The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 21, 1896, Image 4

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Iff ? jf J" " --SJ
jL aft! . TrgSwm o. I
I " i. .11 FUVI llWfl
Witt Jlil ttoKi 1 1 Hi I
In llase Hull
K nrc exerting our 1cst efforts to make
tile urcalcst Kcciuctlons in iticcs
ever presented before to the Holiday,
Shoppers of the Slicnniidonli Vnlley. We
have just aimpletcd tnkinj; another of our
famous stock inventories, including new lots
of this season's Overcoats and Suits bought
from the grant assignees sale, resulting in
an enormous list of Bargains. All these
goods nre bright, new, stylish and of the
best make.
Men's lf.mcy Suitings, Hoys' Suits and
Children's Novelties almost given away;
vou'll be surprised at the prices. Sec our
grand holiday jjoods. Stylish hats, smoking
jackets, best line of kid gloves, mufflers,
latest styles of scarfs.
Heautiful line of neckwear specially for
the holidays. Handsome silk suspenders,
Hats and Caps of the latest novelties.
Gold and Silver Hhirts, made up specially
for ns the best in the world.
Don't forget the place.
o 1. REFOWICH, Prop.
Oand 1JC South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Dentil ot a I'ormi-r Favorite
Mahanov City, Dec. 21. Michael C. He
Carl died yesterday from pneumonia, lie
was 30 years of age and is survived by a wife
mid child. The deceased, in Ids earlier days,
was a clever baseball player and all 'round
athlete. Ho was a member of the old
l'hoeuir lime ball club In 187, '78 and '70
and ulayed with tho Washington, of tho
National League, in 1890. His arm gavo out
and lio was subuxpuntly an umpire In tbe
Central l'enusylvanis League. Of lato
years he lias served as bartender iu the
various hotels in till' town anil was last
employed iu Mclllhcnny's cafe. Funeral
Wednesday aftornnon.
Mrs. Guy I!. Irish was taken suddenly ill
while at service iu Hie Methodist Kplseopal Lute biliousness, dyipensb
church yesterday morning and removed to patlon, sour stomach, i.
Timely Suggestion,
A very sensible and Judicious Christmas
Is a nice umbrella. Wo have them with sil
ver trimmed or plain handles, In gloria silk,
at sacrificing prices. At Maley ', the jeweler.
Mora diamonds at Uoldermau's than any
storo in tho county.
Tlie Concentric Point
on which tho various circles of humanity de-.
pond for their purchasos In film footwear for
ladies' and cents', misses', youth's and chil
dren, Is Womcr's shoo emporium, 121 North
Main street.
Tout a to rlmldii.
. district In K ncrlcu presents, during the
mtcrscason, vn i ::uiy Varied attraction as
Mate of Florida lleslilc us ilelightlul
mate, which t.i unu uscatiin? from the eold
d unhenlthfiif chances nf tho North seems
at ethereal It )s pru-cuimeiitly a laud of
u plcasur Alung its eleven mmilrcil
' salt w.i coast and in its twelve
IV-w r lakes nre fish of almo&t
..l.k ..nrl. IV...,, tt... ...
m.iir nml otlif-rs nf ?i mow
' ti r Nun hero in all our broad
UH. r llnd a greater variety of
kn rt.
most enthusiastic hunter
r turkeys, bears, panthers. I
i....... i.-....i. t . .........
ftlP. .11, ,11. .l0 lilluiibii mt mini;
cu ri'uum. wiiuii in i 1,1 uii
fdiiud iu abundance through-1
T ic more novel snort of al-
the more adventurous tourist.
npulhks climate, its orange ;
voriaud hikes, its boating ami
fishing nud hunting, and its
inri'Sffi l-liirtilii nrpKftilK 11111 ivji imI '
tonne vniciuiunariuu, mo jovor
... ......... i. i. ....... I
by special train January i.'o, ,
nd 23, and March II. Tho first
'l annul oi u feiijuurn ui iwu
ciiuuiiiii mini; ut ucia iui iiiu
1 be valid to return until Mav
ra ns.
tho round trip, $50 00 from New
1.00 from I'hlla.lclphia, and iiropor-
inaio raws irom oiner poiuis.
For tieketj, Itineraries and other iiiforma
on, apply to ijckot agents, special booking
(ices, or addrtos tleo. W. Iloyd, Assistant
rneral l'nB',eii!rcr Aeent.llroad street statiun.
uursioca oi primroses, in moom, cannot ie
laten for variety. Payne's nursery, (lirard-
tue, is-i-i-ut-cou
The St Louis (Uobe-I)emocrat Send-
Weekly Tuesday and Friday eight pages
each issue sixteen pages every week only
one dollar a year, is unquestionably tbo
biggest, best and cheapest national news
journal published in the United Statis.
.Strictly Hopublicau in politics, it still gives
all the news, and gives It at least three days
earlier than it can be had from any weekly
paper published anywhere. It is indispensa
ble to the fanner, inercliaut or professional
man who ihhircs to keep promptly and
thoroughly posted, but has not the time to
lead a largo daily paper; while its gicat
variety of well selected reading matter makes
it iuvaluablo as a home and family paper.
I'ciuember tho price, only one dollar a year.
Sample copies free. Address,
tli.mii: PitisTiNa Co.,
St. I.ouis, Mo.
her home. She is much improved to-day
William Oucawiz has been sent to jail on a
charge of defrauding William Obort, a meat
dealer of I.chightou.
Tho shanty on the r.hnwood rollicry, which
was a rendezvous for the hobo element, was
destroyed by the (). & I. polico yesterday. It
was burned down.
Tho bomu of Mrs. 12. Stone, on East Maha
noy street, was tho steno of a pleasant
gathering Saturday evening, the occasion
being the 21st birthday celebration of her
son, James Stone.
Tho funeral of Andrew Polack, who was
killed by a fall of rock at tho North Maha
noy colliery, on Friday, took place yester
day aud was attended by the St. John, St.
Fetor and St. Paul Societies and tho Ci.uous
band .
Tho fourth gamo of foot ball between the
Park and New Boston teams was played on
Saturday aud resulted in a Bcore of 2 to 0 in
favor of tho Park team. Tho final game will
bo playod at Dolau's park, Pottsville, on
Christmas afternoon, for 0 a sido.
Joseph llccker, aged 33, died yesterday
from typhoid fever. Ho was a member of
tho I. O. O. F., Harrigari and Knights of
Honor. His wife aud two children survive;
Tho Itoyal Arcanum I.odgo of Delano,
celebrated its 5th anniversary on Saturday
cured by Hood's Pills.
, v n 111 v.- i
T'.. y !i Uu
i nork
easily and thoron; lily,
llcst after dinner p'P.s.
25 cents. All drucel,';s.
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass.
The only Pill to tako with Hood-s Sarsaparllla.
; 1'. 3. FisnuusoK, Makaubb.
I The
Farcy Pcrfuhrxc Atorvizcr.s.
Silver novelties of every description.
assortment at llrumm's.
Handsome Bottles of the Finest Odors in
Dainty Boxes.
-lamonds, watches, rings, silverware,
ncy goods, cut glass and banquet lamps
ill, Tlmcilm, n, ell I- .l.n.lna at A 11, ,1,1, .r.
I1U O.
106 INI. IVIaln Street.
w V 4
V V U IS U U. Cl Tt m Mr IX IJ
oliday News.
Honest Worth in Everything We Show in
5 ureat Holiday Stock. Our Public Appreciate
Enterprise Which Prompts Our Holiday
Lmi ticiuiis. uui rv iiiuuws uic uul a Hint OI
Beauty of the Store's Interior But Come
Happenings Throughout tho Heglou Clirou
leletl fur Huhty l'erusal.
T. M. Scanlan, the adiablo paying teller at
tho Merchants National Hank, bas purchased
from ox-Snator II. J. Monaghan, tho pro
perty at 100 West Cherry street, whore ho
now resides,
.lames Gruber, of flirardville, and Miss
Cora Price, of Lost Creek, wcro married on
Dr. Wendell Ileber will leave Pottsvillo
this week aud locato in Philadelphia.
The liar examining committee will meet
on Wodnesday to eiamlno candidates for ad
mission to the liar.
This is tho shortest day In the year.
Tho I.ehigh collieries will work four days
this week, commencing to-day.
It will be three months before tho new hos
pital atthe Almshouse is ready for occupancy.
Girardville receives a tax of Ri.OO each for
tnelvo cars from tho Traction Company.
The residents of North Jardln street aro
omplaiuing becauso miscreants make it a
practice to removo door mats from their
doors. The police should keep an eye on
these youngsters.
Ashland expects to get a new Reading de
Pittsburg's coffee wagon, that went to all
fires to supply the firemen, bus been abandoned.
Bert Ford, aged II, of Allegheny, fell 30
feet, landing on his head, nud escaped unhurt.
The Jury iu tho caso of tho Dodson
brothers, charged with tho murder of Lewis
llclinan, which went out at lirookvillo Satur
day, is still out.
Tho Lehigh Vnlley railroad will hereafter
only handle Important freight on Sunday.
Monday, December 21.
Xo Performance on Thursday Night.
Extraordinary Engagement
X. La Motto Sage, A. M., Ph.D.,
L. L. .; Ogla Helene Sage, oxaUtcd by
Dr. drain lllo O. (Ircy, A. 11. McDole, M. A.
and others
In a Marvelous Production of
AltnictfiiK the Most Cultured Audiences
ever seen in theatres. At the Park Theatre,
Pliilnilclplila, prices were 61,50 to 2-"c. Hero
exactly the name production w ill be given nt the
following ppcclul prices:
Gallery, 15c, Jlalcany, 2Gc, Parquet
Circle, 36c, Parquet, SOc
All our immense stock of Clothing
and Heavy Overcoats have been reduced
in price, owing to the mild state of the
weathcrand the approaching holiday season.
Wc are compelled to do this as the weather
is against us and our mammoth store is over
crowded with SUITS and OVERCOATS,
which must be disposed of, as the follow
ing will show :
Illue Iilnek and Drown Heaver Overcoats $7.50, now 5(5.25
Melton " 10.00, "
" " " " Kersey, " 12.00, "
' and Illnck Imported Melton " 10.00, "
" Mack nnd llrown ClilnelilUn " 11.00, "
" and Illnck Imported Chinchilla" H.00, "
Heavy, Bin Nop NIcEcrheiiil Suits, llluo nnd Illnck,
were 89.60, now $7,00
Heavy, Small Nop NIRcrlicnd Bulls, Mm. nnd Illnck,
wcro SS.CO, now $6.00
AH our heavy stock of Clothing reduced 30 per ct.
Wc have by the carload, and arc disposing of them ot half prices.
All kinds of Dress Suits, French clays, sacks and frocks, to go at fifty
cents on the dollar. An enormous line of Stiff Hats. An im
mense stock of underwear at prices never heard of.
Don't Make a Mistake In the Place. The Largest Storejnd Show Windows in the County.
L. GOLDIN, Proprietor.
and 1 1 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
We Are Now Ready for-s
lir Copes as well ns Plush or
i ape , are marked at tempting
'OlTl, Sjnpes worth S7.50, now
:fiti 'jM ani' fur edge. Cloth
rof f' a Kood one j you
Jjj j ay lull as iiiulIi more
ei ncr, our 3 are correct 111 stjle
e "res; Stuffs
cr. luie uui man a nice ures
ave every weave and shnde
prices run from 10c. to
f ir Xmas dress buying,
in h Henrietta 50c, any
oilet Soaps. purchase enables us to sell
fi 3 P'ecw in uox, lor 5c,
ffs and Boas
'er prices than cost of material,
1 - ----- -
i,i4l ilr.yi, tn r.irw from l,rtl(.r
i jr k money than any oilier house,
1 ;a, 'innuKercnieis, 5c, cacn j tuc
xll t
,tt ,
, .WW. '
1 othrr stores, l ine Silk
for men or women, with
tial, at riimt prices
flen's and
Women's Gloves.
Fine guaranteed kid gloves in all the
new colors, and not a poor glove in the
lot. livery clove we sell bears our Guar
antee, which means your money back if
tney uon t wear right, vasumere Uloves
and Mittens to suit all in price or quality.
Fancy Articles.
We have n rich collection of fine hand
painted boxes of Celluloid or richly carv
cd Metal Iloxes for gloves, ties, hand
kerchiefs, jewelry, etc. Comb and llrush
sets and other useful and appropriate
novelties, irom 25c. to ?3.oo eacli.
Holiday Umbrellas.
Good Silk umbrellas for a dollar and
More Holiday Hints.
Ladies' Silk Garters 19c, 25c, 50c
ana 75c.
Holiday Ribbons
For Fancy Work.
We've the right ribbon stock to pick
from, and sell pure silk sstin ribbons at
the following special prices i
No. 5, c,j No. 7, 6c.j No. 9, 8c,
Nos, 12 and 16, ioc.j No. 22, I2c,
There are Others.
We can name hundreds of other choice
new goods suitable for presents, such as
fine shirts, neckwear, underwear or
1 1 osier)'.
Ku, Stamped Goods
Table Linens.
TowcK Napkins, llureau Scarfs, Che
nille or Taiieslry Curtains or Clovers,
lace Curtains and a hundred nrettv
tlunus for household use or adornment. I
Father McManut Deud.
Kev. H. J. llcJIanus, former pastor of tho
Catholic church at Lost Creek, died yester
day at tho Trcsliyterian hospital, Philadel
phia, nil ere ho underwent an opcratiou on
Friday to believe lilui of an abscess in his
left ear that had given him considerable
trouble for somo timo pait. Dr. lliddlu was
tolesraphud for on S.ituidny. Father Hc
ilanus was stationed at Doylestown.
Buy your sllrpers at
tliu Factory Slice
Candy Free
OUR purchases for Christmas gifts should be made where you can buy
the best goods for the least money. Our reputation for GOOD
GOODS AND LOW PRICES is well established, which is fully
shown by the business we are doing. We have made special efforts to
prepare for your wants, and we are confident we are in position to
meet them.
Among the many good things shown in this large dry goods house
are the following, at cheaper prices than they can be bought in the
large cities :
Linen Table Sets, Tibet Boas, Coque Hackle and
Ostrich Feather Boas, from $i to $12.50 each.
Ostrich and Coque Collarettes, Sofa Pillows, Head Rests, Ladies'
and Children's Kid Gloves, Towels, Napkins, Chenille Table Covers,
Shawls, Blankets, Table Linens, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Underwear
and Hosiery direct from the manufacturers, Pocket Books, Ribbons,
Children s Silk Caps, Stamped Linens, aud best lilo, Roman aud Em
broidery Silks only'3C. per skein.
Commencing this evening
we will give each buyer of
shoes a
Box of Candy.
William E. James, one of the local corps of
public school teachers, returned home yester
day from Philadelphia, whoro lie underwent
an operation. Tbe physicians say the opera
tion was a successful ous.
Mai. John Finney, of tho Minors'
Journal, circulated among political friends
here yesterday.
I!ov. II. V. O'RcillT, rector of the Church
of tho Annunciation, was a noon passenger
to Philadelphia.
Messrs. Winer Johnson and James Whalcn.
of Lost Creek, returned homo from Philadel
phia yesterday.
llunroe T. Schrcfller, of tho Millersville
Normal school, is tho cuest of his sister, lira.
Harry Shlpp, en South Jardiu street.
J, A. slandourattonded the wedding of a
friend in lit, Carmel yesterday.
Miss Liully kriclc spent to-day iu Potts
J. J. KerslaVe, of the Dickinson Seminary,
yesterday led the prayer meeting of the
Christian Endeavor society of tho M, E.
Merrs. John Medallis and Andrew Me-
lusVey drovo to Mahauoy City yesterday with
a floe pair of steeds.
Harry l.rwin, of the Philadelphia Dental
College, is homo to spend tho holidays.
Ladles' velvet slippers at 3'J cents per pair.
Wiiitjjlock's Shoe Stohe,
for Christmas
We lead all other stores;
large assortment, prices
the lowest.
Sizes 11 to 2, at 25ctS.
Ladies' Velvet House
Slippers, 39 CtS.
Large line to select from.
nnent of the Worthy l'nor.
At tho uieetioK of the Y. W. C. U. on Sat
urday ovenlug, it was decided to ask for
contributions from the people of the town in
behalf of the worthy poor, and to that end a
committee of Ave was appointed to receive
contributions ou Wednesday evening, at
their hall in the lleddall building. Contri
butions of any kind will bo received and dis
tributed among those In destitute circntn
stanccs. Those of our readers who can spare
the means, should assist in making Christmas
n merry one for their less fortunate neighbors
Is the centre of attraction; look through it and pick out' what you want
at 25 per ct. Js than the same would cost you elsewhere.
We sell the DELINEATOR and carry a full line of BUTTERICK
P. J. GAUGHAN, - 27 N. Main St.
Father Dint Wins Ills Case.
New Youk, Doc. 21. In tho supremo
court In Brooklyn tho suit of FnthcrDeut
against tho Friars minor of tho Ordor of
St. Frnucls for 150,000 damagos has been
dismissed. A sottloment was offocted for
110,000, nnd tho plaintiff received tho
money ou Saturday. Tho indictment
against Father Dont for nllogod perjury
was dismissed Saturday on motion of the
district attornoy. Father Dont sued tho
order of St. Francis for to0,000, and out of
that suit dovolo;od a chargo of porjury
ngalnst tho priest, upon which ho was Indicted.
Dynamite Victim's Widow llrlngs Suit.
Lancaster, Pa,, Doc. 21. Mrs. Annie
K. Borgstressor lias brought suit for f25,-
000 damages ngalnst tho Pennsylvania
Tolonhouo company for the loss of her
husband, who was killed by a dynamlto
explosion at Now Holland, on August
last. Borgstrossor was the drlvor of tho
company's wngon, on which some dyna
mlto had boon storod, ana which was ex
plodod through tho carelessness, It is al
leged, of somo of tho company's employes.
Diamonds, watches, rings, silverware.
fancy goods, cut glass and banquet lamps
with Dresden or silk shades, at A. Holder-man's.
Ulekert's Cufe Announcement.
Fried Chicken. Stewed Chicken.
Chicken, Clam and Oyster Soup.
Oysters Stowed, Fried, Panned, ou Toast and
Extra Fine Large Saddle Rocks.
llluo Points and Primes.
Fresh Lobster aud Lobster Salad.
Surloiu Steak. Lamb Chops,
Hamburger Steak.
Ulmor's Fresh Sausage.
Fish Cakes. Uara. Swiss Cheese.
Orders for anything in the eating line pre
pared at short notice.
Special attention given to the ladles' and
gentlemen's dining room on the second floor.
We havo received to-day a number of Sus
quehanna canvass backs, red-head, black
head and malard ducks direct from Balti
more. Also a West Virginia buck deer.
are useful for Christmas
Gifts, buy them at
store and save money.
fli of
Shooting Alntcli mi Christmas,
A grand shooting match will tako place on
Christmas Day, in the rear of Ilsird's field,
for a big fat hog. The match will begin at jiirrrvHe rl Tr,lr DnfTC
0 o'clock In the nu ruing, and the large nun.- iHClN O UUwl. DUUlO
an house. , ' . . ... Hmr fit- rii- clnro wit
.id unil eu comes. Dome oi mo u ..iu.,, w
........ . iunu mil pariicipaie
your family phyt ou the ground Harry
That we give the great
est value for the least
money ever offered.
The wonder of the age,
made by American manufac
turers. It is a
Fine Open
Face Watch
Go to the Shenandoah Dental Itooms foi
painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver
fillings. If your artiflcal teeth do not suit
you call to see us. All examinations free.
We make all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns,
Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown
and Bridge work and all operations that per
tain ro uenui ciurgory.
No charces for cxtractine when plates are
ordered. We are the only users of vitalized
air for the painless extraction of teeth.
Dental : Rooms.
(Titman's Block)
Eaet Centre Street.
Offloo Hours: 7 a. m. to 8 p. m.
the best in the market.
P.. L
Stem Winding,
Stem Settinc and
Warranted, only
This same Watch
warranted, with a
double case, only
Fine Groceries,
Butter and Eggs,
Flour and Feed.
Our dellreiy wagon ft wait your order. Good a
dHvred promptly.
26 Bast Centre Street.
IjlOIt SALIC Valuable properlr, 211 and 213
! Oak strests: all modern Improve
menti excellent location t good sewerage i
two dwellings on rear of lot. Apply at 231
West Lloyd street. 12-2Mw
FOIl ItKNT.-Hrlck dwelling house. 8 rooms, 26
Kst Oak street. Apply at No. 28 West Lloyd
street lw-.od
WANTED. - Young lady
I f sin lype
ary. Call at
wnnted lt nnluli
Icturrs. No eiierIcnco ncces
0 B, Main street.
T OST, BTItAYED Oil STOI.I5N.-A beaglo
Ji liound with black cars, body spotted like a
i ub, iihmjk spot on rump,
ward will lie paid lor return to 1
sncnaiuioaii, ra.
uultable tom
K. Mngnrgle,
12-H-tf '
FOIt HUNT Two nice unfurnished rooms,
well heated. Apply at No. 211 West Oak
TjlOIt KENT. A nice room second floor,
' suitable for oft! ce nuniosea. Annlv nt