WE s INVITE : YOU i li rt ut at our- 'HOLIDAY OPENING," NOV. 28, 1896. ' Nollm la It- titan look ink ' HOOKS & BROWN -a North rvialn St. OYERCOATS WILL BE SLAUGHTERED. Tlie people of Nhcnandonh may expect In tho nenr future the greatest similiter sale In ovorcuntt ever kiionn here. ImI week the Brent New York clothing firm of Lessors, llecrs & Co. failed for 3300,000 mid In response, to a telegram I., ltefowich, the clothier of town nud proprietor of tlio Ouo Price Cloth ing House at No. 10 South Jlaln street, went to Now York to nltcutl tho snlo of the firm's great stock by tlitlr assignee. It Is well known that stock at such sales is soM nt lees than the cost of manufacture, so that when Mr. ltefonich returns ho will ho ablo to oiler ovcrooats antl suits nt prices that will bring tho goods within the reach of tho 71001 est. 'Xho stock is entirely now and every garment well made, so that the bargains will bo rare ones. Mr. ltefowich will also dUposo of some of the stock at uholcsalo and dealers will be ublo to get an advantage of H5 per cent, by calling on him immediately after bis return. The purchase will also include u full lino of fincy gloves, smoking jackets and other gents' furnishing goods suitable for Christmas presents. ONK l'MCK CLOTIIIKU HnUBK, 10 South Main Street, 11-23-tf I.. ltDFowiuii, l'rop. It lilts the Spot That'll Itlglit. What ? l'an-Tlna for coughs and colds. (1 rubier Itros., drug store. At A llruwi Deed liillio Gallagher, n 3-year-old toddler, strayed on the Heading ltallroad tnuk ut Locust Gap just as engine No. 21 rami along Tho blowing of tlio locomotlvo whistle be wildered her and she stood in the path watch ing the rapidly approaching engine. 1 he- man V. II. itowbottoin crawled from the cab to tho pilot and succeeded in throwing tho little girl to tho side of the track us the cngiuo rushed past. How nro your Kidneys? llright's Disease is a terrililc malady. So insidious, so uecep tivo, to dangerous. Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Tills havo n wonderful curative effect in checking and curing this disease. They Jiavo no equal. Sold ut Junius drug store. A Siicfesstiil Operation. Somctimo ago William Lenny, of Ollborton, who is well known here, entered tho Miners' hospital to undergo an operation for nn old injury. The operation was very successful, and Mr. Leahy is now ut homo on n speedy road to recovery. Struck 11 I CI c 1 1 Vein of Coal. No. 7 vein was struck at Henry Clay shaft, Shamokln, and enough coal can be mined from it to keep tho colliery going !i0 years. Two more veins will bo cut into before tho basin is reached. "Excuse me," obscrvid the man in (pec taclcs, "hut I am a surgeon, and that is not where the liver is." "Never you mind where his liver is," retorted the other. "If it was in his big too or his left ear DeWitt's Little Early Jtiscrs would reach it and shake it for him. On that you 11111 bet your glg lampB." C. H. llageiibuch. mnnmTimri X-MAS PRESENT. COUPON TO "HERALD" READERS. The bolder of 30 coupons of the HERALD is entitled to 11 ilrst-clasn life size, tree-hand crayon, worth $10.00, miido from any distinct photneraph, by paying 68 cents nt M. Hcckcr'n etudlo.aOb V. Centre street, hbenan ilouh, l'u. Send photograph In Immediately and havo coupons ready upon re ceipt of portrait. NO COUPON, NO PORTRAIT. illliiiiiuimiuiiuiliiiiiiiiiiMiioiiiiiiiiiynjui'JJ :-: WILKINSON'S. :-: Is without he hadn't outside ot THESE TWO HINTS OF DRESS GOODS and CLOAKS Are only n suggestion of what we huvc to sell. Kvcry department is so complete and prices nrc so inviting, you can't help buying the greatest bargains of the cason, now offered by Shenandoah's greatest store. L. J. WILKINSON'S, MAIN STREET. -:- LLOYD STREET. H WE IIAVIi THU MOST HAND- BOMB DESIGNS OK ...OL CLOTHS IN TOWN, E. B. FOLEY, 3T VEST CENTRE STREET. CH no ORANGE BLOSSOMS. 3lury .tames ami (.forge ltlrklcliacli Married ut (illlicrton, Miss Mary James, of Uilberton.ntid Ocorgc ttirklebach, of Win. I'enu, were married last evening nt the residence of the bride's parents in (illlicrton by Itev. Zwcir.lg, pastor of the Methodist Kplscopttl church. 1 lie bridesmaids were Misses Maggie James Htid Carrie ISirktebach and the groomsmen Messrs. Joseph Taggort and Waller Scboppt. 'i'he couple received many valuable presents. An elaborate supper was served and followed by festivities that continued until a Into hour. Among those present were itev. ZwcUIg and wife, Mr. nnd Mrs. T. 1). James, slid Miss Maggie James, of (lllbettoii ; Mr. nud Mrs. l'ellows, Mrs. J. Hlrklolmch, Walter Schoppc, Joseph 'J'nggcrt, Mr. nnd Mrs. Knoch Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Francis 1'iesler, Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew lllrklelmch, Mr. nnd Mm. Lngleman, Win. I'enu ; HarVcy (). Dirklcbacli, Mr. nnd Mrs. Stephen Will lams, Miss .Mary Mnley, Shenandoah; Mr. nud Mrs. Matthew Williams nnd Miss Mary Davis, Glmrdvlllo; Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Morgan, Gllbcrtou ; l.dgar and John Ctnuser, I'ottsville ; Morgan Jonos, Charlos II. Harris, Henry Drosier, Misses Tannic Jones, Millie l'arrlsh, William Jones and wife, Francis llirklcbach and wife, Mrs. Couch.Miss Jllnuio Thomas, Thomas Morgan, John, Addle and Walter llirklcbach, illiam, Mary nnd Carno Jamos, Clarnaud Ilorenco Drcslcr, Arthur, John, Grace and Thomas James, Mary, Lizzie nnd Thomas Williams, Arthur Follows nnd John nnd Carrie llirklcbach. William II. Storck nnd Miss Margaret A. Smith, both of Lansford, were married at that placo last evening by Itev. I). I. Evans, pastor of the Welsh Baptist church, of this town. Miss HosoShecruti, of Mahanoy l'iano, and George Fisher, of Win. Venn, wero married Instevcning nt tho parsouago of the Holy Hosary church, nt Mahanoy Plane, by Itev. John Loughran. HOOD'S FILLS euro Liver Ills, Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache. A pleasant laxative AH Druggists, ruueriils. The funeral of Anthony Moran took placo from ids lato residenco on Itatplicrry alley this morning. Services were held in tho An nunciation church and interment made in the parish cemetery. Tlio remains of Mrs. William Grilllthswerc laid at lost this afternoon. The funeral was a very largo one and took place from the residenco of tho deceased's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kdmund Harris, nt S o'clock. Services were conducted in tlio KuglUh Baptist church, llev. 1). I. Kvnus officiating. Inter ment was made in tho Odd Fellows' ceme tery. Notice, .11. O. U. A. 31. Notice is hereby given to tho members of Maj. Jennings Council No. 307, Jr. O. U. A. M., to meet In their hall on Sunday evening, November ".lth, at 0 o'clock sharp, to pro ceed to the M. E. church in a body to attend divine services. Members of sister councils aio invited to ntttend. lly order of Aiithit. Tki;qk.miio, Councilor. Attest : Wm. ltKKVKS, Scc'y. ll-!U-5t Sweeping 1001 Hull Challenge. Editor Evknino Heuau: ThoShenan doah foot ball team will play nny team in the region a gatno on mutual grounds for $100 a side, tho winner to take all the gate receipts, Any date will suit us nnd the preliminaries can bo arranged by answering through the lli;i:AI.I), or writing to Manager Faiiey. Shenandoah, Nov. 27, 18!itl. Shoo making and shoe selling is our bus! ucss. We luako them good and sell them cheap. Factobv Sjiok Stoke. Tho (tending's New Olllelal.. At tho meeting of tho Hoard of Directors of the Philadelphia & Iteadlug Kailway Com pany yestorday, Charles E. Henderson was elected second vico president, and W. G. Brown assistant secretary. The selection of Mr. Hi-ndcrtou ns 11 u executive ollicer of the Philadelphia it Reading Railway Company shows that it is tho intention to work both tho railway company nnd the Coal and Iron Company In harmony. Mr. Henderson has been with tho Heading Coal and Iron Company siuco Mr. McLcod's presidency, nud ho ii coiifcldcied an nuthority on mi thracite coal matters. It is understood tlint he will have chntl'o Of tbo freight traflic of the railway company, ns well as bo gcucrat manager of tho Coal and Iron Company. If you want a fine wedding cake, let Otto i make it for you. A BUSINESS TO BE POPULAR Must be broad gunge in its methods and have the confidence of the buying jiublic. The buying should be light and the selling just. We have n competent force of experienced salespeople thnt know our husi ucbs methods. All goods must be as represented and jour money back if you want it. CLOAKS ALWAYS FIRST. We lead in style, in finish nnd in price. It goes without saving that we sell more nice CLOAKS nnd WKAI'S than all our competitors combined. This Daylight More of ours wns built for the business ; good judges of architecture linve said there isn't n room in the state that has belter arrangement for buying comfott than our great Daylight store. Of course the price must be right or we couldn't do the business of the county. "-SEE OUR-" l'lush Capes, $5.00 to S35.00. Cloth Capes, ... 98c to Sio.oo. Mylish Jackets, - - S5.00 to J25.00. The newest New York styles just in. There's a bin drcd nobby styles to select from. OUR DRESS GOODS STOCK n ticcr. A New York salesman said to-dav seen such nn arrny of choice dress fabrics New YorK. uur prices nrc ulways nglit. Fine Groceries, Butter and Eggs, Flour and Feed. Our delivery wagon awaits your order. Ooodi delivered promptly. WILLIAM H. HUSSER, 26 East Centre Street. PITHY POINTS. Happenings Throughout the lteglon Chron icled lor llaty l'erusiil Post 11", G. A. It., will lie inspected this ovoniug by Col. Motiaghnli, of Jennings Post, of Girardvilto. Members of the Ash land Post will lie present. The Scholars of the Shamokin public schools yesterday donated JBOO to the woithy poor of that town. Jacob Long, of Itoarlnc Creek, was thrown from his wagon on tho Ceutrntla road to Asl -land, and sustained a dislocated arm besides Injuries to his head. The County Treasurer of Lehigh county gives bond in tho sum of $185,000 to tho county, and $30,000 to tho stato. Charles Savage, n Polandor, married, resid ing ut Gllberton, was injured, and Holieit Vanjone wns instantly killed at Gllborton colliery yesterday by the prematura oxplosion of a blast. Mrs. Matilda Fry died at Orwlgsburg yes terday, nged 75 years. Tho funeral will tako placo to-morrow. In two shooting matches yesterday at Orwlgsburg. Charles E. Fulmcr nud llunl I. Lindcr tied, ns did A. A. Albright, Georgo H. Hickley and Francis Faust, - Tho Shenandoah Drum corps enlivened our streets list evening by their first class music, The iorps is ono of the best In this section of the stato. Ashland Local. To satisfy a .debt of only $100, llerks county's .Sheriff seizod the little church nt Lougswamp. Bishop O'Hnra dedicated a Slavish Catholic church in Wilkesbarro yesterday. Tho old lady was riitht when sho said, the child might dlo if they waited for the doctor. Sho saved tho llttlo ono's lifo with a few doses of One Miuute Cough Cure. Shu had used it for croup before C. 11. Hngenhuch, (lordon riunes to llesuiiyi. Tho orders to firo up tho engines nt Gordon Planes havo been promulgated, and this sig nifies that operations will commence on De comber 1st, after a suspension of ten months. This will cause tho shops at Cressona, Schuyl kill Haven and Goidon to resnmoalso, which Industries had been shot down. Tho length of lifo may bo increased by less enlng its dangers. Thu majority of people die from luflg troubles. These may be avert ed by promptly using (Ulo Minute Cough Cure. C. 11. llagcnhuch. A llriglit Viitiire. Owen 11. Williams, tho contractor sinking tho now shaft at tbo Henry Clay colliery, Shamokin, was a visitor to town to-day. Ho says yesterday a splendid vein of coal five fect thick was struck in the shaft and if tlio futuro results nro In keeping with present developments at least twenty years will be added to tho life of tho colliery. Tlio shaft Is down 250 fect at present and is to go down BOO feet moro. TO CUltn A COM) IN ONi: DAY Tako Laxatlvo Jlromo Quinino Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if it fails to euro. 25 cents. Smashed l'luto Glass. At three o'clock yesterday morning tho plato glas in a window of Harry Lovit's store at Ccntralia was smashed with a stone nnd $20 wortli of shoes wero stolen. There is no cluo to the perpetrators. When yon want good roofing, plumbing gas fitting, or general tinsmlthing dono call on E. F. Gallagher 18 est Centre street Dealer lr. stccs 1-tf Wuithery to ltesiunc. Tlio 1'laiik Itldgo washery, which has been idlo tho past flvo weeks pending a changing of tho scraper line, will resume operations on I ucsday. Thej're 011 to Them. The pollco have spotted several professional thieves in town and find that they aro har bored In somo of the most prominent saloons. TTUiHOVSON'S THKATIIE, Jj P. .1. l'mtGoox, MANAanu, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 2nd, '96 'rllfi HOMINGjIEVENT 01' Till! SHASO.V. Thomas 1). Van 0tcii' Mammoth Production, the Iielgiiing Musical Travesty, MISS- -(Ol- ikwak by Kdgnr Smith, Music by Herman l'crici, imrouucing me lncoinparaoic, the Inimitable, the unctuous, ...WILLIE COLLIER... Aeeleted by the largest nnd inott ex penal ve traveling organization in America. 100-PEOPLE-100 Including the only nnd original Lady Symphony Orchestra. Prices : SI, 50, $1,00, 75c, 50c, and 25c. Itenerved acuta at Klrlln's drug fetore. "Have You Any Money to Burn?" Well, no ! Then why should you pay other dealers almost double the priee for fll iu UL.U we nave uist receivea 27.S Nigger Head, extra heavy, Knap Cheviots in Men's and Boys' cuts, at prices unequalled in this region. MEN'S, - - 36.BO BOYS", . - - $5.75 In straight, round and double breasted ; styles blue and black. This is a special sale which the people of Shenandoah and vicinity should take advantage of, L. GOLD IN'! Philadelphia MAMMOTH - CLOTHING - HOUSE, 9 and 11 South Main Street, ltenlgticd the ricmnnnlilp. Samuel I'latt, ono of the most competent mine olllcials in tho vnlley, on Saturday re signed his position us nwistutit inside fore man at the liear Hun colliery, St. Nlcjioln-. to accept 11 inoro lucrative and important one tinder the Union Coal Cominy, at Jit. Car luel, of which John L. Williams is the super intendent. Mr. I'latt will cuter upon I11 dutles oil tho first of December aid carries with him tho best wishes of n large circle of friends. Ho is tho eldest soli of H. 11. Piatt, of Jlahanoy City, nnd brother of Joeplt Piatt, of tuwn. Ho has beeu employed In and about thu mines lor the past thirty years, and for 10 yeuis lias held responsible positions at thu Ueur Him colliery. Patnek j (,,,- ,,f Ul VI,.,,, In. ,ln,-.,.l yir Plnlt I hero I This U Just Hie Thing. Kod Flag Oil for sprains and bruises. At, Gruhlcr Bros., drug store. 1 .SuccesKful Operation County Controller Severn's wifo will re turn from Philadelphia to-morrow. Mrs. Severn w as a patient at the Jefferson hos pital, whore Dr. Keeno removed a large tumor from her left foot. Tho operation was a successful ono. for oref 2sZ7 f?-, Abt NATlnVf' Of the G!6bo f cr RHEUMATISM. uuu irepart-u noacr ino Eiringcnl GERMAN MEDICAL LAWS, . prtBcribea by eminent physiclansr DR. RICHTER'S PAIN EXPELLER. World t-ffnowned I lEpmnrkAblp succrssf ol t lOnlvgeniilno with Trade Mark" Anchor," If. AihltlclitcrAfo., 2151'earISt., Xcir York. 31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 13 Branch Houses. Own Glassworks, 23&50CU. Endorsed recommended by . v etliy, It' N Ml In M , llngeiiliiKli, ion xs, juain mm i'. jviriin, o n. iinuii o. Micrnmioaii. Dll. RICHTER'S ANCnOIt STOaiACIIAI. best for Col)''. IlvwpcpslafcHtnmnrli Coiiipliilntn. I LADIES', CHILDREN'S MISSES' COATS. AND I '04U SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. Fashion's favorite fabrics nt popular prices of Mrktly rclinblo kooU in black anil colors, ill the neweht ntyli-M which Da mo 1'nMilon linn Uieliirl to be popular can b fouial here. All tho correct wpnvr nnd up to ilato shades for thu fall nnU winter u ure shown in prcfuslou. CORSETS. livery new nnd correct model In every reliable make of Roods. Startling! Htire, but true, thai one-half the eorset wtnrem to-day nre wenrlnpr corscta whouc ino"t conspicuous feature is their Inailapttbtlity. Why not be ns particular ns in your iholce of bhoea nud get thoethat Mt. R.F.GILL. 1 SAVE Your Fuel By using THE ROCH ESTER (stove pipe) RADIATOR with its 120 CROSS TUBES where 48CC bq. in. ot iron get inttnuely hot, thua making One stove or furnace dotliework of Two. "No invention of recent years will do so much for domestic economy and comfort." Scientific American. FOR SALE BY BEIU. D. BEDDALL, AGENT FOR SHENANDOAH AND VICINITY. ..SHAFT P. 0., PA. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY By Purchasing Your Groceries, Smoked Meats, Flour and Feed at Meluskey & Son, 10S S. Main St. Evan J. Davies, LIVERY AND Undertaking ! 13 N. Jardin Street. 30 DIVIDEND ocU T or etmcri I WOULD TOO Oi RS TO IK VIST SIO OB UPWARDS? DM. do4irTbliaontblT. PnUouUri fr. Adlmi, Weil ern Flaunclul Va.t M Dorboro BUtt, Chlcno, IU. COTTOLCNi: THE N. Ublcigo, New LADIES' COATS. MISSES' If needing CARPfclS look through our line and see the many beautiful designs we have to show you. Butterick paper patterns, the recognized standard oi the world, always in stock. Butterick fashion sheets given away free of charge P. J. GAUGHAN, - 27 N. Main St. PUBLIC 1 SALE One gray mare, one bay horse, one top wagon and a set of harness. Will be sold next Tuesday, December 1st, at 2 o'clock, for what they bring. A good opportunity for any buyer. WM. NEISWENTER. MISCELLANEOUS. TJIOU SAI.n. Eighteen acre farm, located near ' llrandonville. conftistinir of two (rood txvo- Mury frame house, permanent water the year arouml. An excellent chance for n dairyman, trucker, or poulterer. Good reafoilnr selling. 'art ea deeirimr Information call at llKKKLn iifllcc. 11-U-liu HIOH ItKNT. Two unfurnished rooms, best I1 location la town. AtUlress "31" care of Ikuali) oHlec. 10-aO-tf Olt KENT. A nice room, second floor . Biiltablc for ofrleo nurnoses. Annlv at Herald ofllce TlOIt BALK. A double property, on Line H street. Nob. 133 ntitl 135. for sale client). In quire of Mm. Felix McMftimamun, on Line street. WOOD'S mffflDOuIKOLLEGE FERGUSON BLOCK. Xow ybtera of lookkeeping rind office practice, nctual mi9lncH9 irom the fctnrt. ltutes of tuition for night ucliool, including nooKBanu Btaiionery lor nm introduction. One Mouth $ 5 oo 9 oo 12 00 Two Months Three Months Four Months IS 00 -(o)- The system 1. arranged for thoe who have hut Utile tlmo to dovoto to tlio work una is tlio most nrnctlcal system of book.kecnlni; ever publUlieil. 11. Held wns the first to complete the work, nnd lifter ten weeks' practice he occepttxl a position us book-keeper nt SG0.LO per month, and Ktive entire satisfnctlou. Kdgnr l'ldler was the llritt to take it up at l'otts me. ins progress is oxceueui. Specie! Rates For Day School. Call at College For Particulars. S. I. WOOD, President. ft cents per yard for rag car- Wk pet, Ingrain and a pretty m1J three strioe1 camet, all worth as cents n yard. Remnants of OIL CLOTH at your own price. FRICKE'S CARPET STORE 10 S. Jardin Street. COTTOLUNB. lor convalescents nnd invaKds j for chil dren or lor people wim wcttlt digestion must be carefully prepared from the most wholesome ingredients. For such cooking, Cottoleue proves in valuable. It imparts a delicate flavor to tho food, making it at once pal atable and healthful. Cottolene la undoubtedly the best cookinor material ever produced. Get the genuine. Look or tht OottoUn trtdrark "Cofr' and ifr' 6aJ fl K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. York, i'nunu ndclphla. I'lttsburKb. COATS, CHILDREN'S COATS.. The largest, finest and best selections of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats and ladies' Plush, Cloth and Fur Capes, that has ever been shown in this region, is now open for your, inspection. These garments ex eel in quality, style and finish and will be admired by all who see them. All are marked at prices below their real value. We have also placed on Fnle a, large variety of Silks in plain' and figured gros grain, Dresden,. Satin Duchess, China, Japan, Peau de Soie and Taffeta. Also a large line of novelty and plain dress goods, including all-icol and silk and wool henriettas, wool serges, mohair s-erges, plaids, cravenette cloth, etc. You will find in this Popular Dry Goods House always n larger stock, a better assortment and lower prices than you will find witli any of its competitors. OPEN EVERY DAY Go to the Shenandoah Dental Rooma for painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver fillings. If your artlfical teeth do not suit yon call to see us. All examinations free. We mako all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns, Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown and Bridgo work and all operations that per tain to Dental Surgery. No charges for extracting when plates are ordered. We are tho only users of vitalized air for the painless extraction of teeth. SHENANDOAH Dental : Rooms. (Titman't Block) East Centre Street. Office Hours: 7 a. m. to S p. m. WINTER - GARMENTS ! Ve give tho biggest bargains nt rock bottom prices, honest quality, all grniles and Btyles in ...Men's, Boys' and Children's Overcoats In Meltons, Heavers, Chinchillas and t'lsters. Wo can suit you everytlme. Business Suits,: Boys' and Children's Clothing: In nil Tm lntoct tnnlrna -1.trV. Iiavb a tnllor made uppenvant'e, and tire neat and. licrievv in nnittll. ROCHESTER COTHING HOUSE, . Cor. Main nnd Cherry Sts. - Sam Dlock, l'rep. IJk M. C. WATSON, Wholesale and Retail m I. Ui Cigars, Tobacco, Ac. Agent for ReM , Urowlng Co.'s Beer aud Porter. i Am 1! m Arcr falU iro tinun n -"an ) X I1 11S and 11 S S. Main