w VOL. XL NO. .293. SHENANDOAH, PA. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 27, 189G. ONE CENT Mj GREAT BARGAINS :: -IN FURNITURE Klattrcsscs Bedsteads Cupboards Sideboards 'Kitchen Tables Cradles J. P. WILLIAMS 8c SON, I3SOUTH MAIN STREET, SHENANDOAH, PA, SPECIAL A suit of fine medi cated red flannels, at $1.45. Natural wool suits at $i .75 Extra fine camel hair suits at $2.15- BIGGEST BARGAINS MAX UP-TO-DATE HATTER and GENT'S FURNISHER. 15 e. CENTRE STREET. GOLD STANDARD REACHED ...1 J. PRICE'S RELIABLE STAND... Where on:the same basis you can find a full and complete line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's COATS - AND - CAPES Of the very latest and best styles. Prices and f quality guaranteed. . . I I PPirF'Q North Main St., vJ. O- I Fv I w C, Shenandoah, Pa. COLUMBIA : BREWING : COMPANY BREWERS OF Lager Beer, Porter and Ale. All the product of this brewery are made of pure malt and hops of which we buy the best and endeavor always to MAKE THE BEST "that can possibly be produced. Redaction in Wall Paper. From 25 cents to 20 cents J from 10 cents io 8 cents. Alt .otlier grades accordingly. This slock must be disposed of at once, in order that I can enlarge my store. These bargains Mill hold good for a short time ly. Gome at once and take advantage of the reduction. ThntTlilC H C--vrr1 I'AINTEK, PAVER HANGER AND 1 nOllldo II. SIiyQClj DEAIXIl IN WALL PAPEK. 23 S. Jardln St, Shenandoah, Pa. 25 Cents WILL BUY AT KEITER'S CALIFORNIA CANNED FRUITS. 2 CANS OF APRICOTS, PEACHES, PEARS OR EGG PLUMS. TOMATOES. 4 CANS COLD PACKED TOMATOES, 3 CANS CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES. 2 CANS FANCY QUALITY TOMATOES, Extra Size Full Weight. CORN. 4 CANS STANDARD MARYLAND CORN, 3 CANS CHOICE MAINE CORN, 2 CANS FANCY NORTHERN SUGAR CORN. PEAS. 4 CANS STANDARD MARROWFAT PEAS, 3 CANS OF EARLY JUNE PEAS, 2 CANS FANCY SIFTED PEAS. JUST RECEIVED Fancy Clover Honey in Combs. Finest New Crop New Orleans Baking Molasses. Our Best Mince Meat. We sell no low grade Mince Meats. 1 G. W. KElITEIR, ..HENANDOAH, - PENNA. and BEDDING. $2. SO and Upwards 1.7E " " 3.7E " " S.7E - 1.90 " " .75 KNOWN. LEVIT, HIE PEIIMIH 11 Cornell Defeated or a Score of Thirty- two to Ten. AN INDOOR GAME OF FOOTBALL. Whllo Other Teams Flounder iu tho Rain and Mud Outsldo, the University of Chicago Defeats the University of Michigan In the Auditorium. I'mLAttKLriliA, Nov. 27. Pennsylvania, B3; Cornell, 10. Tlio Pennsylvania foot ball elovuu wound up the season of 'PC yesterday afternoon by playing protty much tho samo kind of a gamo as sho hat ilono all poason at times brilliant, while nt otlier tlmos it would havo put to (shame a lot of school boyB. Cornell plnyutl n really brilliant gnmo throughout With the exception of Bassford, at quarter, tlielt play was almost perfect, ami had it not been for tho fact that tho team ww so much lighter than tho Itcdnnd Bluo thcra would not havo boon thirty-two points scored against thorn. Thcro wore very fow attempts at trloks by cither toam. Cornell oncousod a trick, tho first tlmo that it has been soon on l'onu's gridiron this season, and gained flvo yards. Tho Ithaca lads lined up, but no signals wero gtvon. lieacham walked up slowly towards tho contor, ostensibly for tho purposo of saying something to tho quarterback, but in reality ho grabbod the ball from the center and dashed through lV'im's center before tho Hed and lllue playors realized what was transpiring. Tho Carnellan and White also tried Princeton's famous turtle back play, but tlioy lost ground oach tlmo by tho experi ment, tho Hod and Uluo lino holding like n stone wall. Tho Interference of Cornell was always up to tho standard, which par tially accounts for the brilliant dashes by Bcacham. and MoKoovor. It was duo almost entirely to tho mag nificent playing of Cornell's bauk field that both of thoir touchdowns were made. By steady plucgos into tho lino and an oc casional run arguud tho ends McKeuvor, llltchlo and lieacham got tho ball ovc.-thc Ited and Uluo goal lino twice. These playors seemed to bo all over tho flold at tho samo time, nnd tho playing of Loo and Tausslgg on tho onds was also brilliant They got down undor kicks remarkably fast and tackled like fiends. On account of their light lino their de fensive play lltl not shitio out so bril liantly as did tholr Interference, but thcro wero very fow long gains around tho onds by tho mon In Pennsylvania's back flold. Kxcopt when tho Rod and Uluo eleven wero overtaken with that tired feeling thoy played tho game they aro copablo of. That torrlble battering ram like process was worked occasionally during tho entire gamo, and Woodruff, Minds, Farrar, Uf fonholmer and Wharton all wont into the lino head foremost, nover falling to gain from ono to ten yards. This sort of play was Intorsporsod with an occasional re volving wedge, in which UfTenhcimor was almost ulways used, and by soino good end runs, in which Gelbort, Boylo, Dick sou, Morlce and Minds wero tho bright particular stars. Thoro wasvory llttlo fumbling by either team, but some bad passing by tho quarter backs caused both teams to suffer consid erably. Tho Ited and Uluo wero penalized twlco for offside play and ouco for hold ing, whllo tho Cornell boys wero set back flvo yards on threo occasions for off side. When Kcfereo Mills, of Yale, blew Ills whlstlo for play it was estimated that there wero 17,000 persons within tho big Hold, and tho beautiful red nnd blue and rod and whlto colors ovorywhero In the huge stands mudo tho sight a graud one. Tho teams lined up as follows : Pennsylvania Positions. Cornell, Boylo left cud j Tracy 1 Lee Uffcnheimer left tackle j White j Pitch Woodruff left guard Heed Overfleld center Fenncll Wharton right guard Clark Farrur right tackle Bwectland Dickson right end Taussig Weeks -quarterback . .. Password Gelbert left lialfbuck McKoever Morlcu right halfback . . . Beucham Minds fullback Ritchie Touchdowns, Gelburt, Minds, Uffonheimer (S), Woodruff, Boyle, Beachaiu, Ritchie ; goals, Woodruff (3), Ritchie (1); safety, Ritchie. Ref eree, Mills, of Yale. Umpire, Paul Dashlcl, Le high. Lineman, Congdon, Dartmouth. Time, thirty-flvu minute halves. Both tho University of Pennsylvania and the Cornell football toams elected captains for noxt season's clerons. Jack Minds, tho well known fullback of Penn sylvania, was unanimously agreed upon by tho woarers of tho red and bluo, and William McKeovor, Cornell's halfback, was elected captain of that team. AN INDOOlt FOOTBALL OAME. Ulectrlo Lights Alii tho I'layers and Add Novelty to tho Occasion. Chicago, Nov. 27. In tho big building In which flvo months ugo W. J. Bryan was nomiunted for tho presidency 15,000 cheering football enthusiasts saw the cloven of tho University of Chicago defeat tho strong cloven from tho University of Mlchlgon by a score of 7 to 8, in ono of tho most desperately oontested gamos ever played in Chicago. To Herschbergor, Chicago's fullback, Iwlongs tho honor of winning tho gamo. His punting was ono of tho features, and his goal from tho field, klckod from tho forty yard Hue, wont cleanly botwoen tho goal posts. On the Michigan sldo Plngroo, iu tho first half, was tho "whole thing," tho plucky llttlo fellow seldom fnlllng to make tho required distance Ho was, howover, forcod to re tiro In tho second half, his place being takon by Forbert, who was equally effect ive. Michigan mado frequent uso of the famous Vrlucoton tncklo and guard back plays, which wero very effective. Ono thing at least was sottlod by the gamo, and that is that Indoor footbnll Is, literally and llgurativoly speaking, a howl ing success. Tho men had no trouble In catchlug punts, nnd football was played on Its merits, without tho handicaps of a wet field or n strong wind. Toward the pnd of tho second lnl" It got vory dark, and tlnj spectators wcio treated to a nov oily in tho shape of tontlAll by el.-fctrlc light. Tho elements sonmod nil in favor of tho game. Th" frequent squalls of rain made outdoor footlxill almost a swim mlng match, ami the strong south wind rendered punting, ono of the points ol footbnll which every one understands and appreciates, out of the question to tho side which was unfortunate enough to be Dlnvlng against tho wind. Tho srono was a brilliant ono. On nil sides of tho field wore tho waving colon ol tho rival colleges, with hero nnd thoro a sprinkling of tho cardinal of Wisconsin, tho bluo of Yale, the red nnd whlto ol Cornell nml the yellow and black of Cham paign. In tho boxos along tho sldo Unci wero mnny gronps of gaily drcssod wonion with tholr oscortH. Tho "box pnrtlos," in fact were not tho least Interesting feature of tho gnhio, repluclng as thoy did ton certain extent tho coaching parties. Tho nolso was simply terrific. Kvory mother's son and daughter scorned to bo posscssod of a tin horn and a determina tion to blow its mouthpiece through tho ljcll. Clnss and collcgo yells and songs of all kinds wero started with or without provocation, and at times tho play had to bo stopped on account of tho inability of tho playors to hoar tho signals. The result decidedly complicates tho situation as regards tho western cham pionship. Evory loom with tho oxcoption of Wisconsin has now suffered at least ono defeat, and their tlo with tho North western yosterday gives them but llttlo ground for claiming tho championship. Other 1'ootlmll Oiunes Yesterdny. At Chicago Chicago A. C, Hi; Boston A. C, 0. At Annapolis l.afayotte, 18; Naval Cadets, (1. At Now York Brown University, !U ; Carllslo Indian School, 12. At Washington Columbia A. C, 'M; Regular Army Soldiers, 0. At B.iltlmoro Lehigh University, !M; Maryland A. C, 0. At Hlchmund University of Virginia, CO; University of North Carolina, 0. At llrcen's Itlaltu Cnfc. Clam chiwder. will ho served as freo lunch to-night. Plenty for all. Vegetable soup to-morrow morning. Meals served at all hours. Thanksgiving Gathering. Thanksgiving Day lias passed again, but its celebration will remain fresh in the inciu ories of tho number of young folks who gathered at tho homo of Miss Salho Portz, on North Main street, last evening. A fow pleasant hours flittered rapidly by through tho number of amusements indulged in, and vocal ami instrumental selections by tho guests wero also rendered. Thoso in ntten danco were: Misses Annie Hartch. Helen Price, Minnie Davis, Mattlo Powell, Llillo Llowollyn, of tuwn, and Kdith Steele. Katherine Bastian and Lizzie Post, Muhanoy Uty, anil .Messrs. hanford Shoemaker, Samuel Suiail, II. Lawsou, Napolocn Powell, Clarence Hower, of town ; Kdward Williams and Daniel bchcll, of Heading : Messrs. Bob!: of Mahanoy Plane, and Ouy C. Winters and Joseph Larkin, of Mahanoy City. Itrcnnan's Now Itestuurant. Oyster soup to-night. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. Called Hence. Jacob Hitler, well known for years as a maker of sprags for tho collieries, died at his home on Jimebcrry alley last night from I lineiinwini.'i. I f trn vimi r ,r nr... mwl Is survived by his wifo and two adult children. Intertnont will ho mado near Bingtown, lmt tho tlmo of tho funeral has not been fixed Mrs. Killian O'Neill, of South Wliito street, lias received news of tho death of lior brother, Thomas J. Carroll, at St. Louis, Mo. Jlodicdlrom typhoid fevor on Wed. uesday night. Arrangements may bo mado to bring the remains to town for interment. Michael Welsh, who died nt Oirardvlllo from typhoid fever, was buried at that place to-day. Tho deceased was about 15 years of ago and is survived by his wife and four children. Kcndrlck House l'rce Lunch. Oystor soup to-night. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. Section Hand Killed. Alex. Saveuak, a Hungarian employed as a section hand on tho P. & It. railroad, was killed by a train between Gordon and Locust Summit this morning. Ho was a brother of Harry bavcuak, who keeps a saloon at tho corner of Centre street and Pear alley. Umbrellas, big stock just received, at iirumni s. Drop In Horses. An old horse attached to u rag peddler's wagon uronped over on llast Cherry street, this morning, falling upon tho shaft and breaking it. With tho assistance of tho driver and his two companions It was raised again nnu too ino proceeded on their way. Wedding rings, engagement rings and birthday rings, tho largest stock in tho county ai iirumm s. Health ltepnrts. Only ono case waB reported to tho Board of Health during tho past twenty-four hours, It was the case of Joseph Schinicker, aged 3 yours and 0 months, South Main street, who is suffering from measles. POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strensth.-Lntest United States Government Pood ltcport. ItoviL IUkinu 1'uwder Co., New York root Ball and Other Pastimes Attracted Lare Attendances. FLAG RAISING CEREMONIES HELD An Impressive Event Under the Auspices of the Women's Relief Corps-Success of the Annunciation Literary Society's Supper and Entertainment and tha Bazaar. Tho observance of yesterday was not gen eral on account of all tho P. & It. col lieries being kept in operation, still the town had a holiday appcaranco and all the attractions wero well patronized. Many people went to Shamoklu and witnessed the foot hall match between tho team of that placo and Ashland. About 3,500 peoplo weio iu attendance. The interest ran high, as tho gamo was the third to decido supremacy be tween tho two teams. The first two games between them wero hotly contested and neither side scored in either, so that yester day's gamo was for blood. Tho Shnmokinites wero so confident of winning that they sent representatives to this town Wednesday night to look for bets. They did not win, howover. Ashland got the gamo on a deci sion. Tho hitter had the ball within three feet of tho Shamokinites' line, when a dis pute aroso and tho latter left tho Held, where upon tho umpire gave tho gamo to Ashland by a score of 1 to 0. Hundreds of people went to the Trotting park yesterday to witness tho announced foot ball gamo between tho Mahanoy City and Shenandoah tennis, but wero sorely disap pointed, as tho former team failed to put in an appearance. Manager 1 ahey pays the Mahanoy City team is ungrateful. An all-day attraction was tho target shoot ing tournament on tho mountain back of Balrd's Held, tho prizo being ltohert Smith's black bear. A large, crowd remained on tho field until late in the afternoon and the con test was spirited. The shooting distaneowas forty ynrds nnd tho match was won by Webster, son of Lewis Klein, of Xortli Main street, who took a ten-dollar gold piece In preference to tho hear. Tho judges of tho contest wero M. (1. Wurm, II. 1'. Headier, Kills Bevnu and I). Davis. Mr. Smith will havo another tournament during the L'hiist mas season. One of the leading attractions of last even ing was tho turkey supper and concert held under the auspices of the Annunciation Literary Society in its hall. It was a grand success. The following program wni ndmlr ahly rendered; Address, P. 11. Burke; recita tiou, Mis Katie Sheehy ; vocal duett, Misses Cuvanaugh and Coogau ; recitation, Miss Nelllo Mclionigle ; trio, Messrs. Mullahcy, Lawsou and Shoemaker; recitation, Miss Kitty O'Malley; vocal solo, Miss Mullie O'Uaro; recitation, Miss Aliio I'arrell; selection, Mandolin Club ; recitation, James Crcnry ; quartette, Messrs. Devitt, Keogh, Conry and Campbell ; recitation, Mr. Salmon; vojat solo, Miss Katie Maley ; recitation, Mr. Durkin ; piano solo, Miss Nellie Toole; reci tation, Mr. O'Brien ; vocal solo, Mi-s Nellie Kcogh ; recita' ion, Mr. Dunn ; vocal solo, Mr. Jenkins; recitation, Mr. Mcllet ; piano solo, Miss Katie Connors; vocal solo, Mr. t'ooncy. Supper was served to about 200 eople, and the evening was a most enjoy able ono. Tho waiters and waitresses were dressed in white. Another brilliant evening attraction was tho llazaar li. H. and turkey supper at Bobbins' hall. The attendance was largo and a most enjoyablo evening was afforded tho patrons. Tho success with which the bazaar and B. II. has met has led the man agement to decido upon a continuance and it will be open this and to-morrow evening. A new program if auxiliary attractions is given nightly. A pleasing event of tho afternoon was the flag raising at tho new Whlto street school building under the auspices of the Women's Belief Corps No. 59, Auxiliary to tho Grand Army of the Bcpublic. It was well attended and tho exercises wero of a very impressive character. Members of watkin Waters Post No. 140, tl. A. It., Ladies' Aid Society and Camp No. 10, Sons of Veterans, were in attendance and Mr. Joel I.eddon presided. Tho audience assembled in and about tho school building and on the street, and the exercises were held atthofrontoxtraneototho building. The Hag was raised on a high polo orected at the northeast corner of tho prop erty. The oxercises opened with singing by Prof. John Knight and party, of Wm. Pcnn, and Itov. ltohert O'Boylo fullowed with an address on Thauksglviug. After singing by the choir Itev. Alfred Heebnor formally pre sented tho ting to tho School .Board and in doing so mado a stirring patriotic address on tho significance of the national colors and flag raisings and the duty of the rising gener ation from a patriotic standpoint. The flag was accepted by Superintendent C. 1). Bognrt. who spoko briefly, but with patriotic fervor and closed by proposing and leading three cheers for the colors. Singing by the choir and prayer by Hcv. I. J. Ileitis closed tho oxercises. At Krpchinski's Arrado Cafe. Fish cakos to-night. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. Died 1'roui root Hall Injuries. Tho funeral of James Conway, 15 years old, took place at Uirardvlllo this morning. ino noy suffered injuries about the chest by being caught by n dump wagon iu the mines a few weeks ago, hut had recovored when ho sustained similar injuries in a game of foot ball and they caused his death. lllckert's Cute. A special freo hot lunch will bo served to morrow morning. Injured This Morning. Evan J. Davies, tho North Jardin street undertaker, met with, an accident this morn ing that might havo proved inoro serious, Willie moving a swinging door at his stable tho iron wheel fell from the top and struck him about an inch under the light eye, in flicting a deep gash, Inquire of tho first person you meet how our shoes wear. That person will bo our custoruor all right. Everybody is. Factory Shoe Stoke. SPECIAL SALE -or- GRANITE WARE. Your choice for I &2 ql. Covered Bucket, 2 quart Stew Pans Deep Jellies, 2 quart Sauce Pans, 3 quart Milk Pans, Wash Basins, Drinking Cups, 2 qt. Preserve Kettle, Soap Dishes with drainer, Deep Pies, Basting Spoons, all sizes, Deep Sauce Pans Ami n host of articles too numerous to mention. These goods arc not second lmt all first clnss. Gl RVI N'S 4 and 8 S. Main St. "Jli.s 1'hilHilelphhi." When "Miss Philadelphia" was produced as a venture on the tail cud of last season m the Quaker city, there was much speculation as to tho longth of its career, yet on tho very first night it caught tho popular fancy with Its light frivolities, pretty music and really clover dialogue. Iufact.it was tho ono lug hit of all last season iu that city, nnd for om hundred nights crowded tho theatre at cery porformauce. Now it comes to our town. fie, li from another triumph iu that city, nnd with all Baltimore and Washington, where it played to phenomenal receipts, singing its praises. It Is tho joint work pf l'.dgar Smith, who wrote tho book, nnd Herman Perlet who composed tho music. These two gentlemen have done much in this lino before, but in "Miss Philadelphia" aro said to havo struck their happiest vein. Tho music has a swing and stir to it that is sure to impicss ono, and make it popular In tho street, whllo tho liue- of tho piece are said to be really bright, clean and witty, with popular scntlmont inter mingled with comedy to sustain popular In terest. Miss Philadelphia" will le pre sented in Shenandoah on Wednesday, Dec. 2. It's Oncer How Ouick Pan-Tina euros coughs and colds, 25c. At (Iruhler Bros., drug store. Committed us u Nuisance. Matthew Delaney was before Justico Car- din this morning, charged witli beggiug. drunkenness and general public nuisance by Chief of Pollco Tosh. Ho was held for trial at court and committed to jail In -default of bail. I'll n-'I'i an! W hat is It? Tho greatest cuio for coughs and colds. At Oruhlcr Hroi., drug store. Ilol-so Not Stolen. This morning Andrew liutsko, a Lithua nian grocer, reported that, his horse had been stolen from Its stablo on West Strawberry alley. Shortly after ho found the animal tied to a post on Bast Coal street. It appear that during tho night the animal broke its halter and got out of the stablo by kicking open tho door. Somebody found tho horse roaming on Bast Coal street and tied it. TO Cl'lti: A COLO IN ONI! DAY Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tublcts. All druggists refund tho money If it fulls to cure. 25 cents. DON'T DO A THINGS Until you have seen our handsome line of holiday oUeiings which are now being placed on sale. Noth ing we ever had compares with this season's goods. Come and inspect the grand assortment. Oames, Dolla, Drums, Wagons, Horses, Mnglo Ijiutcpis, steam Knginesmid Heats, Mechanical Toys, Tea Sets, Kitchen Sets. Ifanks, Zithers, ltlocks, Trumpets, Jtaby ltatlles, Iron Trains, Sulkys, I'ire Kngine, Hook noil Ijidder Truck Sad JroiiH, Milk Wagons. A'-. Celluloid uovi'.tb s In Dressing enwes, Work and Manicure Box?s, Alliums, Are. livery article filled through and1 through with attraction, merit and worth. Those who come early will reap the best and that with little money. Our goods are on display. Look at them, examine them, pric them. It will cost you noUrim. We cordially invite you to come. F.J. Portz 8c Son, SIIBNANDOAH, PA, A CHOICE ARTICLE OUR- BEEF WINE and IR0N At 50c Per Bottle. ONLY AX KIRLIN'S DRUG STORE. 6 South Main Street 10 cts. 'prqOl M.i