The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 30, 1896, Image 2

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    Miww "V"",1,1 ' "Y, rP'l'-llJJ,'BWWW.lfH
i:vrAiii.isnr.i iH7o.
I'ubllshrtl every Kvenlnir,
Bourn Jardix Street, Near Centre.
The Herald Is tlr-llveitil Ihyiienandoan and tho
iirruuiiilliiK towns for sis cpnts a week, pay
able to the carriers, lly mull $1.00 a year, or 2.1
cent it month, paynble In ndvnnco. Advertise
ments charged aecordliiR to opcu-o arid position,
The liubllshcrs reeerve the rlirht to the
position ol advertisement whenever the put
ilcatlon of news demands It. Tito right Is
reserved to reject nny advertisement, whether
riald for nr not, that the publishers may deem
mprnper. Advertising rales made known
ution atmllcntlnn.
Bltered at tiie postofflce at Hhenandoah, I'a., as
iteuond class mall matter.
Evening Herald
MONDAY. NOVT.M1WU 80, 1800.
Ouo political contest is no soonor over tlinn
tlio politicians hczln a preliminary canvass
for tlio guccociliiiK ono. This is ilono, wo
suppose, upon tho theory that the early binl
oatclios tho worm. Hut in political warfare
this is not always tlio ease, and wo need no
better example to verify this statement than
tho last county conentlon, when candidates
who had inado their announcements months
previous to the assembling of tho convention
woro. easily defeated by thoso who mado
known their want only a few days previous
to tho assembling of the delegates. There is
an old sayiiiK, and :t true ono, that politics is
mighty uncertain.
Noxt fall tho pcoplo will olect n Judge,
Sheriir, District Attorney and l'oor Director.
That election i almost ono year oil', yet wo
notice that a number of our contemporaries,
especially tliosu below tho mountain, aio
already grooming their favorites for tho
otllco of Sherill'. We do not think the
successor to ShoriU" Scott will como from that
section, for the reason that both tho Judicial
and District Attorney nominees will very
likely hail from that neck of tho woods. If
this should prove to bo tho taso the other two
olllccs Sheriir and l'oor Director will bo
chosen from anionig tho Iicpubllciuis north of
tho Ilrond Mountain.
This apportionment will naturally exclude
Hon. Clay V. Kvans, of St. Clair, whose
candidacy for the Slnievalty nomination has
lieeu favorably considered by several of our
contemporaries. This statement is made,
however, with a full knowledge that 1)0 per
cent, of the losidoiits of ,SL Clair including
men, women and children aro born politi
cians, and whatever they want tboy generally
not, so far as "plums" aio concerned.
The1 name of Hon. Harrison Hall, of Maha
noy City, bus also been mentioned in this con
nection. While Mr. iiall has been prominent
in Schuylkill politics, and Is at present the
Presidential elector from this district, nuuro
tiot ill a position to say that ho is a candidate
far Sherill'. We do not know that be will
allow his name to bo used in this connection,
hut if lie should consent to enter tho race ho
would make a formidable candidate. Ills
hilslneM ijualifications and personal poj u
larity, were bo to be the I'epublicau nominee,
would insure his election beyond the shadow
of doubt.
It' the Shrievalty nomination comes to this
section, we know of no candidate who would
meet with wore hearty ttippoit in .Slicnun
do ill than Mr. Iiall.
Till! residents of Mnlrtnny City this muni
lu2 petitioned court lo have the waidsof that
thorough icilistriclcd. This move is necessita
ted hceuui of the increased vote in at leant
tho l'lrst and Fifth wanis. It ischiimed that
tho act of 1678 dues not permit of the divid
ing of wards into election pieclncU, and the
redisricting of tin. homugh isthoicibie asked
Tor, which will not increase the number of
members of the mutiiiipal bodies. Shenan
doah is inconvenienced Irani the same cause,
At least three of the present wards, the first,
Third and I'lftb, ale ton Urge ns at present
constituted for the proper handling of tin;,
vote, and a move similar to that taken by
the voters of our neighboring town would he
i.t order.
tun meeting of tlio I'liited Mine Workers
in l'ottsville last week dealt a serious blow
to the United States Seuutoiial aspirations of
Hon, John Wauamakcr, in tbu passage of
resolutions struuly condemning tbu Phila
delphia nicrclunt prince for violation of tho
contract labor law. Tho United Mine
Workers is a non-political organization, and
hcnco.thcir action is looked upon us emiiiat
iugfroniu body of men having no iutciest
in (ho contest now being waged other than
that of (.ccuring the greatest good to the
greatest number. Tho lesolutious, which
have appeared in our news columns, cite tlio
favt that Mr. Wunaniaker was publicly tried
and convicted and sentenced to pay a tine of
f 1,000 ill the 1'edeml uouitsof Philadelphia,
on the charge of Importing contract labor, lo
the detriment ol the Aliicriemi workingmau
Cue of the cardinal principles of all labor j
organization. and tho United Mine Workers
A v if. ii,,.t rut, ii ti... ,.w,t....ti.n
..Vi, ,.,nb..r tVom iiiniietii ion with the I
"v i
cheap labor of foreign countries, and that
being the case the action referred to vvus a
proper ono. The United Jllnu Workers
were justified in calling the attention of the
members of tho I.egixkiture to Sir. Waua
iniktir's reeoid on the subject and asking
that thoy withhold their support of him fur
t lat reason.
Tin: noir appiouch of Christmas less than
a month ahead of us Is uvidencod by the
rrowded condition of the Hkiuld'h adver
tising columns" Tliowi whoso-provlnce it is to
provide ClirHtuus presents havo not bieu
unmindful of the fact that the holiday
season Is so near. Tbo stoles whoro uch
things aro u-ually supplied arc llllpd to rc-
pletluu with wares suitable fur gills and aio
alretnly largely patronized by thoi.o who uie
wisely niakiiig their purchases in advance of
tho crushing season later on. We are pet
feeling arrangements to uccominoduto the
enterprising merchant and ut the same time
give our roadcra a full quota of news matter,
which w ill he consummated ut the cud of the
present week.
Wauroa nation of gormandlzom, says the
I'hfkjdjlphia Star, as far as public gathering
artf coticerijed. It i a rare thing to hoar of a
t mvey t ' .i
lJll:ll" )"'
uirerenre of any religious,
o ,'! or educational body that
not tharactoii7cd by h feed more or less
lahorato. If a dozen men or women gi t to
gether once a week they must have some
thing to cat during the assembly.
Sonic of tlieso feiualo gatherings liavo
wisely dispensed with elaborate and costly
set-outs, contenting themselves with pretzels,
crackers, Schweitzer checso and other deli
cacies, among which elder and beer some
times figure conspicuously. As those gather
ings usually take place in tho afternoon, tho
partaking of tlio comestibles would of courso
tuko place between meals, and tho effect Is
not dlfllcult to describe.
This almost universal feeding upon what
aro confessedly disturbers of digestion' has
como to ho not only an unhealthful practice,
but where it is carried to tho refinement of
success, as It usually is whero fashlotiahlo
hotels or restaurants are solected us tho place
where they aio provided, they become most
expensive indulgcnclcs, while in a variety of
oases the menu Is more for show than prac
tical purposes.
However, it is useless, to protost or criti
cise It is tlio fashion of tho day, and on tho
acknowledged increase. Health and economy
arc alike at variance with it.
Tlio length of llfo may ho increased by loss
cnlng its dangers. The majority of pooplo
die from lung troubles. Tlieso may bo avort
ed by promptly using Ono Minute Cough
Cure. C. II. Hagenliuch.
"Miss l'lilladelpliln."
A wealth of scenic embellishments, a hun
dred or more people, a cast of much ex
cellence, and a wardrobe of regal splendor
are features that have jnado "Miss Philadel
phia" ono of the rolgnjug successes of tho :
present day productions. This lively travesty
will como to Shenandoah on Wednesday ,,De
ccmbor 2, when it will bo seen at Ferguson's
theatre, with thosamo scenic accessories and
supboib company that so delighted l'hiladcl
phians for u hundred nights last season.
Among the features of this production that
seem to have met with popular approval, is
the Ladles Symphony Orchestra, who will on
this occasion render the orchestral score.
Like nil productions of this character, "Miss
Philadelphia" is largely mado up of song,
dance, and hilarious fun, somewhat incon
sistent perhaps, hut nevertheless entertain
ing. Yet It does not disdain a slight plot.
It tells a very pretty little story, and seuti
tlmcut and comedy aio pleasingly blended.
Tho east, with Willie Collier at its head, is a
very creditable ono. Collier, as most theatre
goers know, is a vory clever . comedian, who
in suhhiiis gone by has delighted lnany
audlences In various characters. Tho scenery
displayed is said to bo very realistic, showing
various points of interest in and about the
Quaker city, notably Chestnut St , the
vicinity of the post ulllce on New Yonr's
ovo in tho midst of a shooter's carnival,
where several eleetiical effects of a very
beautiful nature aro introduced.
Do Vim Know of Any One?
Do jou know or any one In your neighbor
hood who lias'diplitbeiia, croup, quinsy, sore1
throat, or Is in any way troubled with throat
allections? If so by all menus advise them I
to use Thompson's Diphtheria Cure. Your
friends will thank you all through llfo if
they tiso this medicine according to instruc
tions and learn that it positively cures all
dNeafes it claims, and especially diphtheria,
which is tho most dicaded of all diseases.
Sold at Klrlin's drug ttore at 00 cents a
Tlio Popular Vote,
The most complete statement of tho vole
cast at tbo recent Presidential election, with
tho returns from California, North Carolina,
Utah and West Virginia as not being official,
gives McKinlcy 272 electoral votes, with
llryan 173 ; McKlnley's majority, 07. Tho
Republican candidate receives a popular vote
ot 7,005,110; llryan and Sewall, 0,339,003;
lliyan and Watson, 110,50$; Palmer and
Iluckiicr, 1111,101 ; 1'ruhihition, 125.537; scat
Ilhih'. 13 3'r).
Hmvnre your Kldiiojp? Put, led
blood n. can nny urcoks, 'health and happi
ness. 'I'o keep tlio blood pine, m o that your
kiilm ys ate kept in a healthy, active condi
tion by using Dr. Hnbbs' Sparagus Kidney
Pills. Sold at Kiilin' drug store.
'Dm II :r-Sciildy Hill Mill.
A four-round contest between John Holier,
of Summit Hill, and "Scitldy Hill" Quinn,
bo colored middlo-wcight, was tho wind-up
at last Saturday night's exhibition of tho
Art Athletic Club, of Philadelphia. It was
a go for keeps and although the men were
tamest mid aggicssive all tho way through
tho contest was ns clean a mio as has ever
been seen in that city. Tbo men got to bus
iness at once, and it was a continual punch
for the wholo four rounds. Iioner got tho
best of tho first round, whllo tho "coon"
mixed matters up in tho second and third,
iioner had a shade tho best of tho last
round, gottlug In two or threu good punches.
No decision was given.
The old lady was light when sho said, tho
chtlil might die It they waited lor the doctor.
Sho saved the little one's life with a few
doses -of One Minuto Cutigh Cure, She had
used it for croup before. (J. II. Hagenbuch.
riin) Iwuila ltullrmttt to Issue Clerical
Oi tiers.
The Pennsylvania Ualroad Company an
nounces that for 1&07 it will issue clerical
orders to regularly ordained clergymen in
chaige of churches located on or near its
lines eust of I'ltUburg and l'.iie. To secure
these orders clergymen should make appli-
canon in uiu nearest ticaev agent us soon as
possible, as it isdosiicd that all applications
.....i,.!, t I , .. lannnral Oil n IWnm ,n. 1
........ ... wv..v.. wi...v ..j vn.,M..m .
"Thoro aro fads in
medicine as well as In
other things," said n busy
druggist, "but tho most
remarkable thing about Hood's Barsa
parllla Is that customers who try other
remedies all como back to Hood's, and
this is why the enormous salos of this
great medicine tX?KZ3 ' keep up and
continue the fij f? Wholq yoar
round, oteady
,dy U
as a 'clock.
Wliv is It 1" i'O. slmnly becauso
Hood s Karsaparllla lias moro'reat cura-
" ' ... . ' 7 .
tivo merit than nuy medloluo i Oversold,"
Thin fa af dollv occurrence In nlmost
every dreg store. Hood's tjarsaparllla
l.oa ,,re,l rnnrn sickness, and' mnde moro
happiness through restoration to health
tkij anv other medicine
Od S
Is the standard - the One Trnoj Blood Vurincr.
011 IUj I""3 w la&a
S3 I Sll7 Willi 41 uuj-soiirsuMttrilul.
THey Ml
llHppeulligs Throughout the Itegloll Chron
icled fur 1 lusty Perusal,
Ail ell'oit is being mado to establish n
hospital at Tamaqua.
Tho Preston 11111, Ilutlor township, school
house Is advertised for sale.
ItissaidthoUlbson-MoIIalo fight will ho
pushed ofT somo time noxt month at Glrard
villo. Tho Farmers' Institute will ho held In
Arcadian hall, Orwlgsburg, on Saturday, De
cember 10th.
P. J. 1'ecley, of town, has accepted tho
position of bar tender at tho Windsor hotel,
Mwhanoy City.
Dennis Manley, an aged and much re
spected resident of Ilomcsvillo, is seriously
ill at his home,
Tlio Ashland building and loan associations
have Invested $20,000 in Mt, Cannol during
the past summor.
Nearly 100 prlosts took part In tho fuuoral
ceremonies over tho remains of Father John
A. Drlscoll, at 1'eadlng.
Tho man who kicks tho hardest on the
policy of his local paper is generally the
farthest behind in his subscription.
P. J. Cleary, of town, has bocri awarded
tho contract for oxcavatlng for tho founda
tion of tho new garhage plant at Uazlotom
Tlio Grant band will give a freo concort at
J. J. Fceley'a new hotel, the Windsor, at
Mahanoy" City, this ovenlug, If tbo weather
is favorablo.
P. J. Kolly, of Uazleton, arrived in
Olrardvillo Saturday whoro ho will havo
chargo of the business college to ho opened
by Prof. Wood.
Cards are out announcing tho inarrmgo of
Edward Miller, of Malzovillo, to Miss
Deborah Pearson, of Gllherton, totako placo
hear Christmas.
No ono In Shenandoah will need to go out-
sldo of town to purchaso their Christmas
presents. Our merchants will have every
thing man or woman wants.
Tho Ollio Torbett Concert Company will
glvo ono of their famous vocal and instru
mental concerts to-night in Park theatre,
Frackville, under thoauspices of tho M. K.
This evening tho trustees of tho P. Mi
church, of Oinirdvillo, with a lar(,o number
of invited guests, eclchrato tho liquidation
of their church debt. A public meeting will
bo held in the church when an interesting
program will ho rendered. '
lllshop Nelson S. Itullson, 1). D of South
Iletlilehcin, will preach in tho Church of
Faith, Mahanoy City, on Wednesday evening'
December 10th. Upon the occasion of Ids
visit ho will administer tho rlto of Confirma
tion on a number of candidates.
"Kxcuso me," observed tho man in spec
tacles, "but 1 am a surgeon, and that is not
where tbo liver is.1' "Never you mind
where his liver Is," retorted the other. "If It
was in his big too or hi left ear DoWitt's
Little Karly lliscrs would reach it aiid shake
it for him. On that you can bet your'gig
lamps." C. II. Hagenbuch. '
Deeds Itecoriled.
From Hncco Mostroglomo to Antonio Cas-
tauzo, lot in Kline township.
I rom Andrew Itobcrtson to Goorgo M.
.Shoemaker, lot In Pottsvillo.
to ouitu a cor.i) in oni: hay
Take Laxativo llromo Qiiiulno Tablets. All
druggists refund tlio money if it fails to euro.
5 cents.
Operations To-day Suspended Indefinitely
at Two Collieries.
Mahanoy City, Nov. 30. Oiders were re
ceived this morning to permanently abandon
the breaker and much of the workings at
nimvvood colliery to-night. About 400 men
and boys will bo thrown out of employment
until the spring. Tbo company will begin
the election of a mammoth breaker to
tako the placo of tho old one and
the breaker now in operatlou at Tunuol
llidgc. The latter breaker will lo kept In
operation until Spring. Tho new breaker
will tako the placo of both, will bo erected
near Tunnel lfidge and have a capacity at
least equal to tho Maple Hill. It will em
ploy about 1,000 hands, or more than tho
combined number now employed at both
Springdale colliery No. 1 will bo shut
down indefinitely to-night'nnd work on tho
now slope to the east end workings will bo
pushed as fast as possible. -When ithis slopo
is finished nil tha coal will bo taken along
the hill side to Springdale No. 2. About 100
hands aro thrown idlo by tho suspension.
l!ev. AM. Woods, pastor of the Presbyter
ian church, and ouo of the oldest clergymen
in continuous service in any onu church in
the county is on the sick list.
The literary society of the Father Matthew j
Pioneer Corps paid a fraternal visit to tlio
Mahanoy Piano literary society yesterday.
The otlice of tho Boston Itun colliery was I
robbed last night.but nothing of valuo taken. I
A band of robbers aroloitcringin tho vicinity,
M. 1)., Curtis, "Sam'l of Posen," who ap
peared it Killer's on Thanksgiving Day, had
Ids manager and ad vanco agent arrested at
McAdoo to-day on a charge of embezzlement.
He charged that they appropriated $25 of
receipts to their own use. Tho company
closed at Hazleton last week.
Itdllel la Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
rcllovod in six hours by tho "Now Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy isla great surprise on account of its
execedintr promptness in relieving pain, in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
i It relieves retcution of water and liain in
ot me urinary passages in male or icrnaie,
passiuu; ll uiuiusi iiuiueiuuieiy, 11 you vvniib
- l I i . , T
ouick relief and cure tins is your remr.ay,
Sold by Shapiro's pharmacy, 107 South Slain
street. i
l'lk tiires of tho Authentic Historic Places
f , In Palestine.
SIcC'luro's Slagazinu will begin publication
1 in tbo December number of a sories of views
of the authentic historic places and luonu
incuts in Palestine. It is only by vory re
cent exploration and study that many of tbo
uiuro significant of tlieso places and innriu
incuts have been certainly identified, and not
a few of them havo uover been pictured
until now. Last spring tho editor of
McC.'luro's organized a considerable exped!
lion, and, accompanied by a photographer
sncclally skilled and experienced in such
i work, mado a tour of nearly tho whole or
..... i ... ....... t..r...ii
j raicsuuc, aim iook pnuiugntpm oi wnauner
,n importance wo lausiauu niosvauwionw
, tivo investigations havo definitely connected
wit moiicai incident unu history, opeciai
1 attention was given to the great anclonthigh-
, way leading from Damascus to Jerusalem
tl() 011 down through llctlilchcm to Hebrou j
and many views were obtained of localities
and objects of tho first interest that will bo
entirely now to tho public They have been
reproduced with great care, aud will mako
one of tho most attractive features of
McCluro's through the coming mouths.
To euro all old Soros, to hcol "an Indolent
ulcer, or to speedily cure piles, you 'noed
(.imply apply DoWitt's Witch 'Hazel -AiUo
according to directions. Its maglc-llkd ac
tion will surpriso you. C. II. Hagenbhch.
Another Hint at Ciirnmm Suppressed hf
the Genunrmes. i
OAItMAtiX, Nov. 80. M. Jntiros, tho Had-latl-Soclnllst
ilonttty for Carman x. unci
other Socialist momlicrs of tho ohamber
ntlomptcd to addross a mass mcotlntr. at
Carmatix yostordny, but tho wholo party
was received with mingled hlssot nnd
cheers, and were imltod with 111th. SI.
Jnitros was tho champion of tho gins!
workors In their groat strlko last year,
but holms fallon out of savor with his
Cnrmaux constituents for thonartho took
In tho opening of tho co-operntivo glasi
inciory ac Aim, winch tlio (Jarmauz work
men vlow ns a rival.
Troops oscortad tho party of doputlos
from tho station to tho Socialist club. As
tho tlmo for tho mooting nrrlvod a froo
light occurred outsldo tho hall, and
mounted gondarmos had to cloar tho ap
proaches sovoral porsons woro arrested)
Including the Socialist ex-mnyor, M. Onl
vlnhac, whoso faco was covored with
Tho uproar conttnuod to so nroat an ex
tent insldo tho hall that M. Janros was
unnblo to soouro a hearing and he'onltted
tho platform. SI. Polletan, tho deputy for
aix, succoodoil in putting to u voto a dec
laration that tho coinmlttoo was elected,
but shouts prevented further buslnoss.
Thero was a wild tumult in tho halt and
tho opposing factlbns camo to blows.
Thereupon tho commissary Ot poileo' dis
solved tho meeting nud tho gondarmos
cleared tho promises, mauntod won out
sldo keeping- tho oxlt clear, tho doputlos
potting a vory mixed reception us thoy
camo out.
1 1 ' 1 1 s.
Sore Throat Quickly Cured,
Not long ago in speaking of sore throat,
and tho difficulty frequently experienced in
curing it, Mr. J. H. Thomas, of ITiilondole,
Pa., told how ho had often cured It In his
family. Wo glvo it in his own words : "I
havo frequently used Chamberlain's Pain
Halm in my family for sore throat nnd It
has effected a speedy cure in ovcry instance.
I would not think, of getting -along In my
home without it." Pain Halm also cures
rheumatism, sprains and bruises. For sale
at 2.1 and 50 cents per bottle by Gruhlerllros.,
President McKluley's Se'erctnry.
Oakto.n O., Nov. 30. Charles Catcs
Dawos, of ftrnnstmi, Ills., who Is a mom
bor of tho llepiiblleuu national oxocutlvo
coinmlttoo, is slatud for President-elect
Mclvlnley's prlvato secretary. JatUcs
Hdylo, Joseph P. Smith and Perry S.
Heath havo nlsn boon mentioned, for tho
placo, bnt they aro all said to bo slated for
other positions. Mr. Dawes Is a former
Clncimmti.iii, and Is a son of ox-Con-grossumu
H. It. Davvos, of Marietta, O.
llucltlen's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers', salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and'positivcly cures piles,
oi Jo pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunddd. Price
25 cents per box. For salo by A. Wasley.
.Ilfljor AIcKinley's Sunday.
CANTON, O., Nov ). Major MoKlnley
went lo church yestonlay, lint nut to his
u.iual house of worship. Distend ho at
tended tho sorvleOs in Trinity Lutheran
church, commoted by Itov. 1). si. KnusUn,
tho former pastor nnd a close f rlond,. who
is now a member of tho fafculty of Yv'lt-
tenburg collage, tit Sprlnsrfleld, O. Ho was
accompanied by his nephew, Georgo
Slorso, of riim Francisco, nnd Judjjo
Georgo Tj Ilald ,vin. 1 Tha major and Mrs.
SloKinley wero guests at dinner at tho
homo of Mother SloKinley, with other
members of tho family;
UheuuiatUm Cured in a -Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon tho system is remarkablo and
mysterious. It removes at once tho causo
nnd tho disease immediately disappears. Tho
first doso greatly lieneSts; 75 cents. Sold by
C. II. Hagenbuch, Druggist, Shenandoah.
baiulok's Funeral.
Tho funeral of Aloxander Savulak who
was killed on tho P. it It. railroad at Locust
Summit on Friday, took placo from the
rcsldenco of his brother, Harry Savulak
on West Contro street, yesterday afternoon.
High' mass was read in tbo Greek Cathollo
church. Tho St. Paul and St. Peter Society,
of which tho deceased was it 'menibor.'and tho
newly organized Greek baud, attended tho
funeral in a body. Interment was made in
tlio Greek Catholic cemetery. Ho is survived
by his wife and ono child.
Charged With Imrceny.
John Hughes was arrested yesterday,
charged by Jamos Alusworth with picking
Aluswortn's pocKCis oi jj.ou in a saioon.
Hughes furnlshcd'?300 bail for trial.
! had sevore attacks of gravol and kidney
trouhlo; and unable to get a medicine or
doctor to euro mo until I used Hop Hitters,
and they, cured mo in a short time. -A
N. Y.
Coi.oiiLEfis AND Col.ii. A young girl
deeply regretted that sho was so colorless and
and cold. Hor faco was too white, and her
hands and 'feet felt as though tho blood did
not circulate. After ono bottlo of Hop
Hitters had been taken sho was the rosiest
and healthiest girl In tho town, with a
vivacity and cheerfulness of mind gratifying
to her friends.
I'etrolHinn lltscoVtred Nem ClHvelfiikil,
Cl.r.VKI.AN"l), Ntiv. B(l. Tlio farmers of
Slayfleld township, this county, aro ox
cited ovr the dlsoovory of notroleum on
their farms. Natural gus has abounded
in tho townshlji evor slnco its discovery
siveral years ago, hut no deop well has
hbon sunk. Tho farmors huvo decided to
form a stock company among thomsolvos
to go doop for oil.
Tlio Dlsrnvnry Saved Ills I.lfc.
Sir. O. Oiillouette, DruKgist, Ileaversvllle,
111., says: "To Ur. King's New Discovery 1
owe my lifu. Was taken with La Grippe and
tried all tho physicians, for miles about, hut
of no avail and was given up and told I could
not live. Having Dr. King's Now Discovery
in my storo I sent for a bottlo and began its
use nnd from tho ilrst dose hcean to cot hotter.
and uftonlsins three bottles was upandabout
ntniin. It Is worth its weight In gold. Wo
won't keep storo or houso without it." Get
a freo trial ut A. Waslov s Drug Storo.
When you want good rooting, plumbing
gas nttlng, or general tlnsmlthlng done call
on K. F. Gallagher 18 West Contro street
Dealer Ir. stc"es 1-tf
Absolutely pure, porfectly harmless, and
Invariably reliable aro tho qualities, of Ono
Sllnuto Cou(jh Cure. ' It never falls In colds,
croup and luhs troubles. ' Children Hkd It be
causo it is pleasaut to tako and it helps thctn.
C. II. i Hagenbuch. ' ""T'fl. .,
If 'you want a fine wedding cake, let Otto
mako it for you,
"Whllo temporarily lnsnno Goorgo Wil
bur shot ,nnd killed Kmury Flodgoly, his1
nephew, noar Hurlington, In.
Whllo gunning near Atlantn, Ga..
"Doo" Wnlkor, a bby, mortally wottt .id
Horbort Harris, his companion.
J. W. Hurnoy, of Stratum, Neb, was
shot nnd killed by his son, whoso life had
boon thrcatoncd by tho elder Hurnoy.
Whllo cleaning gloves with benzine, nt
Allontown, Pa., Sirs. SInry Ulllmfm, sev
eral feot away from n light, was badly
burned. i "i i
A dispatch fromeMclboitrno, Atistrnlla,
nnnouncos tho death of feadlo SIoDonuliL
tho clover soubrotto In Hoyt's "Trip to
Chinatown" company.
Sllncru Slalonoand Sholdou woro fatally
Injured yostorday by a powder oxploslou
in tho mines" of tho Hocking Valley Coal
company, ut Ncls-onvlllo, O.
Af tor n flhortngo of ' i 800 hnd been dis
covered in. ' his accounts, Postmaster
Yovvoll, of Sidney, Nob., dlsuppdnrod, and
his body was found In tho suburbs.
Soothing, arid nut irritating, strengthening,
and not weakening, small but cfiective
such aro tho qualities of DoWitt's Little
Karly Risers, the famous littlo pills. C. H
Oklahoma Town Cyclone Swept.
Pniitv, Nov. 30. Information' roachos
hercrtbata vory dostructlvooyclono struck
tho town of Itilstoli, on tho Arkansas
river, fifty miles northeast of hero, last
Thursday midnight, nud nearly wlpod
out tho town of about 200 houses. Nearly
every houso In town was blown down and
several pooplo woro Injured, but no names
can bu obtained, ltalstou is in tho Osago
Inrian nation and illty miles from a tele
graph, otllcc.
Cost f Untertiilnliig I'nynlty.
London. Nov. CO. Tho Dally Slall states
that tho fetos at Blenheim castle in honor
of thp visit of tho Prlnco nnd Princess of
Wnlos to tbo Diiko and Duchess of SInrl
borough cOf.t ?100,0O0.
For Children's Skin
Fcslp, nnd pair ncthjl'B i.i tho whole vrU 1J S3
cleansing, purlfvlirg.juad joiuitifylng u
purrst nn-1 sweete-t for t iPci.-vth, end r-mr-ry.
For dlrtreKflnst fuflul urnptl0"" Irrllntlous of
tho ncalp, cirri thin InM t.MHi hulr, red. loonh
hands, cliaflmrs, fiifllnAllon, niel luiplo bol y
rallies and Mernlshes U U wonderful.
Sot J throuelint Die w-M. Sftl erntfr th- IV c
Mnrd talrt rf nil rtner kln Map. I uTTtH Uutu ami
C'llHM. ('"HC. f"le rrr.. tlo-ton. V. A.
aj- M Uow to l'urlfy aud Ucautlly luby'i Skin," freo.
Every man's!
wife who has
can tell ) ou
about Soel-
knows a good
drink. Try iton
your husband.
irr's. This admct-
i ture improves cheap
' coilee and makes
vou a delicious drink
for little money.
I acegrocets.
l pack
L Cheapest, Because tho Dcst
Send for that little book. "Infant
Health:" ereat valuo to mothers. Sent
. free-
N. Y. uonaensea Milk Co.
J 71. Hndsou Street, w York
L1iIrh4ter',lnsUlliI UImoot llranii. v
(IrlclnaloudunlUenulne. . -BArC.
iJwtTi rellabltt. loik ik
Pnvctrt for Chitkestlrt rnatuK -a
.rxona jirmna in itea Rnn t"i onimo rxf
tboxvt, lenied vltb biaa ribbon. Take i7
'tot and imitation. AiirugglMfl,rMi)d4
la iUmtHl rtf .jiartioulikr, taUn)Dll r-V
"nur fur TMAtSinlettr. bf return
nillions of Dollars
Go up in smoke every year, Tako nt
risks but get your bouses, slock, ur
nlturo, etc., insurod in first-class re
liable companies as represented br
DAVID FAUST, 13a South Janlln St.
Also Life and Accidental Companies
- rn
.!&&sm;ks relief. for women,
Imitntlons. (Jet CATON'S, and save regrets. At
druKlsts, or sent seated, SI. Ourhookleticents.
Q B. rilll.LlPS, M. D.
Odlce : 80 West Centre street.
Can be consulted at all hours.
O nice Esau building, corner ol Main and
Centre streets, Bhenanduali.
' (
tihenalidoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre streets.
Lock nox 03, Maiianoy.Clty, V.
Having studied, under soino of lh best
masters iiv Iindon and Paris, will irlva lessons
on tue.vlollu, gultarand vocal culture. Terms
reasonable.'' Address In care ot Btrouse, Ihr
nweier, Duananuuau,
Sick Headache.
Neuralgia and Extreme Ncrvousncss
VER slnco I was olghtccn years old
until I learned of Dr. Miles' Kestora
tlve Bcmodlcs, I suffered from sick
hoadacho and oxtrcmo nervousness' ahd dys
pepsia. In tlmo heart dlsoaso developed- I
was treated by soveral doctors with no re
lief. Sovero palpitation with pain In left
breast, shortness of breath, and smothering;
spells made rno most miserable. I pro
cured Dr Miles' Restorative Nervine and'
New HoartCuro and took them alternately
as directed. Improvement began at oncei
and increased so rap-'
Idly that insldo of six
months I increased
thirty bIx pounds In
weight. All pain in
tho heart is gone, and
tho nervousness has
wholly left me,"
SIRS. Ciias. KNAPr,
W. German St., Little Falls, N. Y Nov. 7, '03.
Dr. Miles' Remedies aro sold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee, first bottlo
benefits or monoy refunded. Rook on Heart
and nerves sent free- to all applicants.
DR. S1ILES SIEDIOAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.V '
Speedy i
accord or
OT a shifjlc case ever re
ported wlicrc tli:s medi
cine did not cflect an ab
solute cure, whcliidirectious nrc
, followed in its use. What is the
use of having thousands of peo
ple die annually -when Thomp
son's Diphtheria Cute will pre
vent it? Costs but ;jo tents a
, Ixjttlc. Sold by Druggists every
where, and guaranteed. Cures
, not'ouly Diphtheria, but Croup,
Sore Throat, Quinsy, Etc.
Here's a luimnlo nf tho thousands of
4 unsolicited testimonials:
IMIefonle. ra., Aprlt 10, 1805.
Thompson Diphtheria Cure Co.
Gentlemen: Unlortunalely wo lost
two little. Klrls with that Uroiul disease,
rtlphtherta. Later on.two morHhecnmo
111 with throat .aflectlon which eutist
quently lurne.1 Into fllphtlierla. Wo
naturally Ucttmo erfnUy alarmed, A
nelghlior kindly advised us to use
Thompson's Diphtheria Cure which no
'In their throats had disappeared und
aid, aim in exactly imuuumvpnieBra
the little ones wore sonri imiy recovered
any merit-
Never In the nrenaratlon
rlne una thpro a ifrwiipr hnrttt to buman
!ty thua hy this nieijlclne. I Usttfh
every family J?i tills couptry totrytlil
remedy when members of thf-lr family
euirer from any throat or diphtheritic
trouble, ns It will ivosMvelv effect the
desired cure, Mrs I. K. rledler,
Eastnih Btrvtt.
P Nervines
jpp Restores ifl
For Sale at KIRLINS Drug: Store.
Pifsrir Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.,
West Coal Street.
' A genuine welcome waits yon at
Cor. Haiti and Coal Sts.
Unefll whiskeys, beer porter and ale
constHntlr on tap. Choice temperance, drlnki
ana cigar a.
A Handsome Complexion
la one of the greatest charms; a woman can
possess,, PoizoNi's fJOMruiiloN Powdub
gives IC
Wholesale and Retail
Qqubr Dealer,
i Tohacco, ic. Attent for Heading
lire.wJlJ Cq.',Beer,and I'orter.
and 113 S. Main St
daotUtftTkbltman'tbtr liUa9lvir, V-!lVM5
erd riuanfetul Co., i Dtftortf BiKt1i;ctic.iu
J ) TOW N.
. A- B. h
- . ' 27 WEST v.