The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 04, 1897, Image 2

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u'pHMiod fit'iv Kvcntiig,Es:crpt Sunday, At
' iooth .Tarihk mtbkih, Nhb cnrrita.
ii 'lornlil i. il. ilvr-ir.l InHheniindnan nnd the
irrutnliii tnw im fur x cento 11 wk ,
M to the c m Wt. My nmll 98.00 k year, or 25
ah a month pavililc In advance. AdverWo
TKtntff Rhnrircil m-conllng to apnett And position.
ra piihllHht'n reserve the right to clmnare tlie
Aiwltlon of (ulvrrtlnrmentH whenever the pnb
cation of news demands H. The r1rlit Is
twervetl to reject liny advertisement, whether
Riil tor or not. Hint the miMlflhorn may deem
mproHr. A'Ui'rti-liiK rate marie known I
liiiii npplieutimi .
f. treI t Ihi' piMiilliec lit Slieiisndooh, I'm., a. 1
ntnl I'liin'- niiifi matter.
The Next United States Senator From
Evening Herald
A coiiREspoNDENT from Sucnrdon writes
. i the IIkraui to know how far he ouaht to
-ii iu an attempt to reform a crying evil In
1 bat commanlty. We have net seen tlio
vil nor heard it cry, neither do we glean
' nun our correspondent's letter the nature of
i he evil complained of. However, we would
ay by all means go just far enough to effect
i he reform.
Tin: hysterical fits of the 1'otUville lie
l ublicaii's editor, because of the fear that
' lie representatives fron this couuty will not
otc as he would desire them, Is amusing
ndeed. The fact of the matter is, the He
publican is so seldom within the party
lireastworks that it imagines the people of
this county favor the man it is paid to advo
i ate. The Republican should turn around
and i iew its childish antics as the public sees
I hem.
Till'. Republican caucus to select a suc
cessor to United States Senator J. Donald
Cameron, will be called together at HarriB
luirg to-morrow evening. We have no rea
son to change our views as to who will be
Senator Quay's colleague. We still think
that IJiics Penrose is the coining man, and
that Senator Quay's estimate of 160 votes in
tlie caucus for tlio brainy young l'hiladel
phiaii is much less than what ho will actually
receive. WanRinakcr's friends aro putting
up a great bin IV, but l'unioe will receive the
taken the initiative towards securing for
cities and boroughs the money intended fcr
the establishment of firemen's relief funds.
For several weeks tlio Insurance Department
has beeu receiving communications of inquiry
respecting the act of 18B5, under which one-
half of the 3 per cent, tax on gross premiums
of foreigu fire insurance companies is to be
returned te the scvoral cities and borouglit
f the state. While there is nothing in the
act providing that this money is for the use
of the firemen's organizations, it is well
known that the bill was passed in deferenco
to their wishes and they are expecting to get
the benefit of it. It has imposed a good
deal of labor and additional duty upon the
Insurance Department, and Commissioner
Lambert lias had added to the blanks for
annual statements of tlie foreign companies
a tabulated list of the cities and boroughs
upon which tlio detailed returns of thegioss
premiums ean lie made.
Evkry newspaper man In the course of his
troublous career has iulluoncee brought to
bear upon him to suppress legitimate newe,
which we have been taught to believe, from
n any years service iu tlie nowspaper bui
n 'ss, to lie the chief stock in trade of a daily
I' urnal. Tlio pressure most frequently ex
ted to keep the press silent is called "family
nsideratious," which naturally appeal to
i e bettor instincts of tlie hard-hearted man
ho holds down the editorial tripod. If a
mug man becomes involved in a disgraceful
- rapo, the home paper is often calluil upon
" take no cognizance of the fact, as it would
irt the feelings of the family which lias the
isfortuue of owning him as a member.
en when the editor, in consideration of
' ii- innocent parties, consents to put the hand
suppression upon the reportorial work, ho
rewarded by the sneers of his readers for
! tck of independence or want of the
1 ecessary newspaper enterprise. Truly the
i atli of tlie average newspaper man is strewn
i ith anything but roses !
It appears that the full statement of De
t -ctive Tillard, in his affidavit charging
I ribery on the part of the Wanamaker people,
I. as not been published in full by the Waua
i taker organs. The News, of Uarrlsburg,
i ives the following bit of iuteresting facts to
Schuylkill county people. The detective
-ays : "I went on November SS to I'ottsville
knd saw Mr. C. II. Deugler, and asked him to
help me get the names of some business
men for the Wanamaker Business Men's
League. We called on Editor Zerbey, who
is a rampant Wanamaker man. He said
that the Schuylkill delegatiou stood as fol
lows : Seuator Loscb, Wanamaker; Senator
'oyle, Quay; Kershuer was for Wanamaker
because he did nut like Coyle; Hchrink for
whoever would pay him most; Witiuan was
under the control of iosoh; Oriue was for
Quay; Kehler was controlled by Dave
Phillips, oue of Leach's local lieu
(enaut. Zerbey claimed that Coyle had
gutteu (000 of Wauaiuaker's money prioi
to his elestiou aud charged that 8. 11.
Kdwards, the County Chairman, had got
$300 from the same source, and both were
now agalust Wauamaker. I called on
Edwards, who talked favorably of Waua
maker and gave me a list of busiuesv men in
I'ottsville. I got a number of names from
Ashland from J. II. Jamas and some names
from Shenandoah from other sources. I
: wrote to Rudolph Blankenburg that night,
sending him the list of names, telllug him
that I had boen requested to do so by Vau
Valkenbiirg, and suggested that he should
in lesponil H 11 Ii t Ill-Ill '
Although Mr
Zerbry U noW denouncing TilUrd In u-
inviwii ri d terms It seems lie m not averse In
usiiiK him for his side of tlio Case. Con
sistency tliou art Imlocil a Jewel hot Zerbcy
dues ihi( know it.
I II . .-I !f
Henljr eruption of the head, chapped hands
1 mid lip, cut, bruises, senilis, burns are
quickly eured by DeWUl'a Witeh Kanel
Halve. It U at present the article mint nsed
for piles, and it alwnya euros them. 0. II.
Senator KlklhV i'ftlher Iltmri.
Whrrlixo, W.V., Jan. 4-1'hlllp Dmr
ean Elklns, father of Unltoil States Samitor
Stephen B. Klklns, tiled yenterdny after
noon at tlie senator's residence, "Itnllle-
llUrSt." At Klklns. thla atnta Mt. Vlbl...
wits ngeil 87 years, linvlng been Ikjni In I
cnuqnuT couniy, vit., juiy 4, IHW Wot
wlllisttilicHiip his dlitlngplshoil son wns n
Union miinui'.il 1ms always been n llepub
llcfui, the t was a uolonol in tlie
, Oonfudernto nrn.y nml n Democrat.
Cnt U la Henri In Two.
Jkhubt Cm, Jan. 4. James Fleming
Is In jail ncro for the murder of his
brother-in-law, John I. Reed. Fleming,
wlio wae drunk, was abnslni his wife,
i who Is Hood's sister, and Itced Interfered.
Thereupon the murderer plnnpe.l u knife
into flood's liu.irt. The autopsy showed
that Rood's hoitrt was cnt In two. Flem
ing is CO years old mid his victim was S3.
llrnin Convicted of Murder.
Doston, Jan. i The Jury In the case nt
Thomas Drain, the inuliitio mate of the
linrkeiitine Herbert Fullor, who were
looked up Friday night on account of Ile
itis unable to reach an agreement, re
turned a verdict late Saturday afternoon.
The jury dnclnres that Brum alone mur
dered Captain Xnsh, his wife and Second
Mate Blandbury.
Murdered by Ills Wife.
Xkw York, Jan. 1. Hell Smith, ool
ored, stabbed her husband, Jesse Smith.
also colored, In the neck yesterday, sever- i
ing his jugular vein and causing almost
instant death. Smith was boating his
wife's 7-year-old child, by her Ilrst hus
band, when the wife Interfered, aud the
stabbing followed. The woman is umlur
The length of life may lie increased by less
eiiing its il a inters. The tuajoiity of people
die ft on i hunt troubles. These may lie avert
ed by promptly using One Minute Cough
Cure. C, II, Hagenbiieh.
A "Olmrnnteo" Unit Mncen Is Alive.
l'AitlB, Jan I. Tlio Pnrlsedltlon of The
Herald states that It can guarantee the no
puracy of news which it presents Unit An
tonio Jlneoo Is Btlll nllvu.
Tim Went her.
For eastern New York, eastern Pennsyl
vania, Now Jersey mid Delaware: Cloudy,
With fog and possibly light showors;
wanner; southerly winds.
Tlie old lady was right when she said, the
child might die if they waited for the doctor.
She saved the little one's life with a fen
doses of One Minute Cough Cure. She had
used it for croup before. C. II. Hageubuch.
Tlio Fronoli Senatorial Klcctiiins.
Pakih, Jan. 4. Elections wore held yes
terday to replace one-third of tho senators
whose terms are expiring. The senators
will hold office for thrco yoars. All of tho
socialist candidates woro defeated. Tho
complete results show tho election of 01
Hepubllcaus, 1 Kiidlcnls nud l!i ltoactlon
arles. ,
Another Chicago Haulier's Suicide.
ClliCAiio, Jan. 4. William A. Ham
mond, second vieo prescient and alleged
wreoker of tho National Hank of Illinois,
committed sulcldo Stiturdny. Ho threw
himself Into the lake at tho foot of Demp
ster street, Kvanston, near which phicohls
body was found floating.
Disastrous Jlro in n Tennessee Town.
Fi'.ANKl.ijr, Jan. 4. Firo which broke
out Saturday midnight burned fur two
hours, nud twelve of tho llnust buildings
In tho city were destroyod. Many city of
fices wore completely wiped out. Tho loss
is from 200,OOU to jUOO.iXX).
Soothing, and not irritating, strengthening,
und not weakening, small but effective
such nre tho qualities of RoWitt's Littlo
Early Risers, the famous littlo pills. C. H
Waller Wills llie lirent ltace.
Washington, Jan. 1. Tho six-day, eight
hours a day, bloycle raco closed Saturday
night iu tho presence of tho largest crowd
that has yet Immiii In attendance, and with
II line burst of speed on tho part of Mad
dux, tho Now Jersey man, who, during
the last tlnve luluiitos almost gained ono
of tlie two hips ho was liolilnd tho leader.
The prize money was 14,600, of which
$1,500 wont to the winner. The following
is the score; Waller, ti'l miles, D hips;
Mnddox, 874 miles, a laps; Ashlnger, 873
miles, 7 laps; Lawson, 871 nillos, 10 laps;
Hunter, 871 miles, 10 laps; Foster, 870
miles, H laps.
ratal Itiinnway nt Atlantic.
Atlantic City, Jan. 4. Mrs. J. Muyor
holf and Mrs. W. Freeman, mother and
daughter, residents ot this city, woro seri
ously and probably fatally Injured yester
day by being thrown from their carriage.
Hoth were taken to tho hospital uncon
scious. Thu physicians have small hopo
of tholr recovery. Tho nccldont occurred
on Atlantic avunue, near the Reading
railroad depot. Tlio horse ran away and
collided with nhuckster wagon. Tho force
of tho eolli-tlnn threw the women fifteen
feet in the air They woro vary severely
injured iiitcru.illy.
21 !
With Hood's Sarsapa-
show that this medi
cine haa enjoyed public confidence and
patronage to a greater extent than accord
ed any other proprietary medicine. This
ia simply because it possesses greater
merit and produces greater cures than
any other. It ie not what we aay, but
what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells
the story. All advertisements of Hqpd's
Harsaparilla, like Hood's Sarsaparilla it
self, are honest. We have never deceived
the public, and this with its superlative
medicinal merit, Is why tho people havo
abiding confidence in it, and buy
Sarsaparilla j
Almost to the exclusion ot all others. Try It i
Trepareri only by O. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Maw.
tloOU S PUIS wUhHooU'aftarsaparin.
(Jurat! hy this granular effervescent ml ttlmu
l(nt. An Inn taut euro fur sour tonuM'h Hud
tieftdtt'he, which often accumulate from having
h tUifht out.
7 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah
To CM in Flesh, to Sleep Well, to Know
What Appetite and deed Digestion
Mean, Make a Test of Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets.
Interesting Experience of .in IndlanapollB 1
No trouble is more common or more mis
ifaderetood than nervous dyspepsia. People
having It think that their nerves are to
blame and are surprised that they aie not
cured by nerve medicine and spring reme
dies; the real seat of the mischief is lost sight
of; the stomach Is the organ to be looked
Nervous dyspeptics often do not have any
1 aln whatever In the stomach, nor perhaps
any ef the usual symptoms of stomach weak
ness. Nervous dyepeisiia shows Itself not In
tlie stomach so much as in nearly every other
organ ; In some cases the heart palpitates
and Is Irregular; In others 1LM kidneys are
affected ; in others the bowels are constipated
with; still otheis are troubled with
loi-s of llesh anil appetite, with accumulation
of gas, sour risings and heartburn.
Mr. A. W. Sharper, of No. 01 Prospect St.,
Indlauapolls, Intl., writes as follows: "A
motive or pure gratutide prompts mo tu
write these few lines regarding the new and
valuable medicine, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets. I have been a sulierer fmtn nervous
uysiepsia tor tlie last four years; havo used
various itent mediriues and other retnediet,
without any favorable result. Thoy some
times gave temporary relief until tho effect.,
ot tlie medicine wore off. I attributed this
to my sedentary habits, being a bookkeeper
wiui nine physical exercise, but I am glad
to stale that tho tablets have overcome all
these obstacles, for I havo gained in llesh.
sleep better, and am lietter iu every wav.
Tlie above is written not for notoriety, but is
lwsed on actual fact."
Respectfully yours,
A. W. Sharper,
01 Prospect St., Indianapolis, Ind.
It Is safe to say that Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets will cure any stomach weaknsas or
disease except cancer ol stomach. Thoy
cure sour stomach, gas, loss of Uobh and ap
petite, sleeplessness, palpitation, hoaitburn,
constipation and headache.
Send for valuable littlo book on stomach
diseases by addressing Stuart Co., Marshall,
All druggists sell full sized packages at 50
Minors' Wages to bu lteiliieod.
Massii.ion, O, Jan. 4. Notlcos havo
been pouted at nil the initios In the Mus
slllon district of a reduction iu thoprico
of pick mining from sixty-one cents to
Hfty-ono oents per ton. Tho notice says a
rate of sixty oents has been agreed upon
In Pennsylvania under tho long estab
lished syRtein whereby tho Ohio rate is
nine cents less than that of tho Pittsburg
district, theroiore the flfty-ono cent rate
will Ik) maintained under existing condi
tions. About 8,000 men are now out, but
it is thought thoy will rosuino work und
oontlnue till after the joint meeting of op
erators mid miners at Columbus, Jnu. 12
Tlio St. Louis Olobo-Democrat Seml
Wcckly -Tuesday and Friday eight pages
each issuo sixteen pages every week only
ono dollar a year, is unquestionably the
biggest, best and cheapest national news
Journal published in tlio United States
Strictly Republican in politics, it still gives
nil tho news, and gives it at least three days
earlier than it can bo had from any weekly
paper published anywhere. It is indisrensa
hie to tho farmer, lnerchiut or professional
man who desires to keep promptly and
thoroughly posted, but has not tho tiino to
rend a largo dally paper ; while its gtent
variety of well selected reading matter makes
it invaluable us a homo nud family paper.
Remember the price, only one dollar a year.
Sample copies free. Address,
Oloiie Pkintino Co.,
St. Louis. Mo.
New Viirlc Ktuergi-ii Iroiu Fog.
New York, Jan. 4. At i) o'clock last
Ulght a dense fog which hung over the
My, tho harbor and inrt!i and ICast rlv
ers lifted, nnd tralllc, which had been Im
peded on water and land, was resumod.
At 0:30 lust night the Cunnrd lino steam
ship Auranla, from Liverpool, dropped
anchor off tho Sandy Hook lightship. The
Auranla Is tho first vossol sighted since
7:10 Saturday night, when tho Orinoco,
from Bermuda, arrived at tho bur.
to cum: a coli in onh day.
rako Laxativo Brouio Quiuino Tablets. All
druggists refund tho money if It fails to euro.
25 cents.
JPor 1897
Leading Newspapers
for the Price of
. Tho riillndelphla Tree by special
firm n ncme nta, at great oowt, la entitled to
all the news received by tho New York
Time, World, Journal, ChteaKO Tribune,
St, Louis Globe Democrat, Clnelunatt
Commercial Tribune and the Hoton
Journal, All this newt U telegraphed to
The PreM over Hpeelal wires every )iitfht
and presented to it random freeh and
attractive every morning. Thltt U all In
addition to the service of The I'ree1
own staff, great oorjMj of coi-respndenta
and the Associated lrew.
Great Papers in 1
Greatest Feat Ever Effected in Journalism.
The : Philadelphia : Press
Pennsylvania's Greatest Family Newspaper
Devotes more attention to the household
and family than any other paper.
Ha6 a page every day especially for
women, edited by the brightest women in
Gives daily a column of well tested cook
ing receipts which are of the greatest value
to every housekeeper.
All the news about horse written by
experts and thoroughly reliable.
Subscription : Daily Press 6.00 a year.
Daily and Sunday, $8.00. Weekly Press, $1 .00.
Address : The Press, Philadelphia, Pa.
For "wants" of any kind,' put a small
"ad" in The Press.
it Pays to Use Press Want "Ads."
The Ilntiao la Bxpeeted to Get Down te
Serlnua llualness.
AVabbinoton, Jan. 4. The house will
get down to nerlotis business as soon as It
reassembles after the holiday recess to
morrow. Probably the two most lmtior-
"ut l'loee of general legislation to I
acted upon at tlie short session havo been
made special order and will consume the
entire week. Thy are the Loud bill to
amend the laws relating to second class
mall matter so as to prevent tho shipment
oi liooks and serial puhlloatlong, in con
nection with newspapers, nt the oont pot
IHiiind rate, nnd to cut off the newspaper
sample copy privilege, and the bill pre
li red by tho Pacific railroad oommlttee to
fund the debts of the Pool lie railroads nnd
extend their payment for fifty years at X
Iter oent
The fund bill has already been debated
ono day, nnd under the order adopted the
debate will oontlnue tomorrow and Wed
nesday, and the bill will be brought to a
vote on the latter day at 4 o'olook. The
Pacific railroad bill will be taken up on
Thursday. The general debate will oon
tlnue until Friday evening. On Saturday
the bill will lie open to amendment undor
tho live minute rule, and on Monday the
vote will be taken on the bill nud lending
amendments. The fate of the moasure
will determine whether the government
wilt foreclose Its mortgages on the Union
aud Central Pacific.
Ueyuud the faot that the bill providing
for tree homesteads on former Indian res
erviu.iims on the calendar is the "unfin
ished business," tho senate has no pro
gram for this week. There is liable to lie
a sharp olash of interests in the effort to
secure consideration aud a possibility that
this clash may develop an iuteresting sit
uation. The friends of the Pnoiflo railroad re
funding bill will make an effort 'o get
that measure up fur consideration unloss
they conclude that In doing so they mny
Impair its chances of pnssuge. Until tho
past day or two it appeared ci.rtnln that
the Cuban resolutions would be sprung
Immediately after tho begluu'ng of busi
ness on Tuesday. It is now possible, oven
probable, that both questions will go over,
at least for a few days.
Absolutely pure, lierfectly harmless, and
invariably reliable nre the qualities of One
Minute Cough Cure. It never falls In co'iis,
croup and lung'troubles. Children like it be
cnuso it is pleasant to take and it helps them
C. H. Hagenbucli.
l'rilicesit Clilmny's Defense.
HnnsSELB, Jail. 4. Writing to a Brus
sels nowspapor tho Princess of Clilmay
Carnman, formorly Miss Clara Ward, of
Detroit, protests against tho press cam
paign of publicity and calumny In con
nection with hor elopement with the Hun
garian gypsy muslclnu, Jnnosl ltlgos. The
princess says: "American children aro ed
ucated with a view of asserting their ln
dopoudonco aud, whon nocessnry, braving
tho world's prejudices aud calumnies.
That,howevor,doosnot prosorvo tho Amer
ican girl from the poislblllty of falling
into orror. I drifted with tho fashion dic
tating a union between nobility and
wealth. Having recognized my error,
and my heart having spokon, tho only
courses open to me were adultery and
hypocrisy or leaving tho marital domi
cile." Major McKlnley Desires Solitude.
Cleveland, Jnu. 4. President-elect
McKlnley passed a vory cjulot Sunday at
tho homo of Mr. Hanna. In tho morning,
In company with Secretary Osborno, of
tho national committee, Mr. McKiuloy at
tended sorvlco at tho Franklin Avouuo M.
K. church. In tho afternoon a fow of tho
close personal frlonds of tho president
elect culled upon him. It Is tho intention
of Mr. McKiuloy to dovoto the coming
week to the outlining of his Inaugural
message, and for that reason it Is an
nounced that he desires to bo loft undis
turbed by cullers ns much as possible. If
the quiet which ho doslros cannot bo so
cured horo the prosldont-oloct will return
to Canton before tho end of tho wcok.
One of tho most lomarkablo cures of
rheumatism on record is related by Mr. J.
M. Thompson, post master at Decker's Point,
Pa., as follows: "While out driving one
dav last winter I wns caught iu a cold
rain. The next morning I was uuablo to
move my head or arms, owing to nn attack of
Inflammatory rheumatism. My clerk tele
phoned for a physician, but suggested that I
use Chamburluiii's Palu Balm, there being a
bottle open or. the counter. He rubbed the
affected parts thoroughly with Pain Balm
and built up a hot fire. 1 dozed off to sleep
and when I iwoko about hilf nn hour later
tho pain had gone entirely, and I havo not
been troubled since. People come hero from
many miles around to buy Chamlierlaiu's
mediciuos." For sale by Qruhler Bros
A Michigan Man Offers to Send His Dls
eovety Ftee.
Claims to Be a Benefattor to' Weakened
There is always 'more or leas suspicion
attached to anything that Is offered free but
sometimes a man so overflows with generosity
that lie cannot rest until hll discovery Is
known to the world, In order that his fellow
men may profit by what he has discovered.
It Is upon this principal that a resident of
Kalamasoo, Mich., desires to send free to
mankind a prescription which will curetheni
of any form of nervous debility ; relieves
them of all the doubt and uncertainty whleh
such men are peculiarly liable to and restores
the organs to natural slse and vigor. As it
costs nothing to try the experiment It would
seem that any man, sulferiilg with the
nervous troubles that usually attack men
who ucvor stopped to realise what might be
the Anal result, ought to lie deeply Interested
iu a remedy which will restore them to
health, strength and vigor, without which
they continue to live an existence of untold
misery. As the remedy In question was tlie
result of many years research as to what
combination would be peculiarly effective In
restoring to men the strength they need, It
would seem that all men suffering with any
form of nervous weakness ought to write for
such a remedy at once. A request to It. C.
Olds, Itox 1712, Kalamasoo, Mich., stating
that you are not sending for tlie prescription
out of idle curiosity, but that you wish to
make use of the medicine by giving it a trial,
will be answered promptly and without
evidence as to where information came from.
The prescription Is sent free and although
some may wonder how Mr. Olds can afford to
give away his discovery, thcro Is uo doubt
alamt the oiler being genuine. Cut tills out
and send to Mr. Olds so that ho mny know
how you came to write him. 12-28-7St
Corn is only nino cents n bushel in
Nebrnskn, und farmers nru using it for
Genernl Daniel K. Slokles, of Now York,
olty, Is seriously ill of nervdus prostration
nnd insomnia.
Klvo skaters broke through tho lco nt
Fulrbnnk, Minn., nnd Moses Dent nud
Arthur Clouiont woro drowned.
A passenger train on tho Augusta Sou th
orn railroad made a unrro w escape in cross
ing a burning trostle near Augusta, On.
Tho town of Novortoro, N. S. W., has
been virtually destroyod by a cyclono, in
which a largo number of oasunltios aro re
ported to havo occurred.
Official dispatches from India say thnt
tho rains havo bonefltod nearly all tho
famine districts thoro, and thnt tho prico
of grain is ten seros por rupee.
John A. Wood, night porter nt tho
Junction houso, White Itlvor Junction
Vt., disappointed in lovo( shot hlmsolf
twice aud then broko his nock by jumping
from a fourth story window.
Ono thing is certain : It will not do to
fool with a bad cold. No ono can tell what
lie end will be. l'ucuniouia, catarrh, chronic
bronchitis, if not consumption, invariably
result from a neglected cold. It Is surprising
too, that bad colds arc so often neglected
wiien ono remembers how easily and at what
littlo expeuse they may lie cured. Cham
borlain's Cough Itemcdy is always prompt
nnd effectual, and costs but a trille; M or DO
cents is a trifle as compared with tho disss
trous cil'eots of a neglected cold. Mr. Abner
Mercer, of Dilworthtowu, Cliestor Couuty,
Pa., in speaking of this remedy, said : "Some
time ago I had a bad cold aud cough. I
tried almost everything. Finally Mr. Hunt,
tho druggist, recommended Chamberlain's
Cough Itemcdy, mid ouc 50 cent bottle of it
cuicd me entirely." l-'or salo by Qruhler
Bros., druggists.
Montreal's Kx-Muyur Jlay 1i Disciplined.
MONTUBAL, Jan. 4. Grout lutorost has
centered in tho probable attitude of tho
Itoiuan Cuthollo bishops with regard to
tho nowspapor La 1'ntrlo und Its pro
prlotor, ox-MiiyorUt'ftugrund, in view of
tho very radical stand taken liy tho paper
In discussing tho action of tho bishops In
placing IVKlectour, of Quoboc, undor tho
bun. It Is ox pec led ilmt a similar edict
will bo pronounced in tho case of La
Pa trie.
Ilrath t Congrctnumi-HU'ct Davidson.
BEAVUit Falls, Pa., Jan. 4 Yestorday
nows was rocolvod horo that Hon. J. J.
Davidson, of Beaver, tho well known Ilo
publican congrossmau-oloct for this dis
trict, had died Saturday night at Phamlr,
Ariz., whoro he had gono in tho hopo of
improving his health. Mr. Davidson was
OS years old and leaves a widow and two
snuill children, all of whom wito with
til i ii at thu olid. His death was duo to
l:;ug trouble
KriMiiis, Morccr County, Pa. We believe
Chamberlain's Cougli Itemcdy to bo the best
remedy in use. We use it in our own fami
lies, aud it is a favorite among ourcustomers.
Hcckcr Uros. & Co. 25 and 50 cent bottles
for sale by G rubier Bros., druggists.
I'llClllat's lllow May Trove l"atul.
New Yokk, Jan. 4. Jamos Dully, of
Boston, tho featherweight pugilist who
lieounio unconscious in tho arona of tlio
Broadway Athletic club Saturday night
at tho finish of a ton round contest with
George Justus, n pugilist of this city, is
lying nt tho point of death in St Vin
cent's hospital. Ho is still unconscious,
and his death is momentarily expected.
Justus, Tom O'Uourko, tho managor of
tho club, nnd Dick Hocho, who reforeod
tho contost, woro arraigned before Magis
trate Flammer, In tho Jofforson Mnrkot
court yesterday, and held in $8,000 bail,
which was f urnishod.
Hart Won the Walking Mulch.
ST. Louis, Jan. 4. Frank Hart, tho Chi
cago colored athloto, who won the six days'
heel and toe walking inntch that ondod at
midnight, lod Hoagland only seven laps.
Stephens, the local "ped," who finished
third, Oddy the Englishman, and Cowboy
Smith of Denvor fulled to innko tho re
quired 800 miles, and will not oome in on
the division of gate receipts. The final
sooroi Hart, SOU miles, 7 lops; Hoagland,
808 miles; Stephens, 292 miles; Oddy, 378
miles ; Smith, 210 miles.
Why sillier with Coughs, Colds and La
Grippe when Laxative liromo Quinine will
cure you in one day. Put np in tablets con
venient for taking. Guaranteed to euie, or
money refunded. Price, SR cents. For sale
by Klrlin's Pharmacy.
I'lilllpptnn Insurgents Iturnoil to Dentil.
Lomdon, Jan. 4. The Standard's Madrid
dispatch reports further details received
there from the Philippines of the dis
astrous defeat of the rebels at the battle
of Buhican. The rebels numbered 8,000,
nnd were entrenched on the Oaoaron
heights. The Spaniards attaoked the
trenches with tho bayonet nnd captured a
cartridge factory, in addition to guns, eto.
During the pursuit the rebels often pre
tended to be deud, and nfterwurds sprang
up nud attacked the Spaniards iu the rear.
At one plaoe the SiHtulards, suspecting
that the Insurgents had hidden In the
bushes, set fire to them, nnd 800 perished
in the Uu'iies.
To cure all old sores, to heal an iudo. .ht
ulcer, or to speedily cure piles, you need
simply apply DeWltt's Witch Haael Sslve
according to directions. Its maglo-liko no
tion will surprise you. C. H. Uagenbuoh.
When you waut good roofing, plumbing
gas titling, or general tinsinlthtng done oall
on E. F. fiallagher 18 West Centre street'
Dealer ir stc-ee I-tf
Nmrly Half the Stale tllven Away to Cor
poration. St. Paul, Jan. 4. The biennial report
of ?tate Auditor Hobert C. Dunn to the 1
Minnesota legislature was given the press
Inst night, nnd contains some startling i
figures' nnd reoonunendntlous, drawn from
n rigid lntepretatton of the law nnd n care
ful examination of tho records of his office. 1
which Includes the land department. J
The geiiornl land department business
shows thnt the grants of lands to railroad
oomimules by oongress and by the state, ,
wltuln tho limit of tlie stnte of Minne
sota, to nid In Uio oujitrtictlon of the
8,X) mlhw of llno'hnve amounted to over
80,000,000 nores. The total area of the state
is about 4O,O0J,O0O acres. A reasonablo
valuation of those rallmad lands Is $108,
000,000, or about J8S.OO0 per mllo. Of these
lands the companies havealready received
over 10,000,000 acres nud under the swamp
lnnd act, from tho state they havo received
over 3,000,000 acres additional.
l'ho nudltor's conclusions nnd reoom
mendntlona regarding mineral lands, how
over, aro most startling. Uo recommends
that action bo taken in the courts looking
to tho rooovory of lands ulroady conveyed
to tho Duluth aud Iron Hango railroad,
amounting to 200,000 acres, nud that tho
rerhnlulug portion, 408,000 sores, be de
clared forfeited. Those lands, conserva
tively vnluod, are worth $8,000,010, bolng
looatodoxclU9lvoly in St. Louis. Like and
Cook oouutles, which cuiuprisc the mln
orul and tlinbor portions of tho statu.
Snvfd liy the llurglar Alarm.
Lancastku, Pa., Jan. 4. For tlie third
time iu a erlod of n few years tho burglar
alarm in tho National bank at Mountvllle,
six miles west of this olty, has saved that
institution from tho doprodutlon of
thlevos. Tho last unsuccessful attempt
to rob the bank occurred Saturday night.
Tho thieves broko into tho blacksmith
shop of A. IC Stouer, whloh adjoins tlio
bnuk, nnd stole n sledge, soverul small
hammers, punches aud other implements.
They noxt nttaokod tho Iron bars which
protect tho windows of tho bank. Thoy
succeeded in sawing off ono of thoso bars,
and then tried to forco tho window, but
this attempt started tho burglar alarm,
aud tho nolso frightouod off tho robbers.
Thcro Is no clew.
Three Children 1'olsonnl, Two Fatally.
ScilANTOJf, Pu., Jon. 4. Alvlra llndsell,
ngod 15 yoars, u stepdaughter of John
ltottch, of World's End, dlod two weeks
ago very suddenly. It wns said sho dlod
as n result of being frightened. An inves
tigation, however, is suld to havo shown
troeos of arsenical poisoning. Yesterday
Edward Boaglo nnd William Davlos, ngod
respectively 9 aud 7 years, visited tho
ltottch humo. Thoy romninod somo time,
and after returning homo bocamo very
sick. Boaglo diod In n short time and Dav
ios is not expected to recover. The coroner
Is investigating.
Klectrlc Hllters.
Electric Bitters isamodicinosuitcd for nny
season, hut perhaps more geuernlly needed in
tho spring, wltcn tho languid exhausted
feeling prevails, when tho livor is torpid and
siugginit ami tuo ncca oi a ionic anu uueru
tlvo is felt. A prompt use of this medicine
has often averted long und perhaps fatal
bilious fevers. No medicine will act lnoro
6ii r civ in counteracting and freeing tho sys
tem from the malarial poison. Headache,
Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to
Electric Hitters. Only fifty cents per bottle
at A. Wnsloy's drug store.
Tours to Florida.
No district In America presents, during the
Winter season, so many varied attractions as
the State of Florida. Besides its delightful
climate, which to ono escaping from tho cold
and unhealthfiil changes of the North wrms
almost ethereal, it is pre eminently a land of
sport and pleasure, Along its eleven hundred
miles of salt-water coast nnd In its twelve
hundred fresh-water lakos are fish of almost
every conccivablo variety, from the migra
tory tribes common to Noithcrn waters to the
tarpon, pompano, and others of a more
tropical character. Nowhere In all our broad
laud can tho angler find a greater variety of
game or better sport.
Here nlso tho most enthusiastic hunter
flails satiety. Deer, turkeys, bears, panthers,
and wild cats roam at largo through the more
sparsely settled regions, while birds of all
Kliius may oo Iouiiil iu abundance through
out the State. The more novel sport of al
ligator and manatee hunting may also he in
dulged In by the nunc adventurous tourist.
With its matchless climate, its orange
groves, its rivers und, its boating and
bathing, its fishing and hunting, and its
extensive forests, Florida presents unrivaled
attractions for the valetudinarian, tho lover
of nature, the sportsman and the explorer.
To this attractive state the Pennsylvania
Iiailroad Company has arranged four per-sonally-couducted
tours during tlie season of
1807, leaving by special train January to,
February 0 and 23, and March 0. Tho fuot
three tours will admit of a sojourn of two
weeks in this delightful laud; tickets fur the
fourth tour will be valid to return until May
31 by regular trains.
itates for tho round trip. $50.00 from New
York, $43.00 from Philadelphia, and propor
tionate rates from other points.
For tickets, itineraries and othor Informa
tion, apply to ticket agents, special booking
offices, or address Geo. W. lloyd. Assistant
General Passenger Agont.llroad street station,
"Excuse mc," observed the man in spec
taclcs, "hut I uin a surgeon, and that is not
where the liver is." "Novor you mind
where his livor fs," retorted the other. "If it
was in his big toe or his left oar DcWitt's
Little Early Itisers would'roach it aud shako
it for him. On that you can bet your gig
lamps." C. H. Hagenbuch.
lleiluceil Itates to Washington on Account
of the Inauguration via Pennsyl
vania UuIIroad.
For tho benefit of those who desire to at
tend tho ceremonies incident to tlio inaugura
tion of President-elect McKinlcy, the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will sell excur
sion tickets to Washington March 1, 2, 3, and
4, valid to return from March 4 to 8, at the
following rates: From New York, $8.00;
Philadelphia, $5.40 ; Baltimore, $1.00 ; Uar
rlsburg, $5.00 ; Williamsport, $8.70 ; Buffalo,
$11.20 ; Rochester, $10.48 j Altoona and Pitts
burg, $10.00; and from all other station; on
the Pennsylvania Bystem at reduced rates.
This inauguration will be a most interest
ing event, and will undoubtedly attract a
large number of peoplo from every section of
the country.
The magnificent facilities of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad make this line the favorite
route to tho national capital nt all times, and
its enormous equipment and splendid term
inal advantages at Washington make it
especially popular on such occasions.
The old way of delivering messages by post
boys compared with the modern telephone,
illustrates the old tedious methods of "break
lug" colds compared with their almost in
tantaneous cure by One Minute Cough Cure.
C. If. Hageubuch.
Young Dover's Nerve Failed Him.
ClllOAQO, Jan. 4. Because their parents
thought them too young to marry, Nellie
Ureu, 10 years of ago, nud Obble Health,
ono yoar younger, decided to oommlt sul
cldo. The girl killed herself by drinking
oarbolio aold, but the nerve ot the youth
failed litra at the last minute, nnd he stood
by and wntelied his sweetheart die. Health
said he Intended to drink, but the sight of
the girl's agony wob too much for him.
Ilucklen's Arnica Salve,
The best salvo In the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skip eruptions, and positively ourcs piles,
or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfeet satisfaction or rnony refunded. Price
26 cents per box. For Bale by A. Wasley,
Dr. Miles' Nervine Triumphs.
Excosslvo Nervousness from Childhood.
La Crippo Brings on Hoart Weakness.
,EV. B. P. REARHY, pastor M. E
church, Buchanan, Qa. writes
Dec. 10, 180S: "In childhood I was
nllllctod witli excessive ricrvoumoss, which,
almost developed into SI. Vitus dance. I
partially lecovored, but at college It gradu
ally grew worse. Close study aggravated
tho trouble; any nnusual exertion caused
trembllug all over. In 1A90 I bad a sovcre
attack ot La Grippe which broughton heart
wonkness I had been almost constantly
under treatment for
i nervous troubles, and
changed climates f re
iqilently without avail.
Lust Fobruary I be-
taking Dr. Miles'
! Itcstoratlvo Nervine
and Nerve and Liver
i Pills and slnco then I
have been studying more and working
harder than for years and the good effects
that have resulted seem to be permanent."
Dr. Miles' Remedies are Bold by all drug
gists under a posltlvo guarantee, first bottlo
benefits or money refunded. Book on
Heart and Nerves sent free to all applicants.
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Intl.
A txiid. TD A!ro gArit WOMAN'S RELIEF.
AlwATinrnmntsnrl rlirI Arnitt ImilnlimtM.
0t ('ATOM'S TAIfBT I'll LS BTlrt HA V at NPniETL
At dmir atnfM nr cent (fir rH,, i irlr. il.
CATOV Bf eo. Co , Ik tun, Mm. Our l.ouk, 4c.
Vot salo nt Kirliu's drug ntoro nnd
druc store.
u l i I ilur by i,i;i:'.i IIAIK ,111:111.
C X , .10 Aim ImrmleM, plnRnt odor. $1 O0 boll e
I.IM'.'S IIAIK TIS lUramoTM dandruff. tm
hut f "in fallinirout and pioinnttcgroivth $1 rfflA hntiln
l.lUJMKllIOA.NTt'Oirial'altotl !., t Y CDCC
Illustrated Treatise on Hair on application rnSalu
I'orjsslo by Shenandoah Drug Storo, Kirliu's
Drug Store.
1,089 QUI!
One Thousand Dollars In cash Is
offered by tho Thompson Dlphtho
rla Cure Co, fir the uso of tho
Williamsport, Ta., Ilnsptuil or any
charitable institution elsewhere,
tor any cuse of Diphtheria which
Doesn't euro if properly applied.
Tho only conditions aro that the
patient .lpnn whom tho test Is
nmdo must he alive and not on tho
vergo or death caused by tho ubc ot
autl-toslno nr some other so culled
reniear Tho anropmy making
this offer must bo notified when
tbo use of lis Medicine liisuch case
is begun, so that a icpicsenUttlvo
can bo present und personally see
that this tcmeayls applied In strict
accordance wun mu piiuiou in-
fBtructlona given.
Hny Registered Physician!
Is cordially Invited to apply this
Medicine strictly as per Instruc
tion given. This offer shows tho
Implicit fatih tho Company has
In tho Medicine It manufactures
and tho Infallible remedy It is for
all of Dtnhtherla. Croun.
S Quinsy, or any Ihroat affection.
Ask your denier for It and keop
ono or more liottles handy Iu tho
house ut all limes Thousands
upon thriiisunds of lives suved an
nually by this Mcdlcluo.
$ Tftomnson Dlnfitficrla Core Go.
Sold by Druggists Everywhere.
EaliHiliiiiiiiii i mu i nil j i ti imt ii i hi 1 1 nn r?
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug store.
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking! f
13 N. Jardln Street.
Personally-Conducted Tours
Three tours to CALIFORNIA and the PAOI
FIO COAST will leave New York and Flillatlel-
J)hlu January 27, February 24, and March 27,
m. Five weak In California on tlie first tour,
and four weeks, on the second. l,ataenger on
the third tour'wlU return on regular train
witlun nine month. Stop will le made at New
OrleaiiH for MardUdlraa feitttvitiei on tlie HecuuU
JaektonvlUe tours, allowing two weeks in
Florida will leave New York aud Philadelphia
January J6, February 0 and 23, and Marel. V.1HU7
Rate, covering excused en route in both direc
tions. W0. 00 from New York, and $48.00 from
Tours, each coveriiiK a iwrlod of three days,
will leave New York and Philadelphia. Deccm
ber 39, 1BU6, January St, February 11, March II,
April 1 and 22, and May W, 1897. Itates, Includ
1m; transiiortntlon and two days' accommoda
tion at the best Woahlncton Hotels, SM.SJ from
Nw York, and 111.50 from Philadelphia.
will leave New York and Philadelphia Dseem
26, 16, January 28, February 20, March 18, and
Arl! 13, lsW.
For detailed ItinarariM and other Information
spplv at ticket utonol.s or uddrsaa (leo. W.
Iloyd, Asst. (Jen'l 1uh. Agi.t. Broad Street
Station, Vhiladeljil'la.
f -