The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 19, 1896, Image 2

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I nun i '
.it; unit I In'
tlin rhIso uf
iru a dis-
i humanity,
ni! fur this
Ivnrose li.n
urelvc the
i lu Peun-
"Mi I W.
' l.i) ta. All
t Oil j to cure.
'I he jimU". of
Africa are not the
only places in
the jvorld where
n man courts
death from an
unseen foe. All
the .savages of nil
tlie iiariiaroiis tm-
AiMiiliiiutl Ut lili'iirp.
The Heiivii' eviMiitiR noted n con
ttmiaiM'i! jf tin iirguincnt fur a new trliil In
the Klfcnliomr csfo, cliargoil with tlio
murder of John Si liwlmlt. It niipeum tint
Mr. Ilniiiim a-ki (1 for a cotitliiuniu'o on tlio
plea tlmt there were oxreiitloin noted in the
testimony whit h wcio not Indexed, ami ho
wn tiled ftirtln r time to gn over testimony.
lion of history have not alain Ala., the el.nme of the rourt wa. not on i
one tune ot tne men mat nave "" mi. m-mj t.
1mii Itillril Kv. dial Amaii ouil it iK'ilin allcEi-d I hat a Keiitleniati present at
rill consumption. Ouc-sutli of all the the time the hall was prulied forln.SchwIndL's
deaths in the world are due to it. tack, aaid the probing InntniineiiC fell Into
Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery th-cavity cut l.y the surgeons, and ttrtiek
cures 9S per cent, of all case of conntmp I he spine; and fotuth that Win. Sehwindt
tion. It cures hv point? to the verv mot Mtcd Kiwnhower'a wife after the shooting.
, of the evil imperfect and improper nu- And, lat, one of the jurors was left alono
trition. It corrects nil disorders of th.' without a countable, lie wanted time to (?et
' digestion, makes the appetite keen and the testimony "f those newly dlsroveied
oimiimom of assimilation perfect. It drives out tins witnewes. t'otitt finally agreed to 11 eon-
irks that all impurities from the Wood and fills it with tiinianee and fixed December iiStli, at :30 in
paid on, or the life-giving elements that huild up the the eeiilng, as the time for hearing tho
nit of tick body. It is the greatest blood-maker and uiguineiit anil also granted a rule to take
i d off from , jmrifler. When you pump rich, red, healthy testimony on thiee clays' notice. )liotiliower
nts without blood into an organ it cannot Ioiik remain was then taken Ime to jail, llo looks well,
Water Com- diseased This is true of the lungs. New although pale, and somewhat stouter than
neaitny tissue is mini up in mem aim uie when convicted.
fernis ot consumptiou are driven out.
hous.nuls have testified to their cure by
this great remedy. Druggists sell it.
Ralph Oreen i: . of Williamsburg, Callaway
vo., mo., wmev -lu.orc i commenceu your
stole A HUNDRED thousand. , Dr. Miles' Nervine Triumphs
Improved Homosopathlc
1.111UK, Supt.
who Take
' I' us, cuts.
Indies' gold watehes, the largest iiswitiiicnt
in the counts'. At Hriimm's
The old liidv was right when she said, the
treatment J could not tube n rlrlnV of water with, child might die if they waited for the doctor.
"l.H H0
,t tluir
1 f.tii
HA... .
.1 ,1
to!n,-, , ,' 1,
Y, I. r 1 :
rei-ntl f
th tblo v
in; -hi m
11 li di ,
...... lilt V
lU Mill!
y H cniiiih
Tli 1 .
nt nmt l'oiliiips
nl' 1.
iter "
, il 1 ir
i- .1
s fi
1 on,, ,
1 miV
A. dosperale
.I 'I'tod house
He 111 two rob
iii 1 ii hood and a
il'-putlos, who
v-nltud in the
if nno of the
Irs companion.
1 p of Marlon
11 :r Christiana,
x in rkoys were
1 -.pooled Hiller
v mill 111 com-
Henry Kurtz,
hi in Thursday
1 1 ji-iror and a
n liiindy part til
in ti woro busily
1, and while
i's in surrender
lo.itk'd shotgun
out great suffering in my stomach. I could not
eat. I was f sinking and did not weigh more
than im pounds. To-day I weigh 157. I hail
nvc different doctors examine me, ami each one
treated me without doing me any good. At last
I took four or the bottles of your ' Golden Medlcnt
Ulscovery ' and to day am In belter health than I
have been for five years. Whenever 1 see any of
my frien.l' suffering I tell them of your medicine
and advise them to write to you."
Dv-. It is belter to do
r rierCe S memlliijr while the
1,1 1Utt 3 damage is slight,
than wait until the whole structure is ready
to fall. Constipation is the one, all-embracing
disorder that is responsible fur many
other dis- -w , eases. Doc
tor Pierce's KA Cfl 11 1 Pleasant
Pellets cure 1 v 04.1 li L h UruK.
gists sell them They never gripe. One
nttle' " Tellet " is a gentle laxative, and
two a mild cathartic. They are tiny,
I near - coated granules.
Nothin.- 'Ise is "just as, PfijifttQ
I, ' " " - -
She sum il tlio little nun's life witli a few
hnvs of One Minute, Cough Cure. She lud
lued It for croup licforu. U. H. llagenhueh.
Old .Man's Ilasli Act.
Tho other evening Wm. Miller, of (lllher-
ton, started out from his homo to look for
some one to take Ids place at tho colliery,
and oil his way passed Win. Jones, all old
man about (13 yuars of ago, and a young
fellow by tho name of Matthews, standing on
tho corner with an air gnu. The old man,
who is somewhat demented, snatched the
gun from tlio young hoy's hand as soon us
.Miller had passed and leveled it at him.
The gun was discharged, the bullet going
through Miller's hut, prazing his scalp, lie
immediately had n warrant sworn out for
his arrest. The eafco was settled, however,
mi account of tlio old man's condition, ho
11 1 paying tho costs and line.
Mtmynn's Kheuinatlsiii Curo seldom fills
to relieve in one to three liuiirn, and cures in
a few days. Price 23c.
Hiiuyon s ijyspepsla ruro Is guaranteed to
cure all lorms ot Indigestion and stomach
troubles. Price 2."ic.
Munyon's I. Ivor Cure corrects headache,
biliousness, jaundice, constipation and all
liver diseases. Price !Me.
Munyon's Kidney C'urespcedllycures pains
In tho hack, loins or groins and all forms of
kidney diseases. I'rico&ie.
Munyon's lilood Curo eradicates all Impuri
ties of tho blood, Prieo 23c.
Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cures
all forms of pile. Prlco, 23c.
Munyon's Asthma Herbs tiro guaranteed to
relievo asthma in two minutes. Prlco 25c.
Munyon's Cold Curo prevents pneumonia
and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Price,
Munyon's Cough Curo stops coughs, night
sweats, nllays soreness and speedily heals
tho lungs, l'rico 25c.
Munyon's JCcrvo Curo restores overworked
and overstrained nerves to n healthy condi
tion. Prlco 25c.
Munyon's Headache Curo stops headaches in
threu minutes. Price, 25 cents.
Munyon's Vltallzer imparls new life, re
stores lost powers to weals and debilitated
men. Prlco $1.0(1.
A scparnto curo for each disease. At all
druggists, mostly 23 cents a vial.
Personal letters to Prof. Munyoti, 15P5
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., answered
ftith freo medical adyico for any disease
,tni "'-U
dL h ,r -i
:) I .
t hulo
. M i- I
1 .U'- '
l showed flghli,
deputy with the
i inn ousuoil the
and u load ol
iter's nbilomun,
I lie other rob
' no, vn, snatcbod
e 1 throw It out
nlf, b'-itlg II
a mini who was
wh i is believed
Religious Nollce.. " 1 The pretty doll at tho letory Shoo Store
will be chanced oil Christmas Kvo, at 7:00
Services in the Trinity Reformed church ,,'doi-lc. when the lucky number will ho
to-morrow at jtl:0(i a. m., and 0:M) p. ni. , , , , ,
Sunday school at 1:80 p. m. Ilev. Itnhert ' l'leed on tho doll. Make your purchases
O'llnylc pastor. j no"'- .
lingular services will ho held in the United Deeds ltc corded.
Kvaugellcal churcli i, North Jardin street, to- j rom 1C A,allr0 Cuul Mining Company
morrow at 10 a. ra. and 0.30 p. m. Preacliing , . ,, . , , . , 7,, , ,, ,.'
by the pastor. Kcv. 1. J. Keilz. Sunday to Joseph aienkmyski, in Now I hiladolphia.
school at 1.80 n m. 1 Torn Jolin 15. Mincer to 1 lieodoro liauucic,
r of
r; v s
o di
six or eight
lu'cd In the
yards. Avon
in mnii'eh ni
is oxtremoly
e Slnro
11 sand women's
tul'le for holiday
and Colds.
At Uruhle
1 nctiirj
.line or 1 11
shiuii so
1 on
e, 1
thl3 for Couahi
ISt fill! i.l I
ad he
(f tllLITICAl, TALK,
vsm ' .1 1 1 ' utt-sillo has over
Mrs. . . ..
.I led ueller.
r fix-Cannellman
1 -11 liool Director
iktldl 1
hi c
out ' ,K l"c
km r I
. ! r 1 1 L
r l'i 1
Of '
Mb .
Oil oe
tl I K
rpj7 win 1
i tit
The American Volunteers arc going to
hold meetings all day Sunday in Wilkinson's
building, corner Main and Centre stiv"ts.
Meetings at 11 a in., 8 and K:0() p. in. l'irst
Lieut, llusbiin and wife in command.
Primitive Mothodist church, James Mmm,
pastor. Preachiug at 10:8(1 a. m., siibpit
"'1 lie employments of the Hsints in lilnry '
tl:3tl p. m., subject, "ChrUt, the Saviour
norn.' Sunday school at 2 p. 111. liver:
body welcome.
Services ill tho Presbyterian church to
morrow at 10:30 a. m subject, "Christ's
Reception." U:!10 p. m., subject, "God's
Christmas Qift to tho World." Pleaching by
the pjstor both morning and owning. Sun
day school at 2 11. m.
Welsh Ilnplist ellTiich, comer of West and
Oak streets. I!ev. I. I. Cvans pastor. Services
at 10 a. m. and II p. 111. Sunday school at 2
p. ni. Prayer meeting Monday evenings.
Young People's meeting Wednesday even
ings. Class meeting Thursday evenings.
Services in All Saints' Protestant Kpiscopal
church on East Oak street to-morrow nt 10:30
a. in. uuil 7 p. 111. The rector will olliciato
Sunday school at 2 p. 111.
Ehonezer Evangelical church, comer of
South West and Cherry streets, II. Horace
Itomig, pastor. Sunday school at 10:30 a. 111.
All are welcome.
Methodist Ilplscop&l church, miner Oak
ml Whito streots. Ilev. Alflfed ltcehner.
1 , pastor. (Icneral class meeting at 0:15 a.m.,
- mi pi .-me Court has ed by John Senior. Sminon at 10:30 a. m.
suta: u ' .1 llusbysholl, of by tlio pastor. "The Star in the East
' n 1 1 ug subordinate Simdiiy tehool at 2 11. m., Dr. J. S.
'alien, Hiiperinteiidout. Chri'tian lhideavnr
jirayer meeting at 5'15. Sermon at (1:30 p. m.
by the 1 istor "find's lireat Chrlstmiis
lilft to t. e iVoild." A cordial invitation to
all these services.
St. John's ljuthorau church. West Cherry
stiect. Ilev. John tlruhler, pastor. Pleach
ing, 10 a. m. ; Sunday school, 1:30 p. 111. ;
preaching 0:80 p. in.
St. Michael's Greek Catholic church. West
Centre street. Ilev. Cornelius IaurUilii, pas
tor. Matutiuum service U a. 111. High mass
10 a. ni.
Church of the Holy Family, (German 1!.
C. ) North Chestnut street. Kcv. A. 'J'. 8chut
tlehofer, pastor, l'irst mass 8 a. 111., K'coud
muss 10 a. m.
St Cusimir's Polish It. C. church. North
Jardln street. Ilev. J. A. lamurkiewicK,
pastor. First mass 8 a. in., high mass 1(1 a.
111., vespers and bciludictiou 1 p. in.
, . , ... 1 Church of tho Annunciation. 21M West
,11 ur 1.1 i ue opinion mat , cherry street. Kev. II. O'Kellly, pustor:
Mlih.,tl 1 onry, as candidates jtcv. Henry Nayliin, assistant piutttir. First
Tax Itcncmr roxpectlvcly, Is 1 mass, 7 a. 111., second maw, S a. m., hlglunaas,
mJciiiihination that can be ! 10 a. 111. benediction, 7 p. 111.
try u aic propi riy uwuein, oiu ieiioieiu israui iuiiKrcKniiou, coiner ui
0 t hh 1, nil 111 iiIiit Iiiih Millirlit Oak and West streets. Kev. Henry M It-
tract of land in llubley township.
1 in colliery, won a
,n mi Melvluley's
11 pi l ine Court has
'Mil llusbyshull, of
11 1 ug subordinate
i 10 for Wnna
iii would he
1 1 i-ns Standing
. i-i aud 1111 the
ii her important
lunching cam- 1
-1 ue Honk and '
form a inarch-1
11 1'-
will r.
' ni missioned will j
nis known until
tin hitter will nut ,
1 pril 1st. Little !
...1 however.
in itives from this j
the votes of six
Notice i htTtity (Ivcn tliat nn apptloatiou
will be uiutk to Ihi' Court of Cominon lMcaitif
Schuylkill county nn Monday, the 1th tiny of
January, lhy7, nt to o'clock ft. in., uiuler the Act
of Ansembly of tho Coimuon wealth of IV'un
(ylvnnl.i, entitled "An Aet to provtlo for tlio
ineori'oration and n filiation of certain carjior
atioiit," approved April ff.'tli, 1871, and the
HUpplcmcntii thcicto, for the charter of nn
Intended corporation to be called The I)efender
Jlotc Company No :t, of Shenandoah, l'a., tho
character and otj1 u hereof if the Chtabllth
mcnt and nialnteimiiM of a l'i re Cotnpan in
the borough of Shenandoah, said county, for
the protection of life ami property from
i aMialtiefl by tire, and to raWc nod provide a
fund by eoutiibutmn of iti member by the
p.tmentof initiation feert, monthly dues and
nsichineut of Itn iiit'iuhcrH to be applied to the
payment of rollef to t-ueh of its lneiuherH ns
may become, tdek or disabled and funeral
benefits to biieh of itx ineniherM iih my die, nnd
other lawful purposes of tho corporation nnd
for theHo purpose to have, piwchH and enjoy all
the rights, benefits nnd pnvih'Kes of the said
Aet of Assembly and Hm mipplcincntM. The
ptopoHed charter is imw on Ule In tho Fro thou
tar ' ollleu of staid court.
v. y, Hi cimi,,
fj-v;u boiicitor.
llcuinnhitf of next session of
Write for information to
"i"-' irj
are t
in i',:.
l.oo ., ,
d to
:rs; o
ii ( nun 1 1 men will seel;
In mm rutic ticket
1 r t iiard ; Patrick
i l'.itiick Hand, In
' li oil 1' Wolverton, of
117 mil lie tho Dutno-
-rjs nator Caineron. i
ulk. Pastor. Saturday services, 8 to 111 a. m.
and 3 to 5 p. ni. Sunday services B to Hi a. in,,
and every week day morning fioin 7 to S a. m.
Diamond rings, solitaires in prices from
$5.(XI to 150. Diamond earrings, diamond
pendants and lace pius at A. Iloldclinau's,
corner llaio and I.luyd street. -
. i , ii
in. l v
Tho length of life may lie Increased by less
l., t ir auth. ritv that 1 om"K ,te lli"1t!1i- The majority of iwoplo
bi t ol autlwril that ( (,io fr0I) m trollhlWi T,1M. uvort,
frluiils favor l'onrosc. i, .,r,,,fi,. , nn nHnhi ilmmli
Cure. 0. 11. llagcubuch.
(liven H C'l'llilleilte.
The State Hoard of Public Charities has
Issued a certificate to Washington Orine, of
ht. Clair, chief of the insane department at
the almshouse. Ur. Urate has tho distinc
tion of being the first accredited traiued
nurse of the insane in this county.
eSJ fie
,id li
nil have us yet been made
avee . i ,,...i. , ...i i..
ic fa tonxo Ouuilno Tahlets, All
i-incli t ic money :i it fails to cure.
- i purchasing your
' 'eruian's.
The slrllce of ' The Ixative llroino Quinine 'Hablet. All
ii canal improver druggists refund tlio money If it fulls to emu.
HA cent.
I iv - ts in nroiiross
Uni ii i'.nts were issuoil
I. it lint l,ULitntd lit
es til.,., 1. v Polo, who fill
.v.- w l l r .1 111 If flllll IIM1NIIO
I ii I iiiilduiK, wns yestr-
tj .Urv ilava Imprison
. 9 J? .
doze; " j
i for
mi, - - in H w
ArlHilurs lliwr Tevtlmwiiy.
A I bitra twin S. M. Mertinwr, II. J. Ilemller
and J. O. Kouds yesterday heard testimony
in the caw uf Hhcpp . Tituutn. This Is a
dlsputo uver the erection of a bridge, the
Jl. It.
Beauty Unrolled
trs-i r.v ft -i
Ono Killed In Ills Coll mill Tito Taken
Out nnd llnus-eil.
HUSSELLVILLE, Ky ,I)ec.l0. At 2 o'clock
In tho mornlug n mob visited tho county
Jail, and nftor battorltis down the front
door nnd forcing tho Jailer to give up tho
keys wont to tho cells, oconplod by Arch
Proctor nnd his two sons, Will and "Dink."
Will Proctor cursed tho inob nnd. was shot
ilcuil In his coll, Ills body being plorcod by
thirty bullots. Tho other two woro takon
out and hangod to n codar tree.
Throo weeks uro Arch Proctor, aged 20,
stabbed Aaron nnd "Doo" Crafton, nt
Adalrvlllo, this county. Anron dtoil Im
mediately nnd his brothor lingered for a
week or moro. One wool; ngo tho Proc
tors had their examining trial for tho kill
ing of Anron Crafton, mill Dink nnd Will
woro ucqulttod. Their trial for tho killing
of "Doo" Crafton was still on. Tho mob
numbered about 103, and did their work
nulotly. "Dill" Proctor hml boon tried
threo times for murder.
I'or Year Mm "Trusted Treasurer" of llos
toi's feafo Deposit Company,
HostoN Dec. 10. Vrimk C. Miles, for
moro than twenty yours tho trusted treas
urer of tho Huston Snfo Deposit nnd Trust
company, ono of tho oldost and most con
servative of DosIou'b banks, Is r defaulter
for nt least f 100,000.
Tho ilofnlcatlon was dlscovorod lato yos
tenlny nf tornoon by tlio president, nml a
meeting of tho directors was Immediately
cnllod. After tholr hurried consultation,
n reporter of tho Associated Press was
sent for nnd upon his nrrlvnl nt tho bank
lna; rooms n statement was handed to him
by President Stono In tho presence of tho
entire board of directors. It declares that
Miles cotifossod that ho hail misapplied
securities, and that tho company holds n
responsible bond of Indemnity In tho sum
of 1!!0,000.
Miles had boon trcasurifr of tho Institu
tion since It began business lu 1875, and
during all tho twenty-ono yours had
handled tho funds of tho company In tho
most conservative nnd careful manner,
not even a wlilspor belug hoard us to his
Integrity until yesttrdny.
Tho company 1ms a capital of $1,000,000,
and does n regular trust company business,
bosldo having n largo iiumbor of safo do
posit vaults which It rents to prlvnto par
ties for tho safo keeping of socurltlos.
Mllos had full charge of "tho cash deposits
nnd socurltlos belonging to tho company
and thoso hold as collateral for loans, and
It ts from those securities that l.o ab
stracted thiro missing. Tho examining
commlttrjo Is still trying to ascertain It
iuu.iKjj co.vors mo entire nciicit.
Mlliis, who is 40 years old and a native
of this state, has a luxurious homo at No.
31U Hoacon streotr-lu tho most aristocratic
section of tho city.
"Itullnn Countess" Convicted of Theft.
London-, Doc. 10. Tho Old Dalloy wit
nes?od tho trial yesterday of tho so called
Italian countess,- Kuiinit Ugollnl, her bus
kind aud two other Italians for stealing n
valuable pleco of Italian laco from the
West Knd shop of Potor Hoblnson. Special
Intorest has boon awakened In tho caso by
Its genoral rosomblancu to that of Mrs.
Waller M. Castlo, of San Francisco, so far
us tho methods pursued lu obtaining tho
article wns concerned. But tho "Countess"
Ugollnl had no plea of nioiital Irrespon
sibility or kleptomania to olfor, and so
sho was found guilty, together with her
hu3baud ami two arcompllcos, but sen
tence was deferred.
Excetslvo Nervousness from ChlldhooJj
U Crlppo Brings on Heart Weakness.
I had severe attacks of gravel and kldnoy
trouble; and itnablo to Ket a medicine or
doctor to cure me until I used Hop Hitters,
and they cured me in a short time. A Lawyhr of Waynk Co.,
N. T.
Coi.oki.iifs and Cold. A young girl
deeply regretted that she was so colorless and
and cold. Her faco was too whito, and her
hands aud feet felt as though tho blood did
not circulate. After ono bottlo of Hop
Hitters had been taken she was tho rosiest
and healthiest girl In tho lown, with a
vivacity and cheerfulness of mind gratifying
to her friejudS;
For New I'ubllo' HulliUngs.
"Washington, Deo. 19. Tho houso com
mittee on publlo buildings voted yester
day to report nnd place on tho houso cal
endar a largo number of publlo building
bills which it had practically agreed last
sosslon to report. Tho bills provldo for
buildings in tho following cltlos: Nor
folk, Vn. ; Urunswlck, Ga. ; Now Bruns
wick, N. J. ; Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Wator
bury, Conn. ; Shnmokln, P.a. ; Bradford,
Pa. ; Lebanon, Pa. : Portsmouth, Va. ;
Maiden, Mass. ; 1 awronoo, Mass. ; Nashua,
N. II. ; WoonsooVot, 11. I. ; Homo, N. Y.,
and Winston, N O. Tho Qulgg bill for a
now custom houso In Now York was also
ordered to bo roporte'd.
The old way of delivering messages by post
boys compared with the modern telephone,
illustrates the old tedious methods of "break
ing" colds compared with their almost in
stantaneous euro by Ono Minute Cough Curo.
C. II. Hagcubuch,
Wants the Civil Service Law Repealed.
PlTTSiiur.a, Doo. 10. A lottcrfrmn Con
gressman William A. Stone, In answer to
the query by tho War Votorans' associa
tion of Allcgluny, "upon what conditions
soldiers and sailors of tho lato war may bo
reinstated under the civil service rulos,"
was read to that association yesterday.
Colonel Stono declares himself In favor ot
tho repeal of tho civil service laws ns now
enforced. Ho says the rules as nppllod by
the Democratic administration aro a
bundlo of hypocrisy, and that it Is bettor
to faco tho music and repeal tho law than
to invent ways by which to cheat It.
To curo all old sores, to heal an indolent
ulcer, or to speedily curo piles, you need
simply apply DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo
according to directions. Its mapic-like ac
tion will surprise you. C. H. Hagcnbuch.
ttorcu n nemii ny n cow.
WlLUAMsrQRT, Pa., Doc. 10. Mrs. John
Slasgow was gored to death by a cow lu
tho barnyard at her homo ut Glen Hope.
Sho had gouo out to mill; the cow, and
wns found dead In tho barnyard. Ono lug
wns broken and tin nrm badly lacerated.
Ctlspl's Duiighter Klopcs with aberrant.
MlLAff, Doo. 10. The tiecolo (.tutos that
Siguor Crlspl's daughter, the Princess
Llugua-Glcssa, has elopod with one of her
Heart Disease Relieved In 30 Minutes.
Dr. Agsew's Cure for tho Heart gives per
fect relief lu all cases of Organic or Sympa
thetic Heart Diseaae in 39 minutes, and
speedily effects a cure. It Is a peorlcss remedy
for Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, Smother
ing Spoils, rain in Loft Side and all symp
toms of a Diseased Heart. Ono doso con
vinces. Sold at Kirliu8 drug store.
Coming Events.
Dec. SI. Second annual ball of tho
Patriotic Drum Corps in Itobbius' opera
10 cts, Cures Constipation and Liver Ills.
Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills aro the most per
fect mads, and cure like magic. Sick Head
ache, Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion
ana alt Liver l us. lu ceuts a vial 10 Hoses.
Sold at Klrllui drug store.
Acquired liy the Sueur Tru.t.
IlALTlsioni!, Dec. 10. Tho Baltimore
Sugar Itelliiory compony passed into tho
hands of tho American Snsiir Unflnnrv
comnanv. othdrwiso known us tho "sumir Mnjnr IMclClnlny'a MinoiiicnU.
trust," yesterday, as tho result of n donl! CniOAao, Dec. 10 President elect Mo
lilalia through tho Morcantllo Trust com-! Kluloywont to Kvnnston yosterday nfter-
pany, of Baltimore. By tho terms of tho whore ho was the guest or C. li,
deal the local holdors of preferred stock In ! Do-wos. Ho remained thore ovor night.
tin) Baltimore company receive cash for
tholr holdings. Those who hold common
stock In tho locnl concern roeelvo common
stock of tho big company, share for share.
Tho local rollnory has not been In opera
tion for sovernl months, nnd It Is under
stood that thoro Is no presout Intention to
rosumo work.
Mi-ponded on Ills summit involved being about 1,000.
UraetT iepreeiiUl Mr. Jshepp, and (luy 11.
niuhar appeared for C. 11. TiUnan.
The CiiictMitrlo rilnt
on which the various eircles of humanity de
pend fur their purchase in tine footwear for j
ladle' and gents , Ullage , youth and chil
dren, is Wower't shoe emporium, liM North
Main utibnt.
To the admiring gaze ol those who haven taste
for really lino wall paper Is the display of new
wall taper wrinkle we have Just received, You
can find any color or imtleru you want for youi
liall, bed rixim, parlor, dining room, kitchen or
enfe, from 5c up to 1 per roll. Flue artistic
imperii a specialty.
House, Sign and Decorative, Painting-.
Satisfaction guaranteed. lCnttmatcA cheer
fully furnished, Hcnd pusUl.
231 W. Centre St., Shenandoah, l'a.
l'lat'Q Your Orders Now.
Scaly emotions of the head, chamied hands
"Tn ml lins, cuts, bruises, scalds, burns are
quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. It is at present the article moit used
for piles, and it always cures them, C. H.
Tours to Vlorlda.
Ko district in America prostata, durinc tho
Winter season, so mauy yarlod attractions s
the State of Florida, 11. sides Its delightful
climate, which to one oscaplim from tho cold
aud iiuhealtbful changes of the North seems
almost ethereal, it is pre-eminently a laud of
sport and pleasure, Along its eleven hundred
miles of salt-watorcoatt and In its twelvo
hundred fresh-water lakes are fish of almost
every conceivable variety, from the migra
tory tribes common to Noitliern waters to the
tarpou, ponipano, ana otliors or a more I
tropical character. Nowhere In all our broad
land can the angler find a greater variety of j
game or better sport.
Hero also the most entlmslaitlc hunter
finds satiety. Deer, turkeys, hears, nanthori.
aud wild rats roam al large through the more
Fparsely settled regions, while birds of all
kinds may be found iu abundance through
out the Stato. Tlio more novel sport of al
ligator and uianateo hunting may also ho In
dulged lu hy the moro adventurous tourUt.
With its matchless climate, Its orange
groves, its rivers and lakes, its boating and
bathinr. its fishing and huutlnc. aud its
" extensive forests, Florid presents unrivaled
Who eaa tslnk attractions for the valetudinarian, tho lover
of torn stupis 0f nature, tho sportsniau and the explorer.
thlm to lMBt V,i II1I4 sttrnetltTA stntn tlm IViiii.vK-n.U
Tho morning vvus spent rather quietly.
But fow callors wore received. After
wards, nccoinpnnlod by Captain MoWIll
lams, Major MoKlnloy was driven over
the uoulovnrds of tho Bouth side. Tomor
row ho will attend sorvlcos nt the Sixth
Presbyterian church. Mrs. McKlnloydld
not accompany her husband to Kvanston.
l'lve Miners Pair to Death.
Ouiiav, Colo., X)oo. 10. Gabrlol Huss,
JohnAntras, Charlos Swnusou, Charles
Audorson and Lewis Jackson were killed
Instantly in tho Vlrglnus slmft yestordny.
They were placing tlinbors In tho shaft
when tho oago felljcarrylng them with It
to tho 1,400 foot level. The bodlos woro
brought out through tho revonuo tunnol.
IIufTalo's Accuied OfTlclal.
Buffalo, N. Y , Deo. 10. Deputy City
Controller Harrington, who Is allegod to
have dofraudod tho city out of consider
able sum of money by moansof "sfuiniig"
pay rolls, wns arraigned In court yoster
day on tho accusation of grand larceny In
tho second dogroo. He ploaded not guilty
and wns admitlud to bail In td,000.
,EV. It. P. SEAREY. riastor M. E.
church, Buchanan, Oa. writes
Dec. 10, ISM: " In childhood I was
afflicted with oxccsslvo nervousness, which,
almost developed Into St. Vitus dance. I
partially recovered, but at college It gradu
ally grow worse. Close study aggravated
tho troublo; any unusual oxertlou caused
trembling all over. In 1S00 I had a sovcro
attack of La Qrlppo which broughton heart
weakness I baa been almost constantly
under treatment for
muos' 5id
BP !
.v-tervine s
nervous troubles, and
changed climates fre
quently without avail.
Last February I bo
gan taking Dr. Miles'
Ucstoratlvo Ncrvlno
a'nd Ncrvo nnd Liver
Pills and slnco then I
have been studying moro and working
harder than for years and tho good effects
that have resulted seem to bo permanent."
Dr. Miles' Remedies aro sold by all drug
gists under a positlvo guarantee, first bottlo
benefits or money refunded. Book on
ncart and Ncrvcsscnt f rco to all applicants.
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO,, Elkhart, Inch
imitations. Oct CATON'S, and save regrots. At
druggists, or sent sealed, $1. Our booklet 4 cents.
to it iMiitiril uuior jy 11 A I It Ml. Hi
ll VS',iit! iKe.hiirinlpni", pleasant odor, if HI) i Imit
l.r,i;S HAlIt T4MC! removes ri(.nr1rittr.ttn;f.
hRtrfrom falling out hnilproinotppprowtli $1 ftu l-t I -
i,r.i:Mi:iiii:A.vreouwiuiton t., v CDICfer'
UluBtrated Treatise oa Hair on application riiCE-.
For j.1o by Slicnantloali Drug Store, Klrlin's
Drug Store.
afo anl nuro (aftf r fat! 1114
iAf wlta Timy 'Hi Pennyroyal 1'iUa and ntltcr likr
t&Lt wrtifrtini. Aivavittuvttifl bcit and avoi-i disiD
Pitmen. Outrantwl iurtor to all othrra. IVwtivcly'
iiebctlnthnrWK,ANo.l. I'arUculars, 4 eta. Dr.&T.
ttlK. Bf DT. Itoston, Moaa.
Persoually-Conducted Tours
Threo tours to CAMKORltflA and tlio PACI
FIC COAST will leave New York nnd Philadel
phia January 27, February 21, nnd March 27,
1897. Five weeks in California on tho first tour,
nnd four weeks on tho second. Passengers 011
the third tour will return on regular trains
within nine months. Stop wfll be made at New
Orleans for Mardi-Uras festivities on the second
Jacksonville tours, allowing two weeks In
Florida will leave New York nnd Philadelphia
January 20, February 9 nnd SJ, nnd March 9,1897'
Kate, covering expenses en route in both direc
tions, $50.00 from New York, nnd $18.00 from
Tours, each covering a period of threo days,
will leave New York nnd Philadelphia Decern.
ber29, 1890, January 21, February 11, March 11,
April 1 nnd 22, and May 13, lb97. Itates, includ
ing transportation and two days' accommoda
tion at the best Washington Hotels, 814.53 from
New York, and 311.50 from Philadelphia,
will lt'avn New York nnd riillndelplila Pecem
20, ljt), Juuuury W, February 20, March 18, and
A?rll 15, 1807.
For detailed Itineraries and other Information
apply at ticket agencies or addrcas Uco. W.
Uoyd, Aunt, (len'l Vasa. Auent, llroad Street
Station. Philadelphia. '
ALWAYS KeoP It Handy X
T In the House.
nv vi v vi v vtv vw tiv w W W fllf
4 A
"Kxcnse ino," observed tlio man In spec
tacl, "but I nui a turseon, auil that U not
where the liver Is." "Never yeu mind
where hi liver 1," reterted the other, "If it
wm In lil blR toe or Ills left enr DeWitt's
Mttle Karly Iiltera would reach it anil shake
It for him. On that you can bet your kIk
lamps." C. Il.Iianenbuch.
Hid Not Withdraw Ue Veting! Name.
WaBHINQTOK. Doe. 10. Tho nttantloil of
Hopro.sentatlvo IjouiI, of California, wns
cnlloil to tho imbllshoil stntomcnt that at a
mootliiK of tho Hapubllcan mombors of
Who Bald They Have a Cough?
i r
T.) 1
'In c riQ'l. iif
I-' a-y wrlir in
fjM Jt J - C ' I "-Tl
IpMliif- t r-"' r rj"i t T" "
El uot wlr t v - - av li ;
tfnarsit Ha Aor tlr-t cl v
iJvertl inta of P icl
Vdi.i -Ttkc l':ui-'l'iiiii x'.")
It It- slull.
At (imliltr
Wanted-An Idea
Prnteei Tour ld.: tb.Trna brliir you With. . if mis aurnLuvo iuio mo i cnnsyivania . nioouiiK ot tho Jtapulillcan mombors ol
Write JON wbubkhuurn co p.tent AKor. Railroad Company ha arranged four ner- tlio California dolemitlnn hn had with.
joj, leaving ny pei,ui in n jauuary o, i Vounir for nmrninnnilnilni, nr . ninra i.
Wholesale and Retail
Liquor Dealer.
t'lfrarw, Tolmcco tc Aitent for Hearting
February 0 ami 23. and March 0. The first A"""" "iiiionuanon oi a place in
three tours will admit of a sojourn of two "" J"""1" ' rrosmontroloot McKlnloy.
vkt in this delightful land, tickets for tho i Mr Loud omiiluitlcally ilenloil thai ho had
fourth tour will be valid to return until May withdrawn Mr Do Yotiug's naiiio, m no
31 by regular traliis, names wcro "prosniitoil" for lmlorsomont
i itaics inr me rounu inp, tou.wi irom new at ino uieolliiLr
xorK, tia.uu irom i'uiianeipuia, auu iiropop
tionato rates from other points.
For tickets, itineraries aud other informa.
tlon, Riiplv to tlekst nwnts, uperlnl liooMn
Itlieumatlsm Cured In a Tlar.
''Mys.tlc Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu-
--The Only Infallible
Remedy for Diphtheria,
Croup, Quinsy, Sore
Throat, Etc.
THERE isn't another medi
cine known in the world
that produces the desired
result so speedily nnd so
surely. In fact there is no such
word ns fall wheu Thompson's
Diphtheria Cure li applied to
the patient in strict accordance
with printed directions furnish
ed. Those who have givcu this
Medicine a fair trial are the
most outspoken in their praises
of what it accomplishes in so
short a time.
Sold by Druggists everywhere
at SO cents a bottle.
MANurTunco at thi
Thompson Diphtheria Care Co.