The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 12, 1896, Image 3

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    1 T
I wns n uffnrrrf"r vM . ir (Mm Fciinn.Lut
now uni mm i u .1 1 1 " p ilim of my hands
wen rot, nd .end i llj Ini'minid; lltllt- white
bllntrrs appi-tn.-d. tin u'tw.nld peel off, leaving
n red, sninuth iiilnrt, winch would turn Use
llro nnil tub. On tlio IiiMiI- of the tipper psrt of
my limbs, gnat n il lileUln a would appear. and
as soon ns I became ttann, tho btinrltu mm itch,
lag wmild bciiln. Klulit after .night I would Ho
awake and scratch, nnd almn.t o wild. I got a
box of CuTictrn. nnd a bottle of CM TicunA ltr
solvent, nnd nfler a few oppMeni I nil) Heed
the redness and liiflnmmailon dltp.e " , l-rnrr I
hndwdonrbaTthrrevninotit (" ' t '
. ft. I cn truthfully art that ja.ou ttottli of
CurtcuiiA KnjtKMrs cured: me.
JOHN 1. rOIlTj:, lMlteVurer, Pa. Crn. TsElTMriT. Wirm bath, with CP
Tircai Soap. junlK inllIK.n l Ccricim. (oint
ment). n! mild OMM or Cutlet A lliotTlsi,jrrleit
cf humor cote..
Sold throunhont lh worM. Trice, Crrtcriu, SUM
Boap, c i HEn.VKr, aoc. tml 91. Portia Dmn
Ann CltitH c.ihf., folfl frer-.., Ho.tsi.
or How to A',rmAoenll Cure i-ciem.," mailed flea.
Tjion chief iii'itanss,
Of tho Fourth Ward,
fsubject to Citizens party rules.
Of tho 1'ourtli AVnrd.
Subject to Citizens party rule.
For Weak and Run-Dcwn People from
Childhood to Old Ar,e,
WHAT iT IS ! Tl n richest of n.l retfrstlr
tco'tc, ii.uti6e it r-plfli-ta tho ttnine Kub(ttnct!a
ti. t-. t '..(,! o .i rtrvrs thnt are txhntiMed In
tin - t t life-uivinKfluf.Vibydisease.iuJltreBtloo,
(lifrti s.i , Lvtrwork, worrjfi axcoeti, abuse, ttj.
WHAT IT DOCS' Bf mtlnjr the blopd
4) ti- . Ii t i ith1 the Jipohtion creMM
' i , i' 1' ai ,1 btr. nuth. The m m-s be
mir i.niti f-irii'i.-thf br tin brnn4 tirtire an!
i ! r i i-rren r- Inst Tit Mity ami MonJnR n i
a 'r iii ."lit v oliiif-H in pith, r DM, ft hurt
a t i"ii frmBH-rPiiabtorit Iwurtli its
i- . so 1. Onr hf.x J.if-tH ncek. lrIi-c!c..or
t o, i Y PrtixiriatBuTbymail. Hook Iri ",
ijL' t.uKtnut . hlladtirht.
P4Tittieter i;tiffllU lH(imoii1 limn 4.
Ortatniilfintl Only Genuine.
bate. reliable, laoicb ak
m nl uraiut in Itod au'l ofi cinnuo'
Jiwiri. ec&lod with blue ribbon. Tal.0
- CATnii ni Uitr. I! i-fling itatlnfraua aulittitu.
'In Etaror t,t piritculitri, tiMtlmoclaiJ ar
Itellef Tor 1.aAtc,n i Utter, bj return
I aIIBIU liyiMi ic niiiitiniiii. nam -ofcr,
(lhlliiir'lii'mltniL'u..Mulloii Milium
cll bt ail l-oo. ruBKliti. l'hlliuw Vm
i.'orover Cuix'd.
Four out of flvo who
auffor nervousness,
mental tvorry, attacks
of " tho blues," are but
paying tho penalty of
early excesses. Vie.
tlins, reclaim your
manhood, regain your
rigor. Don't despair. Send for book with,
explanation nnd proofs. Mailed (sealed) free.
ERIE MEDICAL 00., Buffalo, N.Y.
Hill TiaClS 604 North Sixth St.
Mien B it imtub. Side entrance on Green St.
((LllhSTln I'llAL'TlCXlSB ytunOiiml fl
r Vt'urA Ilu.pllul Kxpcrlcnt-o 111 'rmuti).
iffiuf xccNtRAL Debility, Lost Vigor,
I'ermatiehiiy cured after every one cle but fullt J.
fci'iiil five 2cnt stalling for book Trutli, Tlie only
exn.m.reofQu ick umli'r Rworn tPBtlmoiilrxK
To all sollerers of KltltoitS CIK VOIJTII.
I.O-T VHJOIt tnd l)li4U,i:s Ol' iiijH
AMI o.'HJX. imsca; cloitl ooundt
curely sealed and maUrdriTe. Trei imentbyrudli
etrlctly onfdentlal, aa1 a pnlilve, qolclc curs
suaran'ccl. y0 matter bow Unix tindlnE. I
wllliw tvelT curs you. Write or call.
DR fiSR 329M.i5UiSi.Phlla,Pa.
"II Vr M U 3ycor' cimi'itio-HprocKo
Teams to Hire.
If you wank to hire a safe and reliable
team for drlvl ng or for working purposes
pay Shields' livery stable a visit. Teanit
constantly on hand at reasonable rates.
No. 410 East Centre atreet.
Opposite Reading railroad station.
A geuuino wclcomo waits you at
Cor. Tlaln and Coal Sts.
Finest whUkeya, beers, porter and nle
constantly on tap. Choice terapemuce drintu
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinlt
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Tho Rosy Froshnoss
And a velvety softness of tho akin Is Inva
riably obtained by tboso who uso Pozzoni'b
Coroplexli rowdcr.
Explain Thoir Attitudo iu the He
con Prosidontial Campaign.
They C'lnliit 'I lint "Xn CIrKiinliitlon In tlio
Wnrld ll.ii ,n C'lntr, l)flitllnnnil I'rnrtl-
ill I'liin or C'hiiiiiiiIkii ns Our lltvn" ,t
"(Irnvo .tleiiiire tn tlio ItepuMIc"
Hochestrb, N. Y., Nov. 19 At yettcr
ilny's sosdlon of tho Knlhts ot IjiImji- the
report of HecretiiryTreusurer Hhjmm wets
rond. Tho roport oiwns with n referoncu
to what tho olllcliil iimnexl terms "nttnoks
of ft most villainous olmrnoter" upon tho
jronernl olllcers of tho ortlor, "by ratiwii ot
the just stiiiiil tnken by them In rof usltia
to nllow rt siniill cllriuo of men, who iiro
fiunlllnrly known at tho "Now York trl
nii(rlo" of tho Soclnllstlo-Liilxir prtrty, to
got control of tho machinery of tho Knights
of Lnbor for tho tllssonilnfttlou of tholr
tloctrlnos." Tho so onllotl trlnmrlo, no
corcllnp; to Mr. ltnyo.i, consists of Dnulcl
do 1011, Luclcn riunlnl nnil Krnc-it Hohn.
Mr. llnyos complains that, although tho
laws of tho ordor proscribe! that working
cards, receipt books iintl other supplies for
tho locnl nnd district nssombllos shall bo
securod through tho gonornl assembly, tho
receipts front thoso soureos amottntod to
only $2,437. Printing for tho national sil
ver coinmlttco brought Into tho treasury
$1,700 i from tho Domocrntto congrosslonnl
com'mlttco, fo,mM,and for tho Illinois stnto
Uemocrntlo commlttro, J05IJ.
Tho roport treats also of tho action ot
tho American Federation of liabor, direct
ing nil organizations that were nllllhited,
both with tho Knights ot Labor and tho
Fedoratlon (for tfado purposos), to with
draw from tho Knights of Inbor. This
notion, tho report says, Is in direct viola
tion of tho arraiiROmont entered Into with
the general executive board by the repre
sentatives of tho National Union previous
to tho formation of National Trade As
sembly 35.
I At the adjournment of tho sosslon tho
I following conclusion of the oxecutlvo
I board was given to tho Assooiatod Press:
I "In our annual address ti Washington
I general assembly wo used this language:
I 'In splto of tho leglelntlon already secured,
1 In f pi to of Improvements nlrendy lnado in
I the social and industrial conditions, there
j yet remains n vast work to be done lioforu
' the wealth producers will bo fully free
from tho chains of wago slavery and the
oppression of monopoly.
"Tho forces of a great army lilco the
Knights of Labor to accomplish, the most
Important rosults must havo its power
wisely directed against tlio woakost point
In tho onomy's lino, and tho very strong
hold and citadel of monopoly must bo
captured. No organization In tho world
has so clear, dellulto and practical it plan
of campaign as our order. Tho machinery
of our government must bo wrested from
the hands of tho agents of tho plutocrats
unci restored to tho peoplo. Tho money of
tho people, the life blood of commerce,
uiu-t bo Issuod by tho agents of tho peo
plo only. Tho great highways of com
merce must bo freed from tho clutches of
railway kings, and tho land, tho great
reervolr from which all wealth Is drawn,
which Is tho prima necessity for tho main
tenance of human oxlstence, must bo ro
stored to tho whole peoplo.
" 'Tho equal rights of each one of tho
children of men to a share of tho bounties
of nature must bo recognized and secured.
Tho opportunity to llvo In penco and so
euro of opportunity to labor and enjoy tho
full fruits of tholr toll must be guaranteed
beyond n possibility of a doubt. Those are
tho great Issues, clear mid distinct, which
tho Knights of Labor proposo to fight out
to n finish, and tho wealth producers of
tho world nro welcomed to their ranks.'
"During tho year that has followed your
goncral olllcers have striven earnostly to
carry Into cllectthls declaration, bellovlng
that by so doing we should accomplish ro
sults of great value to tho cause of labor.
Tho hopo wo thon hold has beon more than
realized In tho vast political upheaval
which has taken place In tho United States
since tho Washington general assembly
"Iu pursuance, of tho policy sot forth In
our Washington assombly wo attended
tho convention of tho Populist party In
St. Louis and tho Domocratlo party In
Chicago, nnd used our lcst elTorts to se
cure n unification of the f orcos represented
by thoso two great partlos In support of
tho principles embodied In tho preamblo
ot tho Knights of liabor. And It should
bo a causo for rojolclng on tho part of
every truo Knight of Labor that tho money
plank, tho plank in opposition to govern
ment bond Issues, tho Income tax plank
and numerous other very Important prlu
clplos, which havo boon so longandstronu
ously buttled for by Knights of, Labor
ngalust hopeless odds, havo ljccomo tho
commanding Issues of American politics.
"At last tho tlino has come when tho
linos of battle are fairly drawn between
tho laborers of America on tho 0110 hand
nnd tholr lmplacublo enemies tho money
kings nnd tholr minions on tho other.
Although n completo victory for tho peo
plo was not won In this olectlou, yet Immense-
gains have been inado. Six millions
of American votors havo arrayed thom
solvos poriunnontly undor tho baunor of
principles so long uphold by tho Knights
of Labor. At least 2,000,000 moro would
havo dono likewise but for tho frlghtoueil
forcos of monoy and coercion used In this
campaign by tho party of tho plutocracy.
"This general assembly should glvo tho
most thorough consideration to tho ques
tion of how best to prosorvo the political
advantages already gained for tho ntassos,
nnd how wo may perfect tho organization
for victory in the Immodlnte future. Tho
millions of wealth producers aro now
nroused ns they never were tiroiiFed before
In tho history of tho nation. Let us seek
with nil tho wisdom wo can muster to do
cldo on such a policy as will show tho peo
ple how to so uso thalrpollticftl powor that
they will booomo Irresistible In their de
mand for tho reform which labor requires.
"Tho luck of organization among tho
tollors Is u gravo menace to the republic.
Not 5 (wr cunt, of tho working people of
the United States aro organized. It Is Im
perative that something must bo done to
organlzo thorn moro ruptdly than they
have over begn organl.oci In tho past.
"Wo would suggest Unit that we must
make It olear to the laburing people that
It U to their Interest lu every sense of the
word to booomo good niombers of the
Knights of Lnbor.
"Wo must miiko It olear to (ho employ
ers that It will not bo Injurious to tholr
best Interests If their ompluyos nro per
mitted nnd encouraged to jolnourordor."
Clmlriniiu Iliinim Oil' for Home.
New Yoiik, Nov. U Mark Hanmv loft
tho Ilepubllcnn headquarters ycsurduy
afternoon, and later, with his family, de-
1 parted for their home lu Cleveland.
That is the story the morning newspapers
tell of the modern business man. Too
much money gating. Too little care for
health. Too much rush, and strain, and
wear and tear. Too little time to eat, to
sleep, to digest the food, to rest tired body
and tortured brain. Not cnouglt tin.-.1 to
think once ill a while of health and strength
and happiness and a long and useful life. A
widow and orphans left to mourn. A big
estate that under the dissecting knife of the
executor falls all to nieces. 'TIs the storv 1
of thousands of business men In life reputed j
wealthy and successful. It is a story that Is
unnecessary-need not be. 1
I)r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery If
resorted to occasionally will keep a man or !
woman in good health. It goes to the roots 1
of things. It tunes up the strings of life and
makes them vibrate to the music of good
health. It makes the appetite keen, the di
gestion good, the blood pure, and the nerves
strong. Then ill-health is an impossibility,
and work is a pleasure, Thouands say so.
Your Goldeu Medical Discovery ' has been a
great physician to our family," writes Mr. Ira S,
roust, ot .sayior, Kipiey to..
Mo. "My wife's
His water was nl- 1
father had Ilrlght's Disease.
most pure blood. We pot a bottle of 'Golden
nieuicm inscovery arm it tuti nun so mucit good
rlinL,""0'''!.? ?.!''! J,1"" n ll,irU' """IU"!
mat ne meti anotmr aim
fourth entirely cured him
Nothing in the world so many times pays
for itself to its owner as a good medical
book. The very best one is Dr. Pierce's
Common Sense Medical Adviser. Now for
a limited time, an edition, naner.eovered.
I will be distributed KRKK. Send 21 one-cent
I stamps (fo pay the cost of mailing only), to
i World's Dispensary Medical Association.
lluffalo, N.Y. For it stamps you may obtain
the book in cloth, beautifully stamped.
liTn:ino I'reiluctltiti ittttt Ineren.o lfr!cc
Philadelphia, Nov. 13. Tho Knstern
Green Dottle Manufacturers' association
met lit room No. sVof the Continental ho
tel yesterday nnil aaroe.l to reduce produc
tion 25 per cent, and increase prices i por
cent. This agreement will affect all given
bottle innnufacturers, member, ul tho
association, east of Pittsburg. Out of the
forty-four firms that lira members of the
nssoflation representatives of thirty-five
were present.
Did Mil! Hie?
"No; she HuKereil and suffered along.
"pining away all tho time for years, the I
"doctors doing her no good ; and at last
"was cured by this Hop Hitters the I
"pcrs say so much about. Indeed I Indeed i 1
"how thankful we should l o for that
"medicine." (
Washimiton-, D. C, May loth, is
Oentxbmex Having been a sufferer lor a j
long time from nervous prostration and
general debility, I uas uclvied to try Hop
I have taken one bottle, and I Irnvo
been rapidly getting better ever since, and I
think it the best medicine lover ued. lain
now gaining strength and appetite, which
was all gone, and I was in despair until 1
tried your bitters. I am now Hell, able to
go about and do my own work. Ilufure
taking It, I was completely prostrated.
V.'oniPii'n c;hrutl,m
St. Louis, Nov.
Temperance 1Tni,ni
J. The twenty-third
annual convennnii of tho National !
Women's Ch Ktiau Tcmperanco union I
win open in .nulc Jinll tomorrow morn
incr, and will be In se-slon for six davs.
Miss Francos K. Wlll.trd, tho presldont,
met yosterday with the executive olllcers
of tho national body on business pertain
ing to tho oouvontlon. vIvo hundred ac
credited delegates and as many moro visi
tors aro osipcted. Miss Willard, iu an In
terview, snid that her annual nddress will
bo printed after rather than before tho
Itlieiimatlsiii Cured lit a liny.
'Mystic Cure" for Itheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 davs. Its
action upon tho system Is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at onco tho causo
and tho disease Immediately disappears. The
llrsttloso greatly benents; 75 cents, Sold by
C, II. Hasenbuch, Druggist, Shenandoah.
Coming I'tents.
Nov. 211. Thanksgiving turkey supper In
Hobbiiis' opera house, uuder auspices of All
Saints' church.
Dec. 3. Twenty-fourth annual Flipper
under tho auspices of the Welsh liaptist
church, Iu Uobbins' opera house.
Dec. 21. Second hall of the
Patriotic Drum. Corps in Uobbins' opera
llucklen'a VrnlcH NaUe.
The best salve In the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin oruptious, aud positively cuies piles,
ot jo pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
23 cents per box. For sale bv A. Wasley.
Accident In n Cycling Hacoi
Sahatooa, N. Y., Nov. 12. Tho score
nt tho end of tho tenth hour In tho six day
bicycle race, four hours dally, stood: Hof
stelterof Florida, ill) nulos, 1 lap; Smith
ot Saratoga, 2QU miles, Slaps; Sehock of
New York, SO) mllos, 5 laps; G(31du of
New York, 8u5 milos, 5 laps; Alliorts of
New York, SOOiullos, 4 laps. Alberts broke
his oolt ir bone iu an accident unused by
Smith's tire living off. Alberts, who wns
1 clusa' behind, collltuid with him nud was
thmyvn into tho till several feet, striking
on (At MiitJuiunt. I
. Two Iivo fe'med
aire, i Jiueue iniiuiitx. ui iiiiiiutiuii v i,t
r ti i rrsi . - T I f ...
UlU was told by her doctors she had Ceu-
Isiiluiitlnn and that there was no hope for her,
'buttivo lxittles Dr. King's New Discovery
completely eured her and she says it saved
her irfe. Jlr. Thos. Kggers, 130 -lorida 8t
M FwiMi'o.sallercd from u dreadful cold,
approaching Cunsump turn, trie.1 without
result everything else then iwugnt one notue i
pf Dr. Klug's New Discovery and in two!
Weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. ,
It Is such results, of which these arc samples,
hat prove the wonderful eiHcuey of this
nediclue in Coughs and Colds. Free trial
Kgtles at A. Wasley's drugstore. Itegular
tlxo 00c unit $1.00.
Tmnaviial Deiniuul. tiil,odo,ii0o Indemnity.
i 1'KKiOJiIA, Nov, 18. The TmhsvhiiI gov
UlilflllC Jin UaoKieil to Oinim XI.WWIMI
'itofllnglndeumltjrfjrnin the llrlUrit South
Africa company to cover the damage us-
tallied by tho Jameson raid.
Why sulfer with Coughs, Colds and L
drippe when Ijixatlvo Uromo Qululno will
bure you in ono day. Put up lu tablets eon
venlent lor tasing. uuarantecii 10 cuiti, or
tuuii-iiv.u. ii.miia.
raouoy refunded. I'ri
by Kirllu's Phariuacy
For Io
rice, 2o cents.
Till! WARFARE IN till
Spain's Extraordinary Efforts to
End tho Ooufliot,
i:n ltnntr front Spain tn Assist In Dm .'Mill,
tary Operation Whlrti Wero Ilpgiui
llnrly In October "tvltlt Orenter l!ntrK
TI11111 Hirer Ili-fore."
WAsiiiNOToy, Nov. 12. Iho renewed
reports that tho United Stntos was about
to Intervene In the Cuban conflict lire not
conHrmod In ofllclal quarter, nor is there
any ovldcnco to Indicate that at tho pres
ent time tho United Stntws has undoroon
sltleratlon any change in Its policy.
Tho only avallnbto Information reaching
hero Is that tho Spanish military opera
tions bosun enrlv In Ockolmr nrn nlxiiit. tn
tn fiirtrilMl with mnntit nnni-rrif tluiti a
ny provous time. Important reul W lire
,,,, ,v. "...
3T? u ,onv,ri1 ovomont
'thin tho next threo weeks. There nro
'w ai.txw more Spanish troops en route
for Cuba. They will bo distributed In tho
western provlncos. It Is expected that
with thoso additional troops In position
tho four western provinces will bo com
pletely gnrrlsonod nnd occupied at ovory
point by tho government troops.
Tho lull in operations within tho lust
fow days Is explained by n clrcumstimco
not yet known. Tho Insurgent loader
Mneeo moved to the coast for tho purpose
Of recelvlnir n. TmpmnriHr, lr tin,,, Wit ni,,.
which had been limited with great .11111-
1 cutty. Tho reports reach In a here show
, that tho trials of tho gun fulled to show It
I to 1m formidable, tho .shot carrying only
000 yards, or less than tho distance carried
by rifles. Under tho circumstances Maeei
has retraced his stops without tnodyniv
mito gun.
Meanwhile tho Spanish forroshave lieen
divided Into two main divisions, one In
tho south nnd tho other in tho north of
tho Island. The main purpose ot the troops
bus been to occupy the mountain jmsses,
nnd this has proceeded- so rapidly that it
Is assorted here positively that t cry ap
proach and egnlss to tho mountain recess
Is now commanded by n heavy force of
Spanish troops. This plan of campaign is
rolled on to forco the Insurgents to light
in tho open country.
Tho civil affairs of Cuba also havo tin;
dergnno a change within recent days. Hy
agreement between tho leaders of tho Lib
eral, Conservative and Home Itule parties,
constituting nil tho loyal elements, they
hove been merged Into one pnrty known
ns the "party of common defense." The
ninin feature of agreement Is tho termina
tion of tho rebellion before any plan of
tiutonomy shall bo put Into oporatiou.
llrllef In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder dlsMsen
relieved In six hours by tho "Now (trout
nth American Kidney Cure." Thii new
remedy la a great surpilso on account uf its
exceeding promptness in relieving psin itt
III n 1-1,1, bant- ,.v..r.. ,,.t
f the urinary imssages in malo or loiualo.
It relieves retention uf water nud naiu in
Inisslug it almost Immediately. If you want
quick iclief and cure this is your remKtly.
Sold by Shapir.i's pharmacy, 107 South ItaTr
Uto Cnlm-etl Ciiiincltlor Wins.
Hoston-, Nov. 12. Tho board of election
commissioners finished tho recount of
votes In the Fortieth councillor district last
night, nnd Isnao D Allen, tho colored Ho-
publican candidate, was declared eloctcd
ovor Hon. John H. Siilllvun, who now
represents tho district, and who was the
Democratic candldato. Alton's majority
was only sixty-two votos. There I.s no ap
peal from the decision of tho election com
missioners, nnd tho governor's council
stands for tho first tlmo In Its history sol
idly Kepubllcnn, while Allen holds tho
highest political olllco ever given a colored
men by tho voters of Massachusetts. Tho
now councillor was born In slavery anil
osenped during tho war, sorvlng with
Goncral 0. F. Uutlor.
Old People, j
Old poople who rcquiroiiieillclno to regulate '
the bowels and kidneys will nnd thotruo
remedy iu l'loctric Bitters. This mcdicino
does not stimulate aud contains no whiskey
nor other intoxicant, but acts us a tunic and
alterative. It acts mildly on tho stomach
and bowels, adding strength and giving tono
to tlio organs, thereby aiding Naturo in the
purformanco of tho functions. Electric
Hitters is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old peoplo find it just exactly
what they need. Price fifty rents per bottle
at A. Wasley's drug storo.
Wouldn't Let the Actress Itlde,
New Yoiik, Nov. 12. Haln Interferotl
with tho horso show yosterday, but at
night thoro was nnothor largo crowd In at
tendance. It had beon rumored that a
vnrlety uctross would rido her whlto saddlo
stnlllon man fashion, and her appearance
was looked for with considerable curiosity.
Sho wns ready to enter tho nrcna whon
tho stewards Informed her sho could not
ride as proposed. A vigorous protost wns
her response, but tho stewnrds withdrew
her entry. Latpr It wns stated that tho
stowards had declined to allow tho ontry
: tufeUiid liexnuso I he mount was "without
a rogulullon saddle."
The old lady was right whon sho said, tlio
ciiliu might die II they waited tor tho doctor.
She saved the little one's life with a few
doMsofOne Minute Cough Cine. She had
used it for croup before. C. II. llageubuch.
Notorious Confidence Woimtii Hcleaseil,
llAHTFOKI), Conn., Nov. 12 Mrs. Hob.
bins Howe, the notorious cunlldenni wo
man, yesterday completed u two years'
sentence In the Connecticut state prison,
nnd was released. It was expected that
Itoston ollloers would be on hand with
, r.. i
''r-wr.tua ouior cnargos,
1uoo,MdBl1 111 lotvlng on a Now
ork train.
Dentil lu n Kansas 1111ziiril.
Topeka, Kuu., Nov. 18.-The first death
, a ... ,. ' .,, 1h,H" ',
- " ., , - , , ""i"' ""
fl"?' Woodbind. Vin the Colorado border,
Mw thfl of J- Moniii whs found
in snowdrift. He had eWdsntly lost his
tay lu the night nnd the storm, nnd,
ljiully, turning loose his horses, sought
shelter behind the wagon lox.
All 'lliveo Vletlms Dead.
WoucMllilt, Mnss., Nov. 18. The three
".' -". """'"J uurneu ill tno
rejtpiosioit or tftB vnWr galwrt"Vd ttfe'i
attest Union on Tuesiliivnft,.r..
on Tuesday nftemoou
mii, Kml.Huhlman aud John Milium.
Tako IJSatlve Iliimin n,ii,,t ia.u.
'l'HKiU lefuntl.the money if t fall, to'cure
r, cents.
0 It i.s
! Bon
he Modern Cleaner
All r.isscen.
l-'rce Sninplc.
A Chlldsx. Chills,
N'cw York.
w.f, ferrous niAcatifti rawing aiern
Ery. Irulotenoy,HelafineM,eto ,ritUMd
T Ahane anl other lUcenaes and ladl..
cretiona. Thru tmIc:, cimt .Hrvfir
restore Lout itnlily in old or oanif, ami
r-s. lrf,-fnt 1 ii.iii .' v' mill (Inn.lltnMioil if
taken In time. Tin ir " ilm i I ite itqtiroVH.
ruent nnd effects n CUllcl v-1 . i o ull others tall. In
etetojion baring the ftentttn't AJax Tablets. The?
have cured ttioii-nnds nnd trill utrn yoo. Wo Rive b
lHtltico written imnralitet! t j el!uc I a cure In pach case
or refund tlio money. 1'ric . BO tente tr tmckaae. or
six nnckagiM (full trenttnentl for 82JH). By mall. in
Mnfn .nuiltfr. unnn rm-eint ttt tirlon. dlraoler free.
AJAX WGAiHnV CO.. !.1Wr!?'?,?fc.
UIfo, III.
For sale In lionnnitenli, Pa.,
and S. P. Kirliii, ltriiggists.
A. Wnsley
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest nnd
Chris. Sclimidt, a.
West Coal Street.
- - "Tiui' ' -- - ' - - , .PHLA..FH
For n.ile nt
I'ovinky'H drug
IVntre street.
fstort . 2 Kost
SUIUC Vflll Boro Throat, l'lrur',' Copper
TtUni IVV CJOIortU opun,, .wir,. uiu f"1"-
juicers In Moutn, itnte vii"A-.r
3JilUMi:i CO., UU7 Jla.onic -A-emplcAj
SUhlcnirn, III., lor proots ot cure-, cupi-l
ytnl, IS.'iOO.OOO. Worst cimes curea in
jlo ItH duya. lOO-puge book flree.
riillions of Dollars
Go up in smoko every year. Take n"
risks but get your houses, stuck, fur
niture, etc., Insured in first-class tr
liablo companlos as represented by
A I no Life and Accidental Cnmpanlec
Htffc OHebr.iteil Kpip a-
tkh, i-o-ivtiers ut..
tia l'otvders et...
af a '1 tircfnP. p V
I u'iMi Tsmv ful l't no ntkul i'Iaab Miiil CM 'I' ' 1
mOJf reined !et. AJwwi OuyJlie fern. vo.- 'li")
rolTtiTrnit. iJiiuranteed uKtior oalloLhei.
tSt iK'it to the lunrki-t, A N't L rortlculaid, 4 CU. "r i
vjx, P"V Uvr, JioBton.MM
Summer Heat Wears You Out.
Tor over 25 year3 it has been curing thousands of cases of
Biliousness, Indigestion, Malaria, Hervous Prostration,
Kidney Troubles, Sc. Ei Purifies the Blood, Oives you
an Appetite, and Helps you Digest wha you Eat.
Take it now and get your system in shape to stand the cold weather.
Sold by P. P. D. KliiLlN, Shenandoah, Pa.
For Sale by P. p. I).
pepQa. Railroad.
H lil't KIT.', MVIHIOK.
i item nFn an, lMfl.
I Trains wl'l Irave f brimiidoeh ter Ifte above
, date for Wifrgiiiis. Olllierton, Praekvllle, Dark
Water, Hi. (.fair, Pettsvtllc. llambiirg, Kaadlur,
' Mltrnwn. PhoenlTville, Norrtstotvn and I'hfl.
I udelpliln i Broad atrecl itttlnn) M fdR and II it
a. m. and I SO p. ni. mi week days. For I'.. lie
vlllr and Intermediate stations 9 10 a. tn.
Por VIirans. Oillifrtoii. Fmckvllle, Dark.
Water Ht. Hair, P.itUvillr. nt c, OS, 40 a. m. and
8 10 p. ni. Kor Ilainittirg, Heading, Pottotnwn,
PlnwiillvUli-, Norrliio,Tii, Phllarti-lpWit atfiro,
40 a. m., 8 10 p. in.
I Trains leave Prackvtlle for Aricnandoa), at
! 10 40 a. in. and 13 14, not, HI and 10 ST p m.
', Huiidny, 11 13 a. in. and 5 40 p. in.
i Ixvtve l'ulUvllle for Mlivnandnnll at 1015. 1148
a. lu. and 140, 711 and in no p. m. stuiidnv at
10 10 a. m.,n lip in.
lnve I'hiladeluhla, (llroad street tallon) for
Shenaiiiloah at 5 87 and S 85 a. hi., I 10 and 7 11
1. m. week tlavs. Mundaya leave at 8 90 a. tn
I,eve llismd street station, I'hllaOelphi.i lor
S (Ilrt, Asbtity Park, Otn (trove, Ixinc
Branch, nnd Interiuedlalc statiuiia. 4 06, 8.80, s w
11.80 a. m.,S3s, 1.05 p. in. eek-,lay, 5 00
Saturdays onlv. Sinidav. (rtop at Interlnken
for Asbury Park), I 05, B.38 a
Leave Droad Street .Htatlon. Philadelphia,
Ktpren, wetfkilays, !l , 4 05, 4 30, 8 15, 6 SO,
731, SIM, 050, 1021 (IlililiiK far), 11 00 a m.
12 0)1101111, 121 (Limited 1(10 lllnl 4 tl p In.
Dining ('nr.), I 10. L'80 l lllnlng Car) 8 20,3 50,
4(10,500, 5 88 (l)lnliig Car, ( ), S V, 1000,
p. ill., 13 01, lilltlit. .Sundays, 3 3U, 105, 150,5 15.
s 30, H XI, 0 50, 1031, Dining Car, 1108 n. m.,
1285, 2 SO Dining Vat, I otl'Mmllod 4 22 Dining
Carl, 5 JO, 5 .VI, Dining Car1,, 085, flSO.HU, 1000
p. ni , 12 01 night.
nvpresti for Hindoo without change, 11 00 a.
tn., week-days, and 0 50 p. in., dally,
For Baltltnre and Washington, 8 SO, 7 20, 831.
1020, 11 2il a. in,, 1201) (1131 Limited Die
lug Ctrl, 112. :i is, 141 (5 11) Congressional
Limit, d. Dining Car), 0 17, 8 55 (Dining Car),
7 5s (Dining Car', p. in., and 1205 night
w eek ,lat . Stindaya, 8 50, 7 90, 9 12. 11 28 a.
ni., 12 Oil I 12, 4 11, ( 5 1" Congresnlonai Limited,
IMnliiK Car), O.V Dinliig Cttrl, 7 58 p. m.
(Ditilm- Carl ami 12 05 night.
Fur Sea Ulit spring Lske, ltelitiar. Oeeau
Uroxe, Asbury Park and Long Itrancll, 0 5t),
s 2. and II :in a in. a.lland 100 p. in. week
tint s. iStiudny, s 25 a. m.
Leavo HriMid stte"t station, l'ltllatle'phln (via
Delaware rher bridge, express, 702 p. tn.
I ave Market strtct Ferry, express, S W a. in.,
2 00, ICO, '00 p. '.induys, 8 45. 0 4Sn in.
AucanijfioOatlnn, siio, s 2-), ti. in., 3 20 ami 4 20
p. ni , week day.. Mini. lays. 8 On, 9 11 a. w.. I CO
nnd "HO, p. tn.
1-Vir Cape Mat, Aeglcswa, Udwood and
Holly lleneh, nnd Sea Isle City, Ocean City and
Avwl,. -l'xpiess. 9 00 a. lit., ICO p m, week
days. Situdav, v 00 a m
Kxpress, a 10 a. ui , and 2 :n, 120 p. m.
w-el. I.. Bund tya, K50a. I.,.
Fur Stumers. Point Kz press, SO a, in., 1 00
p. in, wei-k -lats. Sundays, s I o. lu.
8. M. 1'BtvosT. J. II. Woun,
Gen'l Manager, (len'l Pass'g'r Agtt
$ On" Theuoond Dollars In cash Is
otlel-ed Ii the Tin, liiiisun Diphthe
ria Cme ( , f v the use nl tlio
Wllllnmspoi t. P.i . Ilnspltu! "i any
chniitiibli. Instit litem elsewhere,
for any case ot Dlphdieiia w hteh
iiEa.iica ittL
Iloesn't cum If liropoily uppllpd.
The only ci.ndUionr uiu that Uiu
pulltnt .ipm wliom Iho tost Is
umdu must he uitvu niul not on tho
verce of dcuth cuucd by tho ue ot
antr-toxiuit or ioiiiu ntht'i tt culled
romt'dv Ttw (N.mpaiiv mttWln
thw fdhr niu-t lm nutiilcn wiicn
the n-o ot lt- Mi-ihcltiH luHiirh cii'-e
T 14 bi'un, km th.u ti iepn"rntntlvo
S ctin lf prc"onl nnd pfi-somilly -co
that UiiM't'iiiedv i iippilod tn Mtrtct
ft urconianct with tho pilnlcd In-
Buy Beglstsicii Pdysiclan!
(5i Is cordially Invited to apply this
Va Medicine strictly us per Instruc
ts tlon alven. This offer shows tho
Implicit Mill tho Company has
.3 In tho Medicine It maiiufactures
Vfcy and tho lufullllilo remedy It Is for
sft all cases or Diphtheria, Croup,
C Qulnsv.oranv throat nircctlon.
3 Ask your denier for It and keep
x. one or inni e bottles handy In tho
sty bouse at all limes Thousands
upon thousands nf lives saved an
uually by this Medlclno.
aJ nompson Dlpu.tfie.ia cure Co. K
Sold by Druggists Everywhere.
S tnniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiGi
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug; Stores
. .ic 1 r
.1 Kuci.
, -..I. CL t . J
. ir- -i 4t.y tun'
i.W, ' .'.,cc. t.1
.inj full
t njcr nmcklv i L,n.-.i
If t,la. 4- MMn tri.utJ, , imi i. .' i i.
ue.1 ler?l ifttnN-ireBf. tXi. e i
I0orrr,vo gutvji ar, ,
KIIUIN, Shenandoah, pa.