ray., ." .iffHWIffnTI . AJ.. 7 V si 1 1 DIP, a& DIP, m DIP. Dip no more when you begin, let your pen slide til you're done you cnn't do it without a fountain pen. We have theni, and give n guarantee with every one we sell. HOOKS & BROWN a North Main St. OVERCOATS WILL BE SLAUGHTERED. Tlic people of Shenandoah may expect in tho near future tin ftruatt'st slaughter sale in overcoats ever known licrc. Iast week tho Kreat New York clothing firm of Jasmm-s, 15ccrs t Co. failed for MKJ,O00anil in response to n telegram 1.. Uefimirli, the clothier of town and proprietor of the One l'rlco Cloth ing limine at No. 10 South Main itreet, went to Now York to attend the sale of the flrm'm great Btock hy their assignee. It Is well known that stock nt such sales is sold at less tluin , tho cost of manufacture, so that when Mr. Itcfowich returns he will do nlile to offer overcoats und suits nt prices that will bring tlio goods within tlie reach of tho poorest. The stock is entirely now and every garment well tnado, so that the bargains will he rare ones. Mr. Hefouich will also dispose of somo of tho stock at wholcsnlu ahd dealers will ho ablo to get an advantage hf 25 per cent, by calling on him immediately after his return, The purchase will also include a full lino of fancy gloves, smoking jackets and Other gents' furnishing goods suitable for Christmas presents. One l'ntiK Ci.otiii.no Housi:, 10 South Main Street, 11-23-tf ' 1,. Kki owicii, Trop, A lilt for Cough mill Colds, What? Tan-Tina, 25c. At Oruhler liros., drug store Mel. I lor Trial. Charles Boycr was committed to prison yesterday by Justico Sehlotmau, of St Clair, in default of ball, to answer the chargo of desertion, non-support and neglect, pre ferrcd by William Holers and othors. L.TCiise in e, ' observed tho man in spec tacles, "but I am a surgeon, and that is not where tho liver is. "Never you mind where his liver is," retorted the other. "If It was in his big too or his left ear DoWitt's Little Karly lilsers would reach it and shake it for lilni. On that you can bet your gig lamps." C. II. Ilagenbuch. Tr.pillMniHmTlHHIIIIHtHmnnllllMIIHHMHTTmiliTnmi X-MAS PRESENT. COUPON TO "HERALD" READERS. The holder of 30 coupons of the HERALD is entitled to a flral-cW life size, Irei-lmml crayon, worth $10.00, Inndo from any di.tihlt phottraph, by paying 65 cents at M. lleeker'a ntudio,.'fO') W. Centre street, .Slieliaii donh, la. Send photograph In Immediately and have couponB ready upon re ceipt of portrait. el NO COUPON, NO PORTRAIT. 13 li'Miiuimuiniummmiuiuuiniimiiimnimmujuiii REMOVED TO 20 COM MET. Dr. J. W. Van Valzah's DENTAL PARLORS. ?s Denlslry In all Its Branches. ! I Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty, M. Painless Extraction. 7 Artificial Teeth Inserted. n All Work Guaranteed. No stairways climb anymore. to WILKINSON'S lie hadn't outside ol , THESE TWO HINTS OF Are only u suggestion of what we have and prices arc so inviting, you can't enson, now offered bv Shenaudouh's greatest store. L. J. WILKINSON'S, MAIN STREET. -:- LLOYD STREET, AVK JIAVi: THK MOST HANI). BOSir. Dl.xKiN'H OK ...OIL CLOTHS IN TOWN, E. B. FOLEY, DAVIEB HONORED. Token of llteein rtom the iiilliin Ithlgo Colliery ljuip1oes. Morgan Davles, until recently inside fore man at IndlHii liidge colllory, from which position he resigned on account of 111 health, was a guest of the employes of that colliery at Maurice Morrison' Columbia Hotel Satur day evening and received from them as a token of esteem a valuable and handsome gold-headed cne, which was appropriately insrrilHxl. The gathering and presentation was a surprle to Mr. Davles. lie received no intimation of It until a committee culled nt his home a short tlmo before and re quested his presence at the hotel. The pre sentation was vrry effectively made by Dis trict Superintendent John J. llrHillgan, who expressed sinccro regret in behalf of him self and the employes at tlicicolllory that ill health had obliged Mr. Davles to resign his position. Mr. Itradlgan said that the rela tions between himself and Mr. Uivies had been of tho most pleasant character and he detailed a Tew of the very trying clrcum stancos through which they had issed to gether. Mr. Davles acknowledged tho token briefly and very feelingly and on his behalf Thomas Dovlin, brother of District Super intendent Devlin, formally accepted tho gift In an address that was applauded to the echo. Congratulations followed, after which William Mitchell, master of cercnionlcs.called successively upon Messrs. John Sneddon, James Foley. Joseph lliuks, Martin llren nan, Kdward liatchford, l'hlllp Mador, l'atrick Murphy, Moses Davics, Ihomas J. Devlin, Matt. Perkins, David Harry, Thomas K. Edwards, John Burps, Patiick Sweeney, William Delowrey, Martin McUuire, Kdward Malfck and William liraHlcy, each i-cspondlug with remarks uf good will for tho guest of tho evening. An hour or two was then spent around tlio festive board arranged by Miuo llost Morrison mid good humor reigned supreme. Martin ISrcunan attending to the wants of nil present. After nmplo justico had been dono tho bnmjnct there was singing bv Messrs. John-II. Jones, John Wells, James McDonald, Kdward Itatchford, Matt. Perkins and James Mitchell, and Patrick Sweeney iravo a declamation. Tho gathering dispersed nt a Into hour and Mr. Davics went to his homo carrying with him a memento of ono of the most enjoyable occasions of his life Inquire of tho first person you meet how our shiies wear. That person will bo our customer all right. Everybody is. Factory Shoe Stork I. O. O. 1'. Notice. All Odd Fellows aro earnestly requested to attend the funeral of our lato brother. Benjamin F. liaudenbush, of Malmnoy City Lodge No. 1)17. from his lato residence, comer Kinerick and Coal streets. Interment at Malmnoy City, via Lehigh Valley train, leaving at 12:53 p. m. on Wednesday, 25th. John I). Tiikzisi:, N. (). Attest : JoKl'ii IIinks, 23-2t Secretary Shenandoah Lodge 591. United Aline Worker. Call. Representatives of tho various locals of District No. 1, I'nitod Mino Workers of America, will meet in convention at Potts villo on tho 27th Inst., at 10 o'clock n, m. The principal business of the convention will bo to map out a plan for tho purpose of securing tho passago of legislation favorable to the members of the organization, at the next session of the Legislature, which con venes in January next. All locals are urged to send delegates. Shake otr Itlieuinnti.tii 11ml Neuralgia. Hub well with lied Flag Oil. S5c. At Gruhler Ilros.. drug store. Will Desert the l'ootllghts. T. J. Madden, of tho famous dance artists, Madden and Lowry, called on his old friend, Adam Mort, a popular official at the alms house, yesterday. Mr. Madden originally comes from Shenandoah, but has been travel lng for several scisnnS. Ho goos to Shamokin shortly to become instructor in athletics at the U. M. C. Club's gymnasium. Journal. A llh.70 nt llitzleton. A lire started yesterday afternoon in a stablo at Hazlcton owned by Mrs. O'Donncll and did $2,000 worth of damage before it was "extinguished. A building owned by Thomas Ciormloy was badly damaged. How aro your Kidneys? My husband Was afflicted With kidney diseases for thirty years, and used all kindsof kidney remedies. Ho got a box of Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills, and they helped him as nothing elso has done. Almira Croy, 145 East Mound St., Columbus, Ohio, l'or salo by S. P. Kirliu, druggist. MR. A BUSINESS TO BE POPULAR Must be broad gunge in its methods and have the confidence, of the buying public. The buying should be tight and the selling just. Wc have a competent force of experienced salespeople that know our busi ness methods. All goods must be as represented and your money back if you vyr.rit'it. CLOAKS ALWAYS FIRST. Wc leail 111 style, in finish and in price. It goes without saving that wc sell more nice CLOAKS and WKAPS than all our competitors combined. This Daylight store of ours was built for the business ; good judges of architecture have said there isn't n room in the state that has better arrangement for buying comfort than our great Daylight store. Of course the price must be right or wc couldn't do the business of the county. Plush Capes, - - - 5- to $35.00. Cloth Capes, - - - 98c to $10.00. stvlish Jackets, - - - $5.00 to $25.00. The ut west New York styles just in. There's 11 In drcd nobby styles to select from. , OUR DRESS GOODS STOCK Is without a neer. A New York salesman SHid to-day seen such an airay of choice dress fabrics New York. Uur prices are always riglit. DRESS GOODS and CLOAKS to sell. Every department is so complete help buying the greatest bargains of the CHARLES DERR'js Barber SIjop West Centre Street, Our Hot Towel Shave WEATHER CONDITIONS Always have an or the other mid effect every one way chance is felt at sonic source of trade. The mild weather of the past few days caused a ...TUMBLE IN OVERCOAT PRICES. We were left with a big stock on hand and at once cut down prices from $1.50 to $3.50, according to the grade of overcoat. It has grown colder, but we have decided not to raise prices until we see whether the cold winter has come to stay, so people who will call at I. GOLDIN'S MAMMOTH - CLOTHING - HOUSE, 9 and 11 South Main Street, Within the next few days will be able to get OVERCOATS AT ALMOST COST. PERSONAL. Miss Margaret E. Moscr, of town, won the fancy work, a handsomo sun flower, at tho Pottsvillo fair. Miss Annie lleyer returned to town Satur day after spending two weeks visiting friends and relatives in Pottsvllle. Miss Annlo Morrison spent yesterday with friends at St. Clair. Ocorgo llaak, of Pottsvllle, spent yesterday with his parents in town. A. T. Jones and wife, of Pottsvillo, spent yesterday In town. Wash. Kamer, of Pottsvillo, was a visitor to town yesterday. Kllis V. Supowltz returned Saturday from a Western trip in tho interest of tlio hat and cap tiade and says bo finds a gieat revival in business since Mckinley s election. Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Davidson and wife. who were guests of town friends the past week, left for their homo in Wilkcsbarre to-day. Miss Zimmerman, of Pottsvllle, istho guest of her parents on West Coal street. Joe llickcrt was a county seat visitor to-day. William Phillips, of Mt. Carmcl, transacted business in town to-day. Dr. and Mrs. II. X. Sherman, of Malmnoy City, wero the guests of Dr. W. X. Stein yesterday. John Melusky was a Sunday visitor to Ccntralla and Mr. Carinel. August Long, a machinist for tho Schuyl kill manufacturing Company, left for Xorth umbcrland yesterday, where ho wijl erect tho machinery lor their new plant. P. L. Stcmpson, manager of tho Hotel Fruney, visiled the old homestead at Sha mokin yesterday. ri Messrs. Harry Walter, John Wliaien, William Nork and Martin Coiuillo spent last eveniug in Malmnoy City. ltemcitiher if You Have a Cough or Cold, Pan-Tina always cures, 23c. At Oruhler llros., drug store round Dcil.l In lied. Mrs. Doretta Ahreuficld, residing at filrardvillc, was found dead in bed ,011 Satur day. Sho retired the night piovious ap parently in the best of health, and tlio friends of the deceased, as well as the medi cal profession, aro at a loss to account for her sudden death. It is thought, however, that death was due to apoplexy, She was tho mother of Poor Directcr-clect Fred. Alliens field, and was (13 ycaJs of age. Shoo making and shoe selling is our busi ness. We make them good and sell them cheap. Fautoiiy Shoe S'mue, Foot Hall. A crowd of 10O persons wv the Glover's hill eleven fall an easy victim to the Lion's of tho First ward at tho Trotting park yes terday. The game resulted in a score of 12 toO. Tho foot liall contest at Malmnoy City on Saturday between the team of that rlaco and the Shenandoah team resulted In a victory for tho latter by a score of 12 to 0. Touch downs wero mado by 0. llinghciser, Fahey and McCormick. The tackling of tho latter was a featuro of tho game. Wo have the biggest line of 50 cent new pull' ties ever shown in Shenandoah, At MAX LKVIT'S, 15 list Centre strcot. Orchestra Kngugctl. In keeping with tho spirit of progress, and 10 uvoiu 1110 coiiucmmuiou inai comes irom audiences when music boxes, hand organs and broken down pianos aro used in theatres. tho management of Hcrskors theatro at Mahanoy City has engaged tho Schoppeor chestra of town and will find in It an ex cellent attraction. It has often and truly been said that an orchestra is half, and some times tho feature of entertainment in theatres, and where thero is nouo tho wait between acts is agony. '' Tliera Neter AVus H llelter Curo Than Pan-Tina for coughs, 25c. At Gruhlir llros., drug store. Held l'or UurKlury. Jolm mid Anthony McAndrew pnd l'atrick Mulloj', of lIapp,ilmnnock, wore arraigned liy Detective Amour lioforo Justioo Lnwlor Saturday niitlit. cliarned with burglary and nimiilt and Imttery with intent to kill. It is claimed thoy are tlio men who entered the house of Anthony Monachal! at lUppahau noek one ulght Mjvonil weeks ago witli the intention of rouiiiiittiiiK rolilicry, but were frightened away liy Mrs. Mounghau'ii crlea. They beat tlio woman mid her hu.Owml hefuic leaving. The men were put under $1,000 lil each fur a further Hearing toonurrow ovoniiiK. TO C'lIKi: A COLD IK ONI! DAY Tako Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablet. All druggUtB refund tho money if It fails to euro, 215 cent. More llurlarw, At about tlmo o'clock this morning burglars got Into the kitchen of tlio Dongborty reidcnco, corner of Jardln and Centre streets, but becamed alarmed upon tho approach of a neighbor who was returning home from work and escaped through tho kitchen window, by moans of which they had effected an entrance to tho placo. The burglars carried nothing away, hut smashed several dishes in their hurry to oscapo. A SUIT IK EQUITY. W, .1. Jacobs Proceeds Against HI" Neigh boring Property Ouner. William J. Jacobs tn-day commenced in tho Pottsvllle court a suit In equity !tglnst Anna M. LIHstnnd Daniel Ellis her husband and ngent, to restrain them from obstructing nn alloy-way and prevent them fastening the gatos of the alley with locks, or other" Interfere with Jacob's free ilsoand enjoyment of the premises. M. M'. Uurko, Esq., Hied the bill for the complainant this morning and tho court grahUM 11 rulo to show cause why tho injumtlon should not bo granted. From the complaint in tlio case it appears that Jacolis claim, by deed from Stephen (lolio, certain property 011 tho north side of West O.ik street, between Main and Jnidln t streets and about the same time, it is nl leged, Jacobs was given "free passage way 1 for Ingress ami egress and rogress over anil through t ten foot wide alley" by written ( agreement mado with Ellis and his wile Hy tho snmo agreement Jacobs claims an interest of fivo l'cet and ten inches of the width of the alley and alleges that notwith standing this titlo tho defendants have ob structed his freo uso and enjbyineiit of tho samo. The specific allegation, in this respect is : "Itespondents have erected a stable on tho west end of tho ten-foot alley referred to and have placed and continued to placo in tho remaining portion of said alley, old Iron, largo coal oil decanters, marblo or stono slabs, refuse lumber and other material, thus al most completely obstructing tho said nllcy- way and rendering it impossible to briug a team into or out of tho same." Illcknrt's Cafe. Our free lunch to-morrow morning will consist of filled beef and dressing. Liver Ills Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, sour stomach, hni.i'cstlon lire promptly cured by Hood's Tills. Tiiey do their work easily and tlnrourhly. Ilest after dinner pills. 25 cents. AH druggists, Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only 1MB to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. LADIES', CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' COATS. 84U SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. Fashion's favorite fabrics nt popiilnr prices of etrktlj reliable khJb Ui blacks nml colors. 11 the uowcht styles which Dnine Knshton him di-elanMj to bo popular can bu found here. All Ihocorrcct weaves nml mt to late shades for the fall mid winter ot lblHJ tire shown In profusion, CORSETS. Kverv new nml correct model In every reliable make of uods. Startling! Sure, but true, that one-half the corset wearer to-dny are wearing corsets whoso inot conspicuous feature is their iuadaplibillty. Why not be as particular as In your choice of shoes and get uiosetiiat nt. R. F.GI LL. VIM, VIGOR, VITALITY RESTORED IN 30 DAYS. GOOD EFFECTS AT ONCE. CATON'S VITALIZER Cures General or special debility, wakefulness, spermatorrhoea! emissions Impotency, pare 5lst etc, Corrects functional disorders, caused by errors or excesses, nuteklv rebtorlnir Lost flanhood in old or young:, giving vigor and strength where former weakness prevailed. Convei lent package, hi ui pie, effectual and leglfmate. CUKE IS QUICK AND THOROUGH. Don't be deceived by Imitations; insist on CATON'S Vitalizers. Sent waled if your drug gist (iocs noi nave it, nice i per pK., o lor 5 wiin wruien guaraniee 01 complete cure. Information, reference, etc.. free aml.confldeiv tial. Send us statement of case and 2j cts. for a week a trial treatment. One only bent let tacli pcion, CATON MED, CO., BOSTON, MASS. YOU CAN SAVE '"MONEY-" By Purchasing Your Groceries, Smoked Meats, Flour and Feed at Meluskey & Son, 105 S. Main St Fine Groceries, Butter and Eggs, Flour and Feed. Our delivery wafion awaits your order. Ooodi delivered promptly. WlLLIAAl H. HUSSER, 26 Cast Centre Street. Evan J. Davies, LIVERY AND 1 Hoods Pills Undertaking ! 13 N. Jardin Street. LADIES' COATS. MISSES' COATS, CHILDREN'S COATS. fyilliuza l ElV V.i'7 If needing CARPlsTS look through our line and see the many beautiful designs we have to show you. Butterick paper patterns, the always in stock. Butterick fashion P. J. GAUGHAN, FOR SALE Must' be sold at once. One gray mare, one bay horse, onetop wagon and a set of harness. Will be sold for what it brings8 A good opportunity for any buyer. WM. NEISWENTER. MISCELLANEOUS. W-ANTIZI). Hoy to learn the printing trade. 1 I Apply nt the Xews IiudRet olllee.Jso. 33 Xorth H'et street. TilOlt SALK. Eighteen nero farm, located nenr IlrundonviUe, eonMatinj; of two good two fetory frame houses permanent water theyenr around. An excellent chance for a dairyman, trucker, or poulterer. Good renson for Belling. forties ui'Hirintf m formation can nt iieheld olllce. ll-'Hin T7K Oil KKNT. Two unfurnished room, hest lM" eavo of 10-30-tf 1 location in town. Address llEltALD ofllee. 1T10 It IlKXT. A nice ? suitable for oflleo IIi:rai.i ofllee room, second (loor purpose. Apply nt IOIE SAI,E. A double property, on Lino ' street, Nos, 133 and 135, for sale cheap. In- mire, of 3Irn. Felix 3IoA nnnuman, on Line street. :o-fl-tf DIVIDEND offi To ouroniloraMi WOULD YOU XJA HE TO INVEST StO OU UPWARDS? DIt. dcuan rtTkbio noDthlr. Part Ionian free. Adlren. West ern niumclnl Co., 235 Dertro Ptrt. Chtosra, II). WOOD'S fflnnnDonn college FERGUSON BLOCK. Ntw system of book-koeptnff and ofllec practice, actual uusincss iroin tno Him. llates uf tuition for night scliool, tncludinc books nnu stationery fur llrst i ntroUuttlon. One Month - - - . $ 5 00 Two Months - - 9 00 Three Months - - 12 oo Four Months - - - 15 00 (o) TheBYstem is arranged for thono who have but little time to devote to the work and is the most practical system of book-keeping ever published. W. 11. Held was (he first to complete the wui iv. tiuu tu i cr icu mens no umt'u a position as book-keeper nt 00.00 per month, and eavo entire satisfaction. jjiijcnr JMuicr was tnc urbt la tnkc it up at Pottoville. Ills jtrojfress Is excellent. Special Kates For Day School. Call at College For Particulars. S. I. WOOD, President. 25 cents per yard for rag car pet, Ingrain and a pretty three stripe carpet, all worth 35 cents a yard. Remnants of OIL CLOTH at your own price. FRICKE'S CARPET STORE. 10 S. Jardln Street. 1 SAVE Your Fuel Iiv using THE ROCH ESTER (Btovo pipe) RADIATOR with Hh 120 CROSS TUBES tvlicro 4800 Bt, In. ol iron get intensely hot, thus ranking Oneutove or furnaco dothowork of Two. "No Invention of recent years will do to much for domettlc economy and comfort.," Scitntifit American, ill-?! 1 'Hie Inrgest, finest mid best neiei-MuijH ui i,acilts . Alisses ntw '011 'SI Onnltl nUrl 1'wHr.o " "iwuo Plush, Cloth and Fur Capts, thnt has ever been shmwi in this region is now open lor your inspection . These garments ex cel in quality, style and finish and will be admired by all who see them. All arc marked at prices below their ical value. We have also placed cn sale a lnige variety of Silk ii; plain and figured grcs gtain, Dresden, Satin Duchess, China, Japan, Peau de Soie and Taffeta. Also, a large line of novelty and plain dress geeds, including all-tcol and silk and wool henriettas, wool serges, mohair serge9, pldids, cravenette cloth, etc. Yoti will find iii this Popular Dry Goods House always n larger stock, ti better assortment arid lower prices than you will find With any of its competitors. reeoghized standard ot the world, sheets given away free of charge. 2T N. Main St. Beauty Unrolled To the admiring Kie Of those who have a taster for really fine will paper is the display ofnew wall paperwrlnkleswehave Jnstre.elyed.ou can find any color or pattern you want for your hall, bed room, parlor, dlnlnu room, kitchen or cafe, from 80 up to St per roll. Fine artlstlo papers a specialty. House, Sign and Decorative Painting. Satisfaction guaranteed. Estimates cheer fully furnished. Send postal. J. P. GARDEN, 221 W. Cfentre St., Shenandoah, l'laco Your Orders Now. Pa. WINTER - GARMENTS t Wo ctve the biggest bargains at rock bottom prices, honest quality, all grades and, sty lea in ....Men's, Boys' and Children's Oiercoals In Meltons, Heavers, Chinchillas and deters. Wo can suit you everytlme. Business Suits,: Boys' and Children's Clothing- In nil the latpfct makes which have a tailor made appearance, and are neat and perfect in finish. ROCHESTER COTHIKG HOUSE, Cor. Main nid Cherry Sts. - Sum Illock, l'rtp OPEN EVERYDAY Ooto tlio Shenandoah Dental Booms fox painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver Ulltufjs. If your artlQcul leeth do not suit you call to eco us. All examinations free. We make all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns, Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown and Driilgo work and all operations that' per tain to Dental Surgery. No charges for extracting when plates are ordored. We are tho only users of vitallicd air for the painless extraction of teeth, SHENANDOAH Dental : Rooms, (Tltman'a Block) J. Cast Centre f BENJ. D. BEDDALL, A0ENT FOR SHENANDOAH AND VICINITY. ...SHAFT P. 0., PA. Street. A NO, 2T WEST CENTRE STREET. We Umbrollas, Bru nun's. big stock just rcccitlod, at Office Hours: 7 ft. m. to 8 p. m. .,jMMr. wwmmmti ' -?f""- J )ss. .ssj'-