ISO 7 Select notes on the Sunday School Lassonsfor 1897 now ready. Publisher's 1'riM S1.35. Our Special Prioe $1.00. 1 l')0KS & BROWN II- n- North Mt- t. i'KH-oAi. atmrriox. V-. .-i,r H.-iiy Shutt made a lmatuon trip ti. Pctts ille In day. Mi- r.mina I'owell, of Ml. Camel, is the Sii'il of town frieuds. M lama Ncary spent yesterday after noun in Mahmmy City. Mii .1. M. I my, of Philadelphia, It Tltit ing Mis ( iirlnne Tempest. (i A Wilde, of Scranton, was a guest of friends in town today. I'.iin. k Hynn, of Wllllamstown, to spend ing several days In town. Mm May K. Slugerly, of Mlddleport, Is (pending a few days ill town. John Weeks witnessed the 1'enroac demon si rat m'.i at Harrlsbtirg to-day. Georgo Bedford, of Philadelphia, was a business visitor to town to-day. Miss Leah J'.vaon, of Danville, is visiting Hh Vnnie Williams, on East Oak street. Timothy Gildon returned to his studies at tin st. Charles Tlorronieo seminary to-day. Mrs. Tyler, of Mahanoy City, was tbe guest tit Mrs .lames, on East Coal Btroet, yesterday. h-s Siillie Hootham, of Itlackwood, is so jciui iiinu with Mrs. James Ncary on West O.ik street. Miss Netta Woods, of East Coal street, has gone to Mahanoy City to spend the week with ti iends. Mr and Mrs. George Mnrpliy, ami daugh ter, Lizzie, of Philadelphia, are sojourning iimnuK town acquaintances. Messrs. Bernard Durkiu and Joseph Wliitaker left town to-day to resume their studies in the priesthood again. Miss Fumiio Lucas, one of the instructors in the Institute for Deaf Mutes at Mt. Airy, Him attended the burial of Miss Jennie 1 'nniis returned to her home last evening. . ' sm ,, .1. J. Kerslake and A. D. Delcamp, 1 pn'ie to Williamaport to resume their -n nt tho Dickinson seminary. They 1 led here by Martin Byraud, of Lans- 1 o is 11 student at the same institution. If si .. duy Heelmer, a member of the juvw 1 lass at Lafayette college, Easton, nud Willi .in Neulin, a sophomore at the Amherst iiIWi;e, were tho guest of the former's 'n.lir-i Kov. Alfred Heelmer, yesterday. FLOOR DAVE AWAY. l oni- Men Injured lit the Schuylkill Col liery llrenlcor. Si li1 t Kvenimi Herald, Mah . .ii City, Jan. 5. The floor of the io nit, 1 in the Schuylkill colliery breaker K e aw.iy at noon to-day and dropped four tc 11 feet to the top of a screen. Four men n.ui i d .loli u Kuox, Andrew Evans, John I't uioiiski and William Yarncll were injured, imt not dangerously. They sullVred from bruises and cuts, but no fractures. At the dinner hour the couuter gathered about the steam heater, which weighs about 70ft pounds. The weight was increased by a crowd of breaker boys joining tho crowd mid lit) floor sauk. Soothing, and not irritating, strengthening, and not weakening, small but effective ni h are the qualities of UeWltt's Little I" 11I v Itisers, the famous littlo pills. C. II Hild n mch. Attempted Suicide. -ipi 11 . t EVEHIKO IlKKAl.U. Muiniy City, Jan. 5. Robert Pavie, an ui d miner residing on East Maple street, a'i inpivd to commit suicide this morning by gashing his throat with a table knife. He only injured himself slightly and will re c Mir. Davis lias been ailing (-luce about a ywir au, wheu he was overcome by gas Hhiie (insisting in putting out afire in the Mjliaui y City colliery. Hadn't Earned tlio Howard. A man carrying n, gun and leading n d;; m.iile u Onsh down Market street for tho O.iklnnd ferryboat. Ho could hove onnglit. it if lie liud walked qtilutly along, but ho became oxoited, and old Tlmo com lueuood having fun with lilin. Tho dog would run mi the wrong Side of telegraph polee and liydrunts, and tangle up hlfl t bitin in tho legs uf pedestrians. By the tinm spont In apologizing and untangling tin- dog ho wus delayed till tho little gate cl' 1-0,1 in his faco. '1 hen ho run around to tlu Ii'h h ite, duded iirunnil a mall wag' on, .viid r.iiuina run fur the bunt. Tho (look bunds r.ilhed the apnui and tho boat mov ed slowly out, but bo was duturniliied to ciitcli it, and, gripping his gun and dog elrtin n littlo tighter, niado 11 run and sprang into the air. Tho boat was only six foot aw ly, but tho dug balked at the apron. Tho lui iter stopped in the mlddlo of his leap, h foot Hew out townnl tho atoamer, In dropped into tho bay llbo 11 balo of bay A h:nall boy who win iishliig from J o wiu.rf dropped big pole, pjilashed into the v 11 er, ami towed tho fat man to a pil , v liero I10 clung till a bontmnu pu'lcU him mil,. " Vy boy, you saved my Hfo," ho e 1 ilnxi' c iitlmslastlcnlly, as lio kicked the ' and irlod to wring tho water onto i. shntgun. "Let me rewurd you." tin thrust big Imnd into his olammy lui''.. , and flsbod out u wet 10 oou i-ieoe. '' i h n , my boy; tako that, but duu't qi. ml it foolishly." ' o, sir; I can't take it, sir." The boy 1 iinhed tho generous hand aside. "I dldu t nam it." "Why, ou saved my life, boy." "Yes, I know it, sir; but it ain't worth 10 ceutx!" bun Ffanolsco Post. Liver EiSs I,lke biliousness, dyspep-iii headache, constl ration, sour stomach, imligestiou aie piomptly cured by Hood's IMK i m do their work Ho f.isih aud tlioron'-hly. K"H after dinner pllN. ' ! ntj. All tlriiKir'-t' . l'r. iared by ('. I. llood (c Co. Lowell. Mass. Hie only Pill to take with lluod'i Sarsapartlla. Fine Groceries, BUtter and Eggs, Flour and Feed. Otir delivery wagon awaits your onlsr. Qoodt dallvered promptly. WILLIA1YI H. nU5SER, 26 Uaat Centre Street, 11 s Fills TwK II AV Til K MOHT HANI) H NO. M WSC OBKIReXtREBTH OIiki Miners ItesKt RoiIik tlOn. Mahhii.iov, t), Jan. IS. Notlrei have lieen posted nt all the mines In (ho Massll loti district iiiiiiniinclnga rediiellon in the price of plek iniiiiii ; iioiii HI tool cents a toll. Tho nntieo promise that If tho com Inir eiilivenllnli at CiiIiiiiiIhm shall fix a higher rate than fil eonts the oporntore ' will pay It from Jan 1 Tho posting of the notice had the immediate effect of cntising t eossiitluii of work at all the mines in tho district, and by this time nearly 3,000 men are believed to be lillo. A convention has been called to meet on tlioTth In t. tn eon i'd c thi re livtlon. There Merer Wu a Better dure Tlian Pan-Tina for (roughs, 88c. At Qruhler Bros., drug store. The llnftart Case. The witnesses and otl er parties Interested in tbe Rogsrt ease left town to-day for Pittsburg. Tho ene is And for trial to morrow. It is btiiived the case will be disposed of this time. The Hkbai.o will publish full telegr.iphie reports of the trial as it proceeds. The New Cleaner on Ami Saves Mops, Stops and Muss. STARTING OF THE NEW YEAR. It takes time to see a long year out and it takes time to build up the reputation of a cloth ing establishment like ours. It also takes good goods, low prices and fair treatment. I,et us show you your first suit for 1897. (0) LEVI REFOWICH, Only . Reliable . Clothier, HATTER and FURNISHER, 10 nnfc 12 5nDnin St. WILKINSON Our holiday trade was a great success ; we sold more goods by far than any year in our business ; and our facilities for handling large crowds of buyers were better and you appreciated our excellent system and quick attention. This Great Day Light Store of ours has won its way into your confidence. We thonght Shenandoah people would give our big modern Dry Goods House a fair welcome. YOU DID MORE. JACKETS For ladies and Children. PLUSH, FUR or CLOTH CAPES are now marked at clearing prices ; its use less to quote figures they are too often mis. leading; suffice it to say if w have your cloak want the price will make your purse string open. L. J. MAIM STRICT. The Largest and Best Lighted Child Scalded. 1 fltira, the ten-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bitler, met with a painful accident yesterday afternoon by baying tho I right bide of her face scalded by hot soup. J The little girl was in the act of lifting the kettl - oil' the stove, when her father jostled against her. Remedies were applied promptly, which on sod the little girl of pain. Ttiroiin lTiini it Home. While exerelslng a young horseat Mahanoy Plane on Saturday, William 1. Seward, of West Line street, met with an accident which will confine him to his home for several days. The bone became unmanage able and threw the rider to the ground, lio was dragged for several yards and consider ably bruised about both legs. (Milieus Vniniiilltee Notice. Notice is hereby given that the dtlsens Standing Committee will meet in the ofllce of T. R. Heddttll, Esq.., in the lleddall build ing, corner of Main and Centre streets, ou Wednesday, January 0, 18BT, at ? p. m. sharp. Alt candidates for nomination on the I'ltleeus ticket are requested to attend the meeting. By order oi Danish. Stkbnkk, Pres. Attest: W. J. Watkimh, Sec'y. Sit l'rematui-e lllast. Martin Xasli, of West Contre street, was seriously injured in the Turkey Itun colliery this afternoon. The blast went off almost before be oonld turn his back after placing the sriulb. The left side of his face was lacerated, and his left ear, arm and leg were cut. lie was able to walk home, however. A Bit or Coughs and Colds. What? l"an-Tiua. S!5c. At Gruhler Bro., drug store. GENUINE ' IMPORTED BEER IIroct frm SIuoiioImmi, Germany, Nourishing ami exhilarating . . . PSCIIOKR BRA U. . . Absolutely pure. Contains 1 o alcohol. Con ktailtly 011 hand at JACOB NOLL'S, NO. 14 NORTH MAIN ST. IJANK HI.F.CTION The annual election of I) the stockholders of the Merchant's Na tional Hank of Shenandoah, Pa., will be held at the banking house, Tuesday, Janunry 12, 1897, between the hours of 2 and 4 p. m., tor the purpose of electing thirteen (18) Directors to erve me ensuing year. s2-U-At E. H. IIcsieh, Cashier. FOR A COUGH ! A Hard, Stubborn Cough, RAE'S EXPECTORANT -&25 Cents the Bottle.- warn mug mil 10S IM. IVlaln Street. The great throngs of pleased buyers w h o have visited our store were quick to appre ciate the money-saving prices made possible by our being able to purchase large stocks of goods at lower prices. We share this advantage with you To our thousands of patrons we extend our best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year, LLOYD STREET. Store Room In Schuylkill County. M. -aBstCf AJn II r WILKINSON. MUNY0N' HEADACHE CURE. Cures Headaches of All Kinds in Three Minutes. One or two doses will stop 9lck Headache, Neuralgia, Headaches from Indigestion, Nervousness, Orerwork, Colds, Intemperance, Constipation, Hall road or Ocean Travel, Habitual Hsftdeelie, Headaches of Children, and, In fact, all forms of Headache Those who suffer from headache from late suppers or immoderate eating or drinking will find in these tablets immediate relief, and a grateful tonic to the over-worked stomach aud jaded nerves. A separate enre for each disease. At all druggists, mostly SB cents a vial. Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 1805 Arch street, Philadelphia, l'a., answered rrith free medical advice for any disease. PITHY POINTS. naupeulugs Throughout the lleglon Chron icled lor Haftty l'crtnml. The Pottsvillo saving fund No. 8 will issue a new series of stock ou January 25th. Tbe new brewery at Fountain Springs is expected to he in operation in a few weeks. J. 11. Daniels of Ashland left yesterday for Honduras, lie will be accompanied by some Lucerne capitalists. A large gray fox vm shot near Middle lort Suuday by a law-abiding sportsman who does not hunt on 8unday. On Suuday oveuing Father McGovern of Polteville was presented with a purse con taining $386 by his parishionors. 'Squire Devine of Ulythe towuship is in more trouble He is now charged with at tempting to bribe a grand juror. Ashland is trying to find out whore all the walor, whloh experts claim should bo in It, Bote to before coming to tho surface. A musical and dramatic entertainment for tho benefit of St. Stephen's parochial school. Port Carbon, will behold on Wednesday and Thursday oveuings. The Jlotbodlst Ministerial Association of Hazlcton district convened at Delano yester day. Miss Kllzabeth Johnson died at Pottsvillo yenterday from the effects of liurus received at her s'tove on Saturday. August Moeller, foreman of tho Stinhury Brewery, committed suicide last evening by shooting hiniiclf in the head. Placing alcohol in cider and selling it has resulted in Lewis Adam, a farmer near Allcntown, being placed under bail for trial for violating tho license law. Although York County's retiring Com missioners reduced tho county debt to fOOOO they left a big bridge unfinished, with flO.OOO owing on it, and a $85,000 monument un provided for. Typhoid fever is bccopilng prevalent throughout tho tiVwn, New eases aro being reported daily. : Shake ofT Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Itub well with Ited Flag Oil, 35c. At Gruhler Hros., drug store. Court Appointments. Judge Bochtel announced tho following appolntmcuts yesterday : Corauiittco to Exaniiuo Applicants for Ad mission to tho Bar Dj C. Henuiug, John F. Wbalen, George J. Wadllnger, B. JI. Koch. Georgo M. Roads, Forgns G. Furquhar and A.rtnur J. i'llgram. Library Committee Guy E. Farouhar. E. D. Smith and A. W. Schalck. Commissioners to Tako Depositions David A. Jones, Joseph F.- Patterson, Maitlu F. Moore, Mis Jessie 1!. Little. I. Y. Sollen- berger, W. K. Woodbury, H. C. Wilson, John Gintlier, S. G. M. Uollopcter, M. J. Martin. John G. Smitlt aud Mist Helen Boden. Court Crier Charles H. Graver. Ulurrlago Licenses. Joseph Rutkowski, of Wm. Ponn. and Marv Blazis, of Shenandoah. Georgo E. Steinhausr, of Pottsville. and Eliza Jauo Zimmerman, of Shenandoah. Uiarlos hnglish, of Mahanoy townshln. and Kate McKcever, of Mahanoy City. francis i,. Wllliard. of Gratz. and Sarah Troutman, of Itebucks. Kasper Markovich and Klemcntyna Bro tanii, both of Kaskawllliam. Edward J O'Dounell and Catharine F. Kcuna, both of Butler township. Ner Saw An; thing r.lko It. It is always safe to profit by the experience of others, and especially wheu it concerns llfo and health. Maud Johnson, Hrooksido, Pa., writes : "I bad diphtheria and catarrh vory bad and UBed a bottle of Thompson's Diphtheria Cure. Novor saw anvtliinir lika it ; it took nearly all the mcmhrano out of my throat In one day, and also cured my oatarrh." Sold at Kirlin's drug store at 50 contj a buttle. Nivcr failed in a single iuUiuio wlien ucd oiooiding to dlivetlous. Poor Districts, l)irrtnr Middleton retains hU old dis trict whore last year he saved over fl.100 over tho relief of 1W5. Tills distiict in cludes all above the mountain, excepting Mahanoy City. Abrensfiold lakes Die trich's old district, including the wostern and southern part of the county and Dietrich takos Day's district, which in cludes Tulo Alto, up the valley inoludlng Tamaqua, St. Clair, Mahanoy City, Fraok villo, tho Norwegians, New Castle, Rush,' Kline aud Rahn townships. I-loeuses Transferred. Tho retail liquor license of Heiter & Dinger, In the Firth ward of Pottsville, was transferred to John S. Stoudt. The license of John J. Delaney, in Gaes towuship, was transferred U Patrick M, Brennan. The license of Patrick Flannigan, in Blythe township, was transferred to the widow, Ann Flannigan. Deeds lteeordod. From Jamse Ryon et ux to Samuel Dewald, lot in Auburn. From Jas. Champion and wife to Jas. L. Morgan ot al half a lot in Shenandoah. From Pint National Hank of Minereville to John T. Curren, let iu Miuersville. Trying to Get Jmlce-s. Judge Savidge, of Northumberland county arrived at court yetUrdiy afternoon, and will ait during the week to try criminal cacee in comjmuy with Judge Beclitel. Judge I'enhing is siolc, and will be unable to do anything fur some time. Ho liac suffered u recurrence uf bin old stowauh trouble, auil Uoonfluedto bed tbe greater part of tbe time. Judge llechtel announced that be would make every effort to have three court in operation next week, and with that end iu view la corresponding with Judgea iu various parts of the State. Court Notes. Iu the case of tbe Ediaou General me tric Company vs. William Kiiuuiel. tbe rule for Judgment iu default of an affidavit of defense, was discharged. The Defender Hose Company of Turkey Hun made au application fur a charter. l'unerul Designs, We make up funeral detig ua tn any shape or form and iu tbe best toauuer possible. Also wheat sheaves, wa work, etc. Kates reasoDable. 1'AYNK S tlRKJCNHOCSI., 12-20 tt-eod Uirardville, l'a. MAHANOY CITY. The School llimnl to Sue For Hie llalnnce of Appropriation. Mahawoi ClT?, Jan. 8. When the state appropriation wm received this year by the School Board It was found to be (1,850 short ef last year, said to be due to a miitake of the County Commissioners, who have noti fied the Board that It will receive no more of that appropriation. It is understood tbe state refuses to rectify the mlslako of the Cernmlssloners. Tbe finance committee and Solicitor have been instructed to collect the deficiency by suit at law. George 11., son of Thomas Wooleock, of !tt Centre street, died this morning of acute consumption. lie was ill about three months and when taken slok was employed as book keeper iu the office of the Manayunk Sentinel. There is some talk of organising a mlmtrel company here to compete wlU the 400 Min strels of Potttville fur burnt cork honors. The Park and New Boston foot ball teams played two games at New Boston yeiterday, but neither side score. Joseph Lugan has become bartender at Lugan's saloon, succeeding his brother, John V., who lias become docket olerk in the County Commissioners' olUce. It Is said there are four cases of typhoid fever at Jackson's patch. The School Board la about to invest $1,350 in instruments for the olass in chemistry in tho High school. Lizfie, daughter of Michael Hartuett, of West Railroad street, died at four o'clock this morning after an illness of about a year. The deceased was 25 years of age. HOOD'S PIOjS euro Mver 111b, Biliousness, Indigestion, Ilemluchc. A pleasant laxative. AU Druggists Old FUgtircs llcopen. The moderating weather has caused tho ft assures in tho surfaco at tho corner of Gil bert and Line streets to reopen and Superin tendent Bettoridge has been obliged to put a gang of men at work to prevent tho water pipes from sinking aud bursting. The fiss ures were caused some months ago by the worklugs in the Kohinoor colliery. Tho foundations under tho houses occupied by the Kohlmeyers aud a Polish family Bhow signs of breaking. (rjj fur over UST of tho Olobofcr NEURALGIA and similar Complaints; imu i'reparta uaacr ino Btringi-at GERMAN MEDICAL LAWS. . prcscnoea by cmlnsntphysiciansiy DR. RICHTER'S A kinimn 5v TAIN EXPELLi WorM renowned ! Remarkably sucrc safnl I !'. Ad. Kit htcr.U'o., S15 IVarlSt., Kcw loik. 31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 13 Branch Hon sen, Own Glassworks. 23&&0cl& LadQrBcd A rcconomtiaacd by h Ma1c, It UN V,uu f-t 1 Ii IlntfOiibui h, lOB rs Mnln St . a. l u. Kirun, o. Main m , cucruiuioaii. DR. RICHTER'S 1 I ColKe1yBprpHlatStoninrh Cmnnlnlnt BRONCHO (HOMOEOPATHIC) REMEDIES! "They do tho Work " IO Cts. AT AI,t, DituaaisTS .H. 815ND FOH SAJII'X.E. . BRONX CHEMICAL COMPANY, Yonkers, N. Y. I'INK- GOLD WATCHES, RINGS, CHAINS. Gold and Silver Novelties. Holiday Gifts for Young and Old. W hnvr a very flnfi select (dock ami our lUeH tue ioweat fur style aud quality. ELLIS DUELL'S, 20 S. Main St. COAL ! COAL ! HARD CLEAN . If -(o)- For sale at Mountain oolllery (formerly Shoemaker'! at the following reduced price : ISKg Chffctuut S2.S0 Stove $2.06 2.00 Too 1 JO Delivered to any nrt of tho town for 70 eeutB AfMitional. Orders left at Kaluach's elgarstor or 318 South Jnrdin street, 111 receive prompt attention. LAMB, DAVIS & CO. HQLMT BulQnitll OVERCOATS I OVERCOATS II Ilefore purchasing your Holiday presents of flen's and Boys' Overcoats, Men's and Boys' Storm Coats, Chil dren's Astrakhan and Chinchilla Reef er, Wittier Caps, Gloves, Underwear, etc., call on us and save the price of your Christmas turkey. No large show windows, but great reductions in Holiday Clothing. ROCHESTER CLOTHING HOUSE, Cor. Main and Cherry St. - Sam Hloek, I'n p FOR THE BEST GROCERIES AND ...LOWEST PRICES... GO TO Meluskey & Son, 10S S. Main St. 1 1 K m 1 ail mm It's an Old Saw, 3333 3333 3333 3333 3333 3333 3333 3333 3333 3333 3333 3333 3 3 -5 3333 T? and t rue, that there's nothing like leather; by the same token, there's no leather like calfskin, and no calfskin like Kangaroo calf. The process of Kangaroo, .tunning ap plied to calfskin makes of leather toffc, pliable, easy-fitting and tough the very qualities needed in school shoes. We've a big lot made of such leather, Children's at $i.ooj Misses' $1.25. Ordinray stores would charge from 25c. to 50c more, and wouldn't charge aent too much, either.. We could do it, too, but that isn't our way of doing business. We give you the biggest values. Our rushing business is proof of it. Checks with every purchase ; 25 worth gets' a handsome Parlor Lamp. M Factory Shoe Store, 33 BEDDALL BUILDjNG. J. A. MOVER. Mgr. SHOES AT BIG BARGAINS FOR THE HOLIDAYS 1 :rn'.L2"' 1 v: . armm. Blue lllfick Ilcnvy, xm wmm r -n-nrr i-kw im w vxmmsi BOYS' and CHILDREN'S SUITS, We have by the carload, and arc disposing of them at half prices. All kinds of Dress Suits, French clays, sacks and frocks, to go at fifty cents ou the dollar. An enormous line of Stiff Hats. An im mense stock of underwear at prices never heard of. Don't Make a Mistake In the Place. The Largest Store and Show Windows In the County. 'MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE, L. QOLU1N, Proprietor. and 1 1 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. 5.00 Reduced from $0.00. $8.0 " " $12.00. 3.00 " " 5.00. ' $7.00 " " $10.00. P. J. GAUGHAN, MISCELLANEOUS. WANTKU. Anyone dettfrinK to rent out a (food saloon, In good location, 3 or 4 rooms Httsnched for family ueet will do well by nddrewlntf the undersignetl, who has a good hotel outfit to trade. Hood retwions will be elveu for wanting to trndn. Jahrs Allison, Itecordor Office, Tamaqua, l'a, 1-5-1 1 (Ji O AAA Money to loan on Hret niortsTftKO' Apply toT. It. Hkddall, Attor-ncy-Ht- Ijw. J2-2-lm MNTRD. Ynnng Imly wnnteil to llnlsli tin iyie nietiires. ao exiierlence neotw Uallat 16 S. Main street. sary. POH BUNT. Two nice unfurnished rooms, well heated. Apply ut No. Ill West Oak stlftet. IM-tl OU HUNT. A nloe twin, seoid floor Hiillahle for onlee iiiirixwes. Apiuy ni IIeualii office IOU HAMS. A (loul)le praiwty, on Line street, Nns. UK uiul Ue. 'or sale eheuii. In nulra of Mrs. Felix Mevannainau, on Line J street. 10-lG-tf BROM-KOLOA ALCOHOLIC, NERVOUS AND BILIOUS HEADACHES Cured by this granular effervesoent and stimu lant. An Instant eure for sour stomaolis and lieodaehe, whloh often accumulate from having a night out, JOHN F. CLEARY, BOTTLER OF CARBONATED DRINKS, 17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah FACTORY PR1CBS. All our immense stock of Clothing and Heavy Overcoats have been reduced in price, owing to the mild state of the weather and the approaching holiday season. We are compelled to do this as the weather is against us and our mammoth store is over crowded with SUITS and OVERCOATS, which must be disced of, as the follow ing will show : and Hrown Heaver Ovcrconto 97.BO, now $5.25 Melton 10.00, 12.00, 16.00, 11.00, H.00, 7. S 12.00 8.00 9.50 1 u " . Kersey, " ' nml Ulank Importetl Melton " " UliicU and Hrown Chinchilla ' " And Hlaok Imported Chlnehllla 1 111b Nnp KlgRcrlieiul Sultn, Blue and Black, were 99.50, now $7,00 II envy, Small N'up NlKRerhead Suite, Blue nnd Black, were S8.0J, now $6. 00 your heavy stock'Sof' Clothiug reduced 30 per ct IN ORDER TO CLOSE OUT Our entire s'ock of 'and MM 11 livery garment has been RE DUCED ONE-THIRD below its former price. Now is the time to buy while we still have a fuir assortment in some numbers. ' t - 2T N. Main St. Toonrsonc Go to the Shenandoah Dcnta1 Rooms fui painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silvoi fillings. If your artifical teeth do not suit you call to see us. AU examinations Tree. We make all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns, Aluminum Crowua Logau Crowns, Crown and Ilrldge work and all operations that per tain to Dental Surgery. No charges for eztraotlnjf when plates are ordered. We are the only users uf vitalized air for the painless extraction of teeth. SHENANDOAH Dental : Rooms, (Titman's Dloek) East Centre Street. Office Iloura: J a. m, to 8 p. m, riteBLm i