If is it 3 ' m1 v m EVENING HERALD ILsr.VIII.IMII. II 1H70. I'unltshed every KvctiliiK, Kxccpt Holiday, at Botrrn Jakiux Htukkt. Nkaii (.'KSinit. The. tferulil in tlolivcietl tti Khonnuilimn mill tho surrounding towns for six cent n wk, pay sble to the carriers, lly mail S3 00 a yrjir. or 28 oent a month, imyahlu In advance. Advertise- tnenta chnrKcilm'corilniKtnKpiioi! nml iKmition. The iiubllflhi-rs res-rvo tho rlnht to change tlio Fioaition or aiiveriiseinenui wnenevcr mo pun Icnllou of news dcinnlid it Tlio right Is reserved to reject nny advertisement, whether fialtl (or or not. that the publishers may deem mproper. Advertising rotes made known upon application E iteml at the postoulco at Hheusiidonh, Pa., an eeoond clasi mall matter. TICMU'HON'i: CONNKCTION. Evening Herald Monday, novum m:i: 23. lsun. THE BOQART CASE. Tlio people of Slieuandoab, since last May when tho minority members of tho School Hoard failed in their efforts to secure the election of their candidate for Superintendent cither by force of mcmbcisor dissatisfaction among tho majority mcmheis of tho Hoard, havo been arrayed one against the other and a bitter feeling has been engendered. It is not necessary to state here who Is responsible for this stale of affairs. That fact has been made plain during the progress of tho illlli culty, and it has I icon without cause. This was conclusively shown by events that trans pired at Pittsburg Inst week, when tlio private) counsel for the prosecution pleaded illness as an oxcuso for carrying the case over to tho next torm of court. Kvor since the charge of immorality was preferred against tint Superintendent, tlio latter has Insisted upon an early disposition of tho case, and it was hoped, and Justly ex pectod, that the demand for a speedy trial at l'ittsburg last week would havo been accorded the defendant, llutsuch was not the case. It is an outrugo porpotralod upon tho peoplo of Shenandoah, on both hides of the con troversy, to compel witnesses to travel 300 and 101) miles, and spend tlio greater part of a week away from home, and then bo com pelled to return without a decision at tho hands of tho court, simply because tho leaders in this prosecution di emed it to their advantage to fuithcr delay the case. Tho friends of Supt. llogait, as well as tho'o op posed to him, will again be compelled to boar this expense and inconvenience, to satisfy the whims of a few persons. The more the facts of the case aio investi Mitcd, the more plain does it appear as simply a piece of persecution. The fait of the matter is the proi-ccutioii has no case, not. a scintilla of evidence to prove their charge of inmorality. If they had no 0110 would be moro anxious lor a .-peedy trial than they. Tho 1 1 II t) of the mutter is. the peoplo of Shcnaiidoab ale being deceived. ThciO are any number of people who have given moral and financial support to the prosecution in tho honest belief made to appear mi by falso Htatenients i.n the part of the lenders tbnt they were doing right, lint their eyes will he opened nunc day. and the goose titat laid the golden egg will have been killed, ami certain people will then be out of a fat job, nt the expense of tho people tlioy are now dciulviug. In uiaVing this statement we are ill a posi tion to know what we aie 1. 1 .ing about. We i do it, ton, upon the authority of tho'best citizens of Kiiowllle, who have no ulterior motives to serve and v ho aie illsiuteiestcd its to tlio outcome of tho case, other than tlmt of secui Ing fair ,day for an American citien. Tiio lli:u.w.i has as.umcd a conservative course front tlie very beginning of tlio dilll culty and will cuntiutiu to oxpiessa disin terested opinion wliwiincr tho occasion may demand, it bus not yet full ml it necessary to make n false statomciit toils readers, and if It should he misled into such an error it will havo the inanlinos to correct it. It would bo better If some other newspapers (?) were imbued with the same feeling towards their rcadors, who appaiently pay for what they do not receive. Til! people of Shenandoah, previous to tho p eseut uiiloitiiuate dilllculty, lived together as neighbors should. Their social and busi n 'ss intercourse, without regaid to nation ality or erred, Inn o been most friendly, and for this reason it was hoped that a speedy termination of the school trouble would be eU'cctcd last week, liesides, it is unfair to tae Superintendent, who has done everything in Ills power tu face his accuser! in cun t, to cause further delay. Those .responsible for the present statu ot all'airs .should oithor nci'uid him that right, or acknowledge that they are being deceived as to tho truo state ot all'airs. That would bo the mule lionoralilo course. V iVill they do it? -7i;w coil students is pn Colleges keep in ollege to accommodate Sil.OtO proposed fur Philadelphia. It Colleges keep on multiplying so rapiuiy tlio happy period will u he rem bed when theio will not be an indiviuual in the Nation who will not know how to pi.iy any position in football. - Tho robbery perpetrated yestorday inoin iug Was a bold one, and the parties implicated in the affair should be shown no mercy. Shenandoah lias la en troubled witli a gang of midnight maiaud' rs for tomo time, and tho efforts of tile .mlliumics to hiuak up too work of tho giu slum id Im heartily seconded by those having the exicuiioii of the law In their hands. The ncil'uie and peace of the citizens of the town demands i rig'd enforce ment uf tho law, to the end that this no Carious gang should be looken up. TUB project in.iuguraiid by the Mahanoy Cuy Anioiiuin fm the eiei lion of a hospital at a convenient point between this town and Mahanoy City has so lar met with fluttering success. T'he tuiiil to he raised by popular subscription is estimated at $10,000, and uf that amount $ 1.100 have already been -ul-hcributl. It is said tho Philadelphia ii Head ing Coal & Iron ( oinpnuy officials have given positive iissuraiu es that they will donate, the ground on winch the hospital is to be erected, and uu appropriation from thu state is also assured. There is no question aliuut the dire need of such an institution midway between i,n i uo largest towns in the county and in t t ,. rv heart of the anthracite coal region. The state hospital at Fountain Springj is t ivcd to its utmost tapai ity tu ni commodate (Iiliiand made upon il and n has hull, lecewary within the past year or two rge thi! hulhlinus there. The hospital Ht I'onntfllii Springs is Inconvenient to rail roads, mill In tho location of tho proood institution this chi i hhiI should lie aroidoil, The project should receive hearty support at the hands or tho peoplo of Shenandoah, ami wo havo lio iloulit hut that they will contribute liberally tinvntds tho fund. At the union services to lie hold on Thanks giving Day un ollerlnc, will he inailo and in stead of donating that fund to tho l'ottsvillo hospital our ministers should consider tho advisability of giving nil tho support posslblo to tlio Institution nearer homo, and from which our pvoplo will derive greater beucllt. Somk of our esteemed contemporaries hnvo worked themselves up considerably over tho question as tu which of the several aspirants shall succeed Dun Oimcron in tho United States Senate from this state. While It is a privilege vouchsafed to each to havo a pre ference in tlio Senatorial contest, there is no good reason why they should call each other hard names. Itesortlng to Hlllltugato is no argument. Keep cool, brethren, and the contest will lie settled in duo time. The next United States Senator will lie a worthy representative of tho Kcystono state. to emu: a cold ix oni: day Tako Laxutlvo Hromo Quinlno Tablets. All druggists refund tho lnonoy If it fails to euro. 25 cents. Scaldy" lllll a Winner. In tho wind-up licforo the Art Athletic Club in Philadelphia Saturday night, "Scaldy" Hill (julnn, the colored wcltcr ntight of New York, and formerly of Maha noy City, defeated Charles Johnson, of 1'liilfldclphin, in four rounds. A report of the contest says "Scaldy" started in to anni hilate Johnson from the tap of tho boll, and lauded a score of vicious lefts on the wind and rights on tho fare nnil jaw, twiro send ing Johnson to tho lioor. Tho latter was handicapped in rcacli and weight nnd failed to make much of a showing in tho opening round. He did better in tliu second, and in tho third landed several hard punches as woll as avoiding many of tho colored boxer's heavy swings. Al though "Scaldy" had tiio advantago in every rospoct and appealed capable of best ing Johnson, he did not evince the samo desire, to forre tlio milling as his white antagonist and refused to emulate Ills ex ample of making it a stand up give ami take all'.iir. In the fourth .lolnwm went right at "Hill," and got home s. veral hard right hnndcrs on the jaw, but these didn't secln tu phase tho coloied man, who paid his white brother with inteiest. "Scaldy" easily had the better of the "go," and Mttisllul the spectators that when he feels inclined to go in and light he is it dangerous customer fur anyone outside of the first-class middle weights. Absolutely pnie, peifectly haimloss, nnd invariably leliahlo aie the nu llities of One Minuto Cough Cine. It never fails in colds, croup and lung troubles Children like it he cause it is pleasant to take and it helps them. C. II. Ilageiihuch. Letters (ii'iinleil. Letters of administration woro granted to Kate A. lions on tho estate of Anthony Iioos. late of Maliauov City, dot eased. Letters testamentary wero granted to Henry Scheurniaii and Dr. J. Aithur Jones on the estate of r.lizabcth Mlllward, lato of .Mahanoy City, deceased; also to Daniel J. Kelly and Thomas Kelly, on the estate of Diniel Kelly, late of Purt Clinton, deceased. Noser Saw Anything I, Iho It. It is always safe to profit by the experience of others, and especially when it roncorns life and health. Maud Johnson, Hrookside, Pa., wiitos: "1 had diphtheria and catarrh very had and used a bottle uf Thompson's Diphtheria Cure. Never saw anything like it ; it took marly all the membrane out of my tbioi.t In one d iy, and iil inri-d my catarih." sold at Kirltn's drug St.. re at ."( tents a bottle. Never failed in a single instance when ined according to diiections. Ileeils Iti-cnrilell. Sheriff to Charles Orien Stioli, land in East I'nioii township, sold us the property of Amanda J. Carey. Charles Orien Stroll to Amanda Jano Carey, laud ill East Union township. The length of iifu may be increased by less riling its dangers. The majoiity of peoplo die ft oni I u lie troubles. These may ho avert ed by promptly using Ono Minuto Cough Cure. C. 11. Hagenhuch. While Parents llaneeil Children lliirueit. Hamilton, Mo., Nov. 23. Five children of Mrs. rinyder Ncnl, living sovon miles north of this city, were buriiod to death lato Saturday night. Tho Ncnl dwelling was burned while the parents woro nt tendlng n dunro. When they reached tho burning building tho father saw his 11-yrnr-olil girl, lying burning In tho front door, clasping her3-yoar-oht brother In her arms The il.imos prevented roscuo. Tho father foil in n swoon, and has lieun arav- inrr iiiaiiliif slneo. Nora, if yo.irs old, is tho ' oulv survivor of the lire. Tho dead chll- drtm are: Ciilni', asjuil 13; Iluttlo, Hi Willie, 7: Ch-runeo, 5. .mil Julian, 3. This is tho complaint ot thousands at this season. They havo no appetite; food does not relish. They need thetoningupof tho stomach and digestivo organs, which a course ol Hood's Sarsaparllln will givo them. It nlso purifies and enriches tho blood, cures that distress after eating and (ninii mlaerv nnlv a dvsncntlo can Know, creates an appetite, overcome, that tired feeling and builds up and sustains tho wliolo physical system, it so prompt- nm.lnt,ili- roHovp flvsnentiosvmn .j, .it,., n... - - -- - - tonis and cures nervous lieadachos, that it seems to havo almost "a magio touch." Sarsaparilla I s the best In fact tho One Truo Wood Purifier. . rs.n aro the best after-dinner nOOd S PUIS pills, aid dlgostion. aoc. CATON'S TANSY PILLS. viavs reHi'i''.''a"f RELIEF FOR WOMEN. ituitutlontf, k t CA I OS'S, nntl ae rcuri U At tlriiLr.'itt orKtntsf tied $, Ourlfooklttci'iits. OAVON SPEO, CO., - BOSTON, MASS Can't Woods PITHY I'OINTS. Happenings Throughout tlin Iteglon Citron iclcil lor Hasty 1'crusHl. The Schuylkill Traction Company 'lias placed stoves in its oars. Tho Treasury Department serves notice that a new and dangerous 20 counterfeit noto is in cltcillation. Peoplo who havo won election bets pleaso noto. The coming holiday season promises to be unusually brisk and the enterprising "mer chant is taking advantage of tho fact by planting his advcrtlseinout In tlio lll'.itAMi. The Hcnova News says it isn't tho Kdelwols Social club of that place, hut the Oehette, a new woman's club, that is "keeping hoys In doors" by Initiating them with hugs and kisses. I'uiir now tubular bullors nro to be placed in position at West Hoar Hldgo colliery. Contractor .lames Hlancliard, of llazlcton, is siPKing a number of artesian wells in tho vicinity of Mahanoy City. Ho also has a furcu of men at work in Centralis, The I'. & It. employes in the St. Nicholas district will bo paid to-morrow. The now dirt piano at North Mahanoy col liery, just finished, was put into servico this morning. Tlio new piano is 105 feet higher than tho old mid gives a wido area to tho colliery as a dumping ground. A now law in Pennsylvania provides that all typewriting heretofore exocuted, and nil that may hereafter ho done, for any purpose whatever, shall havo thosamo legal force hnd effect as ordinary writing. When tho now Heading organization is properly on its feet wo may expect tho com pany to start thoso now shafts, so long talked about in this neck of tho woods. Ashland Heconl. Prof. S. I. Wood, who now conducts a suc cessful business collcgo hero and In other towns in the county will open a branch school at Uirardvlllo. Tho peoplo of that place aro fortunate in securing this additional schooling facility. Tlio Scanlan & Tempest Comedy Company played to a crowded hotiso at Centralia on i rluay evening. Iho play-goers wero so well pleased with the performance that arrangements for a return date havo been made. Soothing, and nut irritating, strengthening, and not weakening, small but ell'octive such aio tho qualities of DoWitt's Little Lnrly Klsers, the famous little pills. C. H Hagenhuch. Trolley Wlr Hi oho. Ily tho breaking of tlio trolley wlro on Coal street, near the Hotel l'raney, en Satur day uvening, trailir on Main street was en tirely suspended. Tlio eleven o'clock car was held until 1 o'clock yesterday morning by tho break. The old wrty of delivering messages by post hoys compaied witli the modern telephone, illustrates the old tedious methods of "break ing" colds compared witli their almost in stantaneous euro by One Minute Cougli Cure. C. 11. Hagenhuch. Time lit thfl Collieries. ,. Tho P. & It. C. & 1. Co. collieries will work every day this week, except Thursday, Thanks-giving Day. The sumo order will bo observed by tlio Lehigh Valley Coal Company collieries. The old lady was light when she said, t) I child might dlo If they waited for the. doctor. Sho saved the little one's life with a few doses of Ono Minute Cougli Cure. Him had used it for croup before. C. II. Ilagcnbucli. Twit Ktllml liy llluniliiatliii; las. Nnw Youk, Nov. 23. An unknown mnn nnd woman wore found dead In their lied in n room at the Standard hotel, having been suffocated by Illuminating-gas which was Mowing from an open and unllghted burner in tho apartment. Tho police nro still Investigating, but they hnvo found nothiiii! lomllmr to Inilicatoiniirdul'or sul-1 i ido, and they are of the opinion that tho ! 1 entire iiffuir Is due ti uu accident. I had severe attacks of gravel and kidney trouble; and unable to get a medicine or doctor to cure me until I used Hop Hitters, and they cured mo in a short time. A Distinguish!::) Lavyi:r or Waynk Co., N. Y. ! Coi.onLr.ss and Cold. A yotlng girl deeply regietted that she was so colorless and and cold. Her face was too white, and her hands nnd feet felt ns though the blood did not circulate After ono hottlo'of Hop Hitters had been taken sho was the rosiest and healthiest girl in tho town, with a vivacity and cheerfulness of mind gratifying to her friends. Twelve anil u Hail' Venn lor" Itlchtpr, I'lTTsnuim, Nov. 23. William 'J. Ulch ter was sentenced to twelve years and n hall In tho penitontlary on Saturday for the murder of James McConnell, his 13-ycnr-old nephew. Hlchtor mado an address to the court, In which ho said: "I thought my lifo was conspired against, and that taking tho life of thnt boy would snve my lifo." John Jnck, of McKecsport, wn convicted in tho second ilegreo for killing Georgo C Welsh during a political quar rel. Scaly eruptions of tho head, chapped hands and lips cuts, bruises, scalds, hums are quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel halve, it is at present tlio article must useil for piles, and it always cures them. C. II. Hagenhuch. AllO.lit-l t ..4. 1 .lOUJ.Ill , (litUlt-t C'mc vc.o. Nov 21. During a football gniiH! naturhiy :.;'teruiiim D.ivld M Wright, lTyoarsof age, was tueklod around tu, neck and thrown to the ground, tho oilier players piling on top of him. Tho ligumunts of Wright's neck wero snapped and lie received it ooucusslon of thu brain. Ho cannot live, The Wrather, For eastern Pennsylvania and Now .Tor soy: Fairs slowly rising toinporaturo; easterly winds, becoming himthorlv. ' To euro nil old sores. to hull an indolent j tLl i aiT1)riT,lg t0 directions. 1 pilos. you need itch Haiel Salve Its maciorliko ae. tion wilUurprise you ' C. II. Hagenhuch. If you want a lino wedding cake, let Otto make it for you. Collupsu of the Wllo Nail Trutt. Chicauo, Jov. 'JU. Tho wire nail trust has collapsed, and will endeavor to wind up its ntfairs Dee. 1. hales agent repro smiling mills within the pool wore surnm- I tiling to sell mills ut $1.70 per kug in Chi cago, which is precisely f 1 tier kog below the trust's circular pi lcu, and jobbers wero selling in lots of from ono to 10,UuO kegsat $2 por kog. Before tlio end of thu present week the price may, It is sum, bo down to tl.llt per kog, or within thirty cents of tho lowest prioe they uvor sold liuro. Tlio trust, lu n elroular to tho "jobbers," gives them liberty to sell at nny price thoy please. When you want good roofing, plumbing gas fitting, or general tinsmtthlng douo call on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Ccntro streot Dealer ir etc-es V-tf THEY IUDICULB IT. Many Peoplo Ridicule the Idea of an Abso lute Cure for Dyspepsia and Stomach Troubles. Ridicule, However, is Hot Argument, and Facts are Stubborn Things. Stomach troubles are so common and in many cases so obstinato to euro that people nro apt to look with suspicion on any remedy claiming to bo a radical, permanent cure for dyspepsia nnd Indlgostlon, Many such pride themselves on their acutenoss in novcr being humbugged, especially on medicines. Tills fear of being humbugged may bo carried too far; so tar, in fact, that mauy persons suHer for years with weak digestion rather than risk a little time and money in faithfully testing the claims of a preparation so reliable and unlvorsally used as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Now Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets nro vastly different In ono important respect from or dinary proprietary medicines for tho reason that they are not a secret patent medicine, no secret is made of their ingredients, but analysis shows them to contain tho natural digestivo ferments, puro aseptic pepsin, the digostivo acids, Golden Seal, bismuth, by drastls and nux. They aro not cathartic, neither do they act powerfully on nny organ, but they euro indigestion on tho common senso plan of digesting the food eaten thor oughly before it has time to ferment, sour nud causo tho mischief. This is the only secret of their success. Cathartic pills never have and never can euro indigestion nnd stomach troubles be cause, they net entirely upon tho bowels, whereas the wholottrouble is leally in the stomach,' Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, taken after I meals, digest tho food. That is all tliero is toil. Food not digested or half digested is , poison ns it creates gas, acidity, headaches, palpitation of tlio heart, loss of flesh and ap petite and many other troubles which aro often called by some other name. They ate sold by druggists everywhere at r0 cents per package. Address Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich., lor little book on stomach diseases, sent free. Another Law Derlareil Unconstitutional. I ClllLAOO, Nov. S3, .ludgo Carter, of tho i county court, has decided thnt tho inherit- ' unco tax law passed by tho last Illinois j logisluturo is unconstitutional. Tho de cision was runderoil In tho ostnto of tho 1 Into John H. Drake, against which the county nttorney began proceedings several . months ago In tho county court to collect tho tax. Iho object of tho proceedings was to tost tho validity of tho law. i:ii:ctilc Hitters. Hlcctric Hitters is a mrdicincstiited for any season, hut perhaps moro generally needed in tho spring, when tho languid exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and nuggisii aim me netst ot a tonic and altera live is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act moro surely in counteracting and freeing tlio sys tem from the malarial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to Klcctrio Hitters. Only fifty cents per bottle at A. Wasley's drug sture. Deain ol .ielor .tlnHlttyer. New Youk, Nov. 23. After soveral months' Illness. W. A. Mostaycr, the well known iictur, diud Saturday night of Hright's dlsiMSH. Mr. Mostaycr wrote, in conjunction with .Tamos Ilarton Key, "The Tourists in n I'lillman I'alnco Car," which mado him quite, u fortune This plcco was followed by other works, In cluding, "Wo. Us and Co.," "Toboggan ing" and "The Grab Uag." Uiihv'A Injuria Cause Ilentli. Easton. Ph., Nov. 23 Elizabeth Fngan, tiged 3 years, tiled during the night from burns which sho sustained yestorday after noon while playing with matches and leaves. ' Sho was tho daughter of Fells Fngan, of Sauth Easton. Ktieumatlsm Curcsl in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Khcumatlsra nnd Neu ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon tho Bystem Is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once tho cause and tho disease immediately disappears. Tho first dose greatly benefits: 75 cents. Sold by C. II. Ilagonbuch, Druggist, Shenandoah. Palmer Carrletl a '"Township." Toi-KKA, Kau., Nov. 23. Consolation will como to Gcnurul John M. Palmer and General Simon Bolivar Huckucr out ol Kansas, for at this late day It Is discovered that tho National Democracy has scored u victory. Tho candidates of the National Domncrncy swept Dudley township, Hask ell county, Kansas, and they nro to he olllclnlly notillod of the fact. Today Sec retary of Stato Edwards forwarded tc Gonerals I'nlinorntul Huckner a certified copy of th3 returns, which show tho vote to havo beon ns follows : 1'al mor and Buck nor, 3; MoKlnloy nnd llobart, 3; Hryun and Sawall, 1. Mrs. 3IcKlnlcy'H lleultli Improving GANTOX, O., Nov. 23. Prosidont-cloct MoKlnloy was in his powyesterday morn ing when services opened in tho First M. K. church. After tho sorvicos ho holpcd hlsmothorto hor carriage and thou walked to his own homo. Mother Mclvinloy, Mlsi llolon MoKlnloy and tholr household wont to tho homo of tho major for dinner and spent tho afternoon. Airs. MoKlnloy con tlnuos to Improve and passod a comfort nble day. The major Is in tho bust ol health and spirits, and In no hurry for the chango of scene which the trip to Cleve land suggests. The trip will not bo made this week. UucUlen's Amleii Salve Tho best salvo in tho world for cute, bruises, euros, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cuics piles, ot -io pay roijulred, Ii is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or moiiy refuuded. Price 25 cents por box. For salo bv A. Wasloy. Denial Uy Mr. ISeott. Division Superintendent Georgo Scott, of tho P. & I!. ('. & I. Co., denies that ho has discharged any foreigner from tho tllor houses at Mahanoy l'laue, or that ho has authorized any arlp-Colils-Heai'aclie. Whv sufl'or with Coughs. Colds and La -Grippe whon Laxative liromo Quinine will curo you in one nay, rui up iu tauiuis con vonicnt for taking. Guaranteed to cuie, or motley refunded. Trice, 25 cents. For sale by Klrlln's I'harmacy, Iluy Kcystono Hour. lie sure that the name Lessio & IUkb, Ashland, Pal, is printed ou ovory sack. INVENTOR FERRIS DEAD. lie llecnmi. I nmons Tliroucli Ills Slnnster Wheel at (iliteugo. PlTTsnuna, Nov. 93. Georgo W. G. Ferris, who conceivotl nntl built tho world fninous 1'errls wheel, died nt the Morcy hospital In this city yesterday of ty phoid fevor. Ills illness has beon brief, nnd it was only Inst Friday tlmt ho was taken to tho hospital. The attending physicians sny his system wit's (rroatly run down by overwork. Ills wlfo enme horo from Canton., O., on Saturday that sho might o with her husband in his dying moments. Georno Ferris was born, nt Gnlesbnrg, Ills., Fob. U.18W). When ho was lint very young tho family removed to Carson City, Nov., nnd it win thoro tho young w heel builder spent tho yenrs of his onrly hoy- hood. In 1870 ho came cast. Ho bo gall n course nt tho .Itonssolner Polytechnic in stlttite, of Now York City in tlmt your, nnd in 1881 tt w. a rKnnt graduated with honors. In 1883 ho no ceptod tt position with tho Louisville Drldge company, of Louisville, Ky., anil aftorwnrd ougngod In tho inspection of structural work on his own account. In 183" tho firm of G. "W. G. Ferris & Co. was established hero. 1'ho concern still exists. It was in 18i thnt Mr. Ferris concolvod tho Idoa of tho wonderful Ferris wheol that has attracted tho attention of all tho peoplo of tho world, nnd which will go down m history ns ono of tho greatest wonders ot tho century. Sore Throat IJulekly Cured. Not long ago in speaking of soie throat, and tho difficulty frequently experienced in curing it, Mr. J. E. Thomas, of Uniondalc, Pa., told how ho had often cured it in his family. We glvo it in his own words ; "I havo frequently used Chamberlain's I'nln Halm in my family for soro throat and it has effected a speedy euro in every instance I would not think of getting along in my home without it." Pain Halm also cures rheumatism, sprains and bruises. For salo l at 23 and El) cents por bottle by GruhlorHroj., druggists. J.mp.ror M llllam l,i;iitrl. Lomwm, Nov. 23 Tho Daily Mall's Horlm correspondent says hu hears that Emperor Wlllliim is disgusted with tho proceedings In the reiehstiig, and is de termined to dissolve that body unless tho increased naval credits aro voted. Ho re gards them us tho minimum consistent with tho efficiency of tho navy, nnd con siders that the navy will prove a splendid electioneering cry. During several years residence in tho far west, I had many opportunirtrts for observ ing tho wonderful effects ,of OTiamherlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy. Its efficacy was demonstrated in the alkali regions, where the water produces violent purging. It allayed tho JttacK when all other remedies failed. I repeatedly saw the greatest distress hnd dlarrheea cured in a few minutes. I used the icmcily myself with tho most satisfactory results, and can recommend it for the complaints for which it is indicated, II. Y. Qilikgham, editor of tlio Republican, Phociiixvllte, Pa. Tliisrcra cdy is for sale by Gruhlcr Hros., druggists. l'cniisjliiintii's Untitling Associations, IlAKinsilUltd, Nov. 23. Danii Commis sioner Gllkcson has prepared a report on tho building and loan associations of Pennsylvania, showing tho largo amount of monoy invested In thoso concerns. Col onel Gilkeson says tho Ilnanclal conditions of tho stato associations is sound and thoy nro well managed at a comparatively small cost. Tho total assets of tho 1,131 association's chartered under tho laws of the stato- aro (f.).l,510,017.50; recolpts-and disbursements, $41,00o,3hT,03; borrowing membersy 79.71(1; nun borrowing mem bers, 171,717; number of shares in forco at the end. of 181)5, 1,7110,311; admission fees recolvoiL during tho year, ?UO,203.71; num ber of foreclosures during the year, 857. Nunibor of shares of foreign associations in, Pennsylvania, 2(12,185; loans on real ostnto, $'1107,555.25; loan on the real ostnte of such, associations, S)7,343.G9; value ot real estate owned, ?G7,487.05. LADIES -WITH FACES , And ollv, greasy complexions, or subject to n liof, i uuples, blackheads, ) chow or inothy tkln. w'ilbo gnu Hied to learn tuatthepurest, svs!e:est, ar.l most effective skin purifier and bcautillor yot compounded Is CUTICURA SOAP It Is so ticcanso it strikes at tho cou of most couiplexioual disfigurations, viz.: the Clogged Irritated, Iiiflamtd, or Ocencorked 1'oiiE. Suisestion 1 After cycling, golf, tennis, riding, or athletics, a hath with Clticuiu Boil- Is most soothta;, cooling, and refreshing, preventing challug.reauess, and roughness of tho skin, sooth. Inu; Inilammatlon, and when followed by gentlo annlntlngwIthCe-TicunAtolntment), proves bene ficial ill relieving tired, lame, or strained muicles. Sold throughout the vorld. Trice, CnrlcuBA, Met Pom-. 3.-.1 llcsoLTE-cT, Mc. nd tf, Tottib Diro) xsn CrrrM. Corp.. bole Propi., Boton. U2T How to Obtain a llrllUiult CotrjE.tezloa," free. A genuine welcome waits you at JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Cor, Haln and Coal Sts. Ftnost whiskeys, beers, porter and ale constantly on tap. Choice temperance drinks ana cigars. H fi Celebrated Fonmiu JStW VowdiTA never full. ;h Tnij end Inovrorl rilii tnd other Ilk' uedieal. Aiuiribuytue bvtt tnd svold dUar. me ana lurcitntr juiing J IgSKiiSSKSErS JSWlSi5XSN&. vjis,nMkl)r,Hoiton,Mm. A Handsome Complexion is one of the greatest charms a woman can possess. PozzoWs Complexion I'owdkii gives it. i&M&Y RLLS! iftrr alio susl. s :'io mc. Fim-isjHk. s ir.tr GUAf""' Wi.- SPKCIFie Co.,Pius,Pa. Kor sale at 1'ovlnsky's drug store. Centre street, 28 East (-sua Ul MEtSMS Let The Whole World Know The Good Br,MiIes' Heart Cure Does a&s EAHT DISEASE, has its victim at a disadvantage. Always taught that heart dlsqaso Is Incurable, when tho symptoms become well defined, tho patlqnt becomes alarmed and a nervous panic takes place. Hut when a snro romcdy is found and tt cure effected, after; years of suHcrlng, thoro Is groat rejoicing nnd deslro to "lot the whole world know." Mrs. Laura Wlno lngcr, ot Selklnc, Kansas, writes; "I deslro to lot tho whole world know what Dr. Miles' ViV lYHIf?' Heart Cure has done for ui. imwo ma rortcnyearsIhp.d Heart Cure paln lu my uart- short. Restores Health ncss ot urcaln, palpita tion, pain in my lettBldo, oppressed feeling in my chest, weak and hungry spells, bad dreams, could not Ho on either sldo, was numb nnd suSeied terribly. I took Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and before I finished tho cccoud bottle I felt its good effects, I feel now that I am fully recovered, and that Dr. Miles' Heart Cure saved my life" Dr. Miles' Heart Curo is sold on guarantee that first bottlo benefits, o r money rctundod. WE LEARN BY EXPERIENCE Thousands suffer nnd dlo annual ly for tho want of it, Not a single in stun co on record whoro a trial oC s 9 According to directions, has not immediately and permanently cured Diphtheria, Croup( Quinsy, or any affection of tho throat. Why should anyono suffer and flio -when this boon of all remedies will positively cure ? Unsolicited testimonials by tho thousand aro pouring in from thoso who havo given Thompson's DiphthorlaCuro atrial. Why nottryitdoar read er? It will do the samo for you' It has dono for others. Following Is a sample testimonial which ex plains itself : WHllamsport, Ta., April 27, 18S6. Thompson A Co. Clentleroen: I have used Thomp son's Diphtheria Curo in my family for hoarseness and sore throat and It gave speedy relief I use tt both as a gargle and by external application, and do un hesitatingly commend Its use by every onealUlcted with Diphtheria, Hoarse ness. Croup, Qulnsy.or any other throat affection. rMinpson II. Evans, Taster Third lit., M. 13. Church. Sold by Druggists and costs only go Cents a Uattle. 9) ) ( ) 9 9) 9 MANUFACTURED BY THE THOMPSOM DIPHTHERIn CORE CO., WllllflHSPORT, Pfl For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug Store. J. CANFIELD, Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity For-- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. M. C. WATSON, Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer. Cigars, Tobacco, Ac. Agent for Iteading Brewing Co.'s lleer and l'orter, IIS and 113 S. ISlaln St BROM-KOLOA ALCOHOLIC, NERVOUS AND BILIOUS HEADACHES Cured hy this granular effervescent and stimu lant. An instant curo for sour stoinaclis and headaches, which often accumulate from having a night out. JOHN F. CLEARY, BOTTLER OF CARBONATED DRINKS, 17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah millions of Dollars Uo up lu smoke every year. Take no risks hut get your houses, stock, fur- uiiuro, etc., insured in llrst-class re liable companies aLreP15jji(t3(f DAVID FAUST, Also Ufa and Accident! TuOipson t i I V m -