The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 21, 1896, Image 2

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Candida' ' - for tho Citizen nominations, in
tlio various u arils, are becoming nmnorouj.
All the tuine ('oimrilmati, it ii uniil,
will trek i iiuiniii:iliun.
The Wa nnukcr supporters have, after a'
montli'slii wr si t uml HUH signature to their
petition i oiKtt tnwm of tho county.
These tow - a total vote or ll,70S at the
last elirti. As only S'lil would sisn for
Wananmk' it ih reasonable to suppose tliat
tlio halatn r r,H3l), nir for l'enrow. Wo arc
still of th. belief that Schuylkill county
favors I'eiuiw.
Jamoa t Farley, of Tanuinim, lias an
nonncwl li.i i-elf as a caiuHdato for Slieritf. J
ThoTan iqua Ui i inilcrsayajoliu O. I'lrich I
Will bo an independent candiilato for Con-
grew two irs heme.
Thirty i r tin- State Senators of Penn
sylvania nd um'i 1'uited Suite Senator
M. 8. tjii.i ,' i. nisi, hi In Washington on
Saturday lr. Ml of tlicm have ileclaicd
for l'oiin, the IMillulclpli'.a Combine
1 1 1' not support Wanatuakcr.
slien 'iidoah ltepulillcatis will
I'ci'ria" demonstration In Phila
'eader, b.i
attend the
delphia to morrow evening.
Tho lViroso petitions In Shctiandoali
eontaln c
eoiintv. in
Tbero i
Harry '
lu'f .h m.iuy sliiu'itures as
ii' v il in eight towns in the
i. I', Isvillo.
n o i trniiMo brewing for our
,U" 'I-
si, i i Turkey I!un, will seek
, a Coiincilii .ml'' n ination on thu Citizens
ticket In t ii 1'ouith ward.
Th Citii ns SUmlinu Cuimnittee will meet
' this cvenu g There should he a full attend
I unco.
I See that your taxes are paid. It will cut
but 21 cell' to vole this sprint.
' Another andid.ite for Chief Hunters has
appoaro.l In the field, in tlio person of Wolf,
' J.ovine, w.. e uuuouceiiient appeal:) in an
other colu in. Mr Levine is an old resident
Of the town and has conducted business heie
for n numb r of years, from which he will
rotire on th.- first of tho year. His friends
like an active ramuss in his behalf.
Do You Know of Any One.
lou know of any ono in your nclghhor-
rho h -. diphtheria, croup, iuinsy, sore
, or ulu any way troubled with throat
lonii ' If so by all means tidvlso them
T'.i mi -Jl! s Diphtheria One. Your
Ivil' thanU yon all through life if
'.iU medi.'iuo according to dircc-
id learn itiat it positively cures all
, ir lalin, ami especially diphtheria,
the tuc.l dre.tdcd ol all diseases.
Kirlin' drug stole at BO cents a
C niuiiiuiidiiblo A.lwutce,
era Advocate.
IJi NASii'iAH 1Leiiai.1i has made a
I'neDdahlo advance in journalism by
many leaders a seven column folio,
'f six ns heretofore. Kulaigcmotit
i nsceos-uy through an increase of
Bra, but at tlio tame time thoenlanc-
ij the public a greater quantity of
lidlug matter
fold watches, the largest assortment
Holinty. At llrumin s.
Ulccllnn of Olllccrs.
At the regular meeting of Shenandoah
Valley t ouncll No 530, Jr. (). I'. A. M.. tho
following olllccrs were elected : 1'. C, Frank
Webster, I , lyrus i.eise ; V. C, Winfield 0.
Major, Jt It 8,1" II Illass; Secy., Hubert
rattor.on P S , William 11. Feist ; Ticaa.,
David A llerbine , I und., Charles Snyder ;
Warden, W. Miller ; I. S., W. A. Sneddon ;
O. S., Jabob Kliiek ; Trustee, J. Frank KUuu
bowor i Hep. V 11. A., Felix Klock ; alter
nate. W H. Feist.
Help Comes to Those Who Take
Red Flag Oil- for sprains, hums, cuts. At
(iruhlcr Brob., drug stoic.
lie hist m
. rnctory hliou Htoro
assortment of men's and women's
fancy and plain slippers, suitable for holiday
AVnllilnc Isn't C!ood.
' ilcFadden's Iteieplion" Company aji-
pcared beforo a very small audience at Allen's
ipera house, Tauiaqua, Friday night and as a
result tho company sttanded. Three of the
ladles aro still in town endeavoring to securo
lit cash to take them to their respec-
I, r Falls for Coughs and Colds.
I what l'au tiua is, 23e. At liruhlur
ig store.
ir, ... ::
lu nujjB, oiunues in writes iroiu
150. Diamond earrings, diamond
aud lacu puis at A. lloldermau's,
i and Lloyd streets.
i . .. - .
iJisciuiigeu I'roiit i-ruoii.
yllsuu was dlst barged from prison
nros. WiUon mis convicted some
Liwith Gus, Gauger of breaking iuto
,of the Cainbridgo colliery and brat
i.i....i.,n ....... i.. e..r..
ft lAauillilUUIlu uiu.T.lif. Vl'vi. miu,
f aas granted a now trial, but as there
ing to connect him with the burglary.
Ji'ict Attorney entcied a nul pros, in
! n when ilson was ordered discharged
J.... .rr
tatlvo Ilrouio (Juiuiiie Tablets. All
refund tho money if it lulls to cure.
rn attrav liv nnt iiurebsiinif vnllr
jns.Jsnt Holdeniian's.
. r Aliirrluge Licenses.
I J, iarfitt and Isabella McNcely, both
nil Miller and Debora It. l'earsun,
k '-f wat. lies in gold or silver so
' o and attractive in Shenandoah
I puriUn s. BClucuou larger, prices
ir -
CnmlnMe'fe le.
Livingston, of Lancaster, holds
Constables are entitled to 10 ceuU
mile nctimllv traveled br the Con-
tirtv i-fintji f.iri auhnocea witli one
more, Ity this decision the Con-
ave gained a decisive victory, and
will bo largely Increased oyer what
l now receiving, The ruling may
le bearing on tlio Constables case lu
it sov rest trial nnd test provo
l reg .rii to 1 lood's Sarsaparllla
Greatest EVIerit
j curtl by a peculiar Coinblna-
m, rroiioriion aim rroecss
iuni a t3 othera which
lltur ?y actually produces
Greatest Cures
. wn by thorssnifi of honest,
Itif'ry t' st nr.oiiiais which
i" Rays
.he be& behest
l 5.0
The Coltolcne trade murks are "Caltotme"
Hser'i 1,'ad in cotton-plant wtalh on every tu
Vhlrnrn. Nr VnrV. l'hllailelphla, Plttshnrr
No I'rospert of linpiirtniit Aetlou Iloforo
tho Hollflny Itecess.
Washisoton, Dec. 21. Tho senato Tlll
bo iu fussliin only two ilnys this week, nnd
comparatively llttlo will bo accompllshod
In this tlmo. (Jrdlunrlly u quorum would
not bo present with tho holidays so near, '
but Interest In tho Cuban question will
have tho cucct of attracting n good attend
ance. Tho Cuban resolution ns agreed to
by the committee on foreign relations will
bo reported this afternoon. It Is contrary
to tho policy of tho commlttoo on foreign
rolntldns to have tho matter discussed pre
vious to tho holidays, but It is possible
that sonio senators, not members of tho
comtnlttes, may want to express their
opinions nt this tlmo. Thoro Is, howoror,
no probability of any offort to socuro no
tion ou tho resolution now.
Senator I'oltigrovv's free homestead bill
is thu unlluished on tho senato
calendar, and tho sanator will mnko n
strong effort to socuro Its passago beforo
tho holiday adjournment. Sonator Goar
will mnko uu olTort to got up his bill
authorizing tho bettlomont of tho Sioux
City and l'aclllc railroad debt.
Tho hoiiFo will adjourn tomorrow for
tho holiday recess and us mombors aro
leaving by every tram it la very doubt
ful whothor a quorum will bo pres
ent again till after tho holidays. This bo
lng tlio case, whatever Is doao will have
to bo dono by unanimous consent. Tho
legislative, executive nnd Judicial appro
priation bill Is still unfinished. This bill
and tho bill for tho maintenance of the
military academy tho leaders hopo to pass
before tho rocoss. The only thing which
may stand in I ho way of carrying out this
program will bo tho fight which the li
brary committee will wngo against tho
provision relative to the library In tho
legislative bill. This provision lu the bill
will retain Mr Spofford as librarian and '
increase his salary frmn fl.OUO to 50,000.
Tho length of life may be Increased by lew
cning its dangers. The majon.y of people
dio from lung troubles. Thtia may lie avert
ed by promptly using One Mliiuto Cough
Cure. C II. Hagenbuch.
A ITurortiliinte Itonilsiilliu.
W'n.Ki'.siiAimn, Pa., Doc. 21. Some
months ago 11. V. Cutler, of Plttston, who
deserted his wife, was sentenced to pay
her?20 a mouth. W. L. McDougall, nlso
of Plttston, became Cutler's bondsman,
furnishing (1,000 ball for tho faithful por
formnnir if the seiitonro. After paying
fur throe months Cutler refused to give
bis wlfo any more money, nnd McDougall
has been compelled to pay her filO a month
for thrco months Ho had Cutler brought
Into court Saturday, but Judgo Uonnett
said tho court was powerless to relieve
him (if tho responsibility and ho would
have to ooutiuuo tho payments.
to cum: a cow in one hay
Take Laxativo Ilromo Quinlno Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to euro.
S3 cents.
Store Trouble In Dlytlio.
As tho result of tho contested election case
from Illy the township, concerning which
Kxaminer A. J. l'ilgram filed his report in
court last week, suit was brought before
'Sqiiiro Fishor, at l'ottsville, against the
Judge of Unction and two Inspectors of the
Cumbola election board, charges of falsifying
the returns being made. The arrests were
made during the early part of last week, nud
Saturday was fixed for hearing, Tlio de
fendants were released upon their own
recognizance for another hearing ou Thurs
day. Who Bald They Have a Cough?
Advice Take l'an-Tin 23c. At Gruhler
Bros., drug store
Health ltrporci.
The following caies have been reported to
the Hoard of Health since Saturday : Mamie
Spoont, 2) years, 112 K;ut Centre street,
diphtheria; Fred, and Grant Dougherty,
aged 1 aud 5 yens, 200 North l'meiick street,
and Joseph McDonald, 0 years, Plum alley,
measles. Alexander Solenavage, 18 months,
South Main street, died on Saturday from
malignant scarlet fever nud was buried iu the
Lithuanian cemetery yesterday. Thu latter
was ono of three children lu one family
alllictcd with tho disease.
Soothing, and notirritating, strengthening,
and not weakening, small but edectlve
such aro the qualities of DeWitt's Little
Karly Itltcrs, the famous little pills. O. II
llrotlinra un Trial for a lirutal Murder.
SoMEltsKT, Pa., Deo. 81. James nnd
John Roddy, brothers, aged 30 and 23
years respectively, nro on trial horo bofore
Judgo Longonecker and n jury to nnswer
tho chnrgo of committing ono of tho most
atrocious murders ovor known In tho stato.
On tho night of June 2 last two masked
mou'uutorod the house of David Ilcrlcoy, a
Touorablo Duuknrd farmer, and falling to
eociiro moiioy they burnod nnd boat
liorkey so brutally that death resulted,
llorkey's daughter also tiled from injuries
received by n fall whilo nttomptins to
Jturglars Lout a rattofllce.
Chawohd, N J , Deo. 21. Two moil
drove Into Cranford oarly Hnttirday morn
ing, Thoy loft thalr buggy standing In a
sldo stroot and, stonllng to tho ronr of tho
Opera House block they pried open a
wiudow and galurd admission to tho post
jfii . wIito they blew open the safo and
obtained moro than fj.000 worth of nost-
(Continued from Klrnt l'nae.)
If taken by tho president nlono, would bo
so far Uofootivo n, to bo Impossible of
execution without being perfected now
or lu tlio f'lUiro by the Bovcrelgu oxocutlve
power, '
Tho Coininercliil Trlbuno nlso wired
Seimtor Shorinan for his vlows, nud Inst
ulRht rocolvod this by wlro:
"Xhero is no foundation for tho stnlo
mont that couurofn may not, If It will,
rocognlzo tho Inilopcndeiieo of a now na
tion, nor do I think Mr. Olney contests It,
but ho thinks tho mutter ought to como
from tho president. If, however, congress
shonhl pass a resolution nnd tho president
Fhmilil veto It, It can bo passed by a two
thirds voto of onch house, nnd would bo
coino n law which tho piosldont must ro
spoct nml obey."
Soimtor D.ivis, of Minnesota, tolo
graphed: "I think that Mr. Olnoy's po
sition Is untenable. In my opinion con
gross has tho power by stutuio or by joint
resolution to recognlzo tho liidoiiendenco
of Cuba If tho prosldont approves tho
measure there can. of eourso, bo no con
troverny. If ho dlsnpprovos It nnd It Is
passed over his veto It becomes a law of
tho bind ns effectually ns If ho had ap
proved It, and his duty to oxecuto It Is
equally lmporatlvo In either enso."
Tim London Times Derl.ires It
I.lltely to lie Nhnheli.
Lo.N'DO.V, Dee. 21. Tho Times corres
pondent at Madrid says: "Tho most
striking 'feature to any ono knowing tho
Spanish character Is tho llttlo public ex
cltemotit piovallliig. It is only fair to
state that tho newspapers aro mostly mod.
crato nud sensible in tono. Whether tho
extent of tho threatened danger is not
fully recognized, or whether It Is despised
as unreal, tho dotonnlncd attltudo which
tho country nnd tho government havo
adopted Is nut likely to bo shaken ovon
I under tho throat of an Immodiato declnra
j t ion of war. Tho premier's declarations nro
' perfectly clear and consistent and strnlgh-
j Tho dispatch hero quotes tho uttoranco
of Senor Cauovas that "whilo I am prem
ier Spain will uot provoke a conflict with
tho United States, llut I will brook no
i attack, upon tho sovereignty of Spain."
Tho Times' Madrid correspondent adds:
j "This opinion Is echoed throughout tho
country. This rosoluto attitude docs not
I relievo tho government of tho rosponsl
' blllty of crushing tho rebellion. Hut In
stead of followlnguptho advantage which
tho (loath of Maceo gave tho wholo army
seems to bo occupied slnco iu feasting nud
jubilations to celebrate what is called tho
heroic victory of Major Cirujoda."
Tho Times says editorially: "Iu faco of
Mr. Olnoy's distinct Intimation of I'rosl
dont Cleveland's: Intention toward tho
Cameron resolution tho two huusos of
congress may hesltato to aoeopt tho re
sponsibility of the resolution. Tho ques
tion appears more likely to bo a conflict of
tho powers within tho American constitu
tion than between Spain and tho United
.States, liven if Mr. Sherman should bo
secrotury of state In tho now administra
tion it is hardly likely that Mr. MoKlnley
would surrender his Independence as ex
ocutlvo and outer upon thu incalculable
,f " w,l.r w ,th 'V.
Tho Standard's Madrid correspondent
says: "ilio feeling Is unanimous that
America is treating Spain unfairly by
trying to drive her, by systematic, violent
and unwarranted provocation, Into ail
unequal struggle, simply becauso tho
United Stiuos has obtained tho assurance
that Kuropean powers will only glvo
Spain purely platonio sympathies."
l'eiinsylvaiilnns Cree l'onco.
DAXVILLK, Ph., Dec 21. Tho Hov. Dr.
McAloo, pastor of tho Grovo Presbyterian
church, this city, lu a stirring proludo to
his sormon yesterday mado a stirring ap
peal for peace and nuu-lntcrventiou in
Cuban affairs at present. At an Informal
mooting of tho congregation a resolution
was unanimously adopted culling upon
congress, aud espoclally upon Pennsyl
vania's bonators and representatives, to
abstain from any action tending to em
broil us In hostilities with Spain.
Cillinn Kfntlment lu Mexico.
Cm' OF Mexico. Doc. 21. Tho studonts
of Oaxnca, lu a public meeting havo
passed resolutions deploring tho doath of
Macoo nnd urging tho government to
recognize tho Independence of tho Cuban
republic Cuban nentlnieut hero Is in
tonso, and all nows frmn United Statos
showing equal warimti of sentiment in
tho gr.'iit republic U read with great lu
te rest
Tho wife of Mr. D. Kobinsou, n prominent
lumberman of Hartwick, N. Y was sick
with rheumatism for five months. In 6pwik
ing of it, Mr. Iiobinson says: "Chamberlain'
Pain Halm is the only thing that gavo her
any rest from pain. For tho relief of pain
It cannot bo boat.
Many very had cases of
rhciimatUm havo been cured by It. For Kile
at SO cents per buttle by Uruhlcr llros.,
Holiday Tour to Washington,
Tlio Pennsylvania Itallroad Company an
nounces another of its annual holiday tours
to Washington. Tho generous patronage
which has hitheito been accorded these tours
has been very gratifying, and the present
season indicates no diminution, To all
patriotic Americans Washington is inteusely
... V.t . . ., , ,
vities of tho holdiday season and
fa Presidential Inauguration.
leavoew ork and Phlladel -
bcr 20, 1890. Hates, iuc hiding
ions at tho belt Washington
hotels, 114.60 from Now ork, llrooklyn and
Newark; $11.50 from Philadelphia and N 11 -
mliigtun. Propoitionate rates from other
For tickets, Itineraries nnd other informa
tion, apply to ticket agents, special hooking
nlllccs, or address Geo, W. liuyd, Assistant
General l'ussonger Agent, Hroad Street
Station, Philadelphia,
Major C T. l'lcton Is manager of tho
State Hotel, at Denlson, Texas, which the
traveling men say is one of tho best hotels
in that section. Iu speaking of Chamber-
1.1,,'. Pll Clml.r,! ,,,,,1 ntni-rlwuin Tin,,,., in
Malnr l'lcton sav. s "I havo mad it mvself
Major l icton says t i navo usee, it myseii
and iu my family for soveral years, and take
pleasure lu saying that I consider It au lu
falllblo cure for diarrhoea and dysentery. I
always recommend it, and have frequently
administered It to my guests in the hotel, and
iu every case it lias proven Itself worthy of
unqualified endorsement. Fur sale by
Gruhltr llros,, druggists.
Coming l'veuts,
Dec 21 -Sccoud annual ball of tho
Patriotic Drum Cerps In Kobbins' opera
Wheu most needed It Is not unusual for
your family physician to be away from homo
What Huxley, the Great English Scientist,
Considered the Best start in Life.
I Tho great English scientist, Huxley, said
tho best start in lifo Is n sound atmnaeh.
vcaic stomachs fall to digest food properly
bcci(U9, u Uck t, quantity of
i.,i,n ii. n, n i i ti it t i
poptogenlc products; the most sensible rem
edy in all cases of indigestion, Is to take after
each meal ono or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets because they supply In a pleasant,
harmless form all the clemouts that weak
stomachs lack.
The regular uso of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets will euro every form of stomach
trouble except cancer of the stomach.
They incroaso llesb, insure pure blood,
strong nerves, a bright cyo and clear com
pletion, becauso all those result only from
wholesome food well digested.
Nearly all druggists sell Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets at 50 conts full sized package.
Send for free book on Stomach Troubles to
Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich.
For allo'ted over Int'niney with his mar
ried women patients, Dr. J. It. Marshall
is on trial at Iteavor, Fa.
Stroot Commissioner Waring, of Now
York city, oxnended ?(M,0U0 lu freeing tho
ptreots of that ojty from snow last wook.
G. A. T wiiey, a l'rlncoton gradunto,
lias loon appointed to tho chair of montal
and moral philosophy In Helolt (Ills ) col
lego. Owing to the bid loans, It Is probnblo
that tho National bank of Illinois will bo
forced to suspend. Depositors will not
Murdoror Jninos Hrogau, who stabbed
Thomas McDonnell to death in n box car
last year, has becomo In.-anu in tho North
umberland county (Pa.) jail.
llornard G. Moiulckhi'lm, a wealthy resi
dent of Now York, has sued his wife,
teacher in a public school in that city, at
I'orry, O. T., for divorce, on tho grounds
of cruelty.
Thrco armed bandits broke Into tho
house of Thomas Fclton, near l'ough
keepsio, N. Y., overpowered tho family
and stole soveral hundred dollars' worth
of jewelry and money.
The old way of delivering mossages by post
boys compared with the modern teluphono,
lllustratos tho old tedious methods of "break
ing" colds eompared with their almost in
stantaneous cure by Ono Minute Cough Cure.
C. H. Hagenbuch.
Deatli of a Well Known Inventor.
New Yonic, Dec. 21. William Lyman,
of Mlddlulleld, Conn., son of tho Into David
Lyman, died of pneumonia lu this city
yesterday. William Lyman vrns best
known as tho Inventor and manufacturer
of tho Lymnu gun bight, In uso all ovor
tho world. He was a ineniborof tho Cou
nocticut legislature In 18'Jl.
Threo Killed anil Seven Injured.
SlIUBVuroitT, La., Djc. 21. Yestorday
morning there was a bad wreck on tho
To'xas and PnciUo railroad ueir Sodus,
La. Although no Information is given
by railroad ollicials, It is learned from
private sourcos that three mou wero killed
and sovoi badly injured.
KL-Congrcssmnn Tucker ltcctivcrlng
LUXINOTOX, Vu., Dec. 21. Kx-Cougross-man
John Randolph Tucker passed a fa
vorable nighty and his condition Is so
much Improved that his physicians aud
friends hopo for his recovory.
Klglit Wero Sentenced to Death.
IlAKCliLO.s'A, Dee. 21. Eight of tho an
archists who recently had thoir trial In
this city for throwing a bomb Into tho
Corpus Chrlstl procession Inst Juno have
been sentenced to death.
Scaly eruptions of the head, chapped hands
nnd lips, cuts, bruises, scalds, burns are
quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. It is at present the article must used
tor piles, and it always cures them. U, 11.
Mob TriMmr tn Utile. In Kentucky.
Rijsski' t.K. Ky., Deo 21. Thj' mob
which hanged and shot tho Proctors horo
Tuesday night, Is, If reports bo truo, de
termined to rid tho country of a uumbor
of other violent characters. It Is said that
atleast twenty persona tn different parts
of tho county havo boon notified to loavo
within llfteon days, and that Boveral un
making preparations to go.
Absolutely mire, cerftctlr hamilea. and
Invariably reliable are the qualities of On
Minute Cougk Cure. It never falls In telds,
eroup and lung troubles. Children ilk it be-
canto it Is plrasaut to take and it helps them.
u. ii. jiagtnuuon.
Holiday Tour to Old Point Comfort, Klch
mond, and Washington.
For tho approaching midwinter vacation
Reason thn Pflnnsvlvnnia. ltallrnad Cnmnanv
hasnrranged another pf its nnnual holiday
tours to Old Point Comfort, Richmond,, and
Washington. The great popularity of these
tours iu past seasons attests the high estima
tion in which thoy are held.
Old 1'oitit Comfort as a fashionablo winter
resort, and as a point of historic interest,
needs no introduction to tho traveling public.
Nor docs Richmond, the one-time capital of
the snort-lived Conlederacy. Washington,
always attractive, will he made peculiarly so
by tho festivities of the holiday season.
Tour will leavo Now York and Philadel
phia Saturday, December 20. Itates, return
HIS VI luciuuuim ami unauiuiuu,
from Ncw York, $33.00 from Philadelphia:
I returning direct, $10.00 from New York ana1
u.oo from Philadelphia. Proportionate
( mlea from other poluU,
I I'nriM.i. m,,..,,ino ,i .,., irr...
ton. apply to ticket agenta, special booking
, offlces, or address Goo. W. Hoyd. Assistant
j Clcneml Passengor Agent, Broad street
1 station, Philadelphia.
Old People
Old pcouio Hliorequtroincdlclno to regulate
tho bowo j pnl kidneys will find tho true
romedyli I loctrio Hitters. This mcdlelno
does not I rmlato and contains no whiskey
norot w intoxicant, but acts asa tonioand
altera ti?- It acts mildly on tho stomach
audn t-)s, adding strength and giving tono
to tin r -pans, thereby aiding Naturo lu tho
pcrfiMnanco or tho unctions, raectrio
I Hitters is au excellent appetizer and aids
lJI)!t.l,toni 01ll 10oi.lo find It just exactly
what thev need. Price fifty cents per bottle
at A. Waslcy's drug storo
Death uf Cllntun d, Hancock,
PlIlLAUKLl'lllA, Doo. 21. Clinton G.
Hancock, geturul-paKongor agent of the
Philadelphia nml Reading railroad com
pany, dlod at his homo lu this city last
night Mr Hancock was born fifty-one
years ago, lu Philadelphia, of which his
fathor, Samuol P. Hancock, waa at ono
tlmo controller Young Clinton was edu
cated In tho publlo schools, and when 19
yoars of age entered tho employ of tho
railroad company For the succeeding
thirty- two years ho has continued his as-
The Losses by the Conllngrntlou Will Foot
Up Over 8300,000.
NliW UnuNswicK, N. J.. Doc. 31. Ono
of tho most oxtenslves llros that has oc
curred In this placo for many yoars tiroko
out nt 12:30 this morning In Allen's thea
ter building, situated nt tho corner of
Goorgonnd Albany streets. Tho building
Is 150 feet front on George stroot nnd 220
foot on Albnny streot, nud contains Al
ton's theater, tho common council cham
bers of Now Hrunswick nnd tho Traction
company olltces; olso the Masonic rooms.
On tho ground Moor is Leonard Sohelglb's
Tho flro started in tho ronr of tho stage
nnd quickly gutted tho building. John
O'Hrlon, stage inanngor of the thoater,
was found lying on his truuk in an un
conscious condition. Ho was takou out by
llremen. Joseph Custnor and wlfo, jan
itors of tho building, wero found on tho
fourth lloor of tho burnod building run
ning from one room to nnothur. They also
wore rescued by flromou. Thoso aro tho
only persons Injured ns far ns reported.
The wholo lire dopartmont was sum
moned to the scono. Tho ndjolning prop
erty was thrcatenod, mid thu llromoti
worked heroically to extinguish tho
llninos. Thu burned building was owned
by tho Newark Homo Dulldiiig associa
tion, having built It ill 1873, nt a cost of
110,003, mid was said to bu tho largest In
the city. It wus a total loss, an 1 other
losses will foot up probably $10J, UO nuru.
The President Hack to Duty.
WASIIINOTiix, Doc. 21. Tho president
nnd his eoiii1..imo.iK, who have been hunt
ing in Soiitu o..rjlli)ii waters for u week,
returned to tho city early yesterday morn
lug. The president had a restful tlmo,
nud fools much refreshed aud Invigorated
after tho fatiguo brought uu by his exact
ing dutlos preparatory to tho meeting of
congress. Thu president's good luck at
tended him lu tlio sport, nud tho string of
ducks brought homo wero distributed to
friends iu the city.
Victims or n "Itlliul Pool."
l'JTTUiwita, Doc 21. Mrs. Charlos
Payne, ngod 03 years, and her husband,
who Is ton years older, wore assisted Sat
urday by tho charities dopartmont Tho
couple aro victims of tho "blind pools"
lu which thousands wero swindled. Thoy
had purchase.! a llttlo homo and saved
1,800, wheu Payne wus Injured nnd had
to quit work. 1 i Is f 1,200 proved sulllclout,
but ho was led iuto putting it iuto u pool,
losing tho entire sum.
Young Woman Attempts Murder.
DANliOUY, Conn., Doo. 21. F. Ward
Williams, aged 3o. is lying In tho hoslptal
In a serious condition from a kuifo stab
just above tho heart Inllictod by Miss
Sadie Iteod. Miss Rued afterwards at
tempted to cut her own throat, but was
provonted. Tho affair was the outcome
of a quarrel durlug which Wlllinuis au
cusod the girl of unfaithfulness. Sho Is
now under arrest.
These Itobuors Wure Determined,
LANCASTKlt, Pa., Dec 21, Isaao E.
Hor.shoy, a storekeeper nt Uuyorstowii, In
Salisbury township, discovered robbers at
tempting to blow opou his safe during tho
night, and openod tiro upon them. Tho
mou returned tho lira nud then flod. From
there thoy went to Gap, whore thoy blow
opon the fcufo of Daniel Dorshelmor, and
secured a sum of money, lot of notes and
some valuable busluess papers.
I had severe attaeka of gravel aud kidney
trouble ; and unablo to get a medicine or
doctor to cure me until I used Hop Hitters,
and thoy cured mo in a short time. A
Distihouuhed Lawyer of Wat-sis Co.,
N. Y.
CoLOBt.Kss amd Cold. A young girl
deeply regretted that alio was so colorless and
and cold, Her face was too white, and her
bauds and feet felt as though the blood did
not circulate, After one bottle of Hop
Hitters had been taken she was tho rosiest
aud healthiest girl in tho town, with
vivaoity and cheerfulness of mind gratifying
to her friends. x
Christmas Holiday Tours.
In pursuance of its annual custom tho
Pennsylvania Railroad Company has arranged
for two Christmas Holiday Tours, one to Old
Point Comfort, Kichmoud, and Washington,
and the other to Washington direct, to leave
New York and Philadelphia Decembor 20
and 29 respectively. The same high standard
of excellence which has made these tours so
popular in years will be maintained during
the present season. Tourists will travel lu
handsomely appointed trains, accompanied
by Tourist Agent and Chaperon, and will bo
accorded accommodations at the leading
hotels. The social season at both Washing
ton and Old Point will be at its height.
Eound trip rate from New York for the
Old Point Comfort tour, returning via Rich'
mend and Washington, $33.00; $33,00 from
Philadelphia. Heturnlng direct $1C.OO from
New York ; $14.00 from Philadelphia.
Rates for the Washington tour : $14.50 from
New Yortj $11.50 from Philadelphia. Propor
tlonate rates from other points.
For tickets, itineraries and other informa-
uuu uppiy iu ucrci xucuis, ur auurcss lico,
W. Hoyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Hroad Street Station, Philadelphia.
"Excuse me," observed the man in spee
haclee, "but I am a surgeon, and that is not
where the liver is." "Never you mind
where his liver It," reUrted the other. "If it
was in hit big toe or. his left ear DeWitt's
Little Early ltiters would reach it and shake
it for htm. On that you can bet your gig
lamps." O. H. Hagenbueh.
Thirty-Five llmm-a Destroyed hy Fire.
East Raiifo'ui, Vn., Doc. 21. About
S:3() o'clock yotordny morning flro etnrtod
In tho grocery of T, J. Nowell, on First
street. Tho U:imos sprcnil rnpldly, burn
ing In threo directions, entirely consuming
thlrty-flvo housoa, of which tho majority
wero stores. Tlio loss Is 06tlinnted nt over
$100,000, with Insurnnco of about 110,000.
Itheumatltm Cured In a nay,
"Mystic Cure" for Itheumatlsni and Nan
ralsia radically cures In I to I daya. Ita
action upon tlia system ii remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at ones the cao
and the disease immediately disappears. Tho
first dose rreatly benefits! 73 cent. Bold by
C. II .Hagenbuch, Drnmiit, Shenandoah.
Confened to a Hundred lluriclarlea.
JNEW Youk, Doc. 81. Joslah S. Day, 18
yearn old, and Clmrlos Taylor, 10 yoars
old, havo, according to thoir ooufossions,
committed nearly 100 burijlarles In this
cuy. i uey wore arrostod while robbing a
flat. Tho prisoners wore senaraturl nnfl
submitted to a rigid questioning by Cap-'
tain Mnvnlhnn A ,1 . . 1 I I
talk, but Anally mado a full confession.
Two Lives Saved.
Mrs. riiocbp Thomas, of Junction City,
111., was told bv her dni-tnm ,.,
sumptiou aud that thoro was no hopo for her, '
but two bottles Dr Kluj's New Discovery
,. v., J1Ur uuu sno Bays it aavftii
Heart Disease Cured.
HEN a well known minister after
BUfTcring for yeaiu with heart dis
ease, is cured, It U not surnrlslne
that ho should publish tho fact for tho
benefit of others, iiov. J. .1' Smith, 1013
Fulton St., Baltimore, Md., writes: "For
yoars I suffered from a Ecvcre form of heart
disease lined Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure,
and my heart Is now In good condition,
lteccntly, other afflictions camo upon mo.
There vas humming, painful sensations on
top an 1 :ck of my head. Fifteen mln-
:$;-TM5JSE3 utes reading would
- of, aunos5 wim,
V!ii '.M, tbero wero pulllngand
my legs all tho time,
vx. f?jir-Ma-T ? so that I could not sit
Lie.mitlon I began taking
.tihiasEifjDr. Miles' llcstoratlva
Ncrvlno aud Ita offect was simply, won
derful. I heartily commend your remedies."
Dr. Miles' ltcracdlcs aro sold by all drug
gists under a posltlvo guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money refunded. Book on Heart
and Nerves sent free to all applicants.
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elhkart, Ind.
Imitations, (lat CATON'S. nml uvn rrirrnh. At
druggists, or sent sealed, $1. Our booklet 4 uenU.
.lurat uj or uv Uj&.ii& jii.iii.
no 1,1inn'p8e, plnnsant odor, if 1 00 a
I, CIVS liAIIt TOMCremovosdantiniT. lor(
Tin Of ram falling out fctidpromotePKrowth $1 00 n li
Illustrated Tro&tbe on Hair on application rIiE.IL
For sale by Shenandoah Drug Store, Klrllu'a
Drug Store.
ifaMr rmiMici). Alwiyibny tha but ontl ftToid dlttap
ti'jtmciJt. liiumntowl nuperlor to all other. l'o,UL"I?
the Ixit In tli market, A No. L rarticul&ri, 4 CtS. Ur.B.T.
UX, Ur Rofton, Mtuip.
Personally-Conducted Tours
Thrre tours to CALIFORNIA, nml tho PACI
FIC COAST will leave New York nnd Phllfttlel
lihla January 27, February 24, urnl March 27
1897. Five weeku in California on the fintt tour,
and four weeks on tho second. Passe n gc rs ou
tho third tour will return on regular trains
within nine month. Stop will be made at New
Orleans for Mardl-Urns festivities ou tho second
Jacksonville tour, allowing two weeks In
Florida will leave New York nnd Philadelphia
January 2(5, February 9 nnd 23, nnd March
Hate, cove ring expenses en route lu both direc
tions, $50 00 from New York, nnd I IS. 00 from
Tours, each coverlnjjn period of three days,
will leave New York nnd Philadelphia Decem
ber 29, 1890, January 21, February 11, March 11,
April 1 und 22, midMuv 13, 1897. Hates, Includ
ing transportation nnd two days' accommoda
tion nt the best Washington Hotels, 314.5J from
New York, nnd 511.50 from Philadelphia.
will lonvn Xciv York and I'lilladelnhla Decern
28, 1HJ, January 28, February ii, March 18, mid
Apr" It, l&7.
For detailed Itineraries and other Information
apply at ticket asenclea or addreei (leo. W.
Hoyd, At. Hen'l l'au. Ai'i'lit, Hroad Street
Station, Philadelphia.
One Thousand Dollars In cash Is
ottered by tho Thuinpson Dlphtho
rla Cure Co , the ubo of tho
WilllHinaport, Ph., Hospital or any
charitable Institution elsewhere,
for uny case of Diphtheria which
Doesn't cure if properly applied.
Tho only conditions aro that the
patient upon whom tho test Is
mado must bo allvo aud not on the
veree of dcuth cuused by the use o(
anti-toxlno or somo other so called
remedy, Tlio company making
this offer must be notllled when
the use of Its Medicine lnsuch case
la bCKun, so that a representative
can bo present und personally sea
that tblsicmedy is applied In strict
accordance with tho printed In
structions glvcu.
Hny Registered PAysIclaq!
Is cordially Invited to apply this
Medicine strietly as per lustruo
tions elvyi. This oiler shows the
Implicit filth tho Company has
In tho Medicine It manufactures
and the Infallible remedy It Is for
all cases of Diphtheria, Croup,
Quinsy, or any throat ullectlon.
Ask your Junior for It aud keep
ono or more bottles handy In tho
house ut all limes Thousands
upon thousands of lives saved an
nually by this Medicine,
Thompson Dlphjiieiia core Co.
Sold by Druggists Everywhere,
Vi M 5 t l uever Ml.
'Ill a an it nth pi- li'r-