tl' OBT FLUSH. J Oat Btwngth, Vigor, (Hear Complexion and Good Dlest!on, not by Patent Medicine, Hut In Hature'a Own Way. Any honest physician will tell you that there it bnt one way to get Incrennort floth ; nil the patert medicine cod liver oili to tho contrary notwithstanding. Nature has but nne vay to increase flesh, -Btrengtli and vlf.o. ' mirtd and body, and that is through tbe stvmach by wholesome food well digested. The.-") U no reason or common sotite in any other method wliaiever. i'eople are thin, run down, nervous, pale ami laky in their nerves, simply because their stomachs are weak. They may not think they have dyspepsia, but the fact remains that they tin not eat ouotigh food or what they eat is not quickly and properly digested as it should ho. Dr. irarlandson says the reason is because the stomach lacks certain digestive acids and peptones, and deficient secretion of gastric juice. Nature's remedy in such cases is to supply what the weak stomach larks. There are several good preparations which will do this, but none so readily as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, which arc designed especially fur all stomach trouble, and which cure all diges tive weakness on the common sense plan of furnishing tho digestive principles which tho stomach lacks. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets give rerfi ci i gestlou. First effect is to increase tho ap petite and increased vigor, addod flesh, pure hhind, and strength of nerve and muscle is tho perfectly natural result. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the s.ifest tonic known and will cure any form of stom ach trouble except cancer of the stomach. May be found at druggist at SO ceuts for full sized package or direct hy mail from Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. Little book on stomach dlreases mailed free. m DIVIDEND TO INVEST SIO OR VP WARDS f Plfl dentil rTt1 monthly. pMlltraHri fi. AddrtM, We crnFlnnnclnl Co. MS Dearborn street, uni-nzo, iu. Cta-trrlnnl anal Unit ttftmilnft. BArt, ilwayi re.ia.bta. t-ADtta Unigglgl for Chlchctlr$ Knpiuh Ittt 1 mATi lfrn I In llril and flfilt mellliO 'hniM. amlfld with lilac ribbon TnLo no other. Rfli9 dingerou V (ion and imitation. M IHoggt sr, or neno 4c in utaropi ior parneuiRri, i iiiuodius r . "Uer ior Janiciv 7',cri VJ return HI Rile 1 OaUVll iniuuuuiiia, inuwisftr. C3ilohcrttcrJiiciukalo..&ludlon Siuhia frftftj.' 'rtualBH. I'hlltw HOSPITAL PATIENT I suffered many years from lilnml Tolsnn &r Stricture In lta worst form, while under treat- meniwuu un aaveriwinc aocior for three months the rrocreMol lhedh'aso wus so Croat that por. tlons of ray body w ere destroyed and I was di'titrtired for life. Then, after Ulns treated eli weeks ty a New York specialist, claiming litty years' experience, ths prosTeus wusfiurh that X was . compelled to come borne to I'Diisaeipnia to a nospiuu, wnera J I stayed four weeks, and became worse. Af:er I had promised not toteilhla superior oiT.cci one ot the rounjr nbvslclana advised me to o to CEI 604 N. 6th St. I H 9 1 BMba EH PMILADcLf HIA PCTilcb cut it's linjiUeb, Diamond Hrna". ENNYROYAL PILLS ini h rEHi A fell bt ail f ' 71 U1 he gav me imtant relief t find after 18 months' treatment pcrmamntly cured me. I am now n happy married man. No trace of this horrible dfs tone hua) shown itself. I warn a' t tvjferert do not lose time place yourself tn Drt Wheel' hands, have ltqpllclt confidence l him, llo will curd -w you, grtpstof all Uvipw Specialist. UNQtiK FttfilUll' UN8. Bworn jbofore Ch. P. Ebrenfort ISO NA1UC, NO ADDlMiSS publlsh-M without the patlebt'fl consent, strictest secrecy Kiiuran tccd fo nil Bend five 2-ceut stomps for Hook, THfiJTJt.tbc only book telling tho if jtb and ex roBtna nil tricks nnd device of qunclccry ieware of fiiipofttnra. Hours: e to s; Even' logs, 6 to 8.30 ; Wed. ami But. ugs.t 6 to 10 ; foua. Bto 12, Treatment by mall. DR. LOBE'S BOOK FREE To all sufferera of IIIIHOKS Ol VOUTH. I.O.HT VlfStdt and lUMJASIJ- Ol' MEM AND WO.lllSN, 80S pases: cloth Bound I sf carely scaled una malledrce. Treutmeot by mall strictly Tontldemlal, od a positive, quick card ffaarantoed. Ho matter bow leng standuii); X wuipoB ivfiy cure you. wrueorcau. DR .OBBi 329H.l5thSt.Phlla.Pa. I S$vcart'Cunllnuouiira:llcn BIoodflerveFod For Weak and Run-Dcwn Peoplo from Childhood to Old Age. WHAT IT IS I The richest of all reBtorattre to the blood and nerves that are exbaunUdlu these two llfe-gi? Insr flnldaby disease, iuaigeetlon, hlgti living. oTerwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc repiaoea me name snbetanoes WHAT IT DOES ! By msMng the Wood pnre au solid tie lu ricn.ana the digestion perfect. It creiJtea solid flesh, muscle and strength. The nerves be- ing made strong, the brain becomes active and ciear. r or reuionng iosi vitality ana stopping alt wasting dralos and weakness In either sex, It has noeaual t Anil ailAfmillMTPO-ntMtnIfr. Iiunrlh ffa weight in ffp)t-Oj? box lasts a week. Price &oc., or t boxes $a.po. Drujafata or by mall. Itooklree. Z'J .THP DR. cflASE COMPANY. " 1612 Chestnut BU Phlladelshla, Lager and eers. Pinest, Purest and Healthiest. Chris. Schmidt, Agt., 207 West Coal Street. AMERICAN LINE RED STAR U.IIVJE STEAnSIUP COMPANIES. ;v ptagmars leave New York and riiilaileliilila for - pne,ai puna in om vuuniry. E. D. BEDDALL, Agt. Ho. nt AVeat Oak Street, Blicnandoali, I'i HAUr. Villi Sre Tbroat, V implea Copp ran", ixu uoiorea sliuU. old Uoreir. Wlaili-a In Mouth, Uair-laJllngl Wuta COOKS HChlearo, III., for proufa cf curca. Vunl-1 (!, Hr.OO.OUO. Wuniccaaracur.'il U 1CD aiu ta unya. tuu-pnga boou free. ZBUYAS jraOMFT ACT Has Probably Avortod War Bo twoon Nicaragua and Oolombia. THE OORN ISLAND OONTEOVBRBY. Oolatnbln Vn I'rcporlus to Tnke loiP. tlon of Territory Olnlmod by Mlcnragun, or Conrso Orcnt llrltnlu Ilnil l'ut In a Clnlm for tlio Islantl. Manauoa, Nlcarnaun, Jnn. 8. With little benting of drums or blowing of trumpets n wnrllke move upon the pur t of tho republic of Colombia 1b now bo lloved to have bean oheokmnted by the ro publio of NlonrnBUii, nlthough furthor naws from the objective point, Corn Isl and, Is anxiously oxpooted hore. About a month ngo tho government of NIonrngua wns Informed unofflolnlly thnt Colombia had plnnnod to make a landing on Corn Island, a valuable stratoglo spot, situated about thirty-six miles off Mos quito coast, nnd belonging to Nicaragua, whoso flag was to be haulod down nnd tho ensign of Colombia substituted for It. It was alleged that Nicaragua wng overtax ing Corn Island, nndthnt tho inhabitants, numbering a few hundred, had appealed to Colombia for redress. It was further stated that tho prefect of San Androz, Co lombia, had assembled a military foroe nndlwas only awaiting for the arrival of a Colombia gunboat iu order to ombark tho troops, proceed to Corn Island, solzo It and fortify It against tho possibility of recap ture. That tho plan was discussed there Is no reason to doubt, but President Zelnyo, of Nicaragua, took prompt steps to meet the move upon the part ot the neighboring republic Very quietly detachmonts of Nlcnrngnan troops were assemblod hero and at Granada, and whan all was ready they were sent In small parties across Lake Nicaragua nnd down tho San Juan rlvor to Greytown and Bluoflelds. Dy this time tho soldlors of Nicaragua aro bo licvod to bo iu possession of Dig and Llttla Corn Island, for thore are two of them, and the work of eroding a strong fort should be progressing. Tho troops took with thom tho bost guus nvnllnble and a supply of ammunition nnd othor supplies. Storehouses nnd bnrraoks aro also to b3 constructed at Corn Island. Of course, If tho Colombian expedition started oarllor than they oxpoctod, anl reached Corn Island bof ore the N icarnguan troops, fighting may havo ooourred boforo this, and If so tho matter may loa'd to a gonoral uphoaval in Central America, for Colombia was warned, diplomatically and through tho pross early last mouth, that her seizure of Corn Island might load to a warlike combination of the republics of Salvador and Honduras, In support of Nicaragua, against her. Colombia vrai also advised, If alio still maintained such rights over Corn Islntid, to submit them to tho arbitration of n disinterested repub lic. To these threats and suggestions, ap parently, no attention was paid. It is hoped here that the Nicarngunn force reached there in ndvanco of tho Colombian detachment. Soino yoars ngo, at tho time work was beginning on tho marltimo canal of Nica ragua, It was reported that Great Britain was contemplating laying hands on Corn Island, which, situated a short dlstanco from tho Atlantto entrunoo of tho canal, would have boon quiokly converted Into nnothor of tho chain of British forts on tho Amorloan coast, and would have en abled Groat Britain prnctlcully to com mand tho eastern ontranco of tho water way wnich Is In time to join the Atlautio to tho Pacific. Thereupon Nicaragua, act ing upon suggestions, possibly from tho United States, took official possession of both Big and Little- Corn islands, hoisting the Nlcaraguan flag over thom with much coromony and giving diplomatic notico of tho samo. Tho British claim to Corn Island Is un derstood to bo bused on hor formor pre tensions, slnco glvon up, to a protectorate over tho Mosquito territory, and beonuso Colombia, which originally owned Corn Island, cedod tho lslnnds to King Goorgo, then the governing ohloftaln, under Brit ish ausploes, of tho Mosquito rosarvntion. Colombia, however, Insists that Corn Islnnd was ceded to King Georgo only on the condition that It was to bo returned whenovor required. Nicaragua, as pros ont ownor of what wni tho Mosquito res ervation, now n part of tho ropubllo of Nicaragua, dispute) this point, especially as the Li 1110 for niluij U officially has If i since passed, und hnlds that Corn I .1-1 was part'of tho Mosquito territory, auit in mch Is now a portlonof Nicaragua territory. It will thus be soon that the dispute is a pretty ono as it stands, nnd that much may depoud upon whloh country's troops first land on Corn Island and plaoo It in a state of defense Tho Nloaraguan govern ment has strong hopes that tho blue and whlto "flag of Nh-nraiju-v Is now floating over Corn Island, otherwise this nows would not havo been nllowod to leak out Corn Island, up to tho prosefft, has boon HUlo more than tho headquarters of vory numerous bauds of smugglers, and it has hitherto boon found difficult, if not im possible, to keep n garrison there. Tho soldlors, having nothing to do, but lazily mount guard now and again, whllo bask ing In warm sunshine in a delightful ollmnto, soon boenmo too frlondly with tho smugglers and ovontunlly dosert In the smuggler's boats to tho oast coast of Nicaragua and evor after oscape from military duty. Now, however, stops aro to be taken to prevent this dwindling away of tho Nlcaraguan garrison. Terrlblo IMIuing Disaster In Mexico. City of Mexico, Jan. 2. A torrlblo dis aster has ocourred iu the Santa Gortrusl mino, at Pachuoa, one of tho most famous silvor mlnos in tho country. Firo broko out in one of the levels of tho old south ern workings Thursday, shutting off tho txit of thirteen Mexican minors. Minors on the outside went to work to try to put out tho fire and savo tho men. Ono En glishman, Ned Richards, an experienced miner, wont down in charge of tho rescue operations, but perished from suffocation, All tho Mexicans died from tbe samo cause or from burning. Tho bodies havo not yet been recovered. TuBchera In a Itallrontl Wreck. De IIoinbs, In., Jnn. 3. A passengBr train on the IlouUuk anil Westorn was wreokod by gpraidlng mils yoeUrday two mllos south ot Norwulk, Injuring savorol pagengers, ono iwrhaps fntallv. It wna a heavy train, loaded with teachers, going home from the state association. One oonch and baggage oar were turnod ui slde down and others tipped ovor. Bugene Chapman, a son of Dr. II. U. Chapman, of lies Moines, may dlo. Conductor Ed Cuvunuugh wasulso severely hurt niieumatiam Cured In Day, "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days, Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease Immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. T. F. Anthouv. ex-Postmaster of Promise City, Iowa, says : "I bought one bottle of Aiysuc uure ior uiieumatlsm, and two doses of it did me more tood than any medicine I Sold by C. II. Hageubucb, druggist, Shen audoah. Ask your grocer for as "Eoyal Patent' flour, and take no other brand. It la the lt flour made. Is ttiote kny reason for dodging and ig noring a great and vital fact simply be cause a few preju diced, misguided people have anll A quated Ideas of what constitutes morality ana moaestyr Kea son and honesty say ctrtainly not. Men and women are at tracted to each other because they are men and women and be cause it is right and necessary that they should be so at tracted. The things that make a man at tractive are the char acteristics caused by his Inherent manli nessby the strengtli which makes him a perfect man. The same Is true of wo- man. There is strong 1 attractiveness in per- feet health. There is fascination and mag netism in it. A wo man cannot be en tirely womanly she cannot be a tierfect woman If she Is no! in oerfect health. In just so much as hct ' sickness affects the organs that make her a woman. In just so much she loses attrattlve ness. This is the vital part of her health If anything Is wrong there. It may result In all manner of ills all over the body, Care less, or too busy, physicians frequently treat the symptoms of this kind of disorder as separate and distinct ailments. The syuip. toms are many and varied, so much so that when a woman Is sick in any way, the first thought should be given to the organs dis. tinctly feminine. About 9 times in 10 the cause of the trouble will be found there. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures all disorders of this kind. There is no guess work about it. There is no chance about it. It is a fact that has been demonstrated In 3c solid years of extensive practice. Thousands of women have written grate ful letters, who have wished the whole world of women to know the wonderful things the "Prescription" has done fol them. The first of Amerionn Kewsim- The American Constitution, tlie American Idea, the American Spirit. Those first, last and all the time, forever. Daily, by mail, - $6 a year Daily & Sunday, by mail, $8 a year The Sunday Sun Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. Price 5c.1 a copy. By mall, S2 a year. Address THE .SUM, Wew York. Cel., Km. "P For ealo at Fovinsky's drug store. Centre street. VIM, VIGOR, VITALITY RESTORED IN 30 DAYS. GOOD EFFECTS AT ONCE. CATON'S VITALIZE! Cmvn General or special debility, wakefulness, spermatorrhoea, emissions, impotency, pare sis, etc. Correeta functionnl disorders, cmiscd hy errors or excesses, quickly reetorlntj Lost Hunliood In old or younir, nlvinir vigor nnd strength where former wc kncs prevailed. Convenient package, simple, effectual and cglt'mato. CURE IS QUICK AND THOROUGH. Don't be deceived bv imitations: insist on CATON'S Vllallzero. Sent sealed if your drug gist does not hate it. Price $1 perpkgr., 6 for $s, with written guarantee of complete cure. Infoim ,:i mi. r"r. renee etc.. free nndconfiden tlal. 5eiid t ntiti of cose nnd 25 cts. for a week's trial treatment. Ono only sent to each person. CATCi; MED. CO., BOSTON, MASS. JANUARY 4th Beginning of next session of BLOOIYiSBURG STATE -NORMAL SGHOOL. Write for information to J. A.WELSH, ...Principal. J. CANFIELD, Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity --For-- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. M. C. WATSON, Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer. Cigar., Tobacco, Ac. Agent for Reading Brewing Oo.'u Beer and l'orter. 116 snd 11 3 S. Main S (lelebwted Female aara ana euni (alter rauna with Taney id Fniarroni rill lHinedle.). Aiwre f buy Uk. lvet aud avuil dlatp pertOT to all otaol. leltl?dl '. L KrUoului, t CU, 1)1.0, n outer iw noffltnunt. . OuaienlwU eupertel for bm lu the nioxkat, A Na i Otr, Buton, Mua. Tours to California. California has been most fittingly termed tho "Italy of America." All the delicious balm, the cloudless sky, and the rich ver dure of the groat Rnropcan peninsula sro duplicated in this sunny land of the Pacific. . I Here nature basks in the sunshine of her own i beauty; and here she has established Vr i ' own sanitarium, wiiere eternal spring iu-, snlres everlasting Tonth. With the snow-1 j mantled peaks of the Sierras upon the one hand, the calm Pacific with Its soft breezes upon the other, and a veritable paradise of (lowers, fruits and plants between, man can II ml and needs no lovellor land. To visit such a country is a privilege, a blessing. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company, recognising tho need of a more comfortable nnd pleasant way of crossing the continent, inaugurated a series of annual tours to Cali fornia, running a through train of Pullman imlace cars from New York to the Pacific Coast, and stopping at the principal points of Interest en route. Tho great popularity of these tours demonstrates the wisdom of U10 movement. For the season of 1807 three tours havo been arranged to leave New York, Philadel phia, and PitUhurg, January 87, February 24, and March 37. The first tour will run direct to San Blego via St. Louis nnd the Santa Fe lioiito. and re turn frmn San Fmnrisnn via Salt IaIib Oltr. i)enVor, nnd Chicago, allowing five weeks in California. Tho second tour will run via the Mammoth (live and New Orleans to San Blego, stepping at tho "Crescent City" during the Mardl (Iras Carnival. This tour will return via Salt Lako City, Denver, Omaha, and Chicago, allowing four weeks in California. The third tour will run via Chleago.Denver, and Salt Lake City, allowing passengers to re turn by regular trains via diQerant routes within nine months. All of these tours, oithcr going or return ing, will pass through the famous Colorado region, Qlenwood Springs, Leadvtlle and the Garden of tho Gods. Bates from all points on the Pennsylvania Railroad System east of Pittsburg: First tour, $310 ; second tonr, $830 ; third tour. f210 round trip, and $160 ono way. For detailed itineraries and other informa tion, apply at ticket agencies, special hook ing ollicos, or address George W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. 'VETERIMARYSPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hccs, AND POULTRY. JOOFago Book on Treatment of Anlmnis and Chart Bent l'rcc. cintia(Fevers,CpnccstIans,InflnnimatIon A.A.iHplnnl MeuliittUla.flltlli Fever. Ktrnlnn, Lameness, Itlicnmatlsm. C.C...J)ltcniper, Nasal Dlacliargcia I.U.Ilot or Cirabs, Worms. F..i:..-Coiich8, Heaves, Pneumoniae lMfCollc or Gripe. Ilellracbe. ;.(!. !Ulcarrlaie. llemorrlinnes. i 11.11. "Urinary iimi Kidney Diseases, .1. Ernptlvo Ilisenscs, Mango. .I(..Ulseases of Digestion, I'aralyslsv Blngle Bottle (over 60 dosesJt - - ,00 Stable Case, with Specifics, ManndL Veterinary Cure Oil and Medlcator, $r.00 Jnr Veterinary Cure Oil, 1.00 Sold l7llrngtMi r ot prtpiM urwfaervftnd la uy linU(y an rteclpt tl prle. iiiirunris'MEn. co., 111 a lismniM st,KwTort. iEUHPEREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No.i In muni Thn ml n(j..Fi,1 rumailvfn NaruniiP hohilitu Vital UJmlmnpp IIDIIUUO UCUIIIII 1 HOI IIUUnilGOOl and Proatr&tlon, from over-work or other canses. 91 par yUl, or S villa and larsa Tll powder, for ti. I Bold br Drorslits, or aat Jioolp.ldoa receipt of price, j llCHPimETS BSD. CO., 1 H 1 1 HlllUm St., Ken York. For snlo nt Fovinsky's drug store, 29 EaBt t Centre street UBSI o Pcrfsct Isfant Tcod Eagis Brandj Condei-so'j Mk "Infant Health," la i llitle book of g ii. Y.!oned Milk fin. e II Sadsoa Street, Hew Twit O 2QS83'Of'Qf?r;OI3Q8J(r.?aa IV1ADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE jLLTj jfervou jiiseae8-Failing Mem vrj. Impotency, Sleuplensnetis, etu., caused by Abuse and other Xxcesses And Indin cretlons. They quickly ami surety reBtore IiOet Vitality In old or yoaiiff, and fitamaaforstaiy.buslno8 or marriage. Prorent Insanity and (VinftnmDtion if taken In time. Their tine shows immediate improve, meat and effects a CURB where all others tall. In clet npon having the genuine Ajax Tablets. They naB curea inoosanas ena win oaro you. ve Rive a positive written guarantee to effect u cure In each case or refund the money. PrtoeSOcergi per packaqe, or six packacea full treatment 1 for VOJ. By mail, in plain wrapper, upon reoelptof prioe. Circular free. AJAX REMEDY CO., For sale In Shenandoali. t.. bv A. Wnslev amis. 1. Klrlin, DruKSists. POLITICAL CARDS. on ciiiisf liuitaEsa, C. H. HAGENBUCH. Subject to Citizens party rules. JjlOIl CIIIKF BUnOESS, PIERCE WALKER, Of tho Fourth ward. Subject to Citizen!) party rules. JlOU CIIIKI' iiunaisss, CHARLES G. PALMER, Of tho Fourth Ward. Subject to Citizens party rules. jyou chief uuitarcss, JACOB NOLL. Subject to Democratic party rules. JjlOIt ltKCMVKIS OF TAXES, M. P. CONRY. Subject to Democrutlo party rules. pOU CHIEF BUItOlSSS, JOHN DANDO. Subject to the Citizen party rules, jion cm hi' nunaKss, ALEX. DAVIS, Of the Fifth Ward. Subject to Oltisena jwrty rules. JlOlt TAX I1BCKIVEK, JAMES H. MORGAN. Of the Third ward. Subject to Citlaeiie party rule. JJIOU CHIEF BUIIOMSS, A. P. TABOR. Subject to Demucratlc party rulw. p on CHIEF BUltaHS. WOLF LEVINE. Bubjeet to OiUaem lwity rule.. pOU TAX ItHCltlVHlt, A. D, GABLE, Of the Fourth Wrd. Subject to Citizen party rules. HUfySPHREYS' H HUSalaHl Ml mm ESfUliDFfflTIlEIOt! Three Friends Filibusters Again En Eoute for Ouba. TAKEN OFF BY THE DAUNTLESS. The Sten Knilnred CI rant l'rlvntlana, and nt I.enut Two Hnvo Mod Congressman Money nt lliivnnn, but Cannot Walt foe Cnptnln Uenernl Woyler. j jACKaoNYilxu, ffl&., Jan. 9. The All-1 busters whole! t Fernandlua on the itsamet Three Friends about three wetitt ago, bouud for Ouba, and who, after tho fail ure of the expedition, were landed on No Nnmo Key, have been In distress, and al least two of them hare died becauseof the privations that they have been compelled to endure. No Name Key Is situated aboul sixty miles northeast of Key West. The steamer Dauntless, which left this port Tuesday afternoon, has readied tht key where the men and cargo were left, and succeeded lu taking them aboard, and they aro supposed to be now on tho way , to Cuba again. A dispatch to The Citizen from Key West gives tv j following Infor mation : The Dauntless' arrived nt NoNamoKey Thursday nlalit, and the transportation ol the nrms nnd men from the island to the steamer was begun immediately. Four I Key West schooners assisted in the trans fer of men nnd nrms from the koy to the steamer. While the work was la progresi j two steamers were seen to pass, giving the filibusters a fright and neooessltAting the , suspension of operations for the time be lug. A scare was also caused by several newspaper men visiting the oamp In a tug from Key West. So soou as the signal was given that the visitors were frieuds, 1 however, all fears wore allayed, and tha 1 work was continued again. Throe news- j paper men are aboard the Dauntless, and will go with their expedition. No reference is made In the dispatch to thodrownlug of flfty-ono of the men, at I reported in a dispatch published yester-' day. I Mil. MONEY IN HAVANA. The Mississippi Congressman Unable to Visit General Wcyler. HAVANA, Jan. 2. Oaptalu Woylor lsonouniped at llayote. IIo slept thoro Thursday night, nmld tho gro(itet onthushism on tho part of tha tfnops. The intendonte, Sonor Taboruda, -lid Secre tary I'alinarola loft hore yosterday by train to pay a visit to Captain Gonoral Woylor. The captain gonoral ord'orod a doublo ra tion of food anit wlno to bo ecrvod to the troops. Sonator-olact H. U. JTonoy, ol Missis sippi, who is a membot of the committoe on foreign affairs of tho Unltud States houso of represontatives, paid a visit yes terday to tho palaoe, nooompanied by Uni ted States Consul General Lee nnd Vies Consul General Springer. The Murquia of A humada, the noting oaptalu general, wasabseut, andan alde-do-camp informed the visitors that General Woyler would soon return to Havana. Mr. Money oxprossed his regret at not seeing tho Murquis Ahumndaaiulat being unublo to await tho return of Gonoral Woylor before ho loft the island. Vice Consul Genoral Springer sailed for the United SUitos today on tho steam o. Oltvut. Commodore Stuck on a liar. T Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 2. Tho Com-' modoro, wliloh clonred from this port on xuurrjuuy iiikuij, uuuuu lur vuua, wun arms and ummunltion, groundod In the St. John's river at Commodore's Point, n fow mllos below tho city, and romalncd there all night. Tho rovonuo outtor Bout well wout down tho river yestorday and pulled tho vessel off. Tho Commodore crossod tho bar about 3 o'clock nnd hoaded for Cuba. The Three Friouds Is now froo from tho custody of the government. Tho question whether tho Threo Frlouds fired upon a Spanish cruiser will, howovor, bo brought boforo tho grand Jury. The Reform Decree Signed. Wasuin'oton. Jan 2. Tho Spanish min ister at Washington was yosterday in formed by cablogram from Madrid that tho queen rogont had slgnod tho dooroo in augurating government roformsjn Porto Itlco. Those reforms are essentially sig nificant at this time becauseof tho avowal of Spain that they will be extended to Cuba whon tho Island has boon pacified. Relief In Six Hours. Distressing kidnov and bladder diseases rcliovod in six hours bv tho "New Great South Arnorican Kidney Cure." This now remedy is a croat surmise ou account ot its oxecodiug promptness in relieving pain in the bladdor, kidneys, back aud ovcry part of the urinary passages in male or female. ii relieves retention ot water and pain in passine it almost immodiatelv. If "vou want quick relief and euro this is ycur romr-dy. Sold by Shaplra's pharmacy, 10 South Main irept. K.'srna Unjustly Accused GuTlim O. T., Jan. 2. Evo Morrow. the la-i j..r-old girl who was so terribly In jured i.r, tho time her father was murdered at l'orklns, two woeks ago, has reoovercd sufficiently to speak, and said to the phy sicians that two white mon committed tho crime. This clears tho negroes under nrrest, who wore so nearly lynchod. illan'olous ltosults. From a lottor written by Itov. J. Gunder- man, of Dimondalo, Mich., wo aro permitted to make this extract : "I havo no hesitation in recommending Dr. Kine's Now Discovery. as tho results wore almost marvelous in tho ease of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at llives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding ia urinpe. rerriuie paroxysms ot coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survivo tlieni. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Disoovery; it was quick iu its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles tree at A. wasley's urux store, lieaular size 50c and $1.00. Innocent Victims (if Lynchers. Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 2. Proseontlng Attorney Aul, of Lafayette county, In an Interview here, expressed the opinion that the two men, James Kelson and Jessie Winner, who were lynched by a mob at Lexington a short time ago, were inno cent ot the murder of Mrs. Winner nnd her baby. lie claimed to have sufficient evidence to rwuse the indictment ot fifty oi tne lyuonerg. Uucklen'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cute, bruises, sores, ulcers, nit rheum, fever (ores. rabvu.. Ma(eu iuuub, liuuumilia, uurua, MUU all skin eruptions, and positively ouree pilee, vi ju jwy rtKiuireu. it is gimnnieea to give perfect atUnction or mony refunded, l'rlee 26 cents per box. Fur sale by A. Waal ay. Accidentally Killed Ills Son-ln-T.w. WlLWAMSFORT, Pa., Jan. 2. Dall Ilar eni, of Slsterville, W. Va., was oooideutly shptby his father-in-law at Kldretl Thure day. Tlie young mail was visiting at the place and during the night went to the kitchen for a drink. The father-in-law thought a burglar wag In tlie houso, and with rifle iu hand went down stairs, where he saw the form of a man. lie fired and Hurens fell dead. arlp-Ooltls-lIeuduiilie, Why suffer with Coughs, Cold and I Grippe when Laxative Bromo Quinine will cure you In one day. Put up in tablet con venient for taking. Quaranteed to cute, or money refunded. Price, at) cents. For sale by Kirlin's Pharmacy. FACE RAW AND BLEEDING My little boy m nrnVterl with Refema In Rente form for n y,'x, dirllift which tried wltbotit aiiceeaa evriy knutvn rnmpdy. Thp dla orilpr tippeared on ll.c ilttht rheek and was of a blletery uud bloody form. Hla pillow, luornlnsfl, would bear the bloody linittnt of tho aide of hla face, while It wa Impoaalhlo to prevent blm from aeratfhlng hla faro owlne to tbe itoldnft. Advised tr try OirnriTS, I bought a box. Th,, flrat application waa made at night, and It la a fart, tbnt the Appearance of tbe afferted patia showed a noHceahlf imjtrontr.xfnt Itt n'rtmwn inff, and, continuing tho treatment aa a reault, my child baa aa fulr and ernooth akin aa can bo fouod anywhere. W. a. NEKIJHAM, raUakala, O. ftrtlBT Cost TBBTnaT. Warm bathe, with CitTirtiftA HnAi. mntlsj annltriHoTf nf t'l'Ttron (oint ment), tba mat n ear. nd mild dotei of Cuticuha. nnobTinTtfraiifn m numor earn. (Wild tbroachnut the world. Prttw. CirTintn . Me.i POAP. 9BO.I HUOLTRRT, IMIc. intd It. POTTlK UUVO Ann vmtft. Corp.. Sole Ptom., Bo. ton. tiV" Ilow (o Cur Bwt Akin DiaMM." mUA fW- BROM-KOLOA ALCOHOLIC, KBRVOUS AMD HEADACHES BILIOUS Curetl by thla irmnular effcrvetcent and allmu lant. An liwtnnt oure for .our atomaoha and heattichea. which often accumulate from having a nifrht out. JOHN F. CLEAR Y, BOTTLER OF CARBONATED DRINKS, 1 7 and 19 Pench Alley, Shenandoah "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPO m q w mi SURB CURE FOR Dyspepsia, Malaria, Siaspiessness, Nervous Headache, Biliousness, Kidney Diseases, General Debility, Etc. As7c your DruggM to get them through hts Oobber, or send a Postal Card to BOULTON HOP BITTERS CO., NESni YORK. Wtbb Samples Sold by P. P. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa. For Sale by P. P. D. S THAT TWINGE you felt Iu your shouldor when you put ou your V overcoat, this morning,niean9 9 RHEUMATISM, P and that means troublo for you unloss you uso RAINBOW LINIMENT, V which is a positivo euro for llhouniatlsm, J iNeuraigia, XiUmuago, Bprains, SLamoness, Oramps and Colic. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. per bottle. .1 n- ...1 I. .. 1 r T T I . T T-'tl'I! r IWl y rrciioiauui n, u , xia.ejn.r.A x v tJU.j J .XjXi - DiaTrs - a - PHILA. & READING RY IN EFFECT DEC. 0. 1896. Trains leavo Shenandoah aa follows : For New York vU l'hllnilolpliln A uek ilay. 2 10, 5 25, 7 10 n. in., 1233, 3 03 .id&58 p 11 Sundays, 2 10 ft. in. For New York via Mauch Chunk, week day 5 25, 7 10 n. in., 12 SI and 3 08 p. m. For ItelulliiK and Philadelphia, week dAyr. 2 10, 5 25, 7 10 a.m., 12 33, 3 03 and 5 58 p. in. Sui days, 2 10 n, tn. For Fottsvillo, week days, 2 10; 7 10 n. m., an 12 38, 3 08 and 5 58 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m. For Tamnqua and Mahanoy City, week days 210,5 25, 7 10 ft. m., 12 38, 3 08 and 5 58 p. rr Sundays, 2 10 a. ra. For WllUamaport, Sunbury nnd Lewlabur week days, 8 25, 11 30 a. ui.. nnd 7 26 p. a Suudava, 3 25n. in. For Mahanoy Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 8 25, & 2t 7 10. 11 80 ft. m., 12 38, 3 03, 5 58, 7 25 and St p. m. Sundays, 2 10, 3 25 ft. in. For Aahlnnu and Shainokin, week days, 8 St 710, 1130 u. in., 725 and 9 55 p. m. Sur. dnya, 3 25 a. in. For Ilattlmore. Wnahlnrton nnd the Weal vi: II. & O. It. H., through trains lea'-t Heading Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & It. 17 K.) at 8 i , it a. m., u iu anu i.zi p. l. aunuayg 8 20,7 00,1126 a.m., 3 45 and 7 27p.m. Addl 1I..MA1 tMlii. tmn.n aantcfmiHli an.l nut streets Btatlon, week days, 10 80 a. ra. 12 30 12 H 8 10 pm. Sundays, 135,8 28 p.m. TK.UNS FOU SHENANDOAH. Leave New York via Philadelphia, weel days. 4 80, 8 00 a.m., 180, 4 30, 9 00 p. m. aud night. Sundays, 0 00 p. m. Leuve New York via Mauch Chunk, weel days, 4 30 9 10 a. m., 1 30 and 4 15p. m. Leave Philadelphia, Heading Teriulnnl, week days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 05 a. m. and 4 05, 6 30, 11 K p. in. Sundays, 11 30 p. in. Leave Heading, week days, 185, 710, 10 0t 11 55 a. ra., 600 nnd 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 1 88 a m Leave l'ottsville, weekdays, 285, 7 40 a.m. 12 30 and 0 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 35 a. m. Leave Tamaqua, week dnya, 8 18, 8 50, 11 28 a m., 1 37, 7 20 and 9 48 p. m. Sundays, 3 18 a. ra Leave Malutuoy City, week days, 8 45, 1 21, 11 47 a. ra., 2 08, 7 41 and 10 0a p. m. Sundays, t It a. m. Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 1 CO 830,987, 1159a. ra., 112,219,5 30,6 36, 787 on. 10 38 p. in. Sundays, 2 40, 00 a. m. Leave Wllllamaport, week days, 742, 10 10 ra., 3 35 und 11 41 p. m. Sundays, 11 15 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wart aut I Weekdays Express. 9 00 a. in.. 2 00. 400. 5 00 . .... nrnjiiiiuguaduii, nuu te. iu. , rj OU U. Iu. Sundays Exprcaa, 900, 10 00 a. m. Aooora niodation, 8 00 a. m., 4 45 u. lu. HeturninK leave Atlnniie City depot, cornet Atlaittle ana Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express, 7 85, 9 00 a. m., 8 80, 5 80 p. m. Accommodation, 8 15 a. in., 4 83 p. m. Sundaya Express, 4 00, 7 80 p. in. Aocomwu- ..ui.u.i, , ... ,m., eu y ,,,, l'arlor Cara nn a.11 atitnw ivLliu I. A. SWKIQABD, Q. O. HANOOOK., uen'l Superintendent. Ghm'l Peas As A genuine welcome waits you at JOE VYATTS SALOON, Cor. (lain and Coat Sts. rtueat whiskeys, bear porter and alt cor alHiilly ou tap. Ofaoloe etupecnoe drtuki Teame to Hlr. Itvnn mnl U 1,lu .. I , ..... attLfS1",',.ri.TAB'' ot for working purposes pay Shields' livery stable a vtstV Team eonaiautly on hand at reasonable rates. JAMES SHIKLDS, No. 410 East Centre street. Opposite Reading railroad station. !.OFH.Sf;OiVL CAi PUIIJ.II'N, M I) OnUf JtJ r- t ' nh ( 1 'n Itr ('ftt.ti.tfil t nil ho'iri M. H RKK, ATTORNEY -A I -LA W. OHlie -JSfrn l I..llf1lnt, nfMali, M,- Centre areeta, Hiienandfutli H I'ciMKROY. ATTORWEY-AT-LAW Rhennilonh. Ia. W MiiOKMAKKIt, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Corn r Mitrketftnd (''ntt.' atn N pROF .TOIIN JONF.X, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Look Hox 6S, Mnlmnoy City, Ia. Ilavtnfr atudieil undrr Himio of tbe be maetor. Ii Ixndon and l'nrl, will rfvf leaaon. on the violin, guitar nnI oonl culture Term, reaeonable. Addren in care of Stroum. the eweler. Shenandoali. The Rosy Froshness And a velvety aoftneaa of the akin is inva riably obtained by those who uae Poiziimi'h Complex Ion Powder. LIO JUL? Jl M f 1..10 1 In Cji.. to tise tnt ri Power, InnulLUCV.AtrunhvA arn ori-Jrar ri other caUncssti, Ir. ta any cause, use Scxinc Pills. Drains checked and full viffor quickly restored. Mai!edfor$1.00;0bojres$5.00. With $5.00 orders we Rive a guarantee t cure or refund the money. Address PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Cleveland., KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa isruisos, rnuaueipnia. nLII.J. 9 xsi's biilii it. pei79a. Railroad. SCIIUYKILL DIVISION. Novkmbrb 15, 1896. Trains w-lll leave Sbenandoah after the ebovt date for Wiggans, Ollbcrton, Frnekville, Dark Water, St. Clair, PotUvllle. llambiirg, Heading Pottstown, PhoeiilxWUe, Norrlatown and Phil sdelphta (llroad street station) at 1 08 and II 01 a. m. nnd 4 20 p. m. on week days. For PotV vlllo and intermediate stations 917 n, ra. SUNDAY. For Wlgirans, Ollberton, Frackvllle, Darr. Water, St. Clair, Fottaville, at 0 08, 9 4.r a in. 8 10 p. in. For Hamburg;, Heading, PotMmi Phoenlxvllle, Norrlatown, Philadelphia at t a 9 16 a. m., 3 10 p. m. Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah at 10 10 a. ra. and 12 31, 5 41, 7 52 aud 10 47 p. Sunday, 11 13 a. m. and 5 41 p. m. Leave Potteville for SllAIlAnilnnli nf. in ir, n. m. and 5 15, 7 25 and 10 20 p. ra. Sundas al 10 40 a. in., 5 15 p. ra. Shenandoah nt 5 57 and 8 85 a. m., 4 10 and JU ji. in. ween nays, sumiays leave at 0 50 a. m. Leave llroad street atatfnn. lhiltullnlile. tn. Sen Olrt, Aabury lark, Ocean Grove, Lon umiivu, anu lnternieuiate stations, b.i.0 tl.ii ft. m., 3.80 and 4.00 p. m. week-days. wvo urww street weion, I'nunueipnia, FOR NEW YOHK. Express. week-lavH. 3 20. 4 On. 4 i nr, sn 7 8SL8 30, 8 83,9 50, 10 21 (Dining Car), 11 00 . ml u uu noon, iz aa ti'imueu 1 OU and 4 22 p. ui. Dining Cars), 1 40, 2 80 (Dining Car) ;i -D, 8!iO. 4 00, 5 00, 5 56 (DIiiIiib Car), 6 Off, 6 50, 8 12, 10 00, p. in., 12 Ol, night. Sundays, 8 30, 4 05, 4 50, 5 15. 8 20,8 83,9 50, 10 21. (Dinlnar Carl. 113.", a. m. 12 85, 3 80 ( Illninir Car). 4 007Llmlt. .,1 4 I Car), 8 30, 5 56, (Diniug Car), 6 85, 6 BO, 8 12, 10 00 I', iu., i. vi niKiie. Express for Boston without nlmnin. II nn it , week-days, and 6 80 p. m., daily. FOB WASHINGTON AND THE not' I'H. Klir RAlftlmfaMl n.mi WaMt.tartA U mi IT kn u tn in an 1 1 m a to no ift m 't i V.. T I a V IHOI JillUltfU UW Itur Car), 113, 8 18 4 41 (519 C'onKres8tonal I'1 I ted. Dining Oar), 617, 655 (Dining CarJ, 7 40 (Dining Oar) p. tn., and 12 05 nlxrfi weeic ciaya. Huntlaya, 8 50, 720, 9 12, 11 39 a. ?i- ?3 2 ? 4 4h ( 8 18 OongreHsional LI mltel IMnlng Oar). (pining Oar), 7n n. m. FOB ATI-ANTIC CITY. TUIVA TlriVDjl atexui ataM,.. 11.S1 J..l l. , ap-a PtiaalUal j (lllMUl-ipiim 1, i iMtlRTatfArA rlt'nr keelo-a - 7v x duiTy, "-"- 1 Wl'irw, fU- p. V. - isittaV Vnrke tooet Ferry, express, moam, 300, 4 00.5(0 p tn Sundays, 845, u n ,! AwuuiiuouuKlon. 8UU, 8 20, ft. m., 3 13) nntl 4 JO U UI.. Wtk (luve: HnnHatiu u rt o.k a .ui and 5 00 p. " w '' iP! May, Anglea-ea, and lirillat HaUUlll anal Qn. T.I. II . . I v -v vmi,iiHHBAUU,v VIIV. UtTUII . 1 I V )( A VfTklfin Rvniuaai ItlVt ... i n.. . days. Suudaya. ii 00 a. ni.' week or Mtiiuum II..I . ... .. . 1 i ,, .l'.i n mj in ' 1m wmfm. emnuuya, a.i a in. I MAPirK?ire J.B. W.Kii,. Qen'l Manager. Ucn'l 1 wK r Agt. nillion of Dollars QV up In smoke evtiry year. Take n wsks bnt get your houses, stoi k, fur II u1 "tli" insured in flrst-ilawi re liable compauirr, as represeuted l-y DAVIT PATTT Inturancc AirtiK, rlUOl, 130 South Jaiitm '-t Also Life and Accidental Companies A Handsome Complexion Is oneot the greatest eharma a wmnan bh possess. PoxzoMi's OewKLunett VovMit gives it. Tif. A3 J u . e . i . .... i -I 4 00