The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 10, 1896, Image 2

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KlTAtll.l'sllKII 18711.
i'uoll-ihc.l rii'rv KciiIiik, 1'icept Sunday, at
S Horxn Takihn hiiikki. Ni.ab t'F-fTKR.
The Hr.lil Is uhivi icri in hioii)iii(1hiii and Iho
urrniimlutK t.wiii Torsi x edits n week, pay
Utile to the tarrler. Ily in. ill ta 00 a ycnr, or all
oettlfl i in-mtli, tfk4tltl' in advancr. Advertlm
tauntH charged w t ordlnr to spiicc ami position.
The uubludier reserve the rtaht tn elmnge the
RwltUm of iwlvertlHeiiieiit whenever tilt' pub
xitloli of ne ws ili niniiiln It. Tim rlaht Is
reservad tn rejeet no-, advertisement, whotiter
paid for or not. th it the puMlnhcm mny deem
Improper. A-lvvrtisliiK rules made known
upon ttiili iitlon
Knfrxl rtttlH- poxtoWc-v nt Mhuimiidosh, I'n,,"
90oml eln.s mull mutter.
Evening Herald
Tl'I.SlUY. 10, 1800.
I'KNNfYl.vvMA leads I lie procession of
Republican suites with 801,MtO majority.
TilK battle ship Iowa will 1 ready lor
set vice in alioiit a montli. HIjo will go to
son for her trial trip before the close of the
week. Thin is tliu most fornildtiblo of our
battle ships ami in the pride of tbo Navy.
Si'Ki i'i.ATioN as to the significance of tho
special mission to Spain In which former
Consul-General at Havana Williams has been
cngngod is sharpened hy the return of
Uoneral Ijce from thu Cuban capital ami the
nature of ills recent remarks.
TlIK otllchtl returns of the olection in this
Mate show that 1,1111,1118 votes Mciocast for
President, of which McKinloy received
7SU.H-J3 nuil Hryau tJ5,21, a plurality of
31)1,1)1)1) fur the former. Four years bonce the
majority will boa round half million.
Till: Spring campaign is opening with tliu
nniiouuioniehls of candidates for Chief Bur
Bess. In the columns of tliu Hkhai.u to-day
will bo found the names of Charles U.
rainie r and l'iorco Walker, who aro w-eking
tliu nomination for that ollico at the hands of
llio ( itiens psity. from now on we muy
expert tu hour the prospective candidates for
borough ofilccs niuke their claims known.
Tm. prospect of an immense uxpause of
business has al ready ull'cctcd the railroads,
(he lumber business, the laud agencies and
olliem to an unprccedenled degree. The
etiolate of a quarter of a million of work'
iimmcii suddenly icstorcd to industry within days of the election is more likely to
I ill bolow than to exceed the fact. By
Thanksgiving Day every man, woman and
cliild in the Union will hare something of
' vi ijmoiial advantage to be thankful for.
Now and then you will hear a morchnut,
,.ytlic Adveitiser, complain that
advertising due not pay, and the aolicltur
i!io tails mi him for business gets a cult
rciusal. "1 put m many lines in your paper
t'iree times last week and I can't trace a
single Mile that pays mc tor my Investment,
fio I have quit." Thus tliu argument runs,
if you can dignify it by that name, and it is
onuii used by soino .shoiiunduuh merchants.
It bchlom occur.! to tlio dinsatiftilcd adver
tiser that the fault is in himi-elf. llo has do
layed writing his advertisement until the last
minute. Then, in a furious hurry, he has
dished oil' u htiiiii of incredible udjcrtivca
and sonio prices lie does not devote to this
vitally important matter half tho attention
lie would give to e.aminiiig into tlio quali
fications of u new ulllie hoy. Tho adveithe
mciit liriigs him no puncptihlo it-turns.
Half a ol t.iu luerehaiil's neighbors
h ive the same arid and uniuterehtlng style of
udvcili-eiiieut in the S.IUIU paior. They all
.grumble and vntu mv rlUiiig to bo little
1. 1 tier than a liuiiihu.-.
It may be well to leiuind these gentlemen
that their advertising would bo more profit
able if jjicy would he content to say K-M in
any yikb uilvciliscuieiit, and to Miy it better.
Del 'nut give the haraiu-huiiting shoppcr
uioru than she can diitusi. This is tho piiu
clplc fullowed out in tlio gu-at dei,irtmcut
Mures, which never dream of advertising
muro than a small poition of their stock at
nuy one tiinu.
A deep and varied knowlodgo of human
nature l tho flr-,t renulsito in advertiing.
To attract and hold tho attention; to per
suade, to convince those aro the psyco-1
1 igit-al piohleins to ho grappled with. A
it i reliant who docs not give his advcitisiiig
t.ic rlosiMt and hardest study has no good
isou to complain of 1'ailurc.
niitor Sherman can hardly be called the
Se,tor of tho Senatii lor moio iciimhis
than "lie; but the fact that Nestor
thimigh "three goncmtioiis of articulatel)
spiaking lueu" uoujil sullu-e to disiiuibi
Initi Hut his wisibim is uicit, even tlnuuli
)., has hue 1 1 nulii uul mil I'lesideiit. The
is, uaturU hut or as hut us ho ever allows
'" iM-lf to he-ii-ni over tho ptopoaal to
call an extra session of the Fifty-filth Con
gress to patch up the taril! law inuider to '
-liUin joeuue to inn the government. I
There is probably nothing but idle guess-1
Work in the discii-sioii of that implied eon-'
tmgency, but the mere luentlon of it is a !
disturbing clement We have now entered
upuu u period of huiu-deferred proapeiiiy. ,
It would lie little short of criminal to
thieatim it Willi an o.lra. semiou uf Con- j
giesit and the dinunliuiice of values that I
must Inevitably acioiiipuny its dolibera-1
From present uppi-aiuiieek, moreover, tbeie i
is not any liki IiIhuhI of tho necessity for such j
lr.isti' nicHsmc". Mere revenue, of course, I
the wintry iniisl h.i .i. Mr. Cleveland has i
u 1 read called mi i migieM to provide it, and
Co )' itrlotlc iti piihlicau House responded
with 1 1 Diligle.N hill. That bill is before the
.senaU Mr. le eland will proliably louew I
liis api"' -I, "d in the new and cordial rcla
tHins' ) iveen the soiiud money Democrats1
mid tlx' Itepublicuns u satisfuctoiy settlement
of til object may he looked for.
All v ho have the interests of the country
ut boait will subordiuiit-u other cousldurations ,
to llui uly of supplyiug the government )
it !i fuiids'uud protecting business from the
disturte-vBee that an extra wsulou canuot fall
t., create. s--
' he less of a -cs for a time tin liettor
In ci.UlltrP-
i-iTin pomrs.
ppttulitic TlirotiK-iout lb Iti'Kluu briiii-
Ideil tor Hasty I'l-rusul.
Tliere are 300 cases on the trial list of the
pieseut term of criminal court.
Surveyors 1-egan work to-day staking out
the proposed electric railway between Ash
land and Centralla.
Division 1, A. f). It., nf I'ottstillo, will
hold its annual ball at Union Hall on Thiu-
day evening. Elaborate arrangement- luivo
been marie for the event and an ciijo.Milde
time is assured all who attend.
John Oalvin will manage his brother's pool
room here, while the latter will open un.dhi-r
at l'ottsville.
There will bo several changes in the pas
senger crews on the Ihigh Valley milioad
on Sunday.
Wagon No. IS, of the Columbia llrewing
Company, which has been rebuilt and re
painted, made its appearance on the stieets
The Chief llurgess yesterday stopped two
street fakirs from selling goods. No license
for street peddling can lie given in this town.
A shooting match between llutler and
Clark, both of (iirardvllle, took place on
Saturday inoining at tlio West Knd ball
grounds, and resulted In a victory for Itntler,
who killed 1 birds out of II, to his opponent's
A grand military ball will bo held in
Armory Hall, (linirdvillc, on Thanksgiving
eve, November 25lh, under tho auspices of
Company 1'., 8th ltegiuicnt, N. (1. of Pa.
Deputy l'rothonntary Dll. Itrennan yester
day went over to llarrisburg. llo was
armed with tho olllclul it-turn sheets of the
recent election, which lie delivered into tho
custody of tho state authorities.
Forty hours devotion begun at t. -Joseph s
church, Mahanoy l'lune, on Sunday.
Three fatal and seven nou-utnl accidents
occurred in this district Inst month.
Ills many friends in Schuylkill county will
lc ploased to learn that Ueorgo Cope, of Mt.
Caruicl, lias been re-elected Commissioner of
Northumberland county by neatly 1,300
Sa ed Ills Daughter.
Another instance wiiero Thompson's Diph
theria One was the means of saving life
comes Irom Charles Karicncr, oi sou in
Willlamsport, I'a., who says: 'Several
months ago my daughter was taken with a I
severe caseof diphtheria. Our physician did
all ho could until she Wmio so weak that he
had to give her up. 1 used Thompson's
Diphtheria Cure and she recovered. 1 credit
her recover)' to this excellent remedy, and
Words fail to express my i-ppreciation of tlio
medicine." For sale nt K.ilin's drug store
at ."() cents a bottle.
. "Sraldy Mill" Defeated.
The fight in New York City last night be
tween "tSculdy Bill" Quinn. formerly the
protege of W. W. Lewis, of Mahanoy City,
and "Dick" O'llrien, of Maine, resulted in it
victory ,for the latter in tho 13th round.
"Soaldy Hill" was knoekod out. The match
was mado for twonty rounds.
Soothing, and not irritating, strengthening,
and not weakening, small but ellective
such aro tho qualities of DuWitt's I.lttlo
liirly Jtisers, tho famis little pills. C. H.
liny Koyttone Hour, lie sure that the name
I.H-sSici A IlAKit, Ashland, l'a 's printed on
every sack.
C lu In;,- Ouotiitliiiis or Ihn Xew York nut
rllllllilelllhlll )IclllIti-s.
New Tohk, Nov. U.-ho iiroaileninicharac
u-r or tne shiok inutKot, ospocially the mn
turtnlly tncronsml activity in low prlcoil am
usually neglected shnres, eoutlnuos adc-eldw
featuto, and (rivos tliu umrkt an old time bul
appearance. Closing bias:
Jtaltimore .V-Ohio 17 Lehigh Valley .. 38).
i;nesn, s initio. .. iifi
Del. is Hudson.. . 12s1 j
D., L. & W lttu4
Klin ... lijj
L ll.i Jrlo ,te W . 1
Lei . . Z'lW . s.4
U. u ,1 is piiui.
New Jersey Con. .107
N. Y. Central.. fliy.
r-euiisylvama. ... fi2
It-aim,' .81
St. .. 7'Ji-
"i . . ii Pr. . y.
(.eliornl Mai'Kets.
J'ltlUMii.hi'UiA, Nov, !). Fumr flrtu : wintoi'
super., .sj..oj; do. uxtras, Si:.irni,.).iij; iVnn
nylvanui romr, clear, U.Miii.h); do. do
straight, fl 4.)3; western winter, clear
WAsi).). Wheat atrong; Novum)) W, H',M
WSiu. Corn ilrlu i November, 30)ti-a),'!0DV4o. Oati
lirm; November, i&aStyo. Hay steady foi
gooil; choicu timothy, ,U.MsU fpr largo bales
llocr steady ; city family, UO.oOcalO. Pork dull
family, ill. Lardllrmer; western stnnm, JJ.53
ltutter stady; waitern creumery, JUe. ; do. wo
U-ctions, ttJj.4-uzle. ; laney state iuel westeri
prints, whole Jlle, le, ; piiats jnlihing at '111
'a. Clie -se Ht'-.-wly ; New Yor.'c hn-KP, 7''i
10' o. ; fancy small, 7'u'0 in- E.;KsUrm ; nearhj
fresh, ile. ; w."tcrn uj., .o . ; n iiitheru do., llo
Live Stuck .tlarkets.
Nhw Yoiik, Nov. u, nuuvra active and
higher; native steers, J.lA(ji5; sutgs and oxen,
7ma-!.iJl;bulls,.,.-.'Uiji..i); drj cows, 11.10!).
Calves active; vouls, WhM; giinsers, W9I1.5U.
HIhk'P and Inmln active: shoe". rLiXUMX:
1 mil,, i.&XQb.'.l4. Hofi higher ut itM'iii.ilL.
Ktsr i.iiiKHTV, fa., Jniv. I). t attle higher;
prune. 41 .Vxal.fJO; nininni, i7,'iii!i).j0; feeders,
jy.ll J ; hulls, sings and e-i,vs, U.-iW.H'i.M. Hog,
a in- ; best Yorkers an - prime mediums, iMki
I'lV.l.); c-ilinii'ili to fat 1 1- Yor;e-s, H.dlKa.;(.W
h'-avi,, r..i.ll0ii.i .a; roughs s:2..j0 'M.40. Si-eep ue
iin ' pniiic, .).,"i5'iui.s i run-, 4.fl.Va.'!.lft; com
lien. .'"iJ-i, choiuo ttuiib,, tl.UOii 1.70; vee'
eal vi s, 4ir-,i ri
Nerves jU3t as aurely come from tho uso of
Hood's Sarsnparilln ns does the cure of
scrofula, salt rheum, or other so-culled
blood diseases, 'ihls is simply because
tho blood bUccIm tho condition of all thu
hones, muscles nnd tissues. If it Is Im
pure it cannot properly sustain these
parts. If made pure, rich, red and vital
lied by Hood'a Warbiiprtrilla, it carries
health instead of disease, nnd repairs the
worn, nervous Hyatt-m as noth'ng else can
do. Thus nervous prostration, hysteria,
neuralgia, heart palpitation, are cured by
Ileoauae it is the One True Blood Purifier.
are the best after-dinner
nOOCl S I-MllS pllls.ald digestion, aso
WanteiMln Idea $
Wbo win think
at.soa) liile
thing to pateutf
l-rotBct your yssjii tliey may brlua you waalta.
I iwVi, Wlilogton. 1). ( . tot their S1.8U0 prlia oer
ud lint ot two iiuniire-i b.vcutlous wanted.
Write JUIIN w ajjukuiil; an A ue., t'aiput Aliur
unis .t I-.SJ-. t-aiput A mi"
"" IJIIMIIIJM in , , ,
IfftflltTirKWftUl'TP i
Tho llnttleslilp Sunk While Umlcreolug
Sllisht Jtepalrs nt Ilrimli lj o.
Nnv Yonit, Nov. 10. Tlio United Stntos
lmttleshlp Toxns Is now nt tho bottom of
the. Wnllnbout chnnnol In llrooklyn, and
tlioro Is every jirospoet that It will bo sov
crnl days lx-friro tho vosiol of wnr enn 1
rnlsetl. Hho Is ns deep down In tho wntcr
n the mud at the cob ilook will permit.
8ho is resMiiR enRily ntnl la not n wreck,
nlthmigh It will take n grout outlay to re
pair the ilnmiiKO done by tho water In her
huh mid cnglno room It Is only one of
tho numeroua nccldonU th-tt havo hnp
iwncd to tho Texas slncusho was luuuched
n fow yours ugo.
Tho Toxns' mnln Injoctlon plpo Wfts re
niovcd for ropnlrB, and tho plpo to son
wnrd wns closed with n blank Hiuiro. The
yoke through which tho vnlvo stom screws j
broke tinder tho water pressure from the
ou'-sldo, and tho pen rushcil In, filling the
stnrlMiard cnglno room nml theuco leaked I
through tho olosed water tight doors and
gradually filled tho portenglno room. The
ship settled down upon tho soft bottom, '
listing two dogrces nnd being socured to i
tho col) dock. '
Socretary Hurbert has ojipointed a court
of inquiry to invostlgnto tho affair. Tho
court will meet nt tlio Now York navy '
yard tomorrow. j
Klllnil by a I'lililtm; Hod. I
CIIICAIIO, Nov. 10. Warren II. Mason, ,
president of the Chicago Acetylene Gas
ami Corbldo ooiiiimuv, died yiterday
from u strange accidont which befell him
iuimH- infill- i itiiinu ill ii-n:i.
tain the time, anil In getting Into tho large
folding lwd jarroil it so tluit tho top fell
over on him. Mr. Mason was sittlni In
an upright position when the bod fell,
catching him in its grasp. Hclatlves,
aroused by his cries, ran to hli assistance,
lint only temporary relief i-ould be given
him, as his backbone hail boon broken.
Mrs." Mason was lying in the boil when
the nee.ldqnt occurred, but escaped unin
jured, air. Mason llyutl until 0 n'tiork
yesterday morning, suffering untold
Kx-Tleimurer .Morrison on Trial.
Tuny, X. Y., Nov. 10. Tho trial of ox
County Treasurer Georgo H. Morrison,
who Is accused of misappropriating $J5'J.
OiK) of Itenssolaur -oiinly funds, begun yes
terday boforo .Justice l'arker. Counsel
for the defendant miidc a motion to post
pone tho trial, Inn it was overruled. Couu
sol for the dofetidaut wero given until to
day to examine tho books of tho National
bank of Troy, which Is at present In the
nanus of tho comptroller of tho currency
and of which Morrison was cashlor up tc
April last. Thesguneral lmprossion pro-
vails that Morrison will pleud guilty tc
tho Indlctmont charging him with felony
in refusing to turn over 8200,000 to his suc
cessor. The Georgia .Scn.ilurshlp,
Atlanta, -Nov. 10 The Danmerats In
tho Georgia legislature yusturday took
twelve fruit lass ballots on a successor to
United Statin Seuntor Gordon Tho thir
teenth ballot resulted as follows: (iov
cruur AV. Y. Atkinson 17, A. S. Clay 47,
H. L. liowis -M. C. A. JLvans 18,
scatterliii' 'M From i ho first to tho thir
teenth ballot Atkinson lost two votoH.
Clay gained ono, Iji'wis remained tho
sumo and Kvaiis gained live As a vote
must bo taken In tho general nisqmbly to
day a resolution was adopted to distribute
tho Democratic vote so that tho Populists
and Republicans could not tnko putt In
the result.
Mrs. Castle LlheriltPiL
LomiOX, Nov. 10. United States Am
bassador Ilayard acted promptly In tho
case of Mrs. AValtcr M. Castle, of San
Francisco, suutoncod to tho Wormwood
Scrubbs prison for shoplifting. Tho am
bassador received u long letter from Mr.
Castle on Saturday, which ho inclosed to
Sir Matthew White ltldley, tho homo sec
retary. As a result of Ambassador Uay
nrd's action Mrs. Castle was liberated to
day, being gran tod a full pardon.
1'rltcharil Ciiliuot ho Jte-olcf ted.
Uai.i.ioii. N. C, Nov. 10 Mr. J. B
Seliulkon. Populist member-elect of tho
the legislature, Is here. Ho says tho Populist-,
will nok vote to return Senator
Priicliard to the senate becau-o ho favors
the -ingle gold standard, but will vote (or
a trie silver man. The Hopubltcans lack
nUhtoen votes of a majority on Joint bjtl
lot, nnd cannot elect Prltehard unltwH
they can get Populist help.
To Itamiuet Chairman llantia.
Ci KVi'LAs-u, Nov. 10 The Union club
if this city i to tondur Hun..M. A. Huiinn
1 testimonial banquet that will lioaselMi
iraie as anything heretofore attempted, In
the i ity. The lxinquat will probably bo
held Nov. 11, and ill all likelihood Major
MoKinley will attond.
fatal I'lmiil In I tut v. I
Homk, Nov. 10. Nearly all the rlveW of
central and northern Italy hvo over.
Unwed. A quarter of the town of Citta dl
Castello has been Hooded, bridges have
been swept away, -evornl person liv
txen ilrowueu and large traots of lud
aavo Iwen desolated.
A Victory lor Solly hinlth.
Loniion', Nov. 10. Solly Smith, of ko
Angeles, Cal , und Willie Smith, th
lcuthci-wclghtohuninlon of Kmrland. en
tered i ho ring of
eiuo oi Loiulon to bos twenty rounds ,l.
ld-J pounds for a purse of fe.500. Soli)
.-iimu won saury iu tne eiguva i-ounu.
To Itulld W.130,000 Ship.
Hai.timoiik. Nov. 10. The Merchant-
und Miners' Truusportatlon company liai
awarded to thu Harlaii-llolllngswoi'tl
company, or lllmlnuton, Del., a con
tract to build a WJ.OOUhliip to ply be twee I
this oily and Uusujii,
The old lady whs right whun slio said, thu
ciiiiu niifiiit mo it tney waitea lor tne uoctor.
She saveil the little one's life with a few
, . s. .-, r ,.,
uoses oi une aiuiuio iougii ,Vuro. ouo uuu
uod it for croup befoie. C. 11. Iugcubuch.
The ,'Ang'r'of a VrtUdovHln Company Ilm
All hurts of Trimble.
Cl.r.VKbANI), Nov. 10. Hobert Powoll, n
ynunir mini living nt No. 178 Snwtell nvo
nuo, tho son of it promlnentclvllunglneer,
roeontly foil heir to n Uttlo monoy, nnd Is
In nil sorts of trouble. A short tl mo ngo
ho beeuiue tho "nno-nl" of vnudovillo
compmiy, lu which ilnurlco Itnymond
wns tho star, nnd continued It on tho road
undor the linino of Powell's Flayers. At
I'nlhosvlllu. O., tho nwiregntlon left with
out .settling hotel bills, mill its trunkl
wore nttnehed and Powell nrrostodln this
city anil tnken back. He got bull nnd ro
turnoil to Clovoland, whoro tho company
Is strnndod.
Whon tho company wns In l'nlnosvlllo
Znidn Chnmbors, tho ll-ycnr-old ilnughtor
of Junius Chnmbors, recently tho editor of
Tho Northwestern Ohio .lounml, of that
city, beenmo stngo struck, nnd tnlked with
Powell and othor mombors of tho com-
puny. I' rom this city Powell wroto to her,
mid she ran away from homo and joined
him hero, stopping alono at tho Hotel Im
perial Sunday night. Yesterday her father
ind a police olllcer found her In Powell's
company. Mr. Chambers took tho girl
homo, and Powell made u second trip to
Pninosvillo under urrost on tho chnrgo of
enticing a child away from homo.
Tlio old way of delivering messages by post-
boys compared with the modern telephone,
i--11"'!';" tllc 01,1 tedious methods of "break,
u con,"V Vi vit'1. h, ir" m."c ""
JI? llwnhliolil
A Mrh'ltt'ii 1'orgnr.
Savawah, (5u., Nov. 10. Major Alfred
Ii. Hnrtrldge, broker, was arrested yester
day for forgery.. Warrants wore sworn
out by tho (iorinnnla bank nnd tho Na
tional bnuk of Havannah. Hnrtrldge wns
attacked with paralysis Saturday, just be
fore tho warrant was issued. An olrlcor Is
now watchinu at his bedside. It Is alleged
that Hnrtrldge raised figures on script for
nineteen shores of Southwestern railroad
stock to ninety, anil one for sixteen
shams to sixty shiirosanil socured tho cash.
He borrowed 410,0.10 from Simon Uorg
& Co., of Now Yurk, on the alleged ninety
shares and negotiated tho script with tho
National laink of .Savannah. To cover up
his loss and pay the bank what hud boon
advanced on It last Friday Hartridgo went
to the (iermaula ban; and borrowedfcT.OlK),
giving a draft on Simon llorg & Co. Pay
muut was refused yosterday.
Scaly eruptions of tho head, chapped hands
and lips, cuts, bruises, scalds, burns arc
uuicklv cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Hilvo. It is at present the article must used
mi piles, mm il uiiyhj'.s eiues uieiu. v.. ji.
buys Ho AVns Itnhlicit nt Diamonds.
Chicago, Nov. 10. J. Hormiin,iijoweler,
whoso plaeo of business Is on tho tenth
floor of tho Masonic Temple, told tlio po
lioe yesterday afternoon that two men had
entered his ollico, bound and gagged him
and his cleric, C A. McCtirty, and then
carried olT diamonds vulued at ?l,000 and
about i 1011 iu currency. Theroaro feature-,
about the story toldbyHormuii that niako
tho police a liitlo skeptical of a robbery
having boon committed, but thoy tiro
working to catch tlio alleged thlevos.
(leuernl AVejler Leaves Ilatnua.
Havana, Nov. 10. Cnptuin General
Woyler bus taken the Held In person
against tho Insurgents under Antonio
Macco In tho province of PInar del Itlo.
Nows from tho front status that tho Span
ish columns are approaching clone to tho
enemy, General Woylor loft Havana on
lionrd of tho crulsor Leguzpy, his destina
tion being tho port of Muriel, provlncoof
l'inar del Itlo. From Muriel, It is under
stood, the captain will go south
ward by tho highway to tho town of
Artcmlsn. .
Sennr 1H Lome Not ICecMlccl,
Washington, Nov. 10. Senor Uepuy
Ho Louie, tho Spanish mlnlstor, would not
bo Interviewed concerning tho report pub
lished here yomerday that ho was to bo re
called, but iont word to reporter that
there wns no truth In tlio report, which
also was nut crcditod at tho statu doptfrt
ment. To euro all old sores, to heal an indolent
ulcer, or to speedily cure piles, you need
simply apply DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
according to directions. Its maglc-liko ac
tion will surprise you. C. H. Hagenbiieh.
ltocliefeller's Appeal Sustained.
ST. PAUL, Nov 10. John I). Itocko-
feller comes out ahead In his appeal from
the JOlO.tKjO verdict rendered against him,
and In favor of Alfred Morrltt, of Duluth,
in tne uniteit states- district court The
United States circuit court of appeals yes
terday ordered tho case back to the lawei
court, with Instructions for anew trial.
Merritt sued for damages on tho chargt
that there had been fraudulent misrepro
koiitntlon by Rockefeller of the financial
standing of two mining corporations, und
ksoureu the above verdict.
Iteilueing llltllluluoiia Kates.
New Yoiik, Nov. 10. The Ohio bitumi
nous coal roads have been ouifagud In c
florce ilht since July 1, tho date of th
expiration of the old uoul pool, nnd. ns k
result, the lowest prices for hltuintiiou-
ooul Hiid the lowest rates for carrylnii It
ever known in tho history of the com
jianlbS li.ivo lieen nm.lo. Tho Jlaltimori
and Ohio und the Clevoland, Lur-atu nuc
WheolliiK have been must aggressive Is
cutting prices and in luvodLuif the terri
tory of their compotitai-s.
OulirornlK's Woniau hnlfrHRe Vote.
Bak I'iACIfco, Nov. iu. The women
who fouirht so well for the right of su
fnure lu California are lilehly elated at tin
result or their contest as sliown by thi
latest returns. They consider tholr defeat
a virtual viotory, beouuso of tho great volt
polled. Incomplete returns from till conn
ties shuw that thu sutTritgonmeuduiunt r
celved In round numbers 80,000 votes
While ft'i.OOU wero oast against It
to cum: a cold in nu hay
Tako Laxative Droino Quinine Tablots. All
druggists refund the iiionoy if It falls to cure.
S3 cents.
f-irort of the Oovrrniiient to Dcclnro tlio
llerlllier l'lltelils Void,
AYasiiinoton, Nov. 10. The case of the
United States against tho American Hell
Telephone company was argued In tlio
United States supremo court yesterday.
In some respects the rase is regarded as
amnng the most Important before the
curt, as it Involves the validity of the
Uerllncr patents, owned by the liell otim
pauy. Attorney General Harmon, Solici
tor General Conrad and a number of nt
torneys representing special Interests ap
pear in connection with the suit of the
United States, while tho Hell company
has a heavy array of counsel. Tho United
States' claim Is that the patent is void.
The attorney general olnlms that the Hell
Telephone company "designedly nnd with
Intent to thereby prolong Its monopoly
dolnyed and prolonged tho pendancy of
thi" application for patent for more than
thirflnm years nfter Its control of tho
patent." Tho company maintains that If
there was any slownoss it wns tho not of
tho plaintiff Itself, tho United Stntos. In
tho United States circuit court for Massa
chusetts the contentions of tho United
States were sustained. Iu tho circuit court
of appeals this decision was reversed. The
oaso now conies before tho supremo court
us an apiwal by tho United States from
tho decision of the court of appeals.
Iteccptlou to Senator Jones.
Hopk, Ark., Nov. 10. -A publlo recep
tion was tendered Senator JamosIC. Jones
at tho Opera Housoln this placo yosterday
aftornoon. People cntiio Into town from
nil over Homestead county to welcomo tho
senator, nnd tho Opora House was liter
ally puckod. Senator .Tones spoko for an
hour or more on the campaign and tho ob
stacles that had to bo mot. Ho said that
while they hud lost the oloctlon they had
not lost tho light. Tho cause of silver was
stronger today than it wns when the cam
paign openod, and victory was assured In
11)00. Ho paid a high tribute to 'Wllllnm
J. Hryau, and snld he had inndooiio of the
most wonderful lights that had ever been
mado by any loader. He avid that ninny
worklngnien had lxen frightened into
voting again? t Hryau hy the closing down
of factories.
"I.xcnse mc," observed the man in spec
tacles, "but I tiro a surgeon, nnd that is not
where the liver is." "Nevier you mind
whore his liver is," retorted the other. "If it
was in his big toe or his left oar DeWitt's
Little Karly Ilisors would reach it and shake
it for him. On that you can liet your gig
lanips." C. II. nagenbiR'h.
Murder Mystery at Morrlstnwnr N. ,T.
MoKlilHTiiwv, N. J.. Nov. 10 Fritz
Dfillnlns, an aged Frenchman, was brut
ally niiirdorod at his home here, where he
lived alone, Saturday night. His dead
body vis discovered yesterday by his son,
who lhod in tho adjoining house. Dollu
ias, who kopt a small store, Is known to
havo been alivo at H:30 Saturday night.
The old man's head hud been badly bat
tered by a heavy Implement, probably it
hummer, one oyo h id been gouged from
its nocket, and the nose was broken. Half
a stab wounds wero discovered on
the body 'find neck, any ono of which
would havo caused death. Tlio cause of
tho murder Is Iwlloved to be robbery.
Thoro Is no clew to tho murderers.
Absolutely pure, porfoctly lmnnless, and
invariably reliable are tho qualities of One
Minute Cough Cure. It never fails in colds,
croup nnd lung troubles. Children like it ho
cntiso it is pleasant to take and It helps them.
C. H. Hiigenhuch.
When you want good roofing, plumbing
gas fitting, or genoral tinsmithing done call
on E. F. Gallaghor 18 West Centre street
Dmlor ir stc-es 1-tf
fighting the Wire Trust.
Indianapolis, Nov. 10. Tho case of
Lewis C. Urampk, of Cincinnati, against
the American Wire Nail company,, the In
diana Wire Fenco company, and a dozen
other Individuals and corporations
throughout tho country,, alleged to com
pose tho wire trust, camo up. before United
Stntos Judge liaker yesterday. Tho plain
tiff is a manufacturer of wire-nails of Cin
cinnati, who alleges that ho entered into
contract with an Anderson, Intl., tlrm for
forty-two wire null machines. Ho alleges
that tho wire nail trust, by money and
throats, causod tho Andorsou company to
violate the cantrncts and .prevent him
from securing machines olsowhoro, thus
ruining his business. A temporary In
junction was granted ponding trial of tho
llellefontuliio'S lluiikruptcy.
Spiungfield, Oi, Nov- 10. Hollefon
tnlno, the famous load option town north
of hero which was recently coniiolU'd to
discharge its pollco forco because of hiek
of funds, Is now on. tho evo of giving up
Its electric lights. Tne electric light trus
tees havo notified the city council that
they must have tit least $3,000 Immediately
orhut tho works down. The trustees aro
heavily In debt for-tuel, etc., and delino to
tako any further risk for tho bankrupted
town. Tho bitterest porsonul feeling still
prevails, und tho wrangle between "wets"
and "drys" (too on.
Sick-poison- is what makes you sick, irri
tates your nerves, disordors your functions
saps your strength, makes you miscrablo.
Different dlsoasos have different poisons,
sonio have several, Indigestion more than
any. ,
That is, tho symptons of indigestion are
canted by tho poisons which are created by
undigetted food.
W'lmu you are sick, try to get rid ef your
It is cosier than you think, for all nature is
helping you. Only the poison is, obstinate,
but the fir step ii t,o go to the root of it.
The. poisons of undigested food, which
cause lethargy, hcadaoho, disslness, weak
ness, liatl taste, stoiuacb-aohe, fever, llatu-1
leu ce, nausea, counttpatloii, loss of appetite, j
jaundice, anaemia, nuumlcut, rheumatism,
etc., these poisons can he swept away and
annihilated by the Shaker Digestive Cordial.
Curing the stomach aud helping it to di
gest food, when it is too weak to do so hy
Itself, will purify your system of poison nnd
renew your strength and health.
Kliakor Digestive Cordial, a pure, vegota-
bio, digostivo tonic, made by the Shakers ef
Mount Lebanon, will cure nil disorders
caused by tbo poisons of undigested food
when nothing else will give any rollof.
Sold by druggists. Ten qents for a trial
Write for a book on food. Address The
Shakers, 30 Rondo Street, New York.
ID YOtI HYEn sutTer fr-iro real nor
TOtwness? When every nurvo eoorncd
to quiver with a necullir. rrennv
feeling, first In one nlace, and then another
and nil noerocd finally to conccntrato in a
wrltilng-Jisajble in tho brain, and you bc
cotao irritable, fretful and peevish: to bo
followed by an Impotent, weakened condi
tion of tho nerve centers, rinjln; in the
ears, ana sleepless, miscrablo nights?
Dr. Miles'
Mrs. Eugcno Scarles,
110 Eimontoa St., Elk
hart, Iud., cays: "Ner
vous troubles had mado
ma nearly lnsano and
physicians oro unable
to help tne. My memory
was almost gone and evory little thing
worried me I was almost distracted.
I really feared I was becoming & maniac. I
imagined all sorts of evil things and would
cry over nothing. I commenced taking Dr.
Miles' Restorative Nervine and four bottles
of tht3 wonderful remedy completely cured
mo, and I am as well now as 1 over was."
Dr Miles' Nervlno Is Bold on guarantee,
first bottlo will benefit or money refunded
j. .HHH-MttlllH' l
I Take No Substitute..
tWl of Ihe'Amerirrn 1 rlf. No OthcT U
4,justtUood." Bint Infant rood. i T
pei79a. Railroad.
f-iceTKMnnn 20, lKOC,
Trains rlll leave Shenandoah lifter tho ftVo"
date for WIr-kbus, Gilberton, Fraokvllln, Ilhtlr
Water, Ht. Cl.-ilr, l'ottsville. Ilnmbiirg, Readlnc,
I'ottstown, Phoenlxvllle, Norristown nnd Ptul.
ndclphla (llroad street station) at COS and U -JS
a. m. nml I 20 i. in. on week days. For Toxin
villa and intermediate stations 9 10 a. lu.
For Wiirjrans, Olllierton, I'rnckvllle, Dsrt
Water, St. Clair, l'ottsville, nt 0 OS, 9 -10 a. m. ktiiI
8 10 p. m. For Hamburg, Ilending, Pottstown.
l'hoinlxvlllc, Norristown, l'lilladelphla at H 00
9 lOli. iu., 3 10 p. tn.
Trains leave Frackvlllo for Shenandocili at
10 40a. m. nml 1211, (SOI, 7-12 and 1017 p. as.
ijonday, 11 13 n. in. nnd 5 to p. tn.
Lcnvo l'ottsville for Shenandoah at 10 15, 11 48
a. m. and 4 -10, 7 15 and 10 00 p. u. Sunday at
10 40 a. in., 5 13 p. m.
I-enve rnilnuelplua, (liroau street ntntlonj, lor
Shenandoah nt 5 57 and 8 85 a. in., 4 10 and 711
m. week days. Sundays leave nt o 50 n. id
Leave Broad street station, Philadelphia, lot
Sen CJlrt, Anbury Park, Ocean trovo, Lou,
lirancn, nnu liiterinetilato ktntlons, l oo, o.oo, e..s
liMHa. in,. 2 3S. 3.30. 4.05 n. in. week-dnys. 5 0-3
Saturdays only. Sundae (top nt Interlaken
lor.siitiry t'arKi, -1 iw, a
Lave itrouu Mreet tntlnn, I'lilinueipuin,
13xpres, weekxlays, 3 20, 4 OI, 4 B0, 5 15, 6 50,
33, 820, 9 50, 1021 (I)iliilll; Car), 1100a. ni.
12 0) noun, 12 35 (Limited 100 and 122 p. iu.
DlnlliK Cars), 1 10, 2110 (I)lnlni; Cnr) 3 20,3 50,
4 01), 5 00, 5 511 (Dining Carl , 0 00 0 50, 8 12, 10 00,
p. 111., 12 01, Illicit Sillidnys, 3 20, 4 05. I SO, 5 15,
8 20, 8 33, '.I no, 10 21, Dillinar Car, It 03 n. lu.,
1235,230 DllllnsrC'arl, 1 00 Limid422Dlnlns
Car, 5 20,350, Dining Car, 0 33, 0 50,812,10 00
p. m., IJOl ingot.
Lxpress for Itoston without clinnse, 1100 a.
in., week-days, and 0 50 p. m., dally.
For Bnltlmre and Wnlhtnirton, 8 50, 7 20, 8 81.
10 20, 1123 n. in., 12 09 (1131 Umlted Die-,
lnit Car), 112. 318, 4 41 (519 CouKreaslonsI j
Limited, DlntiiK cur), 6 17, ei (inning car; .
758 (Dininir Cnr) n. m.. and 12M nlgh.J
week days. Sundays, 3 50, 720, 12, 1123-8.
m., lu-j l iu, 4 -il, a 10 t;ongre?aonniartralieu,
Dining Car), 055 (Dlnliuz Car), .rSS p. tn.
? Car), jTSS p. tn.
,ke, Hi (mar. Ocean
Lontf itranch, 6 60,
il 4up, m, week
(Dlnlnir Cnr) ami 12 m nlK'it.
For Sen Glrtr, Spring Lk
tirove. Asiiurv 1'urK nnu i
8 25 and 11 39 n in.. 3 30 and 4 vO 'p.
ilnys. Sunilays, H 25 a. m. m
Leave Broad stieet station. Lntladolnhla (via
Delaware river bridge), expff, 7 02 p. in.
dally. g
I-eavo Slnrket street Ferry, 'kxpress. 8 50 a. m..
2 00, 4 CO, f 00 p. in Sundays, 8 15,9 15 a. in.
Aeeoniuiiiiintion, ou, 20, u.(ui uai nml 4 31
p. m., week days. Sundays, Y 00, 8 15 a. la., 4 00
nnd 5 00, u. in. I
For Cnoe May. AnglespeA, wildwood ann
Hollv lleneh. and Sen lute City. Oeeau City nnd
Avalon Exprees, 900a. in., 4 00 p m, week
days. Sundays, 9 00 a. m.
Jl.xpresH, v iv a. m., anil .ou, m p. m.
w-ek days Sundays, 8 50 n. in.
For Somers Point. Hxprosa, 8 50 a. m,, 4 00
p, ni, week days. Sundays, 8 45 a.m.
8. M. Phevost, J. It. Wood,
uen i lanager. ticn'i t'ass g'r Agn
A genuine welcomo waits you at
Cor. Hata and Coat Sts.
finest wbULcey, oeorf porter and ale
constantly on tni. Olioloeempcranco drlnke
and ciirftra.
Wholesale anil Retail
Litquor Dealer.
Cigars, ToUmko, &c. Agent for Rending
Itrewtiift Co.'s Deer and Porter.
11 3 and 11a S. rviialri Sit
Cured by this (tronular effervescent and stimu
lant. An iii.tinit euro for sour stomachs nnd
headaches, which often accumulate from having
a night out. ,
17 und 10 Peach Alley, Shenandoah
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvety softness of the skin is Inva
riably obtained by those who uso PozzoMt'a
Complexion Powder.