The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 26, 1896, Image 3

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Thousands of People
Ask Your Druggist for Munyon's Guide to
Hcaltli Buy a 25-Cent Munyon Remedy
and Cuts Yourself.
Munyon's IMicumatism Cum seldom falls
to rcllovc In ono tu thrco hours, and cured In
n fow days. I'ricu 23c.
Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure is guaranteed lo
cure ull fonnsnf indigestion mid stomach
troubles, I'rico 2."c.
Munyon's Cold Ciiro preents pneumonia
and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Price,
M.myon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night
pwvaU, allays soreness and speedily heals
the lungs. I'rico 2."iO.
Munyon's Kidney Curcspecdilycurcs pains
in the lack, loins or groins and nil forms of
kidney diseases. I'rico !!3c.
Munyon's Mood Cure eradicates all Im
purities of the blood. Munyon's Femalo
Heinedios aro a boon to women. Munyon's
Norvo Cure cures all forms of nervousness.
Munyon's different euros for children aro of
untold value to mothers,
A separate cure for each disease. At all
druggists, mostly 23 cents u vial.
l'ersounl letters to Prof. Munyon, 1505
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., ausweied
with free medical advice for any disease
DlllVliN n FLAK.
Destruction of a Faotory and Two
Tonomont Buildings,
That's why Ihey enjoy their COFFHE.
Anjr grocer can tell yu why customen
keep coming back (or SIZBTAG'S.
daUhrattr- KnclUh llfamoit't Ilmna's
Orlfftnul und Only Genuine A
KArc, timtjB rclUbls, ladics k &
urufrui lor t,iiea(rr jmauan A
mnd Brand la lied d4 Gold DieUllioJw
Iboxci, te&ltd with L)n ribbon. TnLo Y57
a o nth or. Mtfuta danaerou tiibttifu- v
(ion and imitation i. Ai Hruggiin, or send 4c
In lamim tor rartlculan, toitltuoololi r
MRI!er for," in letter, by return
Mall. 1 I (.() T(itlTuonlali. Nam farter.
ChlfhatnrCncmlculCu.aMajlon Hauitrt
y ry
VJJAVCVnll oro Throat, 1'iuipleo,. Copper-Sj:
VWftlC IUU Colored Epot, AcU-a, Old Boron Sjj
Mjltvr la Month. ll&Ir.VnUlnfrf Wrltn rnfllll (
U'fSKHIil) V CO., UU7 Mnaonle Tem!o.M
Lwaie-nero, ju.f tor pre-ois 01 cures. tjul-i-u
jfwii, iauif,uuu. worst cases cured in itik
iu 3a uuys. loo-pnge book free
jlj Atrvou Jii&ease tailing iuem
ciy. lmirotenoy. njucpletienees, etc., caupeU
fay Abunaauil other KxreHses and India
cretiona. They rjulcklii ami murtlu
restore jjjcz viinmyinoiu oryoanp, ana
fit a man for ftu-ly, bunlneaa or marriage,
1 l'rpvont Insanity and Consumption if
taken in time. Their tinn shows immediate improve
ment ana euecta a u U.U.U wacro an otuers lau, in
fist upon bavins the eenulno Ajox Tablets. They
hara cured thousands nnd Kill cure you. We cive o
positive written guarantee to effect n cure In ench case
or refund the money. I'rice50 cerg per package, or
six packages full treatment) for vtXO. lly mail. In
plain wrapper, nnon rwelpt of price. Circular free.
For sale In Shenandoah, lnM by A, Wniley
niul B. IV ICirliti, Druggists.
'Htrt tirvic.e
Vjrjsilr:u.v" vv,..-k -,ic co.,pila.,pa
For sale nt Povlnsky's drug stort, 28 l!aat
Centre utrcet.
To all BuBTerera of rUHOIi.S Ol' VOUTn4
AN1 V(J.1IUN. MS pages; cloth MunSll
earalr sealed andn)allfdw. Tretnienthymsa
strictly 'onlliJenilal, and ft poaltlva. nuim com
Kuaranted. No matter how lens stuadlea, I
wUl poi Ivf ly cure you. Write or call.
OR nRR 329"-151'1.
Wll .UUU jarcars'CvnHnuouiprostl
For Weak and Run-Down People from
Childhood to Old Age.
WHAT IT 19! The richest of all reitoratrra
Food., Ii.caus. it replaces the ame substances
to the hlpod and nerves that are eibausted In
(o the blood and nerves that are eibausted In
nlgti HflntT, oierwork, worry, eicesses, abuse, eto.
fMAIT IT OOESI lly insklng the blooi
i and rich, and the dl esHon perfeot. It creiJCo
1 flesh, muscle and atreaffth. The nerves be
rnticnts of n Ifnspltnl Cnrrled Out by To
ller mid I'lreiuou lwollers In Nclglilinr
lup; Tiiit)iint Drlvvti Out to Trevent
Thplr llflnc; CriHhetl to Dcuth,
Nkw Youk, Dec. SO FIro which Ftarted
on tho socond floor of tlio neveii story
bulldltip; 211-211) Knst Thirty-third street,
yostcrday did ?B00.U00 dninuKO. Tho flro
sfnrtod near tho nlr shaft and pproad with
such rapidity that before tho first ougliio
arrived almost tho outlro building was In
llanie.4. lour alarms were sent out In
quick succession, but tho largo force of
llromon who responded woro poworless to
stay tho progress of tho flro iu tho build
ing In which It originated.
Tho flamos burst from tho roar win
dows of tho factory, nud licked tho walls
of tho Now York Polyclinic, on Thirty
fourth street, adjoining the burning
structure. In tho Polyclinic thoro woro
from fifty to sixty patlonts, soino of whom
hail rocoutly boon operated on and othors
of whom woro awaiting tho surgeon's
knife. Among tho latter were thirteen
bablos. Tho patlontswero hastily wrnppod
in blankets and borno to tho Delaware
hotel, near by. Groat oxcltomout pre
vailed among tho helpless sick people, but
tho pollco and flremou worked hard und
nil tho occupants of the hospital were got
ten out In safety.
Thirteen children woro carrlod out with
out troublo, but thoro was more troublo
with tho adult patients. Sovcral women
begun to soream, and men who should
not havo loft cots dellod their nurses and
tried to oscapo. Tho worst patients wero
oarriod out on stretchers. Sevorol wero
moved in invalid chairs. Ono woman
upon whom on operation had been per
formed only n day or two before becamo
unconscious from fright. Not ono of tho
putiouts will suffer from tho change. As
soon as possible they wero takon to other
Tho west sldo of tho wall of tho burning
building, on Thirty-third street, foil with
a crush about twouty minutes after tho
lire was discovered, crushing in tho ad
joining building, No. 209, occupied ns an
apartmont houso. Tho people in tho houso
received tlmoly warning, and rushed out
of their homos, carrying with thorn such
porsonul property as thoy had tlnlo to
gather up in their flight. Tho apartment
house was almost cutnplotoly dostroyed by
tho flro, togothor with No. 207, a flvo story
tenement adjoining.
There woro twonty-four famillos living
In No. 209. Tho mothers and fathers
watched tho llromon indifferently from
their windows, whllo tho children playod
with their Christmas toys. Suddonly tho
houso was filled with pollco. "Ituu fur
rourllvos," thoy cried. "Tho wall is go
lug to fall on you." Mothors ploked up
their little ones and ran to tho street.
Others said tho pollco were foolish and re
fused to loavo. Finally tho pollco used
forco. They shoved tho men and women
down tho stairs and picked tho children
from tho floors nud carrlod thoiu out.
Kicking, struggling, shouting youngsters
woro set down on tho cold pavoments.
Most of them wero iu their night clothos,
and cuch ono had u doll' by tho log or was
clinging to u toy.
Tho two buildings in which tho flro was
raging woro tinder boxes, bolug nil of
wood, oxcopt tho outsldo shells. Tho lum-
, nor in tho piano faotory helped on tho
blazo, Tho roof of tho factory building
fell within an hour after tho flro was dis
covered, and thou thoro was great Uangor
from tno walls. Tho wall to tho west
tumbled upon tho tonomont honso. Tho
wall In tho oast wont down upon Sohul
lor's hotol. Half tho front wall went
crashing Into Thirty-third stroot. Tho llro
mon oxpeotod tho fall and woro out of tho
vay. Kaoh fall was uccompanlod by a
loud report and olouds of dust and steam
roso hundreds of foot into tho air.
On the othor sldo of tho burning faotory
Itood a tonomont houso, No. 221 Kast
l'hlrty-thlrd stroot. Tho people In this
houso woro also driven out by tho flames,
and tho building was bndly damaged by
dro uud water. Tho floor on which tho
fire started was oocupled by Adolph Tin
ner as a snuff manufactory, tho remainder
of tho building being usod by J. V. Klud
tnbergr. a meors-hnum pipe factory. Tho
factory Uu.idlng was almost totally do
ur, yod.
I!oildy lSlotlioia Will llunc
Somi;.;sist, Pn., Deo. 28. Tho Jury in
tho cuso of Jamos mid John Hoddy,
charged with tho murder of David Bor
toy, roturuod at 0:15 Thursday night,
after being out twolvo hours, with u ver
dict of guilty of murder In tho flrst de
jreo. Their counsel will fllo n motion for
now trial. Tho crlmo for which tho
Itoddys woro convicted was tho torturing
3f David Uerkoy, an aged farmer, on tho
aight of Juno 2, for tho purposo of rob
bery, Inflicting lnjurlos which caused his
death. Tho caso of Itlchnrd Jackson, in
dicted as un accomplice, is still on trial.
eoua iimd, muscle ana etreafftl
SI made strong, the brain becomes active and
ear. Forrestoring lost Tltallty and etopijor all
vsstlni drains and weakness In either sei. It has
noeoual i and a. u f,m,uaanitni, I. v. I.
weight In gold. Ono box lasts a week. Prlee too., or
0 icJ. Druggists or by mall. Jloolt free.
UU Chestnut fit Philadelphia.
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.,
Vaster Succl Ouits Insane.
New Youk, Deo. &. Glovnnl Succi, tho
Italian faster, according to a dispatch from
Paris, wont mud Inst Wednesday night,
after ho hud ilnlshed u fast, and was taken
to u hospital. Succi has gained In Europe
sonsldorublo famo nud made money by his
tasting exhibitions, and although consld
irablo skepticism as to tho good faith of
hl exhibition was expressed at tho t lino
3t his fust in this city in 1890, ho never
lulled to draw crowds on tho other sldo of
,hn water,
I had attasUs of gravel and kldnoy
trouble; and unablo to cet medicine or
doctor to euro ni until I used Hop Hitters,
and they curod mo In a short time. A
Distinquuhbu Lawyke or Watmb Co.,
N. Y,
Coloelms axd Cold. A youoj girl
deeply rerrsttod that alio rrai so colurlsss and
and cold. Her face was too white, and her
handg and feet felt as though the blood did
uot circuIaL. After one bottl. of Hep
llittorshad been taken she vrai tho rosiest
and healthiest girl In the town, with a
vivacity and cheorfuluess of mind gratifying
to her frltmdi.
Ho Cut at Cnrue&le'g,
PITT.' bdho, Dec 80. Tho employes of
Iho vast Intercuts controlled by the Car
oegto Stcol company will receive tho same
tvugos during 1807 as thoy havo tho past
fear. Considering the fact that pig iron
mid finished products havo fallen lu
prlco from 10 to 25 por cent, since tho last
loalo was signed, this action on tho part '
D( tno uig stool company virtually increases
Yea if shortened with Cottolenc. Don't rIvo up your pic but linve it
made with Cottolenc. It can then be eaten generously without
fear. Biscuit made with
Murders and Suioidos Mar tho
Fostal Season,
Grew Sror nn' r
Look for tht tmlfl-mtrki "Corialtn" nd ttttr't ktii
in cutltr-pUnt vrlk-ou tittf tto.
nrc light, iaky digestible.
f . . a
a CMIUflUU, iiuw iunri rniuHutLrnm, ' ' a
Grant Chtiiifcv In l Hp 1
Kntir i (.
Mv Imby hu( 1 .
Oi.eorihetiest -h-i t
her, Imt slip .mm.
time. Uetin.t'K ,
em), t thiMi i u i i
arw no f ;
ditlon. 8boconttU!,i t
in tt.ttrelv cur li 1 i
livrlvnimlie.irtx ) -fnrt,ni:unl
.!. - : -J.
Cl'MPT CtTRfc Tl FAtMrTT -rt
iii SoAl', epfttlc uip' lit
th arrttt rOtln euro nnil in 1
VKT, si r-I li nth i ri r
8oA (hrnuixhout lit- m
PtniViite i ItKioi.wNT an l. 1
Cui-m ronr.. Sole lYtpt , H Jton
OtJ-"IIowtoCurel.Tfr Skin I Inn.
Beauty Unrolled
4 fA
To tho ftdniirlnc Rf7Q ot thoeo who hivo n taste
for rcnlly fine wall paper Is tho display ofm-M
wall pnper wrinkles wo hnve Just rt'civoi. You
enn flml any color or pnttcru you want for you.
hall, bed room, parlor, dlnli.K room, kitchen of
wife, from 5e up to per roll, l'ine ortUtU
papers a specialty.
House, Sign and Decorative Painting:.
Satisfaction Ruaranteed. Kstlmotea cheer
fully furnished. Send postal.
221 W. Centio St., Shcnandonh, Pal.
IMace Your Orderg Now.
IlKlnniiiff of next session of
Write for information to
Tours In 1'lnrlilii.
No district iu America prcscuti, during the
Winter season, so ninny varied attractions as
thu State of l'lorldn. Iiesides its delightful
climate, which to one escaping from the cold
and unhcalthfiil changes of the North seems
almost ethereal, it is pro-emincntly a laud of
sport aud pleasure, Along its eleven hundred
miles of salt-water coxst and in its twelve
bundled fresh-water lakes aro tlsh of almost
oery conceivable variety, from tho migra
tory tribes common to Northern waters lo the
tarpon, ponipano, aud others of a 11)010
tropical character. Nowhere, In all our broad
lund can the angler flud a greater variety of
game or better sport.
Here also the most enthusiastic hunter
finds satiety. Deer, turkeys, hears, panther,
ami wild cats roam at large through the more
sparsely settled regions, while birds of all
kinds may be found iu abundance through
out the Stale. The more novel sport of al
ligator uud manaleo hunting may also be in
dulged in by the more adventurous tourist.
With its matchless climato, Its orange
groves, its rivers and lakes, its boating and
bathing, its fishing and hunting, and its
extensive foiests, Florida presents unrivaled
attractions for the valetudinarian, tho lover
of nature, tho sportsman and tho explorer.
To this attractive state the Pennsylvania
Uallroad Company has arranged four per-soually-conductcd
tours during the season of
1807. leaving by special train January 2H,
February 0 and 23, and March I). Tho first
three tours will admit of a sojourn of two
weeks in this delightful land; tickets for tho
fourth tour will bo valid to return until May
31 by regular trains.
Kates for tho round trip, $50.00 from New
York, $1S.00 from Philadelphia, and propor
tionate rates from other points.
For tickets, itineraries and othor Informa
tion, apply to ticket agents, special booking
olllecs, or address (,co. W. lloyd, Assistant
(leneral Passenger Agent, Ilroad stroct station,
Airniinnr Nr.nvntic AuhU
Ho Hail ltiln tiler mill KUIi'd it Hoy hi I
Clilriigo, iiml vt llrutiilly lla-utuu ly a '
31 olj -Sm fil from llontli liy u More
licrpcr. j
CnicAoo, Deo. 20.-nenrgH K Denmark, 1
7 years old, was killed by it trolley cur nt i
Thrncip and eighteenth streets yesterday
afternoon. Fred Dernier, motonnan, was
throatenod with lynching for killing the
boy, and was with givut dllllculty rescued
t from a mob of liohenilalis, who, Incensed
pt tho terrible aecldoiit, surrounded t In
cur and dragged Hornier from tho plat
form, determined to hang him. Patrick
j llauley, tho conductor, managed to save
i Dernier from tho mob, and then u riot
l call was sent to tho Maxwell street sta
I Hon. Tho polleo took rhiirgo of tho motor
! mnn and conductor and looked them un.
After tho boy hud been killed, Motormun Cunil by this granular effcrves . uH
, iiernior toon ri-fugo In tho ear.whlch stood l""t An m-'ant cure for nt,
I within a few f.-ot of where tho boy was hendachM.wldcl, often .iceiimu!.,t ,J
i jwuuii, mm iu mi instant was uosiogou uy
angry nin. Ho attempted to keep theiii
, out by let hi ig tho door on tho Inside,
j but thoy broke It In, ki.eked him down,
and kicked and beat him forafowmom-
i cuts in a shocking mutter. Ho maninred.
howovi-r, to get awny from thorn, and ran
to tho door of n drug store, whoro ho was
handod a pistol and was admitted Inside
by tho propriotor before any further harm
befol htm.
Tho crowd surged around tho door yell
ing: "Ureal; It Inl Kill him! kill him!"
It looked for a minute us it tho store
would be rn.ed, but tho propriotor, Mr.
Kvolko, brought out a Winchester rillo,
and pointing It at tho door, threatened
that tho flrst man who entered would drop
dead. Tho crowd believed what ho said
and foil back.
In tho moantlmo Mr. Kvolko had pliod
his telephone. Ho called on tho Mnxwoll
station first for nn mnbulauco, but by
that tlmo matters had got so warm that
ho requested a patrol wagon. In a fow
moments tho wagon brought tho police,
and In a short tlmo somo degree of quiet
had boon restored.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Deer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes.
Dr. Agaew's Cure for tho Heart gives per
fect relief in all cases of Organic or Sympa
thetic Heart Disease In 30 minutes, and
speedily ctl'ects a cure. It Is a peerless remedy
for Palpitation, Shortness of llreath, Smother
ing Spells, Paiu in Ixift Side aud all symp
toms of a Diseased Heart. Ono doso con
vinces. Sold at Kirlius drug storo.
' --.u
17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shi-f J l
HJltll I
I- v
U i rth
Quvt I'. Vctelie4
sas under oath: "I tu.f
crcd ii ears untold ml: . y
from all the cflects of youth
ful folly, such as Wood
I'olson, Loss of 1'owerai'd
Iiucrgv, Strictures, riiu
nlcs, Vailing out ol Hvr,
Kheumatic Pains , Kai ly
Detay, lilotches on Chest,
ILirif, Knotty Tumors,
Restlessness t Dj speptjc
Trouble, Constipation,
Tiles, Catarrh from con
titutional weakness. Hack
weak and lame, unfit for
any manual or
work, I was a misery to
behold. Ifour travi lint
doctors, two Philadelphia and three NVv York
specialists, a Mlchij,:m and c io Western fraud,
(Iirec New York Slate so-called Specialists am)
Institutes all failed to relieve me, alter spendinif
53.2oo. In poverty and a miserable wretch 1
Sulchlu on a Crowduil Struct.
Omaha, Deo. 20. A few minutes after
10 o'olook Thursday night .lohn Kiuken-
uon attempted tu murdor his wlfo, Stella
ruiiKounon, ana thou killed himself In
Douglas street, between Fourteenth and
Thirteenth streots. Tho woman was struck
iu tho forehead by tho bullet, but was not
seriously woundod. Tho couple separated
two years ago. tho woman obtaining a di
vorce. Tho husband him threatened her
Ufo a number of times. Iist night ho
mot her In company with her own son uud
a woman friend. With but a fow words
ho drew a roolvor and shot nt her. Ho
thou turned tho weapon on his own fore
head uud sent a bullet through his brain.
Tho street was jammed with Christmas
j hhoppers nt tho tlmo, and tho tragedy
created a sensation.
o l'l
Nervous! of
Kidney Dis(
B:-:t P. Vctchens.
Dr. Thnl,
Philad'a, Pa.
Doilblo Munli.r on Christinas Ilvi-,
CoitMVO, N. Y., Dec. 2U.-A horrible
double murder occurred at Hathbunville,
fifteen mllos west of this city. William
Allen, William Herrington and CToyd
Myers ipiarroled about tho possession of a
buiralo robo, while In au Intoxleiitod con
dition. Myers had tho robo at his homo,
aud Allen and Horrington drove there at
10 o'clock Thursday night and demanded
it They woro mot by Myors, who hail a
shotgun with him. When they demandod
tho robo Myors shot and killed both of
thorn. Myors Is in jail.
, I Ask yT
l :u.h
jp BouLTor,;,
I . rV
Sold by P J D.
.,, t
I Hi
Por Sale by
Loud I Droclaltn. ami 1i.ul T a lhnin,lt.,M.
all should be employed to eij tht ;,rui.e of thh
grml and noWe heart. Ills wondc: nil hnuwltdge anil
tkilt, the only one w ho made a thorough examina
tion, his ticatincnt cnliixly Uiinrait (rom all
others. After 4 veeW ttealmrvl I felt like a new
man, able to work again and In 8 months
time was well and hearty as ever. Yes. I was
fctrong'r than ever before, Co, poor, rich and
cick who have been quai-Wnl. gotoiliclincst and
greatest of all specialists, IJIt. G. I'. Tlli:i:i
who is the poor and rn 'i in. n's friend in thiir
nf.liclio'i." Nonamccri'i' rt i publi-hcd with
i i.t lulient's ro-ucnt. F d (r c M-eii! rtanip
lor book "Thi ,ir , ex), mg uu;.,-ks, and lire
Ijest book lor young an 1 -I, sini;..- oi ma. 1 1 d.
Hours da, . stoj; tvtj0loS;Sat. aP ctav.
gubjcot to Citizens party rules.
Of the Fourth ward.
Subject to Citizens party rules.
jjiou chikp nuitanss,
Of the Fourth Ward.
Subject to Citizens party rules.
Subject to Democratic party rules.
M. P. C0NRY.
Subject to Democratic party rides,
Subject to the Citizens party rules,
Cisrea (leneral or special debility, wakefulness,
spsrmatorrlioea, emissions, Impotency, pare
sis, etc. Correct, functional disorders, caused
by errors or excesses, quickly restoring Lost
rianliood lu old or young, giving vigor and
strength where former weakness prevailed.
Convenient package, simple, ellectilat itud
Don't be deceived by Imitations Insist on
CATON'S Vlialiiers, Kent seated if your drug
gist does not hate it, Price $l perpkg., 6 for $5,
with written guarantee of complete cure,
Information, reference, etc., free and eoutliten
tUI. Send us statement of caso nnd 3,1 tts. for
a week's trial treatment, Ono only sent to each
No. 1 Cures Fever.
No. 2 " Worms.
No. 3 " Infants' Diseases.
No. 4 " Diarrhea.
No. 8 " Neuralgia.
No. O Cures Headache.
No. IO " Dyspepsia.
No. 11 " Delayed Poriods.
No. 12 " Louchorrea.
No. 14 Skin Diseases.
No, IB Cures Rheumatism.
No. 16 " Malaria.
No. 20 " Whooping Cough
No. 27 " Kldnoy Diseases.
No. 30 " Urinary Diseases
No. 77 ' Colds and C&s).
Murdered on Christum Morn.
Memphis, Doo. 20. Christmas morning
was ushered in with a horrible murder.
Mrs. Frank Watson, 23 yours of ugo, was
found doud yesterday morning In hor resi
dence on l'eurce steeet, this city. Hor hus
band, a stationary engineer, and who
works for tho Bohlon Husox Ice company,
Is undor arrest, but has not confessed to
tho crlmo. Watson and his wlfo have had
frequent quarrels of Into. A babo a fow
months old, wus found wallowing in Its
mothor's blood, where it had luln all
Three. Children Itoa.tcu to Death. "
FltANKLlN, Pa., Dec. 20. Tho Ignition
of a mulch, which tho children of I'hlllp
.uuiwiii, oi iiucKiumi lownsiup, wero try
to tuko from tho pocket of an oily pair of 1
trousers of tholr father's, started a lire In i
which three of tho llttlu onus worn lmr-,,,.,1 - 10, S iv
rrwlontt, ,! li,. I,,.,,.- .1.,... 1 ! Hllllllir
McKlm hud gone to u nolghbor's house,
leaving hor four children alone, Tho
children woro literally roasted.
a rs ii t c "s r-iji
A i HV 4 fill
A you felt In your shouldtjll
V overcoat, tins morning,
9 RHEUi rB,
P niul that nicaus troublo i 1Iai
5f which is (V nosltlvo cura ng
!) Nournlgin. Lunibatro. ..BPi
p Iiamoncsa, Cramps and ' M
A Price 26 cts. and GO
) Prepareri-by II, J, IIACKJl- '8t"
IN r.l'FKCT DLC 0. (
Trains IcmoHhcnanUoah ns fotv?
For rsew i ork via I'liiiaiieli u u
i ifl,, iu n. in., ju.i, utj ai
ivs. 2 10 n in.
For New York la Mauch Chunk
S 35, 7 10 n. in.. 12 d.1 and 3 UI p. m. i
For lteadlug and Phllailclphla.l
2 10, S 21, 7 10 li.lll., 12 !U, 3 03 aud 5'
days, 2 10 a. in.
For l-ftttivlllp. wept itnv.. 2 10- 7'
Murdered Over a O.lioo of Illllhirils. 12 ll, 3 HI and 5 is p. in. Sundays,)
BALTl?m" Doe. 2u -Nicholas White L 3!"Ha J!!i,i,;"yi'"5'
in iii.i ... ' IU, J l I IU tl, III , li Oi). ii Uil Ull
lOycars o, ,, is locked up at Highland- Sundays, 2 10 a. in.
town, a i '.jrb of this city, charged with 1 For Willlamsport, Sunbury and
thomur, . ot Courad Summors. a saloon wlT "'"'.a a an1
keeper, j-od -II. Tho in on vturo playing
bllllan' In Soinmors' placo hist night and
quarreled over somo trivial matter. Whlto
drow n revolver and sent a bullot crashing
through Sommors' heart. White Is In tho
Canton jail.
I" I
Huml.iVH. 3 25 a. m.
1 or Mahnuoy 1-tnne. weekdnv- J"
Suicide at Ilrooklyn's City Hall.
IlltooKLW, Doo. 2(1. A woll dressed
man about 80 yours old blow his brains
out with a pistol on tho stops of tho Brook
lyn city hall last night. Papers In his
pocket Indicated that tho suicide's namo
was William W. Morruw.
Cremated on Christmas live.
New Youk, Dec. 20. Mrs. Jennlo Cad
don, wlfo of John Cnddon, a driver In
Brooklyn, wns burned to death Thursday
night iu a flro at her home. It is thought
that whllo intoxicated sho upset a lamp.
A Valuable Prescription.
lMltor Morrison of Worthiugton, Iud.,
"Sun," writes: "You havo a valuablo pro
scription In Uloctric Hitters, and I can cheer
fully recommend It for Constipation und
Sick Headacho, and as a general system tonic
it has no ouual." Mrs. Annie Stohle, WB
Cottage Grove Ave, Chicago, wus all run
down, could not cat or digest food, had a
backache which nover left her and felt
tired and weary, but six bottles of llloctrie
Hitters roetorcd hci health and renewed her
strength. Prices 50 cents aud $1.00. (let a
bottle at A. Wasley's Drug Storo.
Yulua . nine.
Namiwiu. Dvr. ;. -' limit ; 'J.u poo. i' i thi .Hue of font nill
played be w en th Yilo to i3b, luted
team an t tu.- n A
team rt A h i P r' "e
noon l'H c rn w a . ' -
und tho 1 i nnd an Is r
col ira ' -int i . i t ii-
hl'-tio club
r!v nft-r
I u,t
ii ' w with
i n's
710, 11 30 a. in.. !'-.; 3 03, 5 t
p. in. Humlays, 2 10, 3 TJ , in.
For Ashland and Shalnoklu, wee
7 10, 1130 ii. in., 72J and 9i5 .
,l.,v. 't oa n ... s
For Itultimore, Vashlngtoll and 11
11. .to. It. It., through trains lei k v
Terininnl, Philadelphia, (1- ii It If ' ,
7.W, 11 20 a. m., 8 10 ami 7 27 p. '
3 30, 7 00, 11 So a. m ,3 10 ana i ?T, I
tlonal trains from Twenty fourtli. 1
nut street station, week davs. 10 ut j
12 It 40 pm. Sundays, 133, 8 23 t ,
Leave New York via l'hllaifili I -i
days. 4 30, 8 00a. iu., ISO, 4 OO, 0 3 l
night. Sundays, 0 00 p, in. 'i
Leavo New York via Mnneh t
days, 4 30, 0 10 a. in.. 1 30 and 4 15 pi
lA&ve I'hllaitelibla, Itcadlng IV
un)s, ,jj,e, iuu) a. m. ana 4
n. in. SnndaH. HSOn. in.
Leave Itenillng, week days. II
11 ou ii, ni., o uu auu o jfj p. ri, a nil T
I.iaivc l'ottsvllle, week uays 1 tS I .1
12 30 and 012 p. in. Sundays, ? 85 m f
Ix-ni ii Toniaiiua, week days. 318.'
m., 1 27, 7 20 and 13 p. m, kumlfU :
iA-avo Mabanoy City, week die I
1 1 17 a. in., 2 03, 7 4 1 and 10 OS n. ruV
n. lu.
Leave Maliauoy Plane, week dan
030. 0 87. 11 ma. in I 1- ' 1 , V
10 28 II. Ol. Sundavs. 2 40. Oil m ,(
i.uuo w iiuainsiiort, w k days.
iu., a xj uuu iisi p, m, Hunuays
Umve I'lillailclplila Chestnut stii
rufiiwi mre I wiutll lor AlllUlllC V 1
Weekdays Kanrca. 11 (10 a lit
p in. Aii'oininodat ion ti Ci a e
Hiuitlays l'spr - " i. lo a a ,
lnmlaliou. HOOu. m I 4. 1 1? in ''
iiciuriiing leave Atlantio 1 ltv Hi
wiiuutiic unu Arkansas av-nuri
Weekdays hxi-rea-. 1 ; (ioorc
p. in, Aceommodatloii, M 1 1 n
Hundiya V rpn 1 00 V ii t
dallou, 7 i a in 1 ) r if
Farlo t urs on nil i ii .u .
I A MM HiMU) ti t. J
II I a i(t r t - UU"!' t
n i
P. I
(ho .wiling ofjiypr "JSQ g.m'jlOYr1'-
I Of the Fifth Wan),