The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 06, 1897, Image 2

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    EVENING HERALD nt irto.
PaMtohed Try ICveitlng, Rxeept flnnday , a
' South Jabdi Srinn, Na Cwitrnn
n. Harnlil Is deltvm ed In Hhenanrtoon and the
i -rounding towns for si cento a week , pay
hle to the oirrterr.. By mall W OO a year, or 38
i it a month, iiaynble in advance. Advertlsr
nls oharged according to space ami position.
publishers rtwirvn the right to change the
wwtttnn of advertisements whenever the put
lotMnn of now demands It. The right In
Hrred t reject any advertisement, whether
a' 1 for or not, that the publishers may deem
iironer. Ailvertlelna rate made known
on apuHoAtiim.
Karnd at the postnfrlce at (thenandoah, Pa., ar
woad claaf mall matter.
Evening Herald
Boies Penrose wan last night named by the
RepuMiean caucus as tbo party's candidate
for United States Senator to sneoreA J.
Donald Cameron. The party has said "thou
hast done well, io up higher," and Mr.
Penrose wiil do credit t the great Keystone
state In the highest councils of the nation.
There has been no doubt of the result by
those who have followed thr contest, which,
unfortunately, has in some sections been
waged with some bitterness but the people's
representatives have acqtiletred in the will of
tlie majority and the nomination was made
unanimous. While Mr. Wanaroaker was
brought forth to make the fight, it was the
old light of the Martln-Megee combine for
control of the state, which was routed in 1806
when they cunningly drew the (loveruorof
the state into the contest, and every liepuhli
can should feel gratified at the result. Witli
the election of Crow lo the Shrievalty, and
Penrose to the Senatorship the lines are
being tightened about the Philadelphia
combine which will inevitably end iu its
total r nt.
Have you become accustomed to writing it
The now year Is well under way already,
and soon we will cease to think of it as a
Tuk Southern harbors should be provided
with proper defenses even if wo never have
a war, and the same is true of nil the other
harbors of the country.
The Bloomsburg Daily takes six lines to
acknowledge the gift of a gallon of cider to
the printers. What would that editor do if
he got a keg of beer ?
Mayor Fbnjiovjbr, of Portland, Ore., in
declining to take more than one-half of his
legal salary of 8,000 lias set nn example
which will not be followed to any alarming
Two bclipsks of the sun will be visible in
the United States this year. The only uvont
of that class which was visible in this country
last year was the obscuration of William
Jonnlngs Bryan.
The Democratic Senators who hate Clove
land have attacked him iu many different
ways, but they always retire with an expres
sion like that of a man who has kicked a hat
with a chunk of granite undor it.
IT is stated by the New York Journal that
if tbo wealth of Greater New York wore
divided among its 3,600,000 inhabitauts each
one would have $8,800. It is no wonder
every long haired loafer in that town is a
It is said that the European powers will
give thtir assent to the Anglo-American
arbitration protocol. Of course that treaty
really concerns only the two signatory
powers, but it is pleasing to know that other
nations recognize the principlo of interna
tional arbitration as both humane and
A NEW bauk organized in Webster, S.
Dak., proved to be insolvent before it was
ready to open fur business. Other banks In the
West are falling, but iu all cases they prove
been to have ou the verge of bankruptcy
for some time. When all the dust clears
away it will be evident that the convulsion is
simply due to the fact that business Is settl
ing down on to a solid basis.
While the temperauce people are almost
heaving the nation from its foundations in
their efforts to destroy tho use of alcoholic
drinks, the chemists and others aro con
tinually discovering or finding out new
intoxicants or methods of produoiugexhilara
ii'is. Alcohol, says the Lancaster New Era,
i simply one of the many means adopted in
ese days to induce intoxication or similar
suits in the human system. Sulphuric
'her, morphine, ohioral, cocaine and other
s ibetauces have been adopted as substitutes.
ixiine chemist has discovered a remedy for
asal catarrh, being a snuff compounded of
icaine, magnesia, menthol and ono or two
..her things. But it was soon discovered
tnat this remedy had other propeities, that it
had other qualities, producing exhilaration
of the most seductive kiud. This snuff, to
gether with other recent preparations, seems
.to indicate that there will be plenty of work
to do even after alcohol has been driven from
the field.
Somi idea of the effects of the insurrec
tion in Cuba is conveyed by the Custom Hdue
returns at Philadelphia. In 18M over twenty
million dollars worth of Cuban sugar came to
that port; in 1886 this was reduced to ten
millions ; last year the imports of sugar
from Cuba were but slightly over two million
dollars In value. Of course, the loss had to
be supplied elsewhere. The total value of
the sugar imports last year was nearly seven
tees million dollars, over a million more
than the previous year, but only one-eight of
this came from Cuba, whence we formerly
got nearly all and only two years ago three
fourths. Demand always calls forth a supply
and commerce is now so well organized that a
decline in production in one country soon
stimulates Increased production elsewhere.
Thus the beet farms of Central and Eastern
Europe have taken the markets relinquished
by the Cuban eane plantations, and it will
not be a simple matter te regain them at
once, even with tranquility restored.
Tut item curreit in the newspapers
several weeks ago stating that Judge Savldge,
now sitting at PotUiille, at a recent meeting
ot the State Bar Association, was mad tb
chairman of a special committee whose pur
pose it is te establish a uniform code of
practice, suggested only a very paltry Idea of
tii full sigaiAcaace of this action. lit an
swer to a query as to the changes contem
plated, those that would particularly affect
our coal region. Judge Savidge recently said
that the granting of citizen's privilege to
foreigner should conform to one plan In
every county, whereas such is not the can.
Taking It for granted that the foreigner who
desite naturalisation should undergo soeaa
examination as to qualifications, it is but
reasonable that the test. If any, should he
similar in every court of the Commonwealth.
In l.iir.sruc county there has i-ever been
a pictenie to examine applicant for sneh
stutr 'crs; everyone that applied was
nutm-aliaed, except for special reasons.
Northumberland county's practice In late
yea 1 1 his conformed to the Idea uf the judge,
tliat no one is eligible except ho have a
k nowlodge of the fundamental facts of human
intelligence and can realise in general terms
what his relatione as a unit of our cltf sen
ship would mean. The knowledge pos
artscsned should not necessarily be f the
schools of our country alone. If be should
be a native of t.,sia, he ought to have heard
of Peter the Otml; if Qermany be his native
home, the nances of Wllbelm and Bismarck
should be familisr to him; or to an Italian,
the name of Uurll-aldl. A uniform code for
the granting of divorces will also be recom
mended, as also certain fixed rules and
limits of time far Ailing auditors' accounts
and other legal pilf ers.
Remember If Yon Have a Cough or Cold,
Pan-Tina alw.iys cures, 3Sc. At Gruhler
Urns., drug store.
gqnaiitttred Fo it line for Drink,
Bcffaix), .Inn 6. Vro.l M. Inglelmrt, a
well know a DufTalo attorney who Is now
confined In the Middletown Insane,
asylum, is nllegod to hare misappropri
ated a Inrito sum of money belonging to
hlsollents, buaides aqunmlering his own
fortune. IS x Judge Ghtorge A. Lewis, who
has charge of Mr. IngleliHi-t'satTntrs, says:
"Mr. Iiiftlehnrt's liabilities reach more
than 160,000, and there ure no assets. A
portion of (his money was appropriated
from what belonged to his clients. That
.may reach (J5.0U0." Mr. Iuglelmrt's
'downfall was; due to drink.
Twenty Convicts Pardoned.
SLR!sai'iE..u, Ills., Jan Governor
Altgeld yesterday pardoned twonty con
victs, twelve of whom were oharged with
murder. The sentences of the latter
ranged from nhnrt teruisformnnslnughter
to imprisonment for life for murder In the
ilrst degree. The reason given by the
governor for the Issuance of the pardons
was that they were recommended by tho
stnte's attorneys of the counties repre
sented. to cum: a;com ikioxi: day.
Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
25 cents.
No Hats In Chicago Theaters.
CmoAoo, Jan. 0. The city council has
passed an ordinance prohibiting tho wear
ing of nuy hnts in theaters. The ofTonso
is pronounced as a misdemeanor and pun
ishable by n flno of not less than f 10 nor
more than $35. The feature of it Is that
the persons who wear the hats are not
lined, but the managers of tho theaters.
Yolo and Harvard Still nt Odds.
Nbw IIavejt, Jan. 6. Negotiations bo
tweon Ynlo and Harvard looking townrd
a renewal of athletics can no longer be
said to be pending. On the contrary, thoy
are apparently broken off short, and a
boat race, as well as a contest In other
branches of nthletios, is as far off as nt tho
oponing of tho broach two years ago.
This is tho complaint of
thousands nt this season.
They have no appetite; food
doesnotrelish. They need thetonlngupof
the stomach and digestive organs, which
n course of Hood's Sarsnparilla will give
them. It also purifies and enriches tho
blood, cures that distress after eating and
Internal misery only a dyspeptic can
know, creates an appetite, overcomes that
tired feeling and ouuaa up ana sustains
tho whole physical system. It so prompt
ly and efficiently relieves dyspepticsymp
toms and cures nervous headaches, that It
seems to have almost " n magic touch."
Is the best In fact the One True Mood rurifler.
. r.ii are 'he best after-dinner
Hoot! S PUIS pills, aid digestion. 26c
IN 1897.
FICTION : The Martian, the new novel by
Iu Mai'kiek, the eagerly exacted siicccsbor to
"Trilby." began in Octolwr number, 1H96, with
illiMratlons from the author's drawing. A new
novel by Khask It. Stockton developing a
Twentieth Century Kcnuissanra full of humor
ous situations and characteristically illustrated.
A Fair of Patient Lovers, hy William Dean
IIowklu. Other striking novelties hy American
authors. Short ktories by JIahk Twain, Thus
Wistkk, John Kknijhkk IIamw, llt-rn JIo
Enrkv Hti-aict, Octavb Tiianet, Mauv 15. Wil
kin and other iKpu)nr writers.
SCIKNCK Ktnry of the progre of Selenee
during the Nineteenth Century, ntterleeof itajierg
by Dr. Hknhy Mmit.h Williams, supplemental
hy contributions on sieoial subject hy expert
scientist. A'lleleson the relations of ciiriouii
wychologlcat manifestations to physiology hy
fir. ANIIBfcW WlLbON.
AMKKK'AN HEATl'IlKS: The Mexico of To"
Day, a aeries hy F. I.i'.mmim, splendidly
illustlBttd the result of a recent vinit to Mexico
undertaken for UAUI'EK'HMAOAZINK. Mexiio
Is urcemineiilly n silver-producing country, nnd
iteJKiouetary oerutionN rest entirely ou a silver
hAls, Owing to the keen (IImcushIoii ot certain
economic problems fn connection with issues
of urgent importance in American politics,
lhee iiuiwra, will command general attention.
American Historical Paters ly Wooukow
Wilson, John Hack MacMaxtkh, and J am km
Rabnk. The true sury of Sheridan's Ride, hy
Gen. (i. A. I'oiimvth. Continuation of flow
klm's Personal Remlnltcencee of eminent
literary Americans.
rica, a fully Illustrated series ol papers ly
servatloiiH during a reoent trip to Africa, cover
Ihg the whole field of European exploitation of
that country. Illustrated art Idea by Hthphkn
Honsal, on the transformations going on in
Sastera Siberia, recently visited by the author.
Hoi'KINson Hmitm. Tho full story of the recent
Coronation of the Casr, by Hkhako IIahviko
Davix. i Hunt rated by K. C'aton Wooiiville, who
was commissioned by Queen Victoria to lwlnt a
picture of the ceremony.
Xavspaperi an Hoi lo copy this advtrtisemcnl
without the exfrest orjer of Jtarfer
4 Brothers.
lur uue year, - ' - - $4.00.
Postage free to all ntiscriters in the United
States. Canada and Mexico.
I. O. Ilex 9S9i N. V. City.
'ftajidauiM (liter fktllM
vfth Tau7 nJ PmiiyroyaJ i'llU awl nhr lilw
jautti- Aiwrnya ouy iu: uoh b wwar
The best
for shortening
and frying
Clean and healthful
No swine fat
Genuine Cottolene Is sold everywhere with trade marks "CfcMoIene" and
titer's head in colton-plant wreath on every tin.
A IwadMiBOlr tlluttrtted JMehrn Calendar of unlqae dMlrn, for 1WT, eentolnlng Three
ntmdfW sad Sixty-five selected lltelpei by the tt known tesotaere of and wrneM on
coefiery. WU1 b ont on receipt of this advsrtlBemeot and six cents In stsni ps.
Adellua Pattt
. arrived In Paris
Brazil has sold the cruiser Almlrnnte
Darroso to Japan.
Near Ilabooek, "Wis., three children of
Ole Delia, the oldest 5 years old, perished
In a fire which burned his house.
Many Canadians are now in most dis
tressing circumstances In Sao Paulo, lira
zll, ns result of glittering promises held
out to imml'iraut.
The prise of codfish In the European
market has dropped nlarmingly, and ex
porters at St. John's, N. V., are very ap
prehensive of tho result.
At Mlddleboro, Ky., mi attempt was
nnde to assassinate L. O. Combs, Hu
3red at the crowd, killing his nephew,
John Ileusley, and wounding another.
- - -
The old lady was right when she said, the
child might die if they watted for the doctor.
She saved tho little one's life with a few
doses of One Minute Cough Cure. Site had
used it for croup before. O. H. Ilagenbuch.
Thieving County Tretintlrcr Sentenoed.
WAYHKf.Y, D., Jnu. 0. Georgo Legs,
tho defaulting treasurer of Plko county,
who ombezzlod about $17,0J0 of tho coun
ty's money, pleaded guilty to tho crlmo
yesterday and was sentenced to eight
years In tho penitentiary and to pay a fluo
of twice the amount of tho defalcation.
Senator Vest Will be Ite-elected.
Jeffeusos City, Ho., Jan. 0. The
thirty-ninth general assembly assembled
hero at noon toduy. Tho most Important
action to be taken at tills session will bo
the selection of a successor to Senator
Vest. It is conceded that he Will bo re
elected. Queen Victoria Muy Abdicate.
London, Jan. 0. Tho Westminster Ga
zette gives promlnonco to a report that'
Queen Victoria has decidod to commom
orato tho fuct that sho has enjoyed tho
longost reign in English history by abdi
cating iu favor of tho Prince of Wales. JTamlne of the Century.
London, Jan. 0. A Bombay dispatch to
Tho Dally Mail rt ports that ail of the lead
ing journals there doscrlbo tho famine as
tho most widespread of tho presont cen
tury. It is the general opinion that tho
vlcoroy orrs In refusing English aid.
Ono of the most remarknhlo cures of
rheumatism on record is related by Mr. J.
M. Thompson, post master at Decker's Point,
Pa., as fuiiows : "Wiiilo out driving one
day last winter I was caught iu a cold
rain. Tho next morning I was unable to
move my head or arms, owing to an attack of
inllainmatory rheumatism, ily clerk tele
phoned for a physician, but suggested that I
use Chamberlain's Pain IUlm, thore being a
t linltlB.nan ,,,. h ri.i,i n,
affected parts thoroughly witli Pain Balm
and built up a hot (ire. I dozed off to slecr
and when I iwoke about half nn hour later
the pain had gone entirely, and I havo not
been troubled since People conio hole from
many miles around to buy Chamberlain's
medicines." For salu by Gruhler Ilros.
When you want good roofing, plumbing
gas fitting, or genoral tlusmithing done call
on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Ccntro street
Dealer ir stc-es 1-tf
Leading Newspapers
for the Price of
Tlio riilladflphla Press by npccial
firrnngen) outs, nt (treat cost, Is entitled to
nllthonws received hy theNcwYoilc
Timed, Worldj Journal, Chicago Tribune,
St. Louis Olobo Democrat, Oinelunati
Commercial Tribune and the lott?n
Journal, All this news U telegraphed to
The Vrem over special wires every night
nnd presented to it readers froth nnd
attractive every momlnff. Tide Is all tu
addition to tho servlve of The Vrmn
own si ft, Kreat corps of corrpndenfoi
and the Associated PreM.
8 Great Papers in 1
Greatest Feat Ever Effected In Journalism.
The : Philadelphia : Press
Pennsylvania's Greatest Family Newspaper
Devotes more attention to the household
and family than any other paper.
Has a page every day especially for
women, edited by the brightest women in
Gives daily a column of well tested cook
ing receipts which are of the greatest value
to every housekeeper.
All the news about horse written by
experts and thoroughly reliable.
Subscription : Daily Press 6.00 a year.
Daily and Sunday, $8.00. Weekly Tress, Jti .00.
Address : The Press, Philadelphia, Pa.
For "wants" of any kind, put a small
"ad" in The Press.
It Pays to Use Press Want "Ads."
A Citizens' Committee's Anncnl Tor the
Street ltnllwny Kinployes.
Boston, Jan. 0. The citizen's commit
tee, appointed at a mass mooting held ten
days ago to not In behalf of the employee
of the West Bud Street Hallway company
who were discharged for participating In
the recent strike, met yesterday afternoon
nnd Issued a long manifesto to the public
on the result of their labors, saying:
"The committee regret that they have
not met the board of directors of tho com
pany. Tho efforts of the men to obtain
justice are paralyzed by the dropping ol
407 men, among whom are tWr union
leaders, and no other cominhv?J of the
men will daro to npproaoh tab company
In the attempt to obtain an agreement se
curing their rights. The victory whloh
the corporation has gained over their out
ployes is decisive. Such a condition ol
things in Boston Is lntolorablc. Is thero
no remedyf
"Tho oommlttoo bollovo that It is not
ln'.posslblo that somo municipal authority
over tho streets of the city may oxlst which
can intervene for tho public wolfaro and
tho safoty of travelers, nnd require the con
tract between tho street railway and Its
omployes to bo so just nnd reasonablo as
to Insure contontod servlco by competent
mon. If no suoh municipal pov r exists,
tho committee rocommoud that unllca
tlon should be mado for it to tho legisla
ture of tho common wealth. "
Among tho members of the committee
aro ox-Congressman Michael J. MoEttrlck
and Iiobert Trent Paluo.
Absolutely nuro. perfectly harmless, and
invariably reliable are the qualities of One
Minute Couch Cure. It never falls in colils.
croup and lung troubles. Children like it lie-
cause tt is pleasant to taxo ami it neips tiicm.
C. H. Hagenhueh.
l'cffer's Chances for lle-electlbn.
Topeka, ICnti., Jan. 0. Among tho
members already on the ground to attend
tho opoulug of tho legislature next week
the principal tobio of conversation Is tho
raco for United States senator, to succood
Hon. William 1'offer. Thoro aro half a
dozen leading candidates In the flold,wlth
Potior hoadlng tho list, ho having appar
ently ton votos luoro than any ot his com
petitors. Scaly eruptions of tho head, chapped hands
and lips, cute,, bruises, scalds, burns aro
quickly curediby DoWitt's Witch Huzel
Salve. It is nt present the article most used
for piles, and it always cures them. C. II.
Young Sifiintici's Not a Murderer.
New York, Jan. 6 John Summors,
tho lnd who on Wednesday night laBt
killed John Guynor In a scuffle for the
posaosslon of a pooketknifo, was yesterday
acquitted of criminal Intent In the affair,
the coroner's jury finding that Gaynor's
death was due to not I dent.
A Year for a Thieving Letter Carrier.
Tubnton, Jan. 0. William J. Lott, tho
Newark letter otirrler who very recently
pleaded guilty of stealing a letter from tho
mails, was sentenced by Judge Klrkpat
rlok to one year's imprisonment In tho
Kssex penitentiary yesterday.
Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La
Grippe when Laxative Brnino Quinine will
cure you iu ono day. Piitnpiu tablets con
veulent for taking. Guaranteed tocuie, ol
money refunded. Prico, 26 cents. For sale
1 by Klrlin's Pharmacy.
A Mlohlg&n Man Offers to Send Hit Dis
covery Free.
Claims to Be
a- Eenefaotor
to Weakened
There is always more or lees suspicion
attached to anything that is offered free but
sometimes a man so overflows with generosity
that he cannot rest until his discovery Is
known to the world, In order that his fellow
men may profit by what he has discovered,
it is upon this principal that a resident o(
Kalamasoo, Mich., desires to send free to
mankind a prescription which will cure them
of any form of nervous debility ; relieves
them of all the doubt and uncertainty which
such men are peculiarly liable to and restores
the organs to natural else and vigor. As it
costs nothing to try the experiment it would
seem that any man, suffering with the
nervous troubles that usually attaok men
who never stopped to realize what might le
the final result, ought te be deeply interested
in a remedy which will restore them to
health, strength and vigor, without which
they continue to live an existence of untold
misery. As the remedy In question was the
result of many years research as to what
combination would be peculiarly effective In
restoring to men the atrengtli they need, it
would seem that all men suffering with any
form of nervous weakness ought to write for
such a remedy nt once. A request to H. C.
Olds, Box 1712, Kalamazoo, Mich., stating
that you are not sending for the prescription
out of Idle curiosity, but that you wish to
make use of the medicine by giving its trial,
will be answered promptly and without
evidence as to where Information camo from.
The prescription is sent free atid although
somo may wonder how Mr. Olds ijn afford to
give away Ids discovery, thero is no doubt
about tho offer being genuine. Cut this out
and send to Mr. Olds so that he may know
how you came to write him. lt-28-78t
Crnelty and lltntlny Charged.
NBW Yonn, Jan. ft Tho throe masted
schooner Clam A. Phlnnoy, with a cargo
of railroad ties from Brunswlok, Go.,
reached Perth Amboy, N. J., yesterday,
the crew accusing the captain nnd ownor,
A. I'hlnney, of cruelty, and tho oaptuln
alleging mutiny on the part of tho crow.
The sailors relate that on the voyago thoy
wore so cruelly treated that they agreed to
leave In a body whon they should reach
Ilrnnswlok. There, however, Captain
I'hlnney had them arrested and lodged In
jail. He had them kept looked up for nine
dnys, until the time for sailing had ar
rived, and then had them transferred un
dor a strong gunrd to the schoonornnd
kept them locked in the forecastle until
the vessel had put to sea. Then hero
loosed them and oompellod them by force
nnd cruelty to work tho schooner to Perth
Amboy, tho port of hor destination. Phln
noy soys that ho gave tho mon no cause
for complaint
Ono thing is certain: It will not do to
fool with a bad cold. No ono cau tell what
tho end will be. Pneumonia, catarrh, chronic
bronchitis, if not consumption, Invariably
result from a neglected cold. It is surprising
too, that bad oolds arc so often neglected
when one remembers bow easily and at what
llttlo expense tbey may be cured. Cham
berlain's Cough Uemedy Is always prompt
and effectual, and costs but a trifle; 26 or 50
cents Is a trifle as compared with the disas
trous effects of a neglected cold. Mr. Abner
Slercer, of Dilwortbtown, Chester County,
Pa., in speaking of this remedy, said : "Some
time ago 1 bad a bad cold and cough. I
tried almost everything. Finally Mr. Hunt,
tbo druggist, recommended Chamberlain's
Cough Ilemcdy, and ono 50 cent bottle of it
cured mo entirely." For salo by Gruhler
Ilros., druggists.
Antl-Spanlsh Demonstration In Paris.
Paris, Jon. ft Thero wns a mooting In
tho Salle de Rlvoll Inst night to protest
against tho torturing of annrchlsts In tho
prison in Barcolona, Spnln. Vlolont
speeches wero made, and at their conclu
sion 500 persons ni..rehod to tho Spanish
ombnssy in tho lionlevnrd do Courcollos
Blnglng tho "Cnrmnguolo" and "Co Irn,"
and Bhoutlng "Conenuoz Cnnoves." Tho
pollen dispersed the mob and arrostod sev
eral of tho momlrcrj.
A New Governor's lleronvement.
BlSMAitCK, N. D , Jun. 0. Governor
Frank A. Bnrgs took the oath of ofllco
nnd nssumeu nit position as governor yes
terday. A MiOtiliarly sad coincidence In
connection v li the Iniuigunitlon was tho
fact that w' tho oath of oflloe was be
ing ndmlni ,irod tho governor received a
telegram n jouncing the death of his old
est doughU)., Stella, at Minneapolis. Mr.
Briggi leuves at onco for Minneapolis.
Kremis, Mercer County, Pa. We believe
Chamberlain's Cough Ecmedy to be the best
remedy in use. We use it in our own fami
lies, and it is a favnrito among our customers.
Heckor Ilros. & Co. 25 and 60 cent bottles
fur salo by Grulilor Bros., druggists.
To l'rohlblt New Torlt Skyscrapers.
New York, Jan. ft A bill Is about to
bo Introduced In tho stato loglslaturo lim
iting tho height of buildings to 175 feet,
(t will hove tho Indorsement of tho city
authorities of Now York, and will prob
ably bo passod. Tho fire doportment, tho
board of publlo works, and tbo real ostato
mon aro opposed to "skyscrapers." Plans
for a thirty story structuro uro on file In
the ofllco of Superintendent Constable, of
tbo building department
Tho St. Louis Globo-Democrat Semi
Weekly Tuesday and Friday eight pages
each issue sixteen pages every week only
ouo dollar a year, is unquestionably tbo
biggest, best and cheapest national news
Journal published in tho United States.
Strictly Republican iu politics, it still gives
all the uews, and gives it at least three days
earlier than it can bo had from any weekly
liaper published anywhere. It is indispensa
ble to the farmer, merchant or professional
man who desires to keep promptly and
thoroughly posted, but has not the time to
read a large dally paper i while IU gieat
variety of well selected reading matter makes
it invaluable as a home and family paper.
Remember tho price, only one dollar a year.
Sample copies free. Address,
Globe Printing Co.,
St. Louis, Mo.
Tim Dauntless' Cargo Safely Limited.
Key Wkst, Flo., Jan. 0. The Dauntless
has successfully landed lw expedition In
Cuba. The expedition Is the one that tho
Three Friends attempted to land when
pursued by n Spanish gunboat and left
nt No Name Key, from whloh place It was
taken last Friday by the Dauntless. The
cargo, It Is said, consisted of 400,000 oar'
ttidgea ond 1,010 rides, some dynnmlte.ona
18-pountl llotonuiss gun, medlolne, etc.
Fifty men were, also carried to Cuba, by
ins vessel.
To cure all old sores, to heal an indolent
ulcer, or to speedily euro piles, you need
simply apply DeWItt's Witch llaiel Salvo
according to directions. Its magio-liko ao
tiou will surprise you. C. H. Hagenbueh.
I'asienge'r Train' Jumped a Trestle.
Ouaiia, Jan. 0. A passenger train on
tho Burlington roau jumped u trestle en
tering the olty yesterday. Five people
were badly Injured, one of them fatally,
They are: John Curias, conductor; Rob.
ert Adklns, Henderson, la., fatally; S.W.
Lamb, express messenger; Miss May Paul,
uenuarsou; liurui uurran, uraKeman.
Uucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve In the world for outs,
t.-.ilttA kIa.w anil- -1. - f
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively eutcs piles,
or ao pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
36 cents per uox. r or sate oy a. waaiey.
Kent Coanty Itepliblleans Organize an
Independent Legltlatnre.
Dovsit, Deb, Jan. 0. Ths Delaware leg
islature was organized yesterday amid
confusion and turmoil. The seven Kent
county Republicans, against whoso eon'
tost for seats tho court of errors nnd np
peals on Monday decided, were denied
recognition, nnd nfter a fruitless protest
the Republicans loft tho hall and organ
ised a "rump" house nt the Hotel ltloli
nrdson. There they elected Dr. T. 0.
Moore speaker and Charles Hasting
dork. After notifying the senato that
thoy were ready to roeelvo any communi
cation fiom that body, nnd rooolvlng no
reply, the body adjourned to meet next
Friday afternoon. Tho regular house
elected K. B. Hlggln speaker.
The Kent oountlans wero lod by Dr.
Georgo W. Marshall, ehnlrmnn of tho Re
publican county committee. Whon the;
appealed to the Republican senators to re
tire from the hall nnd organlzo anothot
body Senators Peorco nnd John M. O.
Moore refused to do so, although It li
charged that they had agreed to do so In
case Senotor J. Frank Allee, of Kent, wai
not rocognlzod.
Tho senato was also organised by the
Democrats, Samuel R, Merodlth, whose
seat was In dispute, being permitted to
voto, while Alice was not This made the
vote 5 to 4 in favor of tho Democrats. Af
tor participating In the vote for temporary
chairman the Republicans refused tu vote,
oxeept in the case of tho ohaplaln, whon
John M. 0. Moore voted for Rev. T. P.
Uevclle, who wns elected.
After adjournment the Republican sen
ators held a conference in tho Stato House
parlor, during which Sfii.itors Honby ond
Alice accused Honotor Gnoi"" Fishet
Peoree of treachery, and of playing into
tho hands of the Democrats. Poarceinnde
no defense.
A Swindling "Itoumanlan Count."
Chicago, Jon. ft Word has been ro
colvod at police headquarters requesting
ths authorities to hold Q. J. Dejuster, the
alleged Roumanian count, who Is under
arrest horo, until nn officer can arrlvo
with requisition papers to tako Dejustot
back to Brooklyn, where it is olalmed
ha is wanted for swindling. Tho ohargo
upon whloh ho Is under arrest Is that
of misappropriating a sealskin saok be
longing to it woman known as Belle
Cutts, who olalmod to bo his wife. Tho
"oount," whose name is said to be Will
iam J. Justor, Is 23 years old, and Is sup
posed to bo a native of Budah Pesth. It is
clalmod by the police that Dejuster passed
a large quantity of bogus checks, and that
$100,000 will hardly oover tho amount he
has swindled pooplo out of In various
cities during his three- years' residence in
lllectrio Hitters.
Electric Hitters Is a mcdiciuo suited for any
season, but perhaps moro genorally needed In
tuo spring, when the languiu oxnausioo.
fnellni? rirnrjiilfl. when the liver is tomid nnd
sluggish and tbo need of n tonic and altera
tive is lelt. A prompt use ot tins niouicine
lias often averted long and perhaps fatal
bilious fevers. No medicine will net more
surely in counteracting and freeing tbo sys
tem from the malarial poison. Headache,
Indigestion, Constiimtion, Dizsinoss yield to
Klectric Bitters. Only fifty cents wit bottlo
nt A. Wnslcy's drug store
Tours tn -Florida.
No district in America presents, durinz the
Winter season, so many varied attractions as
the State of Florida. Besides its Uclic htful
climate, which to une escaping from the cold
and unhenlthful chances of the North seems
almost ethereal, it is pro-cminently a laud of
sport nnu pleasure, Along its eleven hunureu
miles or s.ut-vater coast and in its twelve
hundred fresh-water lakes are fish of almost
every conceivable variety, from the migra
tory tribes common to Northern waters to the
tarpon, pompano, and others ot n more
Ironical character. Noniiere in all our broad
land can the unglur find a greater variety of
game or better sport.
Here also the most enthusiastic hunter
Duds ninety. Deer, turkeys, bears, panthers,
nnd wild cats nam at large through the more
sparecly settled regions, whilo birds of all
kinds may bo found iu abundance through
out tho State. The moro novel sport of al
ligator nnd manateo hunting may also he in
dulged in by the luoro adventurous tourist.
With its matchless curate, its orange
groves, its rivers nnd WU-s. its boatiug and
bathing, its fishinc a id luiutinir. and its
extensive forests, Florida pietruts i mivaled
attroetious for the valetudinarian, the lover
of nature, the sportsman uud tho explorer.
To this attractive state the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company has arranged four por-soually-conducted
tours during the season "f
1607, leaving by speoial train January 20,
February 0 and 23. and March 0. The flilt
three tours will admit of a sojourn of two
weeks in this delightful land; tickets for the
fourth tour will be valid to return until M:'.y
31 by regular trains,
Kates for the round trip, $50.00 from New
York, $18.00 from Philadelphia, and propor
tionate rates from other points.
For tickets, itineraries and other informa
tion, apply to ticket agents, special booking
offices, or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant
General Passenger Agent,Broad street station,
"Excuse nic," observed the man In spce
fades, "hut I am a surgeon, and that is not
whero the liver Is." "Never you mind
where his liver is." reterted the other. "If it
was iu bis big toe or his left ear DeWItt's
Littlo Early Risers would reach It and shake
it for him. On that you can bet your ig
lanips." 0. II, Hagenbueh.
Reduced Itates to Washington on Account
of the Inauguration via Pennsyl
vania Railroad.
For tbo benefit of those who desire to at
tend the ceremonies incident to the inaugura
tion of Prosidont-eWt McKlnley, tbo Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will sell excur
sion tickets to Washington March 1, 8, 3, find
4, valid to return from March 4 to 8, at the
following rates: Prom New York, 8.00;
Philadelphia, $5.40 ; Baltimore, $1.00 ; Har
Tisburg, $3.00 1 Williamsport, $8.70 ; Buffalo,
$11.20 ; Rochester, $10.48 ; Altooua and Pitts
burg, $10.00 ; and from all other stations on
the Pennsylvania system at reduced rates.
This Inauguration will bo a most interest
ing event, and will undoubtedly attract a
large number of people from every section of
tne country.
The magnificent facilities of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad make this line the favorite
route to the national capital at all times, and
its enormous equipment and splendid term
inal advantages at Washington make it
especially popular on such occasions.
The old way of delivering messages by post
boys compared with the modern telephone,
illustrates the old tedious methods of "break
ing" colds eompared with their almost In-
tAntaneous cure by One Jllnnte Cough Cure.
C. If. Ilagenbuch,
Counterfeiter Clark Gets Seven Years.
Trenton, Jan. 0. Judge Iflrkpntrlok
in the federal court yesterday sentenced
George Sands, alias Dr. Clark, to seven
years nt hard labor In tbo state prison, nnd
Mary Knapp to four years' Imprisonment
in the Essex oounty pvnitentlary. Doth
wero recently oonvlcted of passing coun
terfeit ooln. Sands addressed the court,
begging meroy on aooount ot his age and
the faot that for the past ten years he had
been leading an honorable life. Ills oon
vlotlon for counterfeiting in St. Louis be
fore that, ho declared, was procured
through the perjury of witnesses. Judge
Klrkpatrlok said he oould not go back of
the records, which showed him to be an
old offender.
Tho length of life may be Increased byless
enlng its dangers. The majority of people
die from lung troubles. These may be avert
ed by promptly using One Minute Cough
Cure. C. II. Ilagenbuch.
Sick Headache.
Neuralgia and Extreme NcrvousriOSSt
VEH since I was oighteen years old
until I learned of Dr. Miles Restora
tive Remedies, I suffered from sick
headache and extreme nervousness and dys
pepsia. In time heart disease developed. I
was treated by several doctors with no re
lief. Severe palpitation with psln lu loft
breast, shortness of breath, and smothering
Bpolls made mo most miserable. I pro
cured Dr. MIIos' Restorative Nervine and
Nowtlr-ir' Cure and took them alternately
directed. improvemenV' began at onco
and Increased so rap
idly that Inside of six
tzonths I increased
thirty six pounds In
weight. All pain In
the heart is gone, and
tho nervousness has
wholly left me,"
Mm. Ohas. KNArp,
W.Gorman St., Llttlo Polls, N. Y., Nov. 7,'tS.
Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug
lists under a positive guarantee, first bottlo
ojnollts or money refunded. Book on Heart
mi nerves sent free to all applicants.
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, lnd.
A tkisd. Tin Aim WOMAN'S RELIEF.
AlwfcTI DromDl and t etltbla. Armjl Imitations.
Aldrutr itorfl. orient f1lrtt ibmImIi. nrii. tl.
CATOVSrco Co , riottoQ, Mua. Our book, Ic
For solo at Klrlin's driiB "tore and Shcnainlonli
drug Btore.
tu Hi ill. u..t uoitir hy I.i:i.' II. VI 11 Ml.lil-
C'A ' , o rtyo.hnrmteim, ntwagant odor. SI CO n bolt e
l.l;E.H IlAIJt HIS HJromovel (lririGrtiir. Motm
h.l. fp..m fAlllnffnuthidTrvliinlepirrowth 81 G VwHIm
I.BK MEIUOANT Oil ,108 Fulton t., Ji Y-CDCC
tllnctratcd Treatise ou ll&lr on application r nufa
For sals by Shenandoah Drug Btore, Klrlin's
"fft'. M.'l ? Drugstore. -
Thousands upon thousands of
children and other dear mem
bers of families, die annually
frnm Tlinllliir.ri't Tliia vin nil
!); avoided by the prompt use, )
according to directions, of
Manufactured by the Thompson
Diphtheria Cure Co., Williams
sport, Pa., and sold by Drug
gists everywhere for the small
sum of fifty cents per bottle.
What is fifty cents when it
avoids the suffering and saves
the life of a dear one? You say:
"iNotmng, out wm it aownat
is claimed?" It has done so
iu every instance on record
not a single case where it
failed. This is the best and
surest guarantee for its tne
dcciuol qualities.
Thompson's DiphlheriaCurc
also speedily relieves and
cures Croup, Quinsy or any
other throat affection.
Those who. have tried it
will never do without this
Medicine in their house, and
their unsolicited testimonials
prove this assertion.
U. B. A.
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug: Store.
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking !
13 N. Jardin Street.
Personally-Conducted Tours
Three tours to CALIFORNIA nnd the PACI
FIC COAST will leave New York ami Philftdel-
Ithla January 97, February 24, nnd March 27,
SOT. IMve wf eke in California on the first tour,
anil four weeks ou tlie ttecoiul. Paasenecra on
the third tour will return on re ,lar trains
within nine months. Stop will be niAde at New
Orleans for Mardi-Uras festivities ou tlie second
Jacksonville tours, allowing two -weeks fn
Flerldn will leave New York and 1'hilodtiliililH
January , February 0 anil JB, and March 9,1 SOT
Kate, ooverf ng expenses en route in both direc
tions, SSO.OO from New York, and $&.00 from
Tours, each oovcrlnga period of three days,
will leave New York nnd Philadelphia Decem
ber 29, 1886, January 21, February 11, March 11,
April 1 and 22, and May 18, WOT. lUtes, includ
ing transportation and two days' accommoda
tion at the beat Washington Hotels, JK.50 from
New York, and 1U.50 from Philadelphia.
will leave New York and Philadelphia I)eem
26, ISM, January 29, February atf, Msrob IB, and
April IS, 19S7.
For detailed iUnersrlM and other information
apply at tickst asaneiti ur sddress Oeo. W.
lioyd, Ant. Qen'l l'aw. Agi.t, Broad Street
Station, I'niladilptla,
it -
U 9