The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 14, 1896, Image 3

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To cleanse, purity, onil ln-smiiy mo m,
scsln. nod hair, to nlmv ItchlnR nnd Irritation, to
heal channg, eicorlatfolK, and ulccratlvo weak
ni'e, to speedily euro tho first sjmploras of
iring, disfiguring ikln and sculp humor!,
nothing so pure, so sweety so wholesome, so
r peedlly effective as warm baths with Cuticcba
Boxr, and Kentlo applications ot Cuticuiu
(ointment), tho great skin euro.
Soil throughout tho world. iMee, CrTirmA. Mfl.l
6or, ssc-l lUsoLVtsT, fioc and 91. Tottkk Dbcu
no Cntii. Coir., Solo Trori .Dotton. .
--" How to Cnro gfcln mftp." mailed trt.
n on chief Bonauss,
Of tho Fourth word.
Subject to Citizens piuty rules.
jjion cuiKF uunaEss,
Of tho Fourth Ward.
8ubj ect to Citizens party rules.
Tor Weak and Run-Down People from
Childhood to Old Arje.
, WHAT iT IS ! The rlchcitof all rcstoratlrt
rootle, lcanse It replace the same imbtitancei
i tt.e hjood anj ntrvffl that are exhausted In
heat t wo Hte-eiTlnK tluidnby diea, indiffpaUon.
high uvlcg, oTt-rworl;, worry, excesses, abuse, et
WHAT !T DOES ! Br ro.Mnjr the Mopd
pir- aniijlcli, nnd the digestion perfect, It cretHt-s
- i" v-nf i.iusclfl and etrenttth. The nerves be
riK ioar!e btronrthe bruin becomps active ani
c'eir. r rrfbtorinji lott vital. t and ntop'tJntr all
MBstlnir rtf -ns and weakness In either sex, It txna
tio an 1 , RndftHf.fpiaalftreKnIatorit U worth its
wight molii. Oimlmxlarteaweelc. Price&c.,or
6 box -a ,w DruRgiutaor bytaail. Jlonk free.
1512 Gbtmtnut Et.. Fhil&dtkhl&.
& rhlchmter Knirllah Diamond II ran .
Ortslnnlond Only Genuine.
arc, alwKr rrlUfcle. ladies ask
I.f.nBt. Tap fWi-krMlrr a Knalink Ma-
Iboxea, ecalad wlih bine ribbon. Tnto
'((on and imitation. At nrngglsta, or twoi 4e
In mmfi for particular!. icitlmonlaU r
" Iteiiei ior ijnir ir, j muni
lUci' '-rajuUMi. I'hUjww I'm.
ONCB MORB In harmony
with tho world, 2000
completely cured men aro .
tho greatest, grand
est nnd most suc
cessful cnro for sex
ual weakness and
lost vigor known to
medical science An '
; accountof this tram -'
derul dtecorery, In
book form, with ref
erences and proofs,
will he sent to suf
fering men (sealed) free. Full manly vigor
permanently restored. Falluro Impossible.
Wholesale and Retali
Liquor Dealer.
"Cigars, Tobacco, &c. Agent for Reading
Brewing Co.'s Beer and Porter.
11S and 11Q S. Main St
To ill sufferers of KltKOIlS OK VOUTIT.
.0-T VIOOft and IllSJKAHl) OF wH
AM) VVO.HCN, S pages: cloth Bound:
curely sealed nnd mulledrce. Treatment by mmO
.strictly ontidentlal, sod h poslitve, outctr. oar.
guaraateod. .'o matter bow Uni; standing, 1
111 poi Ively euro you. Write or cad.
SIR f(iRR 329 . 15th St. Phlla.Pa.
"Tea mo to Hire.
if you wank to hire a safe and relUble
team for driving or for working purpose,
poy Shields' livery stable a visit. Teams
constantly on hand at reasonable rates.
No. 410 East Centre street.
Opposite Heading railroad station.
A genuine welcome watts you at
Cor. flaln and Coal Sts.
Finest whiskeys, beers, porter and ale
constantly on tap. Choice temperance drinks
and clgrs.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
; Try
Relieved by II 1 1 vl
told t Oil
'fl Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Celebrated Fcmnn
Vo ml era never fat!
nfr, tnrl atn-ts iof'jr tuJJti I
vitft Tanty lVnnyroj IlUi snd oihr Ilk
ruiiodU;). AlwtTi buy tU Pi uu uvvid 4-i
;ho Agreement Batwcan Unolo
Sam arid John Bull.
An onirlnllyAiiprnvrtl Newsnnper Artlrlo
Declares That "llerlimny Will JfnvcrTml.
.rntn l'orelirii Intprftitloii with Her In
terests In South and Cent nil America."
London-, N'ov. 11. Tho Chronlclo this
mornlna publishes i8Uininnry of tliortRreo-
luont of tho sottlomcnt of tho Veiiczuolnn
boundnry lU.sptitu botweon tho United
Statoiand ErtBland, nddlrtR merely: "This
momentous news roaches us too Into for
editorial commont."
Tho ngrcomont, ns published by Tho
Chronlclo, Uvcryshort, covering only two
pn(?es of printed mnttcr, ns given out, nnd
"Hends of tho proposed ngreomont bo
twoon Vonozuoln nnd Groat Drltnln for
tho sottlemont of tho Venczuolnn bound
nry questions, ns ngroed upon botwoen
Groat Britain nnd tho Unltod States."
Thoro nro four Bcpnrnto heads to tho
Tho first head provides for tho nppolnt
mcutof nn nrbltrntlon trlbunnl to deter
mlno tho boundary botweon Venezuela
nnd Drltlsh Gulnnn.
Tho cocond hond provides for tho ap
pointment of n tribunal, constating of two
to bo nomlnntod by tho Justices of tho su
premo court of tho United Statos, two to
bo nominated by tho British Buproino
court nnd tho fifth, n jurist, to bo selected
by tho other four.
In tho ovent of their fnlluro to ngrco.
Oscnr II, king of Swodon nnd Norway, Is
i to select tho fifth mombcr. This fifth
momber may bo a judgo of thosnld courts,
and ho will prosldo over tho tribunal ns Its
Tho third hoad of tho ngroemont directs
that tho trlbunnl shall Invostlgato nil tho
facts nocessary to decldo tho controversy ns
to tho oxtont of territory known to belong
respectively to tho United Ketherlnnds
and to Spain nt tho dnto Great Britain ac
quired Gulnnn.
Tho fourtli hond provides that tho ar
biters shall nscortnln nil tho fncts nccos
snry to nrrlvo nt a proper decision, nnd
shall bo goveruod in their findings by
thrca short rulos, tho most Important of
which provide that actual holdings or n
prescription of fifty years shall mako good
tho tltlo. Tho nrbltors nro empowered to
give offect to settlers' rights in establish
ing fncts.
Tho ngreomont is datod Kov. 12, nnd Is
signed by Mr. Olucy nnd Sir Julian
Tho ngreomont will bo tho basis of n
treaty to bo concluded between Great
Brltntn and Vonezuela. In fact It will lie
n treaty in Itself, only requiring clausos
to bo added relating to tho proceeduro, tho
compensation of members of tho tribunal
nnd other minor routlno matters.
Tho Chronlclo has n dispatch from
Washington which says that Mr. Olney
hasiinrnil Sennr Amlrndo. tho Venezuc
Prosldont Crospo nnd tho Vonozuolnn con
gross to accept tho agreement This dis
patch nlso says that Mr. Oluoy ndvlsod
tho resumption of diplomatic relations
! with Groat Britain by Venezuela.
Says Kugland Allowed Herself to he Ilul-
lletl by Americans.
LONDON', Nov. 14. Tho Berlin corre
spondent of Tho Times telegraphs to his
paper us follows:
"Tho Venezuela settlement hns appar
ently caused misgiving In Germany. Tho
views of tho foreign ofllco seem to find ex
pression In nn article from Tho Kolnlscho
Zeltung which Is reproduced with ap
proval by Tho Norddeutscho Allgomeluo
Zoitung (tho official organ).
This nrtlclo nssorts thnt England first
allowed horsolf to bo bullied by tho Ameri
cans Into consenting to tho Venezuelan
commission, nnd has now accepted tho
Monroo doctrlno. Therefore, tho Amerl
enn nowapntiers nro not entirely wrong In
sponklng of Englnnd's submission.
"Wo wish to tako tho first opportunity
to declare," adds this ofllclnlly approved
nrticlo, "thnt tho procedont is only En
glish, nnd In no way European. Germany,
nt least, will novor tolernto tho interven
tion of a foreign stato In the protection of
Gcrmnn interests In South nnd Central
Senator Lodge Calls It a Great Victory.
Massillon. O., Nov. 14. Senator Lodge,
of Massachusetts, In reply to n question
whothcr it was not dangerous ior tno
United States to assume tho rolo ot prin
cipal instead of Vonezuela In tho arbitra
tion with England, writes ns follows: ' too
far ns I understand tho terms of settle
ment from tho newspnpors wo have com
pletely carried our point, nnd It Is n gront
nnd most Important victory for our con
tention nnd tho Monroo dootnno. veno-
zuola plncod herself In our hands and
nskod no mora than wo hnvo obtained, nr
bltrntlon." Sirs. McICInley Itecoverlng,
Canton, O., Nov, 14, The first snow
storm ot tho season did not prevent Ma
jor McKlnloy from taking u brisk walk lit
tho bracing Movomuor air yosieruny. xua
pleasure over tho Improved conditions of
Mrs. McKlnloy was very apparent to nu
his frlonds. A steady stream of callers
continued ill day, Mrs, MoKinley had
suluVlonti, recovered to bo jolnod by u
half dozen frlonds, und tho l'rosldont-cloct
spout last evening with tho party In tho
McKlnlej's Three Dolnwaro Klectors.
Wilmington, Del., Nov. 14. Governor
Watson yostorday lssuod n proclamation
declaring that tho three MeKlnley elec
tors had been chosen by tho pooplo of Del
aware, thoroby deciding thnt ull of tho
votes oust for James G. Shaw mid Juntos
G. Shaw, Sr., shall count forJamosG.
Shaw, ns his name was on tho sovenil bal
lots In two ways. This will scud threo
MoKinloy electors to tho electoral collego.
Piles Cured in 3 to 6 Nights.
Dr. Agnow's Ointment will euro all cases
of Itching l'ilos In from 3 to uighU. Ono
application brings comfort. Tor Wind nnd
Weeding Tiles It is peerless. Also cures
Tetter, Salt Itheum, Eczema, Barber's Itch,
and all eruptions of tho skin, 33 cts. Sold
at Kirltns drug store.
Buy Keystone llour. Ho euro that the uamo
Le&sig & Baer, Ashlaud, Pa., h printed on
every sack.
To euro all oM ho re?, to hoal an Indolent
nicer, or to speedily euro piles, you n ie.l
simply apply DoWltt's Witch Hazel 8itve
accortlintfto directions. Its inaKic-liko ac
tion will surprise you. C. 11. llageubucti.
Many a man will
protect his money
at the risk of his
life. Thousands
decline to protect
their lives because
It would require
the sacrifice of a
few dollars of their
money. T h 1 3
seems almost in
credible but it Is
true. Men feel
and realize that the most relentless enemy
of mankind, consumption, Is slowly but
swiftly creeping upon them. Hut In the mad
race for money they refuse to stop nnd drive
off ttie dread disease. It would require a
sacrifice of both time and money and so
llicy neglect It, until It is too late.
There is no excuse for this. A sure and
quick remedy is at hand. Dr. l'ierce's
Golden Medical Discovery cures qS per eent.
of nil cases of consumption. It remedies
all disorders of the digestion, It invigor
ates the liver. It makes new rich blood
and builds up firm healthy flesh. It enters
the blood and drives out all impurities, and
acts directly upon the lungs driving out all
disease germs. It builds sound vital tissue
tn the lungs. Thousands have testified to
their cure by this wonderful remedy after
they were given up by the doctors and all
hope was gone. Druggists sell it.
"I have taken Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery, and can and do recommend it every
plate I go." writes Mrs. J. D. Graves, of Sala
manca, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. (Academy Street).
I am a traveling salealady and have been for
eighteen years. When I find people who are
aullcted I tell them what Dr. Pierce's medicines
have done for me. Twelve vears aeo I was Riven
up to die. I had what all my physicians called
consumption, I had hemorrhage of the
nlzlit-sweats, and in lact I tuny rcauzen
ditlon. I begged of them io let me
'Golden Medical Discovery,' and the re;
still live and do lots of hard work."
It is better to do i
1 11 KlPffP S mending while the
than wait until the whole structure is ready
to fall. Constipation is the one, all-embracing
disorder that is responsible for many
other dls- nt , eases. Doc
tor Pierce's pleasant
Pellets cure It. Drug
gists sell them. They never gripe. One
little "Pellet" is a gentle laxative, and
two a mild cathartic. They are tiny,
sugar-coated granules.
3?othing else is "just as PilJpfc
nV)0d." A permanent cure. I CHClo
Goto the Shenandoah Dentil ltmmis fu)
painless extraction of teeth. Hold nnd Mlvci
fillings. If your .irtilinil teeth do not Mill
you cull to see us. Ul eMiuiiiiatiotiH free
We make all kinds of platts. tlchl frowns
Aluminum Cronus Logan Cionns IVowl
and Bridge work and all operations thst per
tain to Dental Surgery.
No charge for extracting when plates an
ordered. Wo are the only useis of vitalized
air for the painless extraction of teeth.
Dental : Rooms,
(Tltnmu's Uloclr)
East Contrc Streral.
Otnrp Hours: 7 a. m. to t. in
Fine Groceries,
Butter and Eggs,
Flour and Feed.
Our delivery wagon awaits your order, (loodt
delivered promptly.
7b East Centre Street.
Cured tiv this sranulor effervescent nnd stimu
lant. An Instant e to ror onr t.'-ic'is anil
headaches, which often accumulate from having
a nlnht out.
JoniN h. llkakVi
7 and 10 ech Alley, Mienandonll
Evan J. Davies,
13 IN. Jardln Street.
fliipi-n A. I Connell UTS
under oio tiwor. LitlmonLI l
nr. Thul'i officii! Ur r.ther
cufferH from blood potaon flTyen Mo.wMtrWii
IJT Ull lmil7 iujiotu sua
fronevDCCil eurea, but tbt truth
i tb dUCM coir iup
rrentij. !! mitrUd. Iwtitbi
only .Wing rhlUl lookii
bifellhj, tut U1 eotupanjr lea Die
to youibtul foil?. Htll'AbuiN
V'hea 19 ) etn old 1 autTrefl from
XQIW UMIirim uirii lamrr
tb "truth." li.edfwdolliri
I Ktil wai trtatel br Ttrlom ohcsp
fc4TertMDgr,1Illal" WlluOUt
Buccrhn. la tr at"n .Tc ,1
broLo out with boll alt
i over nT boJ; aui neck. I- our
liperlulUt to' futiier It 111
arr.fii a In til unrkt rurm fttii
vr w. tr. 'i ukl no core pouu. Tbt anu
lini wont; I wti sight tbholJ. riTortb tciltoekllel
)rmoftlitmfllolprorc-ilont tunhoaptlnl ihy)l
tlanttnld mj Uthr no cure la thl )7ldfoltle. lioait
brokeadiJevareMvdtatncblatlni. Itc 1 hiin to writ W k
ioh(wtmnt of mint la rottnown to com-j nd me.
Wbenbt came tod heard tur itorr. "l'oli, UTlBa
gMsra DR. G. F, THEEL
604 North Sixth St.abcKsl'.o:
tb wort tiari or, 1 no ha coltl l a, ,
rmuuiwa r Moot Mlno tur sll n J",, r!
luilWlaUmCole.ot KoalM. lhotile. jf oimj
met horrible e. our blood poltonlnijOVr suBerUj
11 rutri. Blio nndov ulctrs
l4 ti ft mil. ( .ores, on
Ibe.ft catea rPr. reporlo frns
tfcbkrga, 1 know tbic.
p.oici ana mow meir .worn
IcMtlmonlnlt sr. nu lie."
I dM'Ma .nit ml allien to
Or. Tlieer. ctaet, Ihi-a .a
t ourtaatreet, ftna .ubmltlealo
t tborouKh exmnlnatlun.
..It U w.i u yerj liuu
Fn.e, bat I b.r. bo. Or. tre.t
m.Dt wcro dllTerent from tl
llberl. 11. c.a cur. tb. voril
Itlel. U TOU doubt It .n4
lufb. . cute to Mm .ul b. will I .ntod.7 u .tronc
Bud heulthy jouof u.a
lio .ulTercr., ur SU
rour prriuaior. .g.iu, .ursr
ll. I.- nh..lnl-n- Vnit -BR
(J, A I. Conncli.
ml mini lbl Old llr. '1 lierl ! .11 Ib.t bl claim, to t l
-Ihel.e.Iorull. ll.d 1 iboui.ul toojut. ib.r .boull
bttniplojed to iloslngib. pr.Ht. of Ur, O, h. Theel.
UOos brarsi la 1 1 Erg-, lo Wtd. ud p.t.
S la )0 fclun., 0 ta 19. 8ul Ore l. ilaniri for boos
"Troib." mil ol .11 for jo tbl oil. noil, n
rssnUd. The only book deuriuaf InilbfjjT crron ot
Ioulb.ndall dlirutiof turn sad womta and l.xpo.lnir
lunckk Hanatotoraddr(i-pubUb4wlItout ol
iwij, BlrloltOIcra'""e'-,,1,. .,, .
nrssrssnrtl AsHUattm arcdlir.itat,
REMEMBER. .11 ai...... a.d erri. .1
trir.abn.o aud eice..ea 14 natrlid nr. alttel l on.
aiffaranllT, and tb.l Ibna ta no aucb tbloi s ft aifciaa,
tompoooda, v.Uul Dtdlolnaa r dlaooTarlf a to cure .Uaurb
Slaaaaaa. C.ubaua rauat b examined and .tudled
arparatalr and trt.tad aooordlDS ta tba nature and proiraa
Vita dltaoaa, Wbca wiltlsf fit If ululUU tbli rli.
Will bo a Total Wreck on tho!
Slioro of Lako Superior,
I'or Oier n Wenlt They llnvo Hern right
ing for I.ltn Against Cnld nnd llllngorln
tho lllenk, Drsnlnto Wilds of the Conn-
illan Coast, '
Saui.t St Makik, Mich.. Nov. 14. Tho '
Canadian steamer Acadia, which has been
missing for sevornl days, lsnshoro on the
rocks near Mlchlplcoton river, nnd will bo I
n total loss. Tho master of tho stcamor, )
Captain Clifford, with four of tho crow,
reached port last night In n sailboat be
longing to tho lighthouse department.
Slnco n week ngo Thursday they havo boon
fighting for llfo ngnlnst cold and hungor
In tho blonk, dosolnto wilds on tho Can
ndlnn shore of Lako Superior. Tho Acndln
measures SOI tons, and Is owned In Ham
ilton, Out. Her cargo was 20,000 bushols
of whoat, tho boat clearing from Fort
William Inst Wednesday for Kingston.
"Wo wcro hoadod for shelter nt Mlchlpl
coten rlvor whbn a hoavy snow storm set
in nnd nt 10 o'clock Thursdny night wo
struck tho rocks," said Captain Clifford.
"Tho son Increased nnd soon nfter mid
night wo were compelled to nbandon tho
steamer. Our crow of sevonteon moil took
n supply of provisions and bedding ashoro
in tho boats. Wo constructed it rudo
sholter on tho lionch near tho steamer nnd
rumntnod thoro two days. Tho woather
was vory cold nnd nil hands sulTored.
Thoro was no habitation within many
nillos, nnd tho conn try was very rough and
wooded. Tho weather moderated nf tcr two
days, nnd leaving two men to watch tho
stenmcr, tho romnlnlng flftcon got Into tho
two ynwl boats nnd started out for tho
nearost port.
'Tho boats wero well ladon with men
and provisions. Wo arrived nt Gnrgantun
Saturday night. Leaving enough pro
visions, four of us embarked In tho light
houso tender, n sailboat, Sunday morning
to innko a dospornto attempt to roaeh
Sault Sto. Marie. Hut wo struck heavy
weather, nnd near Manialnno wo wero 1
forced to land again. The dosolnto rhar-1
aeterof the country continued, and our,
provisions ran low. Fortunately a settle-'
mont was discovered and wo obtained
"Tho weather moderated yesterday
morning, nnd wo reached port In the at-1
ternoon all right. I am afraid that tho
moil loft at Gnrgantun will suiter from
hunger If wo are not enabled to reach '
them in u short time. There nro twelve
men there, and their provisions will last
them only two days longer."
Captain Chamberlain and tho members
of his crew will lo.tvo this nfternooti if tho
weather permits for tho sretio of tho
wreck. On the way ho will pick up tho
men nt Gargantua. An effort will bo
niado to rescue tho steamer if anything
can bo dono for her, but it is more than
likely that sho will bo n total wreck.
Dlil Mie Die?
"No; ' sho lingered and sutfeted along,
"pilling away nil tho timo for years, the
"doctors doing her no good ; and at lust
"was cured by this Hop Hitters the pa
"persmyso much about. Indeed! Indeed!
"how thankful wo should ho for that
Wasiiinotd.v, D. C, May 15th, IS
Gn.VTLKMiLN' Having been a sull'eier for a
long time from nervous prostration and
general debility, I was advised to try Hop
Hitters. I have taken ouo bottle, and I hnvo
been rapidly netting better ever sinco, and I
think it tho host medicine I over used. I am
now gaining strength and appetite, which
was all gono, and I was in despair until I
tried your bitters. I am now woll, ahlo to
go about and do my own work, llcforo
taking it, I was completely prostrated.
Hiickleii's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo lit tho world for cuts,
L nil sos, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fovcr sores,
totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
ill skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
ot jo pay required. It Is guaranteed to givo
perfect satisfaction or mouy refunded. I'rico
25 cents per box. For sale bv A. Wasley.
, Coming Iheuts,
Nov. 3d. Thanksgiving turkey supper in
liobblns' opera house, under auspices of All
Saiiit9' church,
Dec. 3. Twenty-fourth annual suprer
under tho auspices of the Welsh Baptist
church, in Hohbins' opcm house.
Dec. 31. Second annual ball of tho
Patriotic Drum Corps in liobbins' opera
Hellef in Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relioved In six hours by tho "Now Groat
South American Kidney Curo." This new
remedy is a great surpriso on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and overs part
nf tho urinary passages in male or lemale.
It relieves retention of water aud pnin in
passing it almost immediately. If you want
iiilck renei ana curo tins is your remnly.
sold by Shapira's pharmacy, 1U7 South Main
Arrangements nro making for n diroct
lino of stomnors to run from Japan to tho
Muck son.
Snow fell nt ninny places in New York
nnd Now Knglnud yesterday nnd last
An iinnrchlst mimed Glnnb, nrrosted tn
Copenhagen, had n complete collection of
photographs of European secret pollco
Tho crow of tho schooner Dronton nar
rowly tcined douth In Cleveland hnrbor.
The vessel drifted on to tho brenkwiiler,
nud had to bo abandoned.
Orders hnvo Iwen Issued nt every Kuxlne
port thnt all Husslan naval luservo of
llcers shall hold thoniselves lnroudlnoss to
assemble ut riebnstopol, if needed, during
frank Jniues, n brother of tho famous
Jcbsu Junior;, has declared his willlngn )ss
to guard express oars ngnlnst train rob
beries, und Ktinranteo railroads full pro
tection for u nominal salury.
Tliu Ideal raiment.
James L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago, says:
'I rognul Dr. King1 Now Discovery as an
Idoal r.tnacca fur CoukIis, Colth and Lung
Complaints, having used it hi my family for
tho lafct ftvo yoarn, to tho exclusion of
physician's prowmi-tious or otuor prepara'
Rev. John Uurgus, Keokuk, Iowa, writes
,4I liavo been a Minister of tho Methodkt
Episcopal church for 60 years or more, amlj
lUinuiiut luuuii uu j tiling bil DUlieiK'iai, Or
Svo nie such ejiecily relief as Dr. King's
j ...a .dii. i.uunii
now. Trial bottles freo at A.
s drug store.
From Marlon McIttMc.
It 13
of tho
The Modern Cleaner J
IS. mmn,
Thotisntnls upon thousands of
children nnd other dear mem
bers of families, die annually
from Diphtheria. This enn nil
b" avoided by the prompt use,
according to directions, of
Manufactured by the Thompson
Diphtheria Cure Co., Williams
sport, Pa , nnd sold by Drug
gists everywhere for the small
sum of fifty cents per bottle.
WJiat is fifty cents when it
avoids the suffering and saves
the life of n dear one? Vou say:
"Nothing, but will it dowliat
is claimed?" It has done so
in every instance on record
not n single case where it
failed Th:s is the best nnd
surest gunrantcc for its nic
dccinal qualities.
Thompson's DiphtheriaCurc
alio spscdity relieves and
c u ts Croup, Quinsy or any
other Hit oat aflectton.
Those who have tried it
will never An without this
Medicine in their house, nnd
their unsolicited testimonials
. rr
rjj u
J 5
5 g
prove tins assertion.
For Sale at KIULIN'S Drug Store.
Lag-er and
Pitsner Beers
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, a..
West Coal Street.
rltliVCVnll Bora Tbroat, flniplea.a Copper-M
-tllAlt IUU Colored Spots, Acuta, Old Sorea B
lUlccrs in Moutn, uair-tftiungi ivrus cuuna
lltEMKMY CO., 007 Mnsonle Tmpl-J(
IChlcnro, 111., tor proofs of cures. CuptHt'
Jtnl, M5O0.OOO. Worst eases eared In 10H
SlIU .). UHJI, tUU'luaO saw-
i ai mmsm n
nUIions of Dollars
Go up In snioko evory year. Tako ni
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
nlture, etc., insured in first-class ro
llablo companies as represented by
Also Life and Accidental Compauloc,
1 (
i (
Summer Heat Vears You Out.
Por over 25 years it has been curing thousands of cases of
Biliousness, Indigestion. KsSsiia, Nervous Prostration,
Kidney Troubles, &c. li Purifies the Blood, Gives you
an Appetite, snd Helps you Digest whai you Eat.
Take it now and get your system in shape to stand the cold "weather.
Sold by P. P. 1). KIHLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
for Sale by P. P. D.
pei79a. Railroad.
i Trains will Irwve. Hhvlinlidenh nftor tho aboTt
dale for Wlmrniis, Ktlherton, KmekvHl. Dr
Water. St. t'lnlr, Pottsvlllo. HninhurK, Hewdlnr,
Pottstown, I'hiwlilxvllle, Norrltown ami Phil
adelphia ( Hrond street station) at CM nnd 11
a. m. nod I 30 p. m. on week days. I'or 1'olls
villa and InteniK-dliite stations 10 n. ni.
For Wtggnus, Ollher'ton, Fruckvlllc, Dr
1 Water St t lr, PotUvllle, nt 8 OH, 40 n. in. and
3 10 p. in. Kor llnnilmrg, lteadlng, l'ott.lown,
I'hmnltillle, Norrltown, l'lillndelphla BtSCO,
! 0 10 a. in., : 10 p. m, . ,
I Trains leave Frnckvlllo for Shenandoah at
! 10 10 ii. m. nnd 12 11, 101, T II nnd 1037 p. m.
Suiid.iv, 11 13 n. in. anil to p. in.
I Leave I'ottsvlllo for Sheiiiiiidonli nt 10 15. 11 4S
, a. in. nnd 4 10, 7 15 and 10 no p. in. Sunday l
10 10 n. m., B 15 p. in. ...
Inve rhlladelphln, (Urund street stntlon), foi
' Shenandoah nt 5 57 nnd R 3D n. in., 4 10 nud 711
p. in. week navs. miniinys leave ni w n. m.
Irf-ove llroH.l street station, Philadelphia, lot
Sen tllrt, Anbury Pink, Oienn drove, In(
Pr-Hieh, and Intermediate i-tiitlons, I 05, 6.50, 8.25
U.39n. III., 2 3.S, 3.a0, 1.05 p. in. week-days, 500
Saturdays only. Hundnv (ftoji nt Interlnken
for Asliury Park), 1 05, 8.15
Ix-nve llroad Street Station, phllndclphln,
Kt press, week-days, .1 M, 4 05, 4 50, 5 15, 850,
7 3S, sa), O50, 10 21 (Dining Cnr), 11 run. m.
120)llooii, I'M (I.lnilteil 100 and 4 22 p. m.
DliilngCnrs), 140, 2! (Dining Cnr) 3 20.3K),
4 O), SO), 5U (Dining Vat, 0 09. 050, 812,1000.
p. Ill , 12 01, night Hlllldnys, 3 20, I 05, 4 SO, 5 15,
h 9), h ,1:1, 0 no, 1021, Dining Car, II 03 a. ni.,
12 35, 2 30 Dining tor, I 00 Limited 4 22 Dlnlnit
fnr, 5 JO, 3 5il, Dllllns Carj.oai, 0 00,8 12,10 00
p. Ill , 12 01 nlKht.
liiprrss for Boston without chaiiiro, 11 00 a.
111 , wi'ek days, and 0 50 p. m., dally.
For nn,l Washington. .1 50. 7 20. 8 81.
I lO'.'O. 1123 n. 111.. 120) (1231 Limited Din
iiik Cor), 112. 3 IS, 111 (319 Conirresslonal
Limited. IMnlluj far), 6 17, 55 (Dining Car),
7 5s (Dinlmt I'nr) p. in., nnd 12 05 night
1 week days Sundays, 3 .50, 7 20, 9 12. 11 23 a.
111., 12 09 I 12, 4 11. ( 5 15 Congressional Limited,
( Dlnliiu Cnr), 0 55 (DIiiIiik Car), 7M p. m.
iDlnlim Cnr) nnd 12 05 nlElit.
I For Sen flirt, Spring Lske, llelraiar. Ocean
llroM'. Almrv Park and Lonff Ilriinch, 850,
I M 21 unit 11 31 ,1 111., 3 30 and IO) p. 111. week
d:i) Sundays, .s 25 a. 111.
' Leave Droad stieet station, Philadelphia (via
Delaware rher lirldwe), express, 7 02 p. ni.
Irfsvo Market street Ferry, express, 8 50 a. m.,
2 00, I0"X " 00 p. ni Sundays, S 15, 9 45 n. ni.
Aefiiinualatioii, son, H 30, a. 111., 3 21) and 4 20
p 111 , neek days. Sundays, 8 Oil, S 15 a. in., 4 00
mi') 5 01), )i in
For Cnoe M.iv. Aimlps-ett. Wlldwood nnd
Hollv IVraeh, anil Sen Isla City, Oeeill, City nnd
AvaIih Express, 9 00 a. 111., 4 0) p m. week
d-l- Suiidnjs, 'J 00 it. lit.
Express, 9 10 a. 111., anil 231, 4 20 p. m.
w"fk -lav Sundays, 8 50 a. in.
For Aimers Point. I?x)ires, 8 50 n, tn,, 1 00
p tn. week dsvs. Sundavs, 8 IS n. ni.
S. M Prevoit, J. it. Woon,
(teu'l MiuinKcr. Ocn'l Pnss'e'r Asrtl
IN KFFKCT MAY 17, 1890.
Tiains lini e Shenandonli ns follows :
?T , For New York via Plilladelpliln, week days,
UJ i 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 n. in., 12 IS, 3 00 ,i.id5 55 p. m
. Sum! i s, 2 10 a. m.
Q For New York via Mnuch Chunk, week days,
j 1 5 25, 7 20a. in., 12 18 nnd 3 00 p. in.
f- j For KeadliiK und Plilladelpliln, week days,
a I 2 10, 5 25, 7 20, 12 IS, 3 00 and 5 55 p. in. Hun
"" I days, 2 10 n. in.
i For Pottsvllle, week days, 2 10; 7 20 a. in., and
12 is, a uu nun 3 03 p. in. nuiuinys, -z iu n. m.
For Tiimniiiui nud Mahanoy City, week days,
2 10,5 25, 7 20 n. 111., 12 IS, 3 00 and 5 55 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 n. in.
For Wlllianiaport, Sutdiury and Iwlsburp;,
week days, 'A 25, 11 GO a. in., 1 50 nnd 7 25 p. m.
Hundn. s, 3 25 n. In.
For Nlahniioy Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 8 25, 5 28,
7 20, It 30 a. in., 12 IS, 1 50, 3 00,5 55, 7 25 and 9 M
p. in. Sutida s, 2 10, 3 25 n. m.
For Ashlaiid nud Shiiinokin, week days, 8 29,
720,1130 a, in., 150,725 nnd 955 p.m. Bun
dnys, 3 25 a. m.
For llaltlmnre, Wnshlnuton and tho West via
II. (). It H., ttiroiii-li trnlus Ion--1 HeAdtng
Terr' . Philadelphia, (P. A. It. 1' ..)a 8 20,
7 55 Jl a. in., 3 10 nnd 7 27 li. i... Sundnrs,
3 2Q . 00, 11 2il a. in., 3 1(1 am. 7 27 p. m. Addt
tlonnl trains from Twenty-fonith aud Unest-
nut streets rotation, week iliys, lOHOn.xxn, izzo.
II ll)i in. siiuilnys, 1 35, -a p. in. "
Ltnvo Now York via Plulntlelphla, week
night. HundayH, 0 00 p. in.
iscnve sew York via iMaucn t;ininK, wee
daj i SO, 9 10 n. ni., 1 30 ami 1 15 it. m.
Leave riillmlelplita, IU-udlnff Ternitnal, week
da it 1 'JO, 8 a, 10 05 a. m. and 4 01, 6 60, 1180
p. in. rtnnuava, 11 au p. in.
Lravo Ht'adluK. week days, 1 a?, 7 10, 10 08,
11 Vi a. in , COOntid 8 20 p. in, Sundays, 1 85 a.
Leave l'ottsvllle, weekdays, 2.W, 7 40 a, m.
12 SO and 0 12 p. in. Sundays, 2 35 a. in.
Leave Tntnaqim, week Uayn,3 18, 8 50, 1123
in., 1 27, 7 20 and 9 43 p. in, Sundaya, 3 18 a. m,
Trnve Mahanoy City, week dayn, 3 45, 9 21,
11 17 a. m., 2 03, 7 4 1 and 10 08 p. tn. -Sundays, S 4B
a. tn.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week daya, 2 40, 4 00.
A30,937, 1159 a. m , 1 12,2 19,3 20,6 20, 7 57 and
10 23 l in. SundayH, 2 40, 00 a. in.
Leave WUliamt-port, week days, 7 42, 1010 a
m.,3 85 and 11 41 p. in. Humlaya, 11 13 p. m.
Tfivp Philadphildn f!hfitniit Rtr?ot wArf atcd
I South street wharf for Atlantic City.
ek'las Kxiires, 9 a) a. ni., 2 (HI, 100, 5 00
p. m. V 'nnuodatlon, 8 00 a. in., 6 30 p. in.
Sundas ICxprehi, 900, 10 00 a, m. Accom
modation, nu a. in., 1 15 p. ni.
J RetiirmnR leave Atlantic City depot, corner
1 Atlantic and Arkansas avennea.
AVvkda.q-i:pnbi, 73.V 900n. tn , 3 30, 530
p. ni. Aft .nnnuHlatlnn, 8 15 a. in., i'i p. m.
Simdayt Kprc, 100, 730p. tn. Accommo
dation, 7 r u m , 15 p. in.
larlor Cant oit all expreaa trains,
(len'l Hiiperlntendent, Gen'l Pasr.AfC
Tho Rosy Froshnoss
And a velvety softness of tho skin Is Inva
rlably obtained by those who use Poxzoni'i)
Complexion Powder.
Vl;. i i ' u i ..i ! use lur i. i. iiKitf l'nwtr.
,..!. ce.cp.' d
c'l.r .u.n' , ir tu any caUW,
use Seine lJiil. Pr -.s chckcd
and luil vicor q jUk v restored.
irncrlc'icd 'i , t j . f.n,!!,.
Mailedlnrf 1 in. br-t,' Willi
VlJOorrt-rs v . iveaf rfilM la
fL-eorrf' liu itincv. Addicss
IT... riE3,'NEC..,l-lfland. O.
KIHLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
1 -