The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 25, 1896, Image 2

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7!""! ' "r"aiai ."
i;STAHT.ISlIi:i) 1870.
Published every KvcnliiR, Kxccpt Hutiday,nt
Thfi Herald Is dellveied IriMlicimliilofUi nd the
urrouiitllnK towns for six ccnU n week, pay
bio to the carrier., lly mall J.1.00 J car, or 25
cant, a month, payable In advance. Advcrtlfc
meut cliurRed necordlliK to nco anil position.
The publMicrs reserve tho rltiht to clmtiKe tho
fiosltlon of aiWcrtl.eincnt whenever the pul
Icatlon ef new. demands It. Tho rlht 1.
roserved to reject any advertisement, whether
paid tor or not, that the publishers may deem
Improper. AdvcrthliiK rate made known
upon appllentlon.
E itered at the postofilco at Shenandoah, Pa., an
tecond class mall matter.
Evening Herald
A New York court hai ruled that a young
woman who sues to recover damages for a
Biiralncd nnklo need not show It to the jury.
Thus tho emancipation of tho sox goes on in
spite of nil hindering influences.
Wlttl.K in attendance at tho Union Thanks
giving services to-morrow do not overlook
the worthy object for which a collection U to
ho mado. (11 vo of your worldly goods and
your reward will bo In tho world beyond.
Ex-(iov . 1'i.ownn, whoso repetition in the
Chicago convention of "New York declines
to vote" was ono of tho dramatic incidents of
that wild gathering, says to tho wanderers
from tho old Democratic faith: "If you
over tako up those doctrlnos again ; if you
stand on tho Chicago platform In other
campaigns, wo will again defeat you." Tho
sound money Democrat's will wipe up tho
earth with Popocrats if tho latter want
another round.
Isn't it nbout time that tho Hon. Samuel
A. Loich, Sonator-olect from tho 30th di t i t
had again subjected himself ton newspaper
interview on the United States Scnatorship.
Tho last ono was mado last week, and tho
reporters aro only awaiting tho tip to herald
the nows as to whole Sam. stands on this now
momentous question. It is true tho "ducks"
aio Hying high, but our good-natured friend
fiom Schuylkill Haven has always had a
propeniity for reaching skyward and getting
in out of tiio wet.
CoNTr.m.LEii Snvr.n.v is justly proud of
his newly furnished quarters at tho court
house, and ho can now iccolvc his friends in
ouo of tho mmt conifortablo ollices on tho
hill. A new steel vault has been placed in
jioiltion, handsomely painted, ttaimd and
varnished. Tho floor is covered witli body
brussels carpet to conform with the furniture.
The Controller has also a privato oilico for
consultation. Tho handsome roll-top desks
of antique oak, furiiUhid by Shenandoah's
old and reliable (inn. Williams & Son, who
cjrry no iufeiior stock in their line of goods.
We congratulate tho Controller upon his new
If tho gu eminent reports of vaiious
countries aro to be credited, there is no singlo
disease uioio generally prevalent or which
works such frightful ravages among tho
human lnco as consumption. Tho census
figures for show that in tho pievious 102,101) porsous died of consumption in
tho United States and 70, ltifl of pneumonia.
In some parts of Europe the pulmonary dis
eases are fur more common and deadly than
in the United Stall'.. Ill (ileal Hrllain alone,
tiie approximate ratio of consumption was
11.(0 in 10,000 deaths; ill l'mme, 1120: in
Germany, 127il; in Russia, 11NJ0 ; in Italy;
1)03; ili Kwilz. rl.ind, 1110; in Ilelgiuin, 1S20 ;
In tho Netherlands, OT), and Scandinavia,
113) in 10, 0J) deaths. Tho enormous death
rate from consumption in Iltis-ia is unques
tionably due not only to tho lengthy winters
and bitter cold which compel long indoor
residence, but also to the filthy habits of the
poople, sanitation among the liussian
peasantry being an unknown art. Appletou
(ititcs it is probable that not less than $3,000,
003 of tho human raco dlo cvciy year of
A great ileal of interest is being occasioned
by tho contest foil Un'ted Statet Scnttor to
su iceed J. Donald Cameion, especially among
tho politicians of the state
legarded as one bctwioi
Tho contest is
the friends of
Senator Quay and the lb lowers of the I om
h ne, led by David Martin and Chris. Magce.
lu fact, the Huts will he drawn as closely as
was tKe casu in the now famous battle for
statechairman, in wh ch tho friends
ot till
Junior Senator came out victorious
While Senator f'uay has so far refrained,
from public announcement as to which of the ,
(several candidates he favors fur t-citalnr, it is
believed thai hi . prefeiencu Is Boies Ptnio'e,
tu brilliant and brainy young leader of
Philadelphia. Theie is no reani why ho
sj uld bu for either of the other candidates.
Ill an interview joitcrdny Senator I'uay
emphatically Mid, "1 am in.t for John Wana
maker for Senator."
There is a rumor to tho effect tliat Senator
Quay will ho teudeietl the navy portfolio in
Prebldent McKinlcy's cabinet, unci if he
accepts the same that may paetheway O r
Ouvernor Hastings itaehing the I'ulted !
State Senate. In that event Quay's faith
ful frluud and trusted lieutenant, Lieutenant
Governor Walter Lyon, would step into
llii.tinit's shoes. Tho latter has no claims
lit M 111 thn Junior Senator, for it will lie te-!
inembered that tho Governor joined funis
with the Combine a your and a half ago. It
is true that Hastings Is now an ardent sup
porter of tho BiHVer statesman, but there is
no likelihood of tho "Old Man" deserting n
true and trusted lieutenant for any new con
vert. In fact, the Governor has not yet de
claied that ho Is a candidate, and is piobably
waiting for tho lightning to strike him.
The Quay adherents in Schuylkill county
lire fur Penrose for Unltod Slates Senator
This county is no oxceptlon in this respect, as
t He si mo state of allalrs exists in other parts
of the state, and especially in Philadelphia.
The laltei city is graciously acknowledged to
be i nulled to tho Scnatorship, nnd among the
ni'-s so far mentioned from that Gibraltar
publlranlsin none have met with inoio
tl in that of Bo'os Penrose. Ho has
u distinct.'ou in the State Senate,
whete he has shown the highest trails of a
leader and statesman. Ills selection wou'd
be opec!ally plontlug to tho young Itepubll-
cans of I'ennsylviinla, and would be proof
positlto that tho party leeognbe ability,
couragoand statoniianihlp. Mr. Penro&o is
justly entitled to tho piefcrment for the
work he has dono In behalf of Kcptihlicaii
success, and thcio is not much doubt but that
ho will succeed Don Cameron. Everything
points in that direction.
News Which is flood Nets.
It pays everyone to follow tho thousands
who aro accepting that remarkable frco offer
of Dr. Greene, of 35 West 14th St., Now York
City, tho most successful specialist in curing
nervous and chronic diseases. Ho has es
tablished a system of frco lettor coneutatlon
to tell tho sick and suffering everywhere just
what their trouble is and how to get well.
All you need to do is to write him a letter,
telling him yoursymptoms and how you feel.
He will answer it, explaining your case
minutely, and nivlncaU possible- Information
And for all this he chargos nothing. It is
tho best opportunity you ever had to consult
tho highest authority, without leaving your
homo, and without paying any fee.
Ho gives such careful attention to every
letter, that you understand Instantly just
what ails you. Ho makes a specialty of
treating patients through letter correspond
ence, and is having most wonderful success
by this method. It was the samo successful
physician who discovered that remarkable
medicine, Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and
nerve remedy. Tho Doctor's long experience
and enormous practico, enables him to
thoroughly understand your complaint by
writing him your symptoms. It is easy
enough to try it, and it won't cost you any
thing. Write him to-day and it will tortalnly
be tho means of your getting strong and well.
Soothing, and not irritating, strengthening,
and not weakcuinir. small but cll'octivo
s'ich aro tho qualities of DeWitt's Little
Early Hikers, tho famous littlo pills. C. H
Happening Throughout the Hciiliin Chron
icled lor Musty 1'erusal.
Tho 1'. i It. employes at Ashland and
Giiardville will be paid on riiday.
Dangerous counterfeit half dollars are In
ciiculation. They arc dated 1805, and are a
good imitation of tho genuine.
Tho nuptials of Miss Mary O'Neill, of St.
Nicholas, and Malachi Delaney, of Mahanoy
City, were consummated at St. Cauicus
church tins morning.
Workmen are engaged in rebuilding the
destroyed boiler houso at Centralia colliery.
The company will replace the destroyed
boilers by two large tubular boilers.
E. E. Phillips, a prominent and influential
Delano citizen, lies dangerously ill at his
homo. Mr. Phillips has ft large circle of
friends who wish him a speedy recovery.
Tho retail license of Anthony Yurkus to
Frank Miller, in Union township; tho re
tall license of Eevi H. Zclincr to Mahlon
I.utz, in Ituhii township were transferred by
the court.
Mrs. Michael Ilirmingham, of Fishbach,
who died on Tuesday, will bo buried to
morrow. Tho deceased was an aunt of
Prothonotary James Detgau.
Harry and Charles Yaruwsky, who aro held
nt Pittsburg for using the mails for fraudulent
purposes, will be tried at Scr.inton on March
Ut, The former was arrested at Shenandoah
U-t Spiing.
I.etteis testamentary wcro granted to Caro
line Kirkpatrick on the estate of Lot Kirk
patiick, late of Taniaqua, deceased. Also to
August Knecht on the estato of Margarctha
l'uchs, late of l'ottsville, deceased
Scaly eruptions of the head, chapped hands
and litis, cuts, bruises, scalds, hums are
quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. It is at present tho article most used
for piles, and it always cuics them. C. li.
.Murrluu l.lcelts.-s.
M' i' i and Marjanna Oxiwiicha, both of
Sheu.H.iior li
Ainn.s I'.iust and Ilegina lllew
both of
Mahanoy City.
Kazini-i Kozatisky, of Mahanoy Plain
Fannie MiGcohan, of Jlaievilln.
Janus Hinds and Dora Smith, both
John Buck and Annlo Swartz, both
Eilis Jordan, of Lost Creok, and Maggie
(irecn, of Win. Penn.
John Yauulitos and Koitea Lepcis. both
of (iirardville.
Nerves just ns surely come from the usoot
Hood's Sarsaparilla as does tho cure o!
I scrofula, salt rheum, or other so-called
blood diseases. This is simply because
the blood aflects tho condition ot all tho
Imnes. muselns nnd tissues. If it is inr
pure lt cannot properly sustain these
parts. It made pure, rich, red and vital-
Izcd bv Hood's Barsnnarilla. it carries
health instead oi disease, and repairs tho
worn, nervous system ns nothing elso can
do. Thus nervous prostration, hysteria,
neuralgia, heart palpitation, are cured by
Becauso It is tho Ono True Blood Purifier.
, . j, are the best niter-dinner
rlOOCrS FlllS pllls.ald digestion. 26o
You can blame
yourself if you
do n't pet real
ood coffee to
rink. Ordinary
coffee is made de
for Scellg's.
A little of this
ulmixtvtre to
licious hv adding
rc.'cnp cottcc
MiUl.Ul . ti- .Hi.
tn.. era ndclicious'
.drink anil saves
munitions. Oft CATON'S, land tat e regrets. At
..,.n.,luuil.H CI -rinr l.nlrlet j eentH.
"I "KK"" ...v.-, v. ... .. i
Vdrink and saves expense.
Councilman D. It. James' wife is seriously
John Delaney was a visitor to tho county
seat to-day.
Anthony Flaherty transacted business in
l'ottsville to-day.
Miss Netta Woods has gono to Mahanoy
City to spend n wcok with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. lleddall, of South
Jardln street, lire In Philadelphia.
Miss Louis;i Krcbs, of St. Clair, was an at
tendant at tho itazaar last evening.
Miss A mill) Duller, of Philadelphia, is
visiting her parents on West Coal street.
Miss Ilcsslo Phillips, of South Wost street, j
is visiting friends at Perth A in hoy, X. Y. I
Miss Mary C'ullcn returned to St. Clair
yesterday after a visit among town friends.
Mrs. Tyler, of Mahanoy City, spent to-day
as tho guest of Mrs. James, of East Coal
Miss Maggie Ferguson has returned to town
after being located in Philadelphia for a long
Sadie Sneddon, 10 years of ago and resid
ing at 0 South Pear alley, is suffering from
Miss Maud Dolcamp has gono to Philadel
phia to visit her sister, LUllo, who is
dangerously ill.
Miss Louisa Itichards, of South West street,
after spending several weeks nt Lansford,
has returned homo,
Messrs. James and William Welsh, of
Philadelphia, aro tho guests of tho" McDer
molt family, on West Oak street.
Miss Sarah llorrocks, and cousin, Lizzie,
both of Joddo, aro being entertained by Miss
Annie Lawsou, on East Lino street.
L. E. Erleg, of Shamokin, a personal friend
of Manger Stempson, of tho Hotol Francy,
was registered at the new hostelry yesterday.
Miss Hannah Ilerbiuo mid her friend, Miss
Annie Waters, both of Catawissa, are tho
guests of tho formers parent's, Mr. and Mrs.
David Herhinc, on West Coal street.
feoro Throat (Jittcldy Cured.
Not long ago In speaking of sote throat,
nnd tho difficulty frequently experienced in
curing it, Mr. J. E. Thomas, of Unlondale,
Pa., told how ho had often cured It in his
family. Wo gio it in his own words: "I
have frequently used Chamberlain's Pain
Halm in my family for soro throat and it
hhs effected a speedy cure in every instance.
I would not tlii nk of getting along in iny
home without it." Pain lialm also cures
rheumatism, sprains and bruises. For sale
at Bo and 50 cents per bottle by (Iruhler liros.,
Ittirglars Visit Seeriil Places nnd becitre
Considerable Itooty.
Early yesterday morning a party of btirg
lais split up in Hnzleton and practically
looted tho city. One gang visited tho
residence of llev. Mr. Forve, on Laurel
street, where they secured $05 in cash.
Another gang was cutting away tho glass in
the door of llerron's furnishing store, but
encountering a second door left. Still another
gang forced their way into Whittaker's
hardware store, but were surprised by August
Schneider, who slept above the store. Others
entered Zora Thomas' barn and took a horse
and wagon and drove to the Eureka Instal
ment Houso on Pine street. After the men
secured about ?350 worth of goods theydrovo
leisurely out llroad street and were soon a
safe dlstanco away,
I had severe attacks of gravel aud kidney
trouhlo; and unable to get a medicine or
doctor to euro ino until I used Hop Hitters,
and they cured me in a short time. A
Di.stinouisiiki) Lawvi;r ok Wavnk Co.,
N. Y.
Colohmss ani Com. A young girl
deeply regretted that sho was so colorless nnd
and cold. Her face was too white, and her
hands and feet felt as though thu blood did
not ciiculate. After lOiic bottle of Hop
Hitters had been taken she was the rusiest
and healthiest girl in the town, with a
vivacity and cheerfulness of mind gratifying
to her friends.
Deeds Kccorded.
From Hannah Ilicbelheimer to Adaui S.
Menglc, half a lot in Mahanoy City.
Trom Thoophilus G. Lewis to Sophia Kis
singer, part of a lot in Donaldson,
From Goo. C. Leibig ct al to Mary E. Men-
dicr, lot in Ashland.
From trustees of First Baptist church to
trustees of Evangelical church, premises in
From Jacob Paul to Joseph W. Lewis, lot
in Gordon.
A Friend, to 12ver)hody.
Parents are by nature anxious that their
children secure and maintain as many useful.
and valuable friends as possible Ono friend
which they can leadily secure for a trifle is
Thompson's Diphtheria Curo, which in case
of a diphtheretic attack, will positively curo
the diseaso and save life whore all other
medicines fail. The best plan is to keep it
handy in the house at all times and apply
according to directions at tho first intimation
of diphtheria, croup, quinsy, or any other
throat affection. Sold at Klrlln's drug store
at 50 cents a bottle.
Tho old way of delivering messages by post
boys compared with tho nioderu telephone,
illustrates the old tedious methods of "break
ing" colds compared with their almost lu-
J,,""ta"c"U9 fn" 0nB Minuto Cough Cure,
I liagenbuch,
to cum; a ooi.n in one day
Take Laxativo llromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
!i3 tents.
Cheered for Sran nnd Wns Shot.
Kansas Cxtv, Mu , Nov. 2.i Ijiwrvnco
Schebul, wh'ilo wnl king ulong Nineteenth
Ftreet, passed a group of negroes. Ho
thouted; "Hurrah for Bryan!'' when ono
uf the negroos fired n revolver at him, the
ball pus-lug through his stomach, indict
ing a latiil wound. The negro escaped.
Absolutely pine, perfectly harmless, and
invariably reliablo are the qualities of One
Minute Cuugh Cuie. It never fails In colds,
croup and lung troubles. Children llko it be-
cuiio It is pleasant tu uwi aim u neips mum.
C. 11. liagenbuch.
Swindler 1'nttersou Held for Trial.
NbW Yoilli, Nov. 25. John S. l'nttcr
Min, who wns arrested In I'hllndolplila
last week on n New York warrant charg
ing him wllh gmnd hircony, wits brought
to this city vusterdny. Ho was iirriiignod
nml hold in JB.OOi) bull. Other Indictments
will bo fllod nguliHt him. Patterson is
alleged to huvo hypothecated 20,000 worth
of butter, to have been consigned to
him by Now York nie-vhants on the repre
sentation thnt F. C. MeFiirlnnd, of Phila
delphia, was his part per In business.
Why BUffor with Coughs, Colds and La
Clrippo whon Laxative llromo Quinine will
liinn.nlav. Put un lu tablots con
veulent for takiug. Guaranteed to cute, or
mnnev refunded. Price. 25 cents. For sale
by Klrlln's Pharmacy.
If you want a fine wedding ca!
let Otto
make it for you.
Grew Voro under Treatment ot Host
riiysiclanfi Trlctt
Grcnt Change In Five Days nnd To-day Is
Entirely Cured.
My baby had Eczema In Its worst form.
One nt tho best phsslclaus in the oi tv attended
her, but sho continued to get worse all tho
tliiie. Ho flnaltv admitted lie uns at his wits'
end. I then got CtrricttiiA Hi:mkiii:s, and In
ufriodayi noticed (treat cninge in her ton
dlllon. She continued to improve anil to-day
it entirety cured, has nice head ot hair, and Is
lively and hearty. I spent considerable money
fordrugsand doctor's hills, which was useless.
J. 11. JACOI1S, 2031 Wllklns Ate., Italt.,Md.
SrERDT Cube Tn atmist. Warm hnths with Crn
CI'IU Soap, scntls applications 6f U'TierflA (olnlm-nt),
th Kn-st skin curs, and mild dosci of Cutiovra I'.lsul
yknt, greatest of btimor curei.
Sold throughout tha world. Pries. Cimcrm t
8oap,2.v.i llisoi.TitiiT,A0e.and$t. roTTiaDacosifO
Cilrw. Com-., Sola I'ropa.. Doaton.
ttJ-"liow to Cure Every Skin Humor, mailed free.
Tho Hoard of Health loAilopt n Itctnllu
tlou Policy
Mahanoy CitV, Nov. 25. The lloa'd of
Health met last evening and Mr. Sherman,
one of tho members, stated that lie under
stood that lu neighboring towns transit per
mits issued by the local Board of Health are
not recognized and undertakers uro not taxed
GO cents on each corpse. Tho local board has
recognized permits issued by othorboardsand
if the latter do not reciprocate the local board
should not rccognlzo their permits. Tho sec
retary was Instructed to wrlto to tho secre
taries of tho Boards of Health of Tamaqua,
Potlsvillc, Shenandoah, Girardville and Ash
land for information bearing on tho subject.
Dr. J. J. Ilurko and Miss Plioebo Barlow,
daughter of Mrs. M. M. nnd tho lato Daniel
Bailow, will bo united in marriage at five
o'clock this evening at tho residence ef the
biido's mother, on East Centre street. Eov,
A. M. Woods, lot tho Presbyterian church,
will officiate. Among tho guests in attend
ance will bo Miss Lillie Deck, of Grcensburg;
Miss Blackly, Philadelphia; Mrs. T. J,
Parmley, Carlisle; Mr. aud Mrs. A. D.
Ilobertson and Mr. and Mrs. George Hubert
son, Shamokin; Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Clem,
mens and Mrs, Andrew Kobortson, Potts,
villc; Dr. Mears, Audcnricd,
Miss Mary O'Neill, of St. Nicholas, nnd
Malachi Delaney, of Mt. Carmel, were mar
ried in St. Cauicus church at three o'clock
this afternoon.
Mrs. Frank Watkins has given birth to
Thomas Itowen, of West Spruco street, bad
three fingers of his right hand badly mashed
at the Primrose colliery last evening by hav
ing them caught by a side hook on a miuo
car. The fingers wcro released after prying
the hook off with a bar.
Charles McLaren, a blacksmith, employed
at tho St. Nicholas' colliery, sustained a deep
gnh on tho right hand two weeks ago from
flying pieces of steel. As the wound failed
to heal an examination was mado last even
ing and a physician extracted a piece of steel
a quarter of an inch in length from tho
Mrs. Susie Bolenza was arrested last even
ing, charged with the larceny of $15 from
Andrew llolan, onoof her boarders, for whom
the woman acted as banker. She said sho
appropriated tho money for household pur
poses and was put under $200 bail. "
Aaron Brownrniller, Jr., n machinist at
Seaman's washcry, had the middle finger of
his left hand badly mashed last evening. He
held a punch to perforate sheet iron nnd his
assistant with the sledge hammer missed tho
K)ertrlc Millers.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any
season, but perliaps more generally needed in
tho spring, when tho languid exhausted
feeling prevails, when tho liver is torpid and
sluggish and the need of a tonie nnd altera
tive is felt. A prompt use of this medicine
lias often averted long and perhaps fatal
bilious fevers. No medicino will act more
surely In counteracting and freeing the sys
tem from the malarial poison. Headache,
Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to
Eloctric Bitters. Only fifty cents per bottlo
at A. Waslcy's drug store.
ltellel In Six Honrs.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by tho "Now Great
South American Kidnoy Cure." This now
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladdor, kidneys, back and overy part
of the urinary passages In male or femalo.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief and cure this is your remedy.
sold by rjnaptra's pnarmaey, iuy ooutn aiain
(iirl MlJidu llltUltl.lVll.
Tt'KNTOK, Nov. 23. The body of the girl
found last Sunday morning In VUlaPark,
u suburb of tins city, has been identified as
Mamlo ILizulhick, of 335 East Klghty-fifth
street. New York. The body wns identi
fied by it sister of the dead girl. Sho says
Mamie left home Saturday night, saying
they might novor see her again. Tho sis
tor says tho detail girl had a lover named
Harry Guy.
Mnrvolotts Itcsiilts.
From a letter written by Rov. J. (hinder
man, of Dimondalo, Mich., wo aro permitted
to mako this extract : "I have no hesitation
in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery,
as the results were almost marvelous in the
case of my wife. While I was pastor of the
Baptist church at Lives Junction sho was
brmiL'ht down with Pneumonia succeeding
La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing
would last Hours witli nttio interruption anil
It seemed as if sho could not survive them.
A friend recommended Dr. King's New
A irlenil rcconimeuueii nr. Kings
Discovery: it was quick in its worl
highly satisfactory in results." Trial 1
free at A. Wasley's drug storo. Iiegula
its work ami
gular sizo
50o and f 1.00.
The old lady was rUtht when sho said, the
child might die if thoy waited for the doctor,
Sho saved the little one's life with a few
doses of One Minute Cough Cure, she had
used It fur croup before. C. II. liagenbuch.
IN 30 DAYS. '
Cures deneral or special debility, wakefulness,
spermatorrhoea, emissions, Impotency, pare
sis, etc. Corrects functional disorders, caused
by errors or excesses, quickly restoring Lost
n'onliood In old or younK, givlnir vigor and
strcnetli where former wenknewi prevailed.
Convenient packago, simple, effectual and
l-i,.., if i.h florolved liv Imitations: Insist ou
CATON'S Vltalliers. Hentaealed if your driiK-
uist docs not have It. l'rlce i pcrpitK., o lor s,
with written guarantee of complete cure.
Information, reference, etc,, free and confiden
tial. Send us statement. of ease and is its. for
a week'B trial treatment, Olio only sent to each
person. ,
Tnenty-etElit Mar Ton Kiecutcd nnd rifty-
lx Get J-dra Imprisonment,, Nov. 25. Thonttomey aen-
crnl, who Is porsotmlly conducting tho
prosecution or tho prisoners who nro un
der nrrost for connection with tho throw
of n bomb in a crowded street while a re
lifztoua procession wns passing ou Juno 7
last, hits announced thu t. ho will nsk tho
court that twenty-eight of tho prisonors
bo sontoncod to death nnd fifty-six con
domnod to petinl sorvltudo for life. Gront
procnutlons will be taken against disor
der when tho sontencos are publishod.
Tho court will sit in tho vault of the Fort
ress of Mont Julch, nud only military of
ficers will bo admlttod to its proceedings
Tho crime for which tho prisoners nro to
answer to a military court wns ono of tho
most fiendish of the many similar out
rages committed by nuarohlsts within tho
lust fow years. Tho usual religious ob
servances of the feast of Corpus Chrlstl
were being observed, nud thousands of
poople lined tho streots to witness the pro
cession on its way to the ancient church
of SantA Maria del Mar. Just as tho pro
cession wits entering tho church it bomb
was exploded in the crowd, killing a dozen
persons outright nud wounding nbout
fifty others, some of whom died from their
Uucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, saltTheum, fever sores,
-i 1 i.nn ni,ni.ii. ,a
muni, uuappv.A uauufl, uuuijitiius, vaiiuo, nuu
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay roquirear' it is guaranteed to gtvo
perfect satisfaction or znony refunded, l'rico
25 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasley.
Southern Railroad Enterprise.
Louisville, Nov. 25. A smashing blow
to old traditions; was delivered yesterday
by tho Loulsvlllo nnd Nnshvlllo railroad
and tho Plant system. It camo In tho form
of nu ordor fur changes to comnionco to
day, which menu tho upsetting of existing
passenger traffic regulations nnd lnutlioils
clear across tho Unltod States, from tho
southeast border to tho great lakes and
the Missouri river. Tho not remit is
sumothlng never before accomplished or
even attumptud lu the railway service.
Onoof tho contral ideas Is to put St. Louis
and Chicago wl.hlii loss than forty-eight
hours of 'i.':i-!i:m, Khv.
Many People Ridicule the Idea of an Abso
lute Cure for Dyspepsia and Stomach
Ridicule, However, is Not Argument, and
Facts are Stubborn Things.
Stomach troubles are so common and in
many cases so obstinate to cure that people
aro apt to look with suspicion on any remedy
claiming to be a radical, permanent curo for
dyspepsia and indigestion. Many sucli pride
themselves on their acuteness in never being
humbugged, especially on medicines.
This fear of being humbugged may bo
carried too far; so lar, in fact, that many
persons suffer for years with weak digestion
rather than risk a little time and money in
faithfully testing the claims of a preparation
so reliablo and universally used as Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets.
Now Stuart's .Dyspepsia Tablets are' vastly
different in one important respect from or
dinary proprietary medicines for the reason
Hiat they aro not a seciet patent medicine,
no secret is made of their ingredients, but
analysis shows them to contain tho natural
digestivo ferments, pure aseptic pepsin, the
dlgestlvo acids. Golden Seal, bismuth, hy-
drastis and nux. They are not cathartic,
neither do they act powerfully on any organ,
but they curo indigestion on the common
sense plan of digesting the food eaten thor.
oughly beforo it has tlmo to ferment, sour
and cause the mischief. This is the only
secret of their success.
Cathartic pills never have and never can
curo indigestion and stomach troubles be.
cause they act entirely upon tho bowels,
whereas the whole trouble is really lu tin
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, taken after
meals, digest tho food. That is all there is
to it. Food not digested or half digested
poison as it creates gas, acidity; headaches,
palpitation of tho heart, loss of flesh and ap
petite and many othor troubles which are
often called by some other name.
They aro sold by druggists everywhere: at
SO cents per package. Address Stuart Co.,
Marshall, Mich., lor littlo book on stomach
diseases, sent free.
for Weak and Run-Down Pesple from
Childhood to Old Age.
.. WHAT iT IS ! Tho r'.sWof n'.l mrtoratlv
rooid, titcuuae it ruplacu the ..tun fubbtances
to tto blood anil nervrs that are exhausted In
thetfettt o lf-t(LTluir HuuIhI'T dUaae. lnjtgatlon.
hlffti livirg, overwork, vrorrr, excesses, aiiuae,e3.
WHAT IT DOES ! IS? unking thn blojxl
pirn ami r.c'i. md theilifffahQii perfect. It creates
u '.d lle.h, luuacle and strength. The nerves bo.
Ins made atrnnp, the brain-com-s active and
clear, nrrwt'iring loet vitality and RtoppJnr alt
wanting drains SMd weakness lu either aei. It has
oo 'iiuat t a..d asti femuleregnlstorlt Is worth Us
weight In gold. One box lattsaweek. Price 5"c., or
t box 3s iS-i.i. Druggists or br nail. llimU tree.
W3 Chestnut St,. Fhlladtlshla.
JlUtlCVnil Bote TBroat, 'iriples. Copper!
; , H ft - - mu uoioreu "lii)Hw"B
MflUlcers In Uoutb, ilalr-jmingl write cuua,ra i
Kfl(iti:MKD V CO., U07 Slosonlo empH-if 1 i
twy.lilcago, XII., lor proois oi cures. a;u.i-riv9
u-ital. SAOUAHHl. worst cases cureo. ui mi
VmQlo H& days. lOO-nnire boolt free.
Cured by this jrranulur effervescent and stimu
lant. An instant euro lor sour Bioiimcus nnu
headaelies, which often accumulate from having
n ultsht out.
17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah
millions of Dollars
Qo up iu smoke every year. Take nt
risks but get your houses, slock, fur
niture, etc., insured in first-class re
liable companies as represented by
rAVTT n ATICT Insurance Afrent,
vtxiiu iauoi 130 South Janlln Ht
' Also Mfe and Accidents! Cotopaute,
Dr. Miles' Nervine Victorious.
Physical and Mental Exhaustion Clves
way to Vigorous Activity.
EV. W. T. noUORT, tho talented pas
tor of orace U. B. church, Carlisle,
Penn., writes September 28, 1895: " I
always enjoyed good health until tn 1892, at
which time my duties as a clergyman were
peculiarly trying nature, subjecting
me to several severe nervona shocks-which
together with overwork ana" anxiety, Im
paired my general1 Health- and' nervous sys
tem. Indeed I was In such a condition: that
tho mere, eight ot a largo congregation so
wearied tno that It
would require a day
or more for me to. re
cover from tho ex
haustion. It affords
mo great pleasure to
say that Dr. Miles"
Bestoratlvo Nervines
and Bestoratlvo Tonic
have dono mo untold good. I preached
thrco times yesterday and I feel us fresh
and vigorous this Monday morning as I
over felt in my life, thanks to your remedies.
Dr. Miles' Remedies aro sold by allidrug-
glsts under a positive guarantee, first bottlo
benefits or money refunded. Book on
Heart and Nerves sent frco to all applicants.
DU. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
LTilch enter's llnclUh IMamoinl Hrsirrf.
Original and Only Ccnolno.
re. lUwftji reUttbls. LAOitl't'l
Druftgifl. for CkUkater Png'Uh Via-.
niMillMaJ In IImI rkfirl Gold tnettUlo'
ha Athiu. Itrt.Aa.iiaerot tub$tttu
ticm and tmiUMont, At i, or nend 4tt
Id timr for particular!, testimonials tr
Itellef for Ijo1Io," Utter, by return
JllHlla IM.UUM iCBiiuiODiivii. J arris jiiytr.
v m
loll b aiUenot.' "TiuttUiM. rhtiaoifa i 'I
One Thousand Dollars In cash Is
offered by tho Thompson Diphtho
rla Curu Co, f t the use of tho
WlUlainspoi t. I'.i., Hospital or any
charitable lnstl'ution elsewhere,
lor any caso ot Diphtheria which
t Thompson's
Doesn't curo If properly applied.
Tho only conditions aro that the
patient upon whom the test Is
made tnustbuallvouiidnoton the
verge of death caused by tho use ot
antf-toxlne or some other so called
remedv. The company making
this oiler must Ikj notlllea when
tho uso of lu Medicine In such case
Is begun, so that a representative
can be prcent and personally see
that thlsremedvJs nppliedln strict
accordance with the printed In
structions given.
Ony Deglstsred ifiyslclait!
Is cordially Invited to apply this
Medicine strictly as per Instruc
tions given. This offer shows the
Implicit faith tho Company has
In the Medicine lt manufactures
and the infallible remedy lt Is for
all eases of Diphtheria, Croup,
Quinsy, or any throat airection.
Ask your denier for lt and Veep
one or more bottles handy In tho
house at all times Thousands
upon thousand of lives saved an
nually by this Medicino.
MSNUvaciuatD svthi
TdonDSon Dlpmneila cuie Co.
Sold by Druggists Everywhere,
For Sale at KliUIN'S Drug: Store.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
A tjeumue welcome waits you at
Cor. naln and Coal Sta. M;
finest whlikeya, beere porker andi,.
conRtantly on lap. Choice temperance dr,
and eijfnrs, m
- - - -gPt .
Celebrated Temai o
rwders PjVer fall.
i rufesinti luNi.Am failmir
with Tunij rcnnyTojil 111U ind other likr
rvIIlPU i" tVlW.jrri "r" ""- " '- "'."f"
UX, llcik IMr, uoiion, uais.
A Handsomo Complexion
la nnnnf the ereatest charms R woman can
possess, l'oizom'a Couplkxioh Pdwijta
gives lt. I
IPllg Milf
3 E3lilLUlllUUllilM'''iiiiJilluiililllimilUllllllllllllra S