The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 14, 1896, Image 2

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Published every Evening, Except
8 Hoc .Tahdin Htrket, Nkau Cuntbe.
The Herald n ititlvcic.l InHlicniiiHlotin mid tho
rtUrroiimltiiK towtn fornix cent i week, pay
ble to tin' vnrrirra. lly iimll til 00 year, or a8
cents n month, puyalite lit advance. Advertise
ments chanted according to space and piwltlon.
Tho puldUhcr ri servo tho right to change tho
fosltlou of ndvcrtiflcineiit whenever tho pttli
Icatlon of news demands It. The rlRht In
reserved to reject any advertisement, -whether
fiald for or not, that tho publlshcro may deem
mpropcr. AuvertMng rates tnado known
upon application.
Entered at the pfmtoHlce nt Shenandoah, Pa,, ns
second cln.s mall matter.
Evening Herald
sati'uday. xovr.Miinn n, iboo.
Two days after tho election of McKlnlcy
was assured, orders for over (30,000 of ad
vertisements wero received hy tho Ladles'
Homo Journal.
Tub position of School Diieetor in lllythu
township, in tho light of f.icls brought out ill
tho suit nt l'ottsville, Is moro profitahlo than
tho host paying cilice ou tho hill. No wonder
there are statesmen Raloro in tho outlining
districts who liuinipnlato tho politics of tl.o
Last night was an occasion of much
pleasure to tho members of tho Columbia
Hoie Company, when they formally received
their new combination hose wagon. Tho
Columbia boys aro proud of their new no
luisition, and the people of Shenandoah aio
Justus proud of their fire department.
VAK witli Sjxiin scents inoro likely now
than nt any other perioil since the Cuban in
surrection began. This fact is fully re
cognized by President Cleveland, and actito
preparations nro afoot to put tho United
States in readiness in caso of iminciliato
trouble. Tho return of Consul (Scnornl Leo
has brought matters to a crisis. His report
to tho President of the conditio,! of affair's
in Cuba covers many possible phases of tho
situation, and much lias been said, tin
ollleially, which leaves no room to doubt tho
fact that only iiuiiicdi.i'.e Spauhdi success in
Cuba, or the most delic.ite diplomatic manip
ulation can steer this mm try clear of war.
Smi.sandoaii has fow literary or other
societies that arc pioductivo of inoio good to
the community than the Anuiinci.ition
Literary Society, an auxiliary to tho Annun
ciation church. Its weekly meetings aio
both edifying and entertaining, and lie
oll'oitsnf I lie members to leplaee tho present
structure in which their weekly meetings uio
held is a luudahlo one iinil should meet with
the hearty approval and Mipport of tho entile
community. Willi this end in view tho
society has arranged to hold a supper and
untertainmi ut on Thanksgiving evening to
raise funds for the pin pose above Mated.
Witli the erection of the new hall tho ei clcly
intends to place a free leading room and
library in the building for tho benefit of
tho membership. The efforts uf tho society
f lie encouraged, and wo have no doll! t
llmt that tiny will.
Tut following clipped from the Wilkes-
liarre Telephone should bo accepted by all
(ncwsp.iper delinquents as a sound piece ut
I id vice The Nuws Dealt r has taught u
.on t j a iMibucriber who refused to pay for
(da paper and ordered it discontinued. Tho
publisher bued the delinquent fur ten cents.
"the balance due, anil it cost the delinquent
tiiibscrluei' !tt to settle it. It was a severe
hut nUi.iblo lesson, and olio ho will hut soon
forget due of tho Telephone subscribers in
tho lower end of the county Hied the sumo
junto on ts recently. He owed us il balance
of t;(l, wlileh we in vain tried to tolled. The
account was plated in the hands of a justice
for collection, and it itiit the fellow more
tbau double tho original bill beforo he got
through with it. It doesn't always pay to
try to 'heat the pi inter out of his just dues "
The Hki:.M may be compelled to adopt tho
fumu means if our delinquent subscribers
coutfuuo to allow their accounts icmalu
Tho amount of money expended by the
state in aiding tho diU'crcut public c haiilics
readies enormous pioportions. Duilng the
last session of the Lcgislatuio tho subject
u-i.ipicd tho attention of our ttato law
makers, and Its consideration resulted in the luent of u special commission, known
asthe lti n liivitigatingt'cmiiiitlee,touuku
exhaustive inquiry into the subject and ie
nort at the next Mission, which meets in
January next. Hon. l!enj.imln K. Focht is j
tut . Ii.iiriiian of tho committee and Clarence
I' ll'Uh, K-q , of Sliamokin, member. I
Tlio lu-miiittoe bus iiitnl the ilill'ercnt
li Mpitaw, homo, etc., supported by the state,
as well us those until tuned by the ilill'ercnt
i . im t ; i among the number being the i no
located in Si hujikill Haven. They have se
cured valuable information and will submit
an exhaustive report at the next session of
the Leglslatute. Mr. I'ochl says tho amount
01 money expended by llio statu In thlsdlie -Hon
isu very great item, and thut tho stuti
officials are confronted with the indisputable
f..ct ti at such rcbiuicos aro being gieutly lu
(l.iccd. This condition of affairs raises the question
ot direct taxation for the support of these
,,i,hr institutions, or a rigid policy of
ei onoiny is necessary. Mr. 1'ocht says:
Tut amount of good the hospitals situated
throii jbout the state acccinpliih can only ho
u mire, tated hy one who has made a study of
the mailer, but the complaint has been made
tnat tlic iiumberof aliens seeking lellef from
the public, charitable institutions in thU sluto
lias increased to such tin extent that citlens
who certainly have a prior right are being
crowded out.
The result of tho investigations made by
the committee so far certaiuly bear out this
asscittou. Of all the indigent and unfortu-
mto beings cared for at the state's expense at
present over thirty per cent, are alieus. For
instance, out of 1,100 patient nt the Danville
m .uou-jium 400 aro foreigners. The in-
! i.s ati Warren and Wernersyillo arc
' idly overcrowded from tho satnc cause
Mctiiuijf will have to bo dono to remove
' i c mi -t -in but just what it will be I am
yet prepared to nay. A bill Mill certainly
introduced at the next legislature In
refciuuce to this matter. Just think of it,
tlic cost of keeping one ml son at n hospital
for a week amounts to 9 or Some time
ago the (lovornnr of Mnmacliusotti (fathered
up two ship loads of pauper aliens and shipped
them buck to llrcmcn ou his own responsi
bility. Something of tho kind will certainly
bo done In this state."
Jn view of what Mr. 1'ocht says, the icport
of the committee will huawnllodwltli a (treat
ileal of Interest.
; 7rlp-CoMs-!lrHilnrlie,
Why sufTcr with Coughs, Colds and Ij
(Irippowhcn Laxative Ilrotno Quinine will
euro you in ono day. Put up In tablets con
venient for taking. Ounraiiteoil to cuic, or
money refunded. I'rico, 25 cents. For salo
by Kirlln's Pharmacy.
'I ho
Politicians of llmt Township
Considered lloodoos,
A correspondent writing to tho Ashland
Local, thinks all nominees championed by
tint Htitler Township statesmen aro snro of
defeat, and givos the following as Ills reasons:
"Prior to 'tiS the Ilnmesvillc-llap gang
wero hut a wing to Hon. 1). I). Phillips' kite,
and did not amount to enough to impress
their personality on any party. Since that
time, however, they have had a marked
Inllticnco on Democratic a 11 all's in tho county.
Thwo gentlemen aro wlso enough to confine
their own candidacies to Itutler township,
whero everything goes. They wisely refrain
from aspirations to county offices. They
know their record is before the people. They
do, however, attach themselves to other
persons whose popularity might sccuro their
sin cess, and whoso pliability might ensure an
easy bci th for ono or moi o of the gang. In
all theso efforts, though, they havo only de
feated those whom they tiled to elect.
"Tho first victim of tho llutler hoc-duo was
Tom Traccy, of Shenandoah. Tracy was
elected I)irector-of-thc-Poor before the voters
nt largo knew ho was connected with "the
gang." Ho appointed VA. Kcnney Alms
house clerk, and tho identification was coin
plelo. Though personally popular, Tracy
thereafter lust .strength ; and when his term
expired thero was "none so poortodo him re
verence." Ho has been unknown in county
politics sliue.
"Tho next ono was ticorge Wadlinger, L-q ,
whom they helped to nominate, and who was
finally slaughtered at the polls. Then ca;no
Hon. John Kyon, defeated in the nomination, ,
hut who ran as an independent candidate.
lie polled only 2000 votes in the county, and
lecelved OS of theso at Last llutler, tho home
of 'the gang.'
"1 he fourth to whom theso barnacles at
tached themselves was 'Honest John
Kcnney,' of Oiraidville. To such extiemes
did they go in the convention for his nomina
tion that John Iiergau would nut abide by its
decision. Tho result is known. Kcnney was
defeated, and knows lie was defeated through
his connection with the llutler crowd. Ho
Juts .since kept clear of them.
"hollowing these came Jack loole, tho
stiongest man personally in Schuylkill, lint
begot himself mixid up soino how with
'the gang,' and that was enough. With all
his political skill and stieugth, the hoodoo
was too much for him. He was whipped 04
votes. He lost enough Ucmocialic votes ill
llutler alone to defeat him.
"After Toole, Hon. Charles King's turn
ciimo. King tlid not want to run lor the
Senate; but, it is Mild, Miko Carey fairly
diagged him into It. King did not need tho
honor, nor did ho need tho salary. In fact
it is said ho consented to (ill the place only
that his mantle might fall on Carey at tho
expiration of his term, and that Pats
Carley would bo appointed Sergeant-at-Ainis
in ll.irilsburg. The convention that nomi
nated him at (iirartlville was a decided suc
cess, from a llutler point ot view. Hut the
followers of Fruncy and Watson did not cn
dorso the llutler style. Thev would enjoy
ubtise and ritlicule better if diicted against
some .'.her peisons than t'n ii own. They
struck hick, mid tho llutler hoodoo was
upaiii tiiiimplatut. They pirforjncd the
same ol!ice, the same year, for your towns
man, John Deuce. Deuce and King enjoyed
the triii together nnd got so used to salt
water that they have had no cl
I,.. f,,r
straight Democratic whiskey since.
"Next Ciiuie the forced nomination of Tom
Higgins. All the llutler delegation hut the
Itap, wanted to vote for Frank Itugtuii, but
Tom Nolan wanted to bo Shcrill' and they
had to turn in for Higgins. Higgins was
nominated, but the deal killed I. int. Some
of Nolan's friends let the secret out in their
7cal to make votes, nnd that settled it. Tho
hoodoo was again on top, and neither Higgins
nor Nohtn got a job.
"Thou came tho convention that called
fin tli the last lehuko. This year tho Demo
o tits at large had no show In the construction
of their ticket. A few choice spirits adopted
t Ins llutler method of choosing candidates.
Led by tho Itap megactphalon they met in a
room in Pottsvillo, inado a slato, and backed
it up hy a largo fund then nnd there levied
for the purpose, llutler had no candidate of
its own, and Owen McN'ally was bartered for
the chief clerkship for tho Commissioners
olllie, and a deptityshlp under the Prothono-
ttuy. Tho county shite was supplemented by
Harry Hooker's nomination forthe Assembly.
Harry had no office to itward but he hud a
large pocket hook and was wlll'ug to empty
it. Tho hoodoo, however, attached to all
I and now llradigau, Ferguson and Itcckeritre
orry that tlic Hutlcr township brand was
I I ver a part of their outfit. Who will he tho
next to court tho favor of tho llutler
hoodoo '"
"Thoro nro lads In
medicine as well as In
other things," said n busy
druggist, "but tho most
remarkablo thing about Hood's barsa-
liarllla is that customers who try other
romodios nil como back to Hood'B, and
1 1.1. 1 , minrmnna solos of this
urimt medicine keep up and
continue tho hi (T whole yoar
round, steady il 'Wns o clock.
"Why is it?" "O, simply becauso
Hood's Barsaparllla has moro real cura
tive merit than any medicine I oversold,"
This Is Dl dally occurrence In almost
every drttr store Hood's Barsaparllla
has cured moro slcknoas, and made moro
haziness through restoration to health
tliau any other medicine.
Is tho standartl tho Ono Trtfl Blood Purifier.
lily pills to take
d's Sarsaparilla.
lie -itihllcitn Ohnlriiinti Announces That If
Is Not a l'litrnnagn llrnker
Cr.KVM.AM, Nov, 11. "I lmvo had n
Rront ileal of ttlory out (if this campaign,
nnd I mn sntlsiled," said Hon. ii. A.
lliinna yostordny vvhllo ho wns busily en
gaged In Kolnu; through nn enormous ac
cumulation of correspondence.
Tho roiimrk wns cnllod forth by n letter
which tho national chairman found in Ills
mall, and tho wrltor of which, nftor oulo
gluing Mr. 1 latum n tho only man for tho
secretaryship of tho treasury, snld:
"If you find tho duties of tho position
too arduous, for you, call on mo nnd I
will romo nnd help you."
"Hero," continued Mr. Ilnnnn, "Is nn
other man, whoso requost I can easily
grant. Ho says, 'Don't appoint nny per
son to this position until you sco mo.'
"Nearly ovory lottcr I cot nowadays Is
i cither a roquost for nn appointment or n
contribution of somo sort. It s absurd,
though, to mnko tho former roquost ot
mo, and I just told n man that I wns no
patronngo brokor."
Concerning tho national Republican
headquarters Mr. Hannasnld: "Tho Chi
cago hondquartors will bo closed oarly next
week, and Mnjor Dick will como back
hero. Tho Xovv York headquarters will
probably bo kept ojien until wo docldo
about tho pormanont national headquar
ters." "Whoro will they bo locntodf" ho was
"I mn In favor of Washington myself.
Kverythlng will bo conterod thoro, hut
wherovcr thoy nro you can depond upon It
that nctlvo work will bo kept up."
Itrynn Gels Duo Kentucky Elector.
FltASKFOitT.Ky.,Nov. li Hoturnsfrom
nil tho 110 cotintlos in tho stnto havo lieon
received nt tho oillco of tho secretory of
state. On tho national tlokot thoy show a
total voto of 115,000, SlcKlnley's voto Is
218,055; Bryan's. 917,703. McKlnloy's plu
rality, 257. Cnsb, tho first elector on tho
ticket for MoKlnloy and Hobnrt, has 218,
H5l. Rinith, tho highest of Bryan nnd
Sevvnll electors, has 917,7!). Smith defeats
tho lowest JlcKlnloy electors.
Ttin Itnllnn's Itctlily .Stiletto.
Sckanton, Pit.. Nov. 1 1. Frank Bam
brush plunged a stiletto several times into
tho body of Hnccii Hnlvatoro last night on
"Bunker Hill," nn Italian sottloment on
tho outskirts of Scrnnton. Bambrosii os
cuped Into the luountdins. Tho murder
was unprovokod, and was but ono of a
dozen thnt havo taken placo on "Bunkor
11111" in tho last fow years. Thoro is no
prospect of an lmmediato capture of tho
Sootluntr. and not Irritallnir. strengthening.
and not weakening, small but ell'cctlve
such aro tho qualities of DoWltt s Little
llarly ltisers, the famous lltllo pills, C. II
ItellgloitH Nollces.
Services in the Trinity Iioforincd church
to-morrow at 10:00 a. in., and (1:30 p. in.
Sunday school at 1:110 p. m. l!ev. Hubert
(J'Koyie pastor.
llcgular .services will bo held in the United
nvaugclical church, (Dougherty's Hall,) to
morrow at 10 a. m. and 0.30 p. m. Preaching
by the . pastor, Itev. I. J. licit.. Sunday
school at 1.30 p. in.
The American Volunteers are going to
hold meetings all day Sunday in Wilkinson's
building, corner Main anil Centra streets.
.Meetings at 11 a. m., 3 and S:00 p. m. First
Lieut. Haslam and vvifo in command.
Services in the Presbyterian church to
morrow nt 10:30 a. in. and 0:30 p. in. Sunday
hcbool itt 2 p. in. Preaching by Itev. John
It. Kendall, Jr., of Princeton, N. J.
Services will bo held lit the Welsh Con
gregational church on South West street, at
liwm n. in. and 11:00 p. in. Mr. Ilodriek Davis,
of Wllkcsbarre, will preach at both i-crvicos.
.Sunday school at 2:00 p. m.
Calvary Baptist church, South .lardin
street Preaching to-mnriow at 10:30 a.m.
and 0:30 p. in. by Itev. J. T. Gallagher, of
Lewisluirg. Sunday school at 2 p. nt.
Methodist Dpiscopal church, corner Oak
and Wliito streets, licv. Alfred Ilcehni'r,
pastor. General class meeting at 0:15 a. in.,
led by John Senior. Senium at 10:30 a. m.
by tho pastor. Subject : "Tho True llciison
for our Joy." Sunday school at 2 p.
in. Lci-son study: "God's Bleating Upon
1 Solomon," Dr. J. S. Callen, Supt. A short
nuiiiluu ui bmijk mm U. ,u, lu, ,J ..IV
pastor. Lvciiing sermon at 0:30. Tho pastor
preaches the dosing herinon of series un
'Parahio of the Prodigal Son." Subject:
"Tho Llder Iliothor." llevival sorvico to
follow tho evening sermon. Everybody
Lbenezcr Bvangelical church, corner of
South West and Cherry streets, H. Horace
Iioniig, pastor. Sunday school ut 10:30 a. m.
Proachiug at (1:30 p. m. by Itev. List, of
Betlilehem. All are welcome.
Welsh Baptist church, corner of West and
Oak streets, Kov. I). I. Kvans pastor. Services
ut 10 a. in. and 0 p. m. Sunday bchoolat2
p. m. Prayer meeting Monday evenings.
Young People's meeting Wednesday even
ings. Class meeting Thursday cveiiiiigs.
St. John's Lutheran church, West Cherry
street. Pev. John (Iruliler, pastor. Pleach
ing. 10 a. in. ; Sunday school, 1:30 p. in. j
pleaching 0:30 p. in.
St. Michael's Greek Catholic church, West
Centra street. Itev. Cornelius Laurisin, pas
tor. Matatiuuiii service 0 a. ni. High mass
10 a. m.
Church of tht Holy Family, (German It.
C.) North Chestnut street, Itev. A. T. Schut
tlehofer, pastor. First mass 8 n. m., second
mass 10 a. m.
St Casimlr's Polish II. C. church. North
Jiirdln street. Itev. J. A. Iiiarklewicz,
p.utor. First mass 8 a. in., high mass 10 u.
in., vespers and benediction 4 p. in.
Church of tho Annunciation, 218 West
Cherry street. Kov. H. F. O'ltellly, pastor;
Itev. Henry Nayhm, assistant pastor. First
mass. 7 a. in., second mass, 8 a. in., high muss.
1 10 a. in, benediction, 7 p. in.
Kehelcth Israel Congregation, corner of
Oak and West streets, Itev. Henry Mlt
nlk, pastor. Saturday wrvices, h to 10 a. in,,
and S to 5 p. in. Sunday services H to 10a. in.,
and every weekday morning from 7 to 8 a. in.
AVltliii lo You Prefer.
In a large majority of eitsos of diphtheria
whether among childicii or grown people.
death is sure to follow. Absolutely stating
I tho facts as they are, there is no reason on-
liieriuo sun lor a single muiviuuai tunic
from diphtheria, croup, quinsy, or any
known throat affection. Thompson's Diph
theria Cttro has never failed to cure every
case where tho dliectiousforuse wero strictly,
carried out. Now tlu you prefer to die or,
have your friends die when 50 cents ox
pended In tittio will savo life? This Is tho
exact fact in tho onto. Sold at Kirlln's drug
store ut fifty cents a Ixittlc,
When you want good roofing, plumbing
gas nttiuii, or general tlnsmlthlng dono call
ou E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centro street
Dealer 1c stc-os l-tf
Thooldwavof delivering mossagos by post'
boys compared with tho modern telephono,
illustrates the old tedious methods ut ' break
ing" colds comiored with their almost in
stantaneous cure hy Ono Aliuuto tough Cure.
V II. Hagenbtich.
- . , .
If yon want a 11 no weddlug cake, let Otto
makoit foryou.
How Are Your Kidneys?
t9 Ever have your back ache? tfjl
dfr Dr. Hobbs tg
sjji Sparagus Kidney
Fills g
ftrdlhr Hitfk Mron j
It edit hy kldntiyi a?U
mrlfirlliebioo.. I "ttf'
flltt-rintr from it ji.
uric acid nml Ml (U)
other pnUoni or
. ImmirttlfMi. flfTl
Iierfrct hunltli. Ur ,
I'tire momi Rivanii
Dr. Hobbs
Sparpgus Kidney
it' 11hh)I4H.IIi
Neurnlftln, O a U t,
,CK llrtfjlit'KlltHf))iH,Ilal)etpff,I)ropflr,TEeniii, f ?t
"U5 Anrmln, Tnlns In Abdomen, UnckiichB, y
nipmln. ,1'fiinn In Abdomen,
KldneTttennnfM, ana bu jniiummuvion n
Hit of the Kiilnais. I'hrlelan nrnt ilrugiltln qJ3
Jt .u.nmn.Hn,l , r.n nnntn a box. Ton.
rflcomnipn'i tlujm. CO Cents e- box. Tes-
llnionlnlii from thotmAbd.
llmonlAIA rrora tnotmAbd. . , BVk
llubb lltwij Co tblrfiii4 8aaFrntlieo. tf
For Sato 111 SHENANDOAH, PV by JL
S. P. Klrlln, DruRKltt.SouUi Vala St,
Miss Agues I.cckie, of Pottsvillo, Is tho
guostoftown frlcntU,
William Nelswender this morning lelt for
the West to purchase a stock of horses.
Frank Ilanna left town to-day for Pitts
burg to attend tho trial of tho llogart caso.
Mrs. Quiuii, of l'ottsville, is tho guest of
hor sister, Mrs, Nathan Ileddall, on youth
Wliito streot.
itcglstcr-clcct Frank C. Kceso to-dny re
turned from his trip to Washington and
other points South.
Ur. W. 0. Ilalrd, of McKecsport, who visited
the old homestead at Brownsville, left this
morning for Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
Milton llillinan is preparing to movo to
Omigshurg, tho Lehigh Valley schedulo
changes necessitating his removal to that
Fred. Schum and (leorgo Grccnawald, two
"typos" of tho Miners' Journal, Pottsvillo,
spent to-day in town and paid tho IIeiialu a
pleasant call. (
Mrs. Anthony Schmickcr, of South Main
street, is somewhat improved to-day
W. M. Iircwer and family havo returned
homo from n trip to New York and Chicago
Mr. Brewer had gono to Chicago to look after
the interests of his brewery there.
The old lady was right when sho said, the
child might die if they waited for the doctor.
Sho saved the littlo one's life with a few
doses of One Minute Cough Cure. She had
used it for croup before. C. 11. Hageitbuch.
tllrtliibiy l'urty.
A plcavint birthday patty was tendon d
Katie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel 11.
lireiiuan, in honor of her ninth anniversary
by a largo number of her friends. The
Aeolian Mandolin and Guitar Club was in
attendance and furnished tho music for the
evening. Miss lireiiuan was also tho recipient
of a iiumberof beautiful presents and showed
her appreciation of the largo assemblage hy
serving a repast. Those present were: Maude
and Julia Bolin, Mary and Maggio Grundy.
Agues Grimes, Esther JIoMh, Bertha Holder
man, Mary Jenkins, llessio Miles, Bridget
Fccley, Margaret Burke. Florence Howes,
Agnes Tobln, Annie Grimes, Nellio, Katieand
Hirdie Del.mcy, Kntie, Mary and Sarah
Ilurke, Nellio Devers, Lssio Kennedy, Lillio
Ambrose Louisa Biicklcniaun, Katie lircniian,
Patiick and Philip Brennan, Ihuil Holder
man, Daniel Hobbs, Michael Bowes, Daniel
Brcninni, John and James Groody, Martin
Delaney, Michael Devers, John Mcllalc, Joe
Bowes, John Grimes, Arscnus anil Willio
Ploppert, Albei t nnd Itobert .Tones.
Catarrh and Colds Relieved in 10 to 60
One short puff of tho breath through the
Blower, supplied with each botilo of Dr.
Agnevv's Catarrhal Powder, tlltl'iios this
Powder over tho surface of the nasal pi;s
nges. Painless and delightful to use. It re
lieves instantly, and permanently cures
Catarrh. Hny Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore
Throat, Tonsilltls and Deafness. 50 cts.
Sold at Kirlins drug store.
Annual Convention.
The Grand Section of the Junior Templars
of Honor and Temperance of Pennsylvania
assembled in Mahanoy City yesterday and In
the evening the visiting members vero
tendered a banquet by General Howard
Section, of that town, followed by a literary
and musical entertainment. Delegates wero
present from Shenandoah. Summit Hill,
Philadelphia and Wm. Peon. Tho following
program was rendered: Opening address,
John Price; solo. Miss Lizzie Bishop; solo,
Miss Cussio Lewis; lecitatlon, Miss Lotltia
Jenkins; recitation, Goorgo Ehrhart; solo,
W. H. Moyer; recitation, Ben. Thomas;
selection, Banjo Club solo, II. Thomas; reci
tation, Thomas Price; solo, John Price; solo,
Miss Helen Jenkins; recitation, Miss Sallio
Jenkins; selection, Banjo Club. The conven
tion elected tho following olllccrs: Grand
Governor, Thomas Dove, Shenandoah ; Vice
Grand Governor, .William Moyer, Mahauoy
City j Recording Secretary, Samuel ltallison,
Philadelphia ; Chaplain, Charles 11. Harris,
Wm. Penii ; Inside Guard, Keubcii L Fry,
Boston Itun ; Grand Usher, Thomas Miller
chap, Shenandoah; Past Grand Governor,
Jetikyn Cramago, Philadelphia.
Itlieiiiiiiiilsin Cured in a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Khcumatisni and Neu
ralgia radically euros in 1 to 3 days, Its
action upon tho system is remarkablo and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately disappears. The
nrsi nose greatly Delictus; 75 cents, .sold by
C. II. Hagonbuch. Druggist, Shenandoah.
Mahanoy City, Nov. 11 The changes
lu the Lehigh Valley schedules will cause
tho removal of a numlter of conductors and
others from Dulhiio and the housos vacated
hy them will ho occupied hy railway em
ployes now residing here, among them Con
ductor Bery, Hendricks and William It. Perry
and C. K. Smith.
The 21st anniversary nf tho Sllliniau
Guards, otherwise Co. E, 8th Itcglment,
N. G. P., took placo last evening In Armory
hall and was a grand success. Among tho
honored guostc wore Lieut. Col. T. T. Hoff
man, of Shamokin ; Maj. Wallace Gttss,; Maj. E. C. Wagner, Glrardville,
and Lieut. W. F. ltlchardson, Assistant
Keeper of tho Stato Arsenal. After tho
banquet and addresses there was 11 lwll in the
upper hall.
Tito Hoods at the minus canted by the
recent rains still givo considerable tioublo.
At Tunnel Itldgo there aro four dams of 10
feet of water. At Mahanoy City there are 0
(lams witli -II feet of water.
The Hersker opera house was opened last
night by a lecture by Prof. John B. DoMott.
It was preceded by a piano solo hy Mrs. A,
! William Southern's houso on West Spruce
eet was entered by burglars, who contented
themselves with devouring tho provisions in
thi larder.
I Absolutely pure, perfectly harmless, and
1 invariably reliable aro the iiualltles of One
Mijiuto Cotigli euro. It novcr laus lit coins,
1 I 11 .1.1.... fl. 11.1 or... 111,., I, !..
CrilUP lu", liuuuiw. . 01. mvu ,iivu ug
I 0 t ,a lllcftpant to takc aw t ,clps them,
c DI. Hageuhuch.
luamtiiiicu irom nrsi rage. I
ing Lyman, Bohind, tiallagher, Koarnoy
nnd Tynan.
They nf torvvords, Jones added, formed n
new enmp, which was called "Tho Xnlly
club," tho inomborshlp of which Included
Mcnrns and Nolan, who had boon con
nected with nn explosion In Dublin.
Jonos further 6tnted that ho wns elected
treasurer of "Tho Nully club," whoso
nieotlngs, It appears, wero ot tho most so
crot, the "district orders" Iwlug burned
after being read. After their Initiation
tho moniburs of this club were known by n
number. Part of tho subscriptions, tho
witness nlso tostlllod, wore contributed to
a revolutionary fund, nnd calls were mado
for monoy to pay for celebrations of tho
doath of tho "Manchester martyrs" nnd
to aid tho convicted dynamiters.
Answering further questions Jones said
that while on his way to tho Chicago con
vention of 1803 Konrney Introduced tho
prisoner, Ivory, to tho witness as n
"brother." I. J. Tynan nnd O'Donovnn
Ilossa, according to Jonos, wore present,
and Tynan said that Ivory belonged to
his "camp," nnd had been known to him
In Dublin previous to 1803.
Jonos' mention of tho Chicago conven
tion of 1803 rofors to tho "now movomont
convontlon," whloh was nttondod by a
number of confidants of Lyman, who, dur
ing convontlon tlmo, It was stated In
court, hold socret meetings with them.
Later, it seems, Jones joined a camp
under tho name of Thomas Morlc Jones.
Continuing his account of tho visit to
Chicago, Jonos said ho arrived thoro on
Sept. 23 of last year and was mot at tho
railroad station by St. John Gaffnoy. Ho
stayed nt McCoy's hotel, whoro tho com
mittee of tho secret organization mot.
Ivory, Jones stated, nttended tho mooting
at which tho names wero chosen to bo sub
mitted to tho public convontlon as officers
of tho "now movement," tho object being
thnt an open movement might bo con-
, 1 1 . . .1 I , I . . T 1
, lu u
In nnother portion of his testimony
Jonos said that ho saw Ivory two or threo
wooks before tho latter loft America In
Cody's saloon, In Now York, which, ho
further stated, Is lnrgoly froquentod by
members ot tho organization.
Jones then produced 11 document pur
porting to give tho constitution of tho so
cloty up to 1893, nnd also tyjtowritton
copies of tho constitution and ritual of
Jonos further said that any ono con
vlctett of 11 dynnmito outrage was de
scribed In tho proccodlngsof tho organiza
tion as a "soldier of Ireland."
Tho witness afterwards produced a mass
of documents giving "camp" Instructions,
passwords, signs, etc, aud a copy of tho
report of tho secret couvontlonat Chicago,
in lb8, In which an Item of expenditures
was $.1,500 for "merchandise," which Jonos
explained ino int dynamite.
Tho cross-examination of Jones did not
shako his ovidenco, but counsol for Ivory
submitted that It was not it caso to go to
Tho magistrate, howovor, emphatically
declared thero wero "ninplo grounds" to
solid tho ease to trial, and Ivory was for
mally committed.
Secretary O'LuiighUti Says lfe Is .Deliver
ing "Gold llricks" to the Kllgllsh.
New York, Nov. 14. Tho uovvs of tho
production of tin Informer In tho Ivory
caso lu London created qulto n sensation,
and was productive of considerable 00111
moilt In Irish circles In this city. Diligent
inquiries among prominent Irish Nation
alists by a reporter of tho Associated Press
failed to ostablish tho Identity of more
than ono man named Jones who ever had
any connection with Irish mattors in this
city. This niuu s iiamo Is Thomas JI.
Jones, who was u member of tho Shnm-
rock club and nlso ono of the secretaries
of tho Amnesty association. Ho was nlso
a member of tho Alliance nnd tho Nolly
clubs. Tho lust heard of him In this city
was about ten weeks ago, when ho left
hero telling his acquaintances that ho was
going to tho north of Ireland to secure
some property which had boon loft to him
through tho death of 0, relative
C O O. MoLaughlln, socrotnry of tho
Irish National alliance, snld thnt he knew
Jones us a member of Irish societies. Ho
"Whothor Jones is a frlond of Tynan or
Kearney I do not know, but I nm satisfied
that If ho knows anything of 11 so called
dynnmito plot tho wholo thing must have
origlnatodln his own brain. To my mind
It is very evident that ho Is delivering 'gold
bricks to tho Scotland Yard people In re
turn for a fat remuneration. This trumped
up cvldonco Is only nnother part of tho old
worn out scheme of Scotland Ynrd when
Its slouths want to secure tho conviction
of any Irishmen who may bo unfortunate
enough to full into their hands."
Sir. bt. John Gnffney, whoso iinmo was
montloned by Jonos In htsevltlonco, called
nt tho ollico of tho Associated Press last
night, and was very lndlgnnutnt tho men
tion of his nitino by tho informer. Mr,
Gnffney snld! "I wont to Chicago In com
pany with Mr. Bolaud, and It I mot Jones
ut tho depot I was not nvvare of It, ns thero
were moro tlitin 11 thousand porsons thero
nt tho time. I never mot Jopos In my life.
1 know tho lato John P. Bnland referred
to by Jonos lu his testimony. Mr. Ilolnnd
was an art critic of recognized ublllty. I
was his nttornoy. This man Jones prob
ably saw mo with Bolnnd, and I cannot
understand his mentioning my name ex
cept far tho purpose of unuoylug my fam
ily In Ireland. As Is well known In this
city nnd ut tho other side, I nm u believer
in tho policy of Varucll, but inn not u
member ot any secret organization.
10 cts. Cures Constipation and Liver Ills.
Dr. Asneiv's Liver rills lire the must pur
feet ntntle, anil cure lib 0 made. Sick Heml.
itche. Constitution. lltUousuos-t. Imllirestiou
and all I.Iver Ills. 10 eeuts a vial 10 doses.
Sold at Kirlins drug store.
A Mighty Nlco Tlilns fur Cniiglu.
What? I'an.Tlna, 25o. At (Iruhler Bros.,
druii store.
Ileart Disease Rellftvod In 20 Minutes.
Dr. Agtew's Cure fur tho Ileart gives per
IWt lifr in nil fMiKfui nf Orcaulo or Svnuiiv
thetlc Heart Disease In 80 minutes, and
tpeedlly etl'ects a euro. It Is a peerless remedy
for ralpltation, Huortnessor lireatii, smoiner
Ing Spoils, rain iu Left Side and all symp
toms ot u Diheascu ueari. uno uou uou
viuces, Sold at Kirlins drug store.
' Kxcuso me," ohserved tho man In epeo
tacleri, "hut I am a MirKeon. and that is not
wuero tne liver is. evcr you ininu
where- his liver Is," retorted the other. If 1
was In his hie toe or his left ear DeWitt
Little I'.arly ltisers would reach it and shako
it for liiui. tm tnat yon cau net your gig
lamps, l . li. liagennueit.
Through His Nervine Is a Ben
efactor to Thousands."
WIDELY known Wisconsin publisher,
who resides at Orecn Bay, writes
juarcn out, t&i'o, as follows:
"Fi vo years ago I becamo so nervous that
mental work was a burden. I could not rest
at night on account of sleeplessness. My
attention wa3 callod to Dr. Miles Iiestora
tlvo Nervine, and I commenced to uso it
with tho very best effect. SInco then I
have kept a bottlo In ray houso and uso It
vvhensver my nerves becomo unstrung, with
always tho same good results, My 30a also
Dr. Miles' It for nervousness
with like never falling
success. I havo recom
mended It to many and
It cures them. All who
'suffor from norvo
troubles should trv It.
It is free from narcotics, perfectly harm
less, and yet soothes and strengthens. Dr.
Miles, through his Nervine is a benefactor
to thousands." A. O. LEHMAN.
Editor and proprietor of Deb Landsman.
Dr. Miles' Nervlno Is sold on guarantee
first bottlo will bonefit or money refunded.
A Vutnable l'roscrlptlon.
Editor Morrison of Worthlugtou, Iud.,.
"Sun," writes: "You have a valuable pre
scription 111 tiectric Hitters, and 1 can cltctf-1
fully recommend it foi Constipation nnd
Sick Headache, and as a general system tonic
It has 110 equal." Mrs. Annie Stehlo, 2023
Cottago Grovo Ave., Chicago, was all run
down, could not cat or digest food, had a
backache which novcr lelt her and felt
tired and weary, but six bottles of Electric
Bittors restored bet health and renewed her
strength. Prices 50 cents and $1.00. Get n
bottlo at A. Wasley's Drug Storo,
Scaly eruptions of tho head, chapped hands
and lips, cuts, bruises, scalds, burns are
quickly cured by DoWitt's Witch nazel
Salve. It is at present tho article most used
for piles, and it always cures them. C. H.
By Purchasing Your
Groceries; Smoked Meats,
Flour and Feed at
Meluskey & Son,
105 S. Main St.
Carpets, Oil Cloths
ad Window Shades,
-'- Jiut received at
"We nlve tho highest bargains nt rock
lwttom price?, honest quality, all
grades and styles In
....Men's, Boys' and Children's Overcoats
11 Melton. Reavers. Chinchillas and Ulsters.
Wo can suit you everytime.
Business Suits :
Boys' and Children's Clothing
In all tho latest makes which have
tailor 111 ail e apnea ranee, nnd are neat and
perfect In tlnlsh.
Cor. Main nnd Cherry Sts. Sam Block, Prop.
Wanted An Idea w
Protect your Ideant theT may nrlng you weaitn.
Write JOHN WKUDEltUVltN CO., Patent Attor
neyo, Washington, P. C. for their $i.8u0 I' rite offer
and list of two hundred liiTmtloaa wanted
U. -
Offlce : 80 West Centre street.
Can bo consulted at all hours.
M. IlUltKK,
Office Reran bulldine. corner ol Main uti
Centro streets, Shenandoah,
Shenandoah, Pa.
Comer Market and Centro streets.
Lock Box 63, Mahanoy City, l'a.
Ilnvlnc studied under some ot the best
matters h London and Parts, will cive lesions,
on the violin, icultar and vocal culture. Terms
reasonable. Address In care of Strouse, tho
eweler. Blienqndoah.
A Handsomo Complexion
Is onnot the greatest charms a woman can
possess. FozzoNi'a CourutxtoH Powdhb
gives it.
Ill'tS'.'lt!W', viv- .cine Co,Phu.,Pa.
Vol sale at Povlnsky's drug .tore, 2 East
venire street,