. The moro novel sport of al
ligator and manatee hunting may also be in
dulged in by the more adventurous tourist.
With its matchless climate, its orange
groves, Us rivers and lakes, its' boating aud
bathing, its fishing and hunting, and its
extensive forests, Florida presents unrivaled
attractions for the valetudinarian, the lover
of nature, the sportemau and the explorer.
To this attractive state the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company has arranged four pcr-boually-couducted
tours during the season of
1897, leaving by special train January 20,
February 9 and 23, and March 9. The first
three tours will admit of a sojourn of two
weeks in this delightful land; tickets for the
fourth tour will be valid to return until May
31 by regular trains.
Kates fur the round trip. $50.00 from New
York, $48.00 from Philadelphia, and propor
tionate rates from other points.
For tickets, itineraries and other informa
tion, apply to ticket agents, special booking
offices, or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant
General Passenger Agent, Broad street station,
The old lady was right when she said, the
child might die if they waited for the doctor.
She saved the little one's Ufa with a few
doses of One Minute Cough Cure. She had
used It for erouji before. C. II. Hagenbucb,
I led need Kates to Washington on Aeeouiit
of the Inauguration via Pennsyl
vania Itallroad.
For tho benefit of those who desire to at
tend the ceremonies incident to thelnaugura
tiou of President-elect McKinley, the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will sell excur
sion tickets to Washington March 1, 2, 3, and
4, valid to teturu from March i to 8, at the
following rates: From Potteville, $7.25;
Reading, $7.20 ; BlrtUboro, $fl.8E ; PotUtown,
$C.85; Norristown, $0.15; Philadelphia,
$5.40, and from aU other stations on the
Pennsylvania system at red used rates.
This Inauguration will be a most Interest
ing event, and will undoubtedly attract a
large number of people from every section of
the country.
The magnificent facilities of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad make this line the favorite
route to the national capital at all times, and
its enormous equipment and splendid term
inal advantages at Washington make it
especially popular ou such occasions.
The Right Name In the Right Place.
Pn-Tina for coughs and celds, 25c. At
Gruhler Bios , drug store.
l'ho Itallnelnatloiis That Afdlet China's
Noted Anierleiii Ally.
New Yokk, Jan. IB. Captain I'hllo Mo
Glffou, formerly of tho United Slates
navy, and who commanded the Chinese
battleship Chen Yuen at the naval battle
of the Yalu on Sept. 17, 18111, Is at the Post
Graduate hospital awaiting a surgical op
eration. It Is currently reported t hat his
mind Is unhinged, but that, n tairsicnl np-
1 oration to remove n small fnignio'it of a
JaiHtnese shell that presses on his brain
will restore hlsfnoulUes. The physlrians
at the hospital deny that Onptelu McGlilin
Is Insnno, or oven seriously ill.
At the boarding house of Mrs. Wert, 011
West Thlrty-thlrtl street, where Captain
McGllUn went to live three month ngo,
ho displayed eccentricity, but this at
tracted no attention until two weeks ago,
when ho got Into tho habit of walking the
floor ot his room with heavy trend fnr Into
the night. He was working on mi ex
haustive review of the C'hlun Jupauose
war, nnd insomnia nddod Itself to the
worry his wounds gnvo him.
He became very angry when his. land
lady suggested calling n physlolan, but
the next day the oopttiln, seeing that his
Illness hail been noticed, begun to order
patent mrdli lnes. He rang for a lnesieii
gor boy about once an flour, nnd oaoh one
was dlsputrhod for n illiToreut kind of
medicine. He would confine litmclf to
ono bottlo for two or three hours, unit, ob
taining no relief, would switch In another.
In this way ho sampled dozens of mix
tures. Last Saturday Mrs. Wert asked him If
he was better. Drawlni; her inside his
room, the captain whispered In her ear
that ho wns tonuent.-d with crawling,
writing worms under the skin, nnd In
order to get them out he had boon obliged
to cut numerous gashes in his body.
He showed her where ho had out off the
fleshy bulb on tho end of his fingers to lot
out whnt ho declared was a Chinese grub.
Tho landlady sent to Washington, Pn.,
for Captain Moaiflln's brother, who por
suaded him to go to tho hoipltal.
Gomez Has No Thought of Weakening.
New Yohk, Jnu. 16. W. E. D. Stokes,
whoe wife belongs o a prominent Cuban
family and who Is ono of tho larg03t own
ers of laud In Cuba, said today: "I havo
Just seen a lotter written by Genoral
Gomoz, commandor In ohlef of tho patriot
army, which shows that the storlos that
the gonoral was ready to enter Into a
treaty with tho Spaniards to bo an abso
lute lie. He says in his lotter that under
tho constitution of tho Cuban republic his
duty Is simply to dofendthe ropubllo un
der tho ordors of tho executive council. Ho
has nothing to do with treaties nud could
not mako 0110. Ho says the troops aro
moro determined than ever to nvongo
Macoo. ' '
T-.iko Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. A11
druggists refund the money if it fails to cuie.
26 cents.
Tnn Wneks In Florida.
To see Florida is a pleasure; to visit It is a
privilege; but to spend a foitnlght wltlilu its
borders is an epoch. Thore is a great satisfac
tion in witnessing tho rinenlng of tropical
fruits in their own native laud, nuda peculiar
joy in wrcstlliis with old oceanw waves when
hikes and riven at homo are all icebound.
One appreciates the wonders of modern in
vention and railroad development upon
leaving tho neighborhood of good skating ono
day and finding himself in the vicinity of
good bathing the next. Yet this can bo done,
and the man who profers bunting or fishing
will take nis accoutrements along witli mm,
for Florida oxtends a cordial invitation to all
wuoever wouiu r-xennnge ior two wccks
the uncertain climate of tho North for the
delightful and Spring-like sunshine of
Morula should take tno personally-conducted
Jacksonville tour of the Pennsylvania Rail
road which leaves New York by special train
January 20. Excursion tickets for this tour,
including railway transportation; Piilliimu
accommodations (one berth), aud meals cu
route in both directions while traveling ou
the special train, will be sold at the following
rates: Now York, $50.00; Philadelphia,
$4S.OO; Caimnilalcua, $52 85; Eric. f3185:
Wilkesbarre, $50.35 ; Pittsburg $53.00, and
at proportionate rates from other points.
For tickets, itineraries, aud other informa
tion apply to ticket agents, tourist agent at
1W0 Broadway, New York, or to Geo. W.
lioyd, Aststaut Clenornl Pasengcr Agent,
Ilroad Street station, Philadelphia.
Ono of the most remarkable cures of
rheumatism on tecord is related liy Mr. J.
M. Thompson, post master at Deckor's Point,
Pa., as follows: "While out driving one
day last winter I was caught in a cold
rain. Tho next morning I was unable to
move my head or arms, owing to an attack of
inflammatory rheumatism. My clerk tile
phoned for a physician, but suggested tlmt I
use Chamberlain's Pain Ilulm, there being a
bottle open or. tho counter, He rubbed the
affected parts thoroughly with Pain lUlm
and built up a hot fire I dozed ofT to sleep
and when I awoko about half an hour later
the pain bad gone entirely, and I havo not
beeu troubled since. People come hero from
many miles around to buy Chamberlain's
medicines." For sale by Gruhlor Bros.,
Gomez Ileported' Marching on llnvana.
New Yohk, Jan. 15. Tho Prass claims
to have rccolved news through private
channels that Gonoral Maximo Gomez
stormed and enpturod the Important city
ot Santa Clara on Jan. 0, and is now mov
ing on Havana with 18,000 men. Tho dis
patch saysjthat tho losses were : Spanish
ostimatod killed and wounded, 000; pris
oners, i (A); cannon captured, 18; uattlo
standards, i; rillos in the Spanish arsenal,
5,000, with plenty if ammunition. Cubans
killed nnd w u-ulod, 1,500, whloh Is 000
moro than tlm .Spanish loss. The Press
quotes Carlos ltoloff as saying tho roport
Is crodihlo.
A Household Necessity.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, act gently and
positively on kidneys, liver and bowels.
oleausing the entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. Please buy and try a box of
0. C. 0. to-day ; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Sail Story ot the nea.
Pknsaoola, Jan. 15. Captain Peterson,
of tho Norwegian ship Talefon, ho ar
rived here, and reports that on Deo. 10,
800 miles from Guadaloupe, he ploked up
a small bout without sails or oars In n
heavy sea. The body of a dead man lay
In the boat. Another man was In the
stern, and as tho boat drifted by tho ship
he bo reamed and fainted. He was lifted
on board, and revived sufficiently to toll
that he nnd his oompanion nnd been blown
out to sea from Guadaloupe without food
pr water flf toen days before, nnd that his
companion had dlod In delirium. After
raving lu delirium for two days the res
oued man also dlod.
"Excuse me," observed the man in tpee
Ktclus, "but una aurgeoq, arid that it not
where the liver Id." "Sever you mind
Where his liver It," retorted the other. "If it
was in his big toe or his left ear DeWltt's
little Early Itlsers would reach it aud shake
it for him. Ou that you oan bet your glg
lanipe." 0. II. Ilagenhuch.
Ask your grocer for ne "Eoyal Patent'
flour, and take no other brand. It is the best
flour made.
When you want good roofing, plumbing
gas fitting, or general tlnsmithlng dono call
on K. F. Gallagher 18 West Centro street'
Dealer ir eteves X-tf
Dr. Miles' Nervine Victorious.
Phytloal and Marital Exii-utllon Clvos
Way to Vigorous Activity.
ra a aaa I - arr
iBV. W. T. nOTJOtr, the talented row-
tor of Grace U. 11. church, Carlisle,
Penn., writes Pentember W, 1R95: " I
always enjoyed good health unt 11 In lXt, at
which time iny duties as a clergyman were
of a peculiarly trying naturo, snbjco.tlng
me to several severe nervous shocks which
together with overwork and anxiety, im
paired my general health and nervous sys
tem. Indeed I was In such a condition that
the mere sight of a large congregation so
wearlod me that It
would require a day
or more for me to re
cover from the ox-
hau"'.lon. It affords
ma g:oat pleasure to
!siy that Dr. Miles
Restorative Nervlno
and Restorative Tonto
havo done mo untold good. I preached
three times yesterday and I feel aa fresh
and vigorous this Monday morning as I
oror felt In my life, thanks to ycur remedies.
Dr. Miles' Homed I os are sold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle
Doneflte or money refunded. Book on
Heart and Nerves sent free to all applicant.
DU. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
AlwaiTa nrAtnnt and rH !. Annui fmtbif
Get Ca. Ton's TiKir Villi and lAVERiatBTS.
drug- itoret. omnt direct faenlaiii. nrtaa. 1.
Cato 8pc Co., Boston, Mata, Our hook, 4o.
For slo at 1. 1'. P- KirUVs drug store nnd
ShtMiAUt!o.ih drug store.
liy l.Ki;' HAIIC Ml III-
,harinl.a,pl.aaantodor. $1 00 n Imtt a
I.I'.IVS ll.VIIt TON irremoYoa dandruff Mo
hair from falMnir out and tromole? croTfth $1 Orli hoi I In
m RiiiuA.vr co we Fulton t., S.Y.i-rici:
Illustrated Troatlae on llalr on application I llE.1.
For sale by Shenandoah Drug Store, Kirlin's
Drug Store.
jilt Xfrrou9 jitttxiM caiiinii Mem
orj. ImpotaBay.SleeMwunew.eto ,mnned
by Abu'wan'1 othor iMceacee ant. India
cretioBA. Thy quiaklw atut survlu
restore Lost Vitality in oUl or fount?, nnd
fit a tlnuHit or marriage,
l'rtwant Innnni.v on i (VmsumutioD it
taken In time. Their n show lmirodi.ite Improve
t6nt end effects a CURBS wr.ere all c here tail. In
UtupOQ having tho penning Ajtix Tablets. They
have cured thousands uivl will cure you. We qie a
peiitlre written oeranteeto effect a core in each case
or mnnd the money, rrioe CO cere uer imckaae,
tlx pack area (full treatment for KJl), liy mail.
plain wrapper, upon racelpt of price Circular free.
A.I AX PHMPnv CO.. '',"!
in wrapper, upon rwelit of r-rloe, Cl
lalia-., 1U.
For sale in Shenandoah, Po., by A. Wasloy
and 8. P. Klrlln. Druggists.
4jk ALWAYS KeP It Handy &
T JU,Wit" In tho House. T
flTTRF.. ae
W r MWa
-The Only Infallible X
Remedy for Diphtheria,
Croup, Quinsy, Sore &
Throat, Etc. 4
HERB isn't another medi
cine kuowu in the worltl
that nrfvliipia flio rlncirivl
result so speedily and so
surely. Iu fact there is no such
word as fail wheu Thompson's
Diphtheria Cure is applied to
tho patient in strict accordance
Y with printed directious furnish
ed. Those who liave given this
Medicine a fair trial nre the
fmost outspoken in their praises
of what it accomplishes iu so
short a time.
Sold by Druggists everywhere
Sat 50 cents a bottle,
VUi-fc"-r u n c o sv THE
Thompson Diphtheria Core Co.
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug Slore.
Personally-Conducted Tours
Three tours to CALIFORNIA and the PACI
FIC COAST will leave New York and PliilBdel-
I.liU January 37, February 24, ami March 27,
997. Flv wreks in California on the first tour,
and four weeks on the second. Pussengers on
the third lour will return on regular trains
within nine months. Stop will be mode at New
Orleans for Manll-Gra fehtivltlrs on the second
Jacksonville tours, allowing two weeks lu
Florida will leave New York and Phihulolphln
January 26, February 0 and SI, and March S.llNT'
Itttte. covertnir exnenses pn route In both dfrea
tlons, IflO.OO from New York, and M8.00 from
Tours, each covering a period of three days,
will leav TC..W Vortr anil TMliladalnhta DtOeill'
ber Hi, ISM, January 21, February 11, March 11,
April land 22, and May IS, 18B7, Ilntes, includ
ing irsnioriaiion anu two uayr uuvuiumuHir
tion t the best Washington Hotels, f HJS) Imin
N.w York, and tU.W roi Philadelphia.
will leave New Tork and Philadelphia Doosra
24, 1M, January XI, February 20, Marah 18, airi
April II, WW.
J.r dtUllsd lWnvarlM aud other lofo;MiTji
apply l ticks aaeutlss or 4drj Osn. W.
Boyd, att Qnl Pass, agsut, Broad SUet
Stotten, PMlaaslfHa.
b- a ervjnc