EVENING HERALD KSTAIII.IMII:I 17I). rubllalu'il every Evening, Kccrt Holiday, nl 8 SoETH JAHIHN HTKKF.T, NKAK O.KTBK. Xhe llnnihl la ilcllvnrd in Hlioimmloan nnil tho tflirrouuillfiic town for nix ucnU ft week, tfly utile to the carriers, lly mull 18.00 a ycar.or J5 cent h month. phlo In advance. AdvertlM monWi churned according to apace and position. The nuiduhvm reserve the right to change tlie position of advertisement whenever the pill llonttmt of iu'wi demands It. The right la renewed to reject any advertisement, whether paid for or not, that the pnlillahers may deem Improper. Advertising rntwi made known upon application. Itnterwl nt the pimlnfflee at Shenandoah, l'n us second class mail matter. TKt.KWIOKK COXNKCTlON. Evening Herald TUIWDAY. NoVl'.Mlinit 3, 18ufl. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET. MIH 1'HKHIIKST, WILLIAM M'KINLHY, Of Ohio. 1011 VIC'K l'llfc" IllHKT, OAltltUT A. II011AUT, Of Xew Jersey. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. fiih to.tnntwoMAii-vr.iiAHiin, OALUSIIA'A. OltOW, Of Susquehanna. HAMUi:t. A. DAVIiNl'OItT, Of Uric TC-MOKROW'S RETURNS. Tlio contest now closing lias heen an unpic. edonttl one. The issuos Iirvo been pre sented in such n manner that tho ultiinnto result has awakened the lcoiot interest by every man, woman and child in the country. Especially is this true of .Schuylkill county, and uowheto more so than in Hhenandoah, While thurc is naturally a difl'ereiu'C nl opinion as to which of tho two parties will be successful, hoth Hides await the returns with ft gieat deal of interest. The unusally large ballot and numhttr of candidates to be voted for will delay the re turns, and the election officers will ho com pelled to work, in tome instances, Into the small hours of tho morning liefore their labors are ended. This lielng so the morn ing papers will necessarily have an inaccurate icport of tho returns. Appreciating the intorc-st taken In the ro uilt hy tho people, tho 1Iki:ilij, will) its customary spirit of enterprise and a dosiro to furnish its thousands of readers with the very latest news to be had, has ruiiiloarntnsoineiits to meet this demand. With direct telephone couUHctiim witli ovcry towu in the count, us well as tho state, and a aperiul representative at Philadelphia and Pottsvllle, our readers will lio tho first to iuceivu authentic election returns. Tho dumtnil for the IIi:bw.i to-morrow will be unprecedented, and our news agents and carriers should order their extra supply ol the people's favorite paper early. Tiik polls will close this evening at seven n'i'lock,aiid If you have notyetdepo-iited your oto for the Kepuhlii au standard-bearers do nl once, and thus help swell the majority. The anniversary services in St. John's Evangelical Lutheran cliureh on Sunday and last evening, which marked the twenty-flfth anniversary of the foundation uf the church, .mil the silver anniversary of Hev. John (iruhler, tho iatur, was indeed u pleasing iKi asion for the friend-i of the church, lis put tally is this tineas to the pastorate of Iti v. Urrjhlcr'wliinc n-l.itlons witji his l'..ith ful llockyi ivu been mutually pleasing and producli'v-u of much good. This friendly iW-linyr is ulm shown hy those outside of the clnivcli. -May his pastorate continue many mini years, is the wisli of the entire com--nuulty. Tubus: uny he fair dlfl'crences of opinion as to tho extent and condltiuus of pciiMiui re lief, hut there is no room for doubt as to pen sions, writes cx-l'i'osldent Harrison in the November Ladies' Homo Journal. Woven dollars a month for war service implies, at least, relief in easo of wounds or hicUui-s for the soldier, ami that tho puhlic will cam foi Ins widow and nilnur children. When the Uw of pillage prevailed it was utlicrnixi aid when our rich men hike to fighting our K,iri wo can abolish thu pension system, but liuis far it Is as historically true of the armies that won our independence, delivered us from tho Indians and tho lliitish, and -, nod tho nation in the great Civil War, as of the Kingdom of Ilimvou' : 'not many rich. ' There are two views of the pension ijuestiun -uue from the 'Utile Hound Top' at Ui tty.s hurg, looking out over H field sown thickly with the dcail, and around upon bloody, blackened and maimed men claoring the shot-torn bannerol' their couutry ; tho other from nil office desk on a busy stieU, or from an oudunoil chair in a university, louUin--.oit'y upon a statistical table. AN UNUSUAL AID. In to-uiurrow's Hkkvi.ii the people will la) leading tho election ro.ulu and conning tlie figures of some of tho targoat majorities evtr known. It will be with the McKinley returns a with tho healthy collegiate youth Iu, k to dinner from his first rush at font ball : "I know you've gut enough to eat," be -aid, "but how much more?'1 The elec tiu. result has long becu nettled; the main ini' rest is destined to lie ill tho magnitude of tin- McKinley majorities. When these are renewed, adiniied uud digested, uue power- fu. hu ct pi, CHI til. th iu !V foitor out of the many producing tue l,y fluale should not lie overlooked, nor i rbrgoriou, and that is the luiportuut wrt i.dby the life Insurance interest in the llU. ii life company mauagers were among yry first tu sound the alarm i. to 4ugers of free silver. They did this Tidually, with no consultation what 1 among themselves, and without wait to learn what somebody else was going to ii k of their action. Tljoy saw impending disaster to hundreds f thousands of policy-holders In case liaii- ,i, iloll.tis should ever lie the only money ..Ii,, h (he 1 . 1 1 1 1 r ami their buieficiam - miuht liu.illy In i-nt ii U ! , nnil tin forth w ith starti il a ilm that was In .ml olh i Um 1, up and down the land, pcm-tiating to in ry nook ami i omcr thereof, anil cnirying um victlon to ft host of voters who might ncwr otherwise have lieoii reached. Ami the army of life agents, in their turn. Iiccaine potent missionaries fur tin- rh'lil, and hore their share In an educational campaign among the polley-holders, until there were few of the latter who wore not rcarhid and decisively influenced In every part of the country. Their votes alone will havo heon found enough to turn any possible mule against Bryan, and will, as It Is, count by the tens of thousands in the staggering majorities that are to-day lielng piled up against him. Poison Ivy. insect bites, bruises, scalds. burns, are quickly cured by lie Wilt's Witch IIHcel salve, trio great pno cure. u. ji. llagenhuch. The County Institute. The County institute Course of livening llutertaltiments will begin Monday nest, November II, with n locture hy John Itur rough, a popular and delightful speaker, on the sullied of "The Art of (Seeing Thlugs." Will he followed on Tuesday with an enter tainment by l'olk Miller, the host delineator of the old plantation negro, in a dialect re cital on "Old Times Down South." Wed nesday, "Tho Kellogg lllrd Carnival and Concert Company," and Thursday, 'Lite man Grand Concert Company and Dr. Iiyron W. King. It doesn't matter much whether sick head ache, biliousness, indigestion and constipa tion aie caused hy neglect or hy una voidable ciroumsutncea; DeWitt's I.ittlo Iiarly lilseis will speedily cure them all. C. II. Ilagen buch. The United Minn Workers. The United Mlno Workers havo secured pledges from all liepubliean uiuilidstos in tills county, and all hut one of the Demo crats. Following is the form of ph-dgo given by the Congicssional candidates in the Mia mokin district as addressed to President l'ahcy: "In the event of my election to Con gress 1 hereby jnoinise to use my power mid influence against and vote against Govern ment by injunction nnil I will do all I can against it, anil to protect American work iiigmcn, and in particular the coal workers, whom I repicsent. I further promise to do likewise and take the nbovo action to properly regulate and restrict immigration to the l'nited Slates and iu particular I will do all in my power to pi event pauper labor immigrating to this country. Many a day's work is lost hy 'ek head ache, caused by indigestion ana stomach troubles. DcWitt's I.lltic Dirly ttisers are tho moat effectual nill for overcoming such difficulties. C. II. llagenhueh. (iron 111 n( the Tom 1st Sjslein. The Pennsylvania Ilailroad Company hruugh its porsonally-conductcd tourist system and tho unexcelled standard of high service has won an envinble record fur Itself. Theho tours havo grown to bo thoroughly appreciated in this ago of luxurious travol, and tho seiios announced for tho season of 'IN! and '117 admirably illustrates the prog less of the times. Pint comes a series to the Golden Gate, slatting from New York, Philadelphia, and Harrlsburg, January ST, Tehruary 24, and March 27. Tourists will travel by superbly appointed special trains of Pullman compart ment, drawing-roum slcepinr, dining smok ing, and observation cars under the suporvi-i-lon of a Touritt Agent and Chaperon. Next in impoitance ci inesa series of four to Florida January 2ts, February 0 and 23. and March I). The first three admit of two weeks in the sunny Smith, while tickets for the fourth tour ore good to return hy regular trains until May ill. A series of short tours to Washington from New York, Philadelphia and adjacent points will In run on December 2!. I'i I. January 21, -',.i,,- in v 11 I.ir.di II, ..nr. I mid -.'2, aud May 13. 1SH7. O.u t'uiiii . mil fort, Kii'limninl .mil Wash ington toor will leave New Yoik and Phila delphia I lui ember 20, 189a. January 28, Feb ruary 21, March IS and April Li. Handsome illu.-lratod Itineraries will be issued by the Pennsylvania J;iil:v,ud Com pany, enntainlii;! full Information as to how llii.se tours may he pleasantly and piolltBbly made. These itineraries may be procured on liersonal application or by addressing Tourist Agent, llOii I.roadwuy, Now lork; WWl ulton Street, llrooklyn; 7!l llronil Street. Newark, N. J , or lioom 111, liro.nl Street .Station, Philadelphia. "Merit talks" tho intrinsic valuo o( Hood's Sarsaparilla. Merit In medicine means the power to cure. Hood's Sarsapcrilla possesses actual and unequalled curative power nnd there fore it has true merit. When you buy Hood's Sarsaparilla, and talto it according to directions, to purify your blood, or euro any of the many blood diseases, you nro morally certain to recelvo benefit. Tho tiower to cure Is there. You are not trying an cxierimeiit. It will mako your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drh o out tho germs of disease, strengthen the nerves and build up the wholosystcm. Sarsaparilla I s tlie best, In (act the One True Wood Purifier, l'l enured only by 0, 1. Hood&Co.,Lowell,Mass. Hood's Pill; no not mirire. ii yrlle. All druggfsts.'Du. MADE ME A MAM AJAX TAI1LKTS rosiTlVElA cuiu; jstrvau ruiiins mum- bj Abuw unit other Ext nw Imlir. OrMtonM. They QuU&tu ainl nurttu ractora XiOit Vituliii m old or joantr. nud It ft mftttlor umuy,uuiiutnB or murnutfo 'raraut Iiiwmin nail ConuaiuMlon if me. Tlieir utn .mivw tuiniadtute liuproyu- it ana IBMU uukm wh jro uiouior nm. m Dpoo trtukt the eemilna Ajax Tablote. Titer jureaibouMndiunfl will cun you. 9 give a writiAn fvtiftruntue to uue. t n euro in eech caw .uud tw inouuy. ricu BO cttm iw paikje, or U ruck.'itrw Itutl trHiitiii-ml! for Uv mail, in xrATWieDtf ""as:. Fur mile In li amis. 1. Klrliu, 'iiuiiiltiali, 1'h , Ur.i'-tttlMtH. by A. Wasiey A Hand:aomo Comploxion is oae of tho groatett charius a woman can possess, l'ozxom's CoMi'UiXioN l'owcau gives it. Talks i y tic inr liMMvygjiT r lljlfe rw.fr1 MAHANOY CITY. Tho idleness of the collieries brought out a big vote this morning. Tho llepuhlicaii demonstration last night wns a big success. The Young Men's liepubliean Club and Young Men's Christian Association will re ceive tulograplilc election returns to-night. The former will give tho public tho benefit of them wltii u magic lantern and plcto of canvas. The School Hoard adjourned early last night on account of the Republican demon stration and will meet again next Thursday evening. Tho New Huston band held a ball at New llostou last night and entertained many people. Samuel Holier, II) years of ago, is sorlously ill at tho homo of Thomas Jenkins, on South Spruce street, lie is suffering from porltouitis and ills case is considered hopeless. Tlie Holmes vein, on thu south dip, has been struck at tho North Mahaiioy colliery by means of a tunnel driven from the north dip. It Is 25 fict and 11 inches thick. The water shaft at the Gllbeiton colliery Is down 310 feet. .Mnrrlages. Benjamin H. Keiper, son of Mr. and Mrs. George S. Keiper, and Miss Clara M., the pretty daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank (iodichall, left on the early train on Satur day morning for Jersey City, N. J., where they were married in tlie afternoon. Hoth young people reside in Ashland. The matrlage of Matthlns Montler, of Oak laud, and Miss Kate Mclntyre, of Glrard villo, is announced to take place on Tuesday Nov. 21th. first or All, lleil I hiK- Oil, :iSc. What for? Aches, pains, bruises. Gruhler liros., drug stme. At Deeds Keeol-ded. J. II. Grady and Kate Gmdy to Anthony! Daniszewlcz, interest iu ptcmises iu Mnhanoy I City. From Mary A. Moris, guardian of I.tzio I Grady, to Anthony Duiilsacwios, interest in ' lot in Malmnoy City. From W. K. Woodbury to C. H. Manliart, i premises in Pottsvllle. I From Ashland S. V. and I,, to John J. I Salluile, lot in Ashland. From John McGe to Oliver George, lot in Kline township From Ij. and W. H. Coal Co. to John Mc- Adoo, lot In Kline township. From Catharine lllew to Isadora Meyer,! premises iu Hyan township. From D.AV. Klcokiiea toGuurge F. Light, premises in Mahaimy City. "V80VAL. William Hilton spent tliodsy at Llewellyn, near Pottsvllle. Mrs. Coyle spent yestenlay at Now Phila delphia witli friends. Liverymnn (liven Hrennan transacted busi ness at Pottsvllle yesterday. i Mr. Joseph ll.-dilall, of Win. Penn, was a J passenger on the morning train t Pottsvllle. Messrs. A. C Morgan, (1. W. Nesman and ! D.J Price leturnud to Philadelphia at uooii I to-day. I Frederick Gruhler tutiirned to Allentown to-day to losiun'.- Ills studies at Muehlcuhuig ' College. J John Mcl'arroll, of Philadelphia, a stalwart Ashhridge politician, was in lowu last night i and called at the IIhkald ollicu. ' Messrs. J. D Hicuniu, Dr. James Mnna I ghan, Daniel Malono and William Lewis, of l Philadelphia, are home to cast their ballots to-day. Among the Shenandoah representatives who participated iu thu gieat McKinley and , Hobait demonstration in-New York City on baluiday weio Aithur It. Treiise and sou. More. Kleclriu ltalluny Talk. The much discussed project of building a llnu of elccir.c railways from .Mahaiioy Piano to St Clair that will connect tlie Schuylkill Traction lines and the Schuylkill r.lcctrie lLillwiiy system has been revived ami Is one of the possibilities of tlie future. Tills would make every section of Schuylkill tributaiyto a great extent on an electric railway system. fthoiiiuullsnt Cured Iu u liny, "Myotic (Jure " fur ltlieuiuiitism and Neu ralgia radically cuies iu l to 3 days, lu action upon tho system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once tlie cauto and the disease immediately disappeais. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by C. II. Ilaiiimhucii, Druggist, Shenandoah, l'rcii!eut Cleveland nt Home. Wasiiimito.v, Nov. 3. President Clovo land Is at tho White House today. Ho prolmbly will rocolvo tho eloetloii returns at the White House Instead of at Wood ley. Secretaries Olney, Carllslo nud Mor ton are likely to bo tho president's guosts for the purposo of hearing tho returns as received. Kleetlon lurilvrs In Kentucky, CliATBitlo, Ky., Nov. 3. At a political meeting hero yesterday James Ynilllooso, a Itopublloan, struck Meredith Chandler, n Democrat, on tho head with a lionvy rook, fatally Injuring him. Lafo Maroum shot and killed a man named Spauldlug ut u political meeting nuar Louisa. llnlluay I.oeouiotlves for China, WAbliiMiTON, Nov. 8. United States Minister llonby has informed tho suite de partment that the Chinese yaiiien has awarded to the IJaldwln Looomotlvo works, of I'lillndolphia, the lowest bidders, the contract fur building eight locomotives for tho Impuriul railway. Stole thu Firm's lSntlre Assets ClflCAiiO, Nov. . O. V. Hall, the oon fldentlal man of the Stuokman's Commis sion company at the stack yards, has dis appeared. A shortage has been discovered amounting to about the entire assets of tho firm, nbout tdl.UUQ. righting ill .Mlltllliclelllnd. SAUBHt'itY, Nov. a Colonel Cecil Khodes and Captain Kercnu, with thirty llvo burghers, captured and burned l'an gol's kraul on Snturduy nfter a light in which thlrty-ono robots, Including throe chiefs, wero killed. PITHY POINTS. Happenings Throughout the llcglon Chron icled for Hasty l'crusnl. K. O. J. Wadlingor will open a now barber shop in tho Petors bulldln on North Main slseet. Tho Miners' National Hank of Pottsvlllo has declared a semi-annual dlvidond of tlnee per cent. John Korrick, who was run down by an electric car at Mahaiioy Plane, died at the hospital on Sunday. Mrs, Hryan Monaghati, of Glrardvillo, is lying dangerously 111 at her homo with a severe attack of sickness. Tho big water shaft at Gllborton colliery, which Is to bo sunk to a depth of 1100 feet" is now down to .110 feet. The work, is being done under the supervision of George Tlci ncy, of Pottsvllle. G. J. Wadllnger asked Court to Issue a war rant upon William Smith, superintendent of tho Williams Coal Company, to answer the charge of violating tlie initio law. The couit dliectcd Mr. Wadllnger to milKc out the war rant? To rush the l'ostel Case, CiiRKTr.it, 1'iv., Nov. 3. After vacillating for lienrly two wooks tho Providence au thorities have decided to turn over tho jars containing; th" visoor.iof tho Into Mrs. Sluy Francos 1'os e' to tho representative of District Attorney riohnlfer, of Duln wuro county. For this purpose Coroner Minslmll nnd Chief of I'olieo Deny, of Chester, will leave for 1'rovlilenco tomor row morning; nnd personally receive the purls tnkon from the body for analysis. On their return tho jars will bettirnod over to Dr. John Murshall, professor of chemistry of the University of Pennsyl vania, who wjll ninko tho chemical anal ysis. Killed by Ills Own I'osse, IlKMIKU, N. M., Nov. 3. AVhllo in pur suit of border bandits, who havo boon committing murders mid robberies In soutlnvost Now Mexico nnd in tho vicinity of Skeleton Canyon, near thu Arizona lino, Deputy rihoritl Frank M. Galloway, of Silvor City, was shot mid killed by inoinbors of his own posse, who mistook liimforii rolibor in tho .darknoss, bavins called out. to him and received no answer. Tho posse wns! oloso upon tha robbers, but had camped lor tho night, nnd Galloway was on watch. Tho robber. liavo mado their oscnpo. Wnlllns's I'artlnl Coufvsslon. CoviSOTOJf, Ky., Nov. 3. Signs arc pointing to a confession by Jackson and Walling, or at loust to n getting at tlie truth of tho murder of Pearl IJryan. For two weeks Jackson and Walling havo boon tept In separate cells, and a bitterness is growing between them. On Sunday Wall- ing sold to Turnkey Maurlcr: "Why should I bo punished for a orlme I did not ' commit? I did not murder I'oarl liryan. 1 Jackson Is the man who cut her head off." i Mutirler asked him why ho had not so tos i titled, but Walling declined to answer. I atal Tiro tu ii llnll'alo Hotel. IStirrAi.o, Nov. 3. The Carllnos hotel, nt No. 112 Main street, was dostroyod by llro at an oarly hour lu the morning, There wero twonty-two persons lu tho blllhliliL' when the flro sturtnil. All hut nluoof them osoaned nniiiiuroil. Three I were womoii, one of whom, an unknown. I was liurneU to death. Tho Injured are ox- pected to recover. An Immediate Advunco on Khartoum, CAlliO, Nov. 3. Gsnernl Sir 11. H. Kltch- cnar, commander-in-chief of the Kgypthin troops, started from this city for London yesterday for tho purposo of conferring ! with the British war oillco In regard to tho immediatondvaiico of tho Anglo-Kgyp-.j tlnii Soudan expedition from Dongola to Khartoum. Cuban Iteeogultlou in llollvlu. Lima, Peru, Nov. 3. Nows has been re ceived from Sucre, IJollvln, that tho com mission of foreign affairs of tho sonato has presented a niotlou in that body for tho recognition by Bolivia of tho Cuban In surgents as belligerents. Mill lowering C)clltig Iteenrds. MKMl'ins, Tenu., Nov. 3. Jay Kuton, of KUzaboth, N. J., smnshed tho tlirco mile In door record hero lust night. Tho occa sion wasa match raeo between Cooper and Katun for a purse of 500. The tlmo mado wast!.3l, tho previous record being (1.41 by Mcrtens. Tho race was paced by Stowors and Hooper on a tandem. Gilbert Loguo, of Nashville, lowered tho half mllo Indoor nmuteur roeord of 1.01 held by Louis Smith, of Nashville, Loguo passed the judgos lu l.Ui 1-5. lllsbop Walker's 1'Ians. llATAVlA, N. Y., Nov. 3. HlohopWalkci of North Dakota, lately elected bishop Of tho dlocoso of western Now York, spont part of Saturday In this town, departing in tho ovonlng for his homo In Fargo, N. l. AsKcu n no would accept tho election as bishop of wostorn Now York, ho re plied: "At prosont I would prefer to say nothing, for various reasons, whlch.I do not care to explain." Count UUinarck Defends Ills Fntliel. London, Nov. 8. A dispatch from l'arls to The Chronicle reports the arrlvol there of Count ljurliert lllsmarek. and says tlrnt lu uouverslng with his Intimate associates lio defended his father's disclosures re garding the entente between ltussla and Gamut uy, between 1S8I and 1MM, ns neither senile or uiulutifiil, but us having been Induced by patriotism. - Soro Tlirout yuleUly (lured. Not long ago lu tiiwkliig of suie tlirout, and tlie ililllculty frequently exirlenccd in uuiiug.it, Mr. J. U. Tliorow, of rniundalo, l'a., told liow he had often cuicd it In .Ids family. Wc gif it in liln own words: "I huvo ficijueiitly uod ('liaiuliorlaln'i l'.iln llrtlm iu my family for wire tlirout nnd it lik effn ted a r.ecily cure in every IiitUnue. I would iK't llii'ik of getting along lu my lwine without It." l"aln Iluliu lo cure rheumatiHin, BiirHlim Hinl liruiwt. l'or Nile ut as uud 50 centa ner hottluhy Orulilcrllron., drugUU. Stopped by n Sf,iinlli Cruiser. Ntcw Youk, Nov 3. Captnin MontRom cry, of the brig Cnrlb, just arrived from Truxlllo, reports that on Ovt. l'.l, nbout . midnight, n war vessel without lights ills- ' played was sighted. Shortly afterwards the stranger blow his whistle sevoro! times tonttract intention, nml finding thaMro did not heed him llred n gun. The brig was hove to nnd waited for twenty min utes until within speaking distiinoe. Tho stranger proved to lie a Spanish man-of-war. We wore hailed and asked our ves sel"s naino nnd whither bound, also If wo liad seen any Spanish vosols. After re ceiving roplles they thanked us and sailed away- ! Itonnnke's Mayor fatally Injured. ! Hoanokk. Vn., Nov. 8. Mayor McClel- lnnd wns run down on Campbell stroot by an electric ear and fatally Injured. Ho was carried Into a physician's oillco near tho scene of the nccldent In nn uncon scious condition, nnd It was found that tho baso of tho skull on tho back part of tho lioad was fractured. No hopos nro en tertained for tho mayor's recovery. Tho car was In charge of Conductor A. C. Heckuer and Motorman It. M. Sperry. Tho latter did all In his power to avert tho accident. Tho mayor stepped in front of tho car when It wns loss than 11 vo foot from hint. Verdict Against Uncle Sam. Haiitkoud.Nov. 3. In tho United States district court Judgo Townsend handed down a preliminary decision in tho case of cx-Dlstrict Attornoy GeorgoG. Sill against tho United States, In which tho plaintiff claims fo,500 for services nnd disburse ments during his four years' tomiro of of fice. Of the amount claimed, tho decision, which Is itemized, practically allows to the plaintiff tho sum of $3,tW5. Part of this allowanco Is conditional upon tho plain tiff's ability to prove lu court certain nllo gations in his bill. These allegations proved, tho court will make tho doclsiou final. A Tunnel's Iticli l'lnd Stolen. YotSK, l'a. Oct. 3. 'While tearing off the roof of his house yesterday Kdwnrd Spangler, a farmer living nt bpry, this county, found a bag filled with gold nnd silver notes. Hcforo ho had tlmo to count his find his hired man, William Sullivan, seized tho bag nnd nmilo off with It. Spongier pursued Sullivan, but tho lottor threatened to kill him, nnd niado good his escape with the treasure. Spangler noticed tho denomination of one of tho notes, which ho snys wns SBIX). The police nro now looking for Sullivan. Tli lleniocrntie Crtmlldnle Will 1'rnfU. Ai.tooka. l'a., Nov. 3. Iu spite of all efforts of party manager.s to force the with drawal of one of tho two Iiopubllcan can didates In this, the Twentieth congros slimnl district, both Hicks and Thropp are making an active fight for tho office. They will divide tho Republican vote of the district, and Ir is probable that Mc Nniimrii, Dennicratie cai illdato. will be elected. Ii inks' mujoritj two yisars ugu was U,i)0. Theories of cure may be discussed at length by physicians, but tho su'l'erers want quick relief; and One Minute Coufh Cure will give it tu them. A safe cure for children. It is "the only linrinlo-s remedy I nit produces inimediate results." C. II. Hitgenhuc 1 . Militia .Suppressed a ltnco lllot. GoLDSliotto, N. C, Nov. 3. An Incendi ary speech mado hero by Frank linker, a colored llcpubllcnu of Dudley, caused a clash lietweon white and colored citizens yesterduy. A mob of over 150 negroes, armed with knlvos, pistols nnd clubs, inarched through, tho city and defied tho law. The sheriff and city authorities, finding themselves unnblo to copo with tho mob, called on tho Goldsboro Illilos for assistance. This action had tho effect of (itiolllng tho dlsturbanco, which for a tlmo looked as though a riot was Im minent. Tho negroes repaired to a hall In their locality and held a meeting. Tho militia is still at tho armory ready for any emergency. Tho flro department lias also Kon ordered to bj ready. More trouble is expected. Knllrond Tiixntlou in cvr Jersey TkkxtOS, Nov. 3. Tho stuto board of assessors has ooniploted this year's assess ment of railroad and canal proporty under tho law providing for tho taxation of such property by tho state. Tho total assessed railroad and canal property Is fonnd to bo K21,7o7,IMD, oil which tho railroads will pay a tax of Sl.Ml, li)5.9J. This Is an In crease In tho valuation over lust your of S51,O.V3,147 and In tho amount of tax of f-.USiuS. Of the Sl,r,-21,493.iU tax whloh tho companies will havo to pay for tho year?l,10S,7S9.83 will go to the state for stuto usos, and the remainder, f 112,70(1.08, will go to tho state, to bo afterwards paid over for tho uso of tho different looulitiosi In tho state where tho proporty assessed Is' situated. tluckleil's Arnica ulve. Tlie best salve ,iu the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt, rheum, fever sores, letter, chapped hands, chilblains, coins, uiid all skin eruptions, and positively cutis piles, ul jo pay required, lv is guaranteed to glvo perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price as cents per box. For sale bv A, Wusloy, Ilnuter Accidentally Killed. Hakmsuti.0, Nov. 3 John Nonhold, nged IS years, of Jllddletown, wns acci dentally killed yesterday while hunting by tho discharge of a gun near his homo. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Tho creation of a Metropolitan Seo nt Buffulo Is regarded thero as har.dly prob able. The rumor thnt Hlshop Keano Is to bo niado coadjutor bishop of Baltimore is generally believed to be true. City Detective Charlos O. Kotler, of Philadelphia, died from blood poisoning dim to cutting a corn. He was first up pointed to the' force In Juniinry, 1875. Utri. Henry A. Dickie, Montdalr, N, J. "I would advocate it for cleaning everything from tlie baby Ami down to int.irnng.Tlie Modern Cleanr. Wantetl-An Idea S Trotect your Iduii; ther may htina you weallh, Wrllo JOHN WEUDr.UBUHN Si CO., Pulnit Attor, ceyi. Waslilnnuiu, 1). V , for Ilielr l,6Ul iirlto otter tail list ot two UuuitrcU InvuuUout woulijj. Bon Almost Distracted ID YOU EVni suffor from real ner vousness? When every nervo seemed to' quiver with a peculiar creepy feeling, first in ono nlaoe, and then another and alt seemed finally to conccntrato in a wrltVing Jumble In tho brain, and you be coino Irritable, fretful and pcovlsh: to be followed by an Impotent, weakened condi tion of tho nerve centers, ringing In the ears, and sleepless, taiscrnblo nights ? Tr mTUpc' Eu?eno Searles, JJ1. i'lina 1Uv ci, a, nt-. Nervine Restores Health hart, Ind., says: "Ner vous troubles had made mc nearly Insane and physicians wero unable tohelDmo. My memory was almost gone and every little thing worried mo until I was almost dlstractod. I really feared I was becoming a maniac. I lmaginod all sorts of evil things and would cry over nothing. 1 commenced taking Dr. Miles' Kestorattve Nervine and four bottles of this wonderful remedy completely cured mo, uud I urn as well now as I ever was." Dr Miles' Nervine Is sold on guarantee, Erst bottle will benefit or money refunded HAVE YOU USED Thompson's i Diphtheria I Cure ? Rend wltat others who have used it say: I have ul Thompson's Diphtheria Cure In my family ami curM three of my children of the Diphtheria and know It Isusmecurf, I u el that every one should know ot'it, for Diphtheria h n i!lsenttthat hurtles met of tbedoctorB, If your tnetilfine Is kept In the house and uned awonllng to directions a soon as the thro.it lupins to set sore, they will m?er know they had the Diphthe ria. You arc at l!tPrtv to use the above testimonial, w liloh 1 will he uhid to BUb fttantlute to pernons who will cull to see me. Yours reHpertfully, John fetryktr, sergeant of Police, Wllll.imsport, l'a. Tills oertltlec that for several months I have been utHnff Thompson's Diph theria Cure In my family and reunrd It as the lent uml mewst opeedy remi dy for cold1 and fore throat I have evtr known, I do not hetdtato to recom mend It. rt. I). I'eneimt ker, J). D. Tabtur n rnee M. ( Uurcb, AVilllam8port,ra. I hare nwd your Diphtheria Cure In my family uud ItworksItUearharm. It doctiilM work quick, and 'that is what you want lu Diphtheria or croup. I would not do without it. lie ii rt full v. G. M. Warner, WllllamBport, Ta, The above testimonials ore .authentic nnd we invite you to correspond with the writers. ompson Oipljtyeria Cure Co.. WIIiUlAHSPORT, PA. S u I For. Sale at KIIUIN'S Drug: Store.. P. J. CANFIELD, Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity i For-- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer Hillionsof Dollars Go tin in smoke overy year. Take no rinks but get your houses, stock, fur niture, etc., insured in first-class re liable coinlnies as represented hy fiAVTn PATKT Insurance Aent, JJAVtlJ rAUSl, 1308outh Main . Alno Llfi, And Accidental Companies. BROM-KOLOA ALCOHOLIC, NERVOUS AND HEADACHES BILIOUS Gored hy this srnnulnr effervescent and timu lunt. An limtaiit cure (or sour stomachs nnd headaches, which often accumulate from having it night out. JOHN F. CLEARY, BOTTLER OF CARBONATED DRINKS, 7 and 19 I'eacli Alley, Shenandoah' ANSY PELLS! Sirt5sit55x". s'iWAo'.'fii'ii'-wiiMiiJ 3 'sAft 0U4"" vt--tH 'Juioific co,PmuuP lfor sale at l'oilnsky's drug store, 28 Kail Centre street, OTtiiinaiMiwKHiT. i