It Why Consul General Leo's Prede cessor Left Havanai There Is no prettier sight in the world than that of a healthy, happy mother at play wiui tier ro bust and rollick. ing baby. It Is a sight entirely too Infrequent. Too often the baby is tnlilvntulnervisli and the mother sickly, fretful, and nervous. The woman who neglects to take proper care of herself and who therefore suffers from weakness ana disease of the organs of wo manhood cannot be healthy and amiable. Her children will bo puny and ailing and happiness will piss by on the other side. There is no reason why every woman should not be the healthy, happy mother of robust and playful children if she will take the E roper care of herself. Proper care means, rst of all, proper medicine for her ailments. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will make any woman! strong and well in a. wo manly way. It cures all weakness and dis ease of the distinctly feminine organism. It prepares a woman for motherhood. It in sures the health, of the baby. It makes parturition easy and nearly painless. Over 00,000 women have testified to its virtues, in writing. Druggists sell it and have no substitute "Just as good." The druggist who tries to force something else upon you is not an honest man. He Is trifling with your life and happiness for the sake of, a greater profit to himself. Mrs. F. U. lforgey, of Cams, Keyapaha, Co., Neb., writes: " I write td you again concerning my daughter, Mrs. V. Billings. She has taken two bottles of ' Favorite Prescription and two of ' Golden Medical Discovery.' She thinks the medicines did her a world of' good. Shewas con fined the 15th of February. Ws sick about three hours, and now has a ten pound daughter. She got along nicely afterward. She says she never felt so well. She looks well and her com plexion is clear." The modern business world won't stand still or loiter to wait for the man who suffers from headaches, biliousness and dyspepsia, caused by constipation. Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Pellets cure constipation. Of druggists. V' rfve.lmrmle". V'MMit odor. ifl ros Imttle i.riVK Ii.VIK TOMOremOYesrtndrutr.ktois l,.lrlri,ilifiilllniioutkndpromotefgrowlhl O0tl! illuitrated Trestles on llsir oa application r II a-h For -alo by Shenandoah Drug Store, Klrlln's Drug Store. THE SPANISH WERE OFFENSIVE. They Made Ills Stny Unpleasant, nnd Ho Would Have Left Enrller hut for Presi dent Cleveland's Urgent Solicitation lie Tells of Spanish Disregard of Treaties. BloodIfirvelbod- For Weak und RurrDcmn People from Childhood to Old Ago. WHAT IT IS! ""na r.chestof U rnWat.YB Foot), tjtc'i'tse it r?nl'"e the en ma in balances tu tte titoMtj awl nfrres tbH urn pxhantted ia tt'rHutwi Hf'i-f(iThiliollijJi7dlBf,ii8'',inili(:estion, tiitfa lull if, ortrwurk, worry, execsseu, abuse, etc WHAT ST DOES! B? n.Hnir the blopd p-re unit rio. , uml tuu Uieeimoti ptrrH-t it creirt.! Bu.'d fl"h, tnuufleand fttrencth. The nerves be nc niaif h'Timj t train bcom- ncttro and clear. f'irrprtt.iringloBt vltalitj titnl fttoprJrifr ah winding limine fid .vraUnesii In either eei, It has 110 Miuai .and Fto fmalercgnlrtorit I worth its weihtHoid. Onubox laptta iveek. Price fico., or iboxi?rnBi.i". Drufcgiitsorbymall. Ilouk Ire;. THE OR. CHAGE COMPANY, 1.513 Chsatmit t., t'bllaJf.ichla. VIM, VIGOR, VITALITY RESTORED IN 30 DAYS. GOOD EFFECTS AT ONCE. CATON'S VITAL1ZER Cures General or special debility, wakefulness, spermatorrhoea, emissions. Impotency, rare sis, etc. Correct functional disorders, cause! by errors or rxeesie, quickly restoring Lost niinliooj In oM or young, Riving vigor nntl .strength where former wenkneHs provrtlled, Couvonlcnt iiaekrtge, simple, effcctuul and egltlmitu. CURE IS QUICK AND THOROUGH. Don't be decelveii by imitation!?; Insist on CATON'S Vltallzers. Hent sealed If your drujr Elst does not have it. Price for $5, wltli written guarantee of complete cure. Information, reference, etc.. free anil confiden- itlM. Send us statement of case and 25 cts. for .a week'Mrlal treatment. Ono only sent to each jierson. CAT ON MED. CO., BOSTON, MASS. Jiyr Ynil Wor8 TUroat, rimpl Copprf tiUleors la Month, aalrr&lllnfft Writ COOK.1 uuuKJii i;uH 9U7 .union 10 'jremuefl unieatro, mil, tor proois or ouree cupii ni. H&o,vuu, vront cases (tared in 10 fllo Ua days. lk. flree OB. LOBB'S BOOK FREE "P.'Itr" of hiihoiis oi' votrrn, tStf vXWfl i. uKAU!i ov and AND VYO.ilLN. -v-a paters! c.oth Bound; se curely seal, it r,1 c-ul1' drr.-Trr 'membyniall strictly oQl'icriil!, ni a pmjliltt. qolctt can Toaran-" av S muter bow muz vtanutng. 1 wllipo. Iveiy euro rou. Wilte ur ca.U OR nRft329H.l5lhSI.Plilla.Pa. New Yoiik, Deo. 8. lliimon O. Will iam, ex-consul gonornl of tho Unltcil States nt Hnvnnn, nrrlvoil nt hln liomo in Urooklyn yestorday from n trip through England, franco and Spain. Ho consented to tnlk for tho first tlmo concerning the clrcumstaucoa of hla resignation from olllco laBt yoar, which was surrounded by rmno mystery, and the reasons for which havo not boforo lwon innilo public There was talk at tho tlmo that Mr. Willlanu and Socretary of Stato Grosham differed rognrdlng tho policy of this government toward Amorlcan cltlzons, but uonorni Vllllams declined to discuss that point. Ho sold that his resignation was given bocauso his activity In tho enso of Ameri can cltlzons under arrest mado him per sona non grata to tho Spanish government, and made his rosldonco In Havana un pleasant. Tho particular oplsodo In which Mr. Williams Incurred tho dlsllko of Spain, ho R.i vs. was his insistence That Sangnllly, Auulrro and Carlllo. who woro arrestod Fob. 34, 1693, as Insurgents, and court martlnlod, should bo tried In tho civil courts undor article 7 of tho treaty of 1703. Mr. Williams said: "Uoth tho captain general and tho In sular sccrotary of stato woro ontlroly lg norant of tho oxlstcnco of nrtlclo 7. Tho captain general boenmo off onded beeouso I demanded tho transfer from military to civil iurlsdlctlon. and tho caso was ro ported In such a manner to tho Slndrld government as to almost provouo tno ro' vocation of my exenuator. "I was guided in this by a recollection of similar casos which hadcomo under my notlco In Cuba. I wns a young man om nloved ns cleric In Havana In 1831, when tho Crlttonden raon woro shot, regardloss of tfio treaty of 1703. I was a merchant in Havana whon tho Vlrglnliis men were shot in 1873, nn almost similar caso. "Again, whllo I wai there, Zoccanoann American citizen, who had gone, repre senting certain Spnnish olenients, to no- gotlato terms of peaco with tho insurgents In tho eastorn department di Ing tho last Insurrection lu 1878, was arrested by tho Spanish forcos, tried by court martial, condemned to death and shot In tho fort at Cabanas, where Sangullly and tho Com petitor prisoners are now hold, regardless of tho safeguards of tho treaty of 1703 and tho safo conduct given to him by tho Spanish minister at Washington. Tho recollection of theso casos animated mo to mako cpulck and earnest dofonse of theso men, and it was this action on my part that gavo offense to tho Spanish authori ties at Cuba. "I was then in Washington. Acting on tho rulo that no man of self rosneet would l;'wont to return or to cntor any place -whoro ho bollovos ho Is not welcome, I re solved not to continue longer in tho posi tion of consul gouoral, and signified my dosiro to rosmn. Tho circumstances, how-1 evor, woro of such n character that I wont back to Havana, resumed chargo of tho olllco and continued tho dvfonso of San gullly until tho caso was transferred to tho civil courts. "A few weoks boforo this tho caso of nn Amorlcan citizen, Joso Zcpro, who had licon arrested and subjected to court martial, and soveral other Amorlcan citi zens had been troatod tho samo way, and In coniiequonco I was not nblo to present my resignation in duo form until Febru ary, 1800." Mr. Williams said that ho returned to Havana only on tho urgent solicitation of l'rosldont Cleveland himself, and added that Secretary Groshum's subsequent ill ness and death occurrod too soon to admit of his personally explaining to tho socre tary his vlows on tho matter. THE OLD WAY Of Treullng l)j .pepsin mill Hii1IboIIoii by Dieting u llnrlmriius uml Useless line. Wc say tho old way, hut really. It is a very conimoi ono at present time and many dys peptics and physicians as well iioinldcr tho first step to tako In attempting to cure Indl KC9tlon' is to diet, cither by selecting certain foods and rejecting others or to greatly dimin ish the quantity usually taken, In othur woiils the starvation plan is by many sup posed to be the first essential. The almost certain failure oC tho starva tion euro for dyspepsia has been proven time anil again, hut still tho moment Dyspepsia, makes Its appearance a course of dieting is at once ndvisod. lUlthlsls radically wrong. It Is ioolish and unscientific to" recommcral dieting or starvation to a man suflerlni? from Dyspep sia, because Indigestion itself starves every organ anil ovory nervo and overy fibre lu the body. What tho Dyspeptic want abundant nutrition, which moans plenty of good, wholesomo, well-cooked food and something to Assist tho weak stomach to digest It. This is exactly the purpose for which Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets aro adaptod and this Is tho method by which they euro tho worst casos of Dyspepsia, In other words tlio patient eats plonty of wholesome food and Stuart s Dys- popsia Tablets digest it for him. In tills way tho system is nourished and tho overworked stomach rested, because tho tablets will ill gost tho food whethor tho stomach works or not. One of theso tablets will digest 3,000 grains of meat or eggs. Your druggist will tell you that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is tho purest and safest remedy sold for stomach troubles and every trial makes one more friend for this excellent nretiaratlon. Sold at 50 cts. for full sized package at all drug stores Mil 1' 10 I) 1SY Two Mon Prominently Montionoc 1 for Seorotrtry of Stato, ONE REPORT MAMES SHERMAN, GAIL BORDEN EAGLE Brand! ..CONDENSED PIILK.. '4 1 Has No Equal I SOLD EVERYWIIERB S9 td r are saved by using Seel- iil'S because vou coffee and uialio it delicious by a Grocers cau tell you why those wnobuy bttl lli i keep coming bach for it. You can't keep on selling a poor thing to the same people. 1 H Tilflrt nt lie at hiiiTlirn iiiiiiinHunEW! IPS 0 H K" B in FM ! FT i mim HAZEL OIL POLITICAL CARDS. CIIIEK BUItdESS, PIERCE WALKER, Of tho Fourth ward. Subject to Citizens party rules. jjum ciiikp nunaicss, CHARLES G. PALMER, Of the Fourth Wnrd. Subject to Citizens party rules. pon ciiiisp iiuitQicss, JACOB NOLL. Subject to Democrat I o party rules; JjlOU ItKCmVKU OF TAXES, M. P. CONRY. Subject to Democratic; party rules. CHIICF URai2dS, JOHN DANDO. Subject to tho Citizens party rules. Absolutely pure, perfoctly harmless, and invariably reliable aro the' qualities of Ono Minuto Cough Cure. Itnaver'falls In colds, croup and lung troublos. Children liko it be cause it is pleasant to tako and it helps them, C. II. Ilagcnbucb. To Urge a lletter Hanking: System Indianapolis, Dec 3. l-'ifty-two men, representing tho boards of trade and com mercial bodies of sixteen cities of tho cen tral west, me( hero yesterday and Issued a call for national couvontlon of tiia com mercial bodies of the country, to meet In this city Jan. 5 noxt for tho purpose of taking action toward soourlng from con gress a remedy for tho ills nttending tho present currency and hanking system. Tho meeting was non-partisan In its char acter. Austria's Empress in l-'rnnce. Pakis, Dee. 3. 1'ho ompress of Austria arrlvod here yostordny, At her own ro quest there was no olllcial reception, and she loft for Biarritz Immediately, Presi dent Fauro wont to tho Orleans railroad station to pay his respects to fier mujestr, nud escorted her to the saloon carriage lu wultlng. Toamo to Hire. If you wank to hire a safe and reliable team for driving or for working purposea pay Shields' livery stable a visit. Teams constantly on hand at reasonable rates. JAM EuS SHIELDS, No. 410 East Centre street. Opposite Rending railroad station. ASMS3Y PiLLS! ,.11!?,BStri 4hJ KUHE, l.tMJMC.rOS-HaMSIi'S SAfC TOcisIBguap-i' upicincCo,pmi,PA. For sale at Povinsky's ilrug store, is East Centre street. The Dlscoiery Raved Ills Life, Sir. G. Calllouotto. Druscist. Iieaversvllie. III., savs: "To Dr. King's New Dlseovcrv I owe my life, Was taken With La Grippo and tried all tho physicians for miles about, but of no avail and was-glven up and told I could nut live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery In my store I sent tor a bottle and began Its use and from the tlrst doso heuuu to eet better. and after using threo bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight lu gold. We won't keen storo or houso without it." (Jet free trial at A. Waslcy's Drug Store. ' Klllsnn to be Released xt Month. Nkw Yohk, Doe. 3. Frank, hotter known us "Biff," KUIson, serving a tlvo years' term in Sing Sing prison for assault on William II .Henrique, an aged brokor, In this city lu 18"J3, will bo roloasod on Jan. 5 next, Governor Morton having commuted his sentence. KUIson is now n bookkeeper at tho ponltontlury. Ho first mado Iovq to Henriques' daughter and thuu persecuted her, uud this led up to tho assault on her father. Klllsnu was a well known man about town, uud his trial and conviction attracted much attention. While Another Ill-Minister to Itnssla An drew I). White Senator Slierinnn Would I Obey Ills Constituents A California Man Also .Mentioned for a Cabinet Position. CLKy ELAND, . Poo. 3. Hon. Mark A. Hanun and his wlfo wont to Canton yes terday morning and roturnod in tho even ing. Tho day was qulotly spont by Major MoKlnloy nud Jlr. Hnnna in couioronco, tho last thoy will havo boforo Mr. Hannn goes to tako up his work in Washington, preparatory to tho inauguration. Mr. Hanna probably will go to Washington on , Friday. Thonpproachlng doparturo of Chairman Hnnna for tho capital has ronowed the gossip concerning tho cablnot appoint-1 moiits of Presldont-oloot McKlnley. It Is confidently bollovod that whon ho goes to Washington ho will benr with him n mes sage from Mr. McKlnley offering tho posi tion of secretary of stato to Sonntor Sher man. With respect to tho possibility of Senator Shornian accepting tho plnco, Col onel Allan T. Brlnsmndo, who is a worm friend of Shorman, said today that tho sonator1 was willing to bow to tho will of his constituents. ' If thoy doslred him to remain In tho sonato ho would do so, but if thoy wlllod othorwlso ho would acqulosco without murmur. Today's gossip connected tho nnino of a J California man with a cabinet position. Judgo Wamycr, of San Francisco, who was a member of tho advisory commlttoo during tho recent campaign, Is named by ! a closo f rlond of tho prosldont-clect ns the ' ono llkoly to got such nn appointment. 1 Ho U slated either for secretary of tho in- ( terlor or secretary of ngrlculturo. i UX-MINISTKIt WIIIT15 ALSO. Said That l-reslilcnt McKlnley Will Oiler j Him tho Premiership. Washington, Deo. 3.-For socretary of state, Andrew D. Whlto of Now York. I That Is believed to bo Mr. McKlnley's I i cholco. Information has been received I I hero to tho effect that tho actual proffer of j tho premiership of tho next administra tion had been mado to Mr. Whlto, and that ho had accepted tho portfolio. There aro soveral members of tho diplo matic corps in thbi city who havo received a tip as to Professor White's oppolntinont It Is accepted by thorn as authontlo. Professor Whlto was formally president of Cornell university. Ho has served ns United States minister to Kussla and as United States uilnlstor to Germany. Ho Is now a member of tno Vonozuolan com- mission. Ho has hud much diplomatic oxporlonco, and Is an authority on Inter-, national law. ! Senator Lodge, of Massachusetts, ro- , turned to tho city yostorday from Canton, where he visited I'robldent-elect MoKln-' loy. In an Interview ho said, concerning reports that ho was Interested in any placo for himself under tho new adminis tration : "Thoro Is no plnco in the gift of j tho president that would tempt mo to glvo up tho position of sonator trom iinssacnu sctts. Tho vory fnct that I went to Can ton would Indicate, it seems to me, that I had no application to file There Is no plnco I desire other than tho ono I now oc cupy." Further than this tho senator would not talk concerning his visit. FOR Piles or Hemorrhoids. Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds. Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. Boils & Tumors. Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rheum & Tetters. Chapped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. Corns & Bunions. Stings & Bites of Inseots. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00. BoU by druggists, or test post-paid on receipt of price urarumis', m its nuuisi.,5.wrrk. store, 24 East For sale nt Povliiftky's drug Centre street PrS TMFES GO'I North Sixth St. Sin B EllSPrA-Slilr.'iincacnC-ecaSt. PHILADELPHIA. rurtE GUARANTEED. "I. in. s rin 1'ilALl l('i;(U.i jeui-.inn.l a 1 curt llonpllal 2.xuirlvn.e lu IW-riiiuiijr, ITJ .3 "lOIMIIilUlll., ULUUU I'OISONpT Ln.. V TrnMrnfll rf ni! IT7 In.rVinne EXCEOSES AND ALL OTHF"" EFFECTS OF YOUTH tUL Folly of both Sexes PcruiMiienilj eurcil afltrcrerroneeUehas fniltl. LOST MANHOOD AND SHnUKKEX ORGANS RESTORED. Itomtlttr what self ttjlvdgfi u u.i fuoou lAiclara ai lit! alaln, vrltd, irlat or a, otj Ilr. Thcel anewa Bun ahoul lhae 4lnaaL4 mil lioir ta lrtl itiuia aucoeiaftjll; Iban all othrra cuiuMul.1, ail iljr7 all k m It too. lo their awrrotr. I'oor aud Itlch, if you v-rarot. ica aad Tlctlmlaed, aa.l apu with to get llujcat nuj B1.IUJU1 tn Im ill. try otic mora ol4 Ilr. Thrcl. an lbs mil cure rou mi-. liclyircura la iwuilbk.'. e llrt-epllon, nol'iilae llepri-si'iitutloii, Frnhcajra cured la i to 10 Uaja. Suul t.e atauiia for Tmlb. lleatofall for fclntlaor Marrlnl, rouof or oil, Oolfltookra. roalng quaeka. lluuraiua. FMulDKai6tt. Ilourc for exam ination and treatmeut In aecrnlnhoixleNe anddangerouacaaea, dallr,9to3. Ved.audSal.ctgi.,6tol0. gun., 9 to . Treat went by mall, Strlcleat awrecy UuitranUeJ. INMltlvtlr luwcat almrgfa Inlblaclly for tho beat Ira-ntmenU Cure for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Headache Electric Hitters has proved to bo tho very best. It effects a permanent cure aud tho most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence Wo urgo all who aro aftllcted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In caso of habitual constipation Electrio Hitters cures by giving tho needed tone to tho bowels, and few cases long resist tho use of this medicine. Try it onco. Largo bottles only 60 cents at A. Waslcy's Drug Store. P. J. CANFIELD, Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity I had sovero attacks of gravel and klillley trouble; and unable to get a medicine or doctor to euro mo until I used Hop Hitters, and thoy cured mo in a short time. A DlSTINOUISIIKU L.VWYEB OF WAYNE CO., N. Y. COLOltLKAS AND COLD. A. yoUUg girl doeply regretted that Bho was so colorless and and cold, Her face was too white, and her' bauds and Test felt as though the Mood did not circulate'. After one bottlo of Hop Bitters had been taken sho was tho rosiest aud healthiest girl In the town, witli a vivacity and 'cheerfulness1 6f mind gratifying to her friends. Hilled by n Slxtorii-Ycnr-OM' iif, CllICAOO, Dec. 2. Fred Mi.tthetWH, ft laboring man, was shot nud killoil last' night by Alexander Hochborger, a S-yoiir-old boy. Matthews hud boon drink ing in' a saloon kept by Hochborgcr's father, and became lnvolvod in u light with tho elder Hochborger over tho price of tho drinks. Tho boy came In whllo tho fight was. going on, and taking Jlatthows foru robber ho secured a shotgun and sunt a big load of buckshot Into Matthews at a dlstnnco of throe feet, killing him at onco. Kellef lu Six Hours. Distressing kldnnv nnd lilml.W rclloved In six hours by tho --For BARBEY'S Beer and Porter Try Barbev's Bohemian Beer. 1 DIVIDEND oS u "111, it Toourcoitonnrei WOULD YOU Ci RB tjF aa' TO IKVIST SIO OB CrWAUDSf 1MI dinda rlrablt tna'Hhly. rarUauUra tn, Addraaa, Weat ern FlaaaeltL. oa , 13 Dearborn Street, Cnloego, 111. diseases 'New flrejit South American Kidney Curo." This now remedy is a great surprise on account of its extecdinx promptness in relieving pain in tho bladder, kidneys, back and every part of tho uriuary passages in male or female. It relieves rotention of water and pain lu passing it almost immediately. If you want ipiick relief and curo this is your remedy. Hold by Skapira's pharmacy, 1U7 South Main strict. HH dull pda I J SsfctU LONDON STRfitOHT 1 COUPONS hM O R P GUMMED STICKERS l'll7lniinon' Narrow llseape. 1 Sa.v Fhancisco, Dec. 2. Tho agility and pro.enco of mind of Hub Fltzslinnions yesterday prevented tho p(istpoiieinent of his flght with tiharkoynnd probably saved tho llfo of tho lanky pugilist. Hob was out on tho road near Sausallto taking his final run boforo tho light, when ho wns ovcrtiiken by a runaway horso on a hill hiu3 'f no frightened nnlmnl was almost on topot tho pugilist boforo ho boenmo nlnrnied by the clatter. I5ob jniil)0(l for his llfti Und rolled over and over down the bill. Tlio wheels of the trap drawn by tho horse llllsso.) his head 'y nbout threo inches, but tie escaped unhurt. SURE CURE FOR Dyspepsia, Malaria, Sleeplessness, Nervous Headache, Biliousness, Kidney Diseases, General Debility, Efc. Atk your DriiyfM to yet them throttfh his Jobhcr, or send a Postal Curd to BOULTON HOP BITTERS ISEJfti YORK. CO., Hfff Sample! Sold by P. P. b. KIRUN, Shenandoah, Pa, QWHtVa Bometlmesneedi reli.ble. Bonthly, rouiil.tlng medicine. Onlr himleM 0M Dr. Peal's Pessutrejfrjssii! raws " ' aj nnd eerUin In reooit. The nenulno (Dr. Feel'a) nerer dnn. l!of Sale by P. P. D. KIkLiM, Shenandoah, P'a. PHILA. UEADING RY Ipeppa. Railroad. Director ot" tlie I'arl. Oliservutory. IAHI8 Deo. 3.-Iresldout Kimro has signed thoiippoiutinont of Muurico I.oewy tho distinguished French astronomer ns director of tho l'nris observatory. Ho was born In Vienna In 1W3, was naturnlUeil In lbiil, and when tho Paris observatory was reorganized, in im; ho was made chief of tho instrument section. In ib;a ho bocniue sub-director of thoob.servntory HoUnmeinbor of tho French Institute uud of tho Academy of Sciences, and hon orary momber or nsHoolato of tho Helen, tllloacadomiosof VIouna, St. I'otorsburir aud London. Jtlieiimailani Ourptl In Iay. ''Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism aud Neu ralgla radically cures in I to 3 days Ita action upon tho system Is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at onco tho cause and tho disease Immediately disappears. The flint .doso grcatlv beneHts: 75 centi. Sold by C. II. Uageubucb, Druggist, Shenandoah. IN Erfi?ii(ii ftUv. 11. tiiM. Tialns leave Shennniloati an follows Kor New York via Philadelphia, iVce'c day 210, 5 25, 7 20 a, ill., 12 48, 3 00 and 5 53 p, F: birndays, 2 10 a. m. FOrKew York via Mnuch Chunk, week day 5 25, 720a. 111., 12 48 nnd 3 CO p. m. Kor lending und Philadelphia, week d.irf 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a.m., 12 43, 3 00 and 5 55 p. m. Bur days, 2 10 a. ni. Kor Pottavllle, week days, 2 10; 7 20 a. rd., acd 12 4S, 3 00 nnd 5 Hi p. in. Sundays, 2 10 a. m. For Tntnnqua and jtalianoy City, week days, 210. S21!. 7 20 a. m.. 12 M. S 00 nnd .1.11 n m Sundays, 210 a. m. i-or iiiinnisport, hunnury nnu I.ewlsburs week days. 3 25. 11 30 a. m.. 200 and IBnm Sundays, 3 25 a. m. For Mahanoy Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 3 25. fl 25. 7 26! H 30 a. in., 12 4, 2 00, 3 00,5 55, 7 23 and 9 SI p. in. HundityB, 2 10, 3 25 a. ill. For Aflhlnnd nnd Shnmokln, week dari, 8 2r. 7 20,1130 u. ni., 2 00,725 and 9 55 p.m. Hun days, 3 25 n. in. For Hftltlnitre, Washington nnd the Wen y! II. AO. It. It tbrougli trains lea- lteadlni Terminal, Plilladelplda, (P. & It. V .) at 8 2C. 7 55,1124 a. m., 3 10 aiul 7.27 p. l Hundnya 3 20, 7 00, 11 2(1 a. m., 3 46 and 7 27 p. m. Addl tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth and Chert nut streets station, week days, 10 30 a. m. 12 20 12 It 8 40 p in. Sundays, 1 35, 8 23 p. ro. TItAINS FOIl SHENANDOAH. Leave Now York via Philadelphia, week days, 4 80, 8 00, m., 130, 4 30, 9 00 p. tn. land night, Sundays, A 00 p. m. Leave New York via Munch Chunk, weel days, 4 30, 9 10 a. m.. I 80 und 4 15ji. m. Iave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week da) 9, 4 20, 8 35, 1005 ft. m. and 4 05, 6 30, 11 31 p. 111. Holidays, 11 30 p. in. Leave Uenillng, week tlnyn, 1 35, 7 10, 10 04 11 Ma. m., 6 00 nnd 8 20 p. in. Sundays, 1 35 a. m Leave Pnttsville, weekday!, 2 36, 7 40 a. m 12 30 and 6 12 p. in. Sundays, 2 35 a. in. I-uveTainaqiia, week day, 3 18, 8 50, 1128 a ni., I 27, 7 20 and 9 43 p. in. Sundays, 3 18 . m Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 3 45, 9 21 II 47 a. m., 2 03, 7 4 1 and 10 OS p. in. Sundays, 3 a. in. Leave Mahanoy Plane, week day, 2 40, 4 00 630, 9 37, 11 59 a. 111 , 1 12, 2 19, 5 20, 6 26, 7 57 avt 1023 p.m. Sundays, 2 40, 00 a. in. Leave Wlllhiiniport, week day, 7 42, 1010 a m., 3 35 and II 41 . in. Hundavp, 11 15 p. in. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Inve Philadelphia Chestnut ulreet wrt riu South street wliaif for Atlantic City. Weekdays Kipiese, 9 0) n. in., 2 00, 400, .100 p.m. Accommodation, 8 00 a. in., 6 30 p. m. Sundays Express, 900, 10 00 a, lu. Accom modation, 8 00 it. in., 4 45 p. in. ItetiiruliiK leave Atlautlo City depot, coma Atlantlo and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Bxnreaw, 735,900a. in,, 330, 530 p. lu. Accommodation, 8 15 n, in., 4 32 p. in, Sundays Express, 4 00, 7 30 p.m. Accommo dation, 7 15 a. in., 4 15 p. in. Parlor Cars on all express trains. I, A. SWEICIAHD, O. O. HANCOCK, Oen'l Superintendent. fjeii'l l'ass.A Tho Rosy Froshnoss rlably obtained br those who use Pouoifi'a vomnlexlon Powder. SCHUYKILL DIVISION, NovnMDEU 15,1896. Trains will lenve Shenandoah after the abov date f6r Wlggfttis, tlllbcrton. Frnokvllle, Drk Water, St. Clair, l'ottsylllo. Ilnmburg, lteadlni-. 1'ottstown, l'hrenixvllle, Norrlntown and rh adclphln (lirond street station) nt Cos and 110 a. m. and 4 20 p, in. on week days, For Potv yllle and Intermediate stations 9 17 . m. SUNDAY. For Wlggans, Clllberton1 Irackvllle, Dt Water, St. l lalr, Pottsvllle, tllV, 0 45 a. m. nr v.- l'..ttMt. I'lioenlxvllle. NorrlHtown. llhlhi,..nhla ut U4.1a. in., I 10 p. in. . 'ottstowr 6' n-.i.. ta i. c a ... ..nn,? uimo iuvki niu tur niisnanaoaa i 1040a. m. nnd 1231, 5 11, 7 52 audil047 P. u Hiindav. It 13 a. m. nud .5 41 o. tn. I I.pj,vn I'nttvllln Inr Mlionntwlnal, n . Trix , a. ni. anil 1 11, 73 aud 10 20 p. lu. Sunttny ai 10 40 a. in., 3 13 p. in. Leate Philadelnhln. fllrnAil street Btntlnnl in, Shenandoah nt 5 57 nud 8 35 a. 111., 4 10 and T 1) p. in. wee tiuys. nuntiays leave nt 6 50 a. tn. I-ave Ilrond street Btatlon. Phllailplnhln. i.i Sea (ilrt, Ashury Park, Ocean Grove, Loti nnu ii,t-riut..,iiute amnions, 1 00, 6.0O, D.Z0 11.39 a. 111.. 2 38. 3.30. 4.05 11. m -.,.lrJla-. snr Saturdays only. Simdaya (stop at Jnterlaken tor Asiiury rnric), 4 m, 8.23 a. Leave Droad Street Station, Philadelphia, KOlt NEW YOltK. Express, week-days, 3 20. 1 Oi, 150 315, 6 50, 7 o, s i,3:i,950, 1021 (Dining Can. 1200noin, 23S (Llmiteal loo nnd t p. ni DlnliiKlarsI, 1 10, 230 (I)lnlnK Carl llju 350, lio, 500, 556 (Dining Car), 000, 0 50,8 12,10(11), p. in., 12 01, night. Sundays, 3 20,4 05,4 50 515 S20. SOSO, 1021, (Dl,.lng Car), Hi", n. m I2M, 2 30 iDllllllKCur). 4 00 (Limited 4 2-JIHnlnu ( iiri.5), 5,V, (Dining Car), 0 35, 6 50, s i. 1000 p. 111, 12 01 night. i.xpreM rur IK.vton without change. 11 00 it in. week-days, and 6 50 p. m,, dally. FOlt WASHINGTON AND THE hOl'TH. For Ilaltlniro and Wmhlugton, 3 V) 7 20, 812 1020, 1123 a. 111., 1209 (l!31 Limited Pit. ing Car). 112, 3 18. 4 11 (5 19 Cong,tilon Limited. DlnliiL' Curl. 6 17. A.55 (lllnlim Cnrl. 7 N (Dining Car) p. ni.. nnd 1J05 nlehl week days. Sundays, 850, 7 20, 012, 1128 111,, !2 09 1 12, 4 41, ( 513 CongreeslonnlLlmllod Drnlng Car), 6 53 (Dining Car), 7 d. 01. (Dining Car) nnd 1205 night. HOIt ATLANTIC CITY, Leave llroad street statloo, I'hllail. 'pi iui.i Delaware river bridge), express, i bj p. ro lUlly I.eavn Market street Ferry, express. K -1 a ri 2 00, 4 00.510 p. m Sundays, 8 43. a 4.. a 111 Accotuuiodutiun, 8 00, 8 20, A. lit., :l 20 and 4 21 p. 111 . week days. Sundays, 8 00, 8 1 1 a. l:' , 4 a and 5 (XI p. m. For ie Mny Anglessen. Wlldwood and Holly 1 each, and Sea Isle City Oeenn City and Vvalon Ex press. 9 Oi a. m, 100 p. m, week days. Hulidavs. VOOu. in. , Kor Somera Point.--Expris, 830 a 111., to S. ni, wreK nays, Sundays. a fa a, ni. , ,. , , M. l'BKVor, 3; S . WoodV-'I . m, . J . -, a valuablo pro8 1 xs(iK.-.icaiiy tree of doht 4 .,.ious made at the serviced j ' only balance of fj 11.40 to t -1 - -' .--