FREE CURE FOR MEH. - A MloMgan Man Offers to Send His DU 00TM7 Fret. alarms to Be a Benefactor to Weakened ManKind. i There it tilwnyi more or lem ftwpli-.ioii dttiu'lird to iiiiytliiiiK tliut la offi-rc-d frr-e but miiiu'tiiiici a iimn so ovci lluwd with generosity Unit he cnnnot rit until hut tliwovcrv i' known to Die world, In order that li i s fellow men may iroflt lv what ho hm diseovered. It in upon tliia ilueipnl I lott a resident oi Kalamaxoo, Midi , delres to Bend free to mankind a preecription which will cure them of any form of nervous dcliillty ; relieves them of all the duulit and uncertainty which such men uru peculiarly liable to and restores the ripws to natural "lew and vigor. Ah I' cos' iiothlutt to try the experiment it would hm'iii that anv man. Millcrin with the itcvouH trouble- '1ml inually MttuiW nun v. h i never stopped to realize iiiiirlil In the final result, Might to he deeply interested in a remedy wlih h will retort; them to health, strength and vior, without which they continuu to lic an cxinU'llco of ' it n I old misery. Ah the remedy In question was the result of many years research as to what combination would be peculiarly effective in restoring to men tbe strength they need, It would seem that all men suffering with any form of nervous weakness ought to write for such a remedy at once. A remiest to II. C. Olds, Dos; 1712, K.tlauinzoo, Mich., statiug that yon are not swidinn for the prescilplion out of idle curiosity, hut that you wish to tnnke use of the medicine by giving it, will bo nn wered promptly and Vtit'iout. evidence as to where information came from. The prescription is sent free and although some may wonder how Mr, Olds can afford to give away his discovery, there Is no doubt about the offer hoing genuine. Cut this out and send to Mr. Olds so that be may know how yon came to write him. 13-28-78t DIVIDEND S TO INVBBT SIO OB UFWARDBf XHtU dendt my tbi monthly. PtfttatUn frM. Aadma, West ern Financial i!o., 5 Dearborn Btrtt, CMomo. m. ilium ii illinium i ! imiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiinii nwrrrr Evan J. Bavies, UVKRY AND Undertaking! 13 N. Jardin Street, OIL TliEELfrancnGLnSt PHILADELPHIA CURE GUARANTEED. "iiu hi j. in A'ltAijLiutttuu yearn) and fl Yearn Jloipttnl Experience lit Uermatij-, I STRICTUnE. BLOOD POISON,- nrGcNERAL Debility, Lost Vigor, EX CESSES AND ALL OTHER EFFECTS OF YOUTHFUL FOLLY OF BOTH SEXES Permanently cured after crery ono else has felled. LOST MANHOOD 'AMD SHftGNKCN ORGANS RESTORED. No matter what iclf-st yleil great and Pimotu Doctors and ipeciaU IsU tlnim, wrll print or old Ii 'Xhvel knows mors about then dlirut u and how to treat tliem uccesaftilir than all othwi oomhlnni, and tliej all know It too, to their sorrow l'oor and Jtlch, If you wore robbed and Tlctlmlted, and 70a wUa to get Hoocrt and aklllfUl treatment, try onco mow old Dr. Theel. and be will oureyoa positively irciiru In poiitblt. Jio Deception, no FuImq Hcpnsontutlon. Fmh cases cored la t to 10 Dsji. Send live 2-cent tamps for Troth. Beitef all for SinRUor Married, yoatiirorold. Only Book ex posing quacks, Uouri: 9-8, Errnlngi; G-9. Iloari for exam ination and treatment In iteming hopeleaa anddangeroaacaiet, dally, 9 to 8, Wed. and Sau effs.,0tol0. Snn.,9 to It. Treat Xnaot by mall. Strictest a-creey Gunrnnteed. FoH I rely we lowest chomps In thin olty for the bent treatment. Ip IvKrVr! r For Weak and Run-Down People from Childhood to Old Age. WHAT !T IS ! Tho riohiwtof sll rostoratln Foods, hroaoie It replaces tho m substances to tbe blood Mid nerves that are exhausted in these two lije.glTlnelluldabydlsease.tdaiKeetlon. high lmcg, overwork, worry, excesses, abase, eta. WHAT IT POES ! By nuklnir the blood Pore andrlcli, and the UiKfelfon perfect, It creates spud flesh, imiscle and streasth. The nerves be ion made strung, the liraio neoomes active and clear. Forresturlng lost vitality and stopplnt: all wasting drains and weakness In either sea, it has noeqnal ; and as a female regulator it Is worth its weight In (told. Ono boa laetsaweek. PriceSoc.or I 82.110. Druggists or by niall. Hook free, i . . THE DR. CHASE COMPANY, 1613 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To oil eufferers of IUUtOltS OK VOWTIl, t.OVl' Vlfioit and lilMJMMt (IF MrH AND WO.MliN. m pages; clou, tuuni; M ourely sealed and malledr Ti.u.i iit by uaU strictly onlldentlal, and a posl'lve. quick can guaranteed. No matter bow lens standrae. J wiu pot Ivcly cure rou. Writ or ce..L SIR fiRR 329 ".isiiist.Phird.Pa. Layer's Lager- and Pilsner Beers. Chris. Schmidt, Agt. 207 West Coal Street. vnil bore T&ro&t, rimplef, Copp HI J 0s IWU uuiurvu Duuii avuw, um dvivu, Mler8 la Mouth, Hair-Kaltmst Write COOKk RKMKJ1X to., UOT ftanaonic Tempiej uhlenro. III. tur prooli 01 cures. t,uiii rial. S5O0.O0. Worst cases eured ta XO to 35 days, 100-pagft book, free- IHilrueatc r'a Knallab IUmend KrauioT. ENNYROYAL P!LLS Urlsinliiin Only Oenulne. arc, alwaja laoiis aik DrugMiitt fur Cluchettirt F J) la 1 mund Bran.l la ltod un,l ( ' nirtallia' Ht-aioa witu Dlue rtbM I itl-o n nllis. IttfuA fj.utasrrfiti n i- 1 dLilii- turn and imitations At lnjiigi, or aenfl 4e m ii!ij i'ir jiaruoiimri, vfiiiutouioie ar " Ilellef Tor LaiUtw.'' fn fetter, by return JMIL 1 0,000 TmOimiiIi A'm Faptr. letieierObemltjl)aMiMtlMii qawrtaj millions of Dollars do up in smoke every year. Tavlu nt risks but get your bouses, stock, fur niture, etc., iiisii red in nrst-clue re liable companies m represented by DAVID FAUST, Also T,Ife and AonldauUl Oompsulefl The Rosy Freshness And a veiy.ty softuc. of the skin is Inva riably ebUlBsd by tbars whs) use Possoni's Oomplsxioii Powder. 'ILLS! it Povlnsky's drug store, 28 Bast Centre street. Plnest, TkVT Purest arid Healthiest. It'NiWialfWa 5h s; wa 1 -CI I OH bv ail'ASi.' MONETARY CONFEBBN Hundreds of Millions Ropresontod at Indianapolis. THE HEED OP FINANCIAL REFOBM. linn. Clmrlos S. rnlreiillil, Kx-lecretary oi tlio Trensury, (lives Wnrulncof thoDnn Cor Hint Mrj- Arise from Innotlou by the Ijnmimlfers. Ini)Iavap(),,Thii. 13. Chnlrmnn Hunli lliiiinu of the executive coiiui)HIo of tlio iiionotnry eonference, enlleti that body to onlernt Tomllnsoli Hull yeRlerdny nftsr noon. At that time there wag seated In the autlllorlum over 800 delegate, repre senting bualneas Interette that run up In vulue to the hundreds of millions. It wag n flue looking body of mon, whose object is to attempt n reform of tho government's ourrsnoy syitem. Tho meeting was oponed with a prayor by the Iter. M. It Ualnes, of tho First Presbyterian church, ox-President Har rison's plane of worship. Then Mr. Hanna delivered n brief weloomlng address, and temporary ohalrmnn Jacob W. Smith read the cull sent out by tho executive) com mittee. Next emtio tho recommendations of the oommlttee for tho temporary or ganization naming E. O. Stannard of St Louis as temporary ohalrman, Jacob W. Smith of Indianapolis as temporary secre tary and W. F. C. Qolt of Indianapolis as Mwrgeant-at-arms. In taking the chair Mr. Stannard made a brief speech, and then tho various com mittees wore appointed as recommended by the executive committee. After tho committees retired there were calls for a speech from Hon. Charles S. Palrchlld. In opening ho said : "For tho first time In the history of gov ernments a great aclontltlo financial ques tion was submitted to the people for pop ular consideration In our last oloolion. It was a great test of our Institutions, not alono In the way lu which it was doclded, beoouso we were, considering the adoption praotloally of a tool with which to con duct our buslnoss. Other men atothor times In our hlBtory have considered sim ilar questions, men differing as widely as possible In their political vlows. And yot to them there nevor entered an Idea that party, seotlon, raoe, nationality or worldly condition wits Involved." After dwelling upon the defects of the proseut monetary system Mr. Falrohlld concludod with these words: "Leforo tho work of this convention Is finally concluded the buslnoss world, not only of tho United States, but of all the world, will bo looking at It and Its rosulr, and I tell you, gentloinon, If it shall dem onstrate (as God grant that It may not) that thoro Is wfthln this body not sufllcl ent wisdom to arrive at something wise and conclusive, or If, having so coins to a conclusion among yourselves. It Is dem onstrated that you are so far removed In lnfluenoe from the lawmaking power that no results oomo of it, I tell you, you may tremblo for tho buslnoss and political fu ture of this country." John P. Irish, of California, was next called. Among othor things ho enld: "It Is your business to suggost to the lawmakors tho way out of tho dlfilculty, to put simplicity Instead of complexity to conform that system to the law of finance. I am awaro that wo have many wiso mon who will join us in tho accomplishing of financial reform In this country, ami who bollevo, perhaps conscientiously, that the way to strengthen tho superstructure Is to weaken tho foundation. The chairman thon called for the roport of tho committee) on credentials. Thoro woro no contosts. Tho total number of dologatos whoso namos have so far beon reported is 270. All parts of tho oountry was represented, there being dolegatos from 133 cities and towns. Tho committee on permanent organiza tion lust night reported recommending C. Stuart Patterson, of Pennsylvania, for permanent ohalrman and Kvans Woollen, of Indianapolis, for pormanent secretary. It also recommended that vice presidents bo chosen, ono from each state. A Modal for Explorer Peary. New York, Jan. 13. At tho annual mooting of the American Geographical so ciety last night President Charles P. Daly addressed the Arctlo explorer, Lloutenant II. B. Peary, who was dressed In naval uniform, announcing that tho oouncll of the society had unanimously voted to pre sent to him '.hollr-it Cullum gold modal, in 1 1 "ognltion of his services as an ox 1 1.: r. In accepting tho modal Lieuten ant I'e.iry mado a brief address on Arctlo exploration. Tho late Goneral Cullum, who left $100,000 to tho socloty, provldod that part of the income of the fund should bo expondod in giving gold medals to per sons achlovlng notable results In geograph ical research. DrncEed to Death by nil Horses. STrtorDsnuua, Pa., Jan. 13. Charles Morrison, a well known farmer who lived a fow mllos nbovoBushklll, Piko county, was killed yostorday In a peculiar man ner. Morrison, In oompany with his 13-year-old daughter, vUlted Josso Gunn, an Did friond, and while on their woy homo, near Spackmau's creek, the horsos which Morrison was driving bocamo unmauag ablo and pulled the hoavy wagon off tho road and down tho banks Into the creek, Morrison's nock was broken, and ho died Instantly. Ills duughter was unhurt. Incendiary American Miners. Toronto, Out, Jan. 13 Commissioner V. L. Halght, of Parry Sound, has dis covered n oause for the fires In valuable timber lands In the Blscotaslng district, north of Ontario. Ho attributes tho fire to certain American mining men. The district is rich in minerals, and the fire, he thinks, was started In order that the government tnlgbt place the'land on tho market as mining lands, and so It could be acquired at a low price. Tho loss of timber Is estimated at nearly $1,000,000. Cure for Headache. Ab a remedy for all forms of Headache Electric Hitters has proved to be the very T AAU..U .. .w,t..... 1 " ,J w vuwio a l 1114,1! 11 u uuiv .IHl UK, most dreaded habitual aiok headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who arealHlcted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In case of habitual constipation Electric Hitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases Ion it resist i I he use of this medicine. Try it once. Large Domes ouiy ou cents ui a. wasleys Drug Store. Wilson uud tbe Cabinet. Wasiiinoton, Jan. 18. Senator Allison said yesterday that the report that Prosl-deut-eleot MpKlnley had decided to Invito ex-llepreseutative Wilson, of Iowa, to a place in his cabinet as secretary of agri culture, at his suggestion, had for its foundation the faot that he had rooora mended Mr. Wilson for this office. The senator added that Major MoKinley had asked him If he knew a practical farmer from tbe west whom he oould recommend. Mr. Allison then suggested Mr. Wilson, aud urged htm in stroug terms, but the prelUeut-eleot had not lndloated any de rision Absolutely pure, periectly harmless, and invariably reliable are the qualities of One Minute Cough Cure. It never falls In colds, croup und luug troubles. Children like It be cause it is pleasant to take aud it helps them. C. II. Hageubucb. Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the name Lsssio & Babb, Ashland, Sa., Is printed on every sack. SLEEP FOR SKIN-TORTURED And rest for tired mothers In a warm bath wlthCuTiounA Boat, inula ilnglearplloatlon of CdticubA (ointment), tho groat skin cure. ConconA Hbhediks afford instant relief, and point to a speedy cure of torturing, dls flgurlnB.huraillating.ltchlnB.burning, bleed ing, crusted, scaly skin and soalp bumors, with loss of hair, when all else falls. Sail istonrtont tin werl4. fonts Daoo aso Cniu. ST-ni,-fr... SKIN 8 GAL? "StftVouMSr. Tours to Florida, No district in America presents, during the I Winter season, so many varied attractions as i the State of Florida. Besides Us delightful I climate, which to one escaping from the cold and unhealthful changes of the North seems I almost ethereal, It Is pre-emlnontly a laud of j spurt and pleasure, Along its eleven hundred , miles of salt-water coast and In its twelve hundred fresh-water lakes are fish of almost I every conceivable variety, from the migra- j tory tribes common to Northern waters to the tarpon, pompano, and others of a more j tropical character. Nowhere In all onr broad I land can tho angler And a greater variety of j game or better sport. ' Here also the most enthusiastic hunter finds satiety. Deer, turkeys, bears, panthers, 1 nnd wild rate roam at large through the more sparsely settled regions, while birds of all kinds may be found in abundance through out the State. The more novel sport of al ligator and manatee hunting may also be in dulged In by the more adventurous tourist. ! With its matchless climate, It orange gloves, Its rivers and lakes, its boating and tmthlng, its fishing and limiting, and its extensive forests, Florida presents unrivaled attractions for the valetudinarian, tho lover of nature, the sportsman and the oxplorer. t To this attractive state the Pennsylvania Railroad Company has arranged four personally-conducted tours during the season of 1867, leaving by special train January 20, February 0 and 83, and March 0. The first three tours -n til admit of a sojourn of two weeks in this delightful land; tickets fur the fourth tour will bo valid to return until May 31 by regular trains. ltates lor tne round trip, you.uo irom isew York. f!8.00 from Philadelphia, and propor tionate rates from other points. For tickets, Itineraries and other informa tion, apply to ticket agents, special loAln; offices, or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agant.Uroad street station, Philadelphia. 8-4!ly oruptious of tho head, chapped hand .mil lips, cute, bruises, scalds, bums arc iiuickly cured by DeWItt's Witrh Iiatel Salve. It is at present the article most used lor piles, and it always cures them. O. H. llogunbuch. A True Kill Ag i'mit Kilwaid ,T. Ivory. London, Jan. 13. The grand Jury In tho central criminal oourt yeitorday found a true bill against 35 1 ward J. Ivory, alias Boll, the s iloonkeepar of Neiv York, who Is charged with conspiring to oause a dy namite explosion. The Wentlier. For oastern Pennsylvania, .Dolawaro, New Jersey und Virginia: increasing cloudiness and probably rain tonight; warmer; northwesterly winds, becoming uurthuivsterly. A Household Necessity. Cusoarcts Candy Githartic, the most won derful medical discovery of tho ngo, pleasant and refreshing to tlio tasto, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver aud bowels, cleansing tho entlro system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy nnd try it bux of C. C. C. to-day ; 10, 23, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. As', your Rrooor for no "lioyal Patent' flour, and tako no other brand, it is tho best flour mndo. bWJMV16DRVJ1ALuYi NOw uo EFFE0T3 AT Otw THEM CSTOkTS IZrmLIZER Cures gcncr.-l of special debility, wakeful ness, spermtorhoui, emissions, Impotency, paresis, etc. Orra i t .actional disorders, caused by errs of .t.- s, quickly restoring Lost Manhood i i c,u .- y lung, giving vigor and Strength where former weakness prevailed. Con venient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate. Cure is Quick, and Thorough. Doh'I It aectivtd ly imitation:: insist on CATON'S Vltalizers. Sent sealed il your druc gill does not have it. Price S 1 per pkgc, 6 lor 15, with written guarantee of complete cure. InlormaUon, reierences, etc., free and confidential. Send us statement ol case and 25 cts. for a week's trial treatment. One only sent to each person. ' CATON MED, CO., BOSTON, MAOS. For sule nt Klrlin's druic storo an 1 Shenandoah drurf store. That's why they enjoy their COFFEB. Any grocer can tell you why customers keep coming back for SEEZIG'S. OBlrlo.tpacksi. S P. J. CANFIELD, Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity For- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. HEART DISEASK- SOME FACTS REOARBINO TIIE RAPID INCREASE OF HEART TROUBLES.' Do Hot be Alarmed, But Look For the Cause. Heart troubles, at least among Americans, are certainly Increasing and while this may be largely due to the excitement and worry of American business life, it is more often the remit of weak stomachs, of poor diges tion. Heal, organic heart disease Is incurable; hut not one ease In a hundred of heart trouble, is organic. Tlio close relation between heart trouble and poor digestion is hernuse both organs are controlled by branches of the same great uerves, the Sympathetic and Pneuinogasttic. In another way, also, the heart is affected by that form of poor digestion, which causes gas and fermentation from half digested food; there Is a feeling of oppression and heaviness lu tho ehest caused bv pressure of the dis tended stomach on the heart and lungs, iu- ' terfering with their action ; hence arises palpitation and short breath. Poor digestion also poisons tbe blood, makes It thin and watery, which irritates and weakens the heart. Tlio most sensible treatment for heart troubles Is to improve tbe digestion and to Insure the prompt assimilation of food. This can best be done by the regular use, after meals, of somo safe, pleasant and ef fective digestive preparation, like Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, whleh may be found at most drug stores and which contain valuable, harmless digestive elements, in a pleasant, convenient form. It is safe to say that the regular, persis tent use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at meal time will cure any form of stomach trouble, except cancer of stomach. Full size packages of the Tablets sold by most druggists at 50 cents or by mail from Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. Idttic book on stomach troubles mailed free. Address StuartCo., Marshall, Mich. FOB Piles or Hemorrhoids. Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds. Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. Bells & Tumor. Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rheum & Tetters. Chapped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. Corns & Bunions. Stings & Bites of Insects. - Three Sites, 25c, 50c. and $1,00. Sold by druggists, or sent post-paid onrecelpt of price lirariUlElS' HED.C0., Ill IIS MlUlmBl.15ciiIork. For salo nt Povinsky'H drug store, 28 Knet Centre street Tate No Substitute.. Gail Borden I Eagle Brand f asc CONDENSED MHZ 1 Has ahvaj'SSOod TZTtST In the esttraa- lion of ths American K-cnle. No other Is L-just as good." ijcet liuant EooJ. POLITICAL CARDS. I TlOB CHIEI' BUKQESS, C. H. HAGENBUCH. Subject to Citizens party rules. port ciiiEK Buitauss, PIERCE WALKER, Of tlio Fourtli ward. Subject to Citizens party rules. JjlOK CHIEF IJUrtQESS, CHARLES G. PALMER, Of the Fourtli Ward. Subject to Citizens party rules. JJlOIt CHIEF BURGESS, JACOB NOLL. Subject to Democratic party rules. jjjIOU RBOKIVHR OP TAXR9, M. P. CONRY. Subject to Democratic party rules. JjlOR OIUBI' BURGUBB, JOHN DANDO. Subject to the Oltliens party rules. JjiOIt CHIEF BUKQESS, ALEX. DAVIS, Of the Fifth Ward. Subject to Oitiseus jiarty rule. JlOIt CHIEF BUItOESS, A. P. TABOR. Subject to Doiuooratiu party rule. p OR OIIIKK IIUHOK-H, WOLF LEVINE. Subject to OittatM party rules. pOU TAX HKCEIVKH, A. D. GABLE, Of tbe Fourtli Ward. Subject to OHUwis party rules. pOIl COUNCIL, tScaond ward. MARTIN SHOEMAKER, Subject to C! stuns' party rules. poll COUNCIL, (Second ward) . CHARLES SCHOPPE. Subject to the CHtlsciHi party rulw. IilOR SCHOOL DIRECTOR, ) (Two year term.) ISRAEL EISENHOWER, OI the Second ward. Subject to CltUens' party rules. witgh mm mi JOHNSON AND MAGUIRE A Add Another Interesting Chapter to House Proceedings, IT WAS ALL ABOUT EDITOR HEARST The California Members of Opposing Iar tlsw Iudulge In Violent language Sla. gnlrx's Speeeli ICiptinged, but Johnson's ltflHialns l'olltleal Debate lu the Senitto. WASlltifOTON, Jan. 18. The hotiso yes terday witnessed a sensational sequel to the remarkable attack mndo by Mr. Johu soii on ICdltor Hearst "Mr. Johnson and Mr. Maguire, both of California, were the antagonists. Their wordy duel grew out of the publication In The Ileoord, ae a part of Mr. Magulre's remarks of 00m nients on the former's speech of last week, In which he defended Mr. Hon rat, and without the mention of Mr. Johnson's name detailed some matters in the early life of the latter when he resided in Syra cuse, N. Y. Mr. Johnson got the floor on a question of privilege. He was at times dramatic He denounced Mr. Magulre's attack oil him us wanton and cowardly, and told the story of his Indictment twenty-four years ngo, in New York, for forgery, and how he had gone out to California to rear a new home and make a new name. He described his success, and he had been able to pay book every dollar he owed. He then ex plained that all this was an old story In California, where he had always avowed It when he ran for office. Then with bit ter Invective he paid his respects to Mr. Maguire and Mr. Cooper, of Wisconsin, who last week characterized his at took on Mr. Hearst as cowardly. Mr. Maguire replied to Mr. Johnson In a sarcastic vein. He told how he had at tempted to secure time In which to reply to Mr. Johnson during the debate and hud been unable to do so, and how he had printed his defense nsa man unable to se cure a hearing for himself. He sneered at Mr. Johnson for whining because his at tack went home to him, and said he should thought of tha grief and anguish he was bringing to another before he assailed Mr. Hearst. Mr. Poole, of Now York, who represents the Syraouse district, made a brief state ment in vindication of Mr. Johnson. Ills motion to oxpunge Mr. Magulro's remarks from Tho Iteoord was adopted after Mr. MoMlllln had Ineffectually attempted to delay action, but a similar motion to ex punge Mr. Johnson's remarks about Mr. Hearst was defeated by a vote of 88 to 91. This inoldent ovorshadowed interest iu the liouso proceedings. Just liefore ad journment, however, Speaker lloed an nounced the oommlttee appointments made vacant by the death of ox-Hpenker Orlip, whloh had caused so much specu lation. Mr, Bailey, of Texas, was ap pointed to the vacancy In the sub-committee and Mr. Boutner, of Louisiana, to that on ways and means. Early in the day the speaker sustained the point of order against the motion to recommit the Pacific funding bill. Somo lively political sparring marked the latter hours of the sonate session. The free homestead bill was under discussion, nnd Mr. Allen found In It opportunity for questioning Mr. Vilas, of Wisconsin, con corning the purty difference') of last fall. It brought out much differences of opin ion as to whether the Democratic plat form was mndo at Chioago or at Indluu apolls. Mr. Vilas declared that thoro was almost nothing In the Chicago platform nut inimical. to tho Interests of the gov ernment. He Insisted that tho Indian apolis platform was founded throughout on Democraoy. Sir. Alien characterized tho Indianapolis platform as 11 "rump nf fnlr." Tho controversy became very lively and took a wide raugo. Tho homesteud bill was further dobnted, but a vote was not reached. Mr Vilas at tacked It as a meisure giving away $35,- 000,000 of government money. Messrs. Nelson, of Minnesota, Allen and Peffer spoko for tho bill. Mr. Hill, who has not often addressed the senate of late, spoke In favor of a law fixing four years as the term of fourth class postmasters. Dupout's Senatorial Contest. Washington, Jan. 13. Hon. H. A. Du pont yostorday filed lu tho senate, through Senator Chandler, a petition to have his claim to a seat In thb senate as a senator from Delaware reopened. After setting forth his citizenship In Delaware, Mr. Du pont asserts that on May 0, 1895, he was duly and legally elected to the senate for tho term beginning March 4, 1895. Kleven members of the Delaware legislature who voted for Mr. Dupont join In the petition. Tho petition was referrod to the commit tee on privileges aud elections. Death of lSx-Congrcssmau Crlsfleld. PniNOBSS ANNB, Sid., Jan. 18. John W. Cristlod, former member of congress and onco amoni Maryland's most prominent lnwyorg nu. I politicians, died here yester day, aged 8J. Mr. Crlsfleld was the founder of tho tow.i of that name and was borii In Kent county In 1808. He wasoleotedto tho Thirty-fifth congress as a Whig and re elected to tho Thirty-seventh oougress on the sumo ticket. In 1861 ho was a member of the peace congress aud has held many local offices of importance. His oldest son Is chlof justice of the First circuit of Mary land, but bears tho namo of Heury Page, having assumed that of his undo, with his father's consent Tho old way of delivering messages by post boys compared with the modern telephone, Illustrates the old tedious methods of "break ing" oolds compared with their almost In tantaneons cure by One Minute Cough Cure. 0. H. Hagenbuob. Deadlock In a Fireman's Convention. Atlantic Oitv, Jau. 18. There lg a lively fight on In the firemen's convention, whloh convened here last night The del. effate were still balloting at midnight and had reaohed no decision. The nomi nees are Charles Whlppay, Isaac Welseu thai and Bernard Conway. It looks as though the deadlock will continue for a week, aj it did two years ago. The Jurlos Trial Postponed. BaiDGBTOX, N. J., Jan. la The trial of Antonio, Lulgi and Charles Jorlo, the de mented Italians who olubbed their father to deuth lu Vluelaud, was postponed by tbe Cumberland county oourt yesterday until the May term, when tney may bo sent to tho asylum. They are kept uuder ball and chain to prevent them from do ing any further injury. Convict Died from His Injuries, Siva 810, Jan. 13. -Joseph Hoffman, the eourlot whose attempt at suloule last week by Jumping from the fourth tier of the stnte.penttentlary has beau attributed to the abolltlou of labor In the prison, died yesterday aa a result of his injuries. I had severe attacks of smmlsml VMn. trouble; and unable to get ajnediciue or uucwr mi cure me until t used Hop Bitters, and they cured roe in a short time. A DisTiNouirmD Lawyer or Waynk Co., N. Y. f7nl.nRT.KaH ivn Pnru s. ..;..i -.-. Juu..e n 1 . 1 deeply regretted that she was so colorless and 1 .l IT ! . ... . . aim ouiu. jier nice was loo wiille, and licr hands and feet felt as though the blood did not circulate. After one bottle of Hop Bitters had been taken she was the rosiest and healthiest girl la the town, with a vivacity and cheerfulness of mind gratifying to her friends. Womanly Woman OF THE OLD SCHOOL, ' At,o Mrwhnflv Pan TV I I KJ O Vr IIIVVIIW J - - - - - . Veneration, and is the Index of a Mind Stored With Lofty Ideas. MRS. SARAH BRADLEY. Between tho lines of Mrs. Bradley's statement as given Mow ono reads something of tho history of this devoted wife and mother. Buroly she has passed through tho furnace of affliction "heated doubly hot ' and the Joy that relgus In hor household on account of her restoration will bo snared by alargo circle of acquaintances. Mrs. Bradley Is a widely known pioneer resi dent of Brockway, Trumbull Co., Ohio. It is with a view to helping others who aro sufferers from nervous disorders or disease of the heart, that she 3ends us tho statement of her case, which Is certainly one of the most com plicated in medical history, and should convince tho most skeptical reader that Dr. Miles' remedies euro when all other means fail. "Twelve years ago the 25th day of last December I was compelled to takr to my bed on account of extreme nervousness. My husband said he would rather go to tho penitentiary than through another such siege an ho hnrt witu mo for a few years previous. Little did he suspect he was tnen on tho eve ot s twelve year campaign. Wo employed fn all twenty-six different pnyslcia::.., the best wo coufd Gear of, anrf it cost us over 82,000.00, but I only grew worse. I becamo wholly unablo to walk, and they carriedme from one room to another. I becamo so nervous tho doors aad to be cushioned, tho clocks were stopped and tho family went about in their stocking feet. 1 was so miserable that lifo seemed unendurable, and all I asked for was death. Tlio doctor said my cxtremo nervousness was caused by excresence of the uret lira and performed four different operations, which nearly cost my life eiich time, but no benefit resulted. To give mo strength strychnine was given mo every day for fivo years and calomel every third day for three years. My headaches wero terrible, especially in lower back part of head, and sharp pains between shoulders, down my back and side of limb. My back wad scarred and cupped for three years and blistered the whole length with fly blisters. Nothing 1 ato would digest, but simply distressed me. Worse than all, however, was my nervous fear. I was so full of fear I dared not eat, nor drink, nor try to walk or sleep, yet I did not know what I was afraid of. I was a wearisome burden to my friends. At last the druggist persuaded my husband to have mo try Dr. Miles Restorative Nervine. The first bottle was not finished before I could cat with a relish and was able to walk, and before I had taken three bottles was able to do my own work, and after taking six bottles I am cured. My weight has increased over fifty pounds. No words of mino are able to tell tho good it has done mo and I never tiro of telling to others the story of my cure." Mits. S. Bradley. Sold by all Druggists. Book on Heart and Nerves, Free by Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, ln . Dr. Miles' Nervine Summer Heat HOP BITTERS LL BRACE YOU UP. ) THE BEST OF ALL TONICS. For over 25 years it has been curing thousands of cases of Biliousness, Indigestion, Malaria, Nervous Prostration, Kidney Troubles, Sc. It Purifies the Blood, gives you an Appetite, and Helps you Digest what you Eat. Take It now and get your system in shape to stand the cold weather. PRESCRIBED BY ALL EMSNENT PHYSICIANS. HOP BITTERS CO., NEM YORK. Sold by P. P. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa. BometitEM needs a reliable, monthly, regulating medicine. Only harulee SUA tbe purest drugs should be used. If you want the but, get Or. Peal's Pennyroyal Pilfjs Thar an prompt, sale and cerUln In reso't. Tbe lonslne (Dr. Peal's) asnrdbip. nolut. Bent aujrwhsre, 91.00. Address JftLti. Xcbioixe Co., CloTtUad, O. For Sale by P. p. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa llinilllllllllllllllllHIllllllllllllllllHlflMilllllllllllMHIItlllllllHIIItllllllllllllllllll I ' ,1. - . - llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllllllllllllIIIIIUIt)MIIIIIIIIiruf BROM-KOLOA ALCOHOLIC, NERVOUS AND HEADACHES BILIOUS Cured by this granular efierveaoeiit and tlma laiit. An lititan t oure lor sour stomachs aud headaches, which often accumulate from having; a night out. JOHN F. CLEARY, BOTTLER OF CARBONATED DRINKS, 7 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah Celebrated Temrti. aaMM I mmmm !. UtU tUtV (UUr OUJhlf Wih IVuy rid IinrTovtl Till tod other Hi. o-ri t4ntii Aiwayabuy tht bet and Oil oim . 1 G itt'jiitirHl Btiiwrtor to tul tKuert, PotfUW vfciiu tii.'uWrt. No L rvtlcui!, i oU, Dr. 8.' I I I t InsnireA OonfidGnce and ' Restores Health-i Wears You Out. y Hard Work means Sprains and Bruises. CURB nil such annoyances with RAINBOW LINIMENT.! It puts all pain to flight, and CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Cramps and Colic. Price 2S eta. and 10 cts. ptr bottle. Prepared by H. I. HAGKETT & CO., FhHMVeMa. ,111 TlInl.,,. J.. .. A gouuiD welcome wait you at JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Cor. ruin and Coal Sta. finest whiskeys, beers porter and ale ad'vTgara U "k010" "(' noe drinks Tear-n to Ml res. If you want to hire a sate and reliable "' ;?r.Hr'v,n or ,or working puntoaea pay HhleluV lively atable a vlJt. '1W constantly band at reasonable rate, JAM ES SHIELDS, No. 410 Bast Contra street. Opposite Reading railroad atuttou. 1