JR. i I'! H EVENING HERALD KM AllI.ISHKO 1H?(I. PublUhftl i ry K t niii, Kxrept Sunday, nt H Houtm Jakois HmrhT. NrahCknthk. The Humid 11 deim I In Hhcrmmlnhii rtnd ihv j itirfmiiKlInK tt wiin fur cents ft wwik, y fthlo tu the earner, liy nmtl $3.00 a yonr.ttf 35 I ent n moiitli, MtynMi in advance. Advertl-1 mm j In charged cnrdinK tofKiand jMMltlou. The tmblUluTH rt-'ri- the right to chat. the , tMMltloii of ndvortim-niontfl wnenovor ttin puh- I llofttlon of new dimrtmW it. The rlsht Is teMtvcnl ti ri'ji'i t nn advertisement, whether tHttU (or or not, that llu publisher hia deem IDiproper Advertisliiir rates made known Upon application Katered at the poituhlcn nt Shenandoah, la.,a tvoeond clan- tniitl mutter. ThMilMloNK CONNECTION. Evening Herald TIU'ItSDAY. N'dVKMUKlt ltf, 16U0. KimviriM vmmxu tlio attempted fnunl, "Pitchfork1" Tillmuii is probably defeated, for Governor of Smith Carolina. liUVAN says In 'II urn again In 1000. Can It bo possible thai Hilly ltoy is another of Uium) perpetual-motion cranks? It is either a feast or a. famine. In Sep tember the watei supply was being leatricted; in November the collieries uro flooded. In the First Congressional district of Colorado, the Ifepnblicun candidate received u majority of Bi.ooo, the largest lLcotded in the Jiutluu'a history. Tltn sn eel youn school inarms wero denied good weather yesterday and to-day to show their fall millinery to the inhabitants of the county town. Mores the pity. Tub newly elected county officials aro kept busy devising excuses and making conditional promises to the hunxry patriots who want appointments anil they will not all succeed in dodgiiiK trouble for their futuro prospects. NHW York women have formed a Itainy Day ('lull and have designed u costume for wet weather wear. f-iue day some good woman will invent a Iiuiny Day Club, the inenibers uf which will remain at homo until the rain is over. Monday night thu llepublicans of Maha noy City will celebrate the recent victory by uti elaliorate banquet at the Mansion House, under the auspices of tliu Young .Men's Itepuhlican Club. The Hkrai.d ostemlslU thanks for an invitation to be present. It is to bo hoped that the white dove of pence will hover over the statesmen of our neighboring town, fur the timo being at least, Titoi'ni Mrs. MeKiuIfcy is an invalid, the stato uf her health is not such as to prevent her fioui taking the promiiieut but nut l.ilMirloiis part in Washington's social life tlisil naturally full tu the President's wife, hlio lias einliiu il very Hell the excitement of the lute fen mouths, and has ueeivid a multitude of visitois so large that many stronger women would have hesitated to undertake a task half us onerous. Vkyi.i:h has at last been prodded into taking the Held against tho Cubitus in poisun, uud none too soon, either, as tho ijueen liegent's remarks tu her ministers are nothing lc.-b than a critici-m of his military cnimcity. Wo can thercforo lot k for telegrams from Havana in the near future announcing liloie Spanish "viitoiies" to bo followed a few days later by mail advices giving tho truth about thu engagements and Spanish ferocity towiud woimn uud ihildmn. Wcyler is a great soldier ! OWIMI tu .!'. uetmsiol' thu past reason in Ireland and the cuuM'iiuent failure of the potato ciup, the outlook for tho peasantry of tluit unhippy isle for the winter now closing in U very discouraging, and the coming ses sion of tho British Parliament is likely tu have Irish affairs up for consideration early. .K.ictluns have alicudy commenced, and a repetition of the same old story uf man's inhumanity to man will likely be frequently repealed In tho next few months unless tho Knglish government promptly iclicvts Iho sull'erurs. I'UW.lt: conlldeuie, which was badly s'uikeu previous to thu Prosidcn'iul election, hits already been largely restored and will no doubt co. itl line to guill stiength until Its tanner status is re-established, and the old l .no prosperity of the country is fully regained. Uvorybisly is to bo congratulated upon this fart whit h, though simple and natural, is of immense importance to all. Aluady tho wheels uf industry havo been i-ct t.volving and there are .alls for tho help of many of those who for months hVo been m i n l'oreed idleness. Tin: Waunmakcr boom was liiallgiuiiled in ." liluilL'Ipl.ill T day mgbt, and from heme- f..ith the "rural :'atr(ui" will havetioublos i,; their own. The I'enroto buomlet lias been in working order for mauy months, and with thu lespeitne candidates for Don Cameron's seat in the I'niteil States Senate now iu the "boomlet" business for something oilier than the beuelit of their health, tho "ntntesnieu'' Irom (his county will naturally think the i ooniij is again iu (lunger and in quires their s rv ites to the rescue once mole, tireut is I lit- average Schuylkill county statesman, when booms are iu working order. (H.viBMAN Htm m, of tho N'utlonal Con nitttee, emphatically expresses the opinion that it is the duty of sound-uioney Demo crat tu suppoit the McKinlcy Admliiistra tiuu In such lel'orins as may be noreuaty tu perfevt the cut it my sj-U'iu. lie says: "It lias lieeu the policy of each uf the leading parlies to obstruit legislation propostal by tint otber, iu Hu h)ie of securing party advantage; but. in my judgment, the, time baa coino when all who have the best iuter esU of the euuutiy at heart must aid iu the accomplishing of such reforms aa ui abso lutely necessary to a restoration of complete proilfrity Dxaetly what legislation should bo winded is a matter to bo thoioughly stiull!, and the mbjoet should he copimitttsl tu uiir Meat exitfrtoiiat! atateameu tlitl liiiuu-l clent, I am confident the aouml-uiuuey tkini'dc ratio orgalx(l(Mi la wlltjni to give. ,i!l the ussisUuee lu thla direction wlthlu , 1 VV I 1 I 1 MAHANOY CITY. ru,.v,. , iv v.... ia 'n... , J.. Delano hart a bi time lat iiIrIu uer Jt milt , riwr parade. Tho entire town pnrtictpatcu in it in some way or another. William Moll was chief marshal and David Allen lieuten ant. Tho pyrotechnic display was a Tery reditable one. The sllrerltes were -nit up Suit Klver In a boat borrowed from Ijikeslde. In McKinlcy We Trust," "lfl to t Nit" and similar Inscriptions were on the banner. Just as the arade concluded a grand rush was caused by an alarm of (Ire, but It wag found to he duo ton newly started Are in the kitchen of a house. Miss Maine Decker and Martin Meyer were married in St. I'idelis church this morning. Miss Untie llollerlmch was the bridesmaid and Nicholas liecker tho groomsman. 1'rof. (leorge l'ost played the wedding march. t he following Shenatidsah people attended thu excellent production of "Carmen" and exhibition of the oidolascopo at Killer's opera house last night : 1'. 1 . Mouaghan, M. J. Scanlan, Martin Mullnliy, Harry llrsdliian, 1 J. Cleary. Mrs. J. Noll, ,Ir Miss Nollio V. lleilly, W. J. Morgan and Thonrlts Tempest. The flve-year-old memlier of the Dugan family, of jllll's itcb, who was reported missing, was found with relatives in Shenan doah. Tho rocent flooding of tho mini's caused a settling of the overlying strata which played havoc at the HoUon ltun colliery yestcidny afternoon. Without warning about fifty cars of clay and dirt fell into tho Skidmorc gang way ai d blocked) tho phco. .Several mules wuio closed in until 7 o'clock last night. At noon yesterday two boys named Joseph Smith and William Miller, employed at tho Schuylkill colliery, loosened tho brake of a coal car and cent it down tho siding to the main line, wheio it crashed Into a loaded trip of cars and caused considerable damage. ('. & I. policemen arrested the boys ami they were put under $200 bail for trial at court. Wants the- World to Know It, II. P. Huff, of Mil Hepburn street, Williamsport, I'a., suys: "I can say pos itively that Thompson's Diphtheria Cure saved my lifo and also that of my sister. Tho doctors had given up both of us. Our friends woio ndvied to try Tlioniwon's Diphtheria Cure on us. They did and In two days' timo tho di ended dlseaso had dlsappeniod. I am only too glad to have the privilege of letting tl e world know the wonderful curative powers of this medicine, and wish I could toll e ery one Individually. Xo medii'ino like it in the world." lor salo at Kirlin's drug store at 80 cent a bottle. liny Keystone Hour. Be Mire that the name Lkmiu & Daeb, Ashland, I'.i.. S printed on every sack. Passed tiouiiterfelt Money. This morning a Pole, who said he hailed irom Mt. Carniel, played two games of pool at Schooner's pool room. He tendered a lead dollar in payment, which was immediately detected by tho cashier as a counterfeit. Tho Polo at first denied having tendered the coin but confessed upon threats of prnsccutiuu that he nceived it from the station agent at Mt. Carmel, by paying In gooil .American coin for hi pool playing. Swindler Valentine Arraigned. j Hi.ooKi.YX, Nov l-.'. William K. Valcn- ( tine, one of a syndieaie of nlloged swind lers vv ho. It is claimed, havo boon operating ! oxiuii'lvuly tbroughou; thu country, and i thu iisMielnlc of May Wlntago, who tried j to commit suicide to escape arrest for pass ing a worthless check, was arraigned in1 the county court in llrooklyn yesterday to pie id to four Indictments. Tho indict-1 inonts charged Valentino with grand! larceny, forgery and wlt'i felonious as- ' mult ami abduction. Valentine pleaded not guilty. Hu was then rtmiundod to Jail to await his trial. Nhw Y'ork Itrohers .ss)f;n. Nr.w Yokk, Nov. 12. O.ro W. Clnpp mid Dwlght O. Clnpp, who cuinposo tho llrm of Cla'i; & Co , bank -rs i ul brokers, nt No. I.ili'ind sireot, with ur.it, lies at Nos 277 .u. d d;l U.'Oiulway, No 7.'i 1 Fifth livonue and No (I Harrison street, yostor llnv nssl'jjnu.l to William F. Davis, Jr , without preferences. The failure Is nor lookoJ upon as serious. Mr. Wernor, counsel lor the firm, said that fino.OOQwus tho' amount of tho outstanding obliga tions ami tho assets about tho same, and that tho llrm would bo roorgaulcd In a few days. An Indian Kills Tour l'loplc, Wl.NXll'KU, Nov. 12. Several days ngo mi Indian named "Charcoal," on the l))ood resurvo, near Fort, McLcod, killed threu pnoplo another Indian, h)s squaw niiij tlio farm iijstructor. Charcoal, es caped from the reserve, and a detachment of mounted polico havo been in pursuit ql him. They havo several tlmus boon hold at bay liy thu dosporado. Two policemen havo lieen wouimeii, aqil yusternay bor geillit Wllilo whllo atlomptlng Ills capturi was shut ile.ui. 1110 orders now nro to hhoot tho redskin on sight. 1'iohahlo Sulelilu nt Atlantic. ATLANTIC CITY, Nov. 12. Tho bodv of n mull siiiiiiiisml fo ho P M Wni't.on l,n t. 1,,,, 1P , . , "c,l!l"burg, of rhilaiiolphia, was found on tho ljoach ; Ulllu,a stilles cmw Th() c() ; ,.limo ui,luT0 t th0 foot of I'onnsylvanln yosurday by wiuinm Iniex, of the avniiuo. 1 hero wero no signs of decom position on tho body. It is thought ho , committed suicide by jumping from tho i mm oi inn pier, a no oniy tiling loiimi in his poukcts was u Philadelphia tux receipt ami ninutj-iwo coins in cash . I'roiiaoiy i.osi "llli .Vll iiiiikK. I'OHT TowJWKND, Wash , Nov. 12. Tho 1 steamer Dora, just arrived from Wood ; Island, Alaska, brings the inforlnatton that a lumntlty of vvroekago from tho missing schooner Seventy-six has drifted ashore near Kodluk. Tho Seventy-six left Kodiak in Juno last with a crew of eight otter hunters. Nothing has Isjen heard of the vessel since, ami It Is believed that nil on board have perished. An Uiieoiieerueil Murderer. Chicago, Nov. 12. Alburt Costa, a Mexloiiit and asslstantohef of the Lakeside rtiatauraiit at Clark unit Adams street, plunged a knife into'the body of lllchard Donovan, an aaslstiuit cook with whom be hud luul some tijoublo about a month ago. Costu tbeu oooly drew out thu knife and watoneu ins vieum ui, hh.iiih no i- VUll.lil u j ... lUkUMt. Stole Two M'agmi l.iwils nf (iomls. H.'.i SM, X. J., Nov. U. llurglara Tuea rlny i lht entered the cluthlng store of Fluiiuu Wentzell, at Klnier, this ooniity, tmd seeuiwl liver fli.UOU worth of ifuuds. The lliluvos carUxl the imhU away ill two WHKOiw, which were seen tojiass thi-oiiijh Woodbury oarly yesterday morning'. County Uutootlvo Cnriwy U at work on the onto. Aak your grer for tho "Uuyal llitent" (lour, ud tako no other brand. It U thbett (lour made. llmhvrrAvr War! Tilnl ItcKtiii. Mkmi-hi-, IViim , Nov. 1 A K. Wnrtl chiirff.nl w.th fn oitt paper -to tho amount of tSoO.UUi, was placed on trial yesterday on one of tho charires In tho criminal . court. Tho dofonso Insisted that tho strict I letter of tho law bo compiled with In tho1 selection of ti jury, in id so tho names of all tho 230 talesmen wero placed Inn vvnsto lmsket ami woro brought forth one by one. General l'otcrs plondod for the prisoner not guilty mid also no Jurisdiction, tho latlor plea being on tho ground that tho case in question was nut one of thuehargiM for which Ward was extradited from Honduras. '1 lie ' Wi'lillipr. For pastern Pennsylvania and N'ovv Jer sey: (ionurully fair; ooolor; wosterlj winds. STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Glnjlng (Jllottitious of the New York and Philadelphia l:ehanges. Nnw Yokk, Nov. 11. Tho volume of bust ii' hi stocks waa somewhat below the recent ftvvmgo today, and the railroad list still mam' taimsl its li a I'Tsliip In jnilnt of activity as a group, although tho banner record was madt by Ainrri'-an spirits. Closing bids: llaltlmore Ohio l.-HS U'hlgli Valley Ohos. & Ohio. Xew .Tersoy Ueu N. Y. (entral Pennsylvania. . Heading . . . St. Paul M. Y. & Pa. NT',: Ofli, S3, I "OA, I 1M. A: IKl'lson... U,IW Eric . . .. Lake firie & W.. Lehigh Nnv All aSs'tS paid. 1H ISOt, 17 10 U 7M Cienernl larkets. PillI.AIiRi.i'lttA, Nov. 11. Flour llrmj wintei super., 13.(1093.15; do. extras, t.3.V8.J0 j Punu sylvanla roller, clear, M.lCil.Kj do. do. Straight, l..7)'Sf4.70; western winter, clear, 4.104.Wi. Wheat unsottlisl; November, 8 (Si"i'. (rn weak; November, W.fUOc, OaU dull: Novemlier, Hn'U'v:. Hay stmuly foi gisl; ehoieo timothy, 1:).."U.14 for largo bales, lloef firmer, 'City family, 9.3unflu. Pork quiet ; j family, 111. Ijarddull; wi-sturn steam, 44.43. I Butter steady; weU-ni iluiry, 8ftjl2'ic. ; do.' oreamery, 12ivttJ0c. ; do. factory, 7m lie. ; El ' gips, yOc. ; Imitation creamery, 1UVU4: New York dairy, Ucttlse.; do. eieaniery, ia4(lU),e. fanoy stati' and wostssrn prints, wholosalo. ale.; prints Jobbing at iUKJ&V. Chei 'so steady; large Kuw Y'ork, 7l.f10l se. ; fnncy. small, 7Vl 10c.; part Hkliiis, HlaTi:.; full slttms, I3gs Arm; New York and Pennsylvania, 23(3 25c. ; western fresh, loAle. Live Stock Sllirhcts. Nbw Y'ohk, Nov. 11. Beeves active and higher; steers, J4.3tl'5.10 ; stags anil ox tl.SC (S64.2S bulls, KAOfQH: dry eons, l.ll9H.tl Calves quiet and easier; veals, J4.B0jt .78 . slightly easier; sheen, .7Va!lj; prime, 4i ! lambs, ;4.IX45.'.!5. Hogs lov.-ei at fa.Wa4.2D. East IitflHHTY. Pa., Nov. 11. Cattle steady, prime, 4.60n.oi); common, .'.KO.),5U: feeders, M.X4 ; 1ml Is, stag, and cows, 4.MU !i.S0. Hogs ruled slow; b, st tmdiuiiiH and best Y'orkers, fJ.75'Ui.tU; coiane in t.. fnlr Y'orkers, W.ftS'm a.70; heuvj boK'-, LStW .I.IW ; roughs, ti.ttnt U 15. Sin si, oi inline, !l JO'CUI,!; fair, 12.1)3 (M.15; eoiiiiiion , n .' i.i. hulls, JlffU.oO, V,ambs, choice, 4 MU ti 4. hj , vial calves, fl' 'Kl.oO. Upon having just what you call for when you go to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla. Thero is no substitute for Hood's. It is nn in bult to your intelligence to try to sell you something else. Hemcmber that all efforts to induce you to buy nn article you do not want, are based simply tho desire to secure more proiit. The dealer or clerk who docs this cares noth ing for your welfare. Ho simply wants your money. Do not permit yourself to be deceived. Insist upon having Sarsaparilla Ami only Hood's. It Is the One True Illood lurlflcr. W n:il.- easy to buy, easy to take, nuuu 3 k ins easytoojierate. ST. NICHOLAS FOR YOUNG FOLKS Cosvucn:i y Maiiy Mai-jj Uoimr,. "Tho lx'ht of all clilMrcn'M inuKazhu'iH" i tlie universal cnliet oi bT. Nhiiolam, it Itcuau oxTsUmu'O In 17, ami has iihtkI In itself all bt tliA le.itllii'r cliMilron'ft tnairazliicit In Aniert u :" Tlif .reatcst writurt rif tlu virM nn its rt'ular "0 t-mitrilMitmrt. Tin' upr'ne iuatity nf Sr Niciiuin-4 i itt hriniit, Itialthful, ami iiiviorut- 1 1 iK atindiuicrc. THE COMING YEAR , ben great one in Its history. It will have a mole varie t table of contents ami more spirited rt, thai, ever befoie. Tbo leuiling ! serial, beginning in Nov.-mlier, will be a Storv of Shaksnere's Time, Kspure s "MASTER SKYLARK," nv john hi:nni:tt. Illustrated by Kirch. . m His is n llv story, full of action, color. oieiriioeut and boui.in nature. Thenorlus I uleatest loet Uuures ns one ol the rlnelpal ! ctiar.utcrs, althoiiali the hero and heroine nro a I ho ami ulrl It Is not tie In treatment but full f the romance of tbo Hlk ibetlmli ngc, and very ilraouitlo In plat. Another serial, negin- union, Having nocoino unconscious, np iim'g in Novci bor, Is parontly from tho oxcltumont iittoudlng A Great NVar Story for North i tho occurrence. Disappointment at tho Cnntli j nmn'rt refusal to marry her ls believed to anu ooutu. i havo been the motlvo for tho crimo. ..THE LAST.THRGE SOLDIERS'. .... . . 1)Y William 11. Suki.tos A strong story 1) with a unique plot, Thr e t'nb.ii Mddlera, incnilitrs ot n signal corps, stnllonml on a vvuhihe ejutuwnvs iu the mlilst ot the Confederacy, Will be read with delight by ehlldien Noifh ami Smith. A- Serinl for Girls, I irNMC'S (lAHDKS " by Mmuox Iliu., laasb r) (IreHHt-il espeelailv In girts and is by a fuvorlu-writer, it in full nf fun, the character 1 drawing is BtrmiK and the whnle influence ot the stiity U Inspiring and iiiillftltig. CHflDT CTMIJIPQ ,,. iiiiiny tales of linie effort and OEOllGE KENNAN Ims wrlin-n , mjBtu.c three exetllug slorlt h of hi. ex t-rleueu ill Ihnuin; WALTEB 0AMP will Imve a stirring aiwunt of a hieyele niv, and J. T. TROW 11RID0E will contribute a alory of the sea. Kvcry mouth will huve urtlole repieM'iithig All the Uet Writers Patriotic Bketobes, Helpful Articles, Tales of Travel, Fanciful Tales, Bright Poemq, Spirited Pictures, Prize Puzzles, Etc., Etc, $1.00 a year, 23 ieiit a miiiiher All dealers take iuilNiciitloiis, or leniittatHs'a niay be made, dlivettutlie iulilahrs by money or vxirM enlur, eheek.ilintl or registered teller. . THE CENTURY CO., UNION SQUAUD, . NEW YORK. ee9oeac3fooBO6c5ota J To Create A Revolution f W - -s- W e tH 0 1.n...1...1.1 a il.. ..I.M. everything Is kept clean, thero may be co lcliuro for social dutlos, is tbealrnof 69 every hoaecwlfc. Blie knows, that to j? obtain the best results In tho shortcut time, and to give tli? linen that spcclsj a whiteness and freshness, only the 31 UEST SOAP mutt be used. j) m o (0 o Now,tliOBCKip rj) which has tho j largest taU in the vxirtd Is m O s O o w m unlisflit m o oapi and so it Is fair to prceamo that it is tho g Best Soap in the World. At any ralo it must be worthy of a W g fair trial J rvcr llrr.s.,r.td.,lIuj50a4IIrrisonSt!.,N.Y. g eseceeeoesodaoeeeesoeeceo SIMPLE SYSTEM OF VOTING iTrgcd liy Alabama's Governor, Who )! Jects to tlio Austrnllaii llallot. Monto'omhhy, Xov. 12. Tho Alubni'nn leglshituro organized yesterday with A. D. Snyro ns prosldont of tho fonnta nml N. N. Cloinoiits sponkcr of tho house. The Demoomtit in tho houso number seventy six nml tho Populists twenty-four. In tho senate' there nro twonty-four Domocrat r.nd nlile Populists. Hallotlntr for United Klntus onntnr mustbesln in open session on tho 21th lut. Tho Vopullsts havo not yet decided whether thoy will nominate n cnndlihita Governor Ontos in his annual mossago roeltos tho niinmrims enses of lynching In this statu during tho Inst two years, nml no one case shows that nny vvuro hung for taking tho law Into their own hands. Ho makes soino timely suggestions to the legislature on tin subject On tho subject of elections ho savs : ls s" WWit a disturber of public ponce, good will among mon and tho business in terests of tlio country ns oloctions. We should have them les frequently. "Tlio Australian ballot systom mny be good, one in stales where thero nro many intelligent voters who aro omployed by great corporations nml want somo protec tion against tho dictation of tholr employ ers. Hut.ln Alabama, wo nro differently situated. A comparatively small percont ago of our voting population Is thus cm ployed, and thoro is illiteracy among them, nml I,,..,,... ,,.,.1 .- .1,. of votirnr would be innm nnnenmbla to tho i voters at larmi I "The old law, which this ono superseded. with n few amendments would bo prefera ble to tho present one. A legitimate and proper exerolso ls that the influence of an Intelligent voter should not be suppressed, and tho present law continues to that end." Tho length of life may bo increased by less ening its dangers. The majority of people die fiom lung troubles. These may be ,i vett ed by promptly using One Minute Cough Cure. C. II. Hageubueh. Cooper's Mysterious Death. Nkw YoitK, Nov. 12. Mystery still sur rounds tho cause thnt led to tho death of Almyr W. tHioper, who died nt tho Itooso voir hospital on Thursday night, after ho hud been taken from Wakcley's saloon In n senil-coiisclous condition. After Coopur's death the lAitopsy revcalod the fuct thnt death was duo to a fracture at tho base of tho skull. Cooper had also sustained n broken jaw. Those who wore in Wako ley's saloon when Cooper was thoro say that ho received his Injuries by falling and striking his lioad against tho railing of tho bar. Cooper's friends bollovo ho mot with foul play. Dotoctlvos- aro at work on tho case. Floor Collapsed, but No Olio Hurt. " NKW YoitK, Nov. 12. Tho second floor of tho building occupied by tho Great At lantic and Pacific, Tea company, Nos. 35 ami U7 Vosey street, collapsed yesterday. Tho lloor which fell and tho floor directly under it aro used as tlio headquarters of tho tea company. Tho third floor was oc- , cupicd by thu printing llrm of Henry I. , Cnln & Son. The firm of Bockott & Bradford huvu tho two toil doors. Thoy employ a number of girls, and there was u panic among them, but ovcrybody os capod, thoro being nobody on tho ground floor at tho timo at tho collapse. The floor was ovcrwulghtod. llrglli Itlght With Coughs, and Colds. Take the sure cure, 1'au-Tina, 23c. At liruhjer Itros., ding store. Shot Her Itcereniit Loter. Nr.w Yomc, Nov. 12. Kato Jlartln, n young Irish woman, Ilred two bullets Into her lover, Honry Klrchner, 21 years old, lastdnlght in tholuttcr's nlacu of business fu AVonuo A. Tho woman llred five shots, one of which struck him in tho right hand, and tho other ls bolloved to havo none. tratod his right' lung Ho was taken to jiGiiovuo Hospital in n critical condition. D"ui to mo sumo lllstl- i:lectlou Jubilee Celebration. I , , i NEW YoilU, Nov. 12. A banquet which took tho forpi of a jubilee 111 celobratlon I t'l0 Hopublloan victory and a re- i oeptlon' by somo of tho state candidates , Wus given at the Union League olub In Urooklyn last night lhere wuru about SM nreaout. Alining this-e who were un nble to nt tend ivere (iowiriior-olnct Illack, Hon. lluurke Coekiiii ami Thilmus O. I'latt Among those who spoke briefly wero Senator Sherinati. llayor Ktroiuj, l'realdent llerrf, 'lliimthy Woodruff ami Mayor Wurster. Well' lCnolVll IIoIhI Man Slllelilej. VAilHKCTov, Nov. 13. lloutolle W. Krnzler, lironriutor ot tho Wellington ho tel, ooinmittoil suicide yeaterday by shoot ing himself, the tragedy taking plaoo at a lonely spot near tho Chain bridge over th6 l'otomao rlfer, above West Wiuhlngton. Tho ileooased was a iiromlneiit eltUen nnd was ono of tho laist known hotl man In Wtkhlngtun. Ho hml.K-'. In n iimlnn ehlllly frnine uf mind lor somo timo pnU due to his phyaloul oumlllluu. Help C a to TIhi.o Win) Tallo lied Flag Oil for tpniua, bltma, tute. Oruhler Uroa., drug storo. At 1 1 map t m A SPANISH CONFIDENCE GAME low the Peelings of Sympathetic Anicr runs Aro Worked I'pnn, Wasiiinotox, Nov. 12. A Spanish ron fldniieo gntno that U being worked with mccoss on Americans, notnbly In Wis consin nnd Illinois, is osposod by United States Consul Genornl Ilowen nt Hnrce lona In n special rojiort to tho state de partment This is what is known ns tho "priest" swlrdle, nml the charactors al ways are nn iirmglniiry political prisoner in a Spanish jail, Ills little dnughternbout to lx loft helpless by his nppronchlng ile lnlse and a benovolent prlost who is will ing to care for the child, nnd send or bring her to a relative In America. Tho latter ls tho victim of tho plot. First ho receives a letter from the prisoner claMnliigto Is) his relntlvo nml praying him to care for his child. Then conies n letter from tho prlost announcing tho prisoner's death, nml stntlng that ho will look after the child until money ls sent to bring her to her alleged American rela tive. The latter sends tho money, nnd ls noxt Informed by tho priest that hound tho girl havo becnnrrestcdln Franco while on their way to tho United Suites. That Is tho Inst hoard of tho swtndlors. Oqiistil Gonoral llovvon says thnt thoro nro variations of this fraud, but most of thorn work successfully. ' So ninny inqui ries havo lioon niado by tho victims that ho has boon obliged to print n crtrcular let ter explaining tho deception. Itnlhui I.ttnatlcs to be Sent Home. Alii ANY, Nov. 12. As an outcome of I prolonged correspondence with tho Ital ian authorities, tho stuto commission on lunncy 1ms succeeded in deporting throe alien lunatics to tholv homos In Italy. These aliens belong to tho lowest strata of society, and had recently lauded ill this country. Fich had been convicted of crimes of a more or less serious nature, anil had lawn committed to 11 stato prison or ponitentiary, where their Insanity lie coming manifest thoy wero committed to tlio Muttoawnn asylum for criminal hum tlos. The llrst of those was a particularly trotiblosonio man, whoso deportation the commission unsuccessfully attempted some three weeks ago, the lunatic being rejected by tho steamship authorities as an uii-.uttable nnd most undesirable pas senger. i "i;.Tense me," observed the man in spec tneh s, "but I am a surgeon, and that is not where tho liver is." "Never yon mind when- his liver is," reterted the other. "If it was in his big toe or his left ear DeWitt's Little Early 1,'Uers would reach it and shake it for him. (in tliat'yon can bet your gig lamps." C. H. Hageubueh. Mnny Counterfeiters Captureil. Wasbixoton, Xov. 12. William I'. Hn en, chief of tho secret service, treasury department, in his annual report shows' tho total number of urrosts iniido during the last ttsoal j-enr by agents of his divi sion and other qualified olUcers to havo boon 780. Of this number 113 wero for '''uf'icttiring, passing, eta, counterfeit paper monoy, lo for altering obligations of tho United titutos, 33 for altering and pass ing obligations of tho United States, nnd 508 for niiinufacturlng, passing, etc., coun terfeit coins. Of tho whole number of parsons arrested 173 woro convicted mid sentenced, mid Hi pleaded guilty and wore sentenced. Tho remainder aro either awaiting trial or sontonco. Tho sentence Imposed aggregated 720 years and tho flues $l.",0ao. Absolutely pine, perfectly hauuless, and invariably reliable are the qualities of Ono Jllnuto Cough Cure. It nover fails in colds, croup and lung troubles. Children like it be cause it is pleasant to take and it helps them. C. H. Hageubueh. Object to the Australian llallot. CONCOitl), N. H., Nov. 12. Ellsworth, tho last polling placo In Now Hampshire to bo heard from, has made Its election re turns. Tho llgures complete tho stato voto, which gives McKInloy 55,071; llrynn, 21, O'.W; plurality for McKinloy, 3I,57o. For governor, Itamsdell, ltopubllcan, has a plurality of 21,002. Tho dissatisfaction with tho workings of tho Australian bal lot law In this .state has boon crystallized Into a nomorhil to ask tho noxt legisla ture to materially amend mid simplify tho law. It ls proposed that tho Now York method of voting tho straight party ticket by a single cross bo adopted, It Is claimed, that at least 0,000 voters were disfranchised, by thu now law. Tho old way of delivering messages by post hoys compared with tho modern telephone, illustrates the old tedious methods of "break ing" colds compared with their almost in stantaneous euro by Ono .vliuute Cough Cure. C. 11. Hagenhuch. lgypt Free from Cholera., Washington', Nov. 12. Consul General Kugono l'cnfleld reports from Cairo, F.gypt, that tho cholera outbreak prevail ing In Kgypt for upward of a year has now apparently come to nn end. No death nor now caso has occurred In lower Koypt for several days, whllo from upper Kgypt but two or three deaths dally are reported. Alexandria has been free from cases for a fortnight past, ami in Cairo only ono death from cholera has occurred since Oct. 1. Tho total number of deaths was 18,110. Scaly eruptions of the head, chapmsl hands and lips, cuts, bruises, scalds, burps aro quickly cured by DoWitt's Witch Hazel Halve. ' It is at present the article most "Used for pllus, uud it always cures them. C. II. Hugenbuch. A UrlUegrooin's hulcltte, Austin-, Tox., Nov. iv Frank Ham ilton, fur twenty yonrs o. lnomljorof the linking llrm of Uaymoml toCo., suicided hero ye-u.'itby by tiiklnR niorphlnu. Da iliomleuoy over JliiuiiuJul losses is supiiosed tu huve lud to the not. He was well known lu ilminehil oirole in Kew Yorl. . Ho win married on Monday to nn Aiibljii lady, llrynn. Virginia 1'lurullty, e KlCHMONn, Xov, IS. Ninety out of one hundred ouuntles and oil the cities have nfllelnlly reported election returns tu till) uoretary of the oonininiiweulth. The to tals i' us folio wa; Ui-yan, H1.1W; 'Mo lviuloy, VU.ite: Palmer, 1.W8; Levering, S,m. Uryau'a ilurRllty, 1B.B5T. Soothing, and uot Irritating, strengthening, uud not weakening, suiull but effective HGhllM'e the nualittw of DeWitt's I.lttle 'aers, the famous llttlo pills. C. II. h. ' AT' ' ' When you want good rooflng, plumbing hub flttiug, or general tlnsmltblng done call on E. F. Gallaghor IS West Ccntro street Dealer lt stc-ou 1-tf To cure all old' awes, to heal tin ludolont ulcer, or to speedily eure nl e. you need alinply apjUy DeWltt'ii. Witch Hazel Salvo accuiuiugiu uireetions. us mugie-iiKe no tion will surnrite you, C. II. jlngenbueli Will Not PerformMiracles But It Will Cure. Tt. MILES' ItSTOIIATlVE NERVINE iuros ncrvova prostration, Not mi raculously, boBclntl!lcally, by first removing the bctitm of disease, and then supplying healthy nerve food, increasing tho appetite, helping digestion nnd strength ening tho entire syswm. Dosporato cases require prolonged treatment as shown by that ot Mrs. M. 11. KceoV of Delta, Iowa, who writes: "As the result sf a lightning stroke, the physicians slid I but! a light otroko of paralysis, tny Hmb3 would ill draw up. I Df IVIilCS "o"1 nav throbblngs Nervine Restores Health - j - utemhirable. Forthreo jnonthi I could cot sleep and forthreo weoka did not closo my oyes. I prayed for sleep, and felt that It relict tlld not como I would bo dead or Insane. I took Dr. Miles' Bestora tlvoNervlne and the second night slept two hours and from that timo ou tny health Improved-, lowly at first, but steadily and curciy. I took In all 40 bottles, and I cannot express how grateful I am, for I am now perfectly well, and tiavataitcn nomodlclno for over four months." Dr. Miles' Nervine is sold by druggists on guarantee that first bottlo benefits or money rof undnl. Hook on heart and nerves freo. Dr. MIlo3 Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind, READING R R SYSTEM IX EFFECT MAY 17. 1&90 Trn1i leave Ptoenandonh ni foil own : For Sew York vin Philadelphia, week dy. 2 10, 5 25. 7 20 ft. m.( 12 43, 3 00 and 5 55 p. m Sundays, 2 10 a. m. orw lork viaMaueh Chunk, week oavs. 5 25, 7 20 ft. m., 12 Pi and 3 00 p. in. For Iteadfnpr nnu J'lillauel)lun, week uAys, : iu, a 'in, t ju n jii., i, a vj aim a ;x p, iu. hud layn, 2 10 n. nn rnr I'otiille. week da vs. 2 10: 7 20 a. in., and 12 IK, 3 00 and 5 SG p. m. HinuIavH, 2 10 a. m. For Tatnaniia nnd Mahanoy Citv. week davi. 2 10, H VI, 7 20 a. lift, 12 -IS, 3 00 and 5 55 p. m, Sunday. 2 10 n. in. For Vllllamport, Sunbury and LcwUburg, weekday, 3 25, 1130 ft. in., 150 nnd 725p.m. SundnHP325a. Jn. lror Alalmnoy l'lane, weekd(iy, 2 10. 3 25, 5 25. 7 20,1130 ft. iu.. 12 H 1 f0, 3 U0.5M, 7 23 nnd 9 50 n. in, Snnda 8. 2 10. 3 2ft n. in. For Anhiifnd and bhamokin, week days, 8 25. 7 20,1130 a. in., 150,72) nnd 0 55 p.m. Bun darn, 3 25 n. iu. Ior lUIthnore. Aahtnuton nnd the Wm4 tIi n i. r ii t, ...i. i i t ii. Terminal, PhilaIelphia, (P. fc It. V X) a 820 7 55, 1120 ft. in., 310 nnd 7.27 p. i.. Hundnra. 3 20, 700, II 2Q ft. m., 3 A? nnu 7 27 p. m. Addl . tlonnl tmliiH- from Twenty-fourth niwl Chen, nut streets station, week diys, 10 80 ft. m. 12 20, 12 u b 40 p in. Sundays, I 3., s 23 ji. (u. TK.A.INS FOIt SIIENANDOAII. Leave New York via Phtlndelphla, week days, mo, h w a. in., i uo, 4 uu, 'J uo p. m, nnd ntKht Sunday a, 6 00 p. m. leave Xew York via jrauch Chunk, week days, 4 30, 9 10 n. in.. 1 30 ami 4 15 p. ni. Leave 1'hllmlelphia, Heading Terminal, week days, 120, 8 3- 10 at n. m. and 4 05, 6 80, H 80 p.m. snnanys, iiuup. in. Lonvo J tend in week dayo, 13."i, 710, 10 08, 11 53 ft. m., 600 nnd 8 20 p. in. Sundays, 1 35 a. m. Leave Fottsville, weekdays, 2 35, 7 40 a.m., 12 30 nnd 0 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 35 a. in. Leave Tarwupia, week day, 318,8 50. U 23 in., 1 27, 7 20 nnd 9 43 p. m. Sundays, 3 18 n. m. Leave Mnhanoy City, week days, 3 15, 9 21, 11 17 a. m., 2 03, 7 4 i and 10 08 p. m. Sundays, 8 .i a. m. Leave Mahanoy Plane, week dnys, 2 40, 4 00, 6 30,9 37, 11.59 a. m., 1 12,219,5 20,5 26, 757 and 10 23 p. in. Sundays, 2 40, 00 a, m. Leave VHliamport, week days, 7 42, 1010 a. m., 3 35 and 11 41 p. in. Sundays, 11 15 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Lenve Philadelphia Chestnut street wnrf acd South street wharf for Atlantic City. Weekdry-r-l:xpiesi, 9 00 n. m., 2 00, 100, 500 p. in. Accommodation, 8 00 n. in., tfoOip. in. Sundays Express, 9 00, 1Q0Q o. m. Accom modation, 8 00 a. in., 1 13 p. m. Returning leave Atlantic City depot, corner Atlantic and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express 7 33, 9 00 n. m.,,3 30, 5 30 p. iu. Accommodation, 815 n. m.r 432 p. m. t Sundays Express. 4 00, 7 30 p. in. Accommo datnm, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. in. Parlor Cars on all express trains. I. A. SWEIGAKD, O. G. HANCOCK, Gen'l Superintendent. GeiTl Pass, Ag M. C. WATSON, Wholesale anil Retail Liquor Dealer. Cigars, Tohacco, Ac. Agent for Heading Hrewing Co.'s Ilcer and Porter. 11 and 113 S. IVJaIn St BROM-KOLOA ALCOHOLIC, NERVOUS AND BILIOUS HEADACHES Cured hy this granular effervescent and stimu lant. An instant cure ipr sour stomacusnna headachen, which often accumulate, from having n plght out. JUniN h. CLcAKY, BOTTLER OF CARBONATED DRINKS, 17 and ll Peach Alley. Shenandoah PROFESSIONAL CA RDS Q 8. PHII.LIPSv M. I). OMcej SO West Ccntro street Can be consulted at all hours. SI. BU 11X15, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. OtuceBtfau bulldlncr. corner ot Main And Centre streets, Shenandoah. r ii. roaiEisoY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Shenandoah, Pa. JjJ M'. SIlOJUK15It, ATTOR,NBY-AT-LAW. Curner Market and Centre streeta. pHOK JOHN JONKS, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, bock Uoi 69, Mahanoy City, l'a. Having studied under acme of the best masters In London and Paris, w fll giro leaiona on the violin, guitar and vocal culture. Terms reasonable. Address in care of Htroiue, tho eweler, Shenandoah, if M . ,,V'