; H( lion t I lie political name or ap tly them. V'Coori ii.... 1,1 1,10 IMUI'1'1" county IT CAN'f Ml DONE. I'.'' tor of tilC j lloloscfl so many practices ' Isli hrnia ' 1 nomination p.ipcrs mat lw. l .,t..lrlnnco with tho Intent of I j'uleuco of -c it Imperative tliat Bomo "V nt-Al (111. .. j . I,. .lll.l 1.. ..r..rll.l , pcd to th 0 supplied tl sc ,tl tliat lno tilll0 intorvcu- ll ,, . Inst ilny of filing certificates Id ... ....'"I nomination papers anil Mnhim v (oc"ul '"J increased and that IaB ' A 1! ( oi h 'I that all contests should ho V Mat, a tliceertaln day, thcrchy giving M nn, c . .uiuii nt mill county olllcers a ' ' 'd Sidi. I fjent time for the accurate y Ipc,,n' -ln-Jr work. Ho also culls 'ult fr ') 'I"1'3"1"" eonnceted with i 1. Inu'l n5''' '' wulm' sco111 t require was n r ntnu W i. n-Ution. T Ii.iV IVH lit I i l'9 VOI.C I I lit .?' lute ei l.hcVlflo With fiv w Tina ''3c. i ul Hope for AVeiik Men. c s if;1itcst reason why you i ll and strong. That great nnd dclicnto peoplo over it to him at his ofilec, 3T York City, telllin! the Miirerinir from, will bo llins . dni;i ',to'",l'il hy tin' Doctor, descrih ltd nt ninutely, and making tor wai ' s rlVctly just what nils you. and it ae you nothing. You don't Jtuin"s. lir homo ami you don't havo lit r's fee to learn exactly what I'jf.'al for t .itli1' bow to get well and Wn Ryan i,recm mo niu-a si cccssiu half of thc1K mrvf0", "eakenlnK, ami icliin. ...... es of men. Iho Doctor jyj9lJj wl 0f curing patient through lo , i "f letter correspondent o. Ho One Can Remain Well, Ho Chronlo Disease Can Be Cured Unless the Stomach Is First Made Strong and Vigorous. This Is plain because every organ In the body depends on the stomach for Its nourish ment. Nerve, bone, sinew, blood nro mado from the food which the stomach converts to our use. How usolosslo treat disease with tills, that and tho other remedy and neglect the most Important of nit, the stomach. Tho earliest symptoms of indigestion are sour risings, had taste in the mouth, gas in stomach and bowels, palpitation, nll-gono feeling, fnlntiicss, headaches, constipation; later conies loss of flesh, consumption, liver and heart troubles, kidney diseases, nervous prostration, all of which nro tho Indirect re sult of poor nuttition. Any person suffering from indigestion should make it apractico to take after each meal one of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, al lowing it to dissolve in tho mouth and thus mingle with the saliva and enter tho stomach in the most natural way. These Tablets are highly recommended hy Dr. Jonnlson because A MINNEAPOLIS SCANDAL The City Clerk Absconds nn.l Aldermen Threatened with Indictment. Minneapolis, Doo. 10. Minneapolis Is apparently on the brink of n municipal scandal sonsntlon. Tho announcement that a warrant Is out for tho arrest of City Clork Charles F. Ilaney, and that llnney Is on his way to Mexico by devious routes, Is recolved with nstonlslunont. Tho charge Is bribery lu connection with city fuol oontraots. Hnnoy wns oxpectod to ro to Mexico Jan. 1 by ordorof his physlolan. Ho left vory suddenly lust Friday night, 1 anil although tho local authorities nnvo limdo every effort to arrest him boforo ha crosses tho border thoy havo not yot sue coodod. Tho Rrutid Jury Is now In session nnd Is Investigating a mimbor of nldor nien charged with boodling, and It has lonkod out that at least two Indtctmonts havo boon found and soino thirty others npj promised. President McKtnley Message. Canton, O., Dec. 10. When Major Mo ld nicy goes to Chicago, us ho oxpects to do this wcok, starting tomorrow, no spoclal arrangomonts for traveling will bo mn'lu and in nil probability ho will oc cupy n berth in ono of tho rogular trains leaving hero during tho onrly ovonlng. Tho object of tho trip is to join Mrs. Mo- Klnloy for a fow days visit. Home, ouo Lit a ...t ...UllUrilil hHllL-SK. IJIUlhMlllin if. j. us ini'u timl women aro C ,u" .t their complaints, and are Ii" ... , tly cured. It was ho who 'Uilll'IVIIlll, ill U Llllulltl)) 1'.. y doll at th blood and nervo remedy. need oil' CI at unco anil see what ho en tlio lu oinpiuini. it win prouaniy the doll. ,r 'our getting hack your i.lnrs for 1KU7 l-'ree. 13 A p of Tho l'hiladelphia 1'rcss Vcy will givo freo to every ndav Press art calendars for t $1 00. The calendars will Hr mo of which will bo given nday Press on each of tho s- December 20, December nil January 10. Tho first plied with a silken cord, to fasten all tho parts to rt Is a work of art which room. Tlio supply of these Ited, so that all who want order Tho Sunday Press in i of nn Ihnergciicy, many uies for a good ro- for car-acho, frost-bites, ps, bruises, sprains, rbcuiua- is nothing so highly ro- so effectual and lironmt in Rainbow I.ininiout, which is Iho leading druggists of this 111 find it a useful articlo to jo, for many purposes: for tho kiug of all known ".os relief at once, and con- tIlaVC llyu lu iruio.uiaua. MP" f rircroiis Ai.l.earunce. Pi) on the ,"yTr""me- 8 nieilSC S euftr(,ej formi It is now a !, UldjliQ lioand presents a prosperous ltd miManB i.een tlie Kreat aemanii fur TVfi tilt nilluniiisand the space rciiuircd ' " ' correspondence the cliange In order to givo the daily .it events. , i" li I 1 1 - they are c. .ossed of tho natural digestive '"T.. T . t-J t ",IS'"auuu ., , , . 1 lloved that Major McKlnloy desires some acids and fruit essenco which asist the i .ii..,....,,,, ,.,i ai f-, ,i, -n r i.ia stomach in digesting all wholesome food be fore it has timo to ferment and sour. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets aro sold hy druggists, full sized packages at GO cents. They aro also excellent for invalids nnd children. A hook on stomach diseases aud thousands of testimonials of genuine cures scut free by addressing Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. k'iPtnd but- un did Vt .... . I pi 1 1 2 ill V COW) IN ONI! DAY. tromo Qulnlno Tablets. All tho money if it fails to cure. Willi Hn .rap i tho Procession. ialn-Speaker. of their accustomed push publishers of the Siiknan- through demand upon its nil to furnish the people ha real live nowspaper, have r'mvl ermancnt enlargemeut. The n tl'Olief the leading papers lu the all l j- nature anxious that their .,'-,ll-lnd maintain as many useful -v. uus as pussllilo. Uno friend 'IRnjlrl Lrruilllv secllrn fur u trifln U theri.i fine, which in caso 2 BGat'111. ,v'" positively cure tho life where all other medi- lji Cog test plan is to keep it handy (P II times and apply according I tho first intimation of ? . i, (juiusy, or auy oilier lliroat 'HristtVlJat Klrlin's drug store at 50 Blling. ''iurl Capes 1, faichiS areDe II H.UIC .Is ltecoiilf.l. nrei'crr ui iioyu i: iiiiiiiuou. h ,r dashCnroou township. ciU ''neu urecn to iiitaui weuiz, ct i'-H JS.oo Irardvillo. jirtked to J l rice to Joliu J. and Jen- 1 Jt.aiers, oiscs in St. Clair. reasurer iiecneri to A. . Union township, assessed to resj . . ie lord sensibilno for tho sufferer from w have emulcs is found in tho picas- laving- priick curing remedy known er yard, fcerole of Tar aud Wild .il nine foeeu tried in tills town aud l ool 4&-incl-tisfactlon. Sold by Chas. nuoan, l'a. lx-a-sw TlhiiC Si aturiwy Arternooii. 1 I lio Cumbola election board, U.jBte puree been made yosterday, hts in . .. .... M ' i .1 - 1 1 . . . ) :o before 'Squire Fishor, at It '' ...I ,.!., .1 II,. I, .,...1 ivr prices Iboanl. P; o lateness erit mas ferchiel k.USinu uou l.r less mon tri'a; Fancy Maintatna tho confidence ' .T.W linen,. ir..i u. m. it P(lfHandk, .. Vea Chiefs for1 everywhere, then beyond Jou$ initial, ' mcdiclnopossessos merit. A Wllholinrro TrnRi'ily. Wlt.KKMHAUltU, l'a.. Dec. 1(1. A trngedy occurrod In this city yesterday which is wrapped In more or less mystery Last Juno J. H. Kclthllno, a widower, ndver tlsod for a housokcepcr. Morris I'opo and his wifo answered tho ndvortlsemont, and a contract was entered into, and tho I'opes wore Installed In Kcithllno's homo. Mrs. I'opo acted as housekeeper, and her hus band paid his board. So fur as known all parties got along peacefully. Yesterday whilo Kolthllno was soatod 111 tho dining room rending n nowspaper I'opo came into tho room, pulled n rovolvor and Jlrod a bullot Into Kelthlino's hoad. Thinking ho had killed him, Vopo ran up stairs Into his own room and fired a bullet Into his hoad. Ho died instantly. Tho doctors think Kolthllno will recover. Swindled Depositors Threaten Violence. IIOLLIDAVSUUlta, Pa., Dec, 10. Tim comptroller of tho currency has nppolntod William M. Hardt, of Philadelphia, as a spoclal bank oxaminor to Investigate the can sos whluh lod to the Biispouslon of the First National bank of this city, and the consequent collapse of tho Martlnsburg and Williamsburg banks, which, to nil Intents and purposes, woro brauohos of tho local institution. Examinor Hnrdt took chargo yostorday. Whilo tho oxcito mont ovor tho closing of tho throo insti tutions has died out hero, tho depositors at Martlnsburg nro at the highest pitch of indignation, and threaten vlolenoo. Regarding Iiisano Courts. HAUltlsilUUO.Doe. 10. Ah echo of Jiulg; Gordon's Investigation of tho manage ment of tlio Kastorn ponltontlary, nt Phil adelphia, was heard yesterday In tlio Dau phin county oourt room. A letter from J. J. Wlstur, secretary of tho board ol Inspectors of tho ponltontlary, notified Judge Slmontou of tlio insanity of James Marshall and Frank Smith, both of whom woro sentenced by tho Dauphin county court. Tho oourt appointed Paul A. Hart man and Milton M. Lemor,of Hurrlsburg, commissioners to inquire Into tho circum stances of tho lunacy. ICIceN Itoynl Vclco".m. Ilnnie. WiLKKSiiAitRK, Pa., Deo. 10. Joo Rico, who won tlio Kccoud nrlzo In the six davs' bicycle raco In New York last wcok, ro- colveu a royal greeting upon his roturn home hero last night. Ho was met at tho depot by tho mayor of tho city and proml nentcltlzous, and then a procossion handed by sevorul brass bands paraded thostreots. At the Opera House a public reception wns held, with Mayor Nichols presiding. nnd speeches were mado by prominent citizens. Wliolesnle Poisoning Explained. HoLUIiAVSUllUO, Pa., Doo. 10. In tho recent wliolesnlB poisoning of sixty por tions ntn silver wedding anniversary at tho homo of A. H Stewart In Franklin township, It Inn Iweu dlscovored that tho dressing for tho chicken salad was pre pared In a coppor kettle, and to tho noull- gonco of tho cook, it Is said, is duo the poisoning. It's Winning New Friends Dally. What 1 Pan-Tina for coughs and colds. At Gruhlcr Bros., drug storo. Steamer Lost and Fourteen Drowned London, Dec 10. Tho French coasting steamer Marie Fanny lias been lost off tho Island of Alduruey, ill tho Ilrltinh chan nel, nnd her crew of fourteen men woro drowned. The captain was saved. diversion and rost from tho routlno of his life lu Canton, tho bottor to proparo for tho drafting of his lnuugur.il uddross, to which ho is now giving somo attention. This document, It Is now bolloved, will bu well under way towards completion bo foro tho work of forming a cabinet takes more tangible form. Massachusetts Municipal Klccttnns. Dosto.v, Dec 10. Eloctlons woro hold In soyornl Now England cities yesterday. In Hoston llconso fron by a good majority. There was no mayoralty contest. Tho mayors elected in other citlos aro: Lynn, W. L. Kutnsdoll, Fusion Silverltoj Cam bridge, A. F Sortwell; Nowburyport, A. P. Curtis; North Adams, A. C. Hough tour Cholioa; II. W. Pratt. Cambridgo and Chelsea votod against lloonso. Throughout tho stato tho Ropubllcnns havo seemingly lost somo of tho advan tage obtained In tho stato eloctlon. To Iteorcantzo tlio Steel Trust. Cleveland, Dec. 10. An agent of tho Illinois Steel company, In nn lntorvlow In this city today stated that tho stool pool would soon bo on Its feet again. Tho plan Is then to mnko It hot for tho Ucllalro com panytliat disrupted the pool by withdraw ing and cutting prices. Tho ngont said that as soon as tho pool was onco moro in working order tho mombors in tho terri tory of tho Ucllalro company would sell steel below oust It necessary to freozo that concern out, tho lossos bolng mado good by tho pool treasury. Tho length of life maybe increased by less eniug its dangers. The majority of people die from lung troubles. Theso may be avert ed by promptly using One Minute Cough Cure. C. II. llagenbucli. A Itasel.ttll Pitching Camion. PllINCUTON, N. J , Doc. 10 Profossor Chnrlos H. Huuton gave tho first public exhibition of his baseball pitching can nun in thocollego gymnasium last night. A canvas backstop was oroctod In tho gymnasium, and from tho cannon, placod at pltchor'ti distance, balls were dis charged, showing tho different curves and rates of spend that can bo obtained. Tlio Invention is Intended to save pitchers in practice, and tho Princeton nlnu will uso it in nil Indoor practice this winter as nn oxperlmeut. Soothing, and not Irritating, strengthening, aud not weakening, small but effective such are the qualities of DeWitt's Little Early IlUers, tho famous llttlo pills. C. II Hsgeubnoh. Family Poisoned with 'Arsenfe. Syracuse, N, Y., Deo. 10 Agnes nnd Mary Nnvock, children, died yosterdny afternoon at Solvay, near this city, pre sumably of arsenic poisoning. Joseph Novick, the father, nnd tho mother nnd thrco other children nro dangerously 111. At least ono moro will probably die. The whole family were tnkon sick shortly nf tor breakfast Suspicion attnehos to n woman living In tho neighborhood, who, with several o I hers, hud lunched nt tho house Iho night before. The old lady was right when she said, the child might die if they waited for the doctor. She saved the little one's life with a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure. She had used it for croup boforo. U. II. llagenbucli. fhree Prisoners Escape, One Recaptured. Mansfield, O., Doc. 10. At u oarly hour yestorday afternoon Oliver Crom well of Lucas county, Charles Wherry of Franklin county and Josoph Dunn of Krlo county oscaped from tho Ohio reformatory horo. They wero dlscovored by guard and nt onco pursued by a dotachmont of guards aud a pair of bloodhounds. Dunn wns nfterwnrdsrnnfurod. Fatal Kxploslou In a Match Factory. Dekun, Dec. 10. All explosion has de stroyed Van Cromer's match factory at AkcluifTouburg, In Bavaria. Two mon and four girls were killed mid many per sons wero Injured. Li Hung Clmne to t.ettle In Feklu.'' 1'EKlN, Dec. 10. LI Hung Chang has bought a residence and Intends to sottle here. Ho has ordered Horr Detriug, tho Chi new) commissioner of customs, to coino hero. M. Arton's Sentence Confirmed. Pakis, Deo. 10. Tho npponl court has ('.onliriucd thu senU'iico of two years' Im prisonment upon Kmllo Arton for briliery in connection with the Panama scandal. to cimn a cold in one day Take Laxative Itromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if It fails to cure. S3 cents. Jurlu Family Held for Murder. MILLVILLU, N. J., Doc, 10. The coro ner's jury in tho ensoof Chnrles Jorlo, Sr brought Inn verdltt holding his son, An tonio, responsible for his death and tho other members of the family as accessor ies. All wero committed to await tho action of tho grand jury. Mrs. Jorlo tes tified that Antonio had quarreled with his fathor before tho murdor. Turkish Knvoy Recalled. London, Dec. 10. -Tho Times Berlin correspondent says that tho port has re called Said Ed Din Pasha, the porte's special envoy to Crete, in ncoordanca with Hade A-mmfjMmm9Miaoa9s a 0 iva Bail b7 VETERINARYSPECiFICS For Horses, C&ttle, Sheep, Don, Son AHD POULTEY. " OOOragcnopkonTrcatinrnt of Animal ana Chart Sent Free. A.A.lbplnnl Menlniiltli. Milk Fever. 11.11 htrnlos, Lameness. Ilbenuiatlam. Jl.C... Distemper, Nasal Discharges. D.D.Ilols or (irubs, Worms. K-S-'-Oonghs, Heaves, Pneumonias P.V. (lolla or Urlpes, Ilellracbe. (1.(1. Miscarriage, Hemorrhage, II. II. Urinary nnd Kidney Disease. I.I."ErupllTe Disrates. Mange. J. U.. Disease of Digestion, Paralysis. Single Bottle (over M dosesX - - ,00 Stable Case, with Specific. Manu&L Veterlnuy Cure Oil and UedicatorTfiT.OO Jar Veterinary OnreOII, . 1.00 Ssld kyHrirtiU r snl pnptU unsnislUuf sksuiy rMtlpl ef prlw. nnirnam-hid. ca , 1 1 1 i ft irimsa sl, XswTstt. MERCY FOR CONVICTS. Many women have food reason to dread the np- Now Jersey's Pardon llmiril Itelenses 1'onr proacll of the' teeu from Stnte I'rlsou. hour of 6 mater-1 TnENTO.v, Doo. 10 Tho court of pnr nity. AH too frc- dons hold a throo hours' sosslon yostordny quently It is a nitornoon, nnn nsn rosuit ot thoir dolibcr time of almost unbearable pain and suffering nnd extreme rolod nnd ono was practically pardoned by tno remission oi n taw nno. Among thoso raruonoil wns Kmma Woods, who Georgia's Fair Authoress Tells Why She Uses Dr. Miles' Restorative Remedies. ! ntlnna ant-n.. Ititnbfna nf .tin XT.. ... T .... Mv.w.-a m , w ........i.. ... ll.u HUH UUIPUJ stato prison woro pardoned, six wero pa- danger. Women who arc wise know that this is unnecessary. They know that the woman who takes proper care of her womanly self, who looks after the health of the onrnns that make motherhood possible, need have no fear of npproaclnng maternity. They know that there is a sure nnd safe cure for all weakness and disease of these organs. Over o,ooo) of these women have testified in writing to the virtues of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is the discovery of Dr. R. V, Pierce, a regularly graduated physician and an eminent and skillful specialist, who Is and for thirty years has been chief consulting physician to the Invalids Hotel and Sur gical Institute, at Buffalo, N, Y. The "'Favorite Prescription" makes the or gans of womanhood strong and healthy. It cures all weakness and disease. It pre pares for approaching maternity. It does nway with the discomforts of tne expect ant period. It alleviates the pains of par turition aud makes baby's advent easy nnd safe. Druggists sell more of it than of all other remedies for these trouble! combined. Woman should know herself. She should not be dependent In every emergency, great aud small, upon a physician. She should be familial with her own physical make-up. Dr. rlerce'l Common Bense Medical Adviser will reveal world of important truths to the woman who fa ignorant upon inese poinis. it contains mnny chanters and illustrations devoted to the rer.ro ducltve physiology of women. It Is written in plain, siraigniiorwara language, a ne uook cod ta chapters and illustrations devoted to the repro . straicrhtrorward la ins over i.ooS ta?es. A rjaner-covcred coov will be mailed absolutely prer to any one who sends twenty-one one-cent stamps, to cover the cost of maillue only, to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, No. 663 Main Street, Bur falo, N. Y If cloth binding is desired, send ten cents extra', thirty-one cents In all. STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Closing Quotations of the New Turk nud rlilladolphla Kaolianges. New York, Deo. 15. The volume of business was larger than that of Monday, but the deal ings wore not well distributed. Closing bids : Baltimore Ohio.IHU Lehigh Valley ...81 Uhesn. & Ohio..... 10 Del. & Hudson.... 135 D., L. & W 16-1K Krlo UM LakoErloa-W.... 18 Lehigh Nav 40 AI1 ass'U paid, Now Jersoy Con. .103 N. Y. Central. . . 04U Pennsylvania ... ol Reading iHbi St. I'aal. , TU W.N.Y. &F Ji General Markets. Philadelphia, Doo, IS. Flour weak: win ter super, j2.OO4W.2Oi do. extras, I3.803.50; Pennsylvania rollor, clear, (4.23l.tXi do. do., straight?" $i.504.jj,'.; western winter, clear, $1.25l.60. Whoaf weak; December, 89Ji90o. Com dull j December Z7i27?fc. Oats quiet ! December, ZfyiQUMp- Hoy steady for good; choice timothy, IU'$H.50. Beef steady; boot hams, $18918 60. Pork .teady; family, 110 10,50. Lard caayj western steam, $4.15. Buttor qulut; western oreamery, lS21o; imitation, creamery, ll16Ko.; factory, 712o.; Etgins, 21e. ; New York dairy, lltSlSJi'o. j do. creamery, 1420c. ; fancy stato and western prints, whole sale, 23c.; prints jobbing at 24-3Mo. Cheeso quiet; New York largeJSlOJio. ; fanoy small, TK'SlOKc; part skims ;8K7c.; full skims, 2H Sc. Eggs steady ; Now York and Pennsylvania, 18(3(200. ; westorn t re.h, 15320c. Live Stock Markets. New Yok, Deo. 15. Cables quote American steorsat Uiflic., dressed weight j sheep at 0 9?ie., dressed wolght; refrigerator boef at 8 9a. Calves steady ; veals, $40.75; grassers, $3.2532.75; western calves, $3. 764. No trading in sheep and lambs, llogs steady at $3.504. East LmEiiTV, Pa., Doo. 16.-Cattle active; prime, $4.501.70; foedera, t3.608.W; bulls, stags and cows, $23.40. Hogs ruled steady, prime light Yorkors,$3.553.60; common to fair Yorkers, $3.603.55; heavy hogs, $3.803.40; good roughs, $2.703 ; pigcy bows and tage,$2 2.60. Sheep steady, prime, $3.6O8.70; fair, $2.603; common, $22.60; common to good lambs, $3.504.60; veal wilves, $5.500.23. I ITTT'M'T TT TJ.m V HOMEOPATHIC! fsV SPECIFIC Nq.iO Nervous Debility, vital Weakness, na 1'rottrtUon, f rem ovrirork or otbtr ciaMd, 91 par Till, or fi TlJiindlrfTivl powder, ( or $0. Bold bj Pruicltu.or di puatptltloD rtclpt ol pries. UCMriIUII8'BKD,Ctin AlUWimBt.,IwTMlv, For imlo at Povlt.slcy'a drug itore, 28 Enst Centre Btreet Lauer's Lageij and Pirr Beers, rer Lost Creek, loader, 1 Declared Insane by a Jary. New York, Doo. 10. Mrs. Isabella Cutting Oourtnoy, daughter of Franols Cutting, n wealthy merchant of San Fran cisco, was yestorday declared of unsound mind by a sherltl's jury. Sho was married In December, 1891, to Harold Courtney, an actor, and ut once proceeded with him to Italy, where, six weeks after the marriage, her husband placed hor In a private asylum at Flstoria. Hor parents soourod her re lease and placed her In the custody of her cousin, Hiss Mary Nelson Patterson, who took hor to the Isle of Wight, where sho Is at present with her parents. The young woman has property In this stato consist ing of 12,500 In securities, and an annuity of tho same amount An application will bo made to havo Miss Patterson appointed oustodian of Mrs. Courtney's person and property. Legal Contest for a Keward. Buffalo, Deo. 16, Abram 0, Abrams, keeper of the jail at Cleveland; Deteotivo Jiunos Moran, Chief Ofllcor F. H. Hum phrey, Djtoctlvo Chnrlos I. Dolson and Deteotivo Hubert K Smith, nil of Cleve land, are In court horo contesting for the t500 rownrd offered for tho arrest and otto vlctlon of tho murdorors of the lata Mont gomery Glbbs. Theso are the ofUoers who first got tho confessions from Clarence aud Sadie Hobtnson, who are now serving time in Auburn prison for the crime. Tho city paid tho monoy into oourt and al lowed the deteotlves to tight for it. Tho $1,000 roward which wns offered hy Clin ton D. Glbbs for the apprehension of his brother's murderers will bu paid to tho party who wins the presout case. The old way of delivering messages by post-! boys compared, with the modern telephone, illustrates the old tedious methods of "break ing" colds compared' with their almost In stantaneous cure by One Minute Cough Cure. C. II. llagenbucli. Sheriff Tninsoil Wholly Kionerated. Am ANY. Deo. 10. Govornor Morton yesterday dismissed the charges against Sheriff E. J. H. Tamsen, of Now York, holding that tlio sheriff could not bo hold responsible for the misconduct of his sub ordinates. Tho decision approvos tho recommendation of tho commissioner, who Investigated tho oharges. The prin cipal accusation was In connection with tho escarle of Allon, Kllloran and Kussell, notorious postofilco thloves, from Ludlow street Jail, through tho negltgonco of the warden. Atlautlo City's Casino Collapses. ati.a-ktio City. N. J.. Deo, 10. -A heavy wind nnd rain storm 1 raglngnlong tho coast nt this point. Yostorday tho nlrm bnlldluir. wbero the Elks' disaster happened two years ago, col lapsed, with n crash, carrying with It au untenanted cottage next door. No ono the lmildlnir. Special Instructions have been Issued to tho crews of tho llfo saying stations nil along the const, and liurrlcnno signals havo .been boUtod nt all was Bontcnced from Kssex county lu Novoin- ' bor, 1895, to seven yours on a conviction of j mnnslniightor. Sho kl'jod Louis Brown, hor common law husband, who kopt n sa- ' loon In Bank stroot, Nownrk. Another is ' Joseph Hunklo, soutonc"'l In 18115 to olgh- , toon months for conspir.icy to defraud tlio city of Nowark by "stuffed" payrolls. Tho j inner prisonors pnruoneu nro n-mii Aiinms, sontoncod from Pnssalo county In 189.) to tou yoarsfor rapoj Oornld DoWnltoff, sen tenced from Monmouth bounty In 1805 for flvo years for grand larceny ; C. Browstor Wllllnms, sontoncod from Iluitson county In 1890 for thrco years for grand larceny; Julius Schoonahl, sontoncod from I'nssnlo county In 1800 for ono yoar fornssnultnnd battory; I'oter B. Curtis, sontqncod from Morris county In 1890 for ono year for rob bery. Tlioso paroled aro: John Tumulty, son tenccd from Sussox county In 18'JJ for flf toon years for bronklng and ontorlngj Martin San Glncomo, sonlenced from Essox county in 1802 for ton ycurs for inanslnughterj Jacob Sotitor, sentenced from Passalo In 1893 for seven years for rape; Albert Randall, sontoncod from Hudson county In 1891 for flvo yoars for forgery; John Hyer, seiitoucodfrom Hud son county in 1895 for flvo yoars for for gory ; Goorgo P. Dayton, sentenced from Atlantic county lu 1895 for two yours for atrocious assault unit battery. AtfiOOflno was remitted in tho caso of Hnrvoy Randall, who was sontoncod from Sussex county In ISii) to eight years for larceny. Clergyman Charges Attempted lllackinall BAI.T1MOKK, Dec. 10. Tho Rov. Goorgo L. Hock, the young pastor of tho Concor dia Reformod Evangollcal church, this city, yesterday applied for warrants for the arrest of William Volz and wlfo,mom bors of his congregation, whom ho accuses of attempted black ninll. Chargos woro recently proferrod ngalnst Mr. Heck,-as n consequoncouf which ho was nrralgned bo foro tho church officers and tried for al leged improper intimacy with Mrs. Volz. Tho woman took tho witness stand nnd tostiflod that tho charge wns truo, but sub soquontly retracted nnd Mr. Hook was acquitted. Tho rovcrond gontlaman says that Volz, prior to tho ocolo3lastlcal trial, domandod $100 as tho prlco of his sllenco, and assorts that Mrs. Volz acted lu collu sion with hor husband. THE NAME of Mrs. J. E. Harwell, (nea Julia Emma Flommlng) la a familiar ono in tlio state of Georgia. Bho writes; "It is with pleasure that I oxprcsa my gratltudo for the wonderful benefits I havo received from Dr. Miles Restorative Remedies, especially tho Nervine, tho Nervo and Liver Tills, New Heart Curo nud Antl- I'aln Pills. Actual oxperlcnco has taught mo their great worth. No family should bo without them. They havo fully restored mo from a comnllca- 'X t.lon nf rllsnrdnro plilnf-. IsaCtClirS y affecting tho heart, nervous system anu kidneys. When I trav el I always tako ono of your Anti-l'aln Plllo beforo entering tho cars nnd thus prevent swimming of tho head and nausea, to which I havo been subject for sovoral years." Dr. Miles' Remedies aro sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottlo benefits or money refunded. Book on Heart and Nerves sent freo to all applicants. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. Ind. Dr. Miles' Restores Health . Secretary Francis Confirmation Delayed. Washinqtox, Doc. .10. Tho nomination of Socrotary Francis as tho bond ot tho In terior department was sent to tho senato a wook ago,- nud yostorday was tho first mooting of tho finance- committee, sinco tho nomination was roforrod to It. Secre tary Francis will not bo confirmed until after tho senatorial election in Missouri. It Is understood that Sountor Vost, n mem bor of tho flnunco committee., suggested that tho nomination go ovor until after tho holidays. Tho opposition, if such It can be termed, can bo traced to the recent election, lu which Secretary Francis sup ported tho gold Democrntlo candidates. Considernblo feeling has been engendered, but It Is not bolioved that tho opposition will bo carried so far ns to prevent n con firmation. Death of Alexander Salvlnl. ROME, Doc. 10. Alexander Salvlnl, tho well known notornndsonof thocolobrntod Itnllnn tragodlan, Tomasso Salvlnl, died yesterday, ngod 85. Mr. Salvlnl had boon Buffering for sovernl months with nn or ganic trouble, and In tho oarly part of October his condition was so serious ns to give rise- to n rumor of his death. His wife wns nt his bcdsldo when ho died. Young Salvlnl was to havo mudo n tour of this country this season, opening In Cleveland, O., In Soptombor last, In tho "Three Guardsmen." Mr. Salvlnl's clos ing days were passed at Monto Catlno, his fnthor's re3ldonco, nonr Floronce. CATON'S TANSY PILLS. .w;ir.'.a-,rdAvR RELIEF FOR WOMEN. Imitations. Oct CATON'S, and save regrets. At druggists, or sent sealed, $1. Our booklet 4 cents. CATON SPEC, CO., - BOSTON, MASS. GRAY HAER RESTORED to 1 uuiuril color by 1,1: !;'. ll.Vllt .111:111. (JA X't , no d).lirmls, ni ssant odor. $1.00 ( lott e I.EE'N II A I It 'I'ONIOrnmoves dandruff. Hops hair fromfsllinir oat lindpromnlepgrowth $1 Hi ln1il I.F.GH r.IIIOANT CO ins 1'ullon St., J. Y.FIJCC Illustrated Treatise on Hair on application inLU For sale hy Shenandoah Drug Store, Klrlin's Drug Store. BROM-KOLOA ALCOHOLIC, NERVOUS AND BILIOUS HEADACHES Cured by this granular effervescent and stimu lant. An instant euro for sour stomachs nnd hctulaclics, which often accumulate from having a night out. JOHN F. CLEARY, BOTTLER OF CARBONATED DRINKS, 1 7 and 1 9 Peach Alley, Shenandoah DIVIDEND B 10 oTjroniMjmerii huulu iuu UAttK TO INVEST !RtO OR UPWARD 3 T Dlvl. tSinttartTtbla monthlr. Ptl!aulri fret. Addren, West em Financial o. 12& Dearborn Street, Ch.at.ito, 111, 30 An Innooent Couplo Pardoned. Helena, Mont, Deo. 10. Governor Rl knrds has granted a pardon to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clark, serving soventeon years each In the penitentiary nt Door Lodga for the murder of John 1'. Stownrt by poisoning. They hnd nlready sorvod a yenr of the sentence. Stownrt was n very wealthy man, and suspicion first foil upon hla wife, Mary Stownrt. To savo hersolf she aocusod hor mother aud stepfather, who woro oonvlctod by hor testimony. Mrs. Stownrt finally oonf ossed to tho mur der, but committed suicide beforo n writ ton statement oould be signed. when !W used as an admixture to ordinary cof- i ice uiaivca uwm delicious drink. pi.,,. Grocers can tell you why those whobuy beOllq S keep coming back lor It. btrange though how long it takes people to try a new thing. "f t3a Celebrated IToniAla 3 sS I'owdere pever fall. 4 6j? 'lJ'tiKTlcoltrc lliem s&ia anu I buct .kim.ik with Tsnsy rii rennyrojsl IIUs and olhir Use remrdlul. AlvsTSbuythe best and void d p- nohslmrat. Ou.rantMd superior to,1"! others. .iy'ltL,(3J tSe best lotlie market, ANo.1. laittouln, 1 cts." l)r.B.H TSlX,BkBr.nostoii,lMe. "Excuse me," observed the man In speo faclM, "but I am a surgeon, and that Is not Tfhtre th liver Is." "Never you mind where his liver is," reUrUd the other. "If it was in hts big toe or bis left ear DeWitt's Little Early Itisers would retch it and shake it for him. On that you can bet your gig lamps." 0. II, Hagenbueh. II urn III I 1 I.I II i. I l..l I. .11 I ill Ambassador de Oourcel Not to ltetlre. Pakis,. Uoa 10. It Is seml-ofllclally an louneod that the statement that Baron do Courcel, the Frouch ambassador to tho court of St, James, had retired Is prema ture He Is oxpeotod to return to his post. The Weather. For oastern Pennsylvania. New Jersev and Delaware: Thro itonlng woather nnd inoworsloet; continued cold, northerly Winds, dangerous ou the coast The wife of Mr, D. Robinson, a prominent lumberman of Hartwlck, Jf . Y was' sick with rheumatism for five months. In speak Ing of It, Mr. Robinson says: "Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the only thins that gave her any rest from pain. For the relief of pain it cannot bo beat." Many very bad cases of rhoumatiim have been cured hy it. For sale at SO cents per bottle by Uruhler Bros, druggists. - i 1 1 Christmas Holiday Tours. In pursuance of Its annual custom tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company has arranged for two Christmas Holiday Tours, ono to Old Point Comfort, Richmond, aud Washington, and the other to Washington direct, to leave New York and Philadelphia December 20 and 20 respectively. The same high standard of excellence which has made these tours so popular in years will be maloUiued during the present season. Tourists will travel in handsomely appointed tralus, accompanied by Tourist Agent and Chaperon, and will he accorded accommodations at the leading hotels. The social season at both Washing ton and Old Point will bo at its height. Round trip rate from New York for tho Old Point Comfort tour, returning via Rich mond and Washington, t39,00: $33.00 from XJ.hU!Mnhl.-JMurri I Of all Tfiroat Disease Terrors In n family none arc abhorred more than that of Diphtheria. The only speedy and positive preventative ia THOMPSON'S DIPHTHERIA CURE, Which cures n9 nbsolutely as it i9 used according to instruc tions. This is a broad assertion but made without the least fear of contradiction, ns those who have used it iu their family freely testify. Every claim here made it fully substantiated by the thou sands of unsolicited testimonials. It also as surely Cur Croup, Quinsy, Cough or auy throat affection. beld by Druggists al-jo cents a bottle. If your dealer chances not to have any on liaud write to the manufacturers at once, enclos ing a two-cent stamp for full Eartlculars. It not only cures lit also prevents Diphtheria, if taken in time. Read what a prominent divine says : niiiu.iu.ViH ,a.,.unr.u.toiw. To whomlt mwy concern! Thiscertl tlaa th&t I huvt. buen ualnir Thomnson'i Diphtheria Cure In my lumlly and re gard it us tho liest ana most speeay rem- i edy for colds nnd soro throat I havo s every Known. no not nesnaie to reo. oimnendtt. n. I). 1'knkpackeb, O. I). Pastor UraceM. K, Church, MANUraoTUsso mr THE THOMPSON wi No, 3 -WmI Oak lilt.sl, i 1HPS0N DIPHTHERIA CORE CO. iv VILLI AM8P0RT, PA. K? tit iiiiiliiiiilji.iiiiu.iJi.nnuii....in.-.....'i..irH PRICE. SO CENTS 1 BOIUE. For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug- Store. M. C. WATSON, Wholesale nnd Retail Bl,en.ndo.h, P. WINTER QARMENTST