DIP, DIP, DIP. Dip no more when you begin, let your pen slide 'til you're done you can't do it without a fountain pen. We have them, and give a guarantee with every one we sell. HOOKS & BROWN a North Main St. OYERCOATS WILL BE SLAUGHTERED. The people of Shenandoah may expect In the near future the greatest sli'iighter role in overeats over known here. Ijist week the Kront New York clothing firm of Lectern, ltcers & Co. failed for 8300,000 and In response to a telegram L. liefonleh, the clotliier of town anil proprietor of the fine 1'riee Cloth ing House at No. 10 South Main Btreet, went to Now York to attend the sale of the firm's groat stock by their assignee. It is woll known that stock at such sales is sold at less than tho cost of manufacture, so that when Mr. Hcfowich returns he will bo able to oiler overcoats and suits at prices that will liriuK tho goods within the roach of the poorest. The stock is entirely now and every garment well made, so that tho bargains will be rare ones, Mr. ICefowlch will also dispose of some of tho stock at wholcsalo and dealers will bo able to get an advantage of 25 per cent, by calling on him immediately after Ills leturn. Tho purchase will also include a full lino of fancy gloves, smoking jackets and other gents' furnishing goods suitable for Christmas presents. One I'iiic-k Cuitiiino Hiil'hi:, 10 South Main Street, ll.23.tf L. JtKFOwicn, I'rop. A lilt for Coughs anil Colds. What? Pan-Tin, 25c. At Gruhler Dros., drug storo. Tim Coal Trade. The condition of tho anthracite coal trade lias not changed materially since our last report. Tho volume of new husIuoM doing is small and the shipments of coal are moro or less regulated by the weather conditions, Tho prices for anthracite remain about as heretofore quoted, with a shading of lufuSS centB per ton or more from the last ollici.il circular of prices, according to the quality of coal Qllcred and tbo necessity of tho sellers. With the approach of tho time for closing navigation on the great lakes between lluf falo and other eastern points and tho western distributing ports tho rate of vessel freights has been advanced 10 per cent, per ton. to cum: a cold in oxi: hay Take Laxative llromo (Juinino Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if it fails to euro. 25 cents. Charters Granted. Judge Pershing granted charters for tho St. John tho liaptist Polish Benevolent Society, of Minersville, the St. I'rancls Lithu anian Temperance and itenevolent Society of Shenandoah ; also tho Lithuanian ISeneficial Society of Win. Penn. .Shake cjir Itlicuinntlsm unit Neuralgia. Itub well with Ited Flag Oil. 25e. At Gruhler Bros., drug store. Health Reports. Tho following cases of measles havo been reported to the Hoard of Health during the past 21 hours: Annie Slevcuovicli, 4 years, South West street : Michael Lenartovitz, 1 year. West Centre street; Walter Shultz, 3 years, Strawberry alley. TrjuunnimTTnmm pmmrmnnnwmmmmiii X-MAS PRESENT. COUPON TO "HERALD" READERS. The holder itl 80 euonons of the HERALD is cotitleil to a UrHt clnss life size, frec-hanil crayon, worth $10.00, made from ao distinct photograph, by paying 66 Cents at M Ileeker's studio, I0M W i entrc street, Shenan doah, Pu Bend photograph In Immediately and nave coupons ready upon re ceipt of portrait. NO COUPON, NO PORTRAIT. IIIIIMMII""11"""""1""""""""-1' WILKINSON'S room m the Is without he hudirt outside ol THESE TWO HINTS OF DRESS GOODS and CLOAKS Are only a suggestion of what wc lwvc to sell. livery department is so. complete and prices are so inviting, you can't help buying the greatest burguins of the enson, now offered bv Shenandoah's greatest store. L. J. WILKINSON'S, MAIN STREET. gSjj AVE HAVE Till: MOST HAND- W I j t...0IL CLOTHS I i E. B? FOLEY, I Ira NO 31 WEST CENTRE STREET. Z0LLNER SURRENDERS. ! Hearing In tho llloeh lluiglan Postponed I'tilll l'o-inorrow Night. At eight o'clock this morning Patrick Hums mid William Anspach, two of the meli charged with tho burglary at Sam Mock's clothing store on Sunday morning, appeared before Justice Cardln for further hearing. M. M. Ifurkc, Hsq., apioarcd in lielmlf of Hums, ltobcrt Gibson was nut present, as he stands committed and Is In the Pottsvlllo iail. Owing to the Inability of John F. Whalen, IUki., of Potlsville, to be present tho hearing was again postponed until to morrow evening, at eight o'clock. Mr. Whalen has been engaged by the prosoeution. William Zollner, alleged to be the fourth burglar, surrendered himself to Policeman Lee this morning and also apeared at the time llxed for the hearing. Ho was put under ?B00 bail for his appearance to-morrow night. Ho declares ho is innocent and can provo an alibi. lllock claims he is a loser by at least $100. He says four new revolvers and several over coats are missing. When Gibson was arrested a new revolver was found in one of his pockets. Mock says he will not scttlo the case under any circumstance. Wedding rings, engagement rings and birthday rlugs, tho largost stock In the county at llrumtiVs. oot Hall on ThankHgUlng. Manager Fahcy, of tho homo team, has arranged a game with tho Mahanoy City eleven at tho Trotting rrk on Thanksgiving afternoon, game to bo called at 3 o clock. Tho gamo promises to bo a good one, as tho visiting team will bo strengthened by sev eral phiyors of tho Mauch Chunk team, and the Itoso brothers and "Sim" Mcllalo, of town. Shoo making and shoe selling is our busi ness. Wo make them good and sell them cheap. Factory Shoi: Stork, Waited ll llcurlllg. John and Anthony McAndrow and Patrick Malloy, of Rappahannock, charged by Anthony Monachal), of tho saino place, with burglary and assault and battery with Intent to kill, appeared before Justice Lawlor for further hearing this morning, but waived the hearing and went to Poltsville, whero rangements wero made for their admission to ball for trial at court. HOOD'S PILLS euro Liver ll!s, Biliousness, Indigestion, Ilciulnchc. A, ideas-lit laxative. All Druggists. Ting Knlstng rrogruin. The following will be tbo flfcirant at the Hag raising at the new White street sch building under the nuspsccs of tho Womeu's Relief Corps No. 59 on Thanksgiving Day, at 2 p. m. : Chairman's address, Mr. Leddon ; singing, Knight and party ; address, Rev. Robert O' Roy lo ; singing, choir ; presentation of Hag, Rov. Alfred Hcebncr; acceptance, in behalf of the School Hoard, Superintendent C, 1). Dogart; singing, choir; closing, Rov. I. J. Reitz. Inquire of tho first person you meet how our shoes wear. That person will be our customer all right. Everybody is. Factory Shoi: Stori:. Notice, .Ir. O. U. A. M. Xotico is horeby given to tho members of Mnj. Jennings Council Xo. 307, Jr. O. V. A. M., to meet In their hall on Sunday evening, November 20th, at tl o'clock shnrp, to pro ceed to tho M. E. church in a body to attend divine services. Members of sister councils nro invited to atttend. Ily onlcr of Arthur Tiikgemud, Councilor. Attest: Wm. Rkkvi:s, Sec'y. 11.21-St In Aid of Their Church. Tho congregation of All Saints' Episcopal church, of town, will oren a grand bazaar this ovening, which will be continued on Wednesday and Thursday ovenings, with many attractions, including a turkey supper on Thanksgiving day evening. Tho money raised will bo devoted to the building fund of the new church, which Is now in course of erection. There Neier Was ll Itetter Cure Than Pan-Tina for coughs, 25c. At Gruhler Eros., drug store. I'rcpurlug for Odd I'cIIohs liny. Twenty-four members of Mt. Carinel Lodge, No. (130, I. O. O. F., wero appointed as a general managing committee to niako arrangements for tho celebration to bo held in Mt. Carinel by the Odd Follows Anniver sary Association on the 20th of next June. Iteiueiiiher If You Hate a Cough or Cold, Pan-Tina always cures, 25c. At Gruhler llros., drug store. A BUSINESS TO BE POPULAR Must be broad gunge in its methods and have the cotif.ilcncc of the buying public. The buying should be niil't and the selling just. Wc have n competent force id" experienced salespeople that know our busi ness methods. All Roods must be as represented i.nd your money back if you want It. CLOAKS ALWAYS FIRST. Wc lead in style, in finish and in price. It goes without snviiiL' that we sell more nice CLOAKS and WKAl'S than all our competitors combined. This Daylight store of ours was built for the business ; L'ood indues of architecture have buid there isn't a state that has better nrraiincmciit for buvmi! ctrinfott than our great Daylight store Of course the price must be right or wc couldn't do the business of the county. SEE OUR Flush Cnpcs, - - - ?5- to $35.00 Cloth Capes, ... 98c to Jio.oo Mlish Jackets. - - - S5.00 to 125.00 The newest New York styles just in. There's a hu. drcd nobby styles to select from. OUR DRESS GOODS STOCK a peer. A New York salesman said to-day seen such mt array of choice dress fabrics New York. Our prices are always right. LLOYD STREET. CHARLES DERR'S Barber Shop ! 12 West Centre Street. Our, Hot Towel ihave a h on ml nor nonular. You Will itkn It. W Surprise Parties, The home of Mrs. John Iteevcs was the scene of a mcry gathering hist night ill honor of her daughter, Jennie, who cele brated her eight birthday and was the re ceipent of a large number of beautiful gifts. The following wcie present: Margery Itecse, L'thel mill Harry Morgan, Ldua and l!ay monil Morgans, Jennlo mid David Reeves, James Morgan, Ltnlly Williams, luthy Link, Margiet Maley, Louis Davenport, Hazel and Annie Marshall, Ray Itowse, Mary Edwards, J.ottie Hoehlor, Clarence Reeves, May laurel, Tillle Call, LIkcIo Itogors, Walter and Emily Piatt, Emory Htraughn, Emma Williams, Ijiwrenco and May Little, Llesie Evans, Resale Jollcrsou, LI.?io Woollam, Floromu lUlls, Roy Hughes, James Cleary and Alice Maher. Manie, U-year-old daughter of Councilman Daniel Coakley, celebrated her birthday an niversary yesterday and last evening was tendered a surprise jiarty by a number of her friends. Tho ovening was spent In games and refreshments wore served. Those present wcio : Mary O llara, Mary Campbell, Lizzlo Flaherty, Nolllo Gallagher, Resslo Williams, Maggio Mcllalo, Lucy Shcehy, Katio Mcllnle, Katlo Flaherty, Jcaunetto llroxton, Agnes Campbell, Maud Pooler, NellloShcohy, May Echcr, Lmma G. Llewellyn, LUa, Anna, Lizzie aud Maine Coakley, Katie Shoehy, Enoch Poolor, Thomas C. and William 11. Llewellyn, Iicnnio llroxton, Martin O ilara, Thomas Tiacy, John Mcllalc, Maurlco Coakley, Thomas and James Mcllalo, J. J. Toole, Mrs. O'Hara, .Mr. James Coakley and wife, Mr. J. J. Durkln and wire, Martin O'Hara aud Michael Coakley. I. O. O. P. Notice. All Odd Fellows nro earnestly requested to attend tho funeral of our lato brother, Ecnjaniln F. Raudonhush, of Mahanoy City Lodgo No. U17, from his lato residence, corner Emorick and Coal streets. Interment at Mahanoy City, via Lehigh Valley train, leaving at 12:53 p. m. on Wednesday, 25th. John D. Trezise, N. G. Attest: Joseph Hinks, 23-2t Secretary Shenandoah Lodge 591. Will I'lny lit the llnznar. The concert at tho llazaar on Thanksgiving will bo aided by tho services of Miss Eva Brewer, tho interesting daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Rrcwer, who will render several solos on tho violin. Miss Rrewcr will bo remembered as having proved a decided success at the anniversary of the P. O. S. of A. last May. TO CIJIU: A COM) IN ONi: DAY Take Laxativo Uromo Quinino Tablets. All druggists refund tho moucy if it fails to cure. 25 cents. Tho Atlantic League. Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 23. The Atlan tic l!ao Rail League met at the'Hotel Han- over to-day: Norfolk, Richmond, Patorsou Hartford, Newark, Wilmington, Philadelphia (Athletics) and Lancaster wero represented Pottsvillc, Pottslown and Reading applied for admission. Tho length of life may bo increased by less oninc its dangers. Tho majority of people die from lung troubles. These may be avert ed by promptly using Ono' Minuto Cougli Cure. C. II. Hagenbiich. Called Hence. Mrs. Martha Grilllths died at tho homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Harris, on South Main street, this morning at o'clock. She had been failing in health for the past fivo months, and recently was at tacked with pneumonia, which caused her death. Deceased was 19 years of ago and is survived by her husbaud, William Grillitlis. Thiltiih 1'olsoncd. John Jocaitis, whllo loosening a lump of coal at tho Lllungowaii colliery this morning, received a Might scratch on tbo right thumb. He paid no attention to it until swelling set in, whon it was found that tbo member bad been poisoned. Ho sutlers considerable pain J From Park Ave. Hotel, New York i "it cleans Glass, Paint, Metals, etc., to our greatest Bon Ami The Modern Cleaner YOU CAN SAVE "HVLONEY- By Purchasing Your Groceries, Smoked Meats, Flour and Feed at Meluskey & Son, 105 S. Main St. WEATHER CONDITIONS Always have an effect one way. or the other and every change is felt at some source of trade. The mild weather of the past few days caused a ...TUMBLE IN OVERCOAT PRICES. We were left with a big stock on hand and at once cut down prices from $1.50 to S3. 50, according to the grade of overcoat. It has grown colder, but we have decided not to raise prices until we see whether the cold winter has come to stay, so people who will call at I GOLDIN'S MAMMOTH - CLOTHING - HOUSE, 9 and 11 South Main Street, Within the next few days will be able to get OVERCOATS AT ALMOST COST. PERSONAL. Mrs. John Jefferson, of south West street, gave birth to a bouncing baby giil yesterday. Miss Lucy ItrolHt, of Nuiutnburg, is visit ing friends in town. The wife of Rov. H. It. Romlg, pastor of tho Ebenezcr Evangelical church, has given birth to a son. George T. Llewellyn, the Insurance stiiier Intendent, to-day moved his family to Mah anoy City. Mrs. Samli Wasley and daughter. Miss Emma, wero called to New Orleans, whore tho former's daughter, .Mrs. Abncr Powell, is dangerously ill. Surveyor W. G. Oiogory entertained hi-, father and sister yesterday, who came up from Glrnrdville. George Holvey, of Reading, will return to town shortly to nccept a position iiuder the Grand Union Tea Company. Miss Katie Kane, of Tuscarora, spent yesterday in town. Miss Mamo Sheridan returned to Now York to-day after a pleasant visit to her parents at Lost Creek. Mrs. Welsh, Mr3. Hennessy and sou, John, and Sebastian lionenberger attended tho Hennessy obsequies at Minersville yesterday. Mrs. Hiimmclliach and Mrs. Ilritt, of Mali- nnoy City, wero town visitors yesterday. Miss Annlo O'Neill, of Philadelphia, is tho guest of her aunt, Mr. Mcllet, on East Lloyd street. C. F. Becker, of Pittsburg, representing the A, L. Edlis barber supplies, was In town to-day. Rov. Alfred Hcebncr. of town, Rov. and Mrs. Dyson, of Win. Penn, aro In attendance at tho monthly meeting of the Mahanoy Valley Ministerial Association, at Frackvillc, to-day. "Excuse mo." observed tho man in srec tacles, "but I am a surgeon, and that is not whoro the liver is." Never you mind whero his liver is," rctcrtcd tho other. If it was in his big toe or his left car DeWitt's Littlo Early Risers would reach it and shake it for him. On that you can bet your gig lamps." C. II. Uagenbueh. llazaur Opens To-duy, The long talked of Bazaar and R. H. opens to-day. -Tho German booth is decorated in white and yellow, whero all the fancy goods aro exposed for sale. Tho ladles in chargo look like real German maidens and aro vary, charming. Tho Colonial booth, representing an old-fashloncd kitchen, is in charge of ladies in rich attiro with rages in attendance. There aro tho Breton llshcr girls in their booth of netting. Tho flower girls and beautiful chrysanthemum display; tho children's tablo In chargo of a real Mother Goose, with her children in red cap aud cloak. Tho Country Store, tho Queen of Folly and tho wild Indian with Mephisto phcles, who has charge of tho prize wheel, all go to make up a cartons display. To-night Is tho graud band concert. Supper, chicken salad, sandwiches and cofl'co at tho Colonial booth at 0:00 o clock this evening. It fit. dr over iix .... '?fr ALL HKi&r OI IDOUlOUQICr r NEURALGIA and tlmllar Complaints' uu prepared uncicr mo sirmgrcnt G! lERMAN MEDIGiL LAWS. prcscriDeu Dy eminent pnysiciansi DR. RICHTER'S 1 PAIN EXPELLED I.turiumuuwuvui i.i'inarKainjr .uvlcb.iu.i Only BPnnlno with Trade Mark" Anchor," 1 1'. Ad. lllclitcr ACo., 215 1'carlSU, New York. 31 highest awakds. 1 3 Branch Htratec, Own Glassworks, S3&EOCU. iulonU(l&ii.coiuuM.nae(lby V nflu 'iff- Sin ft 1 llmrcnliiKli. IIHN MnlliM.l- i' 11 111MII, II .mini a , hlifrantloph .. ... yep n . . . '.viQ .Y DR. RICHTER'O" 'ANCHOR" STOMACHAL test oW, mHpptislafl'StniilMcli Cninplnli LADIES', CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' COATS. SILKS AND DRESS GOODS Fashion's favorite fabrics nt popular prices of strlttly reliable Roods In blacks and colors, rtll tho newest htyles which Dame Fashion has declared to be popular can bo found here. All the eorrcit wcaws and tip to date shades for the fall and winter of 1K0 are shown hi profusion. CORSETS. Evciv new and correct model In everv reliable make of uoods, Htnrtlhnrt Sure, but true, that one-half the coiet wearers to-day are wearlnjr corsets wliose moxt conspicuous feature Is their inndaptiblllty. AVliy not be as particular as iu your choke of chocs' and set iuomj inni ni. R.F.GILL Fine Groceries, Butter and Eggs, Flour and Feed. Our delivery wngon awaits your nriler. Ooodi delivered promptly, WILLIAIVl H. HUSSER, 26 East Centre Street. Evan J. Davies, LIVERY AND Undertaking ! 13 N. Jardin Street. LADIES' COATS. MISSES' COATS, CHILDREN'S COATS. If needing CARPbTS look through our line and see the many beautiful designs we have to show you. Butterick paper patterns, the recognized standard of the world, always in stock. Butterick fashion sheets given away free of charge. P. J. GAUGHAN, - 2fN. Main St. FOR SALE Must be sold at once. One gray mare, one bay horse, onetop wagon and a set of harness. Will be sold for what it brings. A good opportunity for any buyer. WM. NEISWENTER. MISCELLANEOUS. FOIt SALK.Kffiliteoii 11010 fnrm, loc-alert near llrnmlnnvUlo, consist! riff (if (wo pood twin story frame houses, permanent water the year around. An excellent chance fur n dairyman, trucker, or poulterer. Good reason for ftelllnff. Tartles dclrintf Information call at Hkukld ofllce. ll-VUni FOIE HUNT. Two unfurnished room, befrt locution in town. Address '31" care of Hcralu olllce. 10-ao-tf TOU ItKNT. A nice room, second floor fmttahlo for otllce purposes. Apply nt Herald ofllce F rttrect. Xo. 133 and 13.'). for Mile cheat). In quire of Mrs, 1'ellx McMammman, on I-ino 10-lA-tf si rcet. 0096 DIVIDEND o m J A M To ourcuUjmerti WOULD TOD CARE TO INVEST SIO OR UPWARDS? DItI dtodfc pijtblu monthly. Parti oulir free. A&lreti, 'West ern Financial lo., 225 Den-boro Streat, CMcmo. 111. BHnWHBnOHBHHI WOOD'S MrinilDOfifl COLLEGE FERGUSON LOCK. New system of book.keeplnp nnd ofllce practice, nctiml liuslness from tho start. Kates of tuition for niht tcliool, lueludllig hooks and stationery for first Introduction. One Month - - $ 5 00 Two Months - - 9 00 Three Months . - 12 00 Four Months - - - is oo The svstetn is arranged for those who have but little time to devote to the work und Is the most practical system of bookkeepintf ever published. W. H. Ilehl was the first to complete the work, and nfter ten weeks practice he accepted a position as book-keeper nt SfiO.OO per month, and gave entire satisfaction. JylKar r Idler was the llrst to take It up at Pottsvllle. His progress Is excellent. Special Rates For Day School. Call at College For Particulars, S. I. WOOD, President. 2p cents per yard for rag car pet, Ingrain and a pretty three stripe carpet, all worth 35 cents a yard. Remnants of OIL CLOTH at your own price. FRICKE'S CARPET STORE. 10 S. Jardln Street. SAVE Your Fuel ByuBlng THE ROCH ESTER (stovo pipe) RADIATOR with its 120 CUOSS TUBES, tvhero 48C0 Bq, in. of. Iron get intensely hot, thus making Oneutovo or furnace, do tho work of Two. "No invention of tecent years vrlll do bo much for domestic economy and comfort," Scientific American, n if a nU BENJ. D. BEDDALL, AGENT FOR SHENANDOAH AND VICINITY. ...SHAFT P. 0 PA. The largest, finest nr.d Lest selections of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats and ladies' Plush, Cloth and Fur Capes, '.hat has ever been shewn in this rtgion, is now open tor our inspection. These garments ex cel in quality, style and finish ami will be admired by nil who tee thcni. All are marked at j rices below their real alue. We have also placed en sale a large variety of Silks in plain and figured grcs grain, Dresden, atin Duchess, China, Jar an, Peau de Soie and Taffeta. Also a large line of novelty and plain dress gocds, including all-wcol and silk and wool henriettas, wool serges, mohair s-erges, plaids, cravenette cloth, etc. You will find in this Popular Dry Goods House always a larger stock, a better assortment and lower prices than you will find with any of its competitors. Beauty Unrolled To the ndmlrlnc Kie of those who have a tnste i forrenlly flno wall paper I the ilUplay ofnew wall nnner wrinkles we havo Justrc.elvedAou wall paper wrinkles we liavo jimrewiyeu. 1 uu can find nny color or pattern you want for your hall, bed room, parlor, dining room, kitchen or cafe, from 5o up to Si per roll. Fine artistic papers a specialty. House, Sign and Decorative Painting. Satisfaction guaranteed. Estimates cheer fully furnished. Send postal. J. R. GARDEN, 224 W. Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. Flace Your Orders Now. WINTER - GARMENTS! Wo dive the blKKCst bargains at rock bottom prices, honest quality, all grades and styles in ....Men's, Boys' and Children's Overcoats InSteltor.s, Beavers, Chinchillas and Ulsters. Wc can suit you evcrytlmo. Business Suits,: Boys' and Children's Clothing: In all tho latest makes which havo a tailor made appearance, and aro neat and perfect in finish. ROCHESTER CGIHIIG KCI1SE, Cor. JIaIn and Cherry Sts. Sain Block, Pre p OPEN EVERYDAY Oo to the Shenandoah Dental Rooms foi palnloss extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver fillings. If your art 111 oil teeth do not suit you call to see us, AH examinations free. We make all kinds of platoi. dold Crowns, Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown and llrldgn work and all operations that per tain to Rental Surgery. No charges for extracting when plates are ordered. We aro tho only users of vitalized air for the paiuless extraction of teeth. v SHENANDOAH Dental : Rooms, (Tltinan's Block) East Centre Street. Office Hours: 7 . 10. to 8 p. m. TSfr .'iZIjwi,. a'tf mSB MM i mkeBieclaltro hair cutting,