EVENING HERALD i:staiili.siiki ih;o. Published every HvcmIiik. Kxccpt Sunday, at 8 South jAtinis HinKBT, Neab Centhk. The Herald 1 ilellvried In Hhennlidoan and tlio surrounding towm Cor six cents a week, my 4I1I0 to the currier. Uy mall (K.OOii year, or 26 reat ti month, payable tn advance. Advertise menttl charged according to sjioee anil Hiltlon. The pilblUher reserve tlio right to change the position of advertisement whenever tho puli llcntlon of ncu'i demands It. The right In reserved to reject any advertisement, whether lisld (or or not, that the publishers may deem improper. Ain ertlslug ratoH mado known upon applleathm. Catered at the postolllce at Shenandoah, l'li., an second class mail matter. TICLUPH0NI5 CONNKOTION. Evening Herald MONDAY. OCTOIil'.lt 2D. 16H0. REPUBLICAN NATIONAL TICKET, fun ritnsinuNT, WILLIAM. M'KINI.KY, ()( Ohio, niinici: ritiinr.NT, GAitnirr a. iioiiaiit, Of New Jersey. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. FOR CONOIlEfMAN-AT-I.AUflK, OALUSIIA A. (IUOW, Of Susquehanna, BAMUlil. A. DAVKNPOUT, Of Krlo. Taking nil Impartial view of the contest, no fur Hi Srluiylklll county ii eoiienrnod, wo lie llevo Hint the Iteptililirali ticket will lie suc cessful. Wo Imiw till prodh tloii uioti a con servative estimate made by tlio county execu tive committee from lcports received fromi overy district in tlio county. No impartial obcrorof lecent oveiitsran full tulecoKiiiio that the drift of public sentiment upon tlio issues involved lias been favorable to the Itepublleaii party. Within the past two weeks thero has been a decided chango' In public sentiment in this county, and were tlio election to be held to-morrow tlieio would lie leeordcd a Kepubllcali victory for the county ticket. The Democrats are defeated, and the efforts of tlio county executive committeo and the pally workeis duriiiK tlio rciiiHiiiing days of tin- contest Should bo dlierted in prevent ing tlio enemy from mnkiiiK inroads on our lines. To this end every Iicpublicim must constitute himself a committee of ouo mid see that tlio advantages already joined nio not bwt because of ovcrcoiilidcnco. If every man who cberisbos tlio principles of the St. Louis platform will do his duty tlio victory is ours, beyond tho shadow of doubt. Hut It will renulro vIbIIiuico on our p-irt to see that tlio enemy gains no advatitsKO because of lukcwarinneits or ovcrcoiilidcnco. l'ltoTixnoN ami riti;i: Tit.vm:. Twenty-sewn Year of rrotectlon (1KII5 to lKIKt) ileei eased our pllhllo delit Ml,71,:illl,H1K. Three, Years of Tree Trade (18!I3 to JH1M) Increased our pllhlle debt 32IMI3I1. These urc the plainest reasons why MeKlllley should ho elected president. tlioKiioner the hetter. I! the inexorable law of trade wheat bus been until toil an absolute divorce from silver H itlioiit tho payment of alimony. Mil. Sitlil'liniti) asserts that ho presunts the issue as be understands it. This is n haul rub on Ills understanding as well as that of bis hulMtltuto. The two do not aurce. Tin: licpiibliean managers have designated the :11st inst. as 1'lag Day in auticlpatlon of a glorious victory for tho (I. O. 1'. Let Old Ulory flo.it to tho breeze 011 Satniday in Slieuaiidoah. C'.vsiiiiiATK Siiiumii:!!!) is ill a niiandary. Ilia sulntitiitc lias dcparlcd, and now that the JJkum.ii has shown his deception in mis- miutiiii; .lames O. lllniiio, lie knows not what to talk about. Till, men who talk loiiiles. on tliostiect vomcri for "fice silver" aie tlioso who never saved 11 dollar under the best financial system this country ever had, and who would not save .1 dollar under any system. Aicoiiliixci to the Chicago Itecoid's pre liminary poll of tho Middle West the only states now left in it for llryan aie Kentucky mid Missouri and Chairman ll.mna has holies that even the latter may bo turned over to MuKinh-y n tho Jesuit of a week's vimit-ntiM i-iinmnii'liillir. -Havini. one ol the best cmiippul news paper and jub printing plants in the county, tlie Ill.UAI.I) isalwuys piepared to meet the demands nude upon it by its thousands of patrons. The issue of Saturday, containing thirty-two columns, fully attests this. There is nu hiug that suiacoJs llko success. IO Clllti: A C(II.I) in om: DAY Tako Laxativo llromu Quinine Tablets. All drugiilsta lefund the money If it fails to cure. 25 cents. POLITICAL TALK. Shepherd's friends now see defeat staring them In the face, and the word has gono forth to sacrifice the balance of tho ticket. An important meeting of Republican leaders will bo held in town this week. Two and three meetings a night will bo held by both parties during thopiosentwcck. A prominent local Demociat said to-day: "Savo us from our newspaper friends. They'll surely defeat the ticket." And his words aie as tiuo as gospel. The Democrats have arranged for a meet- MAIIANOY CITY. 'I luce or tlin Town's Oldest Iteslilcuts Were Hurled To-day. Mahanov City, Oct. SO. A singular and notable clrcuinstanco occurred to-day in the funerals of three of tho oldost residents of tho town, namely : Mrs. Kllzabcth lloycr, Mrs. Catherine O'Neill and Mrs. Sarah Ilarhray. Tho combined period of residence of these three aggregated probably moio than that of any other three residents 111 the town. Ten. Cooper, the local champion wing shot, and IMwnrd Johnson, of Atlantic City, hmo lieen matched to shoot at 80 birds for $300 nsidoon November (Hb lit either .Shamokin, Ilazlcton or Malianoy City. William Itrennan, the blacksmith, had two lingers smashed by a barrel of oil falling upon 1 1 1 cm . I.. II. (iuldncr has lot by death his 11- year-old sou, George Irvln. Tho funeral will take placo on Wcdhosday. While It Is true that orders havo been given to stop mining at Sprlngdalo colilory, wo are Informed by tho olllclals thero is sulllclent coal in the workings to work the colliery about tho usual number of days tin til December 1st. Meanwhile tho new slope will be driven to convey tho coal from tho east cud of the workings to tho Nu. 2 col liery. Tlio Hraiidonvlllo road races wero post poned until next Saturday on account of tho had condition of tho roads. II. K. Stutzman, of Heading, will participate and lie scratch man. It will bo his first road race, and has only entered for tho sako of novelty. Ho w ill not accept tho first prizo if ho wins it. Mrs. Charles Odgers and daughter, of Nevada, who havo been visiting In town tho past year, left for their homo this morning. Mrs. Odgers Is tho daughter of Mrs. Ann Latham, of town. l'ire broko out early ycsteiday morning in a house at the cast end occupied by a Polish family and owned by Michael llngan. Tlio llro burned the interior of the buildingbadly, but left little effect outside. It was caused by an overheated stoo pipe which ran through a ceiling and floor without propor piotcction. NO WASTB OF WORDS. Evidence Which Is Right to the Point and Reliable. Judgo Frank Ives, of District Court of Crookston, Minn., says: l'or somo time I havo used Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets with seeming groat benefit, with few exceptions, I have not been so freo from Indigestion in twenty-five years. Geo. W. Koosovelt, U. S. Consul to llruscls, Delglum: (Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, safe, leasant to take, convenient to carry, give keen appetite, perfect digestloti. Mr. W. D. Tomlln, Mechanical Engineer, Duliith, Minn: One box of Stuart's Dys- ic'mia Tablets' has done its work, and I am gain gaining flesh and strength. O. V.. Hansom, Iliistoiivtllc, Ky: I was illstresscd and annoyed for two years with lirowing up food, often two or thrco times a day i(had 110 certainty of retaining a meal If ato one, l our boxes of tho tablets from my druggist havo fully cured me. I find lent pleasant to take, convenient to carry. Hev. G. I). Urown, Mondovl, Wis.,: The fleet of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is simply marvelous j n quite heatty dinner of broiled iccf steak caucs 110 distress sineo I began their uso. Over six thousand pcoplo In tho state of Mich., alone In 1M1 wero cured of stomach troubles by Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Full sized packages may bo found at all ruggists at 50 cents, or sent by mall on re ceipt of price from Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. Scud for llttlo book on stomach dlseasos, ailed fice. if voil liarn ever seon a little child in the ing at Win. l'euu this evening, tlio speakeis agony of summer complaint, you can realize heing District Attorney llechtel, George V. liyan, I). C. Gildoaand M. M. Ilurkc. Tho silveritos will hold a meeting at Glr ardvillc this evening, which will be ad dressed by George II. Marklo, the Ilazlcton mine owner; Arthur 11. Kitson, of New Jersey, and William Wilhclm. Gncrnnr Hastings, who will peak in l'ottsville October 8Mb, will be accompanied by (Jen. J. W. Latta, and Hun. Amos II. My I in and other distinguished gentlemen The Democrats aie on the run in this county, and Shenandoah's contingent is leading the refloating hint. Finding that public sentiment is gieatly in favor of the liopublictin parly, the local Democrats aro now raising a large sum of money in an endeavor to stem the tide. Tho l(cpuli!icans of Malianoy City are making much preparation fur the meeting theie on tlio evening of Notemher 2nd. The princ pal speaker Mill be Hon. lioies l'ei rose, of Philadelphia, who will bo accom panied by lion. S. J. X. McCarrcll, of Ilar rHiiirg;A. IS.'Kcely, of Philadelphia ; W J. fewoupe, Clearfield, and Hon. H. D. Saylor, I'ottstowu. ' , State Factory lu-pcctor Campbell, in a spiccb iu tills county, openly charged William Jennings llryan with having treakd a committee of glass workers very rudely, calling the cmpluyeis "rubhcia" and the workingmen "beggars." He produced ullldavits to piovc it. Mr. Campbell was challenged to meet Mr. llryan at Anderson, Ind , and repeat the charge. He accepted, and 11 pun arriving at Anderson was lcfused the opportunity of meeting tlio Democratic candidate In our issue ol .saiuriiay we published thrco charter notices fur societies funned in Shenandoah lor various purposes. In each ease M. M. llurke, Dsn,., of town, is tlio solicitor, and this fact fully attests tlio Urge and Inoiousing clientage ho commands. Ho is fast becoming ouo of tho leaders at tlio Schuylkill lounty bar. l'oolt Tom Watsili! Life, indeed, has for him lost its charm, and ho has been betrayed in the house of his friends. The lVpuli-t cliaiiinaii and Jaykay Jones have cuusplred against lilui and Tom is in tlio dumps. How ever, llutlerand Jonos will fulluw him on November 3rd, and as that datu is only eight days oil' Tom has not long to wait for their company to the "demnilioii bowwows." Hun. JurKfii WvTT has made a rccoid in the balls or the Leg Bhvuro of which he may well Is) proud. Few men have been as sue- 1 cofcsliil in securing tlio passage of special legislation as he, and every bill championed I by him has been heartily endorsed by bis j constituents. As between Mr. Wyatt and Ins 1 Democratic opponent, the voters uf the First 1 district will wisely chooso the former. Tlio eompleiiou of the next Legislature will be ltepiiblii'tii, and it will bu all almost utter jmpowlbility foi a member of the minoriu ( jiarty t weare the pasmige of special legisla tion fur our people. Itcturn Mr. Wyatt, and vi.li V 111 not only lie awiuding u faithful - , Uhouiautlsm Cured In a Da'. "Mystic Cure" for Ilhcuiiiatism and Neil ialgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon tlio system is remarkable and inyieriuu-. It removes Ml ice the cause and the- disease iiiunediatolv disupt eais. The first dnso greatly I enetlts : 75 cents, .sold by C. II. Hageiibuch, Diugiis , Mieiiaudoiili. The Chleie;o 1'araile-i .V Imndoncd. CmcAiir-. Oct. 20. Instead of there be lli? two parados inChlciiKi) next hiitlirday lillilit there will be none. Tho Working men's SIoKlnlcy club, which luul tho po lice pern.lt to parade In the down town streets, bus etiven up Its riunt 10 march, and the Damocruti, who tool; the matter into tho e-ouftsiuul sought to unjoin thu po lice from interfering with thorn If thoy inarched without a (icriiiit, have also de cided nut to march. l.etteriiniTi Nut n rirehlljr. Lancastkii, l'a., Oct. M. Julius Ledor liiitn, who has been on trial for nrson, charged with setting llro to his tobacco warehouse was acquitted by tho jury. Lederinun was, however, ordered to pay tho costs. It was ehargud Hint tho do fendant sot llro to tho building In ordor to get tlio insurance of $13,000, but tho prose cution fulled to submit enough positive tld int o to warrant a conviction. The I'owcrs of Arkansas' Governor. LlTTl.K Hock, Oct. 2U. Tho supromo roui t, In nil opinion by Justlco Roderick, belli that tho governor has a right to ap point, members of the legislature whero xucancles are caused by death, resignation or other causes. Nerves just ns surely como from the usool Hood's Barsaparllla ns docs the cure ol scrofula, salt rheum, or other so-called blood diseases. ihia Is simply because renreeiitHtivo but at tlio winie time have u tho blood otfects tho condition ol all tho Kuarunteu that this portion 01 mo county will be well taken eare. raerwes the danger of the trouble and appreciate the valuo of instautancousTcllcf always atlbrded by DoWitt's Colic and Cholera Cure. For lyscntcry anil diarrhoea it is a reliahle remedy. We could not all'ord to recommend thlsnsacuro unless it were a cure. C. 11. HagelibiH 1). j-EKSUHaL. A. Uernet, lepresentiug the Itlock Manu facturing Company, New York, spent yester day in town as tho guest of Levi liefowich. Thomas H. Snyder, thu painter, spent Satniday and yestciday visiting relatives at Heading and Fleetwood, llerks county. Daniel L. Urcnnan and O. J. Oulnn were among the townsmen who spent to-day at the county neat. T. It. Iieddall and M. M. Ilurkc, Lsns., wero in attendance at the l'ottsville motion court to-day. l'bilip Millcrspent to-day at l'ottsville. Hev. James Moore, pastor of the Primitive Methodist chinch, went to Plymouth this morning to visit friends. James L. Moigan, of West Coal street, attended tho funeral of a relative at l'otts ville to-day. Hariy Maylmrry and John Klucaid visited fiieiuls at Glr.iidville last night. William Schoupc. of Philadelphia, is a guest of town relatives Mrs. Charles Hasklus returned to town Saturday evening after spending several days in Philadelphia with fiiends. Albert Miller, of St. Clair, spent yesterday in town witli his parents. Mrs. William Hrosius, of Sunlmry. is flic guest of her patents, Mr. and Mrs. William Krick, 011 South Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Etias Divls and child, of Ilroad Mountain, wero Sunday visitors to town. Messrs. V. C. Mcrcliand and George Johns ton, of St. Clair, spent Sunday In town. Kliner Hooks, of l'ottsville, greeted ac- iiualntanccs here yesterday. John Pratt, of Philadelphia, was the guest of town relatives ycsteiday E. J. Peters, a former manager of the Factory shoo store, was registered at the Ferguson House yesterday. He is now manager of the Hub shoe store at Ilazlcton It Is No. Longer I'eared. That heretofore much dreaded and gen orally fatal disease, diphtheria, lias at last been overcome Thomson's Diphtheria Cure is as positive-to euro as it is used accord ing to instructions No more deaths need occur from diphtheria, croup, miinsy, or any other throat all'eelion. Ily all means keep one or moro botthrs on baud all thu time. It costs only 50 cents a bottle and is sold at Kiilin's drug stoje. The New limate of All Kiiflaml. Loniion, Oct. 20 Tho Hlght Hov, Fred erick Tumple, bishop of London, has been appointed archbishop of Canterbury and primitto of nil England in succession to the Into Most Itev. hdward V hlto Honson. Frederick Toinplo, D. 1)., Is tho son of an olUecr In thonrmy, und wns born Nov. 30, 1831. Ho graduated at Oxford, and was afterward Hampton lecturer at that lnstl tution. Dr. Toinplo, then chaplain to tho oueon, gained some notoriety In 1800 aa tho author of tlio first of tho seven "Kssays and Hoviows." At tho general olocslou of lst'iS Dr. Templu took an active part In Warwickshire In support or Mr. Ulau stone's measure for tho disestablish ment of tho Irish church, and tho prontlor nominated him to tho tilshoprlo or Kxotcr. On tho dentil or Ur. Jackson, In 18S5, Dr. Templo was appointed bishop of London Uucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt, rheum, fovor sortss, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cure s plies, 01 Ao nay rcdiilied. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or inony refunded. Price 25 couts per box. r or sale bv A. Wusley, A Murder Mjstcry Solved. Consign, Mo., Oct. 20. On Oct. 5 Mrs. Hotsy H. Hobbs was found dead. Slio lived ulono about 0110 and a half miles from Kliingham, N. H. When found tho house wns burning and hor body half cre mated. Tho mystery was clouted Satur day by tho confession of Charles Snv go. Ho aoeusos 1 rank J. Palmer of tho nurder. A coroner's jury hns brought In verdict against I'almor of murder in the first degree. Snvago was held as a wit noss Palmer is 10 yours old und lives at West l'nrsonslleld. Savugo Is 20 years old. Ho declares thai, Palmor killed Mrs. Hobbs on account of nu grudge. Conneirs Defeat in ICnglanil. Loxno.v, Oct. 20. Tho Sporting Life pays of Saturday's two milo run between V. K. lincon, tho Kngllsh champion, and T. P. ConncIT, the American champion, 11 which Uoiinclr wr.s defeated: Connolr nil but felt through tho tape, and had to bo supported down the track. Ho was in bent condition, and it was evidont that ho was in sevcro distress." Did You Kiei- Try Llectrie Hitters as a remedy for your troubles? It not, get a bottle now aim get relief. This medicine has been found tube peculiarly adapted to the relief and curu of ill 1 einaio Complaints, exerting a wouucnui lirect influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have Loss of Appetite, Constipation, lleadaclie, Fainting Spoils,' or re Nervous, feleepless, i.xcitable, Melancholy or troubled with Dizzy Spell", Llectric Hitters Is the medicine you need. Health ami trcngtb are guaranteed by its use. Ijirgo bottles only fifty cents at A. Wasley's drug store. Coming- KientK. 3. Annual Supper, auspices of li.iptist church, in Uobbins' opera bones, muscles and tissues. If it Is Im pure It cannot properly sustain these larts. If made nure, rich, red and vital ized by Hood's Sarsapnrilla, it carries health Instead of disease, and re jiairs tho worn, nervous hvstem us nothing else can do. Thus nervous prostration, hysteria, neuralgia, heart palpitation, are cured by SiiuKANDoah's representative upon tb .i,untr ticket has led hi Dcmoeiatie 011 iKiiient a spirited nice, and if all signs do not j, fall thu next Hegister of Wills will suiely be ' Frank C. Hccsc. lli fitness fur the olhee Is never ijuoblioucd even by his political op ponents, aud hundieds uf the latter will 10 eord their ote for him on November 3ul as 11 reward for a faithful aud competent public ernt anil a rebuke to the "Combine" that uoutKilled tlm DeuuM ratio convention and throttled the will of the Hi cat majority of that parly. As Deputy Controller Mr. Heeso Jans shown his ability. Always affable and .ihliaiim. it U a pleasure to traimact busiiuss with an oillclal such S Mr. Hwe has shown 1 llvcauuo it M the One True Blood Purifier, ...1. lit- tulll atvn him' . linnseu tone. in. oii.. I Hoods Sarsaparilla : ni-il uitv In Shenandoah. j. ureiiieiiesiHiicr-eiiiaier lOOCl S HlllS pllls.aul dig. stion. i's "Kliii; of Ore-en Ooods Men" Dlng. J01.1KT, Ills., Oct 1. "Tho kliiK of gi-een uoods men,' Juiuos W. McNally, 1 dying In prison here, where ho Is sorvlug a three yoar term for working at his trada in Chicago. McNally is about 87 years old, bltt he has lived a very rapid life, and his incarceration has bean Instrumental in causing hts highly nervous system to nucomo almost, it not ci'tirely, sliatteretl McNally's arms and thighs were 00m plclely imncturud with tlio needle of his hypodermic syringe, whoro he frequently cook lurge ttosos 01 uiorpniiia. Wi IP'. . tlif 1 i,,,w 1 uf' r up 'it tlic losing days - 1 ilcjutr-t a'd duiiugtlie jui "i bit hi irtvo iiuangcd ' 1 u ji icut ect oi)- of tho Handsomo Comloion I one of the greatest charms afvomau can fissr 9 IViZO.Ni'a Conri.uxiotf l'owrjaa lives it. V Kellet In hlr Hours Distressing kidney aud bladder diseases rclloved in six hours by the "New Groat South Ainerioau Kidney Cure." This now remedy is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness in roueving laiu 1 the bladder, kidnevs. back and every la of the urinary passages 111 male or female- It relieves retention of water and pal passing it almost immediately, n you uulck relief and cure this Is your reu j Isold by Shapiro's phawnacy, 107 South . ' street. Nov. .'.ilvary iiousc. Nov. 20. Thanksgiving turkey supper in Hobblns' opera hoiuso. under auspices of All Saints' church. Oct. 31. Twenty-third annual ball under thu auspices of the Hescuo Hook & Ladder Company, No. 1, in Itobbins' opera house. Dec. 3. Twenty-fourth annual supper under the auspices of the Welsh liaptist liurch, in Itobbins opcm house. CO-OPERATIOfMN FRANCE. Th Former Striker at Cnrmnnx fitnrl Under l lalterloB Prospects. Al.m, Franco, Oct. 20. Great festivities nttondod tho oponlng yesterday of tho co operative glass factory which has been put up by tho formor strikers of tho Carmaujc Glass works. Tho strike, which grow out of tho dlschnrgo of n member of tho Glass workers' trado union last yonr, was trans formed Into a lockout when tho men noti fied tho manngoiiiont of their willingness to return to work. Groat oxcltoment was caused by tho Incident throughout Franco, nnd offorts wero mado to lndttco tho Fronch minister to lutervono in tho dispute and f-ocuro Justlco for tho workingmen. Tho 1'nrls municipal council voted largo sums of money to support tho strikers, nnd many othor municipalities all over tho country followed suit. M. Candrln, of tho Pari municipal council, at yesterday's ccromony, saluted the workers In tho namo of Paris. M. Honrl Hochcfort dollvored n speech, ns did M. Jatiros, tho Itudlcnl Socialist deputy forCarmaux,whowas promlnontly Identi fied with tho championship of tho causo of tho strikers, lit tho furnaces. At an opon air" mooting M. Jaurosdo clarcd that tho present movement had founded a social revolution and marked tho downfall of capitalism. Still Destroying Kentucky Tnllgntes. FliANKFOitT, Ky., Oct. 20. Tho tollgate raiders havo not loft a tollgate on tv hlnglo piko in Franklin county undisturbed, and tho owners of thoso roads aro very much incensed ut tho destruction of their prop erty and will tako such action as will bring tho raiders to justlco. Saturday night a mob of about a hundred men camo down the Lawroncoburg piko destroying all tho tollgatos os they entored Frank fort. They then went out tho Louisville piko from Frankfort, laying to tho ground tho gates as they rodo along In tho moon light and defying lnterfcronco by the toll gnto keepers. Don't trifle away timo when you have cholera morbus or diarrhoea. Fight them in the beginning with DeWitt's Colic ar.d Cholera Cure. You don't have to wait for results, they aro instantaneous, and it leaves tho bowels in healthy condition. C. H. Hagciibucb. Thrown 'from Tier tJarrlairn and Killed. Amksudhy, Mass., Oct. 20. A terrlblo runaway accident occurred hero yesterday afternoon, when Mr. and Mr. Alfred Coombs and a hired boy wero thrown from Mr. Coombs' team. Mrs. Coombs struck 11 tree and was instantly killed, hor nock being broken. Tlio boy was fatally in jured, while Mr. Coombs suffered concus sion of tho brain, but will recover. "Hoys will bo boys," but you can't ati'ord to loso any of them. Bo ready for the green apple season by having DeWitt's Colic and Cholera Cure in the house. C. H. Hagen-buch. P. J. CANFIELD, Agent for Shenandoah and Yicinitj For-- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter Did She Die? "No; she liagered and suffered along, pining away all tho tlmo for years, the doctors doing hor 110 good : and at last was cured by this Hop Hitters the pa- 'pcrs say so much about. Indeed I Indeed ! how thankful wo should bo for that mcdicino." Wasuikotos, D. C, May 15th, IS Gk.vti.khex Having been a sull'erer for a long timo from nervous prostration and general debility, I was advised to try Hop Hitters. I have taken one bottle, and I havo been rapidly gotting better over since, and I think it the best mcdicino I over used. I am now gaining .strength and appetite, which was all gone, and I w-os in despair until! tried your bitters. I am now well, able to go about and do my own work. Iloforo taking it, I was completely prostrated. MHS. MAKY STUAUTy Mora Troutilo for Nut Goodwin. San Francisco, Oct. 0. Mrs. Nat C. Goodwin is preparing for a legal battle with, hor actor husband. Through her Now York lawyers sho has forwardod on allldavit In defending herself In tho local courts against her husband's charges. Mrs- Goodwin's oflldavlt, after making 11 general denial to tho chargos of habitual. Intomiioranco on nor part, tells or hor suc cessful suit for uialntonanco thrco years. ago, which resulted In hor husband be ing compellod to pay hor $15,000. She- chargos him with Infidelity, and mentions as co-ruspondonts SadloThorno anil Mubol Amber, both of whom aro well known, lu tho theatrical world. n 111 i'lint bain IL Condensed Testimony, Chas. I!. Hood, Hrokerand Manufacturer's Accnt. Columbus. Ohio, cortillcs that Dr. Kind's New Discovery has no equal as a Cough remedy. J. D. Hrown, Prop, St. Jninos Hotel, l't. Wayne. Ind.. testltles that ho was cured ol 11 Cough ot two years stand ing, caused by Wt unppe, ny Dr. King s -ew Discovery. li. i'. -norm, itaiiiwiuBviuo, tfnu.. savs that ho has used anil recommend ed it and never knew it to fail and would rather havo it than any doctor, because it alwavs cures. Mrs. Humming, vti L. With St., Chicago, always keeps it at hand and has 110 fear ot croup, Localise it insuiniiy relieves Fteo Trial Hetties at A. Wasley's Drugstore. Twice tftriekea with llllmtuoM. ItAHWAY, .'. J-, O'C 11. Kx-i'resldent of Common ' oitncll riltvanl Ourollns has been stricken with blindness a second tluio. Ho awoko last Friday morning to llud that ho could Hot sea a thing. Sev anil month, ago ho was sleeken with blindness, and a few days ago all traces of the attack: had disappeared. It Is the opinion of the tloeturs that tho blindness ii the result of ehe former stroke. Oculists uro not yet ablo to say whether the afllio- tlon will lie permanent. Oilp-Colds-lIeuilaeho. wi,t. under with Coughs. Colds and La Grlppo when laxative Hrouio (Juinbio will euro you in oue day. Put up In tablets con venleut for taking. Guaranteed to cuie, or money refunded. Trice, 2.1 cents. For salo by Kirlln'a Pharmacy. Try Barbev's Bohemian Beer. Let The Whole World Know The Good Dr.Miies" Heart Cure Does WiWm fouJlL nrlnf? EART DISEASE, has its victim at a disadvantage Always tam lit that heart dlseaso Is incurable, when tho symptoms becomo well defined, the p&tlcnt becomes alarmed and a nervous panic placo. Hut when a suro remedy is fo aud a euro e fleeted, after years of sufforlng, there is great rejoicing and desire to "let tho whole world know." Mrs. I.aura Wlno inger, of Selkirk, Kansas, writes; "I deslro to lot tho wholo world know what Dr. Miles' XY ItTllPt' Heart Cure has done for ui . mo For ten ycar3 1 hRd HCart ClirC pain in my heart, short ness 01 ureaeo, paipiia tlon.paln In my loft side, oppressed feollng in my chest, weak and hungry spells, bad dreams, could not Ho on either side, was numb nnd suffered terribly. 1 took Dr. Miles' Heart Curo and boforo I finished tho second bottlo I felt Its good effects, I feel now that I am fully recovered, and that Dr. Miles' Hoart Cure saved ray llfo." Dr. Miles' Heart Curo is sold on guarantco that first bottlo boneflts. or money refunded. Restores Health POLITICAL CARDS. pOlt CHIEF HUKGKSS, PIERCE WALKER, Of the Fourth word. Subject to Citircni partj rules. VOTE FOR JOSEPH WYATT, OF .Slir.NA.fBOAH, FOR REPRESENTATIVE, Rlrst District. V vote: for S. "V --f. -v- - m-f --A. FRANK C. REESE Op Sues a news ah, FOR REGISTER. vote: for HON. ELIAS DAVIS peri)a. Railroad. SCIIUYICIIX DIVISION. Rr.rTK5inr.it 29, 1990. Trains wll) leave Shenandoah after thu abort date for WlKKans, Ollherton, Fraokvllifl, Dsrl Water, St. Clair, PotluvlUe. Hamburg, Iteadlnic l'otrrttown, Plioenixville, ICorrfstun-n and PMl adelphla (Hrond street station) at 6 08 and 111' a. m, and -t 20 p. m. on week days. For PoHf ville and Intermediate stations 9 10 a. m. SUNDAY. For WIl-l-iuis. Gllberton. Kruckvllle. Dark Water. St. Clair, 1'ottsville, at 0 OS, 9 -10 a. in. und B 10 p. ra. For Hnmburc, Heading:. PottAtown rnoenixvine, r,orrisiowii, i-niiiiueipum hiqci. 9 40 a. III., 3 10 p. 111. ! Trains leavo 1-rackvllle lor Slienannoan Al 10 JO a. in. and 1211. R0I. 7 42 and 10 27 P. m. Sunday, 11 13 a. 111. and 5 10 p. in. Leave l'ottsrillo for Shenandoah at 10 15, 11 4! a. m. and 4 40, 7 15 and 10 00 p. in, Sunday si 10 40 a. m., a la p. m. Leave Philadelphia. (Ilronil street station). lo Sheiutndoah at S 57 and g 3S a. 111., 4 10 and 7 V p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 50 a. m. Iavo liroad street station, Pliiiadeliihia, iut Sea Girt, Anbury Park, Ocean Grove, Lout Itranch, and Intermediate stations, 4 03, 0.50, 1.39 a. in.. 2 as. 3.30. 4.1B i. in. weet-uays. a eo Saturdays only. Silnda- (etoji at lnterlAkee lorAsuury rarkj, 4 in, e.zo a n Leave llrouu Mirect siallon, riuiaueipoia, FOIl NEW YOKK. Kxnross. week-days. 3 20. 4 03, 4 50, 8 15. 6 50. 7 33, 8 20. 9 50, 10 21 (DininK Cur), 1100n.ru mounoon, UiXi II.IUHICU l ! HIIU -t p. in. Dlnllik'Cars), 1 40. 2 30 (Dining Car) 3 20,3 50, 1 01, 5 00, a 00 (iiiniug cari, iicii. uoo, nj,iuou, p. in., 12 01, ulKht Mimuays, a -v, 1 cn, 4 00, 3 is, 20,83a,U50, 1021, (I)illlnir Car, 1103 a. mM 12,13, 2 30 ninlliKCarl, 4 00ll.lmited4 22DlnlllR Car, 520,55. Dining Car, 035, 0 0, 8 12, 10 00 p. ill., Jui mum. Express for Duton without cliange, 1100 a. 111., week-days, ami fi 50 p. 111., dally. l'OIt WAS1IINQTON AND T1IK SOUTH. For Ilnltlmre and Wwihlnaton, II 50, 7 30, 8 tl 10 20, 1128 a. m., 12 09 (1131 Limited Din. lug air), 112, 318, 4 41 (519 CnnKrealou) Limited, DinlnKCar), 617, 6 55 (Dining Car), 7 58 (Dining Car) p. iu., and 12 05 nlghi week days. Sundays, 3 80, 7 20, 9 12, 11 M s. 111., 12 Oft 1 12, 4 41, ( 5 If Congressional Limited, Dining Car), 6 55 (Dining Car), 7 58 p. i MHiilnr Car) and 105 night. VFnr Sea Girt. Snritur I.nVe. Itolmar. Oeean (Jmve, Asluiry l'ark ami Long Bmnsb, 6 50, 1 ZD aim 11 a in. aouttiiu iw p. iu. wetK days. Huuduyu, 8 25 a. id. FOIt ATLANTIC CITY. I,eave Ilrnnd street station, Phlladeliihla (vlt Delaware rUer Drlilge), eiprew, 702 p. 111. daily. l.eave Market street Ferry, express, S 50 a. m., 2 00. 4 00. ' Otf r. 111. Sundays. 8 45.0 45 a. in. AeeommiMlatlon, 8 00, 8 20, 11. in,, 8 20 and 4 30 p. 111., week days, Sundays, 8 do, 8 15 a. 111., 4 00 and 5 00. 11. 111. For Cane Mar. Anules&ea. Wlldwood and Holly lleach, and Sea Isle City, Ocean City and AVttloi. rsxpress, v w a. 111., uu p m. weeu days. Sundays, 9 00 a. in. Kipress, 910 a, in., and 2 30, 4 20 p. in, wek dav- Sundays. 8 50 n. in. For Seiners Point. Express, 8 50 a, 111., 4 00 p, ni. weeK nays, ounuuys, n -n n. 111. h. M. I'aEvosT. J. It. Wood. (len'l Maunder, Ouu'l l'aae'g'r Ajtt Of HnoAD Moo'TAis, -FOK- County Treasurer vote: for GEO.FOLMER, Sr., Or Shenandoah, -FOIt- County Treasurer. VOTE FOR Harry Bradigan, Of Shenandoah, -FOIt- PROTH0N0TAR1 vote: for Emanuel Jenkyil Qv Joutrr, -FOIt- Recorder of Peel J Prti;'-. file,, rT!1???"TLr,.T."l I. J at J'ovlnsky's drv1" torc, Centre strei