The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 14, 1897, Image 2

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PaKtkhed every KvMilnR.Rioept
MrTH Jardik Stkmt, Nbah RniTBa.
flternlit la dellvmert InHhennmlomi and the
MtfoMidlnff towns for nix cent a week, pay
Me to the oarrlrra. By mall 18.00 n year, or
"HU a month, pnyalile In advance Adverttw
U oharitCMlaovordliiatoHTMMiennil position
FVa Mtbllahcr reserve the right to change the
geWblon of advertisements whenever the pub
Haetlun ( news demands It. The right IK
Heerfed ta reject any advertisement, whether
for or not, that the publisher may deem
faaprnper. Advertising rates made known
afoo npptloatlon.
rHEered at Mie postoMce at 8bariandonh, I'ft., as
oBd olase mall matter.
Evening Herald
THH principal tiling to li doif In deal
ing with the Pacific railroad matter is to
gat back as innch as possible of the vast
sums that certain bandits have made mil
of the property at the expense of tho govern
ment. "The value of a reputable newspaper
should not be overlooked," says an Eastern
School Superintendent, "In the hinds uf a
judicious teacher, it is an educational factor
which doe not receive the attention It de
serves." This means that current as well as
ancient history should be taught in the
publio schools ; but it does not include the
later-day sensational species of journalism,
such as eminatos from Goal street to the dis
gust of all self-respecting moral citizens.
Our I'ottsville contemporary the Daily Re
publican, announces that "the war is on,"
and in the same article states that the combine will enter the contest
for the Republican nomination for Governor
next year with Hon. John NVanamaker as
their candidate. From this it is Inferred
these people have abandoned their previously
announced intentions of presenting Mr.
Wanamakor's name to tho next state con
vention as a candidate for State Treasurer.
The Combine dies hard, but if we mistake
not the temper of the Republican votors of
the state they will surely meet their political
death in the approaching contest. The con
test in the next state convention will over
shadow even the spirited fight that marked
the Senatorial coullict.
Haii. and good morrow to the public spir
ited women of Cranford, N. J. ! At least
hail and guod morrow to sixty-six of them
and may their tribe Increase I As the Vil
lage Improvement Association of Cranford
they have banded themselves together and
are working some great and needed re
forms in municipal affairs. Among other
things they have put in sure er-sful operation
a system of garbage removal ; they have
stopped the littering of the Btreets with
waste paper by putting boxes in the street
for its collection and compelling their use;
they have laid out a park and planted it
with flowers, and are by no means weary
of well doing. During the present year
tbey propose to build a railway station and
library building and install a streetsprinklitig
p'ant. It Is to bo hoped that tho men of
('ord are not v glecting the babies.
The movement of our esteemed friends
the missionaries to fend a shipload of corn to
Bombay to bo distributed among the famine
sufferers of India is to bo commended. It
will cost $145,000 to transport this corn to
Bombay, which does not take into account
the expense of collecting aud distributing
tho same ; but this is a trifio which should
not be considered. There is plenty of corn
in this country. Editors out west are accept
ing it from their subscribers who have no
money. In the West also those who have no
money to buy coal are burning their com for
fuel. We do not hear that Her Majesty
Queen of Great Britain and Ireland aud
Empross of India has yet been moved with
molting charity for her ttarving pariahs, but
our good example may not be lost on her. Iu
the mean timo let our charitable organiza
tions abate none of their vigilance in seeking
out and succoring as many of our own
hungry people as possible.
The Schuylkill Traction Company, under
the management of Mr. E. Vf. Ash, makes
the very gratifying showing of a surplus of
$15,801.22, after paying all expenses for the
year 1806, and Mr. Ash is deserving of tho
commendation expressed at tho stockholders
meeting. When he assumed charge of tho
road some three years ago it was in a general
condition of topsy-turvy, as" it had previously
been run upon tho go-as-you-pleaso plan,
Mr. Ash's railroad experience, however, soon
brought order out of chaos, and with tho
limited means at his command set to work
to make a road, which was built to sell, fit
for public ute. While ho has not been able
to carry out all his ideas, the service has been
improved in many ways, and it is to Le
hoped the directors will spend the year's
surpUs for the betterment of its equipment
for the further accommodation of a publio
whieh has responded so liberally to the ef
forts tliuB far made for its comfort and con
venience. Wis take the following from Postal Laws of
the Uuited States, Revised Statutes, Section
8898, which will have some bearing upon the
free circulatioain this town of obscene liter
ature which is being dished up to our people :
"Every obscene, lewd, or lascivious
book, pamphlet, picture, paper, letter, writ
ing, print, or other publication of au indecent
character, and every article or tiling designed
or intended for the prevention of. conception
or procuring of abortion, and every article or
thing intended or adapted for any indecent
or immoral use, and every written or printed
card, letter", circular, book, pamphlet, adver
tisement or notice of auy kind giving In
formation, directly or indirectly, where or
bow, -hot whom, or by what means any of
the hereinbefore mentioned matters, article!.
or things may be obtained or made, whether
scaled as first-class matter or not, are hereby
declared to be nou-mailable matter, aud shall
not be conveyed iu the mails nor delivered
from any post-office nor by any letter-carrier,
and any person who shall kuowingly de
posit, or cause to be deposited, for roaiUug or
delivery, auytbing declared by tills section
to be non-mailable matter, and any person
who shall knowingly take the same, or cause
the same to bo taken, from the wails for the
purpose of circulating or depositing of, or of
aiding in the circulation or disposition of the
same, shall, for each aud every offense, be
Sued upon oonvictlou thereof not more than
five thousand dollars, or imprisonment at
hard labor not more than Ave yean, or both,'
at the discretion of the court. And all
offeucea committed under the section of
which this is amendatory, prior to the
approval of this act, may be prosecuted and
punished under the name in the same manner,
I nd with tho i-.ime effort a If this net had not
I burn (stsscil . 1'rnvldwl, That nothing in this
set shitll nutliorize sny person to open any
1 letter or srali'd matter of the flint class not
addressed to himself."
Democrats llnve n Lively Time Over the
Minority Candidates.
1'Htt.AHKi piua, Jan. 14. The Itopubll-
oan convention to nominate four candi
dates for polios magistrates, which was
held yesterday In Industrial Hall, was ex
tremely quiet, because of the fact that the
niitl-adinliilstratloiilstshad decided not to
make a contest for any nomination. The
ticket previously agreed upon was named,
the successful candidates being: Horatio
I). Hackett, Robert K. Henderson, Dtivhl
S. Scott and Robert J. Moore.
The Democratic magisterial convention
was held in the Academy of Music Its
result was n standoff between the Hnrrlty
and antt-IIarrlty fnotlons of the party,
each being successful in lar.'ig a candi
date. The nominees are Charles I'. Don
nelly and John H. Keenan.
From start to finish everything was con
tusion and dlsorder.nndat times it seemed
as though a general fight among the dele
gates was imtnlnout. The convention at
no time was under the control of Its chair
man, and the most trilling incident was
tulHclent to bring the 1M0 and more dele
gates to their feet and turn the conven
tion lntoa howling mob. At one point in
the proceedings a row In which Congress
man JIcAleer would probably have been
a participant was prevented by a oool
headed delegate.
The nominations', both Hopubllonn and
Democratic, are equivalent to au election,
the Democrats being the minority magis
trates. A New 1'aelHc Hnllroail BUI.
Washington, Jau. U. Souaior Gear,
chairman of the committee on Paciflo
railroads, yesterday introduced a new bill
lor the settlement of the Paolllc railroad
jirtobtedness, constituting the secretary
sf the treasury, the secretary of the In
terior and the attorney general n com
mission with full power to mako a set
tlement of the indebtedness of all the
bond aided Paolflo roads to the govern
mont, "upon such terms and lu suoh mnn
ner ns may be agreed upon by them or a
majority of them and the owners of tho
roads, providing that any settlement shall
be approved by the president, and unless
approved by him shall not be blurting."
Made and Merit Maintains the confidence
of the people in Hood's Sarsaparilla. I f a
medicine cures you when sick ; if it makes
wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond
all question that medicinepossesses merit.
That is just the truth about Hood's Sar
saparilla. Wo know It possesses merit
because it cures, not onco or twico or a
hundred times, but in thousands and
thousands of cases. We know it cures,
absolutely, permanently, when all others
fall to do any good whatever. Wo repeat
Is the best In fact tho One True Blood Tu rider.
li n n-fi cure nausea, Indigestion,
nOOCl S PUIS biliousness, ascents.
All persons who wish to be candi
dates on the CITIZENS' TICKET
at the
In the Boiough of Shenandoah,
must present their names and the
required fees to the Secretary of the
Citizens' Standing Committee, not
later than
At 7.30 p. m.
By order of the Committee,
W. J. W ATKINS, Sec'y.
Harper's Bazar
IN 1897.
Tho DAZAIt, a thoroughly up-to-date perlodi
cul for women, will enter upon its Thirtieth
Volume In 1897.
As a Kaahlon journal It is unsurpassed, and Is
on indispensable requisite for every well
dressed woman. Kathahine De Porbt writes
a weekly letter on current fashions from Paris.
In New York FaBhions, and In the fortnightly
lttern-shet supplement, ladles find full de
tails, directions, and diagrams for gowns, wrap,
ami children's i-lothhur. Hanhoi, Baudk, anil
CiUPUM draw and enjrrave the newest and fin
est Parisian designs every week
The nrri'dH for UW7 will be : The Red Bridge
Neighborhood, by Maui a Loi-ik Pool; and
Father QuttinaUlon, Ijv Oitave Thahkk. Hhort
tttorles will be constantly presented by brilliant
writers, among whom ure Mahv K. Wh.kins,
Harriot PRewrorr Hfofford, Marion Har-
oko, and Maruarkt Sutton Hriscok.
What Women are Doing in varlou parts of
the Union will form a series of special interest.
Other interesting features are The Out-door
Woman, devoted to healthful sports and
pastimes; Music, a weekly critical rmminarynf
niusle iu New York ; Amateur Theatricals, Ein
broldery and Needlework, Ceremony and
Ktiquertu. Uoori Housekeeping, "What OlrlB
art Doing,'' "Current Social EvenU," and
Personals gleaned from original source.
Women and Hen, Colonel T. w. Hiooinsoh
will regularly continue his valuable essays.
Answers to Correspondents. This column
is conduct d for the benefit and convenience of
readcri. and all questions received are answered
In rotation, as promptly nd fully as practicable.
Art. The rlaZAUIsanolable picture-gallery,
reproducing the most beautiful works of
American and foreign artists, as presented in
the an cum I Purl and New York exhibitions.
Wit an4 Humor. Everybody turns for a
heaty laugh to the BAZAR'ti last page.
A Aix BoUHb W.iman'h 1'afkb What more
appropriate gift can be made to wife, daughter
or sister than a subscription to HABPEIt 8
BAZAR 7 Secure H as wotoowe visitor in
your household tot 107.
A'rwifaptrt an not to copy tin advertisement
- uitkeut ikt (Xfreit order Harper
Ir uiwytmr, ... - $4.00.
Postage Free to all tvhertttrs in the United
States, Canada and Mexico.
I'. O. Box 99, N. Y. City.
Thousands ol
women go
down to death
every year
through their
own ignorance
and neglect.
' Kvcrv woman
should know
something of
the physioloirv
of her woman
ly self. livery
woman should
appreciate the importance of the health
and strength of the delicate organs
that constitute her womanhood. The
woman who neglects her health In thi9
respect is sure to he a continual sufferer
ami is In constant danger of an early
grave. To such a woman wifehood is a
torture and motherhood a menace.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription act9 di
rectly and only on the organs that make
wifehood and motherhood possible. It in
vigorates them and makes them healthy.
It prepares a woman for an almost pane,
less maternity. It does away with
the dangers of motherhood. It Insures
the health of the newcomer in the family.
Over 90,000 women have testified to its
wonderful virtures. All good druggists
all I, TbM-A fa ttnflitnr ' lilf m rrM-w1 "
" If It had not been for your medicine and your
advice," writes Mrs. I. V. Thomas, of Antolue,
Pike Co., Arks., " I would no doubt be In my
grave or In an InsAne asylum. Fourteen years
ago, when my second child was born, I came very
nesr RHlnit tuy ralod. My head would hurt so
bad I could hsrdly live. I could not He down and
raise up without great pain My life was a mis
ery to me. Ood alone knows what I suffered. I
had lost all hope of being cured, but I took your
1 Favorite Prescription ' according to directions
I .used one bottle of the 'Pleasant Pellets.'
two of the 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and six
of ' Favorite Prescription ' In a little over one
rear after I began your medicine I gave birth to
wins. Since then I have a boy baby ten months
old. He weighed eleven pounds at his birth. I
have been better in health since the birth of thwe
children than I had been for years before. Before
using your medicine my weight was about one
hundred snd thirty-five pounds, nnd now I weigh
one hundred and sixty-five."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet are a safe,
sure, swift and permanent cure for consti-
fiation. They never gripe. One is a gentle
axative, and two a mild cathartic. Ding
gists sell them.
It is now said that the Corhett-Fltzslm-luons
flijht will take place at Carson City.
Congressman Ilentou M0MUII11 of Ten
nessee, is to marry Miss Luclllo Poster, of
fihreveport, La. , on Feb. 20.
South Dakota's Itepubllcnn legislative
onucus selected Congressman Plokler as
snndldate fur United States senator.
William 21. Clngaott, Populist, camo
within three votes of bein oleotod United
States senator from Idaho yesterday.
General Carlos Union", secretary of war
far the Cuban republic, was ngnln nr
rosted in Now York last night. Charge
Two letters from Cainaguey and Los
Viltig, Cuba, with a postage stamp of the
Cuban republic ahixed, were received by
the Junta lu New York through tho rogu
lar mull.
Tho length of life may be increased by less
ening ItB dangers. The majority of people
die from ltiuif troubles. Those may be avert
ed by promptly usins Ouo Minute Cough
Cure. C. II. llagenhuch.
Illuo Lawn Stop tile Mall.
WAsni.N'QTOX, Jim. 14. The postofUce
department has found Itself heavily han
dlcappotl In the extension otiho mall ser
vice In New England by tho operation of
ono of tho old Connecticut blue laws, for
bidding tho running of any trains bo
twoen 10'SO and 3 p. m., 011 Sundays In
that stnto. The olllclnls say they cannot
doanythlug which would bo oonstruod ns
an effort to comjiel tho railroad companies
to violnte a stato law, but look for relief
to tho citizens interested In this Sunday
service, who should urge tho repeal of the
law. t
Itucklen's Arnica Salve
The best salve in the world for cute,
bruises, suies, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, aud
all skin oruptious, and positively cures riles,
or jo pay required. It Is guaranteed to glvo
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. 1'rlco
33 cents per box. For ealo bv A. Waaloy.
Opposing Francis' Confirmation.
Washington, Jan. 11. The senate In
oxocutlvo session yosterday had up for a
time tho nomination of David It. Francis
to be secretury of the Interior, hut no ac
tion was taken. Senator Vest, of Mis
souri, was tho principal opponent of the
confirmation, hut he was also seconded
by Senator Pugh, of Alabama. Both of
these senators made speeohos against the
continuation and alleged various reasons
against it, among others tho conduct of
Socratary Francis during tho campaign.
Senator White, of California, and other
silver senators stated that they would vote
for confirmation, and that it wus a foro
gouo oonoluslon that the secretary will be
Rheumatism Cured in a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Khonmntism nnd Neu
ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon the system is remarkable aud
mysterious. It removes at unco the cause and
the disease Immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits.
T. F. Anthony, ex-Postmaster of Promise
City, Iowa, says: "I bought one bottle of
'Mystic Cure' for Rheumatism, aud two doses
of it did me more good than any medicine I
overtook." 75 cents.
Sold by C. II. Ilagenbuch, druggist, Shen
andoah. Atuerlonn Mlaslon In China Fired Upon.
London, Jan. 14. The Times has a dis
patch from Hong Kong whloh says' thnt
bu American Methodist mission, fifty
miles from Foo Chow, has been nttaoked
and shots flmd, though no Injury was
done to nnybody, tho officials dofondlng
the mlsslun.
Cure for Headache.
As a remedy for all forms of Headache
Ulcctric Hitters has proved to be the very
best. It ctt'ect a permanent cure aud the
most dreaded liabitual sick headaches yield
to its influence. We urge all who a re a 111 Ic ted
to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a
lair trial. In case of liabitual constipation
Electric Hitters cures by giving the needed
tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist
the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large
bottles only 80 cents at A. Wasley's Drug
Induced Grime to Male an Arrest.
Nbw Yohk, Jan. 14. Paul Soherer, of
Brooklyn, was triad In the oourt of speoial
sessions yesterday on the charge of having
obtoene pictures in his poMMMelon for sale.
Anthony Comstook, who had a warrant
Issued for the arrest of Soberer, Inter
ceded for him, saying 'he believed the
agent of his society, Simon Joel, who had
caused the arrest of Soberer, bad Induced
the latter to paint the ploture lu order to
make an rrest. Fenteuoe In the ease was
accordingly suspended, and Soberer was
A Household Necessity.
Casearets Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, act gently and
positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing tbe entire system, dispel colds, ear
headache, fever, habitual eoustiuatlou JUid
biliousness. Please buy and try a box oil
C. C. C. to day ; 10, Sfi, 60 sent. Sold and
guaranteed to eure by all druggists.
Ask your grocer for ue "Jloyal Patent'i
flour, and tafe no other brand. It is the best
Sour made.
Take Laxative Itiomo Quiuine Tablet. All
druggists refund tbe mouey If it fulls to cure.
8S cents.
and true, that there's nothing like leather;
by the same token, there's no leather like
calfskin, and no calfskin like Kangaroo
The process of Kangaroo tanning ap
plied to calfskin makes of leather soft,
pliable, easy-fitting and tough the very
qualities needed in school shoes.
We've a big lot made of such leather.
Children's at $1.00; Misses' $1.25.
Ordinray stores would charge from 25c'.
to 50c more, and wouldn't charge a cent
too much, either.
We could do it, too, but that isn't our
way of doing business. We give you the
biggest values. Our rushing business is
proof of it
Checks with every purchase ; 25 worth gets a handsome
Parlor Innip.
Factory Shoe Store,
33 J- A.'MOYER, Mgr.
X Discussion on Oleomargarine In tho
Lower llody.
Wahiixotox, Jan. 14. After avory dull
dny, devoted topnssluc bills of minor im-
purtanco, tho house plunged into n wunu
controversy over a bill to make oleo
margarine aud other Imitations of dairy
products subject to the lawn of the states
Into whloh they are transported. The
author of the bill, Mr. Grant, of "Vermont,
led the fight for It, and It wus opposed by
the Democrats and several Republicans
on the ground that It would give the
states power to prohibit tho use of suoh
products. The house got into a par
liamentary struggle over tho measure on
account of the determination of Mr. Can
non, of Illinois, to secure mora time for
Its consideration, nnd adjournod leaving
It unfinished. One of tho senate bills
passed was to withdraw from tho supromo
sourt criminal ensos other than capital
and leave jurisdiction over thorn to tho
.court of appeals.
Ihe open session of tho senate yosterday
was much curtailed by an executive so3
slon lusting two hours. After this the
bulanco of the day was given to Mr. Bj
cou, of Georgia, in a speech upholding the
power of congress to rooognlzo new gov
ernments. The sonator insisted that tho
arrogant assertion of one man power
threatened to mate the presidential powor
groater than that oxerted by any monarch.
An agrooment was reached for a voto on
the free homostoad bill nt 4 o'clock this
Tlio l)lscory Suvcd His Life.
Mr. G. Caillouctte, Druggist, Iieaversville,
111,, says: "To Dr. King's New Disoovory I
owe my life. Was taken with 1a Grippo and
tried all tho physicians for miles about, but
of no avail and was given up and told I could
not live. Haviug Dr. King's New Discovery
in my store I sent for a bottle and began its
uso and from the first dose began to get better,
and afterusiug throe bottles was upandabout
again. It is worth its weight in gold. We
won't keep store or house without it." Get
a free trial at A. Wasley's Drug Store.
Xour Meu lllown to 1'iecos.
UoutDF.K, Colo., Jan. 14. Four mon
were blown to plooes Tuesday afternoon
nt Ward, a small mining oamp situated
in the mountains, twenty mllos from
Bouldor. The killed are: John Glover,
Dan Schriobor, T.A. DeGonuoand Henry
Glover. They wero employed by the Adit
Mining compnuy, und death was due to
the accidental discharge of thirty-five
pounds of powder.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
nnd forever, bo made well, strong, magnetic,
full of new life and igor, take No-To-Bac,
the wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds iu ten days.
Ovor 400,000 eured. Buy JJo-To-Bao from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
cure. 50c or $1.00. Booklet and sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Ilemody Co.,
Chicago or Now York.
Oalllnger Sure of Ite-eleetlon,
Concoiid, N. II., Jan. 11. The Republi
can caucus lust night unanimously nomi
nated Jacob II. Qalllngerns United States
senator to succeed himself. In the same
caucus Kzra S. Stearns was nominated for
socretary of state, Solona Carter for state
treasurer aud Arthur E. Clark for state
printer. These officers will bo elected next
Itellel iu Six Hours.
Distiessing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "New Great
South American-Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain In
the bladdor, kidneys, bock and every part
of the urinary passages in male or female.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief and cure this is your remedy.
Sold by Shapira's pharmacy, 101 South iaaln
Four Youug Skater Prowned.
h?T. Looib, Jan. 14. Pour children were
drowned In the northern part of the city
Tuesday evouiug. They were Fable Mat
thews, aged 14, and her brother George,
aged 10; Amanda Arnold, aged 19, and
her brother Arthur, aged 15. A party of
ohlldren were skating in a quarry pond,
when six of them broke through. Only
two were rescued.
"Exouse me," observed the man in spec
tildes, "hut I am a surgeoa, and that is not
where the liver is. "Never you miud
where hie liver Is," retorted the other. "If it
was in bis big toe or his left ear DeWitt's
'little Early Biaers would reach it and shake
it for id in. On that you can bet your gig
lamps." C. K. Ilagenbuok.
When vou want rood roofing. Dlumbine
gas fitting, or general tlnsmlthlng done oall
on IS. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street
Dealer In stores 1-tf
Scaly eruptions of the head, chapped hand
and llus. cuts, bruises, soalds, bums are
quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. It is at present the article most used
for piles, and it always cures tnem. u. Jl.
an Old Saw,
Another Suit Against Senrles for a Share
of the JSstate.
New York, Jan. 14. Edwiird P. Soarlos,
who mnrrled Mrs. Ilopklus, widow of the
railroad magnate, Is defendant In threo
suits of $25,000 each In tho supromo court,
growing out of tho will, by which origi
nally Senrles was to booome tho solo pos
sessor of the Hopkins millions, having
been adopted by Hopkins.
The plaintiffs in the ensnare C. Nathan
iel Hubbard, a postoffleo employe; Goorgo
J. Hubbard, und Mrs. Amelia Hubbard
Whoelor, their sister, who llvos in Con
necticut Thoy woro among tho scores of
next of kin of tho late Mrs. Hopklus
Searlos, who contosted hor will on tho
ground of undue lnfluonco. Their at
torney said that thoy wero promised 825.
000 onch by Genoral Hubbard for with
drawing thoir objections to tho will. Ho
"Wo behoved that General Hubbard had
a general power of nttornoy, whloh Would
hind Mr. Senrles. Of course wo will hnvoto
get at tho will to bo able to prove this. As
n matter of fact, It developod at the trial
that tho firm of Butler, Stlllman & Hub
bard had made a contraot to manage tho
Hopklns-Searlos millions for 10 per cent,
of the profits nnd 10 per cont. of the mill
ions. That meant 1,800,000 nt a clip, bo
sides 10 por cont. of tho proflts. Of oourafl
Mr. und Mrs. Hopklns-Soarlos wore to
havo tho other 90 por cent. I think thnt
$1,800,000 Is the biggest foo on record."
Senrles was a decorator when ho met
Mr Hopkins. lie was docoratlug hor
residence In Massachusetts at the time.
She was considerably older than he, uud
thoir marringo was a sousational ono.
To cure all old sores, to heal an indolent
ulcer, or to speedily cure piles, you need
simply apply DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salve
according to directions. Its magic-like ac
tion will surprise you. C. H. Ilagenbuch.
Congressman Wilbur's Domestlo Trials.
Wasiiinqton, Jan. 14. Hoprosontativo
David F. Wilbur, of Now York, was suod
yosterday In the equity branch of the dls
ttlct supreme court for alimony and the
support of his child, Edith, by Mrs. Myra
C. Wilbur. She alleges that ho abandoned
hor a ynar ago last year at Oneonta, N. Y.,
aud that the Income of her property Is
now being collected by hor husband. She
domands tho custody of tho child. She
also ullegos drunkonnoss. Mr. Wilbur de
nies tho allegations, and says ho will prove
on the trial thnt she has upon several oc
casions told mutual frlonds that all tho
differences which havo arisen betweon
thorn woro duo not to any oruel treat
ment on his part, but to her own uncon
trollable temper.
The old lady was right when she said, tho
child might die if they waited for the doctor.
She saved tho littlo one's life with a few
doses of One Minuto Cough Cure. She had
used it for croup before. C. II. Hagenbuch.
lteduced Hates to Washington on Account
of the Inauguration via Pennsyl
vania Railroad.
For tho benefit of those who desire to at
tend the ceremonies incident to the inaugura
tion of Prosideut-elect MoKiuloy, tho Penn
sylvania Gailroad Company will sell excur
sion tickets to Washington March 1, S, 3, and
4, valid to return from March 4 to 8, at tbe
following rates: From Pottsvllle, ?7.S5;
Heading, $7.20 ; Birdsboro, $0.80 ; Pottstown,
f0.85; Norristown, S0.15 : Philadelphia,
$o.40, and from all other stations ou tho
Pennsylvania system at reduced rates.
Tills inauguration will be a most interest
ing event, and will undoubtedly attract a
large number of people from every section of
the country.
The magnificent facilities of the. Pennsyl
vania Ilailroad make this line the favorite
route to the national capital at all times, and
Its enormous equipment and splendid term
inal advantages at Washington make it
especially popular on such occasions.
It nits the Spot That's Eight.
What? Pan-Tina for coughs and colds. At
G rubier Bros., drug store.
iMri In Mouth. JIalr-l llln'cl Writ COOKi
nr.Mr.lli CO., hot juaianie 'X'smpiej
citiens-o. JU.. ror proof ox eurts. capi
tal, SlfiOO.OOO. Wont ejue cured la IC
so ss nays. xOO-pace book free
l'hliti.l-r'i Knsll.h Diamond Ilmni
urlflosl and Only penulne.
BAPE. &lwftvi rillkbla. ladicb aik
hmiglit for Chu Aiufir I l'uiutt ilia-
fboica, Mi-d wilt) Llao ribbaa TsLa
na oil, ejr. Jttfuit daimrttuM tubjlltu-
mmaarana lu ilea ana (.aid meifcuu
fimu uiuf imUiUUnu A! OrogKisia, or Modio
li! ttatopi for DkrtlLularl, icaUoMBtkU fti1.
"Kollef for T.adle-," intetttr. by return
' mail. IV.UUU ivBiinioniai. nam rvfwr,
Cnleli rater Caemlc! Co.,aladlan Square,
oat' " 1'hUaAiv. Ifak
A Hnncisomo Complexion
Is One of the greatest charms a woman can
possess. Posxoni's aoumJSXiSM PflftWlM'
gives It.
Awarded S.10,000 for Stolen Afrsrtlom.
Nbw York, Jan. 14. F. I Colwell, a
fltook broker, waydstonlay given a verdict
for W0. 0()0 by a jury buf.ire Jmtloe Qllder
gleuve In l'art III of the supreme oourt,
against Dr. Charles A. Tinker, fornllenat
lug tho affections of Mrs. Colwell. Dr.
Tinker put In no defense and was neither
In court nor represented by counsel.
Tabor's Ittch Mine Hold.
PnotlMX, A. T., Jan. 14. The Vulture
mine, that has produced more than 10,
POO.000 In gold, was gold Tuesday under a
trust deed given ns security for rt loan of
J1,000. 1'ormsr Senator Tnbor, the owner
of the mine, was uiiablo to redeem lu
Tho Weather.
For eastern Now York, eastern Penn
sylvania ! and Now Jorsey : Generally
oloudy weather; probably light snow; not
so oold; easterly to eouthorly winds.
Closing Quotations of the New York and
i'lilludelpaU Bxohtnges.
NwYoBK,,Tan. 18. In the stock market to
day the movement was Irregular, periods of
seml-stngnatlon alternating with spurts of
oomparatilve activity. Closing bids :
Baltimore A Ohio 13J4 Lehigh Valley . . . 30'4
CheA, & Oalo. . . . 17$ New Jersey Cen. .101H
Del.&Hodaoii . .Ill NewYork den. . .. ttljj
D..L.&W 1614 Pemnylvanla 51
Erie 14$ Boa'.llU'? Mi
LivkeKrleft W. .. lb Bt. Paul 74 4
Lehigh Nav 41 W. N. Y. & Pa Sji
All ass'ts paid.
General Markets.
PniULDlT.r-HtA, Jau. 18. Flour weak; win
ter superfine, 13.808.10; do. extra, W.'J43.50 ;
Pennsylvania roller, clear, $4.234.4J; do. do.,
straight, 4.B54.a5; wctte-a winter, olenr,
$1.S94.40. Wheat quiet: January, WOWio.
Corn steady; January , 27 041 o. Oats steady:
January, Sa'i'aao. Hay quiot ; choice timo
thy, ljpn.N Tor largo bales. Boef quiet ; beef
hams, $181&50. Pork Arm; family, 10
10.B0. Lard steady ; western steam, 11.20. But
ter steady ; western creamery, 1820o. ; do.
factory, 014o. ; Klgins, 30o. ; Imitation cream
ery, ll10o. ; New York dairy, 1015j. ; do.
creamery, 1319o; oxtra stata prints, whole
sale 32e. ; prints jobbingnt38J0o. Cheegequiet ;
large, IW&Uc. ; small, 7Hllo. ; part skims, 4
8o. ; full skims, 2j3o. Kg$3 steady ; New York
and Pennsylvania, 17$lta. ; western fresh, lu
live Stock Markets.
New YonK, Jan. 13. Beeves slow; steers,
tl.lOfSG ; stags and oxen, 13.40(04.25 ; bulls, $2.10
3.35 ; dry oows.$1.001.40. Calves ootivo and very
firm; veal. 19(38; barnyard calves, $33.60.
Sheep and lambs opened fairly aotlvo ; Armor
for Iambi; sheep, t!KH.35; lambs, I.M-x5.S0
early sales, 5.02iS.7O. HogsWgher at $a0034,
East LmsmT, Pa., Jan. 13. Cattle steady;
prime, $1.803; feeders, 3.604; bulls, stags
audoows, Ilog steady; prime light and
boa' medium, 8.GO0.65; hoavy hogs. $3,110
8.33; roughs, J2.2S3: prime pigs, $3.63f3.00.
Shep steady; prime, t3.S5l; oomraon,$2 40 W;
choloe Iambi, ?oo,20; common to good lambd,
13-4.85; vual calves, S0.5OJ.7.
Tnko Laxativo Bromo Quiuino Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to eure.
25 cents.
Two Woeka In Florida.
To see Florida U a pleasuro; to visit it is a
privilege; but to spend a fortnight within its
borders is an epoch. There is a great satisfac
tion in witnessing tho ripening of tropical
fruits in their own native land, and a peculiar
joy in wrestliug with old ocean's waves whon
lake? and rivers at homo are all icebound.
Ono appreciates the wonders of modorn in
vention nnd railroad development upon
leaving tho neighborhood of goodskatiugouu
day aud finding himself lu the vicinity of
good bathing the next. Yet this can bo done,
and tho man who prefers hunting or fishing
will take bis accoutrements along with linu,
for Florida extends a cordial invitation to nil
Whoevor would oxchsingo for two weeks
the uncertain climato of tho North for the
delightful and Spring-like suushine ol
Florida should take the personally-conducted
Jacksonville tour of the Pennsylvania Kail
road which leaves New York by special train
January 20. Excursion tickets for this tour.
including railway transportation, Pullman
accommodations (ouo berth), and meals en
route in both directions while traveling ou
the special train, will be sold at the followiug
rates: Now York, $50.00; Philadelphia,
$48.00; Canandalgua, $52.85; Erie, $54.85:
Wilkesbarre. S30.35 : Pittsburg 53.ou, and
at proportionate rates from other points.
For tickets, itineraries, tnd other informa
tion apply to ticket agents, tourist agent at
line uroadway, flew York, or to Uco. w.
lioyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Broad Street station, Philadelphia.
Soothing, and notirritntiiig, strengthening,
and not weakening, small but effective
sticn are tne qualities ot new ill s kittle
rarly itisers, tho uinou3 little puis. J. il
Dickey Gains a Folnt
DoYEn, Del., Jan. 14. John T. Dlckoy,
who is Willurd Saulsbury's champion on
tho floor of the house, won a victory yos
torday In the ilrst move in the contest
brought by Woodward W. Chealrsfor Mr.
Dickey's seat. In consequence of the reso
lution sprung on Tuesday by Mr. Dickey
to have nil the ballot boxes in New Castle
county opened and the votes counted be
fore any expenses should bo lncu.rod by
tho oontest four big wagons hauled tho
boxes from tho railroad station to tho
levy court, where the elections committee
was to consider the contest yesterday.
They wore In tho custody of Sheriff Will
iam B. Linn, who denied tho authority ot
the committee to Issue a subpoona, claim
ing thnt such power was only vested in
the house itself. Lawyer Ponder, for Mr.
Dickey, warned the sheriff that the law
would hold him responsible if he surren
dered tho keys or boxes to tho committee
Tho sheriff was Arm, and Chairman Ha
Eell then adjourned the committee. Tho
rcuttor will camo before the house at to
morrow's session.
Pan-Tina I What Is It?
The greatest cure for coughs and colds. At
G rubier Bros., drug store.
The Proposed llanquet to Piatt.
Albany, Jan. 14. The oommlttoo hav
ing In oharge the arrangements for tho
banquot which will be given in this city
on Jan. 80 by the State Leaguo of Repub
lican clubs to Thomas C. Flatt, In honor
of his oleotlon to the United States senate,
met yesterday to perfect arrangements.
One of the features of the event will he
tho reproduction of the electrical display
whloh marked the banquet of the National
Leaguo of Republican clubs In Cleveland
in 1891. This will Inolude an American
dag, eighteen by fourteen feet, suspended
over the jpeaker's table, and composed of
colored electric lamps.
It's Queer How Quick
Pan-Tina cures coughs and colds.
Gruhler Bros., drug store.
Spanish Mnrqals Sent to l'rison.
Madhid, Jan. 14 The Marquis of Cn-
brinnna, who baoamo a popular hero by
bringing charges of oorruptlon against
municipal officers, nnd who' vf hi at ono
time nttaoked by roughs in Madrid ns nn
DU'oome of those charges, has been sen
tenced for two months in prison for libel.
The publio proseoutor asked that ho
should bo sentenced to two years in
prison. Sensational evidence was devel
oped nt the trial. The Conde de San Ber
nardo testified thnt he had refused the
mayoralty ot Madrid owing to the faot
that an exnmluation of the accounts
showed that there had been gross dlsbon
tsty in ouunsotlon with the Columbus
There I This is Just the Tklng.
Hed Flag Oil for sprains and bruises. At
rubier llros., drug store.
Buy Keysteue flour. Be sure that the name
I4)io & Base, Ashland, Pa., Is printed on
every sack.
Georgia's Fair Authoress
Tells Why Glie Use Dr. Miles' Restorative
THE NAVE of Mrs. J. E. Harrcll, (noe
JulLiHrnma Flemraing) Is affiralllar
one In the stato of Georgia. Rho
writes! " It is with pleasure that I express
my gratitude for the wonderful benefits I
havo received from Dr. Miles' llestorative
Koinodles, especially tho Nervine, the Ncrvo
and Liver Pills, Now Heart Cure aud Anti
Tain Pills. Actual experience bos taught
me their great worth. No family should bo
without them. They
have fully restored
me from a complica
tion of dlsnrdoia chief
ly nffcctlii;; tho heart,
nervous system and
kidneys. When I trav
el I always take one of
your Anti-Pain Pills
before entering the cars and thus prudent
swimming of the head and nausea, to which
I have been subject for several years."
Dr. Miles' Kcmedies aro sold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee, first buttlo
benefits or money refunded. Book on Heart
and Nerves sent free to all applicants.
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
A TittftD. TBCAKD Artt WOMAN'S RELIEF. rollahfa. A imi, ni.nfvine
Get CATOtr'aTAlTiT PlLLimnrl have HintttiL
'At drill ttort. orient dirfi-t (nenltd), irjee, ft.
Caiov 8pko. Co., Boston. Ma. Our book, ic.
For enlo at P. V. I. Kirlin's Itug store ami
Shcnnndooli druj? store.
ttl IF
i..r i.v i li aii; mi:iie.
t'HT, " itB.n inn . pieaaantoaor iwn i oiiib
IKn'A IIAIIt TONlCremovesdandniff '-tops
liau frnm falllnout&nd prnmotesKrowth $1 00 1 bnttlo
i,nn m nmcAXT co ioa ruiton at, n v.rncr:
Illustrated Treatise on Hair ou application I ilLt
nu.hirtniflH. pleasant odor, $1 00 n ottie
Vor sale by Shenandoah Drujy Store, Kirliu's
Drug Store.
A lj, is erroL3 itucate t oning mom
ory. Ira potency, Sleepleftsnesti, etc , caused
by Abntieaml othor Excesses end Indie
cretions. They quioklw and turvlu
restore liOst Vitality in old or roaoB, and
fit a inun for study, business or ludrriatre.
Travp-it. Itinii-tv rnrl Cnnsumntinn if
taken in time. Xliuir orh thornr immediate irnnrov-
tment ana enects a (juaiii w:; urn nn ctofre mu, i n
ilfit upon harms tha eennino AJfix Tablets. They
have cured thousands and will mue you. RWe a
rXMlttTB written guarantee to effect a cure In each case
or refond the money. Price 00 eerjjt rr package, or
rix package full treatment 1 for By mall, In
plain wrapper, upon receipt ot prices Circular free.
For Bale tn Shenandoah, Pa. by A. Wasley
and S. P Ktrlln, Druggists.
Thousands duffer ami die annual
ly for the want of It, Not a single
Instance on record whero a trial of 0
lillhutle Ouie
According to directions, has not
Immediately and permanently
cured Diphtheria, Croup, Quinsy,
or any affection of tho throat.
Why should miyono suffer nnd
flio vrhon this boon of all remedies
will positively cure? Unsolicited
testimonials by tbe thousand aro
pouring In from thoso who havo
given Thompson's Diphtheria Cure
a trial. Why not try It dear road
or? It will do the samo for you
It has done for others. Following
Is a sample testimonial which ex.
plains Itself :
Wllllamsnort, Va., April 27, 1896.
Thompson 4 Co.
Gentlemen : I have uaed Thomp
son's Dlphlheila Cure in my family for
hosrsenefts and sore throat and It gave
speedy relief. I use It both ns a gargle
and by external application, and no un.
heflltatlnKly commend lis use by every
oneatltlcted with Diphtheria, llonrse
nem, Croup, Qulnsy.or any otber throat
affection. minpaon 11. Evans,
roster Third St., M. E. Church.
Sold by Druggists snd costs only'
v CSmts a Bottle. '
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug: Store.
Personally-Conducted Tours
Three tour to CALIFORNIA and the PACI
FIC COAST will leave New York and Philadel
phia January 97, February 24, and March 27,
1807. Five vrt-eka in California on the fint tour,
and four week ou tbe second. Pntscng(-ra oa
the tbird tour will return on regular trains
within ulne mon tha. Stop will he made at New
Orleami for Mardl-Gra festivities on the second
Jacksonville toure, allow ins: two weeks in
Florida will leave New York and Philadelphia
January 30, February (J and 23, and Maruh 0,18U7
Hate, covering expenses en route In hoth direc
tions, SS0.00 from New York, and $18.00 from
Tours, each oovcriuir a period of three days,
will leave New York mid Philadelphia Decem
ber 29, 1SU6, January 31, February 11, March II,
April 1 and 2S, and May IS, 1897. Rates, Includ
ing transportation and two days' uccoimiiotla
Hon at tbe best Washington Hotels, 1H.5.J from
New York, and $11.00 from Philadelphia.
will leave New York and Philadelphia D.ouiu
2S, 1.9S, January 28, February 20, Maruh IS, and
Asrll II, 18(17.
For detailed Irluarariu and other iaformaUen
apply at ticket aaenalei or address Uea. W.
Boyd, Ant. Qen'l fas. Agi.t, Broad Streut
BUillon, Philadelphia.