The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 27, 1896, Image 2

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Published every Evening, Except Sunday, at
S HotjTn jAnuix .Street, Nkaii CnSTRE.
Tlie II oral it In deilvried In Hliciniiirtoan and ttio
surrounding towns for six cent n week, jmij
hie to I ii! carriers, lly mull S8.O0 n )nr,nt is
cent a month, payable In adoncc, Advcrtlse
tnentn charged according to space and position.
The publishers reeenc tho rlRht to chmiRC the
fioflttlon of advertisement whenever the pub
Icatlnn of news demand It. Tho right Is
reserved to reject nny advertisement, whether
fiald for or not, thnt the publishers nmy deem
mproper. Advertising rates made known
upon application.
Botercd at the potofllca at Hhcnandoah, Pa., an
econd class mall matter.
Evening Herald
Fill DAY, NOVKMMUt 27, 18M.
By proclamation! issuoil by tho Presi
dent of the I'nlted Stated nml tho Governors
of the varloiHcotinnonwoalthstbatconstlttite
this grand country of ours, yosterday was
generally observed an n day of thanksgiving.
Tho people of this nation have many things
for which to !o thankful, ami especially
those of Pennsylvania and Schuylkill county
In particular, In a political or worldy manner.
drover Cleveland, the Chief Magistrate,
yesterday oat his turkey nnd gnvo thanks
that, unlike his friend llryan, ho was not
compelled to devour a dish of crow with
silver dressing. Ho was also thankful that
lio himself was ono o thoso who Here in
strumental in procuring that nauseating dUh
for tho defeated I'opocratic candidate.
William McKinley, Jr., wIioms losidcncc
is at Canton, Ohio, attended divine services
yosterday. This is the gentleman whom tho
pcoplo have selected as the "advanco agent of
prosperity" and to direct tho ship of State for
tho noxt four years. Truly thankful should
liu be, nnd equally so nro tho people.
Tho "favorite son of Pennsylvania" vory
appropriately observed tho day in Washing
ton, where his services will bo required to
Assist in the restoration of good old liepul.
11 ;an times dining the Missions of fungi us.
No one lias mole reason to look on the bright
sldo of llfu just lit this time than Matthew
Stanley tjuay. Having materially assisted in
winning n notable victory j his political
friends In this stato in eontiol of the party
machinery; iccognicd as the fountain head
from which will flow tho political plums
when the stream of patronage is at Its flood,
well may tho "Old Man" give thanks.
The brilliant and brainy young lYiirio,
who has won his spurs in conflict with tho
Combine and in the State Senate, nio-,o yes
terday as happy lis a lark, made so by antici
pation of what is in stole fur him. The next
Leglslatine, in Januaiy, will piesenl to
Quay's faithful lieutenant the I'nited States
Soiiatorship.und it will he an houur worthily
Coming tliwr to home, thcie Is no
ui.ili in Schuylkill county who had inoro
reason to uhaoi vj the day than lion. Charles
N. liriiinui. lie uiiduiibtedly gave thanks
boenuso he did not 11 lid ituicusaary to engage
u substitute dining the locenl campaign, and
for that lonson has no honors to share with
While our fileud Wllholni can find little
to bo thankful for in the defeat of llryan,
yet there is a alojui of sunshine even for tho
brainy SHiurlt'i, Tillman was Hived fioin the
Down upon the placid Schuylkill wlicic
the b t used tocome In dwells a state-man
wao is buth thankful and regictful. Afler
January next the sun will sliluo upon bis
bald head throtigj the dome of tho Semito
chaniber'ut llurnclnirg, and the thought of
thoso happy bourn in anticipation, lo be
suro caused the Hon. Sam to join the people
of the nation yesteiday in oirering thanks.
Hut at times our statesman fiiend is (sully
beset by the 101110111111111110 of that doleful
talc, "It might havo been!"
liven that warrior bold, Major Finney,
who carries tho scars of many a haul fought
battle, is as frisky and happy as a lamb. The
little boomlct that ho ca riles in his inside
pocket vyjll boom in tho not far distant, and
it will bo heard from ocean to ocean. His
happiness will be complete when tho Legisla
ture retires Cuuieion and substitutes Pentose
as Quay's colleague.
Our friend Parker gate thanks becauso
he is allowed to remain upon this luundano
sphere. Tho avalanche of gold votes,wasso
great, ho had come to the conclusion that a
sllvc 1 advocate hail no right to breathe the
air ul' this Itepubllc and for tnis much is he
devuutl.v thankful
iltby thankful.
Tt2 1. I II
- .fiegistcr-elect Frank l!0ese joined his li
pufilicaii colleagues In tendering unto the
v'e.ers of Schuylkill county a just apprecia
tion of tho confidence they placed in tbeni
nsthe custodians of the people's business.
Leading his colleagiios iu the majority of
voteB received, few men ato mine heartily of
the fcativo fowl yesteiday, Frank is happy.
Gopial and jovial 'Lias Davis has a 1
(jieater propensity fur sending people away
"fecliug good" than ever hefoio. He steps j
from the lowly walks of life into a $3,000 1
office, iu January next. No longer does he
find it necessary to tewirt to that greatest of1
political weapons, tho'"D.ivlshand shake."
And for this we ate all dovoutly thankful
Chairman Fdwiirds, who successful! led
lti forces to a biillmut victory, piesented the
Pdinocmtie cjiiiinuan with an unpalatablo
dish of "mock turkey" yeterday, while he
liinuelf took consolation in the old couplet,
"lie wire you're light, then go ah 'ad."
Our friends of the Chronicle, who
occupied tho laughable position or being on
both iidtm of tbu fence during tho campaign,
oUservl the day by fasting. In fact, thoy
could neither ate nor drink.
Tho hundreds of applicants coking np
jiolntuiout nt tho hands of tho new county
otllolals'joliiod tho great body of Americans
in the olMervauce of the day and at the same
inio. gave tho ofllcials-oloct twenty-four liouu
iu wjfieli to cteli their lirtfttli nc-pamtory
for ituotlior ousUuglit. Thoy would bo
ff' - '1
kful if there ri' ninety per
s to be given to the "f :l -
Thoso of our fellow citizens who woro so
unfortunate as to bo nominated at the recent
Democratic county convention, had their
revenge yosterday by knocking the stuffing
out of tho turkey.
In unison with nil those who gave thanks
yesterday for tho many blosslngs which
(11 vino Providence favored them with during
the past year, tho 11 Kit A l.K has much reason
to rejoice. Things havo been going our way,
wlillo tho "fako" concerns nro wrostling. In
the throes of adversity. Nothing succeeds
like success, and tho UtiRAM) very naturally
is as happy as n lark, with the hopo that all
may enjoy this prosperity before tho noxt
Thanksgiving rolls around.
Soothing, mid not Irritating, strengthening,
nnd not weakening, small but effective
such are the mialitfel of DoWltt's Little
'Karly Klsors, tho famous little pills. C. H
Miss Odio Fulton, of (ilrardvillo, accom
panied by her lady friend, Miss Maud lEccd,
of Lebanon, visited friends in town last
MissKato Waters and Mary McQraw, of
Ashland, spent last ovening in town.
Harry Yost visited fricuds at Shamokin,
Mr. anil Mrs. Alfred Iticliards spent
Thanksgiving Day with tho latter's parcuts
in Mt. Carmel.
Tho many friends of genial "Hilly" Do
laucy, of West Contro street, will bo pleased
to learn that ho is able to bo about again,
niter a sovcro Illness of several weeks.
Itusscll, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Wilson, of North West street, is suffering
from inflammation of the lungs.
It. II. Piatt, of Mahauoy City, was n guest
of his son, Joseph, last night in town.
Miss Mabel Straub was 11 passenger on the
early P. &It. train to Lancaster this morning.
James llalton, a fireman 011 rho main lino
of tho P. & It. railroad between Tamaoua
and Newberry Junction, i-pent Thanksgiving
with his parents at Lost deck.
James Shields, agent for Schmidt's Mt.
Carlion beer, transacted business at Pottsvillo
Miss Nellie llaird spent Thanksgiving with
friends at Plymouth.
Harry Hafncr witnessed the foot ball gamo
at Shamokin, yosterday.
Robert Dinning, of Nauticokc, spent yes
terday in town as the guest of his brother-
in-law, Charles Strouse.
Mrs. Joseph Plait, of West Oak street, is
spending a few days with friends in Mahanoy
Joseph llyan was spending the day in among !iciualiitaucos.
Mrs. Nellie Iloiiser and 5011, William, of
New Yolk, are the guests of Miss Mahala
rail-child, on South White street.
lMwaid Williams, manager of tho Grand
Union Tea store, at Heading, acuouipaiiied by
his friend, Daniel Sehell, spent Thanksgiving
In ton 11.
Misses Agues and Lizio Cooney are visit
ing friends in Philadelphia.
Mrs. Harry lieusinger, Misses Kate Golden,
Flossie Gerhard, IMitli l!oyd, nnd Katlo Me
(ilnty, of Mahanoy City, spent yesteiday
afternoon in town.
M. I. Tiernoy, of Philadelphia, is spend
ing his Thanksgiving vacation at the, homo
of his parents, on South Main stieet.
Mesrs. Grant Lessig, of Lehigh Univer
sity, Iletlilehem, and his brother, Harvey
Lessig, of Orwigsburg, ale the guests of their
parents on North Mnln stieet.
Mrs. G. W. Keller, of Illootnsburg, is 10
portul as being seriously ill.
Thomas J. Joyce, of Mahanoy City, whose
pungent pen made the American readable,
was a pleasant caller at tho 1Ii:uald sanctum
this afternoon.
Will Cum Any (.'us.'.
It in.ihes no ilia'eienco how severe tho case
may lo Thonip-iou's Diphtheria Cure, if
applied in otiict accordance, with printed
liiAtltlctious given, will positively euro any
cneo of diphtheria to which it may be applied.
Wm. A. Wolfinger, Milton, Pa., writes: "To
all whom it may concern : I certify that I
cheerfully recommend Thompson's Diph
theria Cure to all ; and if used according to
directions it will positively euro any iso of
diphtheria." Sold at Kirlin's drug store at
50 cents a bottle.
riot ltnriUr, hut sHlclile.
Tiiknthn. Nov. 27. The liuily nf Mlnnio
ll,i-ell. 11 h, who t'liiiuiiittutl s'llcldo In
Villa Park last Sunday inurnlng, was
tnkon to Now York yesterday. Tho Tron
tnn authorities bavo ilocldcd to drop nny
further Investigation of tho one, bolng
fully satlslloil that she was not niurdcrou,
but too.1; her own life.
I'Htnl Flooos In ttrm'ce.
ATIir.Xs, Nov. ST. Terrible storms and
Hoods havo occurred hero, mid tho low
lying qunrtors hnvo beeiiliiiiiidatud.iuuny
persons being drowned. Tho gas works
nt, l'ir.iois:iru Hooded, and tho city Is in
c(Hisoiiuiioi iu darkness. Nino bodies
have been ioe(ieml irum tliunvur lltssus.
Upon having just what you call for when
you go to buy Hood's Sarsaparllla. There
is no substltuto for Hood's. It is an in
sult to your intelligence to try to sell you
something else, ltemember that all
efforts to induco you to buy an article
you do not want, nro based simply
tho deslro to Hecuro moro profit. The
dealer or cleric who docs this cares noth
ing for your welfare. He simply wants
your money. Do not permit yoursell to
bo deceived. Insist upon having
And only Hood's. It It the One True lllood lurMer.
Hood'S PIUS l00;erate?rkU'
Celebrated Vein ale
owcier never lulls
TfXlba iiliirii ihtJiO
fnanrt mre fitter fliftnfl
' tsumiU) AJwtri bui the tt ind avoia U i
OilKilli!tliinirkel,Ar.o. I.
VJ1 & lit Uri Hjitou, Mu.
l'utkuliiMcu." Dr.U.T.
The (lie deparineiit was railed to n luousc
on West Mahanoy avenue last evening to
extinguish flames caused by mining clothes
catching fire from a slovo.
A trump last night entered the homo of
John Ulcmsou nml, after taking ell' his shoes
nnd stockings, prepared to make himself
comfortable for tho night. Mrs. Clcmson
called In a neighbor nnd wlillo nn ejectment
was being made Mr. Clcmson arrived home.
Ho took his trnmpshlp to tho lockup.
William Howclls last night nsked for tho
commitment of Joseph nml Maine Davis,
aged respectively 8 nnd 10 years, to the
Schuylkill Haven nlmshouso nnd it was
made. On the 1 Ith Inst, tho mother of the
children deserted them and is now an Inmate
of a bouse In Hazleton. On Saturday lust
tho father disappeared.
William lllckcy. a miner at tho Schuylkill
colliery, hail his right shoulder fractured nnd
right hip dislocated by a fall of coal yester
day afternoon. Ho was covered by the fall
and only extricated after considerable labor.
Juntos Price, of Ilutte City, Montana,'
arrived hero last evening to ho at tho bedside
of his father, ox-Supervisor John Prico, who
is seriously ill.
Mrs. L'mma Noss was beforo Justice
Ilicnnan last night, charged with being n
common scold, but tho ovidenco failed mid
Mrs. l'oss was discharged.
Anthony Wiltchofski was killed by a fall
of coal at the Buck Mountain colliery last
night. Tho deceased resided at New Dos ton.
Joseph Gustaitis and Martin Ilulknnis have
been arrested for smashing and throwing into
tho creek the furniture in tho house of their
boarding boss, John Samatski, and for beat
ing Mrs. Samatski. They woro put under
bail for trail at court.
Soro Throat Quickly Cured.
Not long ago iu speaking of sore throat,
and tho difficulty frequently oxiwrienced in
curing it, Mr. J. K. Thomas, of rulondale,
Pa., told how lio had often cured it iu his
family. Wo givo it in his own words : "I
lv.tvo frequently used Chamberlain's Pain
llalin iu my family for sore throat nnd it
hi.s effected n speedy euro in every instance.
I would not think of getting along in my
homo without it." Pain Halm also cures
rheumatism, sprains nnd bruises. For salo
at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by Gruhlerllroj.,
A Coal tViir.
There is war on in the coal trado, and theio
will bo hot times iu coal producing circles for
some tlmo to como, says tho Wilkes-Harro
' News-Doalcr." Coxc Hros. have cut the
prico of coal no cents per ton at tidewator.
They have also issued oiderstowork all their
collieries eleven hours n day for a month.
Five hundred new coal cais, with a carrying
capacity of thirty tons each, havo been
ordered for prompt delivery. The Coxes aro
In earnest and say they will foico the coal
trust to terms. Tho claim of tho Coxes js
that they have been unjustly discriminated
agulnst iu the allotment of tonnage. They
own their own railroad at the mines, and
rolling stock, and have a trackage contract
with tho Lehigh Valley to tido water. They
have a three years' supply of coal uncovered
at their mines and tho light will be a merry
one. The coal trust better come to terms as
speedily as possible or they will buffer.
Cure fur Headache.
As a remedy for all forms of Headache
lilectrlc Hitters has prevail to bo the very
best. It ('Diets 11 permanent euro and the
most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield
to its influence. We urge all who arealllieted
to procure a bottle, and glvo this lcniedya
fair trial. In ease of habitual constipation
Llcctric Hitters euros by giving tho needed
tone tn tho bowels, and few cases long resist
the use of this medicine. Try it once. Iirge
bottles only 50 cents at A. Wasley's Drug
Store. 11 ill . m ,
Atlantic. City. Nov. Sr. rl icry ,-vimurs,
who is in eliacgj i,f tho uuphthu launch
Larluirii, ill port l ore, was allocked last
night In tiliiuoly part nf tho town by sev
eral colored men, nml was stubbed in tho
neck nml all ioinou by mm of thorn Tho
assailants evidently thought that n.jinors
hnd been paid his wages and had .sumo
money about him. .Soiuers limy die.
ttellef In tslx Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseaso3
relieved in six hours by tho "New Great
South American Kiduey Cure." This now
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and ovcry part
of tho urinary passages iu malo or female
It reliovcs retention of water and pain in
pissing it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief and euro this Is your remedy.
Sold by Shapiru's pharmacy, 107 South Main
The Iturul Troe Delivery System.
"Washington, Nov. 2". ltoports show
ing tho results of tho rural free dollvery
experiments by the governinvntnro reach
ing tho postolllco department from tho lo
calities whoro tho service is on trial. They
aro said to show satisfaction wltn
tho -orvico and good results of the workas
a whole. The postmaster general will
umbo 11 special report w eongi-uss early In
tho sossiiin in which the linmeiiso cost in
volve I In tho tioneriil adoption of rural
free ilaliscry will bo pointed out,
ttucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho hest salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, soros, ulcers, salt rheum, fuvcr suros,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures idles,
or ao pay required. It is guaranteed to givo
perfect satisfaction or ruony refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale bv A. Wasley.
The old way of delivering mcssagosby post
bovs comtiared with the modern telephone,
I illustrate tho old tedlou3 methods of "hroak
1 iug" colds compared with their almost in
stantaneous euro uy uno unuuio uougu t uro,
C. H. Hoigenbucu.
A M I'llllgll'l' 111 1. 1 ..l)lltll.
1'iiiLAUKi .I'liiA, Xi r'aimy ltauff,
iig-'d 21 yeur. of TJ.'i iSoblu street, was
found in bur room at 11 o'clock lal night,
having been strangled ' dottli. Tho po
lice havo in clow to hor murdarur, but
havcarrostvilKredorloU Hiirho.wlth whom
she Is alleged to have lived lie Is held us
a witness, the woman Is liollevod to have
1 brought some one to her roum and was
i murdered by Mm. The motive oouisto
I have lieen rubbery, as all her money and
what jewelry she bail Is mlsklug.
Absolutely pine, perfectly haiiuloss, and
Invariably reliable uio the qualities of Ono
Minute Cough Cure. It (lever falls In colds,
croup and liingtioublos. Children like It lio-eau-e
It is pleasant to take, and it helps them.
I'. 11. llagunbuch.
Buy Keystone Hour. Be Buro that the name
Lkmho & IUi:n, Ahland, Tu., Is printed on
every sack, 4
to ouih: ,v coin i? im; ijav
'liko Laxative llrouio Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tbo money if it fails to cure.
5 cents.
It is so simple to bo well that wo wonder
why there aro so many sick people.
Come to think about It, must bo becauso
they don't know what's made them sick.
If they knew that, thoy could prevont it,
nnd when thoy were sick, in some cases cure
themselves. Hut, so long as wo don't take
mote care of our health, we shall always bo
more or less sick.
The simple rules of health aroi Keep
clcun, take exercise, cat good food, scour out
your stomach.
This last means: Don't tolerate indiges
tion. Cure it with Shaker Digcstivo Cordial.
A stomach full of undigested, fcrmontcd,
putrid food is the unhcalthlost thing you
can think of.
llalf our diseases nnd troubles come from
tho poisons of undigested food. Moro than
half of them could be cured with Shaker
Digcstivo Cordial.
More than half, because often when we
think we aro only weak, and a course of
nourishing food digested without effort by
the stomach! with tho aid of Shaker Digestive
Coadial)would rcinvlgorato the whol? sya
tom and 111 ako us well.
A ten cent trial bottle will prove it. At
Wrlto for interesting 1109k to Tho Shakers,
30 ltoado Street, Mew Yofk.
A cyclnno pnssod near Martin, Tex.,
Vc(lnosday night. A child of A. B. Doug
luss was killed.
In rt football gamo nt Tronton.yestcrdny
Dr. Kccfo, of thol'liilndolphlu Dental Col
logo team, hntl hs colltir I10110 broken.
Sir F. Nnpler Hroome, governor of the
Island of Trinidad, who was staying lti
London on a furlough, died yesterday.
Tho secretary of ono of the Cleveland
companies In tho wire nail pool said today
that it had been dccldod to abandon the
At Lowoll, Mass., yesterdny Frank Cote
killed his wlfo nnd then put n bullet
through his own brain. Jealousy was the
causo. Tho IVorin. House, the largest hotel In
Pooria Ills., was destroyed by lire last
night. Many guests eseaped with dllJi
cully, losing tHeir baggage.
Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and 1j
Grippo when Laxative Bromo Quinino will
euro you iu 0110 day. Put up in tablots con
venient for taking. Guaranteed to cuie, or
money refunded. Price, 25 cents. For sale
by Kirlin's Pharmacy.
I' ell limit in Church.
CllATTASOOQA, Teiin., Nov. 27. G. W.
Nelson, n prominent member of tho First
Daptist church, Ming iu tho choir at the
tinlon services of all the churches bore
yosterday nt tho First Baptist church. As
Dr. it. li. Garrett pronounced the last
words of tho benediction Mr. Nebou fell
heavily forward, dead. Apqploxy was tho
A Duel Without ltrsult.
PAlits. Nov 27. A duel with pistols
was fought near thii city oil Sunday last
between tho Marquis do Moutniorto mill
J. A. Hutchinson, an American resident
Six shots aro Mild Uy have been exchanged
at twonty-IIvo paces, with no -osuUh.
To euro all old sores, to heal an indolent
ulcer, or to speedily cure piles, you need
simply apply DoWltt's Witch Hazel ftilvo
according to directions. Its magic-like ac
tion will surpriso you. C. H. Ilagciiburh.
The rresfdfut'i Quiet TliimLlt lug.
Wasmixoto.v, Nov. 27. President nnd
Mrs. Cleveland attended Thanksgiving
hcrvlco yo-terdny at tho First Presbyterian
church. Tho day was bright and balmy
nnd Mr. and Mrs. ClovolumI drove In
a baroucho with open sldo windows. Lator
tho presidential family ato their Thanks
giving dinner at the Whlru House. Tho
day was spent qulotly, in accordance with
the vlows suggested In the president's,
Kheumntlsm Cured In a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once tho cause
and tho disease immediately disappears. The
first doso greatly benefits; 73 cents. Sold by
C. II. Hasenbucb. Druggist, Shenandoah.
bteumqr hunk, I'asseuecrs llpscued.
New Yohk, Nov. 37. Tlie side wheel'
steamer John K. Mooro, with tho Clinton.;
r ishlng clup on board, sunk on tho plbow.
of ltomor shoals nt 12:UUo'cloek yesterday
All her puSMingors wore Toscued. There
were no women nbonrd, and there was no
excitement. Only tho lower deck of tht
boat was submerged, tho upper deck, both
fore anil nft, being above tho surface Tim
fishing party, consisting of 120 mon.
started on tho Moore ut 1) o'clock for the
llshlug banks, K. Abrums being at the
head of tho club. They had reached a
point below Ilodloe's Island and about
throe miles north of Sandy Hook L'olnt
light whon tho boat struck either a sunken
wreck or rock nnd sank in uvo minutes.
I had severe attacks of gravel mid kiduey
trotiblo; and unable to get a medicine or
doctor to euro ino until I used Hop Hitters,
and they cured mo In a short tlmo. A
Distinguished Lawyer or Wayne Co.,
Coi.oitl.lss AND Coin. A youug girl
deeply regretted that she was so colorless and
and cold. Her face was too white, and her
hands and feet felt as though the blood did
not clreulnto. After one bottle of Hop
Hitters bad been taken she was the rosiest
and healthiest girl iu tho town, with a
vivacity and cheerfulness of mind gratifying
to her friends.
Anil- iiu.iiiiii' illut lit I ranee.
PAIUfe, Nov. 7. An antl-SIasonlo eon
gram nt Lyons, whoso romilutloim wore
a txivort uttaorc on political Vcoe Masonry
ami 011 Jewth Intorvontinii, emlod In
horloua rlotluu, bintlnn until uiUlulKht.
The cavalry hail to clear the strouts, uml
many persons woro borlotisly injitroil, In-
rluillng Si. ililorry, or tlio franco lAbru.
Tho Ii'oory Killed JIU LITo.
Mr. O. Caillouctto, I)rii(!ght, Itaivoravlllc,
111., feays: "To Dr. King's Now Discovery I
owe my life. Was taken witli La flrippo auil
tried all tlio physicians for inllos about, but
of 110 avail unil was given up and told I could
not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery
iu my storo I 601U for a bottle ami began its
uso and from the first dose began to get bettor,
and after using thrcobottlos vtus upiindabout
iigiiiu. It is worth its weight In gold. Wo
wbil't keep storo or 'bouse Without It." Oct
u free trial at A. Wasley's Drug Store.
Ocncrat Weylor's Torres Unit No 1'rovMon
fur Thirty-six Hours.
HAVANA, Nov. 27. It transpires that
nftor tho oiigagomont fought In tho Htibl
hills between tho Spanish forces tinder
Captnln Gonorul Woylor nnd tho Insur
gents under Mncco,. tho Spanish com-niandor-lti-chlof
and his stair were with
out provisions for thirty-six hours. Tho
train with tho stippllos on board was de
tained, but General Wcyler would not
nwnlt its arrival, and urged his troops on
ward, regardlci of tho absonce of tho pro
vision train.
Antonio Lopez Coloinn, tho leader of tho
revolutionists In tho provlnco of Mataiuns
whon tho Insurrection broke out and sen
tenced to death forrebolllon nnd homlcido,
wns executed nt S o'clock yesterday after
noon. Colonol Znmorar In command of the
Cardenas dlstrlot of tho provlnco of Ma
tfinzns, has caused tho arrest of I)r. Pedro
Uevld, Benito Joso Mnribonn, a lawyer,
nnd Maurlclo Orbcdo, and employe of tho
Cardenas railroad. Those arrests woro the
result of disclosures ccntnlned In tho let
ters recently found upon tho persons of
somo captured insurgents. Additional ar
rests nro oxpeotod.
Captain Goneral 'Woylor has issued
orders to tho farmers In the provinces
1'lnar del Mo, Havana and Matunzas to
carry the new crop of corn tw the garrison
towns, and tho railroad olllclals havo boon
! instructed to provldo the farpiers with
cars nnd mules with which' to- facilitate
transportation, Tho corn win bo sold to
,tho commanders of tho Spanish columns,
and will be used for military purposes.
These commanders may buy the corn nt
current prices, or may admit it on, deposit.
After Doo. 20 nil corn found stored on tho
farms or elsewhere without tho knowledge
nnd consont of thoMiillltnry commanders
will lw considered contraband of war, and
tho farmers wltholdlng it will bo crimin
ally prosocutcd.
A dispatch received horo from Lieuten
ant Colonol Dtirango says that ho has en
countered an Insurgent force at tho Mora
farm, near Cnnn, province of Huv&nn. Ho
adds that his troops compelled tho enemy
to retire, leaving ton killed on tho Held
nnd carrying away many woundod.
Insurgent Anns Captured.
MADlttD, Nov. 27. An olllclal dispatch
received here from Havana says that the
Spanish gunboat Barncua has captured
three boats laden with Insurgents' arms
and ammunition in tho Majari river, prov
ince of Santiago do Cuba.
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ITavlnK studied under some of the besl
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Dr. Miles' Nervine Triumphs?
Excesslvo Nervousness from Childhood.
La Crlppo Brings on Heart Weakness,
RET. B. P. 8EABEY, pastor M, E.
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Last February I be
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