. t . . A J2. , . ; " ' 1 ,, VOL. XL-NO. 297. SHENANDOAH, PA. WEDNESDAY PECEMDER 2, 1890. ONE CENT N GREAT BARGAINS :: IN- FURNITURE and farr-rnsriv! Mattresses Bedsteads Cupboards Sideboards Kitchen Tables Cradles f- - J. P. WILLIAMS & SON, 'V !3:SOUTH rviMIM STREET. SHENANDOAH.PA, l7.'5PECIAL A sulf'.of fine ineili catec! tocI flannels, at $i .45- Xattiral wool 'suits at $i .75- Extra fine camel hair suits it $2.15 BIGGEST BARGAINS ,MAX. J.rt UP-TO-DATE HATTER and GENTS FURNISHER ... . 1S EL. CENTRE STREET. GOLD STANDARD REACHED J. PRICE'S RELIABLE STAND-. Where on the same '.basis yon can t ' "l ' , ' ladies',, Missda' COATS Of the vcr' latest and .qudity guaranteed. J. J. RRICE'S, COLUMBIA : BREWING : .jiSREWERS OF Lager Beer, Porter and Ale, .All' the' pr6clii'ct"of this brewery are arrade af pure' malt and hops of which we buy the best and endeavor always to . MAKE THE BEST that can possibly be produced. Reduction in Wall From 25 cents to 20 ceaiis; from 10 cents to 8 rts. All otlter grades accordingly. Tills stock must be disponed of nt once, In order tliat I n enlarge my store. 'These bargains will hold good for ntlhorttlmo ly. Come at one and tafceudrautoge of'the nrj wjr rr 1 lilUllicl II.. IiyUCr, dhalf.h i.v wall papeh. 23 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah, Pa. g-O U R i ml Cent IMt CONTINUED. CALIFORNIA EVAPORATED FRUITS. Two Pounds Fancy Evaporated Peaches. Three Pounds Choice Evaporated Peaches. Two Pounds Evaporated White Nectarines. Two Pounds Evaporated Apricots. . ' - Two Pounds Evaporated Pears. Two Pounds Pitted Cherries. i jTwp Pounds Bst California Prunes. ? ' . Two Pounds Fancy Ruby Prunes. ' ' ' Three Pounds Choice California Prunes Two Pounds Mixed Nuts. Two Pounds English ' "Three New Fishing Creek Buckwheat Flour. ....New Granulated Corn Meal. ' Our Mackerel stock is in fine condition. WHITE AND FAT LARGE AND SMALL. G. W. KEITER, SHENANDOAH, - PENNA. Upwards. KNOWN. LEVIT, find a fall .and andChildren!s complete line of D - CAPES best styles. Trices and North Main St., Shenandoah, Pa. Paper. reduction. paintem, paj-rh hanger and Two Pounds Blackberries. Walnuts.. Pounds Brazil Cream Nuts. S2.50 and 1.7"S " 3.75 5.75 - LOO ;7S ' . EJ It Is Causing- Immense Property. Destruction of DYNAMITE MAKES NO IMPRESSION The Powerful Explosive Haa No Effect on the Monster Ice Fleld-The Business Por tion of Chippewa Falls Submerged. Goods Saved From Destruction. ClllITKWA FAf.LS, Wis., Deo. 3. Yos- 'tcrday was u day of excitement nnd anxiety, nnd Inhabitants of this little1 vll lngo arc lu iv Btuto bordorltig on panic, The worst of tho situation Is tho knowlcdgo of tho linpoiHllug danger, and tlmt they nre utterly helpless to stay or avert It Those whoso I10UBO6 havo been Uoodod hnvo ro cioved their household goods hnd belong lugs to higher ground, and nro huddled together In tho sohoolhousO and othor va cnutvbulldlngs out of tho path of tho tor rent that Is sweeping 'flown sovornl of the malu streets. All hopo of breaking tho gorgo, nnd thus allowing tho pent up waters to grad ually subside, Is now abandoned. Efforts yesterday Were directed towards removing household goods and merchandise out of tho reach of tho flood. All teams In tho city have boen engaged In this work. Every resident nnd buslnoss firm on Hlver street lias moved out. Tho Chippewa Lumber and Doom company's mill nnd yards ara under water, and all hopo ha boon glvon up of saving tho entire busl noss portion of tho placo from bolug sub merged. It was reported'yostorday that nnother gorge was forming thirty mllos abovo oro, xnd this greatly added to tho alarm, as In caso It should brjnk nothing could save the city from bolng swept away. Keports of n very serious naturo enmo from down tho river. Tho country every where Is flooded. Tho gorgo cOntlnuos to grow In oxtcDt. It Is now over flvo mllos long, and lu many places thirty to fifty fcot high. It completely dams the river, nnd this is what Is causing tho rapid rlso. ThO heavy rains of last week wero fol lowed by n sudden froczo, which quickly massed tho floating Ico In tho Chlppowa, and the swiftly Tunning curront contin ually added to It until It renchod Its pres ent gigantic proportions. llelow hero tho Chlppowa is falling. There Is no flood nt Kan Clalro, but this fact is causing tho pooplo at that placo much uueaslnoss, as it Indicates that tho water is bolug 'piled up as by a dam above them. The lco pack at Hndgcr Mills, half way between Kau Clalro and Chlppuwa Falls, is growing In oxtent, and everything seems to indicate that tho river Is choking Is not believed that anything serious can happen undor tho present conditions for tit least a day or two. Kveryono has .been sulUclontly warned, and Is In readi ness to fly tho moment tho crash comos. Tho buslnoss portion of Chlppowa is abandoned, and the flood may sweep away many of the buildings without damaging scarcely a dollar's worth of merchandise nnd other Tulunblo goods that woro stored there until yestorday. Tho coutents of tho buildings havo boon stored in unoc cupied structures In remote portions af tho city, where tho flood cannot roach un loss tho entire .city is overwhelmed and swept nwny. Tho pOstoflioo Is under threo feet of water, aud Postmaster McColm has moved tho olllco seven blocks from its old location. Toll storos on tho south sldo of Spring street nro inundated. Tho ofllcos of The Herald and Tho Independent, newspapers, uro flooded, and tho papers are being Is sued from othor buildings. At tho Flambeau farm,' flfteou' miles abovo this city, another' lco gorgo has formed. Tho river lias overflowed Its banks and inundated the country twenty miles cither sldo. Domestic- uulmals hnvo jwr lshed by tho score. Purmsnnd farmhouses are flooded, and tho losses, will reach into tho hundreds of thousands. It is safe to estimate that at least 3,000 horsos, cows and hogs huvo met death in tho flood. Tho most stubborn resistance offered by tho obstruction is 111 that portion of tho river betweon tho wagon brldgo and tho .central railroad bridge, about half a mllo Jn length. Yestorday Mayor Lindloy or dered an explosion of C00' pounds of dy namite, but after 300 pounds had beon ex ploded tho experiment was abaudonod as failure. Hallroad olllcials who viewed I the gorgo stato that there Is not sufllcleut dyuumlto ubtalnablo to blast n channel through tho lco. A dispatch from Durand, Wis., fays: Tho lco gorgo which beguu qt West Newton, on tho Mississippi, and gradually extended up the Chlppowa Friday, has reached Hound Hill, throo miles below tills city. Tho nearness of tho gorgo has forced tho water at this point higher than at any tlmo during the flood, although the river Is slightly falling. Tho eighteen mileti of tho Chippewa below Hound Hill Is one Held of packed lco, upd tho bottom IumU ovr which tho Chicago, .Milwaukee mid St. Paul railway track runs Incom pletely submerged. At Hound Hill tho river Is flanked by bluff, which inako n gorgo very daugor ous to tho city, although tho wldo bottom on tho wost sldo, making tho river over a mile wldo at this point, causos the water to rlso klowly. Aa far as known no lives havo beon lost, but those living on the Chippewa bottoms liavo lioen rescued with dllliculty. Sovornl families on tho Hut- , falo county sldo wero drlvou from their homes at 2 o'clock Sunday morning by tho forming of a gorgo at Plum Island. Scantily dressed, thoy waded through tho lco and wntor to a high point on tho rail road track, from which point thoy wero rosoued b( rellof trulu from this placo, Several of "-'y wore badly frozon, Others havo' ' Ico pack after It formed iny's Boheniili Klot'ks of ull kinds ir- LHaais hnvo beon grci grow QL. DIVIDEND Nt enitattarai WOULD YOU GAfltf INVX3T $10 OR UPWARDS DltJ . PtfUauUri frM. iUmi, AVeat teifrir- shirt and drawers, !o.( Ui Okrbora Birt, Cfchiiro, IU, heard of before ti ' MAX I.EVIT'S, 131 BISHOP B0NA0UM BEATEN. l'nther Murphy iiml I'ltrgernld Sustnlncd on Uvcry 3!ntcrlnl l'ulnt. Dl'umiUE, la., Dee. 8. Tho final decis ion in tho caso of Illshop Donacuin and his priosts, Fathers' llurphy and Fit. gerald, was rendered-last night. Tho priosts aro sustained at every material point. Tho'caso attracted much'attcntlon in church circles and has been bdforo the public slneo April, 1805, wh'cul Ulbhop Donacuin, of the -Nebraska Gathollc dio cese, attempted to discipline Fathers Fitz gerald and Murphy for alleged infraction of rulos. They deniod his authority to expel thorn from tho prlosthood nnd tip poalod to Homo. The caso was remanded back to thomot ropolitan court horo, nnd after' sovcrnl postponements camo up a few month ugo, wlietf testimony was hoard. This WnH ro forred to Father P. A. Danrt; of Marshall, Mich. Ho oxamtned tho testimony on both 6ldes, as well as.tho church nuthorltlos, and then presented his findings to the cjcloslastlcal court last night, sustaining tho priests and against tho course pursued by Illshop Douacum. The findings were approved by tho court. This decision Is final, and ends a caso that has beon fought through all tho church courts and six times In tho civil courts, tho decision nf tho latter having always boon ngain.st tho uisnop. Tho decision restores Fathers Fitzgorald and Murphy to prlosthood, gives them the parishes! held before their oxpulslon by Donacuin, and prohibits tho bishop from causing thom further trouble on account of their relationship to both parties. Mine oniclHl" Arrested. SllAMOKIN', Pa., Dec. 3 Superintendent Harry Vincent, of tho Patterson Coal com pany, was arrested yosterday on n chargo mndo by Deputy Factory Inspector 3. K. Hoblnson that tho corporation ho repre sents had neglooted to pay Its oinployes regularly during the past six months. Tho mlno operators havo succeeded in ending the strlko of tho minors by threatening to shut down tho mine in caso -tho men per sisted in remaining out Tho men feared that tho onerators would execute tho i threat, and as n consequonco throw 1,000 men and boys out of work. l'enniiylvnitlu's Geological Survey. IlAlililsimuo, Dec 2 Tho state geolog ical survey commission, which was organ ized twenty-two years ago, completed its work yesterday, handed Us llnal report to Governor Hastings, and dlsbaudod. Tho valuable specimens gathered by tho com mission havo been deposited with tho Academy of Natural Sciences, in Phila delphla. Tho stato appropriated JdlU.uOO for tho work of tho commission, besldos spending a largo amount of nioiioy for the JSrJ reports nnd atlases. lllir Mine Tlru JUnt-milieti. WILKHSHAUIIR, Pa., Dee. i.'. Tho big flro in thotfouth Wllkesbarro shaft of tho Lohlgh and Wilke liarro Coal company was finally extinguished yesterday after noon. It was started four weeks ago as the result of un explosion, and was fought inch by Inch with the greatest diUieuUy. At Uroen's Ithilto Caff. Oysters on toast will lie served as free lunch to-night Plenty for everybody. Hot lunch to-niorrow morning. .Meals served at all hours. Awaiting a Iteply. Manager Faliey, of tho Shenandoah foot hall team, is awaiting a reply to tho sweep ing challenge ho issued a few days ago. Ilo Is confident that his players aro tliu cham pions of tho coal region and to provo it is willing to meet any team, on any mutual field, for $100 a side and tho cntiro gato 're ceipts. The teams of Ashland, Shaniokin and Hazlcton have been nursing tho thought that tho championship bclougs to them, respectively, but they must relinquish the claim until they take up manager Faliey's challenge. He will wait a few days more. Our fashionable Fedora hats, black and brjwn, at $1.00 is a bargain. At MAX LKVIT'S, 15 East Ccntfo street. To Appeur at Sunbury. Constablo Willlahi Ewing, ofMt. Currnel. was in town yesterday serving subpocnaos on wltnessos to appear at the Stiubury court in tho caso of Wal. Noll and Anion Helser, both of town, who are charged by a Mt. Cannel man with selling him a stolen watch. Noll and Heiser have been in the Suubury jail for several weeKs, awaiting trial on tho charge. lliowatcli was stolen from Hehers sister. Mr3, ThTilI1,khofJ LZi'""' At Kepclilntikr Arcade Cafe. Puree of pea to-night. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. Milldoou'ii Hotel, Iteceivcd this morning, a largo shipment of liasa ale, uiuuncss' brown stout, imported wines nnd liquors and the celebrated l'schor beor, which will bo always on tap. To Attend un Opening. The (irunt Hand will attend the opening of me v musor Hotel at JIahauoy City on Friday night. mm mm POWDER Absolutely Pure. fltijui of tartar baking powder, Illgliext of C, Jinlngstrcnjtli.-liteat United Htataa nncnt I'oml Iteport. XAi. IUkiso I'owDKn Co., New Yort. I'iM'nfiiiK! Gchrkc's Itecovery Is Still a iMatler of Doubt. A CLAIM OF SELF DEFENSE MADE. It Is Alleged That Thomas Welsh Fired the Shot After Himself and Two Brothers Had Beon Set Upon by a Crowd. , More Arrests Made. .John Oehrke, the fanner who was shot at Applepate's hotel in llingtown on Monday night by James Welsh, is still in a critical condition and confined to tho hotel. Dr. Iteutschlcr, tho physician in attendance, says the bullet has not been found. If it should not be found tho man will die. In the event of its extraction the chances for recovery will be good. Uehrke's homo is only about a niilo from tho hotel, but the doctor will not permit his removal there. From the developments made beforo Jus tice Staufl'cr at lilngtown it now appears that Welsh did shoot Oehrke cither while defend ing his younger brother or in self defense. It appears that Jerry Hawk, John Uchrke, Samuel Eisenhower, Thomas and James Welsh aud a younger brother encased in a gamo of cards In the bar room of tho hotel un Mondaj- night. Tho proprietor of tho hotel and M. Stauller wero spectators. lteforo tho game started It vraa agreed that tho first player caught clienting would bo obliged to set up tho drinks for the crowd, as a penalty. Hawk, it is alleged, was caught violating tho confidence of the other players and ho paid the penalty. After all hands had their drinks tho game again proceeded. Tho party was in a jolly mood over tho clever manner in which Hawk had been forced to set 'cm up. Suddenly some one of the party charged Ciehrko with cheating, in that ho was playlug with six, instead of flvo cards. Gchrko promptly denied tho charge, saying that it was a mis take. Tho younger of the Welsh brothers called him a liar. Gehrko s temper im mediately jumped to a high pitch and ho sprang at tho young man to resent tho insult. This was like applying a torch to a heap of powder. All the men jumped to their feet and u general fight followed, Applegato and Stauller also taking a hand lu it. It also appears that the party became divided in sympathy, the Welsh brothers being on ono sldo against tho others and were badly kicked nnd beaten. The younger Welsh charges that during tho fight Uherko drew a knife and it was then that Thomas Welsh dicw his revolver and fired tho shot. After tho affray tho Welsh brothers hur ried to their farm. Each of them have Imdly cut and biuised faces as evidences of tho fight. Sentiment in I'ingtown Is against them, however, and the iiiurmuriiigs about the place were so bitter yesterday that it was not considered advisable fur any of them to Msii Lie village, nut when NeMi was taki n to Justice Staull'er's olllco and entered $a,0ou for his appearance at court no attempt was made to molest mm. Tho sentiment has changed somewhat, however, since later developments show that tho shooting was not committed in cold blood aud without provocation, as at first reported. Yesterday afternoon the younger Welsh appeared before Justico McCoruiick and swore but warrants for tho arrest of Oehrke, Hawk, Stauller, Applegato and Eisenhower, charging them witli assault and battery. All but Oehrke wero arrested and cnteied bail for trial at court. Should Oehrke re cover, lie will also bo put under ball for trial Mlthlnon's Hotel, The only place in town haviug everything In, the liquor lino required for domostic and medicinal purposes. It Two l'uku Collectors. Tenants of landowners aro warned against fake rent collectors. W. G. Gregory, agent and engineer for tho Gilbert Estate, has learned that a few days ago two men, one quite young and the other middle-aged, called upon a West Lloyd street tenant of the Estate and demanded payment of rout, stating that they had been sent by Mr. Gregory to make collection. As"thecall was mado earlier than usual the tenant s suspic ious woro aroused and no payinontwas mado, Mr. Gregory learned of the affair when ho went to make tho collection. Ho duos not deputize others to collect rents. Carpets nt frnllig rleun Tho very latest stylos, best qualities' and most beautiful designs. Eags and Ingrains at remarkably low prices. e do the largest business in town. At 1'. J. MoxAfili vn's, 30 South Main street. 11-30-lw New Ladles' Society. The Ladies' Industilal Circle held its first meeting last 'evening at tho homo of Miss Mazio I'ouuors, of west pherry street. Thoy elected the following oflicere : President, Miss Minnie Harnett ; Secretary, Miss 11. l'lynn ; Treasurer, Miss Mnmo Monaghan. I hey havo sixteen members aud will hold meetings once a week. Our leather covered working gloves can't be boat at 25 cents. At MAX LP.VIT'S. Cli In at Lust Creelc. Last night a poitlou of the workings of Packer No. 4 colliery at Lost Creek caved in. leaving a breach about 00 feet deep at a point near the east end of the colliery' loaded trip track. Tho cave-in loft five sills and the west bound track of the Lehigh Valley rail road'suspeuded in the air and nil tralllc on tho Hue to-day was mado over the east bound track. The breach will probably be filled and both tracks put lu operation by to morrow inorulug. Kemlrick Huuso l'reo I.uucli. Oyster soup to-night. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. Held for Wife Heating. Louis Dangard, a Lost Creek resident, was arrested yesterday and taken to jail, charged with wife beatiug. New stock of Mandolins just received at llrinnm'a jewelry store. .r -.. -or .i lAion Pow"a7,uo" wooV: What? )' . .i ..Voids. GruhlcrT LAMP NEWS. We have, just received another lot of those lamps; the kind that sold so quickty two weeks ago. Another lot of banquet lamps, with globes or silk shades, Banquet Lamps in Brass with Silk Shades, $2.98. Better ones $3.00 and all Prices , up to $10.00. gTrvin's 4 and 8 S'. Main St. as Called Hack. Maine Headier, a 10-year-old miss, of Wi st Ccntie street, lias been a worker in the ln at Post of the Volunteers of America for sun,, time and recently became desirous of entil ing training quarters to begin field work Her father objected and to Induce the girl to abide by the paternal wishes tho Lieutenant of tho Post withheld hiscou'ent to tho ad vance It is a rule of the Volunteers that i tho o il'icer iu command of tho home Post withholds his sanction an applicant eaunnt enter tho training quarters. The girl did not know this and on Monday went to Wilkes lurro to apply for admission to the quarters there. A telegram was sent to tho police of that city and tho girl was arrested while par ticipating iu au open air meeting, ller father went to Wllkesbarro yesterday and returned with the girl last night. Itreiuiati'K New Jtestaill'tint. Wo will serve free hut lunch to all patrons to-night and to-morrow morning. Onieers liislnlled. Last evening Thomas Thompson, of Sha niokin, D. D. XV. O. P, of tho Sons of Ft. George, installed the olliccrs of Shenandoah Lodge No. 00, iu liefowich's hall, as follows : XV. P., Thomas Fell ; XV. X. P., Isaac .Myers XV. S., E. D. liccldall; W. A. S., George Knott; XV. T German Gregory j XV. M, Kalph Sharrocks; XV. A. M., liunj. llroxton . Trustees, Thomas Timmtns, Eobort J. llerry and George Knott. Lost. ' A bunch of keys, between theatro build ing, Lehigh Valley depot and P. Jk 1!. freight station. Finder will ploasc return to tln otlke. 12-2-1 1 l'uld His Tine. l'ollccmcn Tosh and Leo last night arrested Joe Huchlliskus for nuisance and drunken ness. He spent the night in the lockup aud this morning paid a fine to Chief IJurgess Hums. Hlekert'it Cafe. Our free lunch to-morrow morning will consist of ltotton Baked Beans and pork. Typhoid l'eier. Two children belonging to Mr. aud Mrs. Edward Amour, who recently removed to Glrardvllle, aro suffering from typhoid fever. Their sickness is reported us not being of a 6orlous nature. . TO CUltU A COLD IN ONT. DAY Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It fails to cure. 25 cents. DON'T DO A THINGS Until you have seen our handsome line of holiday offerings which are now being placed on sale. Noth ing we ever had compares with this season'sV goods. Come and inspect theV jjrand assortment. 'k Games, Dolls, Drums, Wnirons, Horsel) Single laiuterns, Strain laigitiesiiml Hunts, MeoYantenl Toys, Ten Set, Kitchen Sets, Hanks, ZTWvh, Hlouks, Trumpets, llaby Unities, Iron Trni lit, Kulkys, Pire Knifine, liuok nuil Lmtder Truck Had Irons, Milk Viiuiiis, Ae. Celluloid uovcltit s In DresslliK eases, Work and Manicure Hoki Albums, A-c. Ivvery article filled through and through with attraction, merit and worth. Those who come early will reap the best and that with link money. Our goods are on display. Look at them, examine them, pric them. It will cost you notlntij. We cordially invite you to conn-. F.J. Portz 8c Son. SHENANDOAH, PA, A CHOICE ARTICLE -OUR BEEF WINE 2 IRON At 50c Per Bottle. O IM LY AT oml and KIRLIN' 'ity and ts, 8 90 a in., too nCl inS S-T7 "a.m. , , W" otm 6 South Malrt , carpets, yrh is woek. JL. a valuable ''.aWSvally free of de hs made at the servkcJ a balance of till. JO to bo At