The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 29, 1896, Image 2

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    ill tiund oT ev. iy one
111 h c.n.lltii.iia Mint
'WC' tradition impose. Ami
j1'""' "" fican Sunday is
i . it iioiiiitrui.
-PCmviUuii a decade r two (
it has been challenged,
t ccrtttti thsn tlio futility
l'nc tart that tlicMB rights
.t the fltst lliuu formally
l'ryor so strenuously lis-
nicil hy tho fuct thai not
V lias any serious attempt
my thrin.
coi.ii in m: day.
in. hi Quniinc Tablets. All
lit money il it hills to cure.
3' i Olll tactics.
At tho I'olo Ath
rhuro will tn hnvobcuu
(It I2S pounds lie-
mi. of H.ntoti, mill
Yutrnltu Mnrshnll's
hly unfair. He often
i ill tils antagonist
'r !.i him away llonlso
' 'i ' lug wilhnut being
t 'lit ft itiul luffs of tho
. 11,4 miu ouoil ro-
M iinhnll con-
mill I lm built was
. Ii tMiiiiil und thi) do
. an
Miinyon's Uloiiil Cures will positively etito
tlm int fnriii of sriiifula, erysipelas, salt
rlii'iim. rzoina, pimples, syphilitic nll'cctloiis,
mercurial taints. blotches, liver snots, tcttor
and all Imimritlcs of the blood.
Miiiiynn's Fuce ami Skin Ointment re
moves blackheads, pimples, Mutches ami all
si in eruptions. It soothes and lirals cuts,
sores, scalds and hums, uml relieves the pain
at oiiee. Sole lips, chapped hands, scurvy
oezetna, salt l heum anil tetter nro promptly
eu reil.
A "epurnle cure fur eaeh disease. At all
druggists, mostly S3 eetits a vial.
Personal letters to l'rof. .Miiiiyon, 1505
Auh street, I'hilailelpliia, Pa., answered
with five medieal advlro fur unv disease.
) by ICiikIIsIi
' 'Wn Dec
-it, .....1.1 tn
.f i... i ii.. kii.... it. ...
I niv; i ii nit ouui b ....u,
l "Olll this eltv to (VN'ull.
4 ?lwus planned to bo built
has re-timed to Sioux
' -i I lin lifia (I liiit ii till v en.
f't rj,-itiitnl uoressnrv for tho
Jt .1 iriilKviv linn Irom Slnnr
i1 t lelsco. Air. Mol.eun suvs
Ij-or V a ovcry arrangement for
n iii.ii of mj.OIJu of English
3 ur f0r pains and Aches.
H. s lied Flag
i its store.
I In l.xcnlleut Health.
1 1
V Doc 29 In regard to
. Iries as to tho lioulth of
' ylllnrd. Dr C. A. Groono,
ns uuthorlzod tho publlcu
1 Mowing stateiiicnt: Miss
1 she came to Custlle, tho
dt Louis convention, has
A Wenlthy Mnuitf.irt urn "Convicted
Ills Own llvldcnce.
New Yomc, Dec. 29. Isano 'uker, n
, wealthy real ostuto owner and mnnufuo
turer, was Inst night convicted of arson In
j tho llrst dogreo in causing his Division
street Rtoro to bo sot on tiro nnd liltnsolf
j aiding In tho nriMiieiucnts fur lRiiithiK It
It wns ubiiniod by the procoeutIon that
I .uker was tho chief of tho stung of flrobugs
whoso glguutio opar.itl'ju threo years 1130
startled tho liistirnnco world, and Morris
Srhoonholi, a forty year tormur In Slug
Sing for his contiBOtlon with this crime,
was brought from prison to tostify ngainst
Tho district attorney, howovur, failed to
mako out n good wise until Zuker went on
thu stand for hlmsulf. Hevns n wretched
witness fur his own lnterosts, und made
admissions that dostroyed tho dofonso his
counsel hud built up. Tho district attor
ney questioned him about tho numerous
flros that had occurred in buildings oc
cupied by him, and he lncrlmlnntod him
self by his auswurs. Among the llres men
tioned were one at No. 18 North Canal
street, Newark, In 1879, and unotherat No.
80) South stroet, l'lilladelphla, on Sopt. 0,
laSO. Ho denied all recollection of tho
Philadelphia lire, and tho prosecution In-
Twonty-four Known Dead from
tho Oahaba Bridge Wrcok.
Grnrge K. Kvnns, Superintendent of Trntin
piirtKtlnn or tlio Lnulsvltle unit Nnslivlllo
ItiillroHil, Still Mnlntnlnt That tlio Itor
rur Was Not nn Aeclilent.
IlminxoilAM, Ala., Deo. 29. Tho death
list from Sunday's wrocknt Cahnba river,
whoroby n Birmingham Mineral railroad
train dropped through a bridge 110 foot
high on thoSouthornrallway.npponvsnow
to lmvo grown to twonty-four. This In
cludes tho death of AV. D. Hast, a brldgo
foreman, who was killed In a second
wreck, which resulted from 11 collision of
construction trains at tho sceno of the
first disaster six hours aftor tho brldgo
Twcnty-ono bodlos wore taken from Ca
habn river, nnd since theu it hus been as
certained that S. W. Tlbbs nndwlfo, who
A Michigan Man Offers to Bend His Dis
covery Fiee.
Heart Disease Cured,
Claims to Be
a Benefactor
to Weakoned
trnilllpiiil tlnnil ninnl.a tn lirfti-n thill, fir,. In-
Mroveu iu noaun, nuu is , cimilg .ukor's testimony in a suit to
111 b0 .I"17 sh!'..w' when I collect tho Insurance.
n,1 " k",l,,a- bhe ,h"s Zuker Is a UusBinn, 19 years old. Ho
c "'i""i v. enmo to America in 1803 and wont Into
thu vluthlng buslnoss In Now York, his
succons uuabliug him to open branch
stores In Philadelphia and Newark.
1 1( " " inai snu nus nuanuoneu is
l(iu io ner proposou trip to uail-
uas ai no iimo uuen any
ljSlce (vital or menial energies.
ltd' vm t :
I Ol til uenniiKS.
1 and . Dec 29. Tho tariff hear-
I, f; jin ways and rucam comtnlt-
n tli' "in givo 10 1110 represent
hero irious industries interested
,f tiikln'ou of the new tariff bill,
1 1, Johuaiiy until Jnn 11. uwingto
iiiotteu lor Hearings many
ftuiinliippared simply lllod thoir
reAer Colo no oral nrgtimonts. Mr.
I,U'Umued tho opinion that tho
I1I0W1' condeuHod briufs would
jy-'mmposo of tho euniuiittoa but-
vt lw lie111" anu ain iu iu 1111113
I c llncT,1rB 1 s siuio.
I .It t it It v coll) ,N ONI. ,,AV
r. -Iri-imn Oninine Tillilets. All
ii t""!' t,lon,0"cy if it falls to cure.
ilo V 111
llftts at WtiHhltiutiiii.
, Dee '.i -In the six day
IvA x h' Iii'iiiH Unity, tlio sciiro
a... Ml' ....
BVe tlrst any was: .Maddux,
,1'ir HT. Ashiugur, MI;
Hiuit-r 111; Fostur, 112;
pplo, lil, cihoek, l;!9; Al-
i nil Wife C rfiinntl'd.
J, Doc 29 - (Jrogor Klerch-
ivlfo wero burtiod to death
it Johnston yoslorday. Tho
partially consumed by the
ulted from the oxploslon of
A Mighty Hlce Thing for Coushs.
What? I'jii-Tiua, 25c. At Gruhler Bros.,
drug store.
Killed Ills Ilnimliter's I'laiice.
Atciiimin-. Ivan., Dee. 29. K N. Qrn
ham, tin aged and influential farmer, shot
nnd killod John Hopkins, who was the
superintendent uf tho furm und who lived
at his homo nnd was engaged to be mar
ried to ills daughter, (iriiham opposed
tho marrlago. Graham Is In jail.
The Weather.
For custom Pennsylvania, Now Jersey
nnd Dolawaro: Generally fair and warmer;
southwesterly winds.
CloaiiiK (JuotAtlans of tllff Nuiv York ullll
rlilliulelphlH nxrliimces.
Nkw Youk, Dec. yw. The stock market ruled
About n dull as provioui to thu holidays, and,
although there were no Influence that havenot
reewntly been operative, the tone was heavy
the greater inrt of thu day. C'lostlni; bids:
Ilaltlmore&OUio 15 Lehigh Valley. ... DJ'J
Cliesn. & (Ihio,
Del. & HiuUoa
Lake Hrlo ix.
Lehigh Nav
All iws'ts paid.
ISM, New Jersey Co.. lot)
ll'J' New York Cen. IK!';
1MH Peuusylvuuln. Cl'.j
U Heading. . . .?'3
IIP 2 St. Paul
U'i W. N. Y. & I'u
. far,,
Fishermen Dri.wneil.
ain, Dec 29 The fishing
belonging at Kuonglrola,
. Ill southrtcsKir this city, lias
il In thu Mediterranean, and
( tl ocn men drowned.
s nf tlio head, chapped bauds
bruises Hilds, burns are
by DeWitt's Witch Hazel
lrek iitilie articleinust iimiI
always cures them. C. II.
t)ill"nt Good roofing, plumbing
mcral tiusmltliing dono call
f hor 18 West Centre street
, 1-tf
rrrsellted for rityinent.
Di " Zi. -.Cornelius Hulden,
wont tu Mayor Strong's
" with a coupon for water
rlty of Now York, Issued
fuur months before tho
Independence Tho coupon
lionjumln HlnRgle, clork of
ou tho fuco of tho uoto It
t tho city chamberlain will
four shillings 011 Its pre
ildon's wife came Into pos
"'.oupou through her father,
er Is looking up tho matter,
l finding h fund from which
'in bo rodoomed. There Is
similar coupon known to
1 i.
a Veteran Knglneer.
, Dec 29. Jatnos H. Fran
j yesterday. In tho bfid year
e was ono of tho oldest rull-
In thocountry. Hooperatod
! engine, which was brought
In 18.;o, nnd was placod on
Hind Aniboy railway to tnko
! horses time had formorly
Is. Hint latnous engine was
Ijio World's fair.
(leural IMnrhets.
Pitii.Alint.rHIA, Dec. M. Flour dull ; winter
superrlnn, $J.833.10; do. extras, xa)3.10;
Penu.ylvniiia roller, clear, $4.ay.!iS ; do. do.,
straight,; western winter, lear,H.20
(J4.U5. Wheat tirin; December, 27(iJJ7;4. Oats
steady ; December, Slil'e. Hay ijulrt; choloo
timothy, 4314.f)0for large bales. Ueef steady 1
family, 0.5Ogll; extra mei, K.3i28; beef
hams, $18; tiereed ln-cf , WA9.60; oity extra Iu
din mesa, $12.00 il4.50. Pork dull; mess, ti.2S9
11.75; abort clear, Js.T5'10.50; family, flUAlO.W.
Lard steady ; western steam, $4.10. Butter
steady ; western creamery, laflVWc. ; do. factory,
TiiliU'c. ; Klgin. 2Vo. ; Imitation creamery, 11(3
luijc. ; New York dairy, lliiiyc. ; do. creamery,
14.4:21c., extra state prints, uholeMile, 24c;
prints Jobbing at Cheese quiet; large
and small, 7'4 lo)i ; part skims, 3J.7'4; full
skims, 2j(a3. Kggs steady; New York and
Pennsylvania, 21(!J2ta. ; western, fresh, lfcsaio.
I'jj jou60of coca, oplatoornar
"f mds is bad, decidedly bad.
"'-rftlnn hr-lltli nrwt olmttoF tlio
:in I the patient Is steadily
a worse condition often
llv) tcrrlblo slavery nnd
eirnbir mill nnlum linlill
uy iuu use ui iioou s riarsa-
Thero Is nlways uioro or less suspicion
ntt.ichcd to ntiything that is offered freo but
sometimes a man so overflows witli generosity
that ho cannot rest until his discovery ii
known to tho world, In order that his follow
men may profit hy what ho lias discovered.
It Is upon this principal that a resident o(
Kalamazoo, Mich., desires to send free to
mankind a prescription which will euro them
of any form of nervous debility ; relieves
them of all tho doubt and uncertainty which
such men arc peculiarly llablo to and restores
tho organs to natural size and vigor. As it
costs uotliing to try tho experiment it would
seem that any man, sufl'eriiig vtlth the
nervous troubles that usually nttnek men
who never stopped to realize what might ho
the final result, ought te bo deeply Interested
In a remedy which will rostore them to
health, strength and vigor, without which
they continue to live an existence of untold
misery. As tlio remedy In question was the
result of many years resoarch as to what
combination would bo peculiarly effective in
restoring to men the strength tlicy need, It
would seem that all men sullcrlng with any
form of ncrvntis weakness ought to writo for
sueli a remedy at onre. A request to II. U.
Olds, lSox 1712, Kalamazoo, Mich., stating
41.1. .'.. 1,nt .iitwllxr. .l.n I. ft 1. 1 1 ....
hoardod tho ill fated train at aurnco for , 0't ,f ,n0 curiosity, but that vim wish to
Adger. are missing. Tlbbs nnd his wifo make use of the niodielno by giving it a trial,
had been ou n visit to the lntter's father, j will bo answered promptly and without
nour Guruce. They wont to Gurneo oarly j evidence us to where Information camo from.
Sunday morning nnd boarded tho train.
Sinco thou nothing has beon seon or hoard
of them, so far us can bo ascertained,
'i'hoii bodlos wero not found, nnd their
absoiico can only bo accounted for by tho
surmlso that they must havo burned up
in tho wreck. The railroad authorities say
that they havo rocolvod indefinite in
quiries about tho Tlbbs family, but know
nothing of them.
There was llttlo of tho debris at tho
scono of tho wreck yostorday. Mr. Dry
son, who was listed among tho fatally In
jured, is now numbered umoiig tho dead.
Ho llvod for twonty-four hours In groat
iigony. Ho was frightfully mangled and
burned. Whou tho train mado its awful
plunge Mr. Hrysou did not nt first go
to tho bottom. Ho was caught betwoon
tho limbs of a tree, about twonty-llvo feet
above the river bed. The flames from tho
burning curs below brought him to n con
sclousnnss of his perilous position. Ho
managed to oxtricnto himself, and loll
bleeding und mangled to tho river bottom
Into two foot of water. Ho then pulled
himself underneath a largo rock and, pro
tected to sumo oxtent by tho running
water, ho escaped tho Uamos, but was not
able long to survive his Injuries.
Several persons from Illocktoti, who
woro oarly on tho scene of tho wreck, still
doclnro that twouty-soven bodlos wero
tuken out of the river, and that tho rail
road authorities are still mistaken In tho
uunibor killed, The Blockton pooplo seem
to think that several bodies were taken
nwny by friends before the relief train loft
on Its return trip with tho deud und
wounded. The railroad ulliclals, however,
are firm In this statement, that only
twenty-one corpses wero rocovorod. They
say all reports to tho contrary aro wild
The fact still remains, howover, that It
Is Impossible to know just how many pas
sengers woro on the train, nnd who thoy
wero or wlioro thoy wore going.
The prescription Is sent frco and although
some may wonder how Mr. Olds can afford to
give away his discovery, thcro is no doubt
about tho offer being genuine. Cut this out
and send to Mr. Olds so that ho may know
how you camo to wiite hlin. 12-28-78t
I.lre Stock Markets.
New York, Dec. 28. Ilrovew quiet; steers,
l5.10; stags and oxen. 2.754.50; bulls, fi:iS
183.25; dry cows, 1.X$3.20. Calves active;
veals, J.vijs ; grasscrs, SJiau.&u; western calves,
$:i.7tVfit3.5,J. bhecp and lambs weak ; alieep, ,K$
4; lambs, $5.25 (J'l; very choice, $J.23. Hogs
eiuier at W-loJo SU.
Kast LiiiKiirr, Pa., Due. 23. Cattle uctlvo
and higher; prime, $1.755; feedurd, $3.0O,$4;
hulls, Htags aua cows, $2.25.3.G0. Hogs active,
higher; prime light, W.tW'43.(15 ; beat mediums,
l8.ilVijJ.7U; common tn fair, $3.HX3.5&; heavy,
3.403.5J; roughs, $2.2533.10. Hhrrp Bteady;
$3'Jo(3.75; good tu prime, $3.G5tg3.75; good,
13.85 3 M : common, $i!,2.50, culls, $10(1.60j
lambs dull; choice, $5.25r$6.tx); common to
good, tijiS.
The old lady was right when she said, thu
child might die If they waited for tho doctor.
She saved tho little one's life with a few
dolus of Ono Minute (mgh Cure. Sho had
used it for croup heforo. C. II. llagouhuch.
Czar Opposed to Coercion.
St. Pr.TKiisiiuiia, Deo. 2D. M. Nolldoff,
tho Htisslan ambassador nt Constantino
ple, has warmly advoented a military oo
cupattiiu of Constantinople, and tho
council has convened to discuss the pro
ject. Tho majority of tho ministers wero
opposod to M. Nolldoll'8 scheme, where
upon tlio czar a 11 noil need that ho also was
opposod to uctlvo coercion.
Harbot, tho French tonor, who first
lung Gounod's "Fuust." dlod In Paris
IjuwIs Pemberton and sou wore shot and
killod at Helouwood, Tenti., in u fight
with n town marshal.
Tho adherent of ox-l'rosldont Cncores,
of Peru, aro trying to organize nn Inva
sion of tho department of Moquoguo.
Willie hunting In western Pennsylvania
yesterday Charles I'feltler, n wealthy
laundryman, accidentally killed himself.
Tho Hopubllcan club of Now York last
night refused tu Indorse tho candidaoy of
it perhaps come as quickly, Joseph H Choato for 1'nltod btatos sena
rnoro surely and more per- tor
,opgli nature's great reutor- Miss I.oulpo Honoparto, great grand-
ojatlng channel purified, "loco of Napoleon I, was married in Wash.
Singular llcnth of an Irish Family of
Ten Persons.
DiruLiv, Dec. 2a A family of ton por
sons and a number of cnttlo have beon en
gulfod by tho subsiding of a bog of 100
ncres near Castlo Island, County Kerry.
It Is stated that other persons woro
drowned at the siimo time and plaoe.
Tho subsidence of the bog proves to havo
beon nn extraordinary affair. There woro
terrible storms throughout tho night and
nbout 8 o'clock In tho morning tho pooplo
of tho district wero alarmod by an unusual
rumbling, which thoy f oared was caused by
an carthquuko.
Tho bog, which was bslloved to bo thirty
foot deep, and which had long supplied
the neighborhood with poat, was moved
for several mllos along nn old wator course,
filling a qunrry twenty feet doop on tho
way, flooding the rivers of tho country
witli poat and wnter and doing a great
deal of dnmago. At the Douely homo
stoad ten people havo oomplotoly disap
peared, leaving no traco.
The wifo of Mr. D. Ilobinson, a prominent
lumberman of Hartwick, N. Y was sick
with rheumatism for five months. In speak
ing of it, Mr. Ilobinson says: "Chamberlain's
I'.iln lialm is the only thing that gave her
any rest from pain. For the reliof of pain
it cannot bo beat," Many very bad cases of
rheumatism have been cured hy it. For sale
at 50 cents per bottle by G rubier Hros.,
Armor I'lnte factory for Pittsburg
PlTTSHUlto, Deo. 2D. Another nrmor
pinto factory Is ono of tho now untorprisos
of tho near future fur Pittsburg. Yostor
day a charter was granted nt Hnrrlsburg
to tlio Wheolorr Projoctllo company, of
Pittsburg. Tho now concern has 11 capi
tal stock of i8.")0,030, and tho chartor grants
Still Ascribed to Train Wreckers.
LOUISVILLE, Dec. 29. At tho headquar
ters of the Louisville and Nashvlllo llail
road company In this city Superintendent
of Transportation Georgo 12. Evans still
maintains that tho Cahaba river brldgo ' tho right to mauufacturo nrmor and nr-
wrock was tho result of a carefully plan- nior piercing projectiles. Capital from
lied schomo of robbers, and does not outer- Knglaud will be spent in enlarging n steel
tain the idea that It was duo to careless-' plant, nnd the company will manufacture
noss ou the part of tho division suporln-1 goods that will compete in the" markets
tondent or subordinates. Ho said ho eould of tho entire world. In Shoflleld, England,
not see how tho wreck could hayo occurred, there is an old stocl firm known tho world
exceptus a prenrrnuged a if; lie. Tho trains
move over tho bridgo at a very slow ruto
of speed, and It would take a very serious
disarrangement of tho rails to cause tho
train to jump tho track. ,
A Valuable Prescription.
IMitor Monism! of WorthiiiKton, Iiid.,
".Sun," writes: "You have a valuablo pre
scription In Klectrie Hitters, and I can cheer
fully recommend It for Cnn-dipation and
Sick Headache, and as a general system tonic
it has no equal." Mrs. Annie Htelile, 2112.")
Cottago drove Ave, Chicago, was all inn
down, could not cat or digest food, hid a
backache which never It-It her and felt
tired and weary, hut six buttles of Klortrio
Hitters restored hoi health and icnewed her
strength. Prices SO rents and fl.U0. Get a
bottle at A. Wasley's Drug Storo.
Two Ttutiips rrozen to Heath.
New Youk, Doc. 2!). Tho tliermnmotor
marked 1(1 degices below zero at Kings
ton, N. Y., and 11 degrees bolow zero at
Catsklll yesterday. Tlio lco hanestlsln
progress up tho Hudson. Two tramps
woro frozen to death at Kastport, L. 1.,
Sunday night.
Ohio Miner Want Increased Wfaget.
Columhus, O., Deo. 2!). Tlio Ohio di
vision of tho United Mine Workers of
America Is In tos-luii here, nnd will ask
'or 111 incrcu o uf p.,y fur niliiin ;.
Soothing, and nut irritating, strengthening,
and not weakening, sin.ill but cll'eet'ive
such aio tho qualities of DeWitt's Little
Darly Hi sera, the famous little pills. 0. II
Jersey School 'teachers In Session.
TltH.NTOX, Doc. 29. About 2u0Now Jer
sey school tcncliors attended tho opening
session of tho forty-second annual meet
lug of tho ritute, Teachers' association In
tlio stnto normal school yostorday. Tho
meeting will last throo days nnd will bo
devoted to a discussion of educational
matters, chlofly the methods of teaching.
E. K. Manncss, of C.undon, president of
tho association, prcsldod.
over as tho Thomas Firth & Sons. Thoir
monoy will bo invested In tho new con
cern. Tlio old way of delivering messages by post
boys compared with the modern telephone,
illustrates tho old Minus methods of "break
ing" colds tompnrud with their almost iu
tnntnneous auro by One Mluulo Cough. Cure. Ihsunhush. -
To llr.e 11 Tnri.l on 1.11110. er.
Cinoioo, Dec 21. A dologation of
northwestern lumbermen left Chicago last
night for W.i'iilnst.m, wlioro thoy will bo
joined hy delegations from other sections
of tho country. Those men will constitute
a committee to urgo tho placing of a tariff
of $2 per 1,IX)J feet 011 lumber. This com
mittee was uppolntod by tho national
lumber tariff convention, held In Cincin
nati Deo. 15, which was nttondod by load
lug lumbermen from all parts of the
Unltod States.
Uticklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salvo in tlio world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures lies,
or jo pay required. It Is guaranteed to givo
perfect satisfaction or tnony refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasly.
An Appoul for Atd.
Boston', Dec. 29. Tho Portuguese con
sul at llostoti has recolvod a petition from
St. Michael, Azores, which was sent by
the Portuguese governor of tho province
of Dom Jacintho lie Teres Adao, asking
aid for thousands of sufforlng inhabitants
who lost nearly all thoir property In a
great watorspout on Nov. 2. A numbor
of lives wore lost at tho timo. Part of tho
city of Povocaao, with a population of 25,
000, was curried uwny, as was also tho
small town of Klvelra Quento. Tho fish
ermen olf the const had practically all
thoir boats nnd equipments destroyed.
The authorities did what they could to re
lieve the distress, but so groat was the
surTorlug that thoy doelded to ask Amer
icans to send aid to tho various Portu
guese consuls.
OoTerniuent Officers Are
Interested In 'I hem.
Waiiiiixoto.v, Deo. 29. No Information
hns boon received nt olthor the treasury do
pnrtnient or tho department of justice re
specting tho suspected filibuster Three
H rlentls, oxcept tho announcement of hor
soiftiro, nor have any special Instructions ,
boon given to tho local officials as to tho 1
loal oourse to be pursued. Thoro Is no 1
doubt that tho officials are not entirely ,
satisfied with tho way tho buslnoss of pre- !
venting filibustering expeditions from
leaving our ports has been conducted, and
It Is bolloved that Assistant Sccrotnry
WIko, who Is now In Florida, will moke It
his business to Investigate the wholo
matter. 1
It Is known that tho Spanish minister '
hero has mndo repeated complaint nt tho I
stato department tlint somo of tho gov
ernment olliccrs In Florida have money
Interests In somo of the steamers engaged
in violating the neutrality laws by carry
ing expeditions to Cuba. Thcso complaints
havo been forwardod to tho chief customs
officers In Florida, nnd whllo tho reports
admit the fact of subordinates or lnom
bors of their families holding Interests In
somo of tho woll known filibusters It Is
claimed that this fact has not had and
could not havo any lnfluenco upon tho
official acts uf the subordinate officials.
Up to this tlmo thoso statements havo
lieen allowed to pass as satisfactory an
swors to tlio chargos, but tho ofllclals hero
are greatly annoyod by tho froquonl suc
cessful trips of tho filibusters, nnd it Is
not unlikely that more stringent meas
ures to put a stop to them will be adopted.
Whether the subordinates owning Inter
ests in these vossels will be required to re
sign Is not known, but if It is mado to ap
por that auy one of them Is under reason
able suspicion promptnetlou wlllbetakon.
Destructive IMre In Washington.
WASHINGTON", Doo. 29. The largo furni
ture house of Julius Lnusburg, on New
York avouuo, near Thirteenth street, was
destroyed by fire last ovenlng. The loss
on tho Lausburg building, stock and ad-
Inrmtif clennhivaa .1 .n n irnil w n.n nil n I. In
about $200,000. The loss on the stock , f ATftNN TANY PIT T
nlnnn U nlneoi! ntSim 000. nn which thoro ! AUil - lXillJ 1 1 llvIvO
is fOO.000. Tho building was principally
HEN a well known minister after
Buffering for years with heart dis
ease, is cured, it Is not surprising
that ho should publish tho fact for tho
benefit of others. l!ev. J. ,P Smith, 1015
Fulton St., Baltimore, Md., wrltos! "For
years I suffered from a severe form of heart
disease I tii.ed Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure,
and my heart is now In good condition.
Recently, other aflllctlons enmo upon mo.
Thcro ttxi humming, painful sensations on
top and - "k of my bead. Fifteen mln-
'ylVU UlllhU II1U UllUUjjl- viiu.
twites' v ..r ' ',t .
my legs all tho time.
t5eatoroo 9) 80 tlmt 1 could not sit
Dr. Miles' ltestoratlvo
Nervine and lt3 effect was simply won
dorf ul. I heartllv commend your remedies."
Dr. Miles' Itemcdlcs nro sold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee, first bottlo
benefits or money refunded. Hook on Heart
and Nerves sent frco to all applicants.
DK. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elhkart, Ind.
i mm
of wood and with the inflainmablo nature
of tho lminousu quantity of goods made
the fire one of tho fiercest that over oc
curred horo. In a, llttlo over on hour
every wall had fallon, aud the department
was playing upon a mass of smouldering
ruins. The firo department was handi
capped by two additional alarms from
other portions of the olty almost at tho
same instant, but succcodod In practically
confining the llamos to tho furniture establishment.
imitations, (let CATON'S, nnd save regrchi. At
druggUtt, or sent sealed, $1. Our booklet 4 oenti.
tn i nuu.! color uy I.Kt.'a 1IA1K .VI I. Ill
V X', "''I lirmleBp, plpaiantodor. $1.00n boltie
l.ljr.'r HAllt TO ICrmnores linminifT. lions
h sir from fulling out &nd promote growth $1 00 not tin
I.IiH SII:IIII)AT CO 1US ralton et., K Y.CRCr
Illustrated Treatiso on Hair on application r IlkU
Tor sale by Shenandoah Drug Store, Klrllu's
Drug Store.
Lynchers Must be Indicted for Blnrder.
Owknshoho. Ky.. Doo. 29. Judge Owen
yostorday, In charging tho grund jury
guvo spoclat attoucinu 10 tno recent, lyuon
Ingof Holt. Ho required tho Jury to In
vestigate the matter thoroughly and In
dict any person participating ill tne mou.
He said the jury could and must Indict
them for murder. He mado nil order giv
ing n cbungo of venuo to Muhlonburg
county for the trial of the accessories of
Holt, aud ordered them sont to iiouisvmo
jail for safe keolng.
Major C. T. Pieton is managor of the
State Hotel, at Dciiisun, Texas, which tho
traveling men say is ono of tho best hotels
iu that section. Iu speaking of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kcmody
Major Pieton says : "I have used it myself
and in my family for several years, and take
pleasure iu saying that I consider it an in
fallible cure for diarrhoea and dysentery. I
always recommend It, and have frequently
administered it to my guests in tho hotel, aud
iu every case it has proven Itself worthy of
unqualified endorsement. For sale by
Gruhler Ilroi., druggist!.
Itlotous Italians at Rehenectady.
SCHUNKOTAIiV. N. Y.. Doc. 21). A serious
riot occurred nt Aqueduct, four miles
from this city, on tho -Krlo onnnl, yostor
day oftornoon, where 800 Italians aro em
ployed on tho canal improvement A hotly
of about 160 men from this city, who nro
unemployed, marched down with guns,
knlvos, clubs, plckaxos, ota, carrying n
red flag, and compelled tho mon working
to quit. The sheriff and a largo force of
deputies quollod the riot and arrested tho
ringleaders. Previously the mob attempted
to burn a shanty whoro fifty workmen
slept. Tho city Is full of angry Italians,
Tours to Florida.
No district iu America presents, during the I
Winter season, so many varied attractions as
the State of Florida. ISesidcs its delightful
climate, which to one escaping from the cold
and unhealtlifiil changes of the North teems
almost ethereal, it is pre-eminently a land of
sport and pleasure, Along its olevrn hundred
miles of salt-water coast and in its twelve
hundred fresb-water lakes are fish of almost
every conceivable variety, from the migra
tory tribes common to Noitheru waters to the
tarpon, pompano, and others of a more
tropical character. Nowhere lu all our broad
land can the angler find a greater variety of
game or better sport.
Here also the most enthusiastic hunter
finds satiety. Deer, turkeys, bears, panthers,
mid wild cats roam at large through the more
sparsely settled regions, while birds of all
kinds may bo found iu abundance through
nut tho State. The more novel sport of al
ligator and manatee hunting may also be in
dulged in by the more advtnturoiis tourist. I
With its matchless climate, its orange
groves, its rivers and lakes, its boating aud
bathing, its fishing and hunting, and its
extensive forests, Florida presents unrivaled
attractions for the valetudinarian, tho lover
of nature, the sportsman and the explorer,
To this attractive state the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company has arranged four personally-conducted
tours during the season of
1807. leaving by special train January 2U,
February 0 and 23. und March 1). Tho fust
tlneo tours will admit of a sojourn of two
weeks in this delightful land; tickets fur tho
fourth tour will bo valid to return until May
31 by regular trains.
Kates lor tho round trip, ffto.oo irom xew
York, $t8.00 from Philadelphia, aud propor
tionate rates from other points.
For tickets, itineraries and other informa
tion, apply to ticket agents, special booking
ollices, or address Geo, W. Boyd, Assistant
Geneml Passenger Agent.Broad street station,
The medicinal value of goods
manufactured for tho health of
Tolls its own utory
us elvcn by thoso
wuu uuvu luaieu
IU qualities. Not
11 single caso of
falluru ninoni? tho
millions of Ijoltlussold. 1 1 is tho
only remedy that "will positive
Iy and speedily cure tlint dreuded.
disease. Manufactured by the
Thompson Diphtheria Cuio Co..
"Will lain Rport, ra,
Ask your dealer for a bottlo and
also for printed mntter describing
the remedy and Its Hpeclflo uso
when properly applied.
Hero la what ono who has tried
It Bays :
William-port, Ta., Stay 1, 1806.
To the luilic: l ran say positively
that TliompHOn'Hlilplitherla Cure saved
my life. Huil one of tlw severest cases of
Diphtheria ever known among grown
people and this Medicine cured me In
several days' time. Also know that my
dear sister would not be living to-day
had It not been for Thompson's Diph
theria Cure. Tell this to nil the norld
and make the language as strong us
possible, for ft Is my desire that all those
allllcted should give Thompson's Diph
theria Cure a trial. It will cure eery
time Ifapplled uecorillng to directions,
as surely us the sun rtscB und sets,
II. I', llutr, S16 Hepburn St.
Sold by Dfugglsts aiepy
Ulhete st BO Cts. a bottle.
I had attacks of gr&v.l and kidney
trouble; and unable to get a medicine or
doctor to cure me until I used Hop Bitters,
and they cured mo in a sliort time. A
Diktinuuiiiiid Lawybr of WlT Co.,
N. Y.
CoLoiasss A I? ii Comi. A young girl
deeply regretted that she was so colorless aud
and cold. Her face was too white, aud her
hands and feet felt as though tlio blood did
not circulate. After one bottle of Hop
Bitters had been taken she was tho rosiest
and healthiest girl in the town, with a
vivacity and cheerfulness of mind gratifying
to her friends.
McCoy Defeats Ilnlierty. 1532313
I.OKDON, Doc. 3W. A dispatch from Jo
liannosburt!, Smith Afilean republic, says
that tho light botwoou the American mid
dloweiBht boxer Kid MoCoy and Hilly
Doberty, of Australia, for tho middle
weight championship and 1,000 a side
(the gate monoy to bo divided) was won by
McCoy In nine rounds. The men were to
Jght twenty rounds.
Tho St. Louis Globe-Democrat Semi-
Weekly Tuesday and Friday eight pages
each Issue sixteen pages ovcry week only
one dollar a year, is unquestionably thu
biggest, best and cheapest national news
journal published in the United States.
Strictly Ucpubllcau in polities, it still givos
all tlio uows, and gives It at least three days
earlier than it can be had from any weekly
papor published anywhere. It Is Indispensa
ble to the runner, merchant or professional
niau who desires to keep promptly and
thoroughly posted, but lias not tho time to
read a large daily paper 1 while its gieat
variety of well selected reading matter makes tho contest for the United States senator- $11,20; Jloclicster, flO.18 ; Altoona and Pitts.
Heduceil Hates to Washington" 011 Aecount
of the Inauguration via Penusyl
vanla Itallroad.
For tho benefit of those who d.slro to st
and trouble is oxpoctod. Small pay and 'cud tho ceremonies incident to thelnaugura
excossivo prices for food aro the cause of Hon of President-elect McKlnley, the I'enn
tho trouble.
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug; Store.
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking !
13 N. Jardin $reet.
Personally-Conducted Tours
l'latt ami the Seuatorslilp,
New Youk, Deo. 29. Thomas a Piatt
sylvanla Itallroad Company will sell excur
sion tickets to Washington March 1, 2, S, and
4, valid to return from March 4 to 8, at the
following rates: From New iork, fs.00;
Three tours to CAI.Il'OUNIA nn0. the I'ACI
FIO COAST will leave New York und Philadel
phia January 27, February 21, and March 27,
IB97. l'lve wreks In California on the first tour,
and four weeks ou the second. Passengers ou
th. third tour will return ou regular trains
within nine months, btop will he made at New
Orleans forMurdt-tlras festivities 011 the second
Jacksonville tours, allowing two weeks In
PUrldii will lenv. New York and Philadelphia
January 20, February 0 and 23, and March U,l7
wim txturvlaivoil veatoribiv ni to thn basis ' ii.n,i..lnl,l0 s .in . TinUI,rn lnn. liar, ltate, covering expenses en route lu both dire.
r. ,.. w l W,l withdrawn from ' . . ' . rnii........ .aio. !!"". fW-W'rom New Vork, and $18.00 from
" V 1 , ,1 ,"' " i.auu.e, , iiii....3i'uit, To. iv , juMu, l'miaiiripiua,
it Invaluable as a home and f.iluily paper
Ilctncmbcf the price, only one dollar a year
Samplo cflp' free. Address,
A Cn nnv PntMTiKn fi
ship. Ho said that bs he had never been 1 hurg, flO.00; and from all other stations on
n candidate he could not withdraw "I the Pennsylvania system at reduced rates,
had calculated upon retiring from polltl-1 ri,is inauguration will be a most interest-
col life," he said. "Iho best ovldenoo of . cvent, ,ud will undoubtedly attract a b.,MiHM Jm
Tours, each covering period of threo days,
will leave New York nnd Philadelphia Decent-
I .... J 1
l"1 (S 1 u HI Po-muASi