The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 04, 1896, Image 2

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l".-)TAIII.ISIIi:i 1H70.
Published every Kvenlng. Kicept Holiday, at
South Jakdi.v Htbkkt, NitAtt (.'KNinn.
The tlrUI In deilvriM liiHhenandoati and the
ffurroiimldiK towns for six c ents h wrek, m
ble tii the carriers. Ily mall tA.OU a ywir.or 2.1
tenU month, payable tn advance Advertise
ments charged according to space anil position.
The publishers reserve the rlnht to change the
position of advertisement whenever the putt
llcMton of news demands H. Tho right Is
reaerved to reject Any advertisement, whether
fiald for or tint. Mint the publisher) may deem
mproper. Advertising rates mode known
upon application.
Holered At the pontofllcn At ttbctintidonh, I'n., as
second c!m mall inAtter.
Evening Herald
l'ltiDAY. 1)IX'i:miii:k i. isoo.
Tlioro nro lew vices that indict as much
suffering to Innocent pcoplo as the gambling
lunula, and many wives and children of
Shenandoah am fully attest tho truth of this
statement. Franco has taken a step in thin
direction that is likely to attract a groat deal
of attention from other nations. It is tho
legal declaration of gambling ns n vice as
destructive of society, in its fundamental
relation to tho home, as tho supremo vice of
conjugal infidelity, that alono constitutes
around for absolute divorce. That Is to say,
under thu latest judgment of a t'.irislau court
a continued gambler is held to havo lost his
marital rights, tho custody of tho children
nd tholr property going to the mother of the
habitual gambler.
Upon a casual glance this may appear ns
startling, nnil a depatture in thu line of easy
divorco, hut upon serious rallectiou It will ho
seen that It is inevitable, Hooncr or later, hi
this country. Alan 0 all causes for dissolv
ing marriages, habitual gambling ought to
como first, and the reasons therefor aro easily
Kvcn habitual drunkenness inflicts no such
suffering on tho hninc ns the gambling mania.
Tho alcoholic, opium and other tosic vices
aro nil curablo, and the devastation they
work is circumscribed. Tho habitual
gambler isnu incurable, and thero is no limit
to thojnjury lie may do to those who aro
dependent on him. lie is us certainly tho
victim of mania ns the imretic patient, and
yet ho is not uineuablo to hospital tiuatmeiit.
The craving for clianco advantage is Ineradi
cablo,hocauso no moral harrier will withstand
it, once it is firmly established by habit. The
habitual gambler's household is a monument
of woo. The habitual gambler's wife, if any
women who is not wronged in the extreme
relation recognized by our courts, is entit'cd
to a dissolution of the luauiagc tie.
RNbiiMiitsqinntities of iidultn.itcd wine
uro being sent from (icrmany to the United
States. Tliis uiuntry should protect Itself by
some remedial Ionization from such dele
teTiirus beverages.
Ijf payment of an election bet a man in the
East is going to ridu on a donkey to Hun
Francisco. The donkey will have the very
general sympathy of tho public during t! 0
arduous trip.
HEdAUDlsa tho nowspipor advertising it
is a pretty Nile as-eitiou tomako on guictal
t principles that a littlo ailvetlising matter,
sxy about six or eight inches well located in
n four pago dally, is worth moro to thu ad
vertiser than one or two whole pages in a 48
t prtgo. daily, or Sunday edition. Tho
lV Bill roster.
IIostom is now enjoying a description
from tho witness M.ind of tho sort of initia
tion practiced by a ludgo of Orangemen
upon 1111 npplieniit fur uieinbeiship, who has
prosecuted his initiators. Tho story is not
wholly new, hut the lato developments aro
interesting as shon 1 ng thopiiciilo character
of tho brutality indulged in at such ccie
moutcs. Thu initiate was flogged on his
naked body, made to cany enormous weights,
furcod up 11 stepladder, from which lie fell
into a blanket only to bo tossed, then stopped
witfi Icepicks, and finally branded with 11 red
hot iron. Only a few days ago avlttlm of
one of thco precious "Initiation" died of
blood poisoning, tho result of having hud a
lion fire kindled under him as ho sat iu a
Nearly everybody is thinking or talking
about Jhristmas, winch is only it few weeks
ahead of us. The shuttering of public con
fidence prior to tho olc lion of last month has
not yet entirely disappeared. A great many
of those who Usually purchase their holiday
wares In November and early in December
nro beginning to feel that they can now safely I
venture li Invest, that the country issafo I
id thatthe, r s.lvcr dollars maintain their
Value; tliati-, that they aro worth an
even hundred cents, and aru likely to tetain
lhat value fur a long tiinu to come. This
partial restoration of confidence is having its
affect upuii tho holiday trade. Christinas
buyers aro on the qui vivo, and tho estab
lishments in which such goods aio on sale
are crowded witli oagur seekers for appro
priate gift goods.
Merchants who have been testiug tho value
of liberal advertising are now iu daily reculpt
of rich returns for their investments. It has
always been thus. There is no surer tiling
than that tfio dealer who lias good and cheap
fr goods, tlt such as aro reasonable in price,
" lj.ure V Mud customers if ho lets the people
know A here his place of business Is and
what lind "f oulls lu t0
Thefc are some of tho old-tlmo store still
lu axlftencc- not a great many tho pruprie-
'if which, relying upon their former
tOH J'
standing among the existing establishments
of th town, cling to the idea that many of
t thoscjwho formerly patronizes! mem win run-
'IViWtodoeo; forgetting Hint tliisjs a pro-llv-
age, that a now generation lias
. 1
up, inai new uuyuiu uiw tumwunj
lying, and that lu accordance witli the
VKf tho times they lead tho IIkbvld,
til when they need special articles of any
kiwi, are apt to consult its columns for iu-
fdrmation iu regant to 1110 iiesirou goous.
Investment in judicious advertising Iu the
JIebaid Volunins can ho much more cm -
flilcnt'y rclico hi11'" forsureprolltnhio return
uV7-"s the saiiv amount invested 111 stocks.
l'loevedlngs lit 11 Itegulnr Sleeting II. Id
Lust Ktciilng.
A tegular meeting of the Borough Council
was held last night with President .lamos
and Messrs. (lablc, McGuIro, lleoae, Rchoppe,
1). it. James, Murphy, K earns and Knglertlu
attendance. Tho most Important ccnt of
thu evening was an .attempt to hrltu about a
settlement of the Fort Flynn ciuo by accept
ing the proposition made by porno citizens of
the Fiist ward somo time ago, but it failed.
i',dward Roster appeared and presented a
petition signed by sevcrat citizens praying
that n firo alarm box be placed at the corner
of White and Lloyd streets and that the firo
plug thero bo put in condition. The petition
was referred to the fire apparatus committee
for n report at the next meeting.
The roads and highways committee mado a
report showing that considerable, work had
been dono 011 the streets during tho past
mouth. T ia chairman, Mr. lloohni, was tin
ablo to be present on account of an attick of
asthma, ami tho report was mnde hy Super
visor Llewellyn, who stated, in answer to a
question by Mr. McOuiie, that tho crossing
asked by citizens of tho First ward would
bo laid as soon ns the man engaged in such
work could attend to it with favorable
Mr. Itceso, of tho firo apparatus committee,
stated that tho crab of tho Columbia Hose
Company had been repaired and turned over
to the Defender IIoso Company : that tho
commlttco and firo trustees had effected an
organization for tho hotter management of
the fire department and asked permission to
have rules printed. The safety comnillteo
has been increased from 0 to 30 mid tho pur
chase of 200 feet of i incli rope to lie used to
keep people from fires was recommended.
Tho file Marshal has been instructed to
examine all fire plugs. The report was
accepted aud recommendations adopted.
Solicitor l'omcroy stated that tho Flynn
case was still pending. Mr. Mcduiro arose to
criticism and said he bcliovcd that tho caso
was not being pushed as fastas it ought to be;
that witli the winter weather tho sewer
would freeze up and become otherwise
blocked and the streets and alleys, as well as
other properties, would heconio blocked. Ho
said he understood tho cao had been post
poned upon tho Ilorough Solicitor's applica
tion. Mr. l'omcroy nnsw ered that a meeting
was held in thu Council Chamber, but thero
was no heat in tho room and Mr. Wadiingcr
leftised to remain in it, so nn adjournment
was taken uftcr tho only witness present had
been examined.
Mr. McOiiiio moved that the proposition
made by citizens of the First ward to have
the creek run through tho icar end of their
properties and avoid the Flynn property al
togethur he accepted, hut tho motion was
Tho Ilorough building has been connected
with the steam heating plant of tho Columbia
llrewlng Company.
Mr. (table, of the water cuinmittee, and
Superintendent liettcridge reported that the
extension of the water lupin 1152 feet into
llrownsvillo bad been completed. Forty
families have been connected at a monthly
rato of SO cents each. Tho extension to tho
holler house at llraudouville is underway and
will give cover to 20 cars of coal. All valves
and meters have been impectal and pro
tected against frost, a larger meter lias been
placed at Seaman & (lerbers, tho Turkey Ifun
lino has been repaired, 25 new taps were
made during the month and tho plant gener
ally, is In good winking otdor. Since it has
been in operation 9,s32.flS iu water rents
havo been paid into the tieasury.
A water meter Is to bo placed in a saloon
at the comer of Wcstiind Laurel streets.
A petition for a crossing- at Centre street
and l'lum alley was rejected.
Tho gas meter in the basement of tho
Porough building was ordetcd to bo removed,
a 1 It is to good n calculator for tho Council-
men's views.
It was decided to pay William Schmicker
$1." which was held from him some tinio ago
for demurrniie.
An invitation to attend the hull of tho De
fend! r Hose Company at ilolildns' opera
lneiv. ne.t .Monday evening was ncccpted.
The repoits of tho Chief of l'ollcu and
Chief Iiinvess weiu laid over until thu next
Tho repoit of tho llornugh Treasurer
showed leceipts for tho month of 5-0,877. S3,
Including $1,722.31 In watericntsund 3,308.27
In taxes. Thcieisa balance of 0,163.38 in
the treasury.
TO cuitn A COLO IN osi: l),VY
Take Ii x.itivo liromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
25 cents.
Hid Vourseir of KhfMiiiiAllsm.
Iluy lied Flag Oil, 25c. (V Oruhlcr 11ms.,
drug store.
Ttt'Cf'pOuil to "Inn Me'lalren."
Nnw Youk, Deo. 1. A reception tvns
given nt tho Aldlno elitli yosterdny nftur
noon in honor of Hov. Dr. John Wntsoii",
hottor known us Inn McUircn, tho Scotch
story writer, mul Mrs. Viitui. Nearly
TOO persons met tho distinguished visitors.
A latilus' fo 111 mi I i hi. iiiiuiiik whoso niom
l:jrs weru Alls. it. (jildur, Airs Hamil
ton V M.tlnic, Mrs. Andrew Cnrnesio
and Mrs. Lyman W A I'ljtito, assisted Airs.
Wuison to roeuiviii'?. Anions tlioso pro.s
tmt wore li1 li q Putter, Chnuncjy M. Do
(h)w ninl 'Mi Low
" Cures talk " in favor
ol Hood's Harsaparilla, H 3I
as for no other modi- a
oinc. Its great euros recorded In truthful,
convincing lnnguago ot gratptul men and
women, constitute its most eUcctivo ad
vertising. Many of these euros are mar
velous. They have won tho contldenco ol
tho jieoplo; havo given Hood's Harsapa
rilla the largest sales In tho world, and
have made necessary for its manufacture
the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's
Sarsaparilla is known by tho cures It has
made- euros of scrofula, salt rheum and
eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia
and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver
troubles, catarrh cures which prove
Is the best In fact the One True Wood l"urlfler.
1 11 rvni eliro "vcr Ills; easy tu
HOOU S PillS take, easy to opera, aco
i sitrttl
' ..nAftii.- rvnwiaawt
For sale at Povinsky's drug store, 24 Kaet
Centre street.
"Let your speech ho yon, yen, and nay,
nay," says the Hood Hook, "for whosoever
is more than these comcth of evil." Tho
Shakers ubido by tlio spirit of this rule.
Their words nre few, simple, sincere and
direct. Tiioy wasio 110 energy In idle talk;
they use it in thinking and doing. Aud
whatever they do they do with their might.
Thoy aro content with nothing short of tho
cssenco nod principle of the tilings they
investigate. They tako pains nud aro
patient. And thus the doors of many strange
tiuths open to them. In this way they dis
covered w hat may almost ho Killed the unity
of disease. A vcncmhle Shaker says of It!
"It is said that ono man's moat is another
man's poison. That is but half tho truth,
Any mau's moat is any mau's poison, under
certain conditions. If the grain novcr got
further than tho hoppor wo should never
have bread ; and if bread never got further
than tho stomach wo should never have
strength. When tho stomach is torpid, help
less and inflamed tho food lies in it and rots.
Tills fermentation produces poison which
may, and ofton doos, disordor overy othor
organ and function of tho body. This is in
digestion or dyspepsia, with many symptoms
and disguises. Curo it and you euro nine
tenths of your complaints." Tiieso words
wero muttered many years ogo. Since then
they havo found a remedy, now known as
the Shaker Digustivo Cordial. It is made
from medicinal plants cultivated hy them.
It is n food and digests othor foods. Taken
wlillo eating it rests tho stomach and nour
ishes tlio system. Tho pain aud distresses of
dyspepsia disappear before it. It prevents
fermentation and soon restores full power to
tho digestion. It succeeds in tho worst cases.
It is worthy tho namo of tho pcoplo whose
namn it bears. Any druggist will sell you a
trial bottlo for ten cents.
The Coin rut Ion of I!. V. 1". I I. tVus
Yesterday Afternoon.
Maiianov City, Dec. 1. Tho quarterly
convention of tho liaptist Young People's
Union, an organization connected with the
Heading liaptist Association, met hero yes
terday afternoon and last evening and was
attended by delegates from Minersville,
llazlcton, Reading, Strnudshurg and other
places. Among the prominent pcoplo in at
tendance wero Hcv. J. S. Ilromley, Heading;
Itev. C. A. Spalding, llazlcton, and Miss
Fannie Morgan, evangelist, of Hist Strouds
hurg. Tlio Shenandoah delegates wero
Jlissos Mary firifliths, Nellie Davis, Maine
Morgan, lllla J i 11)111 . Jcnulo Pillingcr, Llllle
lievan, and Messrs. Har-y Powell and John
Hopkins. An impressive and ablo discourse
was delivered by itev. J. S. Ilromley at the
evening session.
Mis Mary Iiohcrts, daughter of Airs. John
Hocking, of West Mahanoy avonue, and
William C'oonihe, of St. Nicholas, wero mar
ried last evening at tho residence of tho
bride's mother. Itev. S. T. Kicholls, pastor
of tho Primitive Methodist church, olliciated
at the ceremony, which took place in the
presence of about fifty friends from St.
Nicholas, Lllangowan, Maple Hill and Sheii
nndoah. Miss Matilda, daughter of Jacob and Wil
lielinina Stutches, and Henry Holloway, were
married at K n'clock'last night at the homo of
the bride's parents, by l!ev. (3. M. Ilock,
pastor of tlio (ierinan Lutheran church.
Among the Shenandoah pcoplo in attendance
wero Mr. and Mrs. Kvan George, Mr. anil
Mrs. William Moyor and Fdivard JIader.
There's tllist Wlmt Vim Want.
Pan-Tina (25c.) for coughs and colds.
Oruhlcr liios., drug toru.
Tours to California.
California has been most fittingly termed
tho "Italy of America." All the delicious
balm, tho cloudless sky, and the rich ver
dure of tho great Kufopean peninsula aro
duplicated in this sunny land of the Pacific.
Hero nature basks in tho sunshine ot her own
beauty; and hero sho has established her
own sanitarium, where eternal spring in
spires everlasting youth. With the snow
mantled peaks of tho Sierras upon the ono
hand, tho calm Pacific with itssoft breezes
upon the othor, anil a veritable paradise of
flowers, fruits and plants between, man can
find and needs no lovelier land. To visit
such a country is a privilege, a blessing.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
recognizing the need of a more comfortable
and pleasant way of crossing the continent,
inaugurated a scries of auuuul tours to Cali
fornia, running a through train of Pullman
paUco cars from New York to tho Pacific
Coast, and stopping at tlio principal points of
interest en route. Tlio great popularity of
these tours demonstrates tho wisdom of tho
For tho season of 1607 three tours havo
becu arranged to leave New York, Philadel
phia, aud Pittsburg, January 37, February
21, and JIarch 27.
The first tour will run direct to San Diego
via St. Louis and the Santa Fo Houto, and ro
tiirn from San Francisco via Salt Lake City,
Denver, and Chicago, allowing ilvo weeks in
Tho second tour will run via tho Mammoth
Cavo and Now Orleans to San Diego, stopping
at the "Crescent City" duriug the Alardl
Oras Carnival. This lour will return via
Salt Like City, Denver, Omaha, and Chicago,
aliening four weeksin California.
. The third tour w ill run via Chicago, Denver,
and Salt Lake City, allowing passengers to re
turn by regular trains via different routes
within nino months.
All of thoso tours, either going or return
ing, will pass through the famous Colorado
region, (llcuwood Spriugs, Leadville and the
Garden of tho l,nds.
Hates from all points on tho Pennsylvania
Railroad System east of Pittsburg : First
tuiir, f310; second tour, ?3.'0; third tour,
f 210 round trip, and $15u one way.
For dotailod itineraries and other lnforma.
tlou, apply at ticket agencies, special hook.
ing offices, or address Oeorge W. lloyd,
Assistant General l'aswnger Agent, Broad
Street Station, Philadelphia.
ltlioumuilsiii Cured In a Day.
"Mystic Curo" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgla radically euros in 1 to 3 days. Its
action noon tho system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once tho cause
and tlio diseaso immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold hy
V. 11. Ilagcnbucn, Druggist, Slienunaoan,
Don't Let Aii)botly Interftire, Hut
I Tako Pan-Tina for coughs and colds, !
At Urubler Jlros., drug store.
ltooius 1'ur Kent.
Six rooms on tho socond iloorof Ferguson's
uieairu uunuing, comer juam ami
streets. SulUhlo for ofllccs, club royms or
sleeping apartments. Steam heat aud ciectric
light. Will ho rented separately or all
togetuer. Apply to
M. J. Lawlob,
11-23 Gt
li West Centre street,
Neuralgia of the Heart
Vanquished by Dr. Miles' Remedies.
ItS. SIDLKY, of Torrington, Conn.,
Suffered from just such a complica
tion of diseases ns tho extensive ox-
pcrlcnco and investigations of Dr. Allies
havo proven, rosult from Impairment ot tho
nervous system. Air. Jas. II. Sldlcy writes
Oct. 25, 1895: " My wlfo was taken sick with
neuralgia ot tho heart, nervous exhaus
tion and liver trouble. Although nttonded
by two physicians she grow worse, until sho
was at death's door. I then began giv
ing her Dr. Miles' Rcstoratlvo Norvino
and Dr. Allies' Now Heart Cure, and sbo
improved so wonder
fully from the first
that I at onco dis
missed tho physicians.
Sho now cats and
sleeps well and docs
her own housowork
Wo havo recommend
ed your remedies to a
great many in our city, and every ouo has
been very much benofltod by them."
Dr. Allies' Remedies aro sold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee, first bottlo
benefits or money refunded. Book on Heart
and Nerves sent free to all applicants.
1)1(1 You i:er
TryF.lcctric Hitters as a remedy for your
troubles? it not, get n home now una get
relief. This medicine has been found to bo
peculiarly adapted to tho relief and curo of
all Female Complaints, exurting a wonderful
direct influence in giving strength and tone
to the organs. If you have Loss of Appetite,
Constipation. Headache. Fainting Snefls. or
aro Nervous, Sleepless, Fxcitable, Aleiancholy
or troubled witli Dizzy bpclls, i-lcctnc Hitters
is tho medicine you need. Health and
strength are guaranteed by its use. Largo
bottles only fifty cents nt A. Wnslcy's drug
001111110: Ktcnts.
Dec. 21. Second annual ball of tlio
Patriotic Drum Corps iu Hobbins' opera
Whv sudor with Couehs. Colds and La
Grlppo when Laxative liromo Quinino will
euro you iu ono day. Put up in tablets con
venlcnt for taking. Guaranteed to cute, or
money refunded. Prico. 25 ceuts. For salo
by Kirlin's Pharmacy.
Commissioner (ienentl btump's Trip to
Italy Highly Successful.
Washington, Doc. 4. Commissioner
General Stump, of tho Immigration bu
reau, has mado his report to tho secretary
of tlio treasury on tho rosult of his recent
mission to Homo lu tho interest of the
proper understanding und observnnco of
our immlgrntlJi. laws. On his arrival In
Ilomo tho Italian minister exprossod tc
Air. Stump his earnest doslro that personE
who would not bo permitted to land In the
Unltod States shall bo restrained from
embarkation, nud that such regulation!
as the ministry had authority to ouforce
should bo promulgated with 11 vlow to pre
venting further undesirable immigration,
and nt the samo time-savo persons who in
tended to migrate a frultloss voyago.
Tho rosult of Air. stump s several con
ferences with tho Italian mithoritlcs win
tho Issuance bvAIlnistorltudlniof a proc
lamation giving lu detail tho provisions ol
our Immigration laws and n comprehen
sive explanation of each. Tho minister re
quires oach emigrant to provide hlmsell
before his doparture with hisown "iionalo '
certificate, sotting forth in detail his crim
inal record if ho has evor boon undernr'
rest, which must bo delivered to tho im
migration olllclals nt tho United Statei
port of entry.
Xhe proclamation also- Instructs all
local immigration, ngonts to rofuso pass
ports to porsons not clearly outitlod tc
land In tho Unltod btatos. Air. Stump
rogards his mission as highly successful,
niid anticipates, very satisfactory result!
from tho proclamation by Minister lluulnl.
Mrs. Custlo. Coutiitfnn.
J'nn.AUiiLfinA, Doo. 1. Jlr. nnd Mrs.
Wnltor SI. Custlo uml their 10-rcar-old
son, Frodoriek, who arrived in Now Yorll
n weok ago yesterday from Europe, ure in
rmliulolplilii. They nro staving nt tho
home of Mrs. Castlo's sistor, In the north-
wostorn part of tho city, nud tho objeot of
tholr visit Is to hnvo tho mulcted woman
undergo troatmout for nervous disease.
Blnco their arrival Mrs. Castle hns liven
taken by her husband to a prominent
private institution, nnd has boon rznmlnod
hy specialists, liur condition Is lniprov
Huclclen's Arnica Salse.
Tho best salve in tho world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, lever sores.
tetter, cuappeii nanus, cmiDiains, corns, ana
all skin emotions, and positively cure b plies.
01 Jo pay required. H is guaranteed to give
pcrlect satislaction or mony roiunnea. rrlco
25 cents tier box. For sale bv A. Wasley
"llxcuso inc." observed the man in speo
taclfs, "but I am a surgeon, and that is not
wnere tlio liver is." icvcr you mind
where hie liver is," rcterted the other. "If it
was in his biir toe or his left ear DeWitt's
Wttlo llarly Hisors would reach It and shake
it fur bun. On that you can bet your uii:
lamps." V. 11 iinguiihucii
reiili.)lWilitu KiiUrimtl to Issue Clerical'
Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company an
nounce, that for 1807 it will issuo clerical
orders to regularly ordained clergymen in
charge of churches located on or near its
lines east of Pittsburg and Krie. To secure
these orders clergymen should mako appli
cation to the nearest ticket agent as soon as
possible, as it is desired that all applications
reach the General Olllco by December 15,
Ahsolutely puro, perfectly harmless, nnd
Invariably reliable are tlio qualities of Ono
Minute Cough Curo. It never falls in colds,
croup and lung troubles. Children liko it lie.
cause it is pleasant to tako and it helps them.
C. II. llagcuhuch.
Tho length of If fo may ho Increased by les
cuing its daugora. Tho majority of pcoplo
die from lung troubles. Thw'wuay ho avert
ed hy promptly usiug OnjjT Jriimto Cough
Tlro. V. II. Jtnseiiimcu.
p Restoros Jjj
Vessels Knterlng Our Ports from That
Country JInst l'ny Tonnage lines,
Wasiiikoiox, Deo. 4. Tho president
hns Isstiod 11 proclumntlon restoring ton
nngo dutlos on Gorman vossols entering
tho ports of tho Unltod Statos. On Jnn.
SO, 1888, 11 proclamation was Issued allow
ing frco ontranco to German vessels, but
it now appearing thnt American vossols
entering Gorman ports nro tnxod, tho
president directs thnt this government
rotnlinto. Tho effect of tho proclamation
Istorolmposo upon tho vossols ontorlng
from Germany tho same tonnngo duos that
nro imposed tin vossols ontorlng tho Unltod
States from Great Britain, Franco. Italy.
Spain and othor maritime nations In
Luropo and Asia.
During tlin past year tho stato depart
ment hns mado 11 full Investigation into
the charges Imposed upon American Vos
sols In Gorman ports, and tho fact has
been developed that while the Imperial
government doos not Impose taxes on
shipping, yot tho governments of tho Gor
man maritime statos for years havo Im
posed shipping taxes, so that thero wiis no
roal reciprocity.
Asabusluoss proposition tho nrrango
mont hns beoa considerably a dotrlmcnt
to tho United States. Tho annual loss ol
rovonuo to tho Unltod Statos has been ap
proximately fcKI.OOO, wlillo tho exemptions
which American vossols would havo gained
In Gorman ports would havo-amounted to
barely ?HO0 a year. As a mnttor of fact
thoso taxos havo beon levied on American
vessels in German ports, and it is under
stood that tho Unltod Statos will mako a
claim for tlio recovery of tho amount so
Hoyond this fact tho exemption of Gor
man vossols from tonnngo taxos In ports
of tho United Statos 1ms been in fact a
discrimination 011 tho part of tho United
htntos ngaiust Its own transatlantic lino,
Tho terminusot the American lino steam
ers is nt Southampton, nud tho St, Louis,
St. Paul, eta, havo boon required to pay
tonnngo duos, wherons tho North German
Lloyd steamers havo entered tho United
States entirely freo from tonnngo duos.
Tho old lady was right when sho said, tho
Child might die If they waited for the doctor.
She saved the littlo one's life with a few
doses of Ono Alinuto Cough Curo. She had
used it for croup beloro. C. Jl. Jiagcnbuch.
!lHipeiilngs Throughout the ltegfon Chron
icled for Ilastj- Perusal.
Harry lievnn, formerly opera tor and ticket
clerk at Ashland 011 tho P. & U. railroad,
died on Wednesday evening, after a pro
lunged illness.
Tho funeral of Thomas Dormer, of Forest
ville, was largely attended yesterday.
Andrew Schmidt, four months old, home
less, died nt tho Almshouse yesterday.
Tower City add vicinity is afllicted with a
fatal epidemic of diphtheria.
Charles 1). Kaier has contributed f 1,000 to
the proposed hospital, between' hero and
.Mahanoy City.
Airs. Armstrong Taylor, about 33 years old,
died at Onvlgsburg Wednesday. She had
been confined about threo weeks ago. A hus
band and six children survive.
Allentown wants 10 more policemen.
Sliainokin's famous brass band is to be
There wero 070 new oil wells completed iu
tho oil fields in November.
Arresu.11 t u .?tiiinu!i h ,'ay Hull.
jHttaijo. lX'U. 4. KujriMin W. Hurrlns-
tou, depufv I'lty comptroller, has been ar
rested on a charge of grand larceny. Ho
had tendered his rc'iirnntlun Wednesday
evening. An Investigation had shown
that Harrington had buuu "stullliig a
jiay roll, lie is 11 relative of Mayor Jowott.
llnrJc-U tinttor n Snow Drift.
Loo AX, Utah, Dec. 4. llyrum Jeppescn,
James Chrlstintisun, Sr., and his sun,
James, wero liiiricd in iv snow slide Wed
nesday afternoon in Doptan canyon. Jep
poson finally extricated himself, but tho
father and son were Loth killed.
The wife of Mr. D. Robinson, a prominent
lumberman of Hartwick, N. Y was sick
with rheumatism for live mouths. In speak
ing of it, Mr, Itobiuson says: ''Chamberlain's
Pain Balm is tho only thing that gave her
any rest from pain. For tho relief of pain
itcannot bo beat." Many very bad cases of
rheumatism havo beon cured by it. For sale
at r,0 cents per bottlo hy Gruhler Ilros.,
lnipni'tHlll lo 1'eliHlon C'lHlinniits.
Washixoto.v. Die. 4. Kx-parto investi
gations by the Rovernmeiir, in pension
cases hnvo been abolished by receiit action
of tho pension ofllce. Tills is 11 stop of great
importance to claimants of rill classes, and
will ho of BTont lieneflt to voterans. Tho.l
action is in line with tlio policy of Com
rulsslonor 01 i'onslous Murphy to glvo taoj
claimants tho benefit of tho doubt..
Iliad severe attacks of gravel and kidney
trouble; and unable to get a medicine or
doctor to curo me until I used Hop Hitters,
and they cured me in a short time. A.
Distinguished Lawveh of Waynii Co.,
X. Y.
COLOBXKSB AND CoM. A young girl
deeply regretted that she was so colorless and
and coldi Her face was too white,, and hor
hands and feot felt ns though tho blood did
not circulate. After 0110 bottlo of Hop
Hitters had beon taken sho was the rosiest
and healthiest girl la the town, with a
vivacity and cheerfulness of mind gratifying
to her friends.
Soothing, and not irritating, strengthening,
nnd not weakeulng, small but effective
suclt are tho qualitlei of DeWitt's Little
1,-iriy itlsors, the tamous little puis. u. xi
Harper's "Weclily,
The Christmas Number of Harper's Weekly
will bo dated December IU, and will contain
short stories by Howard l'yle, Captain
Charles King, John Keudrick Hangs, and
others, with illustrations by Howard Pyle,
C. H. Itoinhart, Frodeik ltcmlugton, Peter
Newell, I.uclus Hitchcock, nud A. I. Keller.
Tlio Christmas "I.ifo and Letters." by W. D
Howells, will lio illustrated by Ijlward Peu
field. During tlio month Colonel George K,
Warning, Juu will continue his papers on
Strect-Cleaulng lu Kuropean Cities.
Tho Number of Decembor 12 will contain a
striking sorics of illustrations of the recent
strike riots in Colorado, with the first Kum
her of tho now volumo two new sorials will
begin: "Joronio, a Poor Man," a novel of
New England life hy Mary li, Wilkius, and
"The Pursuit of tho House-lloat," by Job
Keudrick Hangs, a sequel to his amusing
story "Tlio on the Styx."
To cure all old sores, to heal an Indolent
ulcer, or to speedily cure pllos, you need',
simply apply DoWltt's Witch Har.el SaH
u tfif trill tiir in iHrrtftlrma Ttu tn (rin.Ulro ni E
inn fl1 tni-m-Icn vnn P IT 1 nan K.mlJI
uni B"tp"v J ) nfjvuuui('
A 5
VENT, greatest of humor cures,
is often sufficient to complete
a permanent cure of the most
torturing and disfiguring of
skin, scalp, and blood humors.
SrisrnY CunE Treatment ron all Skin and
TlLoon Hdmoiis. Worm baths with Cuticmu
SoaI', gentle nppllcntlons uf CUTIcunA (oint
ment), the great skin cure, and mild doses of
C'UTicunA Resolvent, gieatest of humor cures.
SnM throuffhoul the world.
CrncUBA, Me.
Soap, iMc 1 Hisoltint, 311c. ami l.
Ann Chkm. Cosr., Sole rror . llMton.
OJ- " Uow to Cure Erj Humor,1 rnillfd free.
Always rcUabto.A vnM RELIEF FOR WOMEN,
imitations. Get CATON'S, and save regrets. At
druggists, or sent sealed, SI. Our booklet 4 cents.
CMchr.ter's KncUah IMuMud RranC.
OMfflnal nd Vnlj tannine.
Arc. ftlwiri relUbrt. ladiis ue
iSahi. klad wiLh blue ribbon. Tako
no other Ktfudangfrovtbititw
fiDTM and fnttarlonf. Al nrsKiUtl. or && 4Y
Itellef fop Ii.tnee," tn luiir, by rptara
r ALU. 1U.VUII imiinniui. Aantivrir.
CfclebPBterCfiemlcalCo.,31av'lon ftqnar
That there nro thousands of
chlldron as well as adults dy
ing" nnnuully alt because tho
proper medical treatment is
not given. Every ono who has
Diphtheria, Croup, Quinsy Cn
tarrh or soreness of throat of
any description , can positively
anclspoodtly be cured hy
If thasamo is applied in strict
nccordanco with the printed
instructions given. It Is abso
lutely harmless aud easily ad
ministered. Manufactured by
the Thompson Diphtheria Cure
Company, Wllllamsport, Pa.,
and sold by dealers and drug
gists everywhere, at
Should your nearest dealer or
druggist not havo It on hand
Just when needod, write to tho
manufacturers, enclosing a
two-cent stamp, and It will bo
sent by first express C, O. D.
If tho case Is very Urgent send
order by telegraph. Best plan
Is to hoop It handy la. tho house
at all times.
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug Store.
Lager arid
Pilsner Beers
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.,
West Coal Street.
A genuine welcome waits you at
Cor. rialn and Coal Sta.
Hntwl whiskeys, beers porter nd ale
ooretantly on tap. Cbolcn temperance drinks
and clgurs.
A. Handsome Complexion
Is one of the greatest charms a woman can
gives it.
millions of Dollars
Go up in smoko every year,
Tako 11a
risks but get your houses, slock, fur.
niture, etc., insured iu first-class re
liable companies as-represented hy
rAVm PSATKT Insurance Atjent,
LIAV1U rAUil) 130 South Jardhi St.
Also Life and Accidental Compaules
Cured by this granular effervescent and stimu
lant. An Instant cure for sour stomachs and
htmlaclie. which often accumulate from Imvlue
a nlglil out
19 Peach Alley, Sheuandotli
11 as
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r- H 1 V v