i""' : 1 . 1 if-- . 16 to 1 Will hardly cxpivi tin- I'iti" ..f our wh i.f T.I.IK, I l!. DAY IKMIKS. ETC., .,f pi, - ii n i SAVED BY PRESENCE OF MIKD. Him cut season in former yen rn. compare NO NEW REASON l or it either. T) M i getting hitter understood, tluil s ill ell cheaper than ilo otlit is " ill COIlVillll'll. of tho Cilulto f r RHFIIMATI&1M Ha mm w III M M W Iff I u ' IJETTOATYITA -.i-i.m--... . i- Bnti niimirr i.Pinpjaiuif. ll.l 1 (HfJUUUd tlll'M r 1IH! Ml llIRl nt GERMAN MEDICAL LAWS, presenile! liy eminrul 1 yslcln DR. RICHTER'S HOOKS & BROWN fPAlN EXPELLER -a North Main St. ENTIRE NEW STOCK. Iti.imlili, llu riolliler. 7Hilln ii t.lK IcmilliK Out Deal. I. Itefowieli. tlif proprietor of t In' nni Price lothing I louse on Mouth Maui street yesterday made a hiif deal l.y whiili he li poiHjil of the entire olil stock of clothing m 111 place to Murcu & Co., tlio I.iiirm count- aurtioiicera. The transaction was the largest hulk Bale of clothing ever uiaile in the town anil tlio uowls filled 85 large eases Mr. I Itufowieh wan obliged to make the mile in order to mnko room for a mammoth new stock he hnd purchased for the fall and winter trade and uhlch is now in the Wg store The stock is so large that the many tahles cioak under tlio grant weight. It embraces nil tlio latent stylus in the Ixist mako of clothing for men, hoys and children and overcoats and reefers, air. Iiefuwich says ho will sell ocry garment at hottom rock price. Tlio stock Include all sizes, hut should anyone dlllicult to suit ho uimhlo to find just what ho wants Mr. Iiefuwich can furnish suits to order, being the local agent for llammcrslough &. llro., of New York, the urcsitcst merchant tailoring firm in the world. No "harking" is needed at his store, as somo competitors resort to. All goods speak for IheinM'lves, and he treat's nil customers in a gentlemanly manner. It's Winning New I'i-IoihIn Dully. What? Pan-Tina fur coughs and colds. At Oruhler llros., drug st-irc. A I'leiullsli Crime, air. and Mrs. Culaduge, of Gilherton, visited Mahanoy City on Tuesday for tho purpoM) of attending a chiislouilig. Tliey loft at homo their two daughters, aged five and sevin years respectively, and n hoarder named 1-ranks. 1 lie paieula leinaincd in Mahanoy; City until the last car and were persuaded hy friends to remain all night. When they icturued home the next morning they found their oldest daughter, JInry, siill'criug from a hrutal and fiendish nttack hy tlio hoanler. The enraged father Immediately went hefuro 'Snuire Williains. of Gilherton, and swore out a warrant for 1'rnuks arrest, charging him with rape. He was arrested and committed to the l'ottsvillc Jail to await tiial. HOOD'S PIIIS euro Iilvcr .Its, Biliousness, IiiilIg;cRtlon, Headache. A pleas" lit luxatlvo. All Drucglsts. ill u Mud, i . i h Trade Mark Anchor,' K. Ail. ltlililtrMo.2!."l,tflr1SU,cwlorK. 31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 13 Branch. Hmniesi Own Olaa-work., 2. A. .0 1 14. uloeil ifc Ki.tfliWi,id-it ly Ha( nine ll lUJ Mini SI . ' i I) Kirlin. 0 s Main B la-iiapiieaii I "ajllitiv' Drt. rticHTEP.'a "ANCHOR" STOMACIIAT, W for Col) '".lMwpppsln'Htoulneli dim plnlnlw. j A (amhrldge Colliery Carpenler Thrilling l.Ypprlenc... M n h ii 1 M' Ijiinnhl. agod Sfl years, residing il 1 mi ii'lvilie and em ployed as a carpenter al the ( iiinhtidge Colliery, hnd all almost niiiai uliius eseape from death while at work in the hreaker yesterday. Only his presence i mind saved him. lie WM engaged in re pairing a jig screen when & part of his , li. thing whk caught by the main shaft and Ins body was whirled around the shafting several times before the machinery could he stopped. M.lionald displayed great pretence of mind before the belt was thrown off the sh.ilt wheel hy a workman. Every time his liudy went over the shafting he lowered his in ad. and thus saved It from being dusked Id! dust the llniliers almve. Had he lot con trol of himself he would have been Instantly killed on the first revolution and the sulise iucnt turns would have mashed his head to a i.lly. His clothing was torn into shreds and his body was considerably bruised, hut he was able to walk from the colliery to the electric railway terininiis on South Main street, where lie boarded a car for his home. He refused to enter an ambulauco. Lost Creek on tlio Clrldiron. The engineering and olllee employes of tlio Lehigh Valley Coal Co. at Lost Creek has organised n foot ball team, which practices daily and Is showing up in lino form, especially tho back field. Tho center pre sents n tower of strength and lluntzliigcr makes an ndmlrablo guard. The average weight of tho tenm is 1B0 pounds. Tho lino up Is as follows : Ixift end, llosse; left tacklo, liarnhart ; left guard, Cake; center, M mucks; right guard, Iluntziugor; right tackle, Hohhius; right end, Mctcalf; quarterback and captain, Jones; left halfback, Price; right halfback, Paddow; fullback, Ogden; substitutes, Manscll, Hamnior, Drown and Longsdnrf. All communications should ho addiesscd to Patrick .Smith, manager. Anglo Lamps, tho best lamps in tlio world, for sale at Ilrtimm's. lteillletion In Tl-lee. i)li:i). HI'AMllNd. At the r,-l,l, ni e.irher parents, t Mnlinuoy City, on , tli" '.Mil Inst. Agnes, beloved wife of J)r. " (' Spalding, of Mien nuiloab. J'uneral will take place on Monthly, Nov ember Cud, nt I'rtW a. in. to proceed Ii, St. t'nnteu, clmreli v bere IiIkI' mas will be e Irbated at lofo a. m Inter it In St. i 'iilumis i-enietery liy enrrloues rrielids find M-fntlies le-peetfnlly Inv ited to attend. 2l-;it REMOVED Tf) 20 tpnOTKECT. Dr. J. W. Van Valzah's DENTAL PARLOUS. Der.lslry in all lis Branches. Crown and Bridge Work a Specially. Painless Extraction. Artificial Teeth Inserted. All Work Guaranteed. INistpiinctl IComt Knee Tho bicycle road race that was to havo taken placo at llrnndonvllle on Satuitlay, was postponed until next Satuiday afternoon, on account of tho weather. 10-28-3t Tho Hullo of Hogan's Alley. Tho latest popular song at llrumm's. .Saved tho Mhii's Life. One of tho most accommodating and olil- cicnt passenger conductors on tho Lehigh Valley road is Pierco Schllor. The other evening his presenco of mind and prompt action saved a man from a horrible death. Mr. Schller's train was standing at tho depot here, and just as ho gave tho signal to go ahead a man standing on tho platform fell directly under tho car. At tho timo Mr. Schlier was standing at tho door of tho bag. gage room and ho hurriedly jumped from the train and pulled the man from tho track just as tho wheels were dangerously near his body. It was too lato to signal the engineer to slop, and had not Mr. bchlior been so prompt tho man would havo met instant dentil. Knllincli Punched Tliciu. I.ast night two men named Clifford IJarton and Jacob C. Vulkcnand, who hail from llaileton and are engaged in putting the steam heating appaiatus in the Lithuanian i church, eulled at J. M. Kalhach's cigar stole j on Main street for a pipe one of them had-1 left for repairs. As it was not ready they examined a number of valuable piper, to I which their attention had hueu att raited 1 While Kalliaeh wms cugnuul in another part of tho store one of them wasslipped fiom the collection. The proprii tor missed it, but t'i It delicate in charging tlio men and spent soine time In making a soareh While he was thus I engaged a customer w tho store obsei v i d ! Volkenand place the mi ing pipe nt the i ml of the counter. When his attention was j called to the matter Knllincti sprang at the men and hustled them out of the store to Hie pavomont, at tho same time punching llicin wlierovor he could land a blow. No ant was mado. Ilarton called at the llin w.n olUco this morning and stated that lie was an innocent party to the afthlr. lluy your fashionable hats frum a fashion- ablo hatter, and that Is MAX LKVIT'S. Tlio llrfindomlllo ltaecs. On account of tho condition of the roads at Jlrandonvlllo, tho luces announced for last Saturday weto postponed, and will tako place to-morrow afternoon. 1 hero aro tvvonty. threo enterics, among the number being Charles U. Nciswenter and Leo Strauh, of town, S. K. Stuzman, of Heading, will be scratch man. Almost ovcry town lu the county is represented. COTTOLDN13. COTTOLENB. The improved Welsbach lightlsuovy- offered at the low price of ifi.bO. Hums one-half tho gas; gives thno times tho light. Ask any business or professional man in town if they Would like to go back to tlio old wav. A gas fixture without a Welsbach lamp is losing money lor you. Keo tlio agent. Vii.KiN!-ii.-'sI)KY GoousSTorsi:, K!-2!-2t Main and Lloyd Sts. Shoo making and shoo selling is our bui- ness. Via make them good and sell them cheap. Pactory Shoe Siohe. Held Tor AmsuuH. Michael Stilton was put under 1-300 bail by Justice Cnidin last night on a charge of as sault mid batteiy preforred by Anuie Kossoiu. Don't Tllllo AVltll Coughs mill Colds, Take Pan-Tina (83c.) and bo cured. At Oruhler llros., drug stoio. Inquire of tho first person you meet hon our shoos wear. J hat person will be our customer all right. Kverybotly is. l'Acrtir.Y Shoe Stoui:. A FEW POINTS A Good Thing l"or n Hint Cnugll. What? Pan-Tina, 25c. At drulilcr Bros, drug store. LADIES', CHILDREN'S MISSES' COATS. AND For the People of Shenandoah and Vicinity to Consider. No stairways ciimb anymore. to Tho ItcHcm- Hall. This iinilllili liall of tlm I.'akpii.s ITitnl.- .C- Tedder ( otllTlfltlV' o 1 Will bo 1,1,1 on l.M- day evening, October 30th, in llobbins' opera house. I ho lair closes ou Thurwlay evening. A filst-class oreliestm will furnlhb daneittu Asmic for tlie 111, which will he the 5 i event of tho season. JO-20-St If you want u fine wedding cake, lot Otto mako it for you. Artesian Well l luUlied. Tho second artesian well in tho Odd Fel lows' cemetery has been finished by tho con tractors. An excellent supply of water was struck at n depth of 121) feet and (I inches. A hand pump has been placed at tho top of tho well for use until spring, when a perma nent headgear will ho erected. TO Cl'lti: A COLD IN ONi: HAY Tako Laxatlvo Bromo Quinine Tablets. All I druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure. 1 25 cents. WILKINSON'S ELECTION SPECIAL ! In Imyliiff winter CLOTHING ami OVER COATS it it cM'rylKM.y's Interest to do the very In-fit they fan for the money. AVe nre tli lam Vht ami then pest clothing house hi Schuylkill enmity ami can Kiiarnntee every piirchnscr to our htoru ill net perfei t satisfaction. Our mot ) of iloiiiK htislnefti is to kvc overv (tittoiner kooiI value for their money and with them nti the M-eiet of our glucose. Our now uhire which now uives us nhout t tcu the iootn we hail hefore U loaded ilown with this Ri'jfon'a ClnthliiRand Oveieoats In lllue, llhiek, (fray, llrown, and almost any eolor and Mvlo to unit the, most kfptfrnl. Our stock of Nliruer hexil choviotH, iihun cheviot, Abtrniili.in cheviot tmitmind hiiii(lrcdj of other slylcs cannot e HurKi"cd In the county, and our Overcoat ui'lHiriinent never com men inc nsioitnient that we are showing tliU neaton in lllue. Itlack, l.lKht, Brown, Oray, Kersey, Heaver, JleHnt!, Motiuteiiuck, Clit hit and Chinchilla nualltlcH at priceM that were never hefore offered to tho people n Mieiiamioau, ami never will ue again, It int necessary for u to coax the customers from the streLt Into our store as other dealers do to huy, as the hnrealtiH we olTer are hlir inducements In thcnihelvcH, Our ftock of Satin Uuod Diagonal and Worsted J)ress Suits were never oiTereil at the pHees wo well them tills feauii. Our stock of Soft and Crush Hats never were as luru as at present. We huy koihIs y the case and not 1y the half dozen ns other dealers and therefore get hinder Inducements of v hlth the customer gets the heneHtofthis a- well as we do. It will tiay you to call on us and inspect our stock hefore jnirehahiK elsewhere, as we are here to do business. -MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE, l. GOLDIN, Prop., 9 and 11 South Main St. iltoiirrm mi mWf rycll ns tlie cookinjj of dainties, demauds the oborteniiig that pro duces the lightest, beat tasting and lost wholesome loou at the lowest A is the purest, most healthful and economical shortening ever known. Get the frenuiue. Trade-marks "Cotiolctie" and steer's head in cotton-plant wreath on every tin. Boll everywhere. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. lt.wt.rk, I1,lkl,liikls niuWtk. SILKS AND DUESS GOODS. Kashioira favorite fahrles nt popular pi ices of strictly reliable, Roods In hlack nod colors. All tlie newest styles which Panic Fashion has declared to ho popular can he found here. All tlio correct weaves mid up to date sh.nl ok for the fall and winter of IriW are shown In profusion. CORSETS. Kvcry new and correct model In every reliable make of jjoods. Startling! Hurc, hut true, that one-half the corset wearers to-dny are wearing corsets whose, most conspicuous feature is their IiiadapllhlUty. AVhy not lo ns paiticular as in your choice of shoes mid t;ct those that fit. LADIES' COATS. MISSES' COATS, CHILDREN'S COATS. Hie largest, finest and best selections of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats and ladies'-. Plush, Cloth and Fur Capes, that has ever been shown in this region, is now open l'or your inspection. These garments ex cel in quality, style and finish and will be admired by all who , see them. All are marked at,r prices below their real value. We have also placed on sale a large variety ol Silks m plain and figured gros grain, Dresden, fcatin Duchess, China. Japan Peau de Soie and Taffeta. Also" a large line of novelty and plain ditss goods, includintr all-wool and silk and wool henriettas, wool serges, mohair merges, plaids, cravenette cloth, etc. You will find in this Popular' Dry Goods House always a larger stock, a better assortment and lower prices than you will find with any of its competitors. If needing CARPETS look through our line and see the many beautiful designs we have to show you. Butterick paper patterns, the recognized standard of the world, always in stock. Ut terick fashion sheets given away free of charge. P. J. GAUGHAN, - 27 N. Main SC J ITIOIt HUNT Storeroom nnd dwelling new 1 occupied ly V. J. Morgan, lj houtli Mniil street. Apply to l'rnnk behinlilt. K-28-tf Underwear. We are now selling retail at wholesale prices. The only place in Shenandoah which offers such inducements. Our stock consists of Medicated Red Flannels, Fleece Lined, . . . Camels Hair . . . and Merino. Louis flann, 25 W. Centre St. Whitelock' s Shoe Store, It don't matter whether it's silver or gold we oiTcr greater bargains than any other house. To-lay and everyday until sold we oner one ense ol 40 doen, superb quality, LADIES' YESTS AND PANTS, uusolutcly perlcct goods 111 even- respect : icrscv libbed half blenched, pearl buttons, satin riblKm in neck, silk tip : !,,- .1.. r r . trimmings, siik 1111 sen iruui I-.lection price, only 19c. each. THE CLOAK DEPARTMENT. We've n stock to enthuse over ; we think c have the cloak knowledge lo buy bettor and sell theater than our neighbors. Our prices and su perb styles have struck the popular fancy that's why we .ire always busy. CLOTH CAPES Q8c $1.39 and upwards to $35.00. Stylish Jackets, correct In shape, finest finish and superb (jualily at prices that need 110 comment. TUB BEST LMDrNCr. 01 ,nr success is shown by daily increasing sales mid hundred-- "t pl ,i-l Ihimm-. who know it pavs to buy at L. J. WILKINSON'S, Is the cheapest and best shoe store in town. It pays to buy from us as we give you great valuefor your money. Our Ladies' Fine Don gola Button and Lace Shoes at $1.50, equals other store's sold at $2. Every pair warranted to give satisfaction. Just Received a Large Shipment of- MAIN STREET, LLOYD STREET. 3 5,000 BARS OP Bl Barber Shop I 3 GJC3P Cjl2 WcatContro Street. 3 TO BE SOLD 3 BARS roil 5C. 3 E. B. FOLEY, Our Hot Towel Shave 2 N0- " WEST OENTIIF. STREET Bmmmmmmmmmmmji :,c:is,Kf:,i,,s;,,ls.u " OUR LADIES' 99c. SHOE, Compare this with shoes you buy elsewhere at $1.25: you will, find them just the same Our Men's Dress Shoe, at 99c, Needle Toe, is other's $1.50 shoe. Eacli buyer is entitled to tickets for Silverware, Clocks, &c. See them in our window. Whitelock's Cheap Shoe Store, Main and Centre Sts.. Shenandoah, Pa MISCELLANEOUS. locution In town. Address iKHAi.n olllcu. 'M" euro of HKW-tf lilOU HKNT.-AXu, 1 Imkcry In PortOirlmn. ,? Jiwy tormi to K"d jmrty. AiMrebi "C," TIOH ItUXT. A lnrfttt room, ntonl floor front, : .tL'iim licnt nnd can and otlier conveniences. iiltalde for ofllcr or meet hit: nnmose. Annlv nt the IlKitALn oftlcc 10-2Mf Olt SAI.K. A donldt jiropcity, on Lino Mreci, os. liw ami ion, ior wiie tniii. in on i,ino 10-lOtf ml re of Mrs. Felix McMnnnuinnn, gtrcet. 17OU SAIK. A'ftlnahle farm near Itliifftow n. 7 Ivxcellcnt honiv nnd Warn and nil conven iences Annly to H. (J. 51. Jlolloncter. lWi.t blienamloah, Ta. 10-7-!iw A TAX IlKKSK lias bfen appointed nsrent for ill tlio tireat American ca Co., 01 cw i ork, and U itow ready to supply private families with the host teas nnd coffees nt rock bottom piicen. Anyone In want of Rood colTee or tea ucato cmi ut .Max Jicefec 8 omcc, room 1, i.nn jiilMinir. CoITee or tea boucht not sat Is factory will be taken back and tnoey refunded. WOOD'S Shenandoah College I FERGUSON BLOCK. New system of book-keeping nnd ofllce practice, actual business from the btart. Hates of tuition for iilht school, Including uooir.8 aim aiaiionery ior ursi liuroiiuciion. One Month Two Months Three Months Four Months -(g)- $ 5 00 9 00 12 00 15 00 Tho system Is nrranired for thone who have but little time to devote to the work and Is the most practical system of book-keeping ever published. W. II. Held wns tho find, to complete the woric, nuti imer icn weens practice no accepted a position ns book-keeper nt 960,00 per mouth, ami irave entire satisfaction. Jjjgnr ! idler was me urst to take it up at i'oiisviue. jus progress is excellent. Special Ratea For Day School, Call at College For Particulars, S. I. WOOD, President. WINTER - GARMENTS I Beauty Unrolled BPS 4 To tho nilmlrlnir Bzo of tlioso who liavo n tnsto j ior renllj' line Wftll paper is me uisinuy uiiiew wall paper wrinkles wo have lust rc.elvedAo ' can find any color or pattern you want for your hall, bed room, parlor, dining room, kitchen or cafe, from So up to PI per roll. Fine artistic; papers a upcclalty. House, Sign and Decorative Painting. Satisfaction guaranteed. Kstlnmtes cheer fully furnished. Send postal. J. P. GARDEN, , 221 "V. Centre 6t.( Shenandoah, Va. 11 ace Your Orders Jfovr. j OPEN EVERY DAY We (rive the blgKet barln at rock bottom prices, honest quality, nil grades and styles In ....Men's, Boys' and Children's Overcoats Tn Helton. Heavers, Chinchillas and Ulsters, e en suit you everytime. Business Suits,: Boys' and Children's Clothing In nil the latest makes which havo a tnilor made appearance, and are neat and perfect In flulsh. ROCHESTER COTHING HOUSE, Cor. Slain and Chprry Sts. Snm lilock, 1'rop. HAVK YOU SK12N THOSR PltETTY Carpets, Oil Cloths a4Ld Window Shades, Jiut received at FRICKFS CARPET STORE. Go to tho Shenandoah Dental Rooms tat p.ilnless extraction of teeth, Qold and Silver fillings. If your nrtlflcal teeth do not Butt you call to seo ns. All examinations free. Wo mako all kinds of plates, Gold Crowns, Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown and llridgn work and all operations that per tain to Deutitl Surgery. No charges for extracting when plates aro ordered. We aro tho only users of vitalized air for tho painless or. traction of teeth. SHENANDOAH " ' Dental : Rooms, (Tltmau's lilock) East Centre Street. r Ollice Hours: 7 . tu. to 8 p. in. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY By Purchasing Your Groceries, Smoked Meats, nuur anu reea at Meluskey & Son, 105 S. Main St.