The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 09, 1896, Image 2

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    3 I
. .. ....... ....I..... I.-.. ...t.ll..
!y (j. lllllltllll 1 iU llll'll lIUIIl! WIIIIU
,j, f,.( mil H decreased through the
the 1 Id pensioner lttivinx trn do
ll; id
ruble i lHillcv nf tlio ilemrtnient hns
The Ki-llliilster Will Accept tho Pre
miership If Trndercd lllin.
ITHACA, N. Y., Deo. 0. Andrew D. i
''iic i lull ey ni tlio department linn , ' , ". T . t .1 , Vi
Hi, mi,,' , .,,,, i hlto was Interviewed rolittlvo to tho ro
ll L l . he ,'c"',lnU "st a tM 0 " I l,ortml ofter t W' ot tho secretaryship of
5,, J,." ,1,oncy t0 11,0 Kovorn- RtnU). Ho until: "I think It Is too soon
Id ('"'IVai.1 lmu l.., m.t.ln . . I.i f ' n f Iik I ln 1 aaII nr. f 1.1 Ltn..n
tnndo to defeat after the election fur cnblnot positions to
'of tl Impo'teis. while roctiitulzitig , no Uocldotl upon. Ij roquontly presidents.
hut I
tho needy and deserving,
l' k or i'C soutlniint, linn ever, Is that
Igthl'. f the government is confined
jus ,olir,lit for Its tnnlnletmnrr, and
of ... ml.- .....I
I .Ilk lll'UII llieill. I HU lllllll
. t"'
B ' " r pensioners in nm-isii cmiiiuiim
thol',wftl' I"l ,-.
lienor of reinions lias been ill-
Itanm P' (mm pensioners residing
t i !y it. ii declaration and other
l jin u' Dili !,a m.iv he made before.
"Din ii , '! ii-lcrnr Consul or other
of the 1'nlted Rlnlos. Tho
' i, ii 'S been requested to
I r t utKtivcs abroad to make
s .' ,e a ciiniicnation in vogue
I'ev nl
I lil tho
r Tho
ie I( L oi iruni ro to ia per
' i eiir iiiiiiiiciided for nil wholly dii
ing bj' Inin Mexican war muvivors.
A woman's crteatest mission In thU wnttd
is to help baby. Teaching baby to eat. and
to walk and to talk. A rightly constituted
elect mnko up n provisional cabinet nnd I
thon dotornilno to rocall It Inter. Then, i
also, It Is often found necessary to obtain
tho consent of nil before nuy con bongreoil ,
upon. Sometimes clrctlmstnncosdomnnd 1
tho nppolntmont of somo ono man to tho i
premiership, but I think MoKlnlov has n
iroodlv nutnbor from which tn chnnsn. nnil I woman finds in these her hanoicst emtilnv.
no ono hns nny nbsoluto claim on tho 1 wcnt- To ma"y women miss this happi
phuo. 1 think that no human bolUB nw because of their own ignorance or neg.
knows who will cnn..,.,Sn cil.lnpf. v..f i cct- .No v0.'"an. should be Ignorant of licr
Of courso, If I can sorvo tho country nnd
party In this way 1 will bo Rlml to ro
(.pond, but I enn say nothing doflnltoly."
air. wnito rerusod to stnto whothor Pros!
C. I.nhVW( 4N tl(J well-known
i .i,nr corri'Hiuiiilcnt, writes
IWyun) 'cxt irresnieni: jir. .mo
lover 1111 1 resilient, iiiein is nu
suit I ' he man is not burn that
Inward him and tho man is not known
gatlsflei du so. H U self-rclinnt : ho
I mi's at il0 i an ndmlrahlo listener
d Baiiltf, ,i ,i,. i, ,i... i.i.
IstOn, 1 . Vn!,
liter itl , " ,,, , v
rowell1!' purpose or will hecauso
held II' speech do not know Iiim. I
lis becrlfo has a friendly nature ; ho is
Idmun bus, often grateful. Hut behind
1 1 Dr. ntations of his character, under-
IhisdialutiftiDy puiimcii papier maclio,
r whihl0''1, riBil1 8tcelllind I,','"ty of
WHS tlW UCUIl U KICilb sui4:cssus
nf1( no cuarm oi nis smile, tlio gen-
Illy she ( touch, would have soothed the
u of fi:t tho operator, calm, cool, steady
ug. Tt.o of hand, with oven pulso and
1 and still smiling, wascuttlng
wing"'''' ''rou'"s "10 rtcc'' wi""'."
niinol . ,.. " ,.., t.
led befi tvuiimu tviii u uiau fcu
I Is now" cs. mlo and sunken cheeks.
IcncdtM, slccnles4 nights and cak
I looks liilng our lives and killing our
on tho 'yonder theso poor sufferers bless
Hiiona n Ms great oiler. He is the
nl specialist in curing nervous
"'diseases and tho dlsenversrof
lo'nl meilieino. Dr. Orrenn'M
KB TlU gml ndrvit Titnfilr. lTn lini
c'l f " in of letter correspondence
ntlons """'"in wruo nun anoni tnclr
ts) thi',ttr0 '""ncntlonliig tlio f.ymp-
Lin wh nu loiung now tney
urned , , i uwcr irom iiim,
os ""dth0)"1,y bu,n"lcto description
oa-' csan nd cat on t ia.i... n.
vu nn , . ut mis iiiuiu.
1 lirhl. th:,t wo liavo tlic hb" o every
lino oi nolliiay goods in . .'I)or.
it. r . it ill.
est 11th St., Xcw York
1 brid,
Jyors' J
Spcan Trustees Eler.ted.
fdroWlltl,, trntpf.n nprn nlfrlAil liv llm
l'dolpdl,!,l I.-..,iii,.nllial 'm,i.i.nllr.i.
BvlliloK U ir,.l,lr T T. UnalAi. f
Llnd.cind S. S, Lindonmuth.
Itho Reive Itromo Qululno Tablets. AH
luartorund tho money if it fails to cuie.
I'Urg's i
I A. 7.. I
Bud Dr.
! tho re
dout-oloct MclCluloy has oUorcd him tho
place or not.
Valentino Gets Ten Years' Imprisonment.
Nkw York, Doc. 0 William E. Valen
tino plonded utility to tho chnrgu of for
gery In tho second dogrco and abduction
In tho Kings county court yostcrday. Ho
was sontencod to ton years' Imprisonment
by Judgo Hurd. Valentino was at tho
head of a gang of forgora and swindlers
whoso operations extended all over tho
United KUitos and Canada, nnd Involved,
It has boon ostlmatod, as much as $7,000
U00. Valentino's arrest was brought about
by tho testimony of May Winters, who,
out of remorse and fearing nrrost, tried to
kill hersolf by firing a bullet Into hor
bronst. Sho rocovored. Thoy had Hvod
togothor in a number of dtlTorout plncos,
and. for tho lnttor oflonso tho abduction
charge was drawn against tho prlsouor.
Tension SwlmUo Unearthed.
St. Louis, Doc. 0. Tho United States
nuthorltlos bolloyo In Houry F. IJarkns,
alias Samuol Myers, colorod, thoy liavo a
clow to a ponslon swlndlo wlilch has boon
conductod on an oxtenslvo scale. Ilarkus,
alias Myers, said ho had served as a cor
poral in Company Iv, Mnoty-sovonth In
own physical make up, No woman hns the
I right to neglect the health of those delicate
organs of her body upon which depends the
J life and health and liapplnc9S of her chll
I drcu. The Mosaic command to "Increase
and multiply" was no idle, thoughtless
edict. It was the command of Jehovah.
The woman who annuls it by neglect of her
womanly health commits a crime.
I The best medicine for women Is Doctor
I Tierce's Favorite Prescription. It makes a
I woman capab.e of performing her duty to
herself, h-.-r husband, her children and man
kind. It acts directly upon the organs dis.
tlnctly feminine and makes them strong and
vigorous. It does away with the discom
forts of the period preceding motherhood.
It makes baby's advent easy and almost
painless. It cures all weakness and disease
of the distinctly feminine organism.
tn a family of parents aud children there Is
much care, many worries, numerous perplexities.
Dut, If sickness comes, everything else Is small
beside It. How valuable then is a doctor In the
same block, or an experienced neighbor next
door. How muJi more comfortable for alt con.
ccrned is a standard medical book on the table or
the bookshelf. It Is less expensive tliifn the doc
tor, probably more reliable than the experienced
neighbor. Dr. Tierce's Common Sense Medical
I Adviser is the best thing of this sort ever pub-
lislictl. It contains t.ooS pages of plain talk, and
I careful Illustrations. JIany of the pictures are
j colored and true to nature. Nearly loo pages are
I devoted to the diseases of women. There arc
I prescriptions for their cure at home. Send ai one
cent stamps, tc cover the cost of mailing only,
and get this book fuse In strong manilla cover.
I Send 31 one-cent stamps and get It in beautiful,
I substantial, cloth binding. Address, World's Dis
, peusary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
dlana Infantry. Ho mado his application , CTPTJT EflD A TT TNT PTDT
under tho namo of Samuol Myors, and i 1 rUKABLiriD lllKL.
tno records at Washington show that Cor
poral Myers, of Company K, Ninety.
6oventh Indlnnn Infantry, was living in
tlio Hooslor state and drawing a ponslon.
Wlion arrested Harkus mndo a statement
that loads tho United Stales ofllclals to
think tho negro soldlors In a whlto regi
ment are In a common schomo for work
ing pension frauds.
Suit to Ilecovcr n Itet.
Cieveland, Dec. 0. Suit was begun
yostordny against I). It HnniKi, Hon of
Chnlrman Hannn, of thountlonnl llepubll
enn ciminiltteo, to recover (ISO paid to him
as tho rosult of nn election bet. Mr. It. II.
Jackson, a Chicago traveling man who
mnkos his homo In this city sumo of tho
tlmo, haslnstl'utod tho suit. Mr. Hamin
wagorod $150 that MclCluloy would havo
DO.OUOmoro votes In Ohio than Mr. Hrynn,
and Mr. Jackson accepted It. During Mr.
Jackson's absence from tho city tho money
was paid to Mr. llannaby tho stakeholder.
Mr. Jacksuu claims that I latum lost tho
hot, and as llaiiuu rofused to give him tho
money Jackson brought suit to rooovorit. rt f jjr j0i,j,lsul)i n prominent
HOW. - ,v N V i ra9 hck
See Our Window Display for'inesfr.
lOS rvj. Main Street.
d's Da;
t'urs Ma
iiria Sc
irt clos
I unity i
Holiday News.
A ltemnrkablo Operation Performed at
Kdlson's Luboratory.
New Yoiik, Doc, 3. Tho World pub
llshos tho following: Guided by X-rnyi
provided by Thomas A. fidlson, a laucot,
oporatod by Drs. W. O. Balloy and A. D.
Wandoll, has probably rostorod slj?ht to
10 yoar-old Mary Schoollnor, of Nownrk,
Two years ago tho girl foil on hor hoad.
Whou picked up hor skull was apparently
unlnjurod, and tho scalp wouuil quickly
hoalod. A fow inonths ago sho complained
that there wns.n mist boforo hor eyes. In
n week sho whs totally blind. After a
consultation it was docldod to try the
X-rays. Tho girl was taken to Mr. Edi
son's laboratory at Orange. Tho X-rayi
wore turnod on nnd focused ngnlunt the
Bldo of tho child's hoad. Dr. Ballojcould
doe tho bono pressing down on tho little
girl's brnln, aud n dark shadow between
Its convolutions. It was a blood clot. A
phuiuo was hold before tho child's oyos,
while tho rays woro still being thrown on
hor head. She was ablo to see tho shadow.
An oiwratlon was performed, nnd It woi
found that tho X-rays had told tho truth.
Tliore was a bit of bono pressed upon the
I fn-AowottoTi nf hrtiln unit n lilnnil
J j'001 of tbo mIdJ'!! "Jnwnnnd pressod upon
miiiuj uulo;iHHlg tlllHUnCSJ
Dlphtlioilii's Hnemylot waS caru
Hoietororo dlphthoria held suprl1 wa,s. tro"
In all families where it entered. Phyitf
used their best medical skill to stay and
the terrible iliicaso, yet thousands
annually. At. last a, positive remedy,' , ,
been found which cures every caso that -Qlllu
arise. Thompson's Diphtheria Curo is j
tively guaranteed to curo svery case of t
thoril where it Is applied in strict accord. ,
witli printed instructions. Sold at Kiri0 " ft
drug sturo at SO cents u bottl-,,r.V e,x"
family in the land can alio-' ul, diphtheria,
out somo on hand nil the ""s0 wuo lt
. dreaded diseaso known.
j 'i';nsUlYco has taught us that not a single
is no
fgX Honest Worth in EveorthliiS
I Attorn, j. u i i- j. -w -oino Hornhardt s admirers bo-
100 caseS Ureat I lOlKUiy L'JLK. Ut tlio ehnncollory will ninkoan ex
)Wlllp ...... ition In this caso, nnd will lucludo the
tin its LinternriSC WniCllcoratlonlnthenowyenrllst.
f,t- zel
vjioat used
tliem. C. II.
dant llmnr-itinnc
be city'
ill heir r....
ivilscn ut',u.v
e.1 of th -mmIui to Itunsln.
jS'olai), ol -3' 0. 'llio Kiilnl.'choZeltung
mot- from r-t 1'utHri.burgreport
11 o wt lugtis Monullk of Abyssinia
I.vhen eiuic ltussln a smnll stretch of
. irnro ti ' filwili nnil TlVvtlieR l fl COrI-
explodrllli Tho same authority states
of uit tried to obtain Ubok iroui
Ifo Jun- 'lthout success.
Iroke liii
,1k f life nuiy bo Incrcasod by less
or jcrs. mo majority oi pcopio
r.itil.lnu n'lu.ii.. null I... iiviirt.
ISK. in ll,. Ml,,,, I,. ('..,. I,
lea riirrnniineh.
liiibmV Iloek htrlke.
UODS Dl D I)(5- u- Tho I"il,or of
r., it mg continues w increase.
flyj. ' .f 7 tnn mn ..,,,ln,-..,l .,
p t of ,ve jvo censud work. Those havo
UlS, Sdaviit that lifter tho strike Is over
Iiower ya no re-ougagoa as vacancies
l ... silliatltufi.u linvn hnin nti.
ISTMAS (ool gently.
tbrnce fr-ji . . , .,. T. .. ..
I trash, 1, j,Di Vn u0 O.jnmo8 Car.
fulness, wt inembor of tho Virginia
line nam in a lire at his homo hero,
. 1. C AXM..... 1 I.I- !....
'..''in lsn. He was a Konublicnn
uuKercr- -n
luen, wufs
lerSJ Fo ' ''!"00,,"I, Forfeited.
GlO asu., xku. v. x no owners or
0 late fichnnner .Tnlilna fl ftwnn
I'ERB NO lr case Itoforo tho United
lulnid nflicnurt, and will bocompullod
UIlUHl ... l.i , vImIiliIm,. ihn. .Ml.
H, fcpeiur.ani
1er-piat'f le
I .i fine
quail nj
lerb DTchie,
0U3Wl-utin -
ly by us( Ul0
Id Other Mbhed by the blood, and on
Vie our (.condition of every organ de-
'or in blood means strong nerves.
litlay L If1", robust health. Impure
(jj "icrofula, dyBpepHla,rheuma-
ClJjJ 4)r other diseases. The'surcst
iw-' Vr food blood Is to take Hood's
National Congress of Mothers.
New Yoiik, Dee. 0. A reception was
held at the Waldorf last night by a num
ber of bidlos luteroktad In .tho national
congress of mothers, which Is to bo hold
In Washington on Volt. 1(!, 18'J", The pur
pose of tho reception was to Interest .(iw
York womens' clubs, ministers, educators
and others in tho objects of tho congress.
Among the ladies who uro active workers
for tho cause nro Mrs. Adlal Stevenson,
Mrs. John 0. Carlislo, Mrs. Daniel La
ment, Miss Herbert and Mrs. KUa llor
bort Mlcou.
When most needed it is not unusual for
your family physician to he away from home.
Such was tho experience of Mr. J. Y.
Schcuck, editor of tho Caddo, Iud. Ter.,
Banner, when his little girl, two years of ago
was threatened with n severe attack of croup,
lie says: "My wife insisted that I go for
tho doctor, but as our family physician was
out of town I purchased a bottle of Chamber
Iain's Cough Itemcdy, which relloved her
Immediately. I will not be without It In tho
future." 25 and 60 cent bottles for sale by
Oruhlor Ilros., druggists.
diphtheria patient over died whore Thomp'
son's Diphtheria Curo was used according to
directions. This valuable medicine is told at
Klrlln's drug storo at 50 cents a bottle.. The
reader can well aO'ord to bo guided by the
fortunate experience of others and keep
Thompson's Diphtheria Cure bandy tn the
houte all tho tlmo,
A Madrid dispatch says that Gohcrnl
lilnnco has resigned ttu governor general
ship of tho Philippines.
At Shamoklu, Pa., Georgo, the 2-yonr-pld
sou of John English, hail his head nut
from his body by n trolley car yesterday.
Solomon Splno reported to tho Boston
police that botwoon 120,000 nnd 130,000 in
locurltles had boon stolon from his house.
Tho trial of Captain John D. Hart, at
Philadelphia, nccusod of aiding tho Cu
ban Insurgents, was postponed until Mon
day next.
Henry 0. l'ayne has resigned tho vtco
presidency of tho Milwaukee Electric Hall
way nnd Light company. It Is thought
ho Is to take a placo In Major McKluloy'a
-Father Oonaty OMlotally Notified.
lUl.TIiiomi, Dee. 0. Cardinal Gibbons
hns rocolved from tho popo nn ofllclal reg
istered letter Informing his emlnonco that
his holiness had appointed tho Kor.Tbomas
J, Conaty, D. 1)., of Worcester, Mnss.,
rector of tho Cuthollo University of Wash
ington, to suocoed the Right Rev. Bishop
Konno. Hov. Dr. Oonaty has been advised
of his nppolntmont, and Is now the guest
of the cardinal. The lime at which the
uowly appointed roetor will assume his
duties at the Cathollo university will be
announced lator.
llelglan Invader Meets Death.
HitUSSEUJ, Dee. It Is reported that
jiarou unanis, who lea the Anglo-Uelglum
movement against tlfo MahdUts at the
time of the Dongoln expedition, nnd who
was said to have arrived eufoly at LadO,
north of tho territory of the Congo IVeo
Stnto In August last, has boon killed la
the Congo after having been defeated by
tho dorvlshos. It was understood that ha
vim preparing to movo further northward
when the Anglo-Egyptian expedition
pushod on from Dougolu in -tho dlreotlon
of Khartoum
ICxplodlng Holler Kills Six.
COKOULG, Ua., Djo. 0. -A boiler In
ni I.. it , , , I Kjvnu&utk, v-i... , j '-u v. v uuuur tu luu ' . " " " . . .
fills incillclno purines, vl- ,iii r ti.n ivitnr T.mnw nt 1 doctor o cum me until I used Hon Utters,
i, i i , I . V I .. J -i l. . . I ... - i
Luia uiu uiuuu, mm BCUUI Knvllln. nxnlmlml veatjirrinv with fitil m. tuy cureu mo m u uvi uw a.
To cure all old sores, to heal an Indolent
ulcer, or to speedily cure piles, you need
simnly atiDlr DeWltt's Witch Haul Salve
according to directions. Its tusgic-Uko ac
tion will surprise you. C, 11. Uagenbnch,
Serious Itetiiltt Sometlmea Follow Its Ex
cessive Uio.
Common soda Is all right in its placo and
Indispensable in tho kitchen and for cooking
aud washing purposes, but It was never In
tended for a medicine, aud poople who
use It ns such will some day regret It.
We re for to the common use of soda to re
lievo heartburn or sour stomach, a habit
which thousands of people practlco almost
dally, nnd ono which is fraught with danger:
moreover tho soda only glvos temporary re
lief nud In. tbo end tho stomach trouble gets
worse and worse.
Tho soda acts as a mechanical Irritant
to the walls of tho stomach and bowels and
casos are on record where it accumulated In
tho Intestines, causing death by inflammation
or peritonitis.
Dr. Harlandson recommends as the safest
and surost curo for sour stomach (acid dys
pepsia) an excellont preparation sold by drug
gists under the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablots. These tablets are large 20 grain
lozenges, very pleasant to taste and contain
tho natural acids, peptones, aud digestive
elements essential to good digestion, aud
when taken after meals they digest tho food
perfectly and promptly before It has tlmo to
formcnt, sour and poisou tho blood and ner
vous system.
Dr. Wuerth states thst ho Invariably usos
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets In all cases of
stomach derangement! and finds them a cer
tain curo not only for sour stomach, but by
promptly digesting the food they create, a
healthy appetite, increase flesh and
strengthen the action of the heart and livor.
Tiiey are not a cathartic, but intondod only
fur stomach diseases and weakness and mill
he found reliable In any stomach troublo ex
cept cancer of tho stomach.
All druggists sell Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lots at 50 cts. per package.
A littlo book describing all forms of stom
ach weakness and thelrcuro mailed free by
addressing tbo Stuart Co. of Marshall, Mich.
No. 12
No. 14
No. 10
No. 20
1 Cures Fever.
Infants' Diseases.
9 Cures Headache.
10 " Dyspepsia.
11 " Delayed Periods.
Skin Dlsoases.
IB Cures Rheumatism.
" Malaria.
" "Whooping Cough
" Kidney Diseases.
" Urinary Diseases
" Colds and Grip.
Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on
rccolpt of price, 25c, or S for $1.
Vn. HuMrnnKTs' HouxorATnio Mixuu
op Disuses Muled Fbee.
Humphreys' Med. Co., Ill William St,K.T.
For sale at l'ovtiisky's drug store, 2& East
Centre street
ronll sufferers of lilMtOHH OF VOtlTH,
Wtnl$!fi!ih "i" UWKA8IS Ol' MfiS
AN1I WOMHr. ?. paee- cloth Mnndl B
carely scaled nnd maUidrbe. Treatment bv mall
strictly onlWfcnil&l, nd pmlttve, quick oars
5unran-?d. No matter how lns tandleg, 1
will i: lvlj cure vou. Write or ealL
IjR flP.R 3298.15111 St. PhlUiPa.
Cleveland's Meliago In Madrid.
Madrid, Doe. 0. President Cleveland's
message caused n depression on tho bourse,
nnd tho newspapors, especially those of the
opposition nnd tho Independent organs,
expressed tho greatest irritation at Amer
ica's Intorferonco as a humiliation for
Spalu. Tho government organs are more
reserved In tholr tone, and they even ex
press some satisfaction ut the unexpeoted
moderation which President Cleveland
has shown. Souor Sagasi, In an Inter
vlow, declared that the m jsage was o!
such grave Importance that ho preferred
to wult for the olllclal toxt before express
ing au opinion,
little Victim of BpauUIi Oppression.
New Youk, Dec, a Three boys nnd
three girls, brothers and sisters, named
Yeles, were passengers on the Ward line
steamship Urlzaba, which arrived from
Cuba yesterday. Tholr father, who owned
n 00 aero farm near Nucntas, Incurred the
dlsploasuro of tho SpauUh authorities,
who ordered him shot as a spy. Their
mother,, a Spaniard, died of a broken heart,
nun me insurgents paid tho passago or tno
orphans to Ilrooklyn, where nn uncle of
the orphans reside. He met thorn at the
plor and took them homo with him.
I had severo attacks of gravel and kidney
trouble aud unable to get a medlcino or
jjion chief nuitonss,
Of the Fourth ward.
Buhject to Citizens party rule.
Of the Fourth Ward.
Subject to Clllccns party rule.
fiubject to Democratic party rulecu
Suliject to Democratic party rules.
Subject to tlio Citizens party rules,
Of tho Fifth Ward.
Subject to Citlsens party rules.
- ,,n."i "in L ''.. I
OAFS AMD SUHI.31irce.rsK-w-,MVMr g
aw&"V Wiir Upscirio c.pmjul
Closltic Quotations nf tlio New 'orlt nnd
Philadelphia Richnnges.
Mkw YonK, Deo. 8. Tho stook market today
was to a considerable extent perfunctory.
Dustings were materially lighter than for a
long time past, and the profosntonals, while In
cllnod to the bear aldo, displayed n vacillating
temper. Closing bids:
Baltimore & Ohio 104 Lehigh Valloy,. .. SIM
Chosa. &Ohlo. ... 17 Now Jersey Con. 10i
Del. A Hudson. ... 127 N. Y. Central Kil
D., L. W 158 Pennsylvania .... Si
Erie . l&y, Itcadlng 28k
LakoErlo W . 18 St. Paul 741!
Lehigh Nav 4I W. N. Y. & Pa. . .. SB?
All ass'ts paid.
Generftl Markets.
PiltrUKLVItlA, Deo. 8. Flour weak j winter
superfine, t2.003.30 ; do. oxtras, 13.803.50 i
Pennsylvania roller, clear, t.25i?4.50j do. do.
straight, ILHyiH.?!; westorn Wnter, clear,
$4.2S(ve4.SO. Whoat dullj Docomber, 83HS0c.
Corn steady ; December, 27Jii28o. Oats dull j
Docomber, 2121lc. Hay steady ; choice tlm
etliy, tlJH.W for largo bales. lieof steady;
city family, 9.Ry510. Pork dull j family, 103
10.50. Lard steady! western stoam, (4.15. But
ter steady; western crcamory, 18f24t4o.; do.
factory, 712a. ; Elglns, 24Jc. ; imitation
creamery, ll17c,j Now York dairy, ll20o.j
do. oroamery, 1523Xo. Clieoso qulot; largo,
7H10Hc: small, WglOXe-i Part skims, 8)4$
7c. j full skims, 2tjs$3c. Kga steady ; How York
and Pennsylvania, 2SQ20o. ; wostern fresh, UH
X.ive Stock Markets.
New Yomc, Deo. 8, Cablu quota Amoricnn
steers at 10311o. J sheep at 8(8c. ; rufrigerator
bouf at 73c Calves steady; veals, 47;
grassors (2.1!52.75; westerns, 13(33.75. Bheep
nnd lambs qulot, but firm; sheep, I23.50;
lanius, n.z.yifo. uogs ttomorauzoa at JJ.XSJ W.
East Liukhty, Pa., Dee. 8. Cattle dull and
lower; prime, 14.50(34.00; feeders, $3.COS3.00;
bulls, stags and cows, t23.40. Hogs slow ; best
light Yorkers, 3.303.35; modlum weight, JU.25
3.30, heavy, t3.103.20; roughs, $22.75. Sheep
steady; prlmo, f3.IXXS3.05; fair, 2.603i3; com
mon, $$2.50; common to good lambs, (3.603
4.50; veal calves, (J.50G.23.
For sal at Povliuky's dru store, M Eat
Centre strut.
Celebrated Temale
Vowdera nover fall.
ufi cb1 iur f fUllnS
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Quay Opposss the Iitislness Men's League.
Washington, Deo. 9. Tho attention of
Senator Quay having been called to tho
lntorvlow of Thomas Dolan, published In
Philadelphia, ho said: "I am opposed to
tho entire schomo of the National Business
Mon's League Its basic theory Is that
organized wealth shall dlotate high olllcos,
and so take possession of tho government.
It will bo mot as stubbornly nnd over
thrown as disastrously as was llryanism.
Bryan Invoked tho massos against tho
clnssos. Tho promoters of this league In
Voko a class against tho masses and all
othor classes. No league of business men
or othor mon, bnsod upon wealth or othor
foundation, can oroct a governing class In
this country."
Monument to n Convict Murderess.
AMSTEHDAM, N. Y., Dec. 0. Itaymond
Chrlstman, a promlnout buslnoss man
and trustee of tho Baptist church, has
created n groat sonsatlon In this city by
erecting In his family lot In (ircon Hill
cemotoryn handsotno and costly monu-1
... . nn .1, .. n .1 T.'i T r T I I
lnscrlbod, "Florence Viola Chrlstman.
Krectod to tho memory of a wronged
child, dead to tho world, but nllvo in
Christ." Mrs. Huun shot nnd killed her
lover, Charles Laundry, In this city In
November, 1895, and Is now serving a llfo
sontonce for tho crlmo In Auburn prison.
Chrlstman has had hlmsolf appointed hor
guardian, has given hor his namo and Is
trying to socuro a pardon for hor. Ho
claims sho Is dying with consumption,
whloh led him to orcct the monument.
Will Frobably Investigate tlio Texas.
Wasiiinqton, Deo. 0. Tho probability
of nn Investigation by tho house naval
commlttoo of tho battleship Toxa3, whoso
numerous mishaps culminated rocontly
In her sinking In a. fow foot of water at the
Brooklyn navy yard, Is strong. An- In
quiry Into tho nlloged dofecta of tho ship
was started during tho Inst session, In re
sponse to a resolution. Tho socrotnry of
tho navy sont to tho committee n volumi
nous statement containing dotnllod In
formation regarding tho construction of
tho Texas, which tondod to prove that sho
was entirely seaworthy, la consequence of
which tho Investigation wns Informally
droppod. It Is probablo now that the In
vestigation win uo resumed.
Georgia's Fair Authoress
Tell Why Sho Uses Dr. Miles' Restorative
THE NAME of Mrs. J E Harwell, (nco
Julia Emma Flcmmtns) Is a familiar
ono In tho stato of Georgia. She
writes! " It Is with pleasnro that I express
my gratltndo for tho wonderful benoills I
havo received from Dr. Mllos' ltostoratlvo
Remedies, especially tho Nervlnp, tho Nerva
and Liver Tills, New Heart Ouro and Antl
Taln Fills. Actual oxperlonco has taught
mo their groat worth. No family shou.ld bo ,
ESiT without them. They
Ur. havo ruIIy Icstred
.... , mo irom a compuca-
milk.3 3 tlonofdlsordorarhlnf.
!3SarSdiES!) alTectlng tho heart,
nervous system and
ij t kidneys. Whon I trav-
your Antl-l'ain Pills
boforo entering tho cars and thus prevent
swimming of tho hoad and nausea, to which
I havo been subject for several years."
Dr. Miles' ltcmcdlcs aro sold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee, first bottlo
benefits or monoy refunded. Book on Heart
and Nerves sent f rco to alt applicants.
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart. Indf
I-1 - -ij
ChUhmtcr' Enclluli nismonil llnind.
Original and Only Gen a I no
sre. ilwjn relUblo. ladies tk i
Dragglit toe CMekftkrt Knatith flla
monjl Brand la ltd find (Void DiftftlllaX
luoiei, iruea wnii tino riDuoa. 'l ake
nn nl 1iin. Itrtun itABofMul U?llfifU
tiOMandimUatient. Ainrn(TlltBta,rn)&40'
In irtanipi tor pirtlcotari. tcBtlmonltJ r
iteuei ior ui"!", - "iwwrr. vj rrinm
Mall. 1 0.001 TMtlmonUU. A'am ftpr.
rKuieera In Zlonth, IUlrKallinffl Write CO (Hit
ItKMKB V CO., U07 Alasonlo TcmplJ
.'Ulilcnro, III., for proofs oi cures, uupi-t
tinlp rS.ioo.OOO. Worst cases crared U
K Ato tiH dnya. lOO-paire book free.
Socloty Wedding In Washtngton.
WAsniNQTON, Doc. 0. Miss Aline Wil
cox and Mr. Albert Ilnlstoad, n son of
lion. Murat llalstead, were lnarrleu horo
last.ulght at tho residence of .Mr. and Mrs.
William O. Whlttomoro. Tho nCfnlr was
tho soclul ovont of the wook, and was
graced by tho attendance of botwoon 00
and 300 of tho promlnout ofllclal and rosl
dont gocloty of the capital city, bosldos a
large number of guosts from othor cltios.
Hon. Chnrles Hamlin, assistant socrotnry
of tho treasury, wag ono of the ushers.
Among the guests were Secretary Lhmont,
Attornoy Gonoral Harmon, Justices Har
lan, Brewer nnd Brown, Senator Shorman
and a number of othor senators and rep
10 it i, mural uuliir oy I.EIi'S IIAIll M Kill.
tl.VN't'. no itve.liiirnile.i. ptemant odor. If 1 00 a bottle '
I.Jin'.H IIAIK 'ro.MCremove.d.ndruir. lon
hslrfrom fiilHnsoul tindproraotef growth $1 Onu bnttl
I.I-:i:31i:ilIv.v.',A-i;it iub c uiton St., n i-CDCC
llluitrated Tre.tlso oa llalr on application rllkL.
For sjle by Shcnnndonli Drug Store, Klrlln's
Iru(f Store.
Q S. 1'IIII.I.IPH, M. I).
OIHco : 30 West Centre street.
Can be consulted nt all hours.
Ofllee Effan. lnitldlnp;, corner of Muln. and
Centre streets, Hheimndonli.
J If. 1'OMISr.OY. ,
Corner Mnrket and Centre streets.
Lock Box 63, Malmnoy City, Ps.
flnvlntr studied under some of the best
railAti'rfl ti. Iindon nnd Paris, will Rive lessons
on the violin, guitar andVocal culture. Terms
reasonable. Address In-care of Strouse, tlio
eweler. Shenandoah.
Awarded Damages Against lloycotters.
New Youk, Deo. 0. Joseph Connoll,
former treasurer of tho Journeymen Stono,
Cutters association, hus obtained a vor-
dlct pf H00 against tho association, undor
tho statute making- boycotting
Connell had a disagreement with tho as
sociation concerning his books, and a reso
lution was adopted that none of tho mom
bors should work with Connoll until he
gave up the books. The organization,
through Its walking delegate, whon Con
noll persisted In his refusal, ordered all
the mon at work ou St Iiuko'g hospital to
boycott Connoll. Connoll was kept out
of work for nlno weeks In oonsequonco.
fugitive Forger Surrenders.
BUFFALO, Doc. 9. A mlddlo iired man
walked Into District Attorney Koneflck's
offleo yostordny nnd said $ "I was Indicted
ten years ago for f orgory ; I want to give
myself up." It wus Wllllston J. Brooklns,
of Hamburg, N. x. On Oct. IU, 1880,
Brooklns was Indicted by the grand Jury
for forgery la the second degree, and Ave
Indictments were reported to the court.
It Is understood that Brooklns hus nmilo
restitution In all those cases. Ho was taken
Into court and admitted to ball on ono ln
dlctmont. 81 nco he ran nway Brooklns
has boon living In the west, whoro ho baa
prosporod. H
Rheumatism Cured In a Day.
"Mystlo Cure" or Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures In 1 to 8 days. Ita
action upon tho system Is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
and the disease Immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits: 75 cents. Sold by
C It. Uagenbuch, Druggist, Shenandoah.
Tooar CBitomerii WOULD YOU CARE
atnaa tiji moBiDir, rtruauiAri ir. a-irrn, eat'
ern FInameinl Co., S Dearborn
a Stmt, Cblatio, 111.
UodorL-rouml Trolley for Mew York.
New Yobk, Deo. a At nn Informal
meeting of stockholders of the Metropoli
tan Traction company yesterday It was
doolded to chaugo tho system of tho Fourth,
Madison, Sixth and Eighth nvontto linos
to underground trolley. Tho changu will
be made la the spring. It nfTeots forty
throe miles of tho company's 1511 miles of
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.,
West Coal Street.
aiw.' )X'i ".'lAvofS RELIEF FOR WOMEN.
Imitations, dot CATON'S, and save regrets. At
druKi-ltts, or sont scaled, $1. Our booklet 4 cents.
Cured by this granular effervescent and itlniu