The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 21, 1896, Image 2

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    Hi' .1
it.iii.imii;i ihtii.
Published every Kvi-iiImk. Except Sunday, at
The lleruld ts ijclivcirtl tnHbciialiOonli Mid tho
surrounding towns for sis cents n week, pay
bin to the Mil-Hern. By mull W 00 a yrnr.iir 30
cents n itiontb, payable in advoncc. Advcltlso
ments chArgcd nceordlliKtosiwu-cand )Kmition.
Tho publishers reserve the rlxht to change tho
riosltlon of advertisement whenever tho pub
Icatlon of new demands It. The rllit In
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
paid for or not, tliat the publishers may deem
improper. AdvcrtlsliiK rates made known
upon application,
filtered at the iotofllcc at Shenandoah, l'a., an
second class mall matter.
Evening Herald
SATURDAY. NOT,Mlli:U 21, 1800.
How fortunato sometimes to engage a
lawyer who can become sick whenever tho
occuslon requires It. Trfily fortunate.
The l'rolilhltion vote in North Carolina
wan only i! 15. Tlio St. Louis Dispatch thinks
tills satisfactory to tlieitlovorilora of liotli the
Carol I tins.
Youmi (Jiuy bays his father will not ac
cept a Cnbinot position. If that he true,
then tho Governor of Pennsylvania will con
tinue in tho Justiceship, lottery.
Tun hack county jingoes who Inst winter
wanted to march on Cuba ami wnilo to their
knees In Spanish blood ought to he shoulder
ing their muskets ami whetting their snords
Tin: ofl'er of n crayon portrait, fieo to
Hkkai.I) subscribers, is being taken advant
age of hy hundreds of our friends. llcturns
nro rcccieil from adjacent towns in largo
li umbers.
Ik llr. llanna in't paitlcularabnittacccpt
Sug an ollicial position at the hands of
McKinloy, tlicro nro scvontl hunditd
Schuylkill county patriots who will gladly
take It oil' his hands.
If Spain wants more money, why doesn't
she send for some of our unemployed Schuyl
kill comity statesmen who hiue patents on
processys warranted to raiso threo crops of
monoyjfc year on ovory trco?
It is all right for Kuglaud to go ahead nnd
build lino fortifications in Canada and Ilritish
Columbia, for it will save Undo Sam tho
trouble of doing so when ho is toady to movo
in and take possession in those quarters.
It Is given out that no wine will he used
in the White House during McKinlcy'H ad
ministration. This news will he leceived
With regret hy tho county seat statesmen who
m .ko porioJieal visits to tho White House.
THK Populist (lovernor of Nebraska, who
Vt'.is re-elected this mouth, announces that
thoie will h'j no legislation hostile to corj ora
tions or capital enacted, thus proving that ty's pre-election talk was till buncombe.
Vomticb is said to he very uncertniii, but
recent events go to piovethat at least to
tilings will coino to pass upon thu convening
of the iA'glslatuie, namely: Hoi's Pentose
will succeed United States Senator Don
Cameron, and that Henry K. Buyer will lo
tlio next Speaker of the House. Mark tho
prediction !
Tin: hcautlfu'ly graduated disappearance
of Bryan reminds one wry forcibly of that
once popular tunc, "The Passing Kcsinieut."
A short time ago his noiso filled our cars,
almost to the exclusion uf everything olso.
Now it Is but a faint and diminishing echo
in the distance. Likutrito that of our own
dear Wllhclm
Tub iinnoiim oment is mailo that Hon.
Joseph Wyntt, of town, is a candidate for
Sergoant-at-Arms of tho Houso of Hcpro.
scnUitlvcs, at llarrishurg, and has the en.
durscinent of the party leaders of the county
iucluillng tho members-elect from Schuylkill.
Tho positiun iis held hy Hon. John T.
Miocnor, of OrHigabuig, during the last
session of the Legislature. Jlr. Wyatt feds
conlldeut of securing the position.
Tin: IlKUAl.n slnays leads, never follows,
whenever it Is a iiiestinn of news. Wo haei
been highly complimented upon tho leports
... ..
on tlie Itogart ci-e, whicii were coricctiy io -
pone., in every insuin. e iv is ,. ,y
VO .M-.U1I14H1-.0 mo .....i.u....- n.min "
tho diU'crcnie between
legitimate mupu per audit fake concern, and
the present
rule T(n
is no exception to thut
iturall.v loukod to tho
to tin pi. .tress of tho
lliuict- tin diui.iuil lor tho
d coup?
xuedtil tlie supply.
,i: ti.ii, it s no lake.
'it, -j- ,1'hanksgiting Diy is approach-1
Sf 6k' i- ,to' day" in the public schools is I
:eit again, uuu mis pnn iicai iiius-
ponerof union for good will
beautiful illustration. Thcro
iildun in tho public schools
if each ono contributed
ild in. iko several bushels.
Last year Shuuokiu mIiooI children con
tributed 12 two-hurse wiiKon loads of veget
ables, fruits, it. . and over a hundred poor
families were relieved. Ho that died upon
tlie cross ""'. " 'I lie pour ye have with you
always," but we aie apt to folget this fact
mileiBi it is rubbed under our noeos frequently.
There is no moie appiopriatc eafon to do it
than this when we piepare to givu thanks
for the numerous blessing conferred upon us
by n bountiful Plot iilencu during the year
fast ilne away. .Nor is theiu anything
that cup ho taught chlldien that will
counteract the sordid impulses of human
nature. In u more practical way than to torn h
them to give of their plenty to others not so
.ortunato. Our corps of teaches aro wuriu
iionrtQIl and active In doing good and we
tiring fjio nmtter to their nutlco, feeling euro
they will act with their usual promptness
uud follow the good ezsmpl of their co
laborers in other towns, lustring in liiiud the
v .nls of Him who mid, "Whatsoever ye do
Diil.i one of these jo do to nip also."
II -.luuci1
I ' 'I'll '
WH " fr;
HUH -l
jrs Tlirotiuhout tllo Jtegloll Clirnn-
leled lor Hasty JVrusiil.
The colliery employes at Mahnnoy City
ere puld to-day.
All tho collieries worked to-day, making n
full week. They will resume strain on Mon
day. "Scnldy 11111" (Julim will meet Charles
Johnson at the Art Athletic Club, Philadel
phia, this evening.
Philadelphia parties hnvo been awarded
tho contract to place tho electric plant In tho
Almshouse at $,5S5.
On Tuesday next, tho 31th Inst., a meeting
of tho Mahaiiny Vnlloy Ministerial Associa
tion will bo held at Krackville.
Inspecting Olliccr Morgan, of Shenandoah,
visited Joo Hooker Post, (1. A. 1!., at Ash
land last night, in his ollicial cumcity.
County Itesiator C. C. Mattel!, after the ex
piration o' his term of ollice, will resume tho
practice of law, with orphans' court work his
Ileister l!ccd, ono of the most prepossess
ing of tho Valley's start" of haiidsomo con
ductors, has resigned nnd will becoino a mer
chant in tlie live city of Jlazlctou.
James Mcllalo, of Philadelphia, and Win.
(lihson, of Palo Alto, closed a match at Mt.
Cirmol on Thursday fora boxing contest at
(lirardvillc, December Ml, font pursoof 100.
lionovillo llotiscr, of Hhcppton, while at
West Hazletoti on Thursday, fell on" a car
and fractured his arm. He was removed to
his homo after having the fracture reduced.
At tho Ashland borough reservoir tho bore
hole is down to a depth of 1,515 feet. The
drill has cut through the sandstone rock and
is now cutting into tho red shale nieasuic
Thcro is much speculation at (ionlon as to
tho futuro of tho tig Heading coal plant
there, which have been idlo for tho past ten
months, and many rumors aro alloat, hut
none of them confirmed.
Tho ptoject to erect n f 10,000 hospital be
tween this place and Mahanoy City has met
with much success so far, $1500 being con
tributed. The American, Harrison Hall and
Dallas Sanders each contributed $500.
To cure all old sores, to heal an indolent
ulcer, or to speedily cure plies, you need
simply unnly DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
according to directions. Its uiagio-liku ac
tion will surprise you. V. 11. Jliigenburli.
Timothy Mafiouoy, Sr., of Pliil.ulelphia,
is n guest of town friends.
Miss Lulu l'.Tans, of ilutto City, Montana,
Is tho guest of Miss Maggie 11. Palmar, of
est Centre stiect.
Uuv. and Mrs. Alfred Heehucr, of South
Jardin street, returned home lioui Philadel
phia this afternoon. Mr. Heebner will occupy
tlio pulpit to-morrow again after a week's
School Director Trczisc, T. H. Picddall,
K-q., T. M. Stout and Carl Ilolileriiiau re
turned to town last evening, from Pittsburg,
where they went to watch tho piogress of
the llogatt trial.
Itev. J. J. Kerslake, of the Dickinson Sem
inary, Will lulu tin) rt, is visiting his parents in
town. In company with hisbrother, William,
and T. J. Ilroughall, they Vti ut to Pottsvlllo
this lnorning to visit the bedside of Messrs.
Kerslake's aunt, Mrs. Pritchaid, who is
seriously ill.
Scaly eruptions of the, ehapped hands
and lips, cuts, bruises, scalds, bums are
iiiickly cured by Hewitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. It is at present the article mo-t used
lor piles;, and it always cures them. C. H.
The funcial of IMwaid llicnnan, of Jack
son, took place this morning. High mass
was celehiated in St. Canicus chinch in town.
Tho levival services which' nave been in
progress in the Primitive Methodist church
tho past five weeks, will bo continued next
A leap year party was he'd nt (iilherton
last i i nltig and attended by people of
other piims. The orchestra of Prof. Junes,
of M.thuiioy City, furnished the music.
Chilli's of Shamokln, Mt. C.uniel and Win.
Pen n and a male troupo of Ccutralia havo
notified the secretary of tlio eisteddfod to bo
belli heie on Christmas thut tbey will bo
piesent to compete.
Charles T. Stick, the well known elocution
ist of Snamokin, will preach in the English
Lutheran church to-morrow.
l.'nion Thanksgiving services will bo held
in Christ's Lutheran church next Thursday
morning mid will no conducted hy Itovs. G.
M. Iijck, J. It. llensyl ami II. A. Keyscr.
lliicklea'rt Arnica Satvo.
The ocst saho in tlie world for cuts,
bruises, soroB, ulcers, salt rheum, fevor sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, una
all ek in eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or -io pay required. It is guaranteed to give
tiorfoct satisfaction or moiiy refunded. Price
25 conts per box. For sale hv A. Wasley.
Health Itt-poits.
Tho only case of disease lepoitcd to tho
iioatd of Health diiiiuu tho past twenty
lour hours was that of Peter Char.ivago, a
' i . ... 1". t..,,l. P,.,.,rl..V- ,-.t.t I, ,..,. Liu
J" - "i - .. i.., -"
( m imy ln,.roasell ,iy less
( llltlg tS ( hlllgCrS. J lie 11UI. OrltS' Ol pl'OplO
J die fiom lung troubles.
I'lieso may be avert.
(il by piomptly using One Minute Cough
Cure. C. 11. Hagcnbiich.
Alltel tiseil Letters.
Tho following letters luinain uncalled for
ut the locul post-oll'ico: U. 1'. Wakefield,
Ldwurd Mackey, II. F. Itiitnbel
Of severest trial and trst prove
In regard to Hood's SarsuparilU
1st, Greatest ftlent
1 secured by a peculiar Combina
tion, Proportion and Process
unknown to ethers - which
naturally ami .ietu.illj produces
jd, Greatest Cures
Shown by thousands of honest,
voluntary testimonials - w luoh
naturally and actually produce
d, Greatest Sales
According to the statements of
druggists all over the country.
In these three points Hood's
arsaparllU is peculiar to Itself.
Isthebest-ltlstlieiTV) True Blood Purifier,
r..ii lITI) I IIP fMIIV 1
, . iirTi tlie Mily illlls to lake
S Kills withllooYafiVrsai'arma.
Iteliglolis Nollees.
Services in the Trinity Ilcformeil church
to-morrow at 10:011 n. in., and 0:8(1 p. in,
Sunday school at 1:S0 p. in. Itev. Itoliert
O'lloylo pastor.
Itogular services will be held in tho United
llvangolleul ehurch, ( Doughurty's Jlnll,1 to
morrow Ht 10 a. in. and 0.50 p. m. Prenchlng
hy the paster, liev. I. J. lteltz. Sunday
wheel at 1 .31) p. m.
The American Volunteers are going to
hold mectinifs all day Suuilnv In Wilkinson's
building, corner Main and Centre streets. I
Jleetingsnt 11 a. in., 3atid H:00 p. in. J-lrst
Lieut. Hnslamand wife In command. i
Welsh Baptist church, corner of West and
Oak streets, Itev. 1). I. llvatis ststor. Services '
ot 10 a. iii. mid 0 p. in. Sunday school nt
p. m. Prayer meeting Monday ovenings.
Young People's meeting Wednesday even
ings. Class meeting Thursday ovenings.
i;hone7cr r.vatigcllcal church, corner of
South West and Cherry streets, H. Horaco
Itomlg, pastor. Sunday school at 10:30 s. in.
All aro wolcome.
Primitive Methodist church, JamosMrtoro,
pastor. Preaching at 10:30 it, in., nnd 0:30
p. m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Kvcrybody
Methodist Kpiscopal church, comer Oak
and While streets, Itov. Alfred Heelncr,
pastor. General class meeting at 0:15 a. m.,
led hy John Senior. Sermon nt 10:30 a. in.
hy tho pastor. Sunday school at 2 p.
in. Dr. J. S. Callen, Superintendent. A short
sermon of song and prayer 5:15, led by tho
pastor. Lvenlng sernion at lt;30. Subject:
"The Danger Of Delay." HcviVal scrvfeo to
follow tho CTcnlng sermon. Kvcrybody
Services will ho held in tho Welsh Con
gregational church, on South West street, nt
10:00 n. in. and 0:00 p. in. Ilcv. Evans, of
Ilangor, will preach nt lun. m. in Wolsh, and
0 p. m. In English. Sunday school at 2 p. m.
Calvary Baptist church, South Jardin
street. Preaching to-morrow at 10:30 a. m.
by Mr. John Bunn, and nt 0:30 p. in. by
Mr. JacksonJVhilo. Sunday school at 2 p. in.
Oencral prayer meeting on Wednesday even
ing at 7:30.
Services in tho Presbyterian church to
morrow nt 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Sunday
school at 2 p. in. Preaching by Kcv. Gubler,
or Princeton.
St. .John's Lutheran church, West Cherry
strcot. Itev. John (Iruhler, pastor. Preach
ing, 10 a. m. ; Sunday Bchool, 1:30 p. m. ;
preaching 0:30 p. in.
St. Michaol's (Ireok Catholic church. West
Ceiitio street. Itov. Cornelius Laurisin, pas
tor. High mass
10 a. in.
Church of th. Holy Family, ()erniai It
C.) Xurth Chestnut street. Itev. A. T. Schut
tlehofcr, pastor. First mass 8 a. in., second
inas 10 a. m.
St. Casimir's Polish IJ. C. chinch. North
Jardin street. Itev. J. A. Lennrkiewicz,
pastor. First mass 8 a. m., high mass 10 a.
m., vespers and benerMction 1 p. m.
Chinch of the Annunciation, 21S Weit
Cherry street. Kcv. H. I'l O'lteilly, pastor;
Itev. Henry N'aylon, assistant pastor. First
mass, 7 a. in., second ihrss, 8 a. m., high mass,
10 a. In, benediction, 7 p. in.
Kehcleth Israel Congregation, corner of
Oak and West sticcts, Itev. Henry Mit
uik, pastor. Saturday services, b tolOa. m.
and 3 to 5 p. m. Sunday .services 8 to L0 a. m.,
and every weekday uiorningfrom 7to8n. nt.
to cum: a cold in oxb day
Take ijixativc Bromo (Julnino Tablets. All
druggists refund tlio money if it falls to euro.
23 cents.
A Useful .Hup or Culm.
J. L. Smith, the map publisher, has just is
sued an admirable map of Cuba, with a plan
of the city of Havana In ono corner, and in
another a plan of the provincoof Havana. In
addition to these there are two views of the
Western Hemisphere, in one of which aro
shown the vast possessions which Spain held
100 years ago. including a great part of w hat
is now the l-'nited States, all of Mcxko, Cen
tral and South Amciica, save Brazil and thfr
(luianas. and much of the West Indies. Tlio
other v low shows how Spain has lost all her
territory on the esteru Hemisphere except
tho islands of Cuba and Porto liico. At the
light bund side of the ipap is printed a brief
description of Cuba, with useful information
about her population, products, etc. M.
Mcllet, of town, is agent for these maps.
Why suU'ur with Coughs. Colds and La
Orippowhen Laxative Bromo Quinine will
cure you in ono day. Put up in tahletseon
veineutlur taKlng. uuaranteeu tocuio, or
money refunded. Price, 25 cents. For sale
by Kirlln's Pharmacy.
Attruvtivo Show Window,
Mr. Paul W. Houck, tho genial manager of
tho Shenandoah Drug Store, has put his foot
ball enthusiasm into play in the show window
of tho storo by decorating it from top to
bottom with tlio colors of University of
Pennsylvania, Yale, Princeton and Harvard.
The red and blue, blue, orange and black
and crimson are very artistically draped and
a football suspended hy ribbons of similar
colors complete an attractive display with
surrounding clusters of big yellow chrysan
themums, bunches of fragrant violets and
gracefully spreading palms, ilr. Houck is n
son of tho Deputy Stato Superintendent of
Public Instruction and in the days of Ins youth,
was among tho most successful ot college
ntbletes. At one timo ho was in great de
mand as a catcher on the diamond and tho
grotesque appearance of his hands give
evidence that he was "in the game" many a
Soothlug, and not irritating, strengthening,
and not weakening, small hut ctloctivc
such are the qualities of DoWitt's Llttlo
Karly Risers, the famous little pills. ('. II
Mm Cliiliiged Her Mind.
Walker, tho umbrella mender, sent a mes
sage to Justice Cardlu this morning, lequest
iiitc him to call at tho foimer'a houso nnd
oiliciate at a wedding. As tho Justico was
preparing to answer tho call Wulkcr sent a .
. .Adcnnn cl.tllrtfT 11, nt ttm brbln lmd '
gone liack on him, hut he expressed tho bo
lief that Bhu might change her mind in tho
near future. It is understood the flcke woman
halls frum Centi-alia.
How lo l'aviir Your Prlelids.
Do you know anyone in your neighborhood
who has diphtheria, milnsy, uitnrrh, is
tumbled with croup or any other throat
alllii tlunV If so you bestow a great Aver on
Immunity by recommending a trial uf
Thoiuiiion's Diphtheria Cme, which was
never kuuw u to fall, if used accenting tu
directions. Thousands havo tried it and
they Hie the ones who speak most highly uf
It. Their evidenco suiely cannot ho ignored.
Sold at Kirlln's drug store ut SO cents a bottle.
Abandons Soft Coal.
Much dtssatl.factluit' huliig manifested hy
the traveling public because of the soft coal
lecently put In use on locomotives of tho
Lehigh Valley linos, tho hitter Jills decided
lo return to tho use of anthracite. The
change was made to-day,
Tho old way of delivering messages by post
hoys compared with tho modem telephone,
illustrates the old tedious methods of whrunk
ing" colds compared with their almost In
stati taueotts cure hy Que Minute Cough Cure.
I'. II. Ilagenbuch.
If you want a lino wedding cako, let Otto
nmkoit for you.
A Clllllllllllt Wanted,
The following letter, received by Post
master Mellct this morning, explains Itself:
"IRAll Sir : Would yon please give Ine noino
Information, If possible, of n mnii bv the name
of Wllllnm 1'hllllps, who had n daughter by tho
tlnlne of I,ollln, tho wife of Noah Hcnjfilulll,
who has died In ourelty ln-l night. Woulil like
to known as soon ns possible if they wish to
claim the boily, ns nhe will tie hurled on Mon
day Afternoon. As far as 1 kliowXoahltciiJamlu
In n mine boss in your district.
"William IlAni.AN,
".11(1 South street,
"Philadelphia, Pa."
Mr. Mcllet has no Information to givoln
th0 matter and tho letter Is published so that
anyono Interested may become awaro of tho
inquiry ami conmiunicnto with tho party
seeking tlio intelligence.
Jtlieiuniitlnin Cured In it Hay.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
aciion upon tho system Is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at onco tho cause
and the diseaso Immediately disappears. The
first doso greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by
v. ti. Jiagcnnucii, Druggist, Shenandoah.
Conductor Keews llerove ring.
John Itcores, one of the conductors on the
Lehigh Valley railroad, who sprained Ms
anklo recently In Jumping from a train nt
Mahanoy City to avoid tho shock of a cot
lisiou, in ahlo to walk about and rmdo a call
at the I'TxitALi) sanctum while a visitor to
town yesterday. Ho' wfll soon clrango his
residenco from Delano to Haucli Chnkr the
chango being necessitated liy tlie recent
changes in tlio timo tablos of tho road'. ntll-p. nel-feet.TV tmrmtiM ntt,l
Invariably reliable aro tho qualities of One
juinuio uougn i,ure. it never laila in coins,
croup and lung troubles. Children like it be
cause it is pleasant to tako nnd' it helps riicm.
C. II. Hngcnlnch.
Ararrlntrft T.teens9
Frank Miller, of West Brmiswick town
ship, and ida Stommi of Kast Brunswick,
Henry .Meyer and Lucy Evans, both of
Thomas Thomas, of New Castle townshipf
and Agnes Frairklnsteiii, of Norwegian town
bhlp. to cum: a. cor.i in osk hay
Tako Laxalivo Bforoo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refuiidrtlicmuney if itfails to cure.
25 cents.
The Grand Army Imlsed.
On Tlnnkskiving Hay, nt 2 o'dock In the
afternoon, tho Women's Belief Corps will
raiso an American flag on the pole in- the
yard of tho new White street school building.
They extend n cosdlal invitation to tho Grand
Army to bo present and participate with
tliem. The Sons f .Veterans and Ladies' Aid
Society will also take part in tho exercises.
Tliero Newr AVas n Ilettel-Curt)
Than l'au-Tina for coughs, 25c. At Gruhler
Bros., drug storo.
Ollicial Vl or AlalmiiM.
5IO.VKIOMKHY, Aliu, Nov. 21. The offl
clnl vote of Alabama was nscortulneil yes
terday by tho fltnto cativassliiK hoard to
lions follows: Hrynnnnd Su wall, 107,137;
Hrynii anil Watson, 24.0; McKlnlov, 51,
737; Valmer, 0,1(511; LevorlnK, 2,117." Tho
coiifrrussnien elcetoit nro nil Democrats,
except Howard, Populist, in the Seventh
hent to .Tall for Prlaie Fichtlnff.
SrmxuFiKt.n, O.. Nov. 21. Kurl A.
Moore was taken to tho ponltanthtry yes
terday to servo nnu year for prlzo fight
liijr. Ho is said to. Ito tho first person etor
f ent to tho puniti otlnry for prize) llKhtliiR
tvhoro neither ot tho participant was in
jured or killed. John Jenkins, Jlooro's
antagonist Hod, ivatl thus oscnpeil prosecu
tion. Atcllged li Ifallglitcr's TVrtwgs., Viu, Nov. 21. Trie jury lit
the ease of Junius 1). AVimmer, indicted
for the inuider of Samuel Thnlhcliner,
brought In a verdict of not (rullty. Wlnis
iner was told by his iliiusrhtor that Thnl
hcliner had ruined her, iiti(l,hnntlng Thal
heliucr up. he liiorall.v cut him to pieces.
Ho then siiri'i'iiderml to mi otllcer.
How Are Your Kidneys?
Ever have your batcache?
Dr. Hobbs
Sparagus Kidney (flr
malt Htftttb? KMntyt (fo
1 () lUri Mroof
IIalthy kidneys W
prxlfrth blood by V
nrla acid and all U
ether poison or Zl
fat parities. tQa
l'uratlood meaa
Sparngus kidrwy, J
dire IthAnmatlsm. Piearima. ioi.
UrlBnf.lllseftBB.lJi tiurtlos, uropny.itoinu,
Ana-mlft. 1'iina ia abdomen. IJnckri,
, Manwi'M.!!., mil n .v
CHS of thu JCtilneyi). physicians and draafistn
rBconiTaeadtlwm. CO Cents ft box. It- J?
SlP llolb. Seroilr U, .! an4 Sea CrsuUeo. TM"
For Siilo in SHENANDOAH, l"u,
? S, P. Kirlin. Drusxlst.P Souih Mail !
Kiisliiim'n favorltw fulirlctt nt popular jirl-iof
btrktly reliable tfomla fit hlacU and tolors.
nil the nuwtwt tyle whhh Dame FuHhlon
um declared to be popular ran bti found
lie re All tlie cornet wtinoH nnd up to date
fthadee for tho fait and winter ut IfrOO are
bliown in profusion,
Kvery new mid correct model in every
reliable make of goods. Startling! .Sure, but
true, that onu-halt tlm corset wenrirs tiwlny aro
wearing corsets who most conspicuous
r..nt... la tlu-lr tniulnl.ttlillitv. WllV not lie as
particular as In your thoICo ot shoes and get
tliosutuat 111,
Viirlilng tlio l'llMiiiitcr ll.iunttps.
BltlTNBWtCK, Gil, Nov. 21. --The ri vetiiio
cutter Oolfnx nrrlml hero yi-s'i-rtlnv
Nnthiiitt has been given out ns to the ob
ject of her visit, hut It 1 prestiirred that
she haf beun cotutnlsslonod to wnlch. the
ntenmer Dnuntttm. which hns uchleyeil
famo ns n illihmtur. Tho Daiintlefs'
nvowod Intention is to remain In jiort
until commissioned on regular business.
Acquitted nnl Again Arrested,
SVLVANI A, On,, Nov. 21. Tho jury In
tho enso of Solomon Zlcglcr, charged with
tho inurdor of Shorlff Ilrookef, of Soruvon
county, returnod n verdict yestenlny of
not guilty. Tho jury look hut ono ballot.
Tho iniiu ncqtiltted was promptly com
mitted nguln on tho chnrga of murdering
George Uelllnger. Ills brother is now on
trial for tho murder of Sheriff Urookor.
Th Official Votn irf Iniliann.
IsntANAl-oUS, Nor. 21. At Inst the ac
curate voto of nil countlns In Indiana can
lio glVoli. Tho following aTeth'ocoinploto
flgurpsns talicn from the ollicial returns;
Pcmocnitlc nnil I'eoples', .W,425; Itciul
Ilcan, 333,o28; I'rolilliltionlst, 3,(VW; Gold
Stnndnnl, 2,141); Xntliinal, if,20Sj Soclallst
Ijhorr32:li McKlnley's plttKillty, 18,4u;t;
McKlnley's majority, D.Oia
The oW lady was right when' she sail, the
ehlld might die if they waited for the doctor.
She saved the little one's lift-with a few
doses of One Minute Cbngh Cure. She had
used it for croup hefore. 0. II, Uageulch.
Confrsacd to Wliolusale Forgnrleff, Jlick, Nov. 81'. iionjamln F.
Conpor, or Willis H. Connors, tui'fer
which iinmrhe worked In Ohloand Indl
nnm. now i jail hero for forging bank
drafts, has made n confession, giving in.
ilotnil tho oierutions of tho jrnng of
swindlers with which, he was onnocted'
unit whose iltuft forgcrion wore worked
"spon hotol men In Ohio, Iiidlnnn,, No
York rmd JIIeMgnn Vy himself, Wnltar Ii.
I'oters, tho Chicago lithographer, and W.
II. Smith, tho "kid," who ni.ido hioscapo
from jaihnt Goihon, Y., aftor having
been caught ut his criuin.
Itose Citglilai In ?frMl.
Nkw Yblti;, No-. 21. Hose hos
not found n successful play for fvo or
threo yean, nnd she Is la need of financial
aid. A letter win sent to hor yostirdny
etgned by Ghaunccy IL Bopew, Muyor
Strong nud about fifty others asking? her
permission to give n. testimonial for her.
Charles Fnihntun has biwn asked to as
sume tho inanagenwut of tho uftalr, mid
the testimonial will be given In tho Urst
umal' Iti IlMramlHir
S'Tlie Modern Cleaner iSatll-
Kitchen, X
Store, .
Ml Grocers.
Free Ssmnle.
flew xorK.
'rANTKI). Iioy tn learn tho printing trmre..
f Apply at tlio News Hurtset olllcc. No, 33
Xorth West f-trcet
JIIOH SAI.IIKiglitcea aero farm, lmated near
' Itraiidonvillc, coiKslstinpr of toKO(il two
Htory fraino iltmwt'H, permanent watur tlie-year
arounil. An excellent clmnco for ailatryman,
tmeker, or poulterer. Good reason for aellioK.
Parties (UrnHng infrniatfon call at IIeieuld
fifiicc. n-a-im
I?0H ROT. Two unfurnished rooms, lst
1 location in town. Auuress m
car of
Hbkai.i ultlec.
nice room, second floor
lj miicihle for
fllco puriosert. Apply at
TilOlc SALK. A douWo nropertv. on
J etoeet; Nos. 133 nnd 135, for 'sale cheap. Tn-
qulrn oi Mrs. f eltx 3icUannaninn,
on Line
By Purchasing Your
Groceries, Smoked Meats,
Flour and Feed at
Meluskey & Son,
10S S. Main St.
Always have an effect
one way or tbe other and every
change .is felt at some source of
trade, The mild weather of the
past few days caused a
i We were left with a big stock on
hand and at once cut down prices
from $1.50 to $3.50, according to
the grade of overcoat.
It has grown colder, but we have
decided not to raise prices until we
see whether the cold winter has
come to stay, so people who will
call at
9 and 11 South Mala Street,
Within tlie next few days will be
able to get
Througl His Nervine Is a Ben
efactor to Thousands."
WirStY hnown Wisconsin publisher,
tvho resides at Green Day, write
llarch 6th, 1-&3, as foltoits:
"Five years ago I became 10 nervous that
mental worn vras t-urden. Icbuld not rest,
at night on accoutre ot sleeplessness. HJr
attention Wis. callei to I)r. Miles Ilestora
tlvo Kervlnoviind I commenced to use It
with the vorr host ctTect. Slbco then I
teiver kept a bottlo fa my house and use It
wkencrrcr my utrvcficecomo u'nJtrunir, with
oways tho Bamv.good iresultsi iiy son also
Dr. Miles'
takts It for nervousness
wltir. like nsyer falling
sucmis. I Iravo recom
rocn.led It to many and
It cir.-c3 them. All who
Hp-ltVi suffer from norvo
XlCtlUl ttouWcs shouW try It.
It la f reo from Tan-cotlcs. perfectly harm
less, and yet soothes and! strengthens. Dr.
Miles,, throngh hJi Nervlr.e Is a benefactor
to thousands." A. O. LEHMAN.
Editor and propdetor-ofDEn Landsman.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on guarantee
first bottle will benefit or money refunded.
31nrcl6iifr ltemtltH.
From a letter writien hy Bov. J. Oinider
man, of Diniondule, Mich,, wo aro permitted,
to make- this extract : "I have no hesitation
m rccommeniliiiB Dr. Klnu's New Ilisroverv.
nt the results wcro aifriost nmrvclous In tho
ca;o of my wife. Whilo I was pastor of tho
jsaptlst eiinrcn at Jtives .lunouun bfie was
limiisht down with Hiieiiinoniu succeeding
Ya Grippe. Tcrrihlo wiroxysins of cotigliltiR
would last hours with Httlo interruption atid
itseemeil a if she could not survive them.
A friend recommended Dr. King's New
nSsoovery; it was quick in its work and
highly satisfactory in. iosnlts." Trial bottles
free at A. Wasley s drugstore. Regular size
Comlnir.lZl ents.
Nov. 2ft. Thanksgiving turkey supper in
Rehhlns' oponi house, lsudor auspices of All
Sahits' chnreh.
Dec. 3. Twenty-fourth, annual snpper
under the auspices of tho Wehh Baptist
church,, in Rohhins' opera house.
Dec, 21. Second annual ball of tho
Patriotic Drum Corps in. Rohbfns' opera
Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes.
Dr. Agew's Curo fdr tho Heart gives per
fect relief in all cases of Organic or Sympa
thetic Heart Diseaso in 30 minutes, and
speedllyeffects a cure. It is a peerless remedy
for Palpitation, Shortneswf Breath, Smother
ing Spells, Pain in Side anil all symp
toms of a Diseased Heart. One dose con
vinces. Sold at Kirlihs drug- store.
q . pniM.ii's, nt a
Ofllce i 80 West- Centre irti, consulted at albhour.
Odce E;an hutMIng. come? of Main
Centre street, ShenanttoaJi.
Shenaiulooli, P.
g v. snoEMAjacn,
Comer 3Iarket audi Centre treetfl.
Lock Box 6fl, Mabanoy City, Pa. - -
Ilavlnfr studied under Botue the beat
masters h London and Irls, will give lessona
on tho violin, guitar and vocal culture. Terms,
reasonable. Address in care of Strouse, tbe
eweler. Shenandoah.
sntnnnDonn cdllke
fs'cw system of book-keeping and otllco
pracill w. neillivi l,HSllir livm ihuwhii.
Hates of tuition for night school, Including
books and stationery for flrsi introduction.
One Montii - - $ 5 00
Two Months - - -9-00
Three Months - - U00
Four Months 15 00.
The system is arranged for those who have
but little time to devote to the work tlio
mot piactleal system ot book-keeping ever
W. 11. Held was tli first to complete tlie
work, and nfter ten weeis' practice be accepted
a position us .book-keryer at O.UO per montii
ami Kave entire satisruaiinn.
i:dKiir Fidler wns thw first to take It up
rotUrlllG. ins proBrws is excellent. f
Special Rates For Day School.
Call at College For PartlculArs,
S. I. W00D President.
By using THE ROCH
ESTER (stovo pipe)
RADIATOR with its
where (SCO nq. In. ot
iron gt intensely hot,
thusipakiuR One stove
or furnace do tho work
o! Two.
"No Invention ot recent
years will do so much for
domestic economy and
Scitnliic American.
...SHAFT V, 0 PA1
leu .