'-if r v A,. 'i V ' . EVENING HERALD i;vrAiit.ism:i ihio. Published every hi cuing, Kxccpt Holiday, at 8 8017m Junius mi bi.it. Nkab Ck.nthb. ( TIib Herald ihiIi-HvpimI iiiHtirnriiituiniiMid the ' iHirrniimllng tmvns for sit ct-nU s wwsk, !) ,blo to tlm cnrrii'i-K Hy until $3 00 a year.nr 315 . 'cent il month, painhlc in nilvancc. Advertise ments charged nceor.li ng to sMiee awl position. The publlshi r rwrw the. right to change the position of ailvertWeiiK-nb u believer the pub lication of news (Iclnnuilii It. The right la reserved to reject ftny niHcrtlselneiit, ivliotlier paid for 01 not, tluit tlio publishers mil)' ileolu improper AilierttsluK niton innde known upon application. Knlert-il nt llii' pintofncc at Hhetiiiiiilonh, l'u., in second clais iiiiiII matter. TKI.UI'ilONK CONNECTION. Evening Herald fuiday. n i:mih;u . In tin luajunly vear 11111 Mr. lirumiu received 181)0 I'llh-IIU.M t LKVW.AKD has issued his Thaiiksgiinig piuclanrattun Viith a great deal of gladness. Lvi.n Wandering WilUo's countenance as humcil a mure pluming look alter reading tlmt Ilryan was elected. Tin. ut. ii nut much cuimolattan in to-diiy's lelurns lur the fellows who said last night, "We may yet iiaNoa chance lo shout." A i.m.n of 4708, as compared with tlioprosi ilontiai vote uf 1SIK1, in this county, is enough gluiy in oiiuUaylor tuu Schuylkill liepubli- li en necessury to re-olcct ileKiuloy yes tem.ij, i'i nitisly those fcilvoilles who iliu ii.ini .mil tfi'itap at the smallest stinw to sine tin in limn mo ivrocg. i n i.nouau's liorougti Council has its ..hi, inutile in removing ulllsniiee ; but i in y . ire nut alone. Taniamia'B Council ip uuigid ma lice light over tiieHhio subject. 1 1 1-. iimicratiic that li division of three ul (ih i let lioii preci nets be made. Tiiey uie too Luge nu .i single polling place. Tne'inlrd .urn I ilih ward returns were not computed ii hi 1 1 i. iu ni'.t nimniug. Im: lii.iiAi.ii iat night gave MuKinlcy 7; 1111i01.1i vole-., anu to-day's (linpatchos uniy nm 10 (null 1 iu Hint import. When you -il 11 in me I1i-.iiai.ii, it ' no lako. Wo lead Hie pioii'niioii in the malurof news, alld our luiiUMiiiiii, ol reuiler uppruciato it. I'm. hunliug 'leaboii opened on Monday, anu liii lavumole iieuihui piuved Irl'Oeiiituble. luoluu aie repurteU pu-iiiilul ami the M.iugiui r was uuprecedeuted, but it (lid not luuip.iic uilu tue ailutk made upon the . miyiMil uuuiocracy un Tucjauj. I II MUM IN I.IIM AUDH (ll'.lilOS the IllUlALU tu c Mi ml 11 1 coiigiatulaUoiis to liiose wiio tio 1101 i a-ii-U'd iu the giaud wciury uehievetl in in imiuiy, aud Viiuioutwuiiae usaismino i 1 lie i liairiiian a ettutia would liuVo llUk avail.1 lioi.u ul I W T-us Shei'ukuii uow fully ugices with tne pi uple, that he will liiaki-.i much better , lawyer I ban Coligiesauian. ile di-utiibaos tho j siiliji i t uf Ins defeat with thu .suteiueiil that ii was his stilnlituti', and not himself, that! Was it I'.'iudlihitc. j Tin; iiidisposed Silveritcs had a relapse to day, alter reading the I1lkam of lastuveu mg. I he falc ttlcgiains issued yesterday i aiisi d llii ui lo cuuii' lorili Iruui their little In .Is too early, and m liolntiuii of the ex plicit iiisiruciiiiiis of Hr. McKlnley aud the' usuit has bei-u iliMislroiis to their nerves. The rclapbti has, we aie grieved to scute, I c lU-ciLthi ir (iiuilitiiui to hu of a serious i mture. lIoMiivi r. by iiduiiiiUtering a large dose ui riit(icti(iii and Sound Mulioy good old Ki'pui 'a-in midiciiiii they may and pnibably wl'l recover. The jicople halo pnat faith in i)r. McKinley. I TK yesterday .iftemuon an attempt was Hindi' to i rcaie a duu'it as to the uleotioii of Major Mi'Kiulcy, the doubt resting upon tlio receipt of telegrams from questionablesoiin es iinnouui lug that uuexpii'tcd largo gains hud bci n U'ported from .scleral of thu doubtlul Mates, and which if verified, would ruiulei t'ie cmitest dmihtful. Theso repurtsliavo nut hi . u vi rilled, as outlined in last uvvniiig'a Hi-'itM ii, so that this limniing all doubts us to tlm success of McKinley have bicnri in v. tl, the skies aie cliuir and theashtirauio ol a in cm iu business fully ciiiillrincil. Whim, the official returns will probably bo I delayed until late to-nisht, and will appeal 1 in lull iu to morrow's issue uf the IIkh.U.d, it is appuieut that our townsman, Frank ('. lli'csc, lejds all oilier candidate in tho iiiiui bi .' of Miles received. Ilia majority la placid 1 at 2,031 and while tho ollieial count may in- i ( :isc these figures they will not bo lowered Mr. itecse aud his friends aro open to con gratulations, and they havo been kept busy since Tuesday ti iu lit acknowledging the kind words of their supporters. His vote at homo and throughout the county oxcetiU the must sanguine cvpci tat ions, and is u deserving j tribute to tlie popularity of our young towns- j man. j.reu those u bo oppoMsl ills election are cimally enthusiastic in tholr pmlsc. His siit'icssl'iil hglit is e-pei iully gratifying- lo l outroller Seiern. wlio hus particularly in ti'iested ill tin outcome. THE EFFECT ON BUSINESS. 1 If we can ( ii ilit the piedieted ell'ect upon tee iiiiliistiiis ol tlie i ountry that is to! l'..IKm M-jui' Mi kiiilfy's elect lull, an uluiont immediate bnuiu in business nmv bo loulud l'ui iihluh w ill be u great boou to the entile country, for ei ly section of it has for a lung time past felt the depressing and dishearten ing effects of I lie generally prevalent stagna tion, and the employment of many bundled Thousand nou ami for a considerahh time past uiieiiiplnyid workmen. Ilolug relieviul from the peril of lice oinatie, aid its assuredly duoutrous ell'eels up. . fliiimcea of the (Kraiitry, and tl.e ion of business eetifliloiii, lime to le u renewal of that cuiilldeiiic i Wallet' in trade and muntil'aeliiiinti 1 Hill li the In UN nl ull. t lie as- n i i in i y.cn in.uh.ui'i ildi n the In UN of all. hv the friends of the eandiilate-cleet, and tlii ic Is at present nothing in sight to indicate Hint they will not he fulllleil, if not tn tlo iory letter, to stioh nn extent at least as will banish depression and continue the country on its march towards unexampled pros perity. The conflict is over. Let us all rijoicb at that fact, as well m iu the result. National olecllons have ever" been dlsturbeis of the business peace of the country, and to this the one that closed Tuesday hai been very fur fiom lielngan exception. Don't trifle away time when you lavo chulem morbus or diarrhoea. Tight tliem in the beginning with DeWitt's folic aril Cholera Cute. You don't have to wait for rcsulls, they are Instantaneous, and it leaves the bowels in healtliy condition. C. II. Ilagenlnieh. Arranged for tier Own J'uuornl. Jacksonviu.e, Flu., Nov. 0. Xoatly dressed for her ftinornl, u young woinnn lay on her IhhI at the Ctirleton liotel, and, utter cnrofully arranging the bed cloth ing, placed ii revolver tohcrheml and shot herself. Her name was Miss Fnnnlo Viola Flnnugnn, of Spencer, Mass. The self murder had been premedl tilled for somo time, as several weeks ago she hiul bought a lot nt tlio eoniotory. selected a coffin and niaile arrangements with tho undertaker to bury a" lnirjglnnry friend. Sho left two long letters, ono nddrosscd to tho proprie tor of the hotel ami tho other to tho un dertaker. In hor letter to tho undertaker she stated that sho was prepared to lo burled as sho was drowsed. She particu larly requested that the pistol with which she killed herself ho buried with her, clasped In her right hand; also that nono of her rings should bo removed. Her re quests were compiled with. llucklcn'a Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo in tho world for cuts bruises, wires, ulcers, salt rheum, fever Mires, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively ctiiesplloe, oi .10 pay required, iv is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mony refunded, Price 6 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasloy. A I'ourleeii-Yeiir-Old Murderer. ' NllW Youk, Nov. (I. -Peter Fries and Willie Mctiown 1 1 iiml 0 vi.nfo nf nn epoctivoly, engaged In .1 sramo of leap fmg ' l'"Ille hnve bce culled on to determine boclnllst Leader Charges the Ooieriiliient on a vacant lot near Grammar School No ln lieeBt years. Wo have claimed, tho t wltll i-,lluBHiiB Hint. 48,ln the upper part of tho city, where election on our advices from states that lAri,s, xov. 6. -In tho chamber of dep they wero pupils. While Fries was jump- ?vore ml'Htedly In doubt. In which wb lltlos m. Juuros, tho Socialist leader, ac Ing ono of the boys threw sand at him. It 'flow tliero had been many frauds, nnd , cusc(1 tho guvernment of n9iihting M. htruclihiminthefaco, and somoofitg.it, from which thoro were evidences of tarn- j Koslgnler, the owner of tho Carmaux into ins eyes, lie became very angry. vt line iilctiown laugliml at his discnin llturo. Tho sand throwing coutinuod, ami resulted inn fight between Fries and ilc- tiown, during which Frlos stabbed Mc- Gown to the honrt, killing hlni almost in stantiy. New York's I'oristry Amendment l),-l, ali-il Al.UANY, N'ov. 0. Tho state forestrj commission yesterday admitted that tho propo-.ed constitutional amendment iu luting to the leasing and rental of forest binds had been defeated. Tho commission had advocated the adoption of tho amend ment urging that it would bo a benefit to thu people lo allow simnlv the usstoninir of campsites. Friends of the forests, how-1 ever, chained that the amendment was a moti.iie to the Adinmdacks and would give thu railroads an eptry Into tho forest jiiu'itvc. The amendment cannot be voted i upuit again iu ilvo yean.. Poison Ivy. insect bites, bruises, scalds, burns, .ire quickly cured by DoWilt's Witch Hazel Saho, the great pile cure. C. II. rWeuhuch. When run want goon 4 lounug, piamhing I iin-uiittiiiig done call' 4 littiug, or general ti mi K. F. Gallagher lb We.-t Centro street Dcal'ir in itr-os 1-tf A Titled Woiild-lie Suicide, Nr.w Youk, Nov. 0. Loo Von Waltz I dorf, a -ed yoars, who s.nd that he was j n. graduate of tho University of Halle, J Gorm.iuy, was arrnigned iu the Yoriivlllo i court yesterday, charged with attempting to coinnilt sulcido by droivuing in the lowor reservoir, und was held in KiOO ball by Magistrate Cornoll. Von Waltzdorf said that his parents wore titled landown ers in tlio province of Brandenburg, Ger many. Narrowly Ksenped Heath by i'laiin. Bliliiui.TON, N. J., Nov. 0. The farm house of Charlos Toder, threo mllos east from hero, was burned duwn Wednesday night. The family baroly escaped with tholr lives. All their housuhold goods and clothing were burned. Mrs. Kudcr, wrap pud ln a hor.so blanket, went to a neigh bor for clothes. Tho causo of tho fire was u defective Hue. Kx-ljufcii Lllluokiilaul riirdunt'd. SAN FilANUIsco, Nov. 0. Tho steamer Australia, from Honolulu, brings news that tho Hawaiian guvernment bus granted a full pardon and restoration of her civil rights to ox-(Jueen Ijiliuokalaul. Tho pardon Is based upon the fact that during her parolo sho has faithfully kept thu terms of hor partial freedom. llilko of Orli'ilii. Mnrrletl. Vir.XNA.Nov.il. Yesterday ln thechapcl of tho Hofburg, Louis I'hllippo Kobort, i lluko of Orleans, pretender to the throno of Franco, was married to tlio Arch- i duchess Maria Dorothea The affair was I conducted with ull the pomp of royal wed- i dings. ! OI severest trial and test provo Iniegard to Hood's Sarsupuruia ;t, Greatest IvVderit Secured by a peculiar Comlilna tlon, I'roportton and rrocess unknown to etln u which naturally and actaallj produces )d, Greatest Cures Shown by Ihoi'saiuls ot honest, vi'l'intavy tesliiiiiini lis which lintuiiilly and actually produce d, Greatest Sales Aceonling to Hie statements of druggists nil our tin country. Ill th. se lleee points Hood's haisap.irilla Is peculiar to itself. Sarsaparilla Is the best it s the (Hie Trie Wood Purifier. Hoodri f-.i nre the onh pills to take KlllS Willi Hi io ' j'Saisajuirllla. jm. w-vh u&l mm W w xaiv wh sms? TWO STATES STILL DOUBTFUL. fCmilliiuid from First l'lige ) message was no surprise to mm, as it in deed was not, for as those who have boon in his confidence knew ho had considered the battle as practically lost ovor since the first night after tho election. Ho has, how ever, felt, Hint It would lie both discourt eous and unwise to glvo out any Intima tion to this effect until the national com mittee had spokoti. Mr. Hryan announced that ho would to day Issue an nddross, but docllned to inakc any statement or to submit to nn interview further than to say that the light for 'silver had just begun. It Is known to be his purpoo to devoto much of his tlmo In tho future to educating tho people to the acceptance of his views on the political situation, ami it is his inten tion to sound tho koynoto in tho paper which ho will issuo today. It Is believed (lint Mr Hryan considers that tho rosult of the election has in it much to encour ago the advocates of independent action by tills country on tho question of thofreo coinage of silver. Mr. Ilryan deellnod tooutllno his future plans or to glvo his opinion as to the causes which icii to ins ueiciu. is quiiu certain, however, that ho will not bo tempted by any of tho flattering offers which are coming to him to loavo Lin coln. Ho will remain about his homo for tho noxt few weeks, recuperating, for whbo In no way exhausted by the duties of tho campaign ho confesses to n feeling of lunguorasarosultof tho arduous labors 1 ..t . i.... i ,.ii. of tho past four months. Mrs. Hryan received tho news with qulto as much composure ns did her husband. Sho had never felt tho samo conildenco of success that ho felt and has from tho first, whilo not without hope, boon prepared for tho news which Senator Jones' brief messago brought. ciiAiiiMAX .)oNi:v stati;mi:nt. 1're.slilent .HcKliili'y Will Ilinu the Siii , port of Ilrynn's Mlpporters. ClllOAiio, Nov. 0. Chairman Jonoij is- hnod tho following statement last night: "Tho result of tho presidential election is apparently no longer in doubt. It bus boon ono of the closest contests that the '""'H . Vi i" i. nnivii-imt tlmf Mr Hrvnii nftor limiting be apparent tnat Air. JJryan, utter inaKing the most brilliant campaign in tho his- i tory of our country, and having cniriod j most of the states claimed to bo dotibtttll, i tine lint. f.tirrliil oiliillifh til iisslirii htl fc.no- I coss in tire electoral eollego. Hryan elec tors have boon chosen from all of tho states Kouth of the Potomac and Ohio osuept Wot Virginia, and all those west of tho Missouri!! except California and Oregon, j He has 100 votos, ami this number may bo incrua.scd by final returns from states yul in question. "Thus this roinurkabls campaign closes j with the election of William McKinloy. j Tho result was brought about by every i kind f coercion and intimidation on tho , part uf tlio money power, including throats of lockouts and dismissals and Impending ' starvation; by the employment of by far ftho largest cnniiialgn fund ovur uced in this country, nnd by tho subordination, of u large portion of the Amarlcan prem. , "The president-elect ami his party uro under the pledge to the Anierlcau iople to continue tho gold standard, and by its operation to restore prosperity to this piniiitrv. As chief executive. Mr. MoTvlll- iuv ,vi mvo tlio cordial support of tho m'inhins of patriotic Americans who have east their votos for William Jennings Uryan. Thuy bow to the majesty of ollioe, and bide by the result with uune of tho inutterings that would have come from I tho monlod powers had It been uusuccesH-, fill. I "They. are eonildont tho gold standard cannot glvo the promised prosperity, lint ' will gladly welcome It if it eomoi. They willcontinuo the-grant struggle fur thu uplifting of Immunity, and the malntc- nance of the dignity of our country in the establishment of tho American monetary i system. And theBoniocratie party, aided by its present nlllos, will still uplift tlis bimetallic standard mid liciu- it on U vletoty." Tillman Says llrjiui Will Whi Xait Tim. Atiwta. f3n.. 'np li sniiiitnr Tlor i'iii.M .,f Smith n.,,,,ii,, n.s.l tbrmnrl I ' 'I " tho city yesterday ufturnoon enroutohonro from Chicago. Tho senator was Ii) good snlrlts although ho conceded tho victory of I JlcKlnley. Ho declared tho light for frco 1 silver had only boon started and would bo i conl lulled. Bryant ho said, would bo tho Democratic nominee in 1900" aud would ( certainly will. ll5I-.VWAltH'.S Ol-riCTAI. COUNT 1 It Gives M'Klnley 4,000 Jlnjnrlty, Tbllliell i.hoo unit: iiim.iy ',:, io. DiiVKI!, Del., Nvv. 0. Tho canvassing ' board for Kent comity met In tho court houso hero yesterday for tho purpose of I counting tho voto. The work of oounting the voto of Sussex, eounty was procoeueu with without friction, both sldos agreeing to tho tally shoots presented by tho olcc tion boards of the' various hundreds. In two cases, owing to dlscnepnnclos, it was found necessary to opora tho ballot fcoxos. Hoth partios "iu, Kont had omployed counsel, Whon tho lists of Knict Dover hnndroit were reached counsel for tho Democrats objected to tliuirreeoptioii on tlio grounds of brlbory nnd corruption at tho polls on Tuesday. Tho-board, after argument, do chied to throw out tlw Vlrst and Third districts of Kust Dover hundred and also Mil ford hundred, which will chango tho political oomploxlim of tho senate, which, with the senting of J. h'ruiik Alloo, of i i Kent, would make that body stand: Ho- I 1 publicans, 5 ; Democrats, 4. These figure I will, by throwing out tho illstrlcts naiuod j I above, result In tho election of riamuol It. . I Meredith, Djniocr.it, and thus give tho ' ' Democrats a majority of one in tho son- ( i nto. Tho house is surely Demooriitio. I The eHiivasslng board of Sussex -com- 1 pletedlts labors at 7 o clock last night. The I teiiulillomiu rilnet .Tnhiiftiin sherllT aud two levy court ooinmlsslonors, giving thfcni control of the latter body. The Re publican oleotors have a majority of 760, and the legislature is Democratic by 80 majority. Tunnell and Handy luive 371 niiijority. SicKinley's majority in the stnle will lie fnini a,MKl to 1,000; Tunnell, for governor. l.wi; Handy, duni., for congress, tt.-UW. Thu lugUluturu U DumocraUe. (i'li-Cliililslleniliirlii. i Why suffer with Coughs, Colels ami J.a ! Oiippo when laxative lirouio Quinine will cure you in one day. Put up in tablets noil veuleut for taking. Ouanrutceil to cuio, or money refumlcd l'rho. US contn. For sale 1 by Klrliu's rimrma' y. fj cldldless jfc Y marriage M M A healthy baby is the real jewel for which the wedding ring is only the setting. There is no place in Nature's economy for a childless niarriaRe. Wedded couples that are childless nre never truly married. A baby is the tie that binds. The baby Is the pledge that makes husband and wife one in keeping healthy and vigorous the organs upon which motherhood is rtcnendent. As a consequence, they are weak wheie they should be strong, and motherhood is either an impossibility or a torturesome and da" geroua ordeal. This is easily remedied, The most wonderful medicine for women is Dr. Tierce's l'avorite Prescription. It acts directly and only on those delicate or gans upon which the perpetuatfon of the race depends. It allays inflammation, soothes pain and makes those organ healthy and vigorous. It prepares for motherhood. It makes the expectant period comfortable. It makes baby's coming easy and almost painless and insures health in both mother and child. Druecists sell it. "I take pleasure in expressing my faith In your ' l'avorite rtescrlptlon,"' writes Miss Hdith C.liu, or Clinton, Allegheny Co. ra. "After two years of suffering I began taking Dr. Pierce's medicine and now 1 am entirely cured. I had been troubled with displacement of internal organs for some time and also with ulcerative weakness, but now I nm well and happy. I will cheerfully recommend Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription to all Invalid ladles." The profit side of life is health. The bal nauire ami m lacr, ana ti at leacncs mutual inm j. Hryan, giving McKinloy a plural eu-Hsciince nun sympainy. i iiousands oi , itv nf n7 im Tbla la nnk tt-tbn cnunles nri rhililleM hiiiu r lt,A .! " 01 t "S IS not Ollly thO nee ect of her henllh as n n-niiian Tn r, 1 vote over cast In tho stnto. larger women fullv annrcciate the iinnnrliinre nf I ny provlous voto by 70,000, but it Is nl fHCuS wrHten,i." ri,c,V' re1' I"lre ,Moa of I for Hryan by 1,500 to 2,000, wlfilo tho Ro health. . Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel cts cure ..i.n. i.,i .. i rJ ait.-i..i.. i. c constipation and make the blood rich and pure, nicy never gripe, lly druggists. ROW IN THE FRENCH CHAMBER. . . ' " MrfttionnBainst tho Socialist dcnutlos who ' Glass works, in organizing tho demon opened u now co-operatlvo glass factory at Albl, near Ciirmaux, on Sundny last, and with Illegally dispersing a Socialist meet- j Uif t .i i . . . - x, . . . I S . Harthou. thomlnlstorof thoin erior , nmld interruptions from tho Ift, denied that tho government had opposed tho ' foundation of tho co-operative glass works, i the establishment of which was resented by the workmen of Carmaux. Tho gov- nviimi.nl-,. hn nililnd. milw tm.lr thn .,,. ures necessary to prosorvo ordor. MM. Millerund and Goblet supported M. Jnuros, and M. Iiarthou reiterated that the police only did their duty, owing to disturbances In tho hall.. Amid tho So cialist interruptions M. Hoyer cried "You have lied." Hut finally tho order of tho day supporting tho govoruinont was adopted by a vote of 310-to 288. Old I'ooplu. old people whu require liiediciue to regulate tii'bmvds and kidneys will find the true leinedyiu IJiectrio llltteM. 'lids medicine docs nut stimu lute and oeulHins no whiskey nor other intoxicaiu, but nets asa tonic and alii nitive. It act mildly nn the stomach mill bowels, adding streughli and giving tune to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the perfuniiiince of the functions. Electric Hitters is an excellent aiinctiaer and aids "'f,, , . " v jfi " ' digestion. Hid people find it just exactly I'rice lilty cents per nottie rug store. Alnlininu's Decreased. Ilcni.iyriitlo Voto. Biujiinuiiam, Nov. 0. Tho returns so far show a decided decrease- in tho Dem- ----- ocratio voto as compared with ltSQ2. Tho actmil result will not bo known until tho olllciil count tomorrow. Tho majority for Hryan on tho face of tlui returns will hardly bo less than 33,000. McKinley'B Illinois I'liirallty 144,131. Chicago, Nov. 0. Uiiofllclal returns from allot tho 103 counties In Illinois (In cluding Cook) givs MoKlnleya plurality of 114,181 and TaiuTOr a plurality of 115,501, rs t-t- . l. !... Ivoinpieio oiueinij icmiun junjr uIlIlllu olllcinlj returns thoso figures n trifle, bufcthls.la practically tlio result In tho state If you have ever seon a little child in. the ngouy of summer lomplaint, you can realize the danger nf tho trouble and appreciate the i value ul instantaneous reliel iilwuys a u omen by DeWitt's Colic and Cholera Curo. For ! dysentery and diarrhoea it is a reliable I remedy. We could not attnrd to recommend this as a curu unless it wero a cuio. C. H. Hasienbuiii 1'oynler bllceeeils JMillulft. London, Nov. 0. Sluch to tho snrprlso of tho friemU of twtunoro proniluout can didates for tho position, Kdward J. I'oy li ter has beeu olocteii to succeed tho late Sir Johu SlMula as president of tho Hoyal, Academy. Uig Mllln.to Start Up. Irswicu. JIass,, Nov. 0. The woolens and cotton mills, of, tho Ipswich corpora tion, which havo-been shut down forsomo time, will start on full time early next I week. KmployuicnJ will bo given to about 1,000 hands. The Weuther. Fob custom. Pennsylvania and Nore Jor soy: OoueraUy fair; ilecldodly oolderj hrlek. northwesterly ivtuda. to cum: A coi.ii in m; day Tuko laxative llrorau Quinine Tabltts. All ilrUKgesU nifuuil th money if it falls to curu. 25 eeliti. 'ow AVarshlps for Jui'an. ! 'Wasiiikuton, Nov. (1 Nowniius roaiAeel hero that tho JtipuhOM) govorument has flnally nwarileil to the American shlp : builders oontraeta for biilldlnii two swift i lirotoelcil oruihors of tho giyuiplit type. One goes to urtuups, oi i-iuiaueipiua, unit ouetu tlio Union Iron works, of Sau FritU' oleoo. The prices aro not stutod. Murderer Joluuuii's Houtiuit'o Altlruieil, Tiibnton, Nov. 0. The state stipreme court yesterday aillnned the oouvletlon of Juoob Johnson, u ooAorod minister, who was tried for murdering Annie Rogers, ooloreil, In iSoniornot county. Tho court granted a now trial In tlie cam ot Hplno und Aruglo, Italians, convicted of murder In the Middlesex county oourt. Many a elay's work Is lost by sick head ache, caused by indigestion and stomach troubles. DeWitt's Little 1'iirly Misers are tho niot etl'octual pill for overcomiug Mioli dilricuUles t', U. Haneuliucl. lMngrce's Orent l'luralll y. DKTiiotT, Mich., Nov. a The total vote . of Michigan appears to hnvo been, In , round numbers, ISB.OOO, of whloh 1'lugreo, for governor, received 27S,00O Sligh. 205, i 000. I'ingreo's actual plurality has in , creased to 70,300. MoKlnloy's is about 10.000 loss on account, prosumnblv, of the 1 "lirynn and 1'lngree" vote, which shows 1 that n considerable olomcnt whloh favored Hryan also voted for l'lngreo. Tlio legls lnturo Is as follows; Senate, 28 Hepubll 1 cans, 0 Kuslonlsts. Houso, 80 Hopublt i cans, 20 Fusionlsts. I Iowa's Orent Iteptibllcau Majority. I Bus Moixks, In., Nov. 0. Tho returns by counties in Iowa wore completed yos I terday. The total vote east In tho stnto Is in oxcoss of 610,001), ostimntlng tho XJrohi 1 bltion and Palmer votes together at only B.OOO. Of theso votes 2Sfi,7il wero cast for AVIUIam McKinloy and 21U,118 for Will largest than I so '" largest Itepubllcan majority everglven in Iowa. Garlleld's majority vrns 43,000. Ilryan'a Majurlty Iu Jfobrnsha. IiiXCOLX, Nov. Oi Complete returns from 44 out of 03 conntlos of tho state re ceived nt Populist state headquarters give Hryan 7,030 majority and Holeomb (fu sion), for governor, 10045. It Is ostlmntcd from these figures that Hryan's majority in tho stnto will bo about 13,000 and Hoi comb's nbout 18,000. Tho fact that Hol eomb runs ahead of Bryan is attributed to tho confusion incident to.tho court's deci sion against tho regulnrlf.y of tho Chicago ticket, ICentncky's A'cry Cl'Me Vote. LonsviLLE, Nov. 0. Tho rosult In Ken tucky on presidential doctors is more in doubt than over. Tho revision of figures in some districts has brought tho majority for either sldo down to a very small mar gin. Tho Democrats now claim tho state pnblicans claim It for McKlnley by 500. Tho voto is so closo that the olllclnl returns will bo necenBary to determine the rosult. The I'.rsnlt In Norlli Ciirnlllin. llALUlcilt, Nov. 0. Tho presidential: McKct ln this stnto appears to liftvo been elected for Hryan by a majority of from 6,000 to lo.OOO. Many countlos nre still missing, but It is not hollered the votes will change mitterially the estimate given alwvu. Hussell, rup., is elocted governor uj-not- loss wiiunjfcumi majority, i. ne otner u..i.ii.pii.f r.i.. ,t.n m (irc elontei by 40HXX Two l.li.-s smoil. Mrs. l'lioobc Thomas, of Junction City. m.. was told by her doctors she hail Com Mimption anil that then- was no hope for iTer, but two buttles Dr. King's New Biconfry completely cuied hr and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thus. Eggers, 130 Florida St., Si,n l'mncico. suirered fnim a dreadful cold, approaciimg UMisuraption, trim without lesult evcrytiilng-elstf then bought ono bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is natumlly thankful. It is siielincsiiltg, of which these are samples, that prove the wonderful ellicacy of this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles at A. Wasley's drag store. Itcgular size 5'Jc and 1,00. Cyollst 3rU1eiT In n Itoail Itaco. JUliSEY CITY. Nov. (1. .Samuel Harnobt, . of No. M) Zabrlskle street, Jersey City, met with art accident whilo oiihlsbleyeloilon day evening which subsequently resulted in his death. Ho'Wns iu a ton mile road raco on tho Houlevard when tho fork of his wheel broko ami throw him violently to tho ground. His skull was fractured, and ho died soon, afterward. Motcmcnts uf the CruUeis. Wasiiin'Oton, Nov. 5. Tho crulsor Marblohend, ou her way homo froin Turkey, arrived at Funchal, iliuleiia, yes terday. Tho Bancroft and Cincinnati, uro still lying at Smyrna, having anchored thoro twontyflvo days ngo. Tho Jlinn npolls and San Francisco havo not moveel from tho same-port for a mouth. ltellef In Six Hours. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by tho "New Groat South Anierlcau Kidney Cure." This new remedy is u great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every put of the urinary passages in malo or female. H relkwes retention fit water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want uuick relief and cure this is your leuicdy. Sold by r-hajlra's pharmacy, 107 South Alain I stroofci I It doesn't niatteriinieh whether sick iead ache, biliousness, indigestion aud cowtipa tinu are caused by neglect or by unavoidable circumstances; DeWitt's Little Early Risers willispeedivy uro them all. u. Jl. iiiijjen buf.M. Coming Kiellln. Nov. 20. Thanksgiving turkey snjper in Itiibbins' porn lieuse. under auspicea. of All. (flints' church. Dec- X Twenty-fourth annual suppea jnder tBo ausfices of the Welsh llaptist church, in Ilobbins' opem house. Dec. 21. Second annual ball of the I'atiiotfo Drum Corps in lloblAas open houso, IS' IT A TRIFLE ? THAT' COMMON TK0UBUE, ACID &YS PEHSIA OB SOUK STOMACH. Mcvvr. Recognlzeu as a Cauie of anions Disease. Acid dyspepsia, commonly ealled heartburn cr sour stcmaeh, is a form ol indigestion r sultiner from fermentation of tho food. Tlie stomach lieiug too weak to pronijtly digest It, tho food remains until fermeutation begins, tilling tlie stomaoh. with gs, aad a bittsr, tour, burning taste iu tlie mouth is often present. This coiulitlou soojv beeomes chronic and being an awery day ociunt'iico ia given but little ntteotion. Beauio iljs i8iain is not immediately fatal, many peoiile do nothing for the taeuble. Within a recent period a remedy lias been discovered prepared solely to cure dyspepsia aud stomach troubles. It is kuoivn as Stu art's Dyspopsia IT&klets and innoiv beueuilns mnidly used and prescrilied M radios.1 cure tor every form of dyspeiwii. Stiuirt's lypepsla Tablets have been placed before the public and are sold by druggists everywhere, at SO cents per pack age. It i Jiritpared by thn Sluait Chemical Co., Marsliall, Midi., and while it promptly and ett'eetually restores a Tigorous digestion, at the samo time is perfectly harmless nnd will nut Injure tho most delieato stomach, but on the contrary by giving perfect ilis-os-tion strengthens the stomach, improves the appetite aud makos life woith liviuK. he-ud for free hook on stomach Diseases, Ministers SlioukI Use Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. 4-3i"J.nERB 19 NO PROFESSION, wheaa g. labors so aovcrely t-ax th nervous ays torn, as that of the inlDtsify. Thodo rangement o tho nerrecentera of tho brain by over work, frequently brings: on attacks ot heart trouble, and nervous prostration. Rev. J. P.Kcstcr, It. D Pastor U. n. church, LondouMIl'.s, lltu. lilmsolt a physi cian, writes Fei 20, 1S93; "Heart affection and nervous prostration had becomo so serious last fall Diat a little ovor tvork In tbo imlplt would mcotnplccely prostrate mo Ty IV?1fc' t,,at 'l semcd certain I Ul . mun nrjst roHua ths-work Heart CUre oC th0 nUalMry entirely. Unartpalpttfttlon became ReStOreS so Dad that, my auditors TTfo1f Vi wottld ask tan if I did not liCailll...... havw heart dW.iso. iasb Noreniber I commencwl taklrnt Dr. Jliles' New Heart Cure alioniitely witfi Dr. Miles'' Jiervlno. and derivod tlij grcateot possible' ' benefit. I have Just closed revival work of, 10 woeks, preaching noarly every night and. twlcoontho Sabbath. I can speak for hours without sulTeriug as I foranerly dkt Hard working ministers should keep Dr. Miles' gTand rtmedles on hand." Dr. Mllos' Heart Cure is st td on guarantoo, first bottlo will benefit or money rot utided. BloodifHerveFood' For Weak end Run-Dcwn People from Childhood to Old Ar,e. WHAT Ft IS f ne rlch.stof nllrn' t'Tatirt rouilB, hi-iiimai' it r p'nrvt tli minit fiih--..-i ta to Ii.h itlwii mid nrv.-H thnt nm etl,.oii. d In IH, lAi.'llftfK'ui.'jluiiVbTdi-i'aiii'.li.ilij.'. -.t'on, lagu li.:., l (erwork, w .rry. oj.ci-hm., anuse, i-tj. WHAT, sr tfCESr Vr n.ji na ho blojid f iriH.'.ti.i-l ,i u.l th 3ipi'in iwirfi tt,ic crpirtes 9 i..it ll-Hfi, ei.iisilft snil Mr.-ittcth. The in rten he-nih'li.- iwis.'i.,tii br.iin b-r-oni" lu-tlrc an.! cft.r. r-ir rti ng ,At n'nl.iy anil stopiwnir an ni-tliijfilii'ii.uf'it ei-aliui'j.iinpith-rH'T, It haa ao nn ! , a.iif p . ''-malftTsiilKtorit laMurth Ita 'renrlit i v;a ijt.iio lamia week. Prlcefii c.,or r. boa 3a v. Vfiuifinta or by nail. Itiioltl'ree. TMf OR. CilAUC COW.HANV, iila Clijsiaut t.t.. t'hllaileujala. Testimonials Decide The medicinal valuo of goods niaimluciiued for the health of mankind. VIS Diphtheria TelH Us own tory us given by tho&ti who have tested Us qualities. Not u single cuso of failure ainonir tho Cure millions of bottles sold. It Is tho only rtfttiedy that "will positive ly and speedily cUre that dreaded disease. Muunfuetnied by the Thompson Uibutheria Cuio Co,, "Willlamport, ra. Ask your denier for a bottlo and also tor printed matter docrlbiiK tho remedy and Its spucitlo u&o when properly applied. IT NEVER FAILS ! Hero is what ono who ha3 triod it says t Wllltamsport, Ta., Slay 1. ISO. To the ruiille: I can say positively that Tlioinpson'sDIiilitherlaCiire saved my life', llnilone of the' sei erest cuaws of Jilpbtlierla ever known among grown people and tills Medicine cured me In (several days' time, AUo know that my dear sister w nuld not be living to-ilay hail It not been for Thompson's Diph theria Cure. Till this to ull the world and make the liingunge as strong as possible, fur It Is my desire that all thoso mulcted should tdve Thompson's HI ph IherUi Cure ii- trial. II will curo eery time lfapphcd aceonling to directions, as surely us-the sun rises and sets. II. 1'. Hull, 816 Hepturn St. Sold by Druggists evny ulbB at SO Cts. a bottle. For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug Store.. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Q S. 1HU.UPS, 3L D. Ofhee: 80 West Cent ftlree. Can ha eaiMulted at all hours. "p P. KintKE, M. D. 80 S. Lloyd stieelfehfcjiindoalw CHia hwirs : 7 to 9 a. ru, 1 to 3 uid 7 to Si T 11. POMEHOY. i - . ATTORNEV-AT-LAW Shouai)4ih, Pa. M. BUltKE. ATTORKEY-AT-LA-rV. OBlce Kgiin hulUsing, oornoir ol Main and Centre streets, hhen-uuloah. E.w- SHOlMKBlt, ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW. Curner SIsrket anl Centre streets. pitOP JOHN JONISs, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lok Box (SB, Mahanoy C'ltv Pa. Having studied under some .i thrl masters n Lonuon ami J'aris, will give 1 ou the violin, guitar aud vocal nlture ti reasonable. AihlrMM In cai-h nf Sltnnll eweiar. Biienmiuoati. Tho Rosy Freshnosi ana a velvety softness of the skin i rl.iOly obtalnca by those who use l'l i vujnpiexiun I'owuer.