VOL. XI.-NO. 275. SHENANDOAH. PA. FRIDAY- XOVEMKIl (, 189(5. ONE GENT. J. P. WILLIAMS 8c SON, V SOUTH MAIN STREET, SHENANDOAH, PA. UP-TO-DATE HATTER and GENT'S FURNISHER, 15 El. CENTRE STREET. Carpets, Oil Cloths, and . . . Linoleums. I I IZDCDSrSZT'O: North Main St., u. i . x i w We still have the 49c window shades. Best value ever offered. COLUMBIA : BREWING : COMPANY BREWERS OR Lager Beer, Porter and Ale. All the product of this brewery are made of pUrc malt and hops of which we buy the best and endeavor always to I MAKE THE BEST that can possibly be produced. Reduction in Wall From .25 cento ;o 20 cents; from 10 -cents to 8 cents. AH other grades accordingly. This stock must be -disposed ct at once, in order that 1 can enlarge my store. These bargains will hold good for a short time only. tXjme at oncesjul takeainrmtaje of the HTUW, I- C 1.. VAISTHR. I'APEn 1IAXQEU AND I HUlliaa 11. 23 S. Jarcltn St., GOOD BREAD ...CAN ONLY BE MADE FROM GOOD FLOUR. Owning my own mill, remodeled and fitted up .with the latest improved machinery, and using the best qualities of spring and winter wheat, 1 can guarantee OUR OWN BRANDS to give full satisfaction in every case. Our Popular Brands are DAISY, MOSS, ROSE, OUR LILY, LEXINGTON. MINCrf PIES 'astry rendered lard and our best niince meat. Remember we sell only one grade of mince meat and that is THK BlvST. For Health use our "Old Time" .fry our OLD TIM1S RYK FLOUR and Granulated Corn Meal. OUR CHOP is straight goods. We use no corn cobs or oat hulls in our feed. NEW e' Evaporated California Prunes, Peaches and Apri FRUITS. cots. New Raisins, Currants, Citron and Lemon Peal. New Mackerel- -This Season's Catcji Large and Small. Fancy Creamery Buttcrand F"iill Cream Cheese For a strictly Pure Soap that will cannot injure the clothes use in ...Keiter's Old hree pc-ttnd bars. WE SELL GOOD LAUNDRY SOAP 10 pieces ior 25c. We re. eive this week another lot of new Floor Oil Cloth. New Patterns and Low Prices. RAG CARPETS Our stock is large and prices low. SHtG. W. KEITER, INANDOAH, - PENNA. A LARGE NEW STOCK OF PARLOR ! SUITS Just Received. From $25 Upwards. BIG BARGAINS GLOVES Asm- MAX LEVIT, NEW Window Shades, Tapestry , Draperies, and Covers. t w3 Shenandoah, Pa. Paper. reduction. , DEALEIHTN WALL I'Al'EK. Shenandoah, Pa. 111 season. Por good -mince pies use Flour, our strictly pure kettle Wholewheat Graham Flour. -White and Fat- not hurt the hands and therefore Time Family Soap ILL A CLOSE VOTB IN TENNESSEE AND WYOMING. M'KIEEY IS SURE OF 277 ! Any Change That is Possible Will be In the Way of an Increase. !N0RTH mm also on the list EVEN KANSAS SEEMS TO BE NOT BEYOND DOUBT FOR THE F0P0CKATS. IT WAS A GLORIOUS VICTORY 1 President-Elect Congratulated by Bryan. The Announcement of Defeat Was No Surprise to the Democratic Leader. Chairman Jones' Statement Con ceded McKlnley'B Triumph. Tillman Says Bryan Will Win Text Time. Special to Rvknino !IrnALi. New Yokk, Nov. I). Several states in which tlio vote for President is remarkably close cannot yet bo claimed with absolute cer tainty cither for McKinley or llrymi. This debatalde list includes Tennessee and Wyom ing. Tlio table printed below allows 277 electoral votes for tho Republican nominee. All thee are alisolutely certain, and arc con ceded even by tho Democrats, with the ex ception of tho threo from Wyoming. Any change that may bo mule in this total will bo to swell it from tho returns of the now doubtful states. North Dakota whs assuied to McKinley yestorday. Kansas is retained in tho Democratic sido of tho list, although tho latent figuios from tho stato (jivo tho Republican? fairly good ground for claiming it. Wyoming is certoin to return one Republican elector, and there seems little reason to doubt that ho will be joined by his two colleagues. The two parties apparently polled within a few hundred votes of each other in Ken tucky, and it was tho general belief late last night that the Rluo Urns State would bo transferred from tho doubtful to the Republi can column. Tennessee seemed still more likely to join the McKinley procession, according to tho confident cl'iims of tlio Rcpublicaneofth.it State late last night. South Dakota's llguresaro still incomplete and doubtful. Neither party claims its electoral vote by more than a few hundreds. Therols no chnngo in tho tesult as given in thoso dispatches last night, as the follow ing table shows: Htt K'KIXI.KV. FOB BRYAN. niectomlVote. Electoral Vote. California '.) Alabama ... t'onnectlmit a Arkansas Ilel.iui.ro , .1 Colorado IllinoiB 21 Florida Indiana ir (jcorgta Iown I.'l blab Kentuekv 1:1 Kan Elaine ft Louisiana... Maryland H .Mississippi '. Massachusetts 1" MlMomi V, Michigan II Montana -.- -. 3 Jlluuunota 9 rscoraska Xow Hampshire 1 Nevada' a cw Jersey 10 rsorth Carolina 11 New York yii .South Carolina !l Xortli'Dakota 3 Tolas 11 Ohl ... SI Utah 3 Oregon 1 Virginia 12 Pennsylvania 32 Washington Khndc Island I .South Dakota I Total l.V Vermont I iouiirL'r.. WcMt Virginia fi Tennessee 12 Wisconsin 12 Wyoming 8 Tutal 277 Total 10 ItEUAl'lTt'LATION. McKinley.. 277 ltryan - 1VS Doubtful Total Xceos-nry tocbolce McKinley! plura'lty II 221 .... l,tV!,t0O BRYAN ADMITS DEFEAT. Says tlio llatllo lor Tree Silver Has Hut fust Commenced. Lin-cols, .Nob., Nov. 0. "Tho fight has Jiist commenced." Thug spoko William J. Iiryan last night when nskod If ho con sidored tho result of tho olootlon had boon n serious blew to tho cnuso of bimetallism, lie lmd just sent a message to Major Mc Kinley conceding his election and tender ing; his congratulations. Mr. Urynn surrendered nt 0 .20 o'clock, He had just received tho signal, and re sponded within tho next ten minutes with n telegram to his successful rival. This signal was a brief message from Senator Jones chairman of the, national Demo emtio oommltteo, informing; htm that he did nut oonslder it wise to longer withhold the concession of McKiuloy's election. This message was received by Mr. Urynn fow minutes after ho had roturuod with his wife from ah evening stroll, and in the presence of u dozen callers gathered in the parlor ami reading room ol their unpre tentious residence. The receipt of the telegram created no scene whatever, ami quo unnoqunlntoil with the facts would have never fiusiiected from tho surface indications the import ance of the ooonslon, or that tho chief aotor In tho drama had moro than n pass ing interest In it. Ho bunded tho tele gram to Mrs. Urynn, who was standing near him, and without u word, oxcupt to explain tho purport of tho mossugo, wit down at his doskund punned tho following telegram: "Senator Jones has just informed mo that tho returns ludicato your election, and I hasten to extend my congratula tions. We hnvo submitted the issue to the American people, and their will Is law " While writing tlio message and after it was completed Mr. Urynn chatted pleas antly with tho nowsiuncr correspondents who surrounded him, Indicating by Ills manner that ho felt reliovud to hnvo the mattor doflnltely determined, ovou though tho result was adverse to him. Ho ulso showed ve.ry plainly that .Sonutor Jones' Continued on Second pugo.j TMR BUSINESS REVIVAL. Itallrnuil shop ltfopcnlug AvltltIhi1nrgp( 1'nrci'rt Other Industries llooin. ClXOlSJTATl, Nov. 6. Special dispatches Indicate a revival In business throughout the Ohio valley, as well as hero. The Hist Four, Cheonpeako and Ohio and Ualtl more and Ohio railways oil ordered their shops opouod yesterday and enlarged forces at those already running. Tho Ensign Cor works at Huntington, W. Vn., re sumed. The car works nt Mount Vernon, Ills., got an order for '100 cars from tho Ijoulsvlllo and Jsnshvllle road and re sumed work. Tho Nitos Tool works nnd other shops at Hamilton announced in creased forces. Furnncos nt Ironton, Ash land nnd other river towns announce that they will go in blast soon. Tho Griffith, Wood works and tho Powell Hrnss works, both lnrgo concerns employing many men, nnnounco that they wlll'rosumo at once. It Is claimed by a number of manufac turers of Cleveland that ldlo plants have boon started up.and in othors tho number of cmplnyos has boon Increased. Tho Drlt tou'llolllng Mill company, manufacturers of tin pinto, whoso plant In Clovoland has been ldlo for somo timo past, announce that thoy have just closed n largo contract and will rosumo shortly with 150 men. Dlspatr.hos from various parts ot tho country nnnounco tho resumption of work nnd the ro-oniployniont of thousands of moil i In various Industries, especially mill wort. jMcIClnley Touched tlio Iluttnn. TOXA WANDA, N. Y., Nov. 0. At oxnetly 3 :30 O'clock yostorday afternoon Preside!) t elect McKinley touchod an ulectrle button at Canton which lighted n flro In furnneo II at tho works of tho Tonawnnda Iron nnd Steel oompany. Tho lighting of the furnaco menus work for 450 men. Tho manner ot igniting tho fires was unique Electrlo wires wore strung around the furnace, and at ench of the seven openings an inenndoscent lamp was placed with :i portion of the glass removed. I'owder wns poursd around tho 111ms, and above this wn4 suspended cotton waslo saturated with oil, which ignited ton cords of wood and sovornl hundred tons of coko inside tho furnaco. When tho button was touched at Canton it completed an electric circuit nt tho furnace, tho incandescent lamp films ignited tho powder, which In turn Ignited tho cotton wnsto. W.wi: you any itirrs ov hats? Tho place to get them Is at MAX I.KVIT'S. Wo bavo received Special Fine HaU , Fur tills occasion. Thoso are the prices : $2.00, $2.OT, $3.00 and 3..-0. Tho aliovo prices aio correct And wo want you to call , As woefln assure you That our styles will suit you. " MAX MIVIT'S, 15 EAST CEXTRESTREET. Tim ItcUvnl .'tcctlng To-night. Tho I.ove Feast in the M. E. church last night whs attended by a goodly number. It was a joyous season. The pastor and Ills people expect to enjoy a season of gracious blessing at the meeting this evening. All Indications point in tho dirertiou of a blessed closing of tho ninth week of tho re vival services. Ry special request, Rev. Alfred Ileebner, who has conducted thco meetings, will preach tlio sermon, lly a unanimous vote of tho congiegation tho meeting was not to close , last ' night. A cordial invitation is extended to all mem bers and friends of the church to bo present this evening and assUt in making the series mo of special interest and blessing. Let all come who ram and receive tho help such a meeting promises. Song service at 7:15. Preaching at 7:30. Come. . Sehoppe full orchestra dancing school, at Robblus' opera house on Saturday night. 5-3t Tin Volunteers Prospering. Tho local post of American Volunteers has leased Wilkinson's hall on Main street fur one year. Since Lieut. Ilaslam and his wife have taken chargo over 10 peoplo havo been accepted' as members of the post and 12 havo joiucd tho rent leaguo to help pay tho hall rent. Tho post has turned out 8 officers who aro m lomniand at tho followidg towns : Lieut, llawley and wife, Rurllngton, N. J,; Lieut. Jane Young, l'ottstown, I'a,; Cadet, tlroscious, Newark, N. J.; Cadet Reickurt, Philadelphia, Pa. ; Cadet Troutman, Wilkos barre, Pa. Our $1.00 colored bosom shirts can't ho boat In style or price. At MAX LEVIT'S. Health Itcports. Tlio following rates of measles were re ported to the Hoard of Health during tho past twenty-four hours: Josslo Lecklo, 17 years, Maggie Mullahey, 0 years, and John Zaliuskl, 5 years, all of East Centre street-; Elisabeth ami Rebecca Jones, East Oak street, aged respectively 3) and 3 yuan; Irene Fraiiey, years, corner of Main and Oak streets; Annie lllley, 10 years, oornerof Oak and West sheets, Hrmiiiuu'i. New ltestuui-aiit. Oyster soup to-night. Hot lunoh to-morrow morning. .Still They Come, Michael, Patrick and Frank Graham were to-day put under $80(1 bail, each, on com plaint of Anthony Flynn, who charges them with tearing dow;i a fence and iwit of a stone wbII on his premUei. Postmaster Mellet furnished tlie lull. till lull's Cute. Our JYeo lunch to-morrow morning will consist of lloston baked beans and pork. Safo Completed. The new safe or vault for the otllce of the Couuty Controller has been completed, and is nbout ready for tho uso of that official. It occupies nearly the cntlro oast sldo of the Controller's oflice, and is a liaiidsouio piece of workruanshln. Tt U II. ami Is supposed to ho burglar proof. Wholesale mid Itttall Confectionery. Tho undersigned havo opened a wholesalo and retail confectionery store at l!il North Maiu street, where they will bo pleased to have their many friends glvo them a call. IUUs E1SE.SIIOWEU, 1 1-1-4 1 FitAJJK ElSENItOWEIt. Wo have something entirely now in $1.25 liats, At tUo Cp-to-pate hat gtoro. Ms- cusslon and Threats. I LALLY TALKS ABOUT WARRANTS I Announced That the Chief Burgess, Chair man or the Sanitary Committee and President of Council Would be Arrested To-day. A regular meeting ot the llorougli Council was held, last night with President T. J. James presiding and the following members in attendance : Reese, Magargle, lloelim, McGiiire, Lally, Kearu, D. R. James. Strauglin and Murphy. Some liarts of the meeting were quite spicy and the members did not appear to be in a hurry to rush the business. At one stage of the proceedings Councilman Lally gave notice to ills colleagues that if they didn't do something in connec tion with tlio nuisance in the vicinity of the riynn property in the First ward some of tlicin would bo arrested. Tlio dialogue be tween the member, I'lesldent James and Councilman Murphy at this stago was both interesting and amusing. President James took advantago of the opportunity to gic the Ilonid of Health a hard riii blow. Theie will bo rejoicing at Turkey Rim to night over the lesult of the meeting, us the gallant Defender Hose Company of that part of the borough becomes the owner of a hose carriage. No member left the Council Chamber last night more pleased than Councilman K earns and while on his lonely wiUK to tho city on the mount ho forgot en tirely tho sorrowful results of Tuesday's election and thought only of the rejoicing he would cause on his stamping ground by the announcement that tho Eorough Council had given the Defenders an apparatus. Mr. lioelun opened the reports of com mittees by stating what the roads and high ways committee had done during the past three weeks. Ho said it fixed up Cherry street, from Jardiu to Main, and has about finished Main street, from Centre street to the Lehigh Valley railroad and all crossings east of Main street, including one at the corner of Centre and Main and three at tho corner of .Main aud Lloyd streets, and tho crossing in the First wttid mentioned ill the petition presented at the last meeting would bo attended to as soon as the contractor could do tlio wurk. Many crossing plates cannot bo laid because people havo not put in curb stones upon which to fasten them. .Mr. Kearus said a crossing was needed at tho corner of Oak and Ullbert streets and Mr. McGuiro said Ilridgo stiect should las tilled between the creek and the railroad. A dis cussion over tho creek brought out a state ment from President James that the Chief Hurgess ought to see the officials of the C. & I. and Thomas Coal Compauies in regard to It. Mr. lieeso, of the lire apparatus committee, reiKirnd that the new hose wagon hsd arrived aim k.i satisfactory and the flro alarm njsteni was in good condition. Ho also com mended Electrician l,awson on his work thus far in connection with the system. Refore .taking his seat Mr. Iteeso made this significant announcement: "The fire appara tus committee thinks the tiro comiianies ought to come together and re-organize the firo department, as it seems tho companies are having difficulties. Thoy ought to have better discipline and more contiol of the men while at tires. Tlio committee proposes to get together sumo time next week and have a ro-organiatioii." On motion of D. R. James tho new huso wagon was accepted. Mr. Kearus said he had been Informed that the Columbia Hose Company hadn't room for tho hose "crab" sinco the new hosowagon has arrived and tho Defender Hoso Company would like to havo the "crab." Mr. Iteeso said the firo apparatus committee would recommend the transfer and upon motion of Mr. Lally it was decided that the Defender Company be given tho "crab." D. R. James stated that the polico would bo supplied with the new overcoats to-night. Mr. Magarglo stated that it cost the Coun cil lastjear f03 for coal alone to heat the borough building aud tho Columbia llrewing Company was willing to heat It for $150. Upon motion of 1). R. James it was decided to accept tho oiler. Chief llurgess Hums stated that ho and tho Supervisor woro arrosted when they went to tear down tlio stone wall on tho Flynn prop erty in accordance with the resolution adopted by Council and the case would come up for trial at I'ottsville next Tuesday. The report led to quite a discussion; of which tho following is a part : .Mr. Lally : "Did the chairman of the sanitary committee visit the First ward where this trouble exists?" -Mr. Murphy : ,"No, sir." Mr. Lally : "What Is the reason 1" Mr. .Murphy : ".My attention wasuotuilled to it, and I don't court trouble." Mr. Lally ; "There is a nuisance there and there is an ordinance which provides what the horough officials shall do with public nuisances." President James : "We are uayinaa Health Officer for the purpose of removing nuis ances aud if there is a nuisance, and the Health Officer, living iu elose vieluity, can standby iu face of. tlio authority he has I don't we what this Council can do. The Council ha done all it could by resolution at the last meeting, aud when the officers at tempted to carry them out their lives were threatened, and now the matter lies in suit." Mr. Ijlly said he would give waruiug that If something was not done warrants would bo issued by ten o'clock this morning for the arrest of tho Chief llurgess, tho chairman of the Sanitary Committee and the President of Council. No definite action was taken ami it left Mr, Lally in a critical frame of mind, so that when Mr. Stnuighu made a motion a few minutes later ho objected to an addition the chairman made In putting tho motion. Tho tecrctury read a communication from the Columbia Hose Company, Inviting the Council to attend the housing of the new wagon next Friday evening. Mr. Strauglin moved that the invitation be accepted. President James announced, "It is moved that tho Invitation bo accepted and Council attend," Mr-J-ally objected to the Presi dent adding the words "and Council attend" The First Ward Nuisance Creates WE KNOW EVERY WOHAN Who buys one of our Broom and Buckets for 25c. wiii admit that she gets 40c. woitli of goods. Some new things just in Combined Ironing Tables and Step Ladder, Magic Clothes Dryers, Carpet Beaters, Folding Wash Benches, Ironing Boards, Bread Boards, Bamboo Easels, Enameled Easels, AltltlVKl) TO-DAY 11 New Patterns of FLOOR OIL CLOTH G I R V I N ' S 4 and 8 S. Main St. because Mi. Straiighn had not used them and the President displayed a little irritably, lie then put the motion with the additional words and. hearing only one vote for it nnd two in tlie negative, declared it lost. Sub sequently Mr. Strauglin moved "That the Invitation of the Columbia Hose Co. No 1. of Shenandoah, Pa., be accepted and that each anil every individual member of the Council attend in a body." This motion was carried without a dissenting vote. Tho report of the Chief of Police for October showed 15 arrests, I served time and 11 paid fines amounting to $22. Lodging was furnished to eight people. The Chief Hnr gess' report showed $32 ill collections and the Firo Marshal's report showed thteo tires, two from defective Hues. Cpon motion of Mr. Lally It was decided that the firo apparatus committee inspect the firo plugs before tho winter weather sets in At llrci'ii's liliilto Cafe. Panned oysters on toast, free, to everybody to-night. Come and try them. Rico soup to-morrow morning. Meals served at all hours. .loyco Vacates. Thomas J. Joyce, the editor and founder of tho Mahanoy City American, has r. signed from the editorial chalrof thnt pup. i and it is said will establish a paper a i ihe county seat. The American is now ...n trolled by Hon. John J. Coyle and Umd (iraham. Keiidrlrk House 1'reo Liiiuli. Clam soup to-night. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. Martini nt l'oitsilllc. Dame minor has it that John Oradv ..i .Mahanoy City, and Miss Ressie Wadl illU I , et I'ottsville, daughter of Joseph Waillinu. i . were married at St. Patrick's Catholh i hui-. h, I'ottsville, Wednesday evening. John's nm,c intimate friends contlim the rumor. Rm out to ci'iti: a cold ix oxT: i vv Tako Laxativo llromo Quinine Tablets. l) druggists refund tho money if It falls to cun . 2.1 cents. Did you seo Rrumm'sshow window ilisiihiv of Statuary ? Keinoval. .1 Philip Ilierniau has removed hifs shoemaker shop to 37 N. Market street Rear of Wil kinson s dry goods store. ,.' l(l-27-2w THIS DAY We received an entire new. line of China Ware, which will be sold at prices within the reach of everybody's pocket book. Decorated Cup & Saucer, 35c; real value 50c Salad Dishes, 75c; Bread Plate, 25c; Plate Sets, 25c; $1,00 50c 40c A large line of "After Dinner" Coffees at 2.1c. each. Never before sold for less than 3oe.,35c. ami 40c. Vases at Surprisingly Low Prices "See This Handsome i. F.J. Portz&Son. SHKNANDOAH. PA, A CHOICE ARTICLE --OUR-- BEEF WINE AND TR0N At 50c Per Bottle. OtM LV AT KIRLIN'S DRUG STORE, 6 South Alain Street.