The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 06, 1897, Image 3

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TO tialn Flesh, to Bleep Well, to Know
What Appetite and Oood Digestion
Mean, Mako a Tost tf Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets.
Interesting Experience of an Indianapolis
No trouble Is more common or more mis
understood than nervous dyspepsia, l'oople
having It think tliat their nerves are to
blame and are surprised that they are not
cured by neiro medicine and spring reme
dies ; the real WMit of the mischief Is lost sight
of: tie stomach lithe organ to bo looked
Ni rvous dyspeptics often do not have any
pain whatever In the stnmaoli, nor perhaps
nny of the usual symptoms of stomach weak
ness. Nervous dyspepsia howtJs4tself not in
the stomach so much as In nearly every other
organ ; In some cases the heart palpitates
and Is IrreRUkr ; In others the kidneys nro
nffrctcd j In others the bowels are roustipated
with headaches; still others are troubled wltl
loss of flesh and appetite, with accumulation
of gas, sour risings and heartburn.
Mr. A. W. Sharper, of No. 61 Prospect St
Itidlauapnlls lnd., writes as follows: "A
motive of pure tfralutlde prompts me to
write thcc few lines regarding the new and
valuable medicine, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets. I have been a sufferer from nervous
dyspepsia for the last four yean; have used
vnrlons patent modlcinos and other remedies
without any favorable result. They some
times gave temporary relief until the effects
of the medicine wore off. I attributed this
to my sedentary habits, being a liookkeeper
with little physical exercise, but I am glad
to shite that the tablets have overcome all
theso obstacles, for I havo gained in flesh,
sleep better, and am bettor In ovory way.
The above Is written not for notoriety, but is
bated on actual fact."
Itespectfully yours,
A. V. Sharpor,
01 Prospect St., Indianapolis, lnd.
It is safe to say that Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets will euro any stomach weakness or
diseaso except cancer of stomach. They
cure sour stomach, gas, loss of flesh and ap
petite, sleeplessness, palpitation, heartburn,
constipation and headache.
Send for valunblo littlo hook on stomach
diseases by addressing Stuart Co., Marshal),
A" druggists sell full sized packages at 50
Chlohettri EnsUih Diamond ilmnai.
Original and Only Genuine A
Arc, ilwftfi ratable, ladi ik
Drsgglst for ChtchMlhr t fMgllh Dl f
vumi Brand In ltcd and Gold Ditllioy
Iboxei, tcklsa vita biao n&Doa. Tuko vjy
Uon and imitation. Al TlrnggiaH, or ai 4o
to stamp Air tiart'culnri, ti atliuouUli t
"llru?r or Jjiiairiv its setter, vj rvmrn
fill YBSEE! 604 North Sixth St
Oil Sin 9 IlhEih Side enlranco on Creen St
vial UNXin imiaitxiul; (us years) ana Q
Years Hospital Experience In (let-many,
general Debility. Lost Vigor.-
.excesses and all other
effects of Youthful
folly of both sexes
Permanently cured after every one else lias failed,
Mo matter what aelf-stjlea great and ramour Doctors ar.3 special,
lata claim, write, print or aar, old lrw Thcci knows mors
about thcao dlaeaaca and bow to treat tbem a acccsarull? tban all
others combined, and they all know It too, to their sorrow.
X'oor and Rich, If you wcro robbed and victimised, and yoa
wlab to set lloneit and aailltul treatment, try once more old
Ir. Thecl, and ba wltl onre yoa positively If care U possible,
Wo llrceritlen, no Falsa ICcprcscntatlon. Fresh, cases
fared, la i to 10 Bays. Send lire 2-ccol alampc for Truth
neat of all for Slnelo or Harried, young or old. Only Book ex.
posing qnacks. Honrs! 9-3. Evenings! 6-9. Tloura for exam
ination and treatment In seeming hopeless and dangerous cases,
Oally,0to8. Wed. ana Sat. evgs., 6 to 10. 8un.,0tola. Treat
ment toy mall. Sirlotest secrecy Cunrantecl. PoaltlTelr
an loweat chqrgca In this dly for the heat treatment.
The Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.
Will Revive any Lapsed Policy
on which flf ty-t wo successive weeks premiums 1
. In nr rears thirteen woeks or more, prorlded 1
t were reoeireu. ana on wmca ino premiums are i
me ure before uiBurca is in aooa J.eaaiu.
AuDlvtoTour local finrwrintendent.
' two kinds of policies to offer in such c
. one restoring your policy BUbJect to a loan for
' premiums in arrears without interest, and the
l other b new policy in full immediate benefit .
' without any loan, but for the amount tilled (
r 07 me 01a pronuum an we prei
9 preeent table.
For Weak and Run-Down People from
Childhood to Old Age.
WHAT iT IS ! The rlcheatof ill reatoratlrs
Foods, because it replaces the same substances
to toe blood and neryes thai are exhausted la
tbese two IIIh-k Irlnit fluids bj disease, InalirestloB,
high living, over ork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc
WHAT IT nOES ! Br making the blcfd
P'WSpa rich, and Jhelif-eatlon r-erfeot, it eredtes
eQjldnsah.mnscleand Preriehi The nerresbe
lag mails strong, tbe brain becomes actlre end
clear. For restoring lost vitality and stoppingall
wasting drains end weakness In either sax, it has
h. . I rs& wn, vnnDB WfflrHN T
U13 Chestnut SU FhUsdelfihl.
To out oaatonieri : WOULD YOtT CARE
dentil payable monthly. Ptmioaliri free. Adtlrtm, Welt
em Financial Co., nft Detrborn strMt, Oht&i, 111.
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.,
West Coal Street.
store Throat. Pimntna.s. CnnnarJI
IUU Colored Boots. Aubva. bid HuresH
Uers la Uouth, Ualr-iaJllnzt Writs COOKS
t juaauai m. tju.. uo, Alusoula rrmole.
Xtal. MSUO.OOO, Worst casts ni In W
uai.uru. sis., iw proots oi curss. i uui
bio Ufa slays. AUUpa0;e book. rrec.
Battle Between Warring Faotions
in Bay Oity, Mioh,
rouB People wbee wounded,
Of There It Is Feared That One Will Dli
from tha llrutal lloatluK ltocolved l'ftt.
sonaga ltlildlcd with Stones uud 1'rlait
l'nt tn rilElit.
Bat City, Mich., Jnn. 0. A thousand
of the warring far Hon of Poles, vrho art
ilotornilnod that Futfior JJognokl shall not
olllolato ns tholr prlust, nttnoked the par
sonngoof SU Stanislaus church yestordnj
and stormed It for ovor an hour. AH th
windows were broken and tho doors tat
tered down. Tho ontlro police force wni
unable to quiet the mob. Father Qogaokl
finally surrendered and was drlren to s
priest's house. Tho polloo took possession
of tho pnrsonago. Joseph Yoohomovltorj
was shot In the body and fatally Injured.
Dotoctlvo Fitzgerald, who was guarding
tho boleaRUorod pastor, was arrosted
charged with firing tha shot. Mrs. Joseph
Torskowskl was shot In the leg.
AVhon tho riot began Father Bogacki and
a dozen guests who wore with hlui rotroated
to tho sooond storyandflredon tho most ob
stroperous loaders of tho mob. Stones,
clubs and other missiles wsro used al
weapons by the attacking crowd and by
those who undortook to defend tho house.
Two of tho priest's body guard, Joseph
Dartkowlaok and Alex Yonkowlask,
Jumped from wlndbws and tried to esoopo,
but tha mou pounded. Worn into lnsonsl
blllty In sight of a squad of policemen.
Bnrtkowlnok will probably die.
The Interior of tho parsonage is a mass
of ruins. Over a hundrod b jttles pf wine
from tho cellar wera distributed among
tho crowd. Soveral arrests havo been
mado. Tho lnsuranco oompanlos have can
celled tha lnsuranco on the ohuroh prop
erty, which is valued at 1100,000. It is
guarded by a detail of police.
Tho row has beon on for nine months
and began with demonstrations against
Fathor Matkowaskl, Father Bogasoki's
predecessor. Hostilities ceased a few weoks
ago after a Sunday riot by both sides sub
mitting the matter to Mgr. Martlnolli. It
broko out again through the priest's re
fusal on Sunday to bury a deceased mem
ber of tho warring faction from the
church. Tho original dispute is over tho
church books, whloh one faction wants to
soo and which request Bishop Rlchtar has
The Cost of Armor Plate
Washington, Jan. 0. Secretary Hor
bert yostorday transmitted to oongresshla
reply to a provision in tho last navhl ap
propriation bill directing him to examine
Into tho aotual cost of armor plate and re
port to congress. The main contention In
congress was that tho government was
paying too muoh for armor plates. -The
present cost of armor la $B88 per ton, Mr.
Herbert conclusion Is that tho oost of.
material and labor is f 108.70. andallowlna
for the cost of maintaining tho plant and
the nickel now furnished by tho govern
ment, and SO per cent, profit to tho com
panies, tho net cost to tho government
would be In round numbers $400 per ton.
The Carnegie and Bethlehem companies
havo both oxprossod a dQslro to sell out
their plants to tho government.
Agrloaltarltts Urge Protection.
WASniKUTON, Jan. 6. Tho agricultural
schedule of tho tariff law, which was con
sidered yesterday by the ways and moans
committee, lusplrod statements from the
representatives of a wide range of Indus
tries. There was a conflict between Mex
ican cattloincn and Congressmen Curtis,
of Kansas, over tho effect on cattle and
boof production In this country of tho
Wilson .ratos. Representatives of tho
Pennsylvania and Virginia granges nskod
for bountlos on agricultural products.
Tho southern rlco growors argued tho ne
cessity of higher protection, and similar
arguments wero presented by California
fruitgrowers, Philadelphia seodmon and
macoitronl makors, whllo importers of
Bermuda potatoes and onluns wantod
Ilanhs Will Itestiuie Business.
HOIXIDAY..UUKU, Pa., Jun. ft Assur
ances wero tfiVQU to tho depositors of the
First National bank of Hollldavsburgaud
tho Mnrtlnsburg Donnoit Ijitnk, whloh
closed t'n'ir door ti.ttw wo iks ago, that
both wo'ui . '.o abl ; c ra-aiao buslnoss in
ft -v ,lys. It is undui'f'o.,1 that Chief
Li Kxnuuner Hart, of lJn.ladolphla,has
muue a i.tvumblo report on the condition
of the national bank, and an official an
nouncement of that fact Is expected from
Comptrollor Eokols. Tho Williamsburg
bank, which wont down In the crash, is
said to bo a hopeless wreck.
Truclted Ills Victim for Two Years.
Akhon, O., Jan, 0. A man narnod
James McCuo, 34 years old, whoso hornets
at Johnstown, Pa., ontorod tho sheriff's of
flco yesterday and voluntarily confessed
to tho murder of Dick Sponcor, who was
found dead with his skull crushed in a
kiln lit AVeuk's pottery In East Akrqnlast
Thursday morning, Ho says that about
two years ago Sponcer did him an Injury,
and that ho has boon following him from
town to town evor slnco to get his revenge.
The Indianapolis Monetary Conference.
Indianapolis, Jan. 6. Tho success of
the national monetary conforonce, which
begins In this olty on Jan. IE, is assured,
and it is now believed that between 450
anil SOO dologates alono will assomblo In
Tomllnson Hall on that dato. A number
ofolties and towns havo written to say
that they havo appointed delegates. Ex
Governor Stanurd, of St Louis, will In all
probability ba choson temporary chairman
to open the convention.
Frozen to Death lu the llllzzard.
ST, PApL, Jan. a Roprezontatlve Mo
Grath, of Baruesvlllo, Was oxouted from
rtttflnilauco on tho loglsluture yostorday,
havhiR reoelyed n telogram that ms
brother was frozen to death in Sunday's
blizzard. Two children of John Pa tit, ot
Hunter, N. D., were frozen to death la tho
storm. Thebloskade by the blizzard Is
greater than ' rst ostimfttsd. No trains
have ranched .Argo from any dlreotlon
slaoe Sunday morning.
I)au Stuart l'osts Ills Forfeit.
Jbhsby Citv. Jan. 1. Lute yostorday af
ternoon Dan Stuart met Al Smith, who
has been agreed upon at final stakeholder
In the Corbett-litzslinmons matoh. In
jersey wy, anu postea witn mm ?5,poo as
a guarantee ot good faith. This money
will form a part of tho purse In the ovont
ot the fight taking plaoe. Should Stuart
fall to bring the men together as agreed
upon tho $6,000 will be forfolted.
Blieumatlsm Cured In a Day.
"Mystlo Cure" for Kheumatlsm and Nou
ralgla rudleally cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon the system is reinarkablo aud
mysterious. It removes at onco the cause and
the disease imniedlataly disappears. The
first dose ereatly benellts.
T. F. Anthony, ex-Postmaster of Promise
City, Iowa, says : "I bought ouo bottle of
Mystic Cure for Itkeumatlsni, and two doses
of It did me more eood than any modiolus I
ever took." 76 oents.
Hold by C. II. llageiibuoli, drUEslst, Shen
andoah. Ask your crocer for ao "Royal Tatent'
(lour, and take no other brand, It is the best
flour made.
The smallest
grain of ttnlllne
will color a tor.
of wine. A
grain of per
manganate of
Sotastiwlll red
en seven thou
sand times its
weight of water.
The most tri
fling disorder
will disarrange
evsry organ of
the body and
cause eventual
disease and
death. It is the
little ailments
neglected that
make the big
diseases. Most
serious diseases
have their in
ception In a disordered digestion and faulty
nutrition. This is true of that most dead! f
of diseases consumption. It is also true
of nervouc prostration and exhaustion and
also of all forms of wasting disease. Ail
ments of this description may not only be
prevented but cured by a resort to the right
An unfailing cure for all diseases thA
have their origin in disorders of the diges
tion and faulty nutrition is found in Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It
cures digestive disorders, restores the appe
tite, Invigorates the liver, purifies and en
riches thk blood, builds healthy fleoh and
muscle and drives out disease -germs. It
aures 9-3 pr cent, of all cases of consump
tion. Thousands have testified to these
facts, Dnlgglits who suggest substitutes
are dishonest.
Mrs. Ursul:
W. Va.. write
da Dupham, of BUtersvllle, Tyler Co.,
tea: " I should nave been dead had it
iryour medicine. I was neatly dead
not nten loryour
when I began taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medl
tal Discovery. I had a coin In my side all the
time, had but little appetite, and
trrew very thin
The 1 Golden Merjlcal plseove!
the pain, restored my appetite,
promptly curea
ana increasea
my weight.
Dr. Pierce's wonderful free book, "The
People's Common Sense Medical Adviser,"
will be sent "paper-bound, for twenty-one
cents In one-cent stamps to pay the cost
of mailing only. Address Dr. H. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. y. For handsome, durable
cloth covers, beautifully stamped, send ten
cents more (thirty-one cents in all), to pay
extra cist for this style of binding.
Uhc 88 Sun.
The first of American Newsjin
pers, CHARLES A. DANA.mUbr.
The American Constitution, the
American Idea, the American Spirit
These first, last and all the time,
Daily, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily & mail, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday Newspaper In
the world.
Price 5c. a copy. By mail, S2 a year,
Address THE SUIT, New York.
tvna tsft't fs aib "W'S:. .' " 4o. twuuhui s cPFt
K'i" J-" --et t: Co ,t--imi .r'
For sale, at Povlnsky's drug store. 28 East
Centre street.
Cures general or special debility, wakeful
ness, spermatorhcea, emissions, Impotency,
paresis, etc Corrects functional disorders,
caused by errors or excesses, quickly restoring
Lost Manhood in old or young, giving vigor and
strength where former weakness prevailed. Con
venient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate.
Cure is Quick, and. Thorough.
Van ' ct dectived cy imitations: insist on
CATON'S Vitallzcrs. Sent sealed il your drug
gist does not have it. Price $1 per pkge, 6 for $5,
with written guarantee of complete cure.
I ntormatlon, references, etc, free and confidential.
Send us statement oi case and 25 cts. lor a week's
trial treatment. One only sent to each person. r
CATOH MED. CO.,C08T0N,Mftaq.
For aale at Kirlln'a drug store and Shenandoah
drug store.
lAlways FIRST
1 Gail Borden I
I Eagle Brand
For 15 years the leading brand. It U the
9 Best and ths most economical.
Grocers can tell
you why those
whobny SCOllg'S
keep coming back
used as an! for it. Strange
admixture to
ordinary cof
tnougu now long
it takes people to
try a new thing.
fee makes a
l delicious drink. p.S.;,.l
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinitj
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer
Tours to Cullfbrnln.
California has been most fittingly termed
the "Italy of America." All the delicious
bain), the cloudless sky, and the rich ver
dure of the great European peninsula are
duplicated in this sunny laud of the l'ftclflc.
llcru nature basks In the sunshineof her own
beauty; and here she lias established her
own sanitarium, where eternal spring in
spires everlasting youth. With the snow
mantled peaks of tho Sierras Upon the one
hand, the calm Pacific with I to soft breezes
upon the other,', ,;tl a verltahla paradise of
flowers, fruits anh plants between, man can
And and needs no lovelier laud. To visit
such a country is a privilege, a blewlug.
Tho Peunsylvan' llailronil Company,
recognizing the need of a more oomfortAble
and pleasant way of crossing the continent,
inaugurated a series of annual tours to Cali
fornia, running a through train of Pullman
nalaee oora from New York to tlio Pacific
Const, and stopping at The princtr (1 points of
nterest en route. The groat popularity of
these tours demonstrates the wisdom of the
For the season of 1867 three tours have
been arranged to leave Now York, Philadel
phia, and Pittsburg, January 37, February
34, and March 27.
Tho lint tour will run direct to San Diego
via St. Louis and the Santa Fe ltoute, and re
turn from San Francisco via Salt Lako City,
Denver, and Chicago, allowing five weeks In
The second tour will run via tho Mammoth
Cnvc and New Orleans toSau Diego, stopping
at tho "Cresceut City" during tho Mardl
Qras Carnival. This tour will return via
Salt Lako City, Denver, Oiualra, and Chicago,
allowing four weoks in California.
The third tour will run via Cliicago, Denver,
snd Salt Lake City, allowing passengers to re
turn by regular trains via different routes
within nine months.
All of these tours, either ' going or return
ing, will pass through the famous Colorado
region, Glenwood Springs, Leadville and the
liarden of tho Gods.
Rates from all points on tho Pennsylvania
Ilailroad System east of Pittsburg: First
tour, f310 ; second tour, $850 j third tour,
B round trip, and $150 ono way.
for detailed itineraries and other informa
tion, apply at ticket agencies, special book
ing ofijeos, or address George W. Boyd,
Assistant Genoral Passenger Agent, Broad
Street Station, Philadelphia.
For Hones, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hon,
and potjLxar.
000 Fage Boplt onTrcnttnnnt of Animals
and Chart Sent l'ree.
craiaj Fevers, nonarcetlons.Innammatlon
A'A"'11?1 Meuiunltls.IHIlk Fever. Btralns, I.ameness, Ithenmatlsm.
'..t).l)ltcniDer, Nasal Discharges.
Jl.II. Uots or llruhB, Worms.
Jt.K.Coushe, Heaves, l'neutnonla.
F.V.Collo orUrlpes, Ilellynche.
(J.(J. niiscarrlaio, Ilemorrhaset.
11.11. --Urlnnrynnil Kidney Diseases,
I.I.--Eruptlvo Diseases, ItUligc.
J.JX Ulaeasesof DlBesllon, aralysln,
Single Bottle (over SO doscs ,00
Etablo Case, with Speclflcs, ManndL
Veterinary Cure Oil and Medlcatofiy.OO
Jnr Veterinary Cars Oil, . . a.oo
EoM rrDnsntsIs) er ssst prepal'l ujvlitn and le ear
cjiaatltf sn rteslpi ef prise.
nrarnmiB'gsp. co., m omminam Bt,y.ri.
In tue 30 years. The ool? sneeetsfnl remedy for
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
snd Frostration, from over-work or other causes.
VI per vial, or s vials and large vial powder, forts.
8old l7 bmsf lata, er sat postpaid on rscalpt ot price.
iitarimBts'SEi). co., m in niuiam St., s.itk.
salo at I'ovlnsky's drug store, 23 East
Centre street
JkLi Jvrrou jjueaiet-n aiung aiem
orx. ImpoUncy-.SIeepieMnGsi.eto., caused
by Abase and other Excesses ana Indis
cretions. Thty quickly and surely
reetoro Lost Vitality in old or joung, and
fit a man for study, but laess or marriage.
PrAvant Innitv nnd PitiiuraDtirtn if
taken in time. Their ne shows i.medlato Improre.
ment and ellectf a OUIU3 whore oil others fall. In
eiet upon bavins tha conulno A.ux Tablets. They
have cured thousands and will cura yoa, We cUe a
positive written snarantea to effect a cure in each caso
or refund the money, l'rlca SO ceriv per pacltacR, or
six packasas full treatmentl for lvs.S. By mail, in
plain wrapper, upon receipt oi (irice.
plain wrapxtar. upon receipt oliirice. Circular free.
ttilcttgo, 1U.
For sale in Shennniloali, Pa., by A. Wasley
and H, P. Klrlln, Drucgists.
To all enlTerers of EltnOHS OP YOUTTT,
to ail ennerers or EUROIIS OF YODTIT,
AND WOJIltN, 203 Daces i cloth txnndl eev
ill esv
WU1 pos lvely euro you. Write or call.
DR ORR 329 N. I5t!i St. Phih.PlL
Wis sWUU SOjicart'CMtinumiipratUea.
Subject to Citizens party rules.
Of the Fourth ward.
Subject to Citizens party rules.
pf the Fourth Word.
Subject to Citizens party rules.
Subject to Democratic party rules.
M. P. C0NRY.
Subject to Democratic pnrty rules.
Subject to the Citizens vrarty rules,
jjion chief Bunauss,
Of the Fifth Word.
Subject to CiUzans party rules.
Of the Third ward.
Subject to CHImiis party rules.
or chief nuiianae,
Subject to Dstnooratle party rule
Subject to Citlsons party rules.
Of the Fourth Word.
Subject to CHtltena potty rulaa.
pOU COUNCIL, LBeoond ward.
Subjeot to Cittxeiia' party rules.
Senate Passes a Bill Bestriding
tbe Death Penalty.
Of Slur OfTonaet for Which the Dratli I'ers
alt)' Was 1'rrsorlbeil, bus lflvo Mow lie-tnalu--Another
ltatlleal ltetolutlon Its
EardlUB the War In Ottba.
WASItllTOTOir, Jan. a Tho senate yes
terdar passed the house bill abolishing
tho death pennlty In a large number ol
oases. The measure Is in tho line of re-
oent state laws abolishing capital punish'
ment, and applies the same prlnolple tc i
federal ofltanses, although tho ehange li
not eztendod to a total abolition of the
death penalty. The present laws, whloh
have oomedown from oolonlal tliuus, havt
a sanguluary aspeet, and prescribe doati
for sixty offenses of various oharaoter,
The bill passed yesterday reduces thest
offenses to Are treason, rape, murdei
and two offenses applloablo to tho army
and navy. In all other offenses hard laboi
for life is substituted as the maximum
punishment, and even in oases of murdei 1
and rape hard labor may bo substituted
if tho jury states in Its verdlot "without
capital punishment" J
During the day Mr. Call, of Florida, in-1
troduced resolutions calling for informa- ;
tlon ns to the condemnation ot Julio San- '
gullly at Havana to life imprisonment, 1
and also directing the seoretnry of state tc
demand Sangullly'g Immediate release.
JUr. roller, of Kansas, delivered a lengthy
speech in support of his resolution for a
national commission.
The house entered upon its work im
mediately after reassembling by taking up
tho Loud bill to amend the laws relating
to sooond olass mall matter. Tho whole
day was devoted to general debate on tha
measure under a special order whloh will
bring tho bill to a vote this afternoon at 4
o'clock. The goneral provisions of the bill
nro pretty well understood. Its prlnoipal
features nro tho denial to the mails ot
serial book publications at one cent pal
pound rates and the stoppage of the news
paper sample copy privilege.
Uepresantallve Sulzer, of New York,
Introduced a Joint resolution stating thai
the kingdom of Spain is not conducting
the Cuban war in accordance with civil
ized usages, and notifying Spain that "11
the barbarous manner in whloh the wai
has beon conducted does not ceaeo within
thirty days tho United States will recog
nize the independence of Cuba and main
tain it by force of arms."
Archbishop Fabre's Funeral.
Monthbal, Jan. 6. The f unorul sorvfes
over the body of the late Oathollo Arch
bishop Fubre was tho most gorgoous that
has beon seen hero in years, and was at
tended by thirty bishops, Including all ths
bishops of Canada, with tho exception ol
Mgr. Clenry, of Kingston, who was ill.
Two United States bishops were also pres
ent. Bishop Duhamel conducted ths
funeral service, but at the special request
of tho deceased there was no sermon.
When tho body had been taken out of its
temporary coflln to be placed In the vault
a strugglo ensued between the priests
surrounding the coffin to obtain posses
sion of pieces of tho lining as relics.
Ilordly any of it was loft.
x-Concressman Indicted for I.lbel.
Washington", Jan. 0. Tho grand Jury
has returned an Indictment for criminal
libel against ox-Heprcsentatlve Conn, ot
Indiana, the formor proprietor of the
Washington Times. A bench warrant f or
his arrest was Issued. Tho alleged libel
charged thatDlstrict Commissioner Trues
doll had used his public olllco for his per
sonal and private ends instead of the pub
lic good. Mr. Conn Is now In Indiana, but
it is understood will return shortly and
will glvo bonds to answer to tho Indict
ment. Ellison ltnlruHmt from Sine Sins.
SiNQ Sino, N. Y., Jnn. 0. Kniuk Elll
son, of Now York, was released from Sing
Sing prison yestordiiy, nfter having served
hlajterm forajsfiultiuijWilllamJHenrlques.
lie was sentenced on Oat. 0, 189!. For good
behavior borenteen months was taken
from his sentence, uud a short time ago
uovoruor Morton timber reduced tho sen
tence by flvo months and seventeen days,
tho tlmo Ellison spent In Jail before hla
ICeltef In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
ullevud in six hours by the "New Groat
South American Kidney Curo." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exccodiuR promptness in relloviug pain in
the bladder, kidneys, uacK ana every pan
of tho urinary passages in male or female.
It relioves retention ot water ana pain in
nassiuc it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief an cure this is your remedy.
Sold by Shapira's pharmacy, 10" South.ilain
Stm..o.uoir Fruitless Appeal.
Berlin. Jan. 0. The Kolnlsoho Zel-
tung prints a hitherto unpublished letter
from thu lute il. Stambiiloff, ox-premlor
of Bul ..'la, addressed to Prluco Fordl-
nand ut Carlsbad ton days prior to Stam
buloff's murdor, ontroatlng the prlnco's
permission for him to quit Bulgaria, for
which he had already repeatedly applied
in vain. The Kolnlscho Zoltung adds
that Prince Fordlnand did not reply to
the letter.
Marvelous ltesults.
From a lettor written by Itov. J. Gunder-
nian, of Dlmondalo, Slich., we are permitted
to maKo tins extract : i navo no hesitation
in rccommeudiiiB Dr. Kinz's New Discovery.
its tho results were almost marvelous in the
nwio of my wife. While I was pastor of the
lfaputt church at 111 ves Junction she was
urouglit down with l'neumonla succeeding
La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughlnz
would last houra with littlo Interruption and
it seemed as if she could not survive them.
friend recommended Dr. Kiuu's New
Discovery: it was qulok in its -work and
highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles
free at A. Wasley's drug store. Regular else
duo anu jfi.uu.
Steamer Three Friends Again r.lboled.
Jacksonville, Flu., Jan. 0. The
steamer Three Friends returned yesterday
from a fruitless search for survivors of the
wrecked filibuster Commodore. It was
thought that the seven men left on the
raft might still be floating, but n diligent
search revealed no evldenoe of them. A
few bit of wreckage were picked up, all
that remained of the vessel. The oruiser
Newark nooompauled the Three Friends,
and kept Its searchlight almost constantly
on the little steamer, for fear that It
might escape. So soon as the Three
Friends returned to port it was libeled for
the third time within a year ouarged wlty
having been engagod in a filibustering ox-
I had severe attacks of gravel and kidney
trouble i and unable to get a medicine or
doctor to curo me until I used Hop Bitters,
and rthey cured me in a short time. A
DtamxauwiiD lawyer or Wayns Co.,
Oolohlms and Cold. A young girl
deeply regretted tliat she was so colorless and
and cold. Her face was too white, and her
bands and feet felt as though the blood did
not circulate. After one bottle of Hop
Bitters had been taken she was the rosiest
and healthiest girl in the towu. with a
vivacity and cheerfulness of mind gratifying
to uer menus.
Buy Keystone Hour. lie sure tliat the name
Lsssia & IUbb, Ashland, Pa., U priuted on
every sack,
Publlihod Erery Snlurday
13 Astor Place New York.
Thb Outlook will be In 1907, as It ha lcrn
during each of Its twenty-seven years, a llUrtury
of Our Own Times. In (to various edltoHal
drpairtmenlB Thu Outlook glvm comintrt
review of the world's progress) j it follows: wlih
onre all the Iropoitant philanthropic and Indus
tilal movrmems nt the day ; has a enmph-te
department I religious news; devotes much
space lo the Interests of tbe home; reviews
current literature; furnishes cheerful table-talk
shout men and things; and, In short, alms to
give fresh Information, original observation,
and reasonable entertainment.
Hegtnning with the flfty-flfth volume, the
laper will oseume tbe regular rnngasine bIeo.
which will add greatly to Its convenience and
nttrnctlveness. THE OlTLOOK la published
every Saturday fifty-two Issues a year The
first issues in each month Is an illustrated
Mng,ixine Xunber, containing about twice as
many pages as the ordinary issues, together
with a large number of pictures.
Tbe price of Tils Outlook is three dollars a
year in advance, a less than a cent a day.
Wanted-An Idea I
Who can thick
ot some simple
thing to patent?
Protect your tdessj thsr may bring you wealth.
Write JOKS WUUnBUBCRN A CO., Patent Altnr.
DSf s. Waselbgton, D. C. for thslr Sl.MO prise otter
snd list ot two bstulred Inrenrtoos wasted.
Summer Heat Wears You Out.
Tor over 25 years it has teen curing thousands of cases .of
Biliousness, Indigestion, Malaria, Nervous Prostration,
Kidney Troubles, Sc. Ef Puri?is the Biood, dives yote
an Appetite, and Helps you Digest what you Eat.
Take it now and get your system in shape to stand the cold leather.
Sold by P. P. D. KIRUN, Shenandoah, Pa.
Bomettmeaneods s reliable, monthly, regulating medicine. Only harmless Us)
the purest drugs should be used. If yoa want tho bust, get
Olt. Peal's Pemree9 F33i$
Thsr sue prompt, sale and certain In result. The cenulne (Dr. TenVi) never dlaap
oolnt. Bent anywhere, 1,00, Address Pkai, ilKDiciKK Co., CloroUud, Q.
For Sale by P. P. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa
you felt in your shoulder when you
overcoat, tnis morning, means
and that means trouble for you unless you uso
which Is a positive curo for Bheumatism,
j Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sprains, Bruises,
Lameness, Cramps and Colic.
Price 25 cts. and E0 cts. per bottle.
y rreparsunjr h, o, UAUtUiri IS uy., rnuaueipnia. et
R jXjH, xfBi-cra-a-isxs
. IN BI'FEOT DKC 0. 19.
Trains leave Shenan Jonh an (ollws :
For Now York via riillbdelplilu lj'
2 10, 5 25, 7 10 a. m., 1233, 308 A.ld5t8 p. n
Sundays, 2 10 a. m. ,
Vot New York via Mnuch Chunlc, week day
5 215, 7 10 n. m., 12 33 and 3 08 p. m.
For Rending and Philadelphia, week days
2 10, 5 25, 7 10 a.m., 12 33, 3 08 and 5 58 p. m. Bur
days, 2 10 a. m.
For l'ottsville, week days, 2 10; 7 10 a. m., ant
12 88, 3 08 and 5 M p. in. Sundays, 2 10 n. in.
For Tumaqua and Mahanoy Olty, week day
210,325, 710 a. in., 12 33, 3 08 ami 558 p. tc
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For WiUlnmsport, Sunbury and 1-ewlnburj;
weekdays, 3 25, 1130 a. in., and 7 36 p. a
Sundays, 3 25 n. in.
For Mahanoy Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 3 25, 5 25
710,1130 a. 111., 12 33, 3 03,558, 7 26 and 9 6'
p. ni. Sundays, 2 10, 3 25 a. in.
For Ashland and Shainoktii, week days, 8 3fi
710, 1130 11. in., 7 35 atlU 9 3S p. Ul. BUD
days, 3 25 a. m.
For Baltimore. Washington and the Wosl Tit
B. & O. It. It., through trains km-i Heading
Termllinl, Philadelphia, (P. & R. II R.) at 8 20
7 65, 11 28 a. in., 810 and 7.27 p. Sundays
8 20, 7 00, 11 2(1 n. in., 3 48 and 7 27 p. in. Addl
tlonnl trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 3C
12 It 8 40 p. m. Sundays, 1 33, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, woel
days. 4 30, 8 00 a.m., 130, 4 30, 9 00 p. m. am
night. Sundays, 6 00 p. m.
beare New York via Maueh Chunk, woe
days, 1 30, 9 10 a. in.. 1 30 and 4 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, weel
days, 4 20, 8 35, 1005 a. m. and 4 05, 5 30, 11 J
p. m. Sundays, 11 30 p. m.
l.eavo Rending, week days, 136, 710, 10 Oi
11 56 a. S 00 and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 1 35 a. m
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2 55, 7 40 a. m.
12 30 and 6 12 u. m. Sundays. 2 35 a. in. '
Leave Tainaqua, week days, S 18, 8 60, 11 2B s
oi., l 7 au anu u 43 1. m. Sundays, 8 la &. m
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8 45, S 21
11 47 a. m., 2 08, 7 41 and 10 08 p. m. Sundays, 8
a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00
530, 9 37, 11 59 a. m., 1 12, 2 19, 5 20, 6 26, 7 97 an'
10 28 p. m. Sundays, 2 40, ' 00 a. m.
Leave Wllllainsport, week days. 7 42, 10 10
m., 3 86 and 11 41 p. m. Sundays, 11 16 p. lu.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street war! am
South street whaif for Atlantic Olty.
Weekdays Einiess, 9 00 a. m., 2 00, 400, 5 00
p in. Accommodation, 8 Op a. in., 6 80. p. m.
Sundays Ex press, 900, 1000 a. w Accom
modation, 8 00 a. in., 4 45 p. m.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, cornel
Asiawmo anu Araanaas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 83, 9 00 a. m.. 3 80. 5 80
p. ni. Accommodation, 8 15 a. in., 482 p.m.
auiwiays Kxpress, 4 uu, 7 80 p.m. Accommo
dation, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. m.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
Uen'l Superintendent. Gen' I Pass. A
A genuine welcome waits you at
Cor. flaln and Coal Sts.
finest whiskeys, beers porter and ale
ooiiStautly on tap. Oho lee ewperanee drinks
nnu isiapara.
Taams to Hlr.
If vou wank to hlrai a naf .aiui.i.
team for driving or for working purposes
pay Shields' livery stable a visit. Teaou
wHstauaiy on uanu ai reasonable rates.
No. 110 Kast Centre street.
Opposite Reading railroad station.
Ofllee : 80 West Centre street.
Can be consulted at all hours
Oftlce - F.;t! building, corner of Mala SHs
Centre street. Shenandoah.
Snenandnah, Fa.
Corner Market and Centre stre, t.
Lock Box M, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Having studied under some of the beet
masters Tp Ijondon and 1'arls, will give teesoni
on the violin, guitar and vocal culture. Terms
reasonable. Address In core of AtiauM, the
eweler. Bhenandoah.
The Rosy Freshness
And a velvety softness of the akin Is Inva
riably xbtalaed by those who use Posiom's
Oempfezion Powder.
put on your
ex:x.Xj it.
peppa. Railroad.
November 15,1390.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the abovs
date for Wlgtrang. Ollberton, Fraokville, Dark
Water, St. Clair, Pottsvllle. Hamburg, Reading,
Pottetown, l'hoenlxville, Norristown and Phil
adclphla (Broad street station) nt 5 08 and 1105
a. m. and 4 20 p. m. on week days. For PoH.
vllle and Intermediate stations 9 17 a. ns.
For Wlggans, Ollberton, Fraekville, Dart
Wnter, St. Clair, Pottsvllle, at 6 M, 45 . m. sdC
8 10 p. in. For Hamburg, Reading;. PrsMstorrn
Plioenlxvllle, Norristown, Philadelphia at 5 8
9 45 . m., 3 10 p. m.
Trains leave Frockvllle for Shenandoah at
10 40 a. m. and 12 81, 5 41, 7 52 and 10 47 p. su.
Sunday, 11 13 a. m. and 5 41 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandotah at 10 IS
a. m. nnd 5 15, 7 25 and 10 20 p. rn, Sunday sr)
10 40 a. m.. 5 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street atasiou), lo
Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a. m 4 10 and 7 11
p. m. week days. Sundays leave ,U S 50 a. m.
Leave Brood street station, Philadelphia, toa
Soa Girt, Asbury Park, Ooean Grove, Lost
Branch, and Intermediate stations, 8A0 11.14
n. m., 30 and 4.00 p. m. week-daire.
Leave Broad Sticet Station, Philadelphia,
Kxpress, week-days, 3 20, 4 0a, 4 50 5 15, 5 SO.
7 38, 8 2f, 833, 9 60, lu 21 mining Carl, 11 00 a m
12 00 noon, 1 2 35 (Limited 100 and iii t..m
Dining Cars), 140, 2 30 (Dining Oar) 8 20, la),
4 CO, 5 00, 5 56 (Dining Car). 6 00, 8 50,612, 10 00,
p. in., 12 01, night. 8undu s, 3 20, , 4 50. 6 15,
8 20,888,9 50, 10 21, (Hiring Car, 1180 a m
12 85. 2 80 ( Dinlnc Car). 4 00 l LimltMtS 92 lil,,l.
Car), 5 20, 5 56, (DinliiB fur), 6 35, 6 80,8 12, 10 00
p. m., 12 01 lllfctlit.
ilxpreaw :or uoston w Itlinut change, H 00 a iu.,
week-days, and 8 50 p. m., daily.
For Baltimore and Waahlinrton. a 50 r m a n
10 20, 1128 a. m., 12 09 (12 81 Uinited Dbv
ins; Car), 112, 8 18, 4 41 (5 19 ( omrressAoxusl
Limited, Dining Car), 6 17, (
7 40 (Dining Oar) p. .,
o (LttulugOuJ,
mill lam nla-am
week days. Sundays, 8 50, 7 20, 0 3. 11 26 .
m., U 09 1 12, 4 il (SU Congressional Umlt
I' " iJ",'ii'K mil, iw a m.
Uining uar; ana 12 00 niK'it.
Leave Broad struct stntlnn l'i,ii..i..i.i. . i
Delaire river bridge), express, 702 p. m,
. B",vSM.Brke trei t Ferry, express, 8 50ara.,
2 00, 4 00,510 p. m. Sundays. 8 45, 9 45 a m.
Anuuuuuuuaiiiin, n uu, n au, a. m , 8 20 ana 4 20
I). in., week davs. Huit.lnvu u rui a IK a ... a rm
and 500 p. in. '
ir MYl Anglessea, Wlldwood and
Holly Beach, and Sea Isle Cil v, Ocean . ily auid '
A valon Kxpress, 9 00 a. m ', 4 00 i. m week
days. Sundays. oo , m.
For Boiuera Point. Kxpress, 810 lm, 4 00
S. m. week days. Sundays 8 45 a. m.
.M. I'BBVOST, .1 HWoon.
Qen'l Manager. (jen'l Paas'g'r As.
nillions of Dollars
aoupinimoke every year. Take M
tUka but set your houses, slock, (ns.
?, , ,r' et0-' 'W""! In IlrBt-class ra
table coupauies as represented by
DAVID FAUST lBran Aircnt,
UtX ' lL rJlUJ1 120 South Jar liu "it.
Also Life and Accidental Companies
A Handsome Complexion
Is one of the greatest ekarmc a woman n
pOMeas. Powaiara Ouiwmuv VtHM
. ' a. . 'a f ' VrMwhs. -it. i r i -' leismM
"HsTBrfrV -"-'-mi ,1 L.