"VVY. '' r k VOL. XL-NO. 270. SHENANDOAH, PA. WEDNESDAY- NOVEMBER 11, 1890. ONE CENT. 5 ft' J. P. WILLIAMS 8c SON, SOUTH MAIN STREET, SHENANDOAH, FA. UP-TO-DATE HATTER and GENT'S FURNISHER, 15 E. CENTRE STREET. GOLD STANDARD REACHED ...J. J. PRICE'S RELIABLE STAND... Where on the same basis you can Ladies', Misses' COATS - Of the very latest and best styles, quality guaranteed. J. J. PRICE'S, COLUMBIA : BREWING : COMPANY BREWERS OF- Lager Beer, Porter and Ale. All the product of this brewery are made of pure malt and hops of which we buy the best and endeavor always to MAKE THE BEST that can possibly be produced. Reduction in Wall From 35 cents to 20 cents; from 10 cents to 8 oeirta. All other grades acc-inlinf;ly Tills btock niubt be disposed of fit once, In order that I can enlarRO my store. These bargains will hold good far R-bhort time ly. Come tit a rice and take advantage of-tho TU -4 CrA UlUlIiaS 11. OUUCl 3. Jar din St,, GOOD BREAD; ...CAN ONLY BE MADE FROM GOOD FLOUR Owning my own mill, remodeled and fitted up with the latest improved machinery, and using the best qualities of spring and winter wheat, 1 can guarantee JUI OWN BRANDS to give full satisfaction in every case. Our Popular Brands are DAISY, MOSS ROSE, OUR LILY, LEXINGTON, ni i tvi - r- r-ir-e are now in VlliNOC I 1 CO our pastry rendered lard and our best nance meat. Remember we sell only one grade of mince meat and that is THK BEST. For Health use our "Old Time" fryourOLD TIME RYE FLOUR GUI'! CHOP is straight goods. We use no corn cobs or oat hulls in our feed. NEW Evaporated California Prunes, Peaches and Apri- FRUITS. cots. New Raisins, Currants, Citron and Lemon Peal. flew Mackerel- -This Season's Catch Large and Small. Fancy Creamery Butterand Rull Cream Cheese For a strictly Pure Soap that will Cannot injure the clothes use ...Keiter's Old Time Family Soap I three pound bars. WE SELL GOOD LAUNDRY SOAP 10 pieces for 25c. We receive this week another lot Patterns and Low Prices. RAO CARPETS Our stock is large and prices low. G. W. KEITER, SHENANDOAH. LARGE NEW STOCK ' i PARLOR : SUITS Oust Received. F-rorr, $25 U PW8 rdS. BIG BARGAINS IN GLOVES: -AND- find a full and complete line of and Children's Prices and North Wain St., Shenandoah, Pa. Paper. reduction. PAINTER, PAIE HA.VGKR AND , DEALF.lt IN WALL PAI'Elt. Shenandoah, Pa. season. For good mince pies use Flour, our strictly pure kettle Wholewheat Graham Flour. and Granulated Com Meal. -White and Fat- not hurt the hands and therefore of new Floor Oil Cloth, New - PENNA. The Fifth Arbitrator In the Venezuelan Controversy. FOUR OTHERS TO BE SELECTED Two of Three W1U no Chosen by England'! Lord Chief Justice and Two by Culef Justice Fuller-The Arbitrators WUl Probably Meet In Stockholm. "Washington, Nov. 11. Tho "king ol 'Swcdou and Norway, Oscar II, lias been chosen by treaty botweon tho United Stntei and Great lirltnln m tho fifth or final ar bitrator of the Venezuela boundary ques tlon. The other arbitrator!;, four In mini ber, j.ro to lw designated, two by tho lord chief jtistloo of Kngland and two by tin chief justice of the United States. This Is tho final and most Important feature of tho treaty for tho cnmpleto nil justmont of tho Jong ponding Vonozuoln controversy. Tho troaty was concluded on Monday at tho llrltlsh embassy. Sit Jtfllmi I'auncofoto representing her llrlt tnnlo luujosty and Secrotury Olney the United Statos. Since the return of Sit Jnlluu from liondon, three -weeks ago-, ne gotiations toward a final settlement have Ijeon proceeding. Hurt of tho meetings wore of Ruch an important character that thoy were Held either tit Mr. Olnoy's real Aunco or at tho Hritli.li embassy, the two houses being but two blocks sopriratcd. It happoned that tho concluding moot ing was at tho embassy on Monday, and special Interest was given to it from the fuct that Lord Salisbury, tho Hritish pro tnlcr, was to nmko a speech at Guildhall, London, in the evening. It Is mi annual ovfint, at which tho premier usually takes occasion to review tho status of tho most Important international questions. Vol this reason It was desired, if possiblo, to acquaint Lord Salisbury of tho final and satisfactory adjustment of tho Vcnozucln question in order that ho might nmko such announcement as ho thought lit con cerning it. When Mr. OlnoynndSir Julian reached their final conclusion a cablegram was at onco dispatched to Lord Salisbury, notlfy- KING OSCAB, ing him of tho result. It reached him within ono hour of tho time when ho wont on tho platform at Guildhall, and it was tho'basis for his announcement to Eng land and to tho entire world that tho Venezuela controversoy was settled. Thus Washington ami London partici pated In this oventful scono, by which tho two leading English speaking nations reach an amicablo means of adjusting one of tho most troublesome international questions of recont yoars. Although Lord Salisbury's stntonient was without details It Is possiblo to give all of the essential fenturos of tho treaty, Tho main point, ns nlrcndy stated, Is that King Oscar II is tho fifth or. declslvo arbitrator. It was deemed best to make this cholco rnthar than to leave It to tho selection of tho other four arbitrators. Tho latter nro assured of being men of omlnont judicial attain ment, as tliolr cholco Is loft entirely to tho rcsiectlvo countries. Tho other essential feature of tho treaty Is that fifty years' actual possession Is ta constitute title. With this limitation ns to the settled districts, the entire sweep of Venezuela boundary Is placed In tho hands of tho court of arbitration. Tho treaty covers only Venezuela, and tho ques tion of general arbitration between the United States and Groat Hrlttiln is left to future negotiations. As a king seldom leaves his country, ex cept on state visits to other sovereigns, it Is not oxpected that King Oscar II will go outside of Swedou for the meeting of tho arbitrators, and tho court Is likely to sit ot Stockholm, tho oapltal of Sweden, where King Oscar's palace and the halls of tho Swedish roksdag are located. Tho choice of King O -scar appears to have lwen a most fortunate ono, ns ho Is uni versally regarded as a man of gn;at at tainments, of Judicial temperament, and bf eminent fairness. Among the monnrchs of Kurope he Is probably the most popu lar, as ho goes freely among tho penplo nud Is thoroughly democratic In his ways. Tho feeling entertained for him Is shown by tho fact that the Scandinavian resi dents of the United States are at present raising large sums with whicli to buy him a present on tho oolebrntlon of his GQth birthday. Ho Is known nlso ns tho "Glnnt King," ns ho stands six foot three Inches in height, towering above most men and a central flguro tu all assemblages, Ho comes from nobla stock, bolng tho grandson of tho French Marshal Hornadotte, who Is con sidered first among tho marshals of Franco, und, savo Napoleon hlmsolf, un doubtedly tho groatost character upheaved by tho French revolution, Whon, In 1810, tho last of tho Vnsa lino of kings was chlldloss on tho throno of Swedon, tho roksdng turned their nttontlou to Napo leon's generals, who wore then victoriously sweeping over nil Kuropo. In August, 1810, tho roksdag unanimously elected Dernadotto as crown prlnco of Swedon, and on tho death ot tho reigning king Herimdotto succeeded to tho throne. King Oscar la not only n rulec whoso omtcmiinnshlp has advancod Morway ami Sweden, but ho has also a reputation throughout Kuropn as a linguist, an author nndiHxtand musician. Ho sienks half n dozen languages llucntly, and has a thor ough command of Kugllsh. which will Ira of espoolal advantage tu the present arbi tration. While most oordlal towards tho United States, King Oscar Is not the less friendly to Grant Uritnlii, although there are no ties of Immediate kinship with the llrltlsh royal family. Tho learning and Judicial fairness which King Oscar haslshown In soveral rocont arbitrations has led to tho feeling that ho Is pro-emlnontly qualified for tho respon sibility Involvod In his present choice by tho United States and Great Britain. Mrs, JIcKlnlcj'" Illness. Caj-to.y, O., Nov. 11. l'rosldent-clcct McKlnloy is anxlqus to leavo with his wifo for Cloveland, but their departure is do layed, ns Mrs. MeKlnloy has not galnod In strength as rapidly ns was hoped. She spends most of tho day on a couch In her room, and her doyoted and over watchful husband inakos n hundred trips a day across tho hall to sco to her comfort and welfare. No matter who the caller bo, nothing Is allowed to prevent his frequent preeoncont tho sldo of Mrs. McKlnley. Ho also finds tlmo to call on his mother, nonrly a nillo away, ovcry day, and tho chnrmliiR old lady, 87 years old, inakos frequont trips In her ono horse surrey to tho historic houso of her son. Two Killed at Crossing. KEADtN'O, l'n., Nov. U. A fast freight train on tho Pennsylvania railroad yester day ran Into a carrlago containing a man and woman at the Gibraltar grado cross ing, this county. Hoth were Instantly killed and the man's body terribly man gled. It was of forwards re'ognizod ns that of Charles V. llrlght, aged 3 years, a wealthy citizen of Heading, and owner of considerable real estate. The woman was Identified ns Catherlno Hoyer, a l'J-year- old working girl, unmarried. Uright hnd taken her for a drlvo, unknown to hor friends, who were under the Impression that she had gone to her regular employ ment Tho Homily -Mine fia Again. SciiAJfTON, la., Nov. 11. An explosion of gas in Sturr's'shaft, No. 1, owned by tho Delaware, Lackawanna and estern com pany, .burned Thomas P. Williams, t mlner,f Scrnnton, and his Hungarian laborer!! severely that they will die, and burnod six others, laborers and track lay -crs, ub'KJt tlio foeo and hands. At llrt-cn's Itiiillo Oufo. Oysters on toast will be served as frco lunch to-night, l'lciity for everybody. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. Mcala served at all hours. Tairy I'urty. A taffy pull rarty was held lastovonlng at tlio residence of Mrs. Scliurz, on North Timlin street, in honor of her daughter, liracc, at which many guests from (.Irani vlllo. Ashland and town had a good time. At ten o clock the tally was served, after which vocal and Instrumental music was rendered. Illckert's C'ale. Our frco lunch to-inorroiv morning will consist of calf's liver hnd potato salad. I'lour Stolon. E. 11. Foley's warehouso on West Centre street was robbed at about seven o'clock last night of a quantity ot Hour, which had been stored but about two hours. Tho front door of tho warehouse was forced open. War rants liavo been issued for the arrest of two young men who aro under suspicion and they will probably bo arrested to-night. Kemlrlck House l'rce Lunch. Sour krout and pork to-night. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. Might Have Iloon Killed. As.nl accident befell 12 year old Patrick Gaaslian, a siato picker at Packer No. 5 colliery, late yesterday afternoon. He was walking along a plank In tho breaker which was not guarded by a rail, when ho suddenly tilted and fell a distance of 25 feet. Ills both thighs woro badly bruised und several of his ribs were broken. Ho was removed to the homo of bis parents in Itappahauuock. At Kopclllnskl's Ann do Cafe, California beau soup to-night. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. Died ut tlio Hospital. William Lewis, a resident of Peach alley, died at tho Minors' hospital last night from hemorrhage of tho lungs. Ho was an old member and Past Grand of Plank Itidgo i.onge ,o. sso, l. u. o. r. Ho leaves a widow and several children who aro said to bo in destltuto circumstances. asy to Take asy to Operate Ar1 features peculiar to Hood's Pills. Small In sl7c t istoloss, efficient, thorough. As one man said: ' Vouui'of know you have taken a pill till It Is nil over." Bsc. C. I. Hood & Co., I Proprietors, Ixiwoll,' Mass. Theouly pill to take with Hood's Sarsaparllla. r?.mnmrmirmimnnmmmtTnTrmmn X-MAS PRESEJNT. COUPON TO HERALD" READERS. The holder of 30 coupons of tho HERALD la entitled to n llrnt-clniis life, size, frev-liunU cruyon, worth $10.00, made from nny distinct photograph, by paying 65 cents at H. Hooker's otuilio, SOS W. Centre trect, tihenan douh, l'u. Send photograph In Immediately ana have coupons ready upon re ceipt of portrait. NO COUPON, NO PORTRAIT. II 'iiliiiiiiiiiimitUiiMUjnniuumimnuiumliia Many on the Calendar of Interest to Shenandoah People. THE BRENNAN ROBBERY RECALLED How tho District Attorney's Office Soured the Evidence That Convicted Lowthtr and Zollner and Hope to Securo ' Kline's Conviction. Special to Hvi.MXii Ili a l.l). Pottsvii.LK, No. 11. Tlio third d.iy of tlio criminal court opened here this morning with a largo delegation from Shenandoah in attendance. There are many linpoitant cases from tho latter town on thu calendar to bo disposed of at tho prot term of court, among tlicm tlio numerous suits instituted by and against Anthony l'lynn, arising out of the construction of a stone wall across the creek in tlio First wanl. Mr. l'lynn and his family wero llrst arrested for thieiitolllng the lives of Chief Ilurgess Hums, Supervisor Llewellyn and George Knott and Hubert l'isliburn. who weic sent by tho Horough Council to tear down the stono wall, und be retaliated by causing tlio arrest of tlio Chief liurgess and Supervisor for trespass. Mr. l'lynn also lias suits for tresiiass agaimt Michael (inihani mid his two sons and still another against Michael tlnilmm as sole defendant, and Graham has a suit against l'lynn fur maintaining a public nuisance. It is belleed that the trial of one case will dispose of tho whole batch. At all events, the problem which lias brought about tlio many suits will bo pretty well solved by tlio trial of one of the suits. Many of the Shenandoah borough otlicials were In attend ance to-day to go boforo the Grand Jury. Among the uiiiuy other Interesting suits to lie tried is one in which Shenandoah sewerage rights are involved. Tho parties interested aro Frank and Mary McAndrow and MagRic and Andrew Kiluuyno. They are neighbors in the First waul of Shenandoah. It seems that Frank McAndrow and Andrew Kilcoyno secured permission from tho School Hoard to connect their properties with tlio latter's sewer. McAndrow subsequently allowed an other party, for a money consideration, to con "nect with the joint extension and Kihoyno objected, claiming that he should have been paid half the prieo paid by tlio tbiid pJrty for the connection. A fight ensued, in which It Is alleged that Kilcoyno hit MrAudiow with stones and Kilcoyno claims he sustained two fractured ribs in a boating administered by tlio McAnilrews. Tlio grand jury yester day found tiuo bills for assault and battery against all the parlies and they came down to-day to prepare for trial. Tlio shooting case in which Constablo "Jack" Uiuilo, of Shenandoah, was shot through tho thigh a few wicks ago will nlso bo among tlio first cases tobe tried, the grand jury having found a true bill against the ae- cit-.i d, John Ftomeuia, yesterday on a charge of assault and battery. In this case Dttndo wont to arrest Flomcina on a charge of assault and battery prefericd by tlio latter's boarding boss. Flomcina uttacke the constable with a largo club, knocking him down and rendering him unconscious. In a daid condition, and fearing ills life was in danger, Dando drew Ins revolver and fired soveral shots. One entered tho abdomen of a Polish woman who was a spectator and another passed through the constable's thigh. Fortunately tlio wound the woman received did not provo very serious, I'lnmoma was subsequently taken into custody by soveral officers at the point of a rovolvcr. It is believed that the court will deal severely with him. Among the notable attendants at court to day was Thomas McManus, chief of tho Secret Service at Pittsburg, and brother of Captain McManus, who Is chief of the servico at Philadelphia. Mr. McManus came hero this morning from Shenandoah, where he spent last night preparing to take tlio stand in the trial of Michael Kline, against whom tho grand jury yesterday found three truo bills for burglary. About three years ago the house of Daniel K. Ilreunan at Shenandoah was robbed of fl,WK) by Kline, and two young men named Lowther and Zollner. Kline disappeared and was n fugitive until a few weeks, ago w hen he was arrested on leaving the Suuburyjail after having been acquittid of another charge. The other two wery arrested soon after the burglary and convicted. Zollner was discharged from jail a few days ago after completing ids sentence. Lowther is still in custody. Soon after the llrst arrests, McManus, who was then in tho employ of a Pittsburg detective agency, was summoned tu Shenandoah and placed under arwst on a fake petty charge. Justice Cardln com mitted liim to jail. McManus was locked in a cell witli Zollner and soon won his confidence, getting all the details of tho burglary and tho uainos of all jwrtics con nected with it. There weie four young men implicated in the case, Zollner, Lowther, Kline and another who disappeaied im mediately after the htirulary and has not since been sceu by the Slicnundoah authori ties. It was chielly upon McManus' testi mony that Zollner and Lowther woro loin ii ted and the District Attorney hopes to euu ii t Kline by the same means. Concert To-inrriw Mllt. Samuel Largman, tlio great Hebrew song composer, will give a grand concert in Hob bins hall, North Main street, to-uiorrow night, commencing at 8:30. Admission 25. & and 50 cents. Xl-ll-at l'roporty liuproioil. Mrs. Annie Williams has had her property on South Jardlu street very much improved by tho addition of a front porch extending the full widtli of tlio premises and having an ornamental roof. The porch Is a very at tmctivo ono and was built by Je.o 11. Davis, llremiuii's N'dw ltestauriint. Potato soup to- Mght. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. Health IteporU, The following cases of measles woro re ported to tho I oard of Health during tho past twenty-four hours: Agnes Cardln, T yenrs, West L oyd street; Ludwlg Huda- wicz, 11 months, East Huckleberry alley; Gcorgo Auiulis,'aj years, South West street. Auuio and Llla IToIovlnskl, 7 years and 7 months, resrectivtly, Fast Hasnberry alloy. WE KNOW" EVERY WOn AN Who buys one of our Urooi'i ami Buckets for 25c. w-i admit that she gels 40c. woith of goods. Some new things just in ; Combined Ironing Tables and Slep Ladder, Magic Clothes Dryers, Carpet Beaters, Folding Wash Benches, Ironing Boards, Bread Boards, Bamboo Easels, Enameled Easels, AUItlVKI) TO-DAY 11 New Patterns of FLOOR OIL CLOTH Gl RVI N'S 4and 8 S. Main St. KILLED ON A RAILROAD. Mongled Iteimilns Idoiitillril a 'those of ll Tow llsllllill. qiecinl to l.vrsiMi IlKnALD. Lost Crekk, Nov. 11. At about S:30 o'clock last night as a tattle train on the I.ehlgh Valley railroad was running westaud midway between this place and llrownsviilc tlio ongineor saw by tho flashes of the head light of hiseugine tho mangled remains of a man on the track. The train was stopped aiidtlioreniains picked up and brought here. They woro terribly mangled and hoth legs cut oil". Tho mill was fairly well dressed He was evidently killed by. tho passenger train that left hero for Shyiajmhat8:15 last night." i?'lt-r ' " The body was platcd'in tho freight depot and many people called there during last night and this morning, but failed to Identify it. A hutrlicr book showing that "Joo Subofski" had an account witli a Polish butcher of Shenandoah was taken as a eluo by Constable Joseph l'ctcis, or Win Peiin.and to-day lie suc ceeded, after inquiry at several Shenandoah shops, In cstabishlng the identity of tlio de ceased and finding his widow in that town Mrs. Subofski claimed tlio remains tills after noon and they wero sent to Shenandoah Subofski had been visiting friends lu l. i-t Creek and was walking home when killed Tho place wlieio tlio accident occurred was near tho spot where Conrad Wink nu t hi dentil a few weeks ago. (bit a IllacU Hoar. Hobert Smith, the huckster, bason chihi. tion at his place a live black bear caught i few days ago in Center county. Coot Hall Jluteli. Tho Shenandoah and Mahanoy City f".,r ball teams will play a match game at Hie I rotting park next Saturday, at 3 p. in. Worth seeing Ilruinm's show window display. Kecking Health liuprm oiiiout. William Kelly left tuwn yesterday tor North Carolina in tho interest of his health Ho was accompanied by his brother, Martin TO CtJIti; A COLD IN ONI: DAY Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tlio money if It falls to cure 25 cents. THIS DAY N We received an entire new line of China Ware, which will be sold at prices within the reach of everybody' pocket book. Decorated Cup & Saucer, 35c; real value 50c Salad Dishes, 75c; Bread Plate, 25c; Plate Sets, 25c; $1,00 50c 40c A large line of "After Dinner" Coffees at 25c. each. Never before .sold for less than 3oc.,35C and -10c. Vases at Surprisingly Low Prices.,... See This Handsome Line. F.J. Portz&Son. SHENANDOAH, PA, A CHOICE ARTICLE -OUR BEEF WINE IRON At 50c Per Bottle ONLY AT KIRLIISTS DRUG STORE, 6 South Main Street"