The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 09, 1896, Image 2

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    '1 rz-j'wmTr
i.srAitt,isin:i ik?o.
i'libllihcf! i-wry I'.vLMilinf, Kxcept Sunday, at
Hot'Trt Jahimn Htkkkt. Nkak Ckktrb.
The Ihmihl tn deilvrtcd In KlienaminiHi and the
aurrotindliiff tnwnnforfllx cent it week,
4ble to the cnrrlcra. Hy mull SB.00 a year.or 35
tmnin a month, pity utile In advance. Advcrtlw
metttn churned uei-ordlnn: tinttwtct und jMMiItloii.
Tho piilillnhern reerve the rttfht to the
ponltlmi of advertlementn wlionevcr tin puli
' 11 cation of news demand It. Tti rlnlit In
renerVfd to reject, any advertisement, whether
ptd for or not. Mint the publisher iwty deem
Improper. Advertising ratw made known
upon application,
Entered nt tho poptolllee nt Shenandoah, Pa,, a
ftecond clans mall mutter.
T K I - K I 1 1 ON K ( 'ONN HOT 1 OX,
Evening Herald
llHKrKiNKUK.K wo defeated in Kentucky,
as he deserved to 1)0.
Tin: Democrat will havothroo lopresenta.
tives in t'ongre., but only one of tlieui Is an
avowed Ilrynuilu.
'Tools step in where angels fearto tread,"
is applicable to Watson Shepherd's caw.
Luckily, however, his siibstllulo was not 11
Cjiawpoku l onnty, tin' homo of William
II. Andrews, which gave Harrison 1,000
majority, on Tuesday reversed thoH figures
anil gave llryiin 50(1 majority.
In tliv anm tity of liomp, anay from the
cares anil perskvities of political warfare
.Tmncs It. Ifcilly is quietly but pleaantly
rcviewini! tin- ill -bnliine of tho nominees of
the late Deumiratii' convention.
Hotii political
effort to have the
pricincts in each
l'iflh wards. The
paitics should make an
emu t ciealo two polling
of the Tlrst, Third and
i h c tiun of Tuesday clearly
demonstrated tin I'.u t thai this is necessary.
Ilesides, It would iclicve the election builds
and enable tin in to compute tho voto in otic
half the time it now takes. If something of
this kind is nut done it will soon be difficult
to get anyone to serve as an election officer.
"Tin: Solid .xuiilh" has not been broken
op as yet, but Tuesday's election nicked it
ladly about the edges. Republican vie
toiies in Maryland, West Virginia ami Ken
tucky, with l"rg' Itepiihllcaii gains in
1 lorhl.i. Texas, Tennessee, North Carolina,
Virginia and Missouri, give promij-o of tho
tally dissolution of the Democratio willdlty
that bus held the South in chains and
retarded lier development for thopnst twenty
Tim Malianoy City Tribune furnishes tho
following sturtliiig pine of political news:
' Tho fictions are united. The leiiult of
Scualoi Penro-c's visit to town on Monday
evening was tho cause of unbracing and
reuniting tho element which have so long
been at war in our midst. It all wound up
in a grand love feast at Mci:ihenny's enfo at
night, to which only the prominent leaders
were inviled I'oiuoso brought the olhe
brain h. lly-gonos will now be forgotten und
nvo me nsMiicd a united party."
s a general thing the defeated candidates
iiro taking tho result of Tuotduy's election
philosophically, but there appears to bu at
leiust ono candidate who cannot viow his de
feat in the tame light. The contest ill thu
Second legislative district was a spirited one,
and luucli nioney was tiMil, The election of
Keillor bo thoroughly digu-tcd his opponent,
tluat the latter huschauged his place of abode.
A day or two after the result bentmo known
Mr ltocker, the dif'caicd candidate packed
up his hoiibchold goods and shipped them to
New York city, nnd llany will make that
place bin future abode. Tho people of the
Ssecouii in.sirii t, appaieutly, are losing no
lcep over tho fuct that one less Democrat
now resides in Ctiruidvillo.
ItKcn.NTI.Y a woman wrote ton mwspiipe
saying last summer she estuhlishul a Miialj
-electrical plant in her hoino and that she
sisesit for beating, for cooking, for cooling
tho rooms by moans of fans, for making ice
cream, for call bells and for burglar alarms.
There seems to be a n ide field in this for
electrical geniuses who have been confining
themselves to the invention of phonographs
viUscopes ami other things which i-linply
nuiuse. The possibilities of electricity in thu
h niseliold uio boundless and the tired Shen
andoah husband would no longer have to get
up and build a tire in the cold winter morn
ings, lie would simply in ess n button In
tho wall, and presto! when his wife went
downstairs the kettle would be hinging its
hcorfiil song, tho kitchen would bo warm
and everything ready for breakfast. Surely
peace would nigu over all tho house ami
tliere would boa taste of the inllleuium if
-i h conditions wi ro possible in all holms.
The recent election in Schuylkill count'
pm-ents many phases, and the moro tho re
turns are sciinned by tho victorious army tho
more have they leason for congratulation.
This county was looked upon by the Demo
cratic managers as certain to return a largo
majority fur llryan, mid theru were to ho
found Itepuhlicaiis w lio concedid the county
to the silverilen The Itepublican organiza
tion, howevei, inlirid the contest with much
confidence, iciliiug that the number of gold
DouioemU would far exceed the diswitla
fai tion ill our ranks caused by tho tlescition
of what were known us llryan liepublicans.
And their cnulldiince hi the patriotism of toe
I),'intcrts was nut misplaced, and to tlietn is
due part of I lie victory. Their muriilccn
w. re grMti r, and Major McKiuley recogniics
their services i inly words, worthy of olio
who Us been called to lill tho highest posi
tion within the gilt of tlio American people.
u reviewing the contest in this county,
ami Unsuccessful termination, from a llejuib
loan stiiudpoiul. the elt'eetive work of Chnu
la.ia liJwanls aiel his col league cannot le
overlooked. They are deserving of nun h
praiHh ud have lieeu the recipient of many
.oiirtultory letter for the uuwteily
iiiailuar in which they dlretl the light. Mr,
IMwtrtja, although haialioiippod at thu i
l'gliiilp of ' th otmiaigH, wa until-'
inn, dPlent ud eUldent, arid the fist tliatj
I . efforts a re orow lied with a glorloui viclory
lnu-t iniUi d In usourt of nun li grntilb ution
to himself iei'iiimllv mid bii fiii nds
Thr ini'inhers ol I he county coinlnittrc
nobly wronded the chairman's efforts, and
the executive committee, with chairman
John 1". rinnoy t I ji head, was composed
principally of old -is1ni)siiorti who figured
cxtcliilvely In the good work. Especially is
this true of tho ctfiiinltteeinan from tills
town, where our Democratic friends wcro
confidently oxpectlng a majority ranging
anynliuiu lictweeu tlx Hlld seven hundred.
Whllo llryan only rarriud tho town by a
plurality of ltd, the average malnrity of tlio
Democratic candidate is but Sill. This in
itself is enough glory for one day for the
local lUipiibllcan managers, and tliey ato
deserving of much pmlto.
In enumerating tho forces at work and
tvliirli culminated in the victory recorded on
Tuesday, the effective work accnmplished by
the "rural press" must not be overlooked,
The nowspapers of tile Interior are not con
trolled by the CMiitirtns of the dispenser of
county pntronage or moved by forces con
cealed from or unfamiliar to their leaders.
Tho Interior press helps to crystal! and
mould public sentiment. Guided by honest
piluclplos and speaking from convictions,
they are given lespeetfnl consideration and
often lead public tciitimcnt in its direction.
Their work during tho campaign just closed
ealiuot bo too highly estimated.
And among all the county newspapers, the
Jlmtuj) occupied a prominent position. It
lias been tho recipient of many kind words,
for the work it lias performed, nnd it is with
pardoniiblo prldo that wo refer to the small I
Democratic majority icceived In Shenandoah
'n evidence of tho aggressive debt made by !
the lil.H vlii for sound money and protection,
and the leturu of Kepublicati rule
' ''"'itsrl, Inst.
county, hince the present management i
assumed control of tho paper, its standard ,
lias been raised to a much higher plane, and 1
its steadily ineioaslng'clrctilatlon shows very ot D. C. Smith, nt I'ottsvillc.
clearly that the iople aplneclato our ellorts i William Thomas, son of (ieorge Thomas, of
I,. (l,o( ,llicil,,n ti, .,,.M.ri ,.u...ii.i.,iu!(ii"'crton, had his leg badly broken lu tho
inu ninuivuuii lilt ulls Ul ine J I Ml- I
ALU, as evidenced by their kind
words of congratulations and nono I
have moio reason to rejoice in the '
victoly just now than the IIkiiald. t.'nlike
801110 of our contemporaries, we did not And I
it necessary to resort to abusive language in
presenting tho issues of the campaign to our
We take this opportunity of extending our ! ,)r,lerg -mvo Wn ,,,, 1)y ,,, ltehWt
tliauks to those who have expiosscd their up-1 Valley oillclalsto all their shop employes, in
preclation of our efforts, and in lccognltiou i eluding Delano, that beginning with to day,
of the same will continue to cuuduct the J they will work six days a week and nine
HiiHAMi upon thosamo high plane of journ
alism that has marked its coun-e since the
piotuut management assumed control.
Ilo Volt Know of Any Ono?
Do you know of any one in your neighbor
hood who has diphtheria, croup, quinsy, sore
throat, or is any way troubled with throat
aJlectinnsY If so by all means advise them
to iiso Thompson's Dlphtheiia Cure. Your
friends will thank you all through life if
they use this medicine according to instruc
tions and learn that it podtlvely cures all
disi uses it claims, and especially diphtheria,
which Is tho most di-e.tdcd ol all diseases.
Sold at Klrliu's drug stole at ."0 cents a
Don't trllle away time when you have
cholera morbus or diarrhoea. Tight them in
the beginning Willi Ik Witt's Colic nr.d
Cholera Cure. You don't Imvo to wait for
ii'siills, they aro instantaneous, and It leaves
the bowels in healthy condition. C. II.
Tommy Waters on tho Itesiill.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Waters, Jr., the
theatrical sketch artists of town, aro now on
a tour thloogh tho Tvow- J.nclum! states
Tin y s. ml through the Ili.i:u.,i their good
wishes to friends hero and iii-companing tlio
letter is an original song Mr. Waters hang
with groat success befoio an audience at
Duiway, New Hampshire, on the night
following election day. Tho mug runs as
follows :
The elei lion it is over nnd Hie Democrats nre
Yes. they nro. Jnileeit tfif-vnre.
Melvlole) hois Joyful, whllo poor ltrynu he is
Yes, he Is Indeed bcrls
llryan traveled 70,CO0 miles anil made 300
Ho thought tbftt when ho enme out list
q'hnt ho w-oilh! he some lieachc.
Hut the voters they knew nil the time
That his w Ifc she wore tlio hnMwbe-,
Km he'ii left-lia.lly left.
Ilrynn thought ho'd be elected to the prcslil
cntlal seat,
Hut ho wasn't no, he wasn't.
He thought that in the nice old Hill McKlnley
he w ould bent,
Old Hill was veey quiet, "Just Walt!" isnlllio
sul.l ;
And while Ilrynn stumped the country
MeKii Icy went to hed.
Now McKinlcj- can soak his ilixitH
And poor llryan can son): his head;
Yes, ho can he's up tho flue.
Now McKlnley Is elected and w-e hope for
Letter d.iys,
Yes. wo do. Indeed weilo.
We're willing to do a full ilny'n work,
Hot w e w..nt n foil day's pay,
Yes, we do. Indeed we do.
We fought for Protection, nnd you liet vour llfo
we woo
Now our creditors from onl riiglaoil
Wi will give them all the run ;
oil our wages w ill lie paid in gold,
I-. ,r silver's on the hum.
Yib, it Is. lie said enough.
Ih essential to
health. Every nook
and corner of tho
system Is reached by tho blood, and on
its quality tliuconilitlonot every organ de
pends. (Jood blood means Btrong nerves,
good digestion, robuBt health. Impure
blood means scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma
tism, catarrh or other diseases. The surest
way to have good blood is to tnko Hood's
Sarsaparllla, Tills modicino purifies, vi
talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends
the elements ot health and strength to
overy nerve, organ and tissue. It creates
i a good appetite, gives refreshing Bleep
ami cures that tired feeling. Remember,
In the liest In fiwttbe Ono True Tllood I'urlfler.
j ii if ii euro I.lver IlUi AMy to
MoOtrS Fills takc,6ay tooi.crate.Sta.
llHipi.iiugs Throughout the Itrgion (,1mm
lf led lor lln.ty 1'emsal. j
The peoplo of Sheppton aro inaugurating a j
seworagc system.
Iloppes llros. will erect a lnaintnuth nrain
elevator at Malianoy City.
l'ottsvlllo charges $10 a day for tho use of
their road roller to Mlneravlllo.
Tho '. 0. H of A. will placo Hags in the
new school building at (llranlvillo.
The large safo in tho Controller's office ha
lieeu removed for use at tho Almshouse.
C'omiiany II, X. 0. I'., of Malianoy City,
will eclebrato their IKStli anniversary Friday
The Schuylkill Counly Medical Society
will meet in l'ottsville to-morrow and elect
"Miss l'hllndelphla" will be the attraction
at the l'ottsvlllo Academy of Music on the
88rd Inst.
The colliery employes at St. Nlrl'iolns vVHl
be jntld to-morrow. Those at Mahlmoy t'ily
were paid on Saturday.
It is estimated that over 5,000 changed
hands at Shamoklii on Kulp'.i election, and
tho sumo amount on tho county and state.
Thomas liaynoa, of (lllbortnn, Inul an eye
soVorely Injured by a piece of coal striking it.
It is feared that ho will loso tho sight in It.
Ilev. D. I. Kvnns, niorof tho Welsh Ilap
tlst church, occupied tho pulpit in tho church
of tho same denomination nt fct Clair yester
day. I)r. J. W. Sallado, of lVittsv lllc, has been
appointed a member of tho Hoard of Vetcrin
aty Medical llxainincrs by Governor Hast
ings. William Orcen lias been appointed night
policeman for Oirardvlllo at a halary of $10
lier month, to bo paid by tho business n
n of
tlmt l'1".
. Tho wedding of O.K. Waters, omph.yed
ill tho Delano coal office, and Miss liurn
I lluilov. nf Dinvilln will I ah,, ,.!,.,. ,, II,..
The funeral of Otvvay Sliuinway, wlinso ,
death occurred iirDonvor, Col., took place 1
this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the leslilence
mine by a wagon tunning over it. He was
. , ... , i,., M ri l,,..,.!. ,1
The Tamaqiia Iieeonlcr is ospectlng n big
boom in mining in that vicinity ui a result of
the re-orguiiiation of the Heading, and its
policy of developing Idle propertied.
Hevival i-crvices are being held pi the M. 13.
' hiirch of Malianoy City. Ilev. Heebnor, of
i town, will preach there l'lidny night, nnd
Ilev. John Dyton, of Wm. l'eini, on Wednes-
,lov itlnl.t
hours lr day.
A rewind of J230 is offered for knowledge 1
of i:l. I'ollok, ot (107 ' Hundcock street,
lirooklyn, X. Y. I'ollok was last heard of in i
York on August 30 last, and was entiras-lug
witli spectacles. Ho Is a member of the
lloyal Aicauinm.
Muianoy City. Xov. U. Victor Azzi was
arrested and taken before .liihtfru Ilrciiuam on
a charge of jumping his hoard bill. lie was
about to start for Italy. Ho gave a power of
attorney for $1(1, but there was only 83 cents
due him at the colliery. When about to bo
locked up he settled.
The homo of John Kates, of Coles' Patch,
was the weno of a pietty wedding Saturday
evening. The principals wcro Miss Hannah
Kates and Joseph Urown. Kev. S. V.
Nicholls, pastor of the 1'rlmitivo MctlimlUt
church, officiated.
Ily the will of tho late Mrs. L. M. Thomp
son the Presbyterian church is to riceivo the
annual interest on the sum of JKiO and Key.
A. M. Woods, tho pastor, roccivcK a like sum
in cash.
The Delano shops have resumed operations
on a schedule uf six days a week of nine
hours eauli.
The friicral of Miss Kato H. Ilritz took
placo this morning. Services were hold in
St. Kidclis' church and interment in tho
parish cemetery. The pall bearers wore
Messrs. Ucorso M. Meyers, Frank KastUu,
Josoph I'loppert, John Shuth, Charles Adams
and Wilson Keiser.
County Controller U. II. Severn spent last
evening in town as tho guest of C. C. Bur
chill. The flve-inilo bicyclo race between Howard
llurchill, of town, and Patrick Hylandt of
Park I'laceati Lakesido on Satui day, resulted
in an easy victory for llureliill In 1(1 minutes
and 40 set-uols.
The only colliery workfng in this vicinity
is tho Schuylkill. The others aro idle oivac
count of tho recent flooding. Tlio Knicker
bocker colliery started uptliis morning and
tho Hllangowan also started up, although
thoro were four feet of water at tlio bottom
of tho slopo.
Edith Longun, 14 yoarsold, wairuaovor
and killed-by train ut Wllllumsport, l'a.
AtStnrko, ITn., Arthur Hoborts kllleil
his brotlwir John foriitttmptlngto assault
his wife.
Hnllott; Alscop Horrawo was marrlod In
Xow York on Friday to Miss Annio Cor
bin, daughter of the lute Austin Corbln.
Tho friends of liovcruor Stono, of Mis
souri, will endoavw to liavo him olectcd
United Statos senator- to succeed Senator
Miss Francos K. 'Wlllard.prcslilontof tho
Women's Christian Temperanca union.
arrived at Xew York from European Sat
urday. ,
Tlio jubilee asconsloii fotos In honor of
Queen Victoria's jubilee, In Juno, will
probably bo tho grandest tho world bus
Consul General' Loo, our representative
lu Cum, Is visiting his wifo and children
at Charlottesville, Vn., wluiro tho chil
dren aro at suhool.
John I). 1 1 el Cert, of Llewellyn, and Rninia
D. Hull, of Mt. Cui-mel. v
James Slioll'at.ill and Mary 1.. Horn, both if
Donaldiwiu. '
(Ieorge Smith and I'va Yarincend, both of
Peter I'aulovskl, of Slienandoah, and Klllo
Keschlya, of llridgepoit, (;onn.
Victor Ijipinsky and Maggie Sherplnsky
iKith uf Malianoy City.
Andrew Hostal und Hannah KrUtonclick,
oth of yliihauoy City.
Ili'L'iU Ki'tMirdeil,
.luM'jili 1,1 nt as and wife to ,!ob n S. 0iii
lucb, ton sere, of ground ill Union town.
rrom Anna Maria I.'uplcr and oitionlors to
11. II. and (ieorge 8. (iebort, laud in Wuh
inutuii tuwn.liliij
1'iom Jamut F. SUsilkotlur ct ux to
llrldget I.uugliery, ground ju I'alo Alto,
1'rom WlllUm lioom to fituVuol Stcjiliciii,
lle of groiiud hi 'Iiinaiiu.
ITow many hap
py marriage ties
arc daily cut asun
der by the grim
d stroyer, death.
How many women
go radiantly to the
altar, only to pass
few short mouths
Oof agony and pain,
and then go down
to early graves,
Theic is one cause
nt tltld f.VPf.rOl1l lfnrr.r1v 'n tt-ntittf
should enter the ntarrlage state without runnlnB with the gale Tiiidorn torn main
some knowledge of the physiology of the,
iciiiaic urgaiis in leniuiitieLiuii, iiim oi ine
necessity of keeping them always healthy
and vigorous. Ignorance on these points
digs graves for thousands of happy brides
but a few months' journey from the altar.
There is a sure and speedy remedy at hand.
The most marvelous medicine ever dis
cover lor women is ur. rierce s I'avorue
Prescription. It is the discovery of a most
eminent and skillful specialist. Dr. R. V.I
I'ierce, chief consulting physician to the In-1
valid' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at lluf. i
falo, N. Y. It acts directly on the delicate i
organs that make wifehood and motherhood
possible. It makes them healthy and (
ffi- ZiZ? plodTini ;
sures a healthy babv and makes parturition 1
easv nnd almost nainless. Women wl.n
sv nnu almost i:
wish to know nil nbout the Favorite Pre
scriptkm " should write to Dr. Pierce.
trs H. Robinson, Hprlnghlll. Cumberland Co., i
Nova Scolin. writes- "I leel that I cannot say I
enough nliout your ' Pavorile Prescription.' I j
was confined on the 8th of April, and 1 was only i
sick about thirty minutes in all. I can truthfully I
say that your medicine worked wonders in mv I
case. Although the physician wns in the house j
I did not seem to require his aid. I am going
around doing my own work and before 1 lmd to
keen a girl three mouths till X was able to dojny I
work. I recommended the medicine to a lmly '
Friend of mine nnd she Is tnklng it. She expects
to uecoiue a uiotner next niontn,
Constipation if neglected will lead the, east.whe'ro ho ls beep engagevl in the for
R, r,5t,', c?" l,.of.."' ...:T , mation of tho syndicate. It will control
which it deposits in every organ ami tissue
I ln il.a l.n.l.. G-in... lllnaB to il.n
table result.' Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets i
cure constipation. They are prompt and
nlensant in their action. Thev never p-ritie.
They cure pcrmanenlly, and are not mere
temporary palliatives. Druggists sell them.
If you accept something said to be "just
as good," you will regret it.
Still llelilged with Congratulatory Tele
grams Democratic IMitor's Message,
..,; ; .' ' A";' . "'.u . "S " 1
..V.V.. .... T Vi i -i ' i ' . , 1
yosturdny found Major McKlnley In his
accustomed pow, he with a number of
friends having walked early to tho house
of worship. With him woro Xntlonal Com
mitteeman Charles W. Dawes of Chicago
and Hon. mid Mrs. Joseph 1'. Smith of
Urbana of Ohio. Dawos was a guost at
tho McKlnley house all day.
Ilev. Dr. Manchester, Major McKlnloy's
pastor, in his prnyor invoked divine bless
ings on tho president of tho United Statos
nnd those olovutod to exulted positions,
and, refurrlng to tho prosldent-olect in the
cimgrugation, invoked tlio blosslngs of a
kind provldenco upon him nnd upon thoso
alm'iit to bo called to council with him.
Mrs. McKlnley was feeling much better
yesterday, and was nblo to go to dinner in
the dining room with her husband nnd'
their guests.
Congratulatory telegrams and letters
continue to pour in upon tho president- j
elect. Aninug those recoived was ono
from Josoph V. Pomphrer, Covington,. I
Ky.f who says : !
"I am tho editor of Tho Extra, tho only j
Democratic paper in this county support
ing William J. Ilrynn. Willie I havo no I
apology to make, 1 dosiro b'aforo packing
my grip for pass.ieup Salt river on tho
stenmer Governor Altgeld, .Tee Blackburn,
captain, to congratulate yotcton your elec
tion to the presidency. Bellovlng that
you will'be tho president of tho wholo potK
plo, Iniovoto mako your election unuus
linous." Old 1'oople.
Old uconlc whorequlre medicine to regulate
the bowels and kidneys will Hud the true
remedy in Electric Hitters. This medicine
does not htimnl.ito and contaias no whiskey
nun other intoxicant, hut acts us a tunic and
ulCH-rutivc. it acts mildly oa the stomach
anil bowels, adding strength ami giving tone
to the organ.-, thereby aiding Xature in the
performance of tho functions. Electric
llitffcrs is an excellent apptizer and aids
digestion. Old people lind it just exactly
What they need. Prico fifty rents per bottlo
at A. Wasleys drug store.
Oar Trouellelatlons vvlthi Itusslai.
LoNDONV Nov. Ol A dispatch from St.
Petersburg to Tho Times with reference, to
thn recent visit to tho Liilted Statos-of
Prince KhllkolT, KussUn minister of com
munlcutlou, dwells upon thegroatinci'Oii so
of American trndo with Uussla. "Amorl
can. locomotives are bcingjimiiorted," saya
th dispatch. "Americans, nro building a
locomotive works on the Volga, and aro
laying naptha pipe line in the south, yen -oi; roi.ov vvor.. huuvveu.
whUo armor ulatcs for tho Itussi.m ad- that the distress was not yet acute. The,
mlralty are being madi- in tho United ' asares adopted in tho- northwest prov
States." Inoosliad encouragdithttpooplL'i.vho wore-
" ' j faclngitho sltuatloiii oreditably and hopo-
The lViislon CniuvTio Lalo. fully-.
Pout Jmtvis, X. Y.. Xov. 0. In the
yur IbiXi Orrln Smith, a veterau soldlor oi I
the luto war, and for. many years a cor-1
rlago maker ut Monticullo, X. Y.,.nppllod
for a ionslon. Tho application was not'
favorably acted on until Friday lost, whop I
MS'J.oij was granted. Tho l-ollot came to I
lato, as tho old Mildloi-dlod two years ago., ,
JIcHliilej's l'lurjllty u Orssgon.
Poiitlaku, Xov. U.--Completo return-1
from every county, in Orogoa glvo Mo
Kinley il,7lB and Ilrynn 44,730. SIoEln
ley's plurality, 2,01. Tho oUIclal count
niny clmngo those Ugiiros slightly. Damn
erutle Chairman Ulydeubuxg claims, a
Democratic plui-alUy of
Hiicklon'H Arnica Salve.
Tlio host salve in the world for cum.
bruises, sores, ulcere, suit rbeum, fever soros,
ra; 3? KS?
or jo imv miiiired. It is n&aranteed to alve
lwrfeet siitislaetion or inony refuudeil. I'rict
J3 cents nor box. I or sulo bv A. iV usley
lUnTn v.i. U'lMiuaiiu lh.ooie.1.
Loxdox. Hok. U.-A dlwiateh t. Tho
Standiml from llerlta nimdunco that
Brtron Von WluHuunit, hita governor of
Germiili Rast Africa, hM Iwan oleetedpros
Ideut of the (ieotrnirihleal uoolaty.
More Hpunliih NoUllers tu lie Saci-iflrtul,
IjONPOX, Nov. tt A Madrid dispatch to
The Slandaril says that the Spanish ym.
emmont will ind SW.OOO autunrn recruits
to Cuba before the middle of December.
It doesu't matter much whether siek heml
acUe, billou.uew, Indigestion and constitM.
tlon are oauied by notflei't or by unavoidalile
wif... i Viii7 i TJ iZ
itt's I, ttle 1 jrly 1 1
them nil. t. JI. llama
itireuinstanee ; Don
will speedily uro
flour, and tako iio other hreud, U isthehest
nil. viinr uru:tir lui liiu i.ujhi .c,vt,
Hour made.
Hy tlio WreoUlur: of n Schooner on talis
aitrsKEGow, Mich., Nov. 0. The sclioon
or Wnukosha broko tip whllo tryliiR to
rlilo out the aalo at anchor near hero on
fcnttirilny ntglit, and only ono survivor of
her crow of soven has boon rescued. Ho
U still too woak to tall:. Tho vnwl hnd
a lonil of snltnnrt apples, which wai taken
! on nt Manistee Sntnnlnv ii.imi.. ah
i rln1- , . . . .
. a. . i . .
. A"n''"ni'tvnsmnilotoonterMuskoBon
harbor, but tho schoonor drifted a mile
south of tho piers, and then nnchor wns
(Iropjiod. Sho wag riding three-quarters of
a mile from shore, nt dark. The onu;lneor
ami iironmn of tlio city pumping station-
, wmiMw.,1 ii, it-i,.., .n n ..-Ai , u
,, . " '? ,, , ',
'lV "iKht, whon thoy dlninired. hhor ly
"'forwards wreckage liogau coming In,
"d nothing orm he seen of tho lost boat
uImjvo the water where she was anchored,
All night long the wrcckiigo continued
to como up on tho bench, nud flvo bodies
s "rri1 ,Xho uTr th?
""'"l cannot bo lonrnoil, m nothing about
1110 clothing will Identify them, 'Iho sur-
vlvliig hnllor was washed nshoro uncoil
sclotis, and nothing can bo learned from
hint. The Waukesha Is ono of tho old
licet of "canalers," and truo to all tradi
tion, sho has taken almost hor entire crow
down with her in her last disaster.
A Itlg Theatrical Syndicate.
CniOAOO, Xov. 0. Tho details of tho for
mation of a gigantic vaudeville syndicate
were made public last night by Kobert
i Hlol, manager of tho Bchlllor theater In
! Mtlar.lf- iphn l,nn l.l Ml-ntel f-mn fl.n
nmJ l"?rato vntrdevllle houses In the cities
of Ho It 1 ni nrn R 1... T ,nlt I a nnil iilinlnrirnrllv
which ho Is not yet ntlil-erty to mnkopub-
no. A now nmusomont company was
j formed and a site forathenterln St Louis
was secured which will cost not loss than
SfiriO.OOO. There la n similar understand
ing to pool interests lu Gustnv Walters'
i thentcrsatSan Francisco anil Los An golos,
1 us far as booklngB arc concerned. With
tho nillllations tharo is tho Keith houses
lu New York, l'hiladolphln and Boston.
I "Pittsburg, Baltimore, St. Louis, Chicago,
I San Francisco and Los Angeles," said Mr.
i Blei, "willgivous a circuit that will on-
a,ll to vW" brigour own attractions
direct from Kuropo or compel X
rope or compel Xcw York
managers to book their stars with us. "We
have agents in Londn, Purls and Berlin
to look out for novoltlos."
f-oro Throat yiilcKl.V Cured.
Xt long ago in speaking of sole throat,
and the difficulty frf qintntly experienced in
cuiin it, Mr. J. E. Thomas, of Cniondale.
Pa., old how ho had often cured it in his
family. Wo give it in his own winds: "I
have frequently used Chamberlaiu's I'ain
Balm hi my family for tore throat and it
hi.s eli'ected a speedy cine in every iiibtunce.
ji would not think of getting along in my
home without it." Pain Balm also, cures
' ri,elmtIsln. Mmiih and bruises. For salo
t at ' nnd 50 tents per bottleby Gruhlcrllros.,
llryarr Jlny flet n Ilelnwnro Klectitr
Wll.MIN'OTO.v, Del.r Xov. 0. Although
tho Ilepnbllcans carried Delaware- by a
lnrgo majority, one: of tho threo Demo
cratio nominees for electors was olected,
and unless tho courts can net lu thu-matter
tho electoral voto of tiie state will bo
cast ns two for McKlnley nnd Hobart and
ono for Bryan nnd Sowall. On tho-regu-lur
HoTrtiblieun tickot tho nnnio of ono- of
tho olectors appeared as Jrunos G. Shaw,
whllo on tho tickot of tho TCnion Itcpnbll
cau pnrty it was printed Jiimos G. Shaw,
Sr. Hho latter is moro noarly correct, ns
Mr. Sltnw has a sou thrr same name ns
hlmsolf. In counting, tho buUots. tho
"Shaw" and 'Shaw Sr.-" tickets lu most
cases, woro canvassed separately, and by
this dtvisiou of the llopublloan vote John
II. Hodnoy, tho highest candidate: for
oleetir on tho Democratic tinkot,. Is ebaitcd
by a glurallty of 0,'J13.
Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La
Grippe when Laxative Broruo Quinine will
cure yoa in one day. Put-up in tablets con
venicut for taking. Guaranteed to ctue, or
money refnnded. Price, 25 cents. For sale
by Kriin's Pharmacy.
ltttftSfttirlng Keiiorts froiivi IndJuk
Bombay, Nov. Ct-TJie- EarL of Elgin,
viceroy oi Indio, speaking at a banquot nt
Alwnr ou tlio famlua outlook, said that
i recent bows from Uio Punjab and tho
northwest provinces was soinowhji.t reas
sui'JOff. The fact that tho Puujubkhad not.
'11 llliorderly Kturiouts SXlMlplIheiU
Kew Haven, Mov. 9, Aloxalider Troup
Coiuvoctlcut mojiibcr of thoi Diinocratlo
national committee, mailed, to tho i'alo
faculty a formal demand that tlio loaders
ot tho Ynlo students who interrupted tho
sniicch of Wlll'iun J. Urj-uu when ho sjwko
ou tho grcoji a month ugo lie suminurlly
liuulshed. TJip latter docbaros that tho
rluijloadors uro welt knowu, nnd that If
thoy aro not jiunishod hy tho Yalo faculty
they will hot broURht lutoeourt.
During necral years residence in tlio far
' west, I had' many opportunities for ohserv.
ing the wonderful cllecta of Chamberlain's
, t'ollc, C'hslers ami' Diarrhoea Iieiasdy. Its
I ellicacy was deaionUrated in tho alkali
rontons, whore the water produtes vlolontt
parjilup. H ullayed the' attack when all
reatodly ,aw tbo.
. greatest distress and dlurrheea cured In
few Bilnute. I td the reaiedy mynelf
with the inM satiWuetory lOMtlts, and can
j recwuHiotid ft for the complaints for which
1 11 1 ldleatl. H. Y. (ilUNHAM, bdltor of
tliHepullleau, l'hoeuixville, l'a. Tlus:
odj- is for tale hy firulilor llros., diuggltts.
lCiMsutli's km WonnJed lu tt'lluel.
lluiiA I'RSTII, Nov 0 Franols Kossuth
ion of tho late Louis Kossuth,' the grant
I Hungarian loader, mid Gabriel Ugron,
I formwly leailor of the Opposition, havo
fought a duel with swords. The former
was woundBd with a sham out on the
right arm audUgrun rucelvod some slight
If von have over seou u llttlo oblld in tb
"I"" uf kUU"1r c""'l'lii't, you rain rea!le
tlle ,fan(eP ,lf ,u trouule an.f approotate the
- , Nuhll, f inManlanooiis relief alwVvratloided
by IVWiU's I ulie und t bolent CUfp. For
1 ,1,......l1.v. ..,! ,11.. if to n
i, itinv 11,1 iv.iii., nut nfl.ii. tn .umiiii.iia.i,1
I tlusui. a cuio unless It wcro a cure. 6. II
let Tlie Whole World
Know The Good
l)r,Miles? Heart Cure Does
-itii if V.-
EAtll DISEASE, has ltd victim it a
disadvantage, always taught that
heart dtsaso ts lncurabft, when tho
aymiitoms boeowo- Well defined, ho paileat
becomes alnnno and a nervous jaulc takes
place. But wlioat u euro iMmcdj' Is found
and a .lure effected, after years of .lufforingv
tlioro i great rojiclng and Oejiie to "lot;
the wholo world lraow." Mra. Laura Wlno-
inger, of SelklrK, EVinsas, wrttos; "I deslro
to lot thi whole world know what Dr. Miles'
TF Wilt3!' fleart Curd has douo for'
ji . i; mfc For Uo ycaiB(I had,
Heart Cure pn n my rt, short-
new or uroiitu, patpita
tloa.palnln my left side,,
oppressed fellng lu my
chest, weak and hungry
spells, bad dreams, could not 114 on olthcr
elde, was nornb and suffered torrlWy. I took
Dr. Miles' lieart Cure and before I finished
tho second bottle I felt Its good effects, I feel
now that I am fully recovered, anil that Dr.
Miles' llourt Cure fayed my life."
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure is sold on guarantee
that Aral bottle benefits, or money rstuuded.
per)T)3. Railroad.
fiKi'TnsinKU 20, 1898,
Tmlns will lcnvo Rliennmlcmh nftor the nbor
dMc for Wlpffniw, OIDiorton, KrifcokvUle, DarJr
Water, St. Clnlr, PottvIIIe. Hntnhurfr, HeaiUnp,
I'ottstown, IMioowixville, Norristown nnd Pbll
ndolphin (ilroad street station) nV euS nnd 11 43
ft, m. nnd 4 20 p. nit on week days. For Potts
rflfe and hitcrui estate stations 9 .0 a. m.
For AVIartmns. Gillurton. Frftekrllle. DatI.
Water. St. Clair. Fottsville. nt 0 08. 9 W a. m. and
310 p.m. For unmburc, Koadine, PottstOTU,
Photnlxville, orrifttown, Philadelphia at 6 00,
iua. in,, a lup. m.
Trains leave FKwkvllle for Shenandoah at -
10 10 a. m. and 1211, 01, 7 42 fltiiT 10 27 p. m
amlay, 11 la a. in. riwl S w j, tn.
jefive t'oitsviiie lire mienatmoan at 1015. 11 48
m. nnd 140. 7 IS and 10 00 i. m. Sundav al
10 tO a. m.. 5 15 p. m.
Leave PlitlndelQliIa. ( Ilroad Btree station), lot
Shenandoah at 5 67 and! 8 M a. m., 410 and 71)
in. Avcek davs. Hunilnvs lenvo ntfl 60 a. m.
Ienve Ilroad street station, l'lillaillnhla. lor
Fea CHrt Asbury Irk, Ocean Orovo, Tung
Lr.mcii, ana inteinietiiate tattoii9, i03r 0.50,
U.39a. m.. 23.3.00. 1.05 . m. week-dav. 5 00'
Saturtlays otilj. Hundav (stop at Interlaken
loriisnnry l'arK;, 4 Wi, a.
ienve JJroau Street Mat ion, iniiaulpnln,
npreMs, week-H-B. 3 20, 4 01, i CO. 5 15, 6 50,
3:. 820. 950, 1021 (I)lninc Cai-)v 1100a. m.
?00no4n. 1235 (Limited 100 ani i 22 p. m.
OinluKCars), 1 -40( 2) (liniiK Car) 3 20,3 50,
imj, aw, ow iLMiinscari, inu. o , i:', iu ui,
1. m., 12 01, nlghv Hurwlays, 3 20, 1 0-r 4 50, 5 15,
rji, ;tf, v ;iu, iui, iinniiiff can ii ui n, m.,
33.V.2 30 ri)inInfrCaH.-IO0 IUmittHH22DIlino
OlrJ,520,550, UiningCar,6 35, GC0r812, 10 00
i. in., i- ui nignv
tlxnrfrts for Ilcntnn without change. 11 00 a.
m., week-days, and C50 p. m., dally.
von "WAsinrJG-Torf and TiLs:fouTii.
For Raltlrare and Washlnirton, 3 50. 7 20. 8 81.
1020. 1123 a. ii.. 12 00 (1131 Limited Dir.
inif Cnr), 112;. 3 19, 4 41 (5 19 eonBres3lonal
Liilted. DlnJjistCar), 817, C55 (Dinlnjf Car),
754 (Dining Car) p. in., nndi 1205 nlRht
wet-k dayn. Sundays, 350, 7 20, 912. 1123 a.
ni., 120V 112, 4'4l, ( 5 13 ColiKreHsfontl Limited,
IrtntnR Car), 6M (Dining Car), 753 p. m,
(Dinlnsr Car) And 12 Off night.
l?or Sea Otrir SiMine Lake. Bel roar. Ocean
CfBove,. Asbufjt Pftrls and Loiiy Branch, 0 50,
23 and 1139 a. m... 330 and 4 00 in m. week
dUys. Sundays, 8 23 a. in.
Lenvo Hroa-1' itraet station. Philadelphia (via
Delaware rlvor bridge), exptoiH, 702 pf m.
leave AiarKM sireei jerry, epresfl, au a. m,,
00. 4 00. tOO p. ro. Sundavth 8 15.9 45 a. m.
AecorainodaV6n,.SCa;820, a. m, 320 and 4 20
p. m., week days. Sundays, 2-00,. 15 a, m., 4 00
mi duu, p. i
For Cane Mar. Artel essea.. Wltdwood and
Bolly1 Beach,, and Sea lslo City,, Ocean City and
Avalou Kx?rcss,9 00a. m.w 4 00. p in. w-ck
days. Su inlay s, 9tf?a. rn. '
Express, 910-a, in., and 2.30, 4 20 p. eq.
wek flay Sunnys, 8 50 Or m.
For Somct Point. Ex pms, 8 50 a. m., i 00
i. in, week days, Sundaya, H45 a. m.
S. M, PBKvaw, J. It. "Wood,
A Handsome. Complexion
Is one oC'tbtt greatest obarms &roinair.can
possess. Itizzoai's Udutlcxion l'ojrcua
gives It.
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, w.
West Coal Street.
Wholesale anil Retail
Liquor Dealer.
Cigars, Tpbatco, Ac. Agent for Heading
llrewlng Co.'s liccrmiU l'orter.
lie and 11Q S. IVlaln St
im. 'Hi m Ji
L .1 ..... i. i.