0 VOL. XI NO 2G5. SHENANDOAH, PA., MONDAY, OCTOBER 2(i, 1800. JXJ1J. A LARGE NEW STOCK PARLOR : SUITS Just Received. F-rom $25 Upwards. J. P. WILLIAMS 8c SON, SOUTH INIAIN STREET. SHENANDOAH, PA. BIG BARGAINS IN V FINE - WOOLEN - UNDERWEAR ! Medicated Red Flannels, shirt and drawers, in all sizes, $ 1 .45 per suit. A better grade at $ 1 .75. Here is a surprising bargain in fine Camel's Hair Under- f'we'ar, shirt and drawers, for $2.20. .MAX LEVIT, UP-TO-DATE HATTER and GENT'S FURNISHER, U 15 E. CENTRE STRE ET S' Carpets, kjil uiotns, and . . . Linoleums. Window Shades, . and Covers. " , J 1 DraSfP"'. North Main St., J. O- i rlVw CI- 3 shenandoali, Pa. J f have" the 49c window shades. 1 offered. Best value ever BREWERS OF Lager Beer, Porter and Ale, All the product of this brewery are made of pure malt and hops of which we buy the best and endeavor always to MAKE THE BEST that can possibly be produced. Reduction in Wall Paper. From 23 cents to 20 cents; from 10 cents to 8 cents. All other grades accordingly. This stock must ho disposed of at once, in order thnt I can enlarge my More. These bargains will hold good for a short time only. Come nt-once and take advantage of tl reduction. nPI IJ CT l'AINTHlt, I'APKIt HASar.lt AND lllUllICtd li. ZUlUCI, DEALEIt IN WALL 1'APEIC. 23 S. iJ a red In St., Shenandoah, Pa. Don t Take Any Risk. The chances are 16 to 1 that you will make your horses sick by feeding new oats A great deal of new oats now in market are stained, musty and light in weight. We offer a car of white oats strictlv old sound and heavy. The price may be a little higher but the quality is right. One Car Choice Winter Wheat Middlings CHOICE GOODS FRESH STOcfc New Mackerel This season's catch White and Fat. Mixed Whole Spices for Pickling, ncy Creamery Butter. Fine Fresh Dairy Uutter. Patted Ham and Tongue. Liinch Tongue and Chipped Beef. Shredded Codfish. l Corned Beef 10 cents a can 1 1 Gtood Laundry Soap--10 pieces for 25c. HIGH GRADE AND PURITY GUARANTEED. Stnlctly Pure Kettle Rendered Lard. . . . Pure (Jul Apple Vinegar. Our Spices are the Highest Grade and Strictly Pure, IS IK 'NEW CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS NEW FALL STYLES. Our stock of Floor Oil Cloth and Linoleum is larger than ever. The latest1 patterns and lowest prices. We invite attention to the largest stock pt kau wxrois we nave ever naa. mi graaes anu prices S from 25 cents W KEITER, ShiErlANDOAH, 1 PENN'A. Irishmen Place Her on a Par Willi Turkey. STIRRING RESOLUTIONS PASSED I Ey a MaBS Meeting Held In New Yorlt Under the Auspices of the Irish National Am nesty Associatlon-Tho Condition of Dr. Gallagher and Whitehead. New Youk, Oct. 20, Undorthonusplco of tho Irish National Amnesty association of this city, wklch Is nflllliitcd with tho organization of tho snmo naino in the) United Klngdom.a mass mooting was hold last night at tho Grand Opera IIouso to protost against tho treatment extended to Irish and Irish-American political prts oners in Kngllsh prisons. Tho mooting was presided over by tho Hon. Morgan J. O'Brien, judgo of tho supreme court. Tho following resolutions wore road nnd adopted: "Whereas, England has been cruol to hor political prisonors to such nn inhu man oxtont thnt nt least six men hava been driven mad, twlco as many hurried to tho grave, nnd others so shattered, men tally nnd physically, as to bo rondored in capableof taking their plncomgal it among men to fight tho battlo of life, "Itosolvod, That wo American cltlzons, in public meetlnir assembled, ilononnco tho treatment to which thoso prisoners have boon subjected, as unworthy of oven a nniiou or tho lowost barbarians, and pro- tost against its continuance in tho case of tho political prisoners who nro still hold In Knglnnd's dungeons. Whereas, Wo havo scon Dr. Thomas Uallagher and Goorgo Albert Whitehead, two must worthy citizens of our conntrv. tho former n physician of ominenco, tho latter a clover mechanic, and both physi cally and mentally without a blemish when they left thoso shores, rotttrneil tons utter tliirteon yoars mental and physical wrecks, fit only to bo detained until death relievo them, in nn asylum for lunatics nnd. Whereas, Their condition is duo, in tho opinion of specialists, to tho brutalitlos which were lnillctod on them by tho En glish government, brutalities shocking be yond concoptlou, according to oyo witnesses, liosolved. That wo. tho fellow citizens of theso sufferors, hereby record our horror nt tho cruelties, bad as over imagined by Turk or Neapolitan, practiced upon them. and declare that England in tho fnco of tho world, Instead of posing about atroci tlos in Armenia, should hide herself in sackcloth and ashes for hor own atrocious misdoings In tho gulso of civilization, and Itosolved, That wo hereby respectfully call upon our government to mako such protest without delay that theso barbar ities must censo, and tho world stand aghast at England's barbarism and hy pocrisy, as will Insure tho cessation of buch barbarities, and tho release of theso men, all of whom wore convicted on ac knowledged perjured testimony andunder a law hurriedly elected by parliament to fcucuro their Imprisonmont. Itosolvod, That copies of theso resolu Hons l)e Sent to i'rosldont Cleveland, Sec retary of State Olney and other mouthers of tho cabinet nnd to tho representatives in both housos ol congress. Tho socrctary road tho report of tho com mltteo which recontly visited Dr. Galla ghcritrd Whitehead at Amity villa Tho report was as follows: "Your committee appointed to tnko chnrgo of tho rcleasod prisoners and foo thnt thoy aro properly carod for would re spectfully report that wo visited them at tho Long Island Homo, Amityvillo, nnd found them in about tho snmo condition as thoy wore when thoy arrived in this country as far as thoir mental condition is concerned, but their physical condition is much improved. From Dr. Gallagher you cannot get any connoctod conversation, only that ho considers himself 111 treated, inasmuch as ho has ho money in his pock ets to bo n gentlomnn. Ho is coutinnlly writing lotters to menus to send him money from sums ranging from i'300 to 2,500. Of courso thoso lotters nro not sent out. In tho case of Whitehead all he seems to want is work, In order thnt ho can take caro of a wife and largo family who hobc llovosnro deponding upon him for sun- port. We, of courso, nro awaro of tho fact thnt ho has no wlfo or family." Speeches wcro made by Judgo John II. McCarthy, Assistant District Attornoy John V. Mclntyro, Hon. John E. Flu gorald, of Boston, nnd Itov. Dr. McGlynn. Dr. McGlynn said that tho movement was an ordorly ono. It was an appeal for meroy for mou whoso only fault was that they loved their country well. Thoy were 110 ordinary common criminals. The high est of authority had declared that they wero not murderous dynnmltors. Thoy had not been oonvioted upon sulllclent evidenco. Dr. McGlynn urged that thero should bo no feeling of hatred manifested on tho part of Irishmen against the Kn glish jieopie because of the condition of Dr. Gallagher and hlteheud. The offi cers of tho Kngllsh prison In which tho man wero contlneu wero to blame. Tried t Kill iin Olllcvr. IiANGASTKlt, ln., Oct. 211. Dick Ited 1110ml, a member of iv notorious gang of thlovos, made a desperate attempt Satur day night to murder Constable John Jacobs. Tho dosporado had lieen captured at tho house of Mary KircholT and was tw ing led olf to jail handcuffed to ono of tho olllcers, when, with his dlsongagod hand ho drew a razor and made a vicious cut at tho oflcor. Tho blado cut through u heavy wutch chain which alono saved Jacobs life. Ho thou caught tho blade In ids hand and had two lingers cut. Itedmond was thon overpowered and lookril up. Illcliert's Cafe, Our freo luuch to-morrow morning will consist of sour krout, pork and uinshod potatoos. Inquire of the first person you mcchow our shoes wear. That person will bo our customer all right. Everybody Is. Factory Siiob Store, Charged with Untitling n Warehouse. IjAXOASTElt, l'a., Oct 20. Frank Sam son was arrested here yostrday afternoon on a chnrgo of robbing tho tobacco ware house of II. H. Miller, which adjoins No. 4 engine house of tho fire department. Ho was a frequenter of tho engine house. Tho proprietor of tho warehouse was in tils ollico on tho night of tho robbery, Oct. 14, nnd heard a nolso, lint could discover nothing, and did notlenrn of hlslos-? until the following day. Miller's flromoii neigh bors helped him to search tho building. and thoy had tho active assistance of Sam son. Tho tobacco, omountlng in value to sovernl hundred dollars, was recovered from tho porson to whom Samson sold It. fcnrn Crackers Ciiptiire'd. WlLI.IAMSfOIlT. Vn... Hnt. "11 l?.,i. the burglars who blow opou tho safo In tho Northern Central station, nt Hoaring Hranch, Thursday night, wero captured r-aturuay in tne mountains nonr Morris, Tioga county, while playing cards about a fire. As tho Tinttn nf nl.rlif ttinii It, .. of Constable Hart, approached' tho gang, ruuiwra siarieu 10 run. uno ol tho men got tangled In a fallen tree top nnd was taken at tho point of u gun, whllo an other fell on his knoos whou a gun in tho hands of a deputy was poked in his fnca from behind a tree. This gun, by tho way, was not londod. Two more of tha moil fell lint upon tho ground when com mandod to stop. l'riiiiHyliinln Constitlilcs Feci. Cauusu:, l'a., Oct. 20. In tho suit brought by John McCoy, a Carlisle con stable, against tho county of Cumberland Judgo lliddlo decided that n constable can only charge fees for ono defendant named In the warrant. The opinion also allows tho constable a foe for making his quar terly returns mid also a ton cent nlloago rate for the distance traversod in making said returns. Lafayette" Dofetits lVnnsjlrntiln. I'lllLADKLl'IUA, Oct. 'M. Fully 13,000 spoctutors witnessed tho football gamo bo tween tho University of l'onnsylvnnla and Lafayette college on Saturday. Tho gamo was hotly contested, but tho friends of tho Pennsylvania boys declnro that they "put up a rotten gamo." Tho score at tho finish was: Lafayette, (1; Pennsylvania, 4. Olndstiino to Ithlu r Whrel. Loxiiox, Oct. 20. Sketch snys that Mr. Gladstone Is about to becomo a cyclist. His llttlo grandchild, Dorothy Drew, rldos well, and it is explained that hor learning to rldo has so fascinated tho veteran states man that ho Is determined to enjoy liim bclf in tho sanio manner. At lirpen'n Itlaltn Onle. lirecn's lioUuu Rtkcd ltcans will ho served as free lunch to-night. Plenty for everybody Potato soup to-morrow morning. Meals served at nil hours. Uiilird of Health KeliorW, Frank Dove, aged 20 yoars, South Jardin street, is sullering from typhoid fever. Valeria Kalbacti, 1 yours of nge, 2-J North Main street, has scailalina. Watle Trotski, t years, 22S West Hucklo- berry alloy, died cm Saturday from mem lir.uieous croup and was Interred iu tho Lltlm- aniuia cemetery yesterday. John and Kiliy Supolis, aged respectively 3 and 1 j years, 322 East Lloyd street, measles. Aiiniu and Mary Ycnu-el;, aged respectively uaiid I years, -ill) Last Lloyd street, measles, At Kt-iichlilslil's Arc-ado Cufe California bean soup to-night. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. Xeerology, Mary C, daughter of Uicliard and Mary J, Horrell, of 20 North Catherine street, died at two o'clock this morning from spinal incmnKitis. Tho parents aro greatly lie reaved oer theUloss, as tho child was al most eleven years of age and very bright and promising. The funer&l will take place on Wednesday, at 1 p. in. Services will lie held in All Saints' Protestant Kpiscopl church nnd interment In tho Odd hollows cemetery. Itrciuuin's Xmv ltestaiirant. Free hot lunches will bo served to-night and to-morrow morning. Injured hy u Tlunk, John Klsenhart, aged 11 yearn and residing at llrownsville, was seriously injured by a fulling plunk ou Saturday. lie was engaged with other boys In building a winter shanty on tho mountain when a plank fell and struck hiin on the head, knocking him sense loo-i and indicting a scalp wound iu which Dr. W. N. Stein was obliged to put seven stitches. Keiulriek House 1'iee l.utieli. Vegetable soup to-night. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. The Wink l oncral. Tho funcml of Conrad Wink took place this afternoon from tho family resilience, on West Cherry street, and was attended hy a large number of relatives and friends, be sides tho members of J. W. Stokes Lodge No. 515, L O. O. F., and Anthracite Castle No. 71, K. G. E. Services wore held in the Trinity Ilafuriued church, l'ev. INibort O'lloyle uHieiating, and interment was made iu the Odd Fellows' eemelory. The llelle of Hunan's Alley, popular song at Itriimm's. The latest l'lue SpcM-lineu, There is on oxhibltion at tho saloon of Mrs Mary Duushorty, bu West Centre street, a tine specimen of fish, which was shot in tho vicinity of the LoUCreek damsby a resident of that plate. It was presented to liichard D.ibb, the taxedermlst, who has it hand somely mounted. Shoe making and shoe selling hour busi ness. Wo make them good and sell them cheap. Factory Siiok Stouk, Narrow Escape Thomas Jours, the North Mnhi ti-unf lutclior, narrowly escaped losing tho sight of one of his eyes in liis shop. A meat hook slipped from a rack ami struck him in tho face, the polut of the hook just penetrating flutunnpr Hd of his rlpht evn. Tin, l.l,v put tho optic in mourning. Iloa't Let A ii) boil y Interfere, Hut TnUn l'an-Tina for coucrlis .iml enlila ! At Gruliler Dros., drug store. 1 8UNBHY III SHOOTING. One Han Receives a Pislol Shot Wound in the Side. SCALP OF ANOTHER LAID OPEN. The former Was Removed to tho Miners' Hospital This Morning-He Got Only One of the Six Shots Fired at Hlm-It Was a Brawl. There was a desperate brawl on South Main street, near the Pennsylvania station, last night, in which one man was shot and another victim had his scalp badly torn, although neither was dangerously injured. 1 he limn ulio uas shot is Thomas Ijiifey, who resides in Toolo's row. Ho received a bullet in tho left side and near tho arm pit. Dr. J. 1'ierco Kolierts attended him lust night and this morning the paticut was removed to the Miners hnipital. The developments of tho caso aro some what peculiar. Shortly after the shots wero llrc'd the polico appeared upon tho scene and arrested two Poles, John Smith, of town, and Anthony Potritiij, of Gilborton. Thoy were tho only men at the place and no com plaint was made at the timo that any body had been shot. Tho Poles weio drunk and wero taken to the lockup. Upon a search it was lound that eacli had a revolver on Ids person. Smith's revolver was fully loaded, but tho biz ban el of Potritus weapon were empty. Latcrln tho night tho men soboted up and were discharged after paying the costs and borough lines to Chief liurgess Hum. Potritus had a bad sealii wound and Dr. Stein was called to attend him. The doctor put threo stitches in the gash and the man started for his homo. Potritus said ho sustained the injury in a sculllo witli some men ou South Main street. but neither lie nor his companion could tell a connected story of the allair. After tho men wero discharged tho police learned that Laney had been shut in a sculllo with two Poles on South Main street and It then developed that tho injury had been sus tained in the shooting which, up to that time, had been looked upon as a hamrless one. Smith was hunted up, rc-ariestcd and put under bail for a hearing befuie Justico (Jardin this evening, l'otrilus could not bo found, having gone to his home in Gilbertou, but it is expected ho will ho taken into custody in timo for tho hearing to-night. Tho story tallcy tells is that ho was on his way homo from Mahanoy Plane last night In company with his brother-in-law, liobert Sneddon, when they met Smith and Potritus and accident! jostled them. The latter two were very drunk and precipitated a light. Lalloy snys lie picked up a piece of lock to defend himself and Potritus, who hail drawn a revolver, was shooting widly. Sneddon says that Potritus fired six shots iu all. but was too drunk to aim and it was on tlintWouut that La llcy ouly received one of the bullets. 1'nll .supply. Tho largest variety of ladies, coats and capes. Al.o children's jackets, ladies' dress fabrics of nil kinds and trimmings at P. J. MuXAOIIAX's, Wreck at Oiiakiikc. A disastrous wreck occurred at Ouakako at 1:30 this afternoon. A loaded coal train of the New Jersey Central Hailroad dashed into the end of n loaded P. ,t 1!. coal train. Tho cabooso and a largo gondola of tho latter were shattered to splinters. The Cen tral engine and tender were Uully damaged aud nine cars derailed. Tho road was blocked by the wreckage. Tho passengers of tho afternoon train wero transferred from ono end of the wreck to the other. The causo of tho accident, it is said, was tho failure of tho P. fc ,'. hrakemau to go hack far enough to nag tho Central train. To liu Tried at rlltsbiirg. Judgo Ilutlcr, of the United States Circuit Court at Philadelphia, has decided that Harry Itubiuski, who was arrested in town several weeks ago on charges of using tho United States mails for fraudulent purposes, and Charles Kubinskt, his brother, who was ar rested In Iowa a day or two later ou the same charges, must stand trial in tho western district of tho United States Circuit Court, which means that the cases will bo tried at Pittsburg. The ItulUal Meetings Continued. Itev. Alfred Heebucr, pastor of tho M. 11 church, has arranged to condui t the revival services another week. Preaching every evening ut 7:30. Song service at 7:15. llev. C. P. Connelly, pastor of tho M. E. church of Orwigsburg, will preach this evening. All are invited. r? rrmminmmimmmnmmmmminmTmmms THE LOWEST PRICES FOR If in need of carpets and oil cloths, under noar, ilaunnels, hosiery, gloves, mittens, knit goods, it will iuy you to givo u a call, P. J. MoNAflHAN, No. 30 South Maiu street. Harbors' Ali-etfug. A meeting of the llarbers Protective Association will lie held to-morrow evening, at n o'clock, in Yoet's barber shop. A full attendance is rcqiioted as business of im portance will be transacted. 10 2U-2t l.lons Were Victorious. The local foot lull season was opened here yesterday by a game between the Lion eleven, of town, and the Tigers, of Mahanoy City, which was won by the local team in a score of 30 to 0. The gamo conited of 20 minute halves with John Conry, as referee It was witnessed by over 300 spectators, who had wended their way to the I rotting park. A llrcali In Glass. Whilo boys were playing in front of tho High school at noon to-day one of thoin threw an oyster shell that broke a largo ikiuo of gluts In tho residence of Mrs. Grumm. i:ploded 1'ou iter. Frank Kakofsky, a miuer 32 years of ago and residing at Siabanoy City, was seriously injured by an explosion of powdor at tho Manlo Hill colliery on Saturday. Ho accidently dropped a lighted squib into u keg of powder. Iiutiilli-il l'nstor. Itev. John Gruhlcr, pastor of tho QcnnanJ Lutheran church, of town, yesterday In stalled Itov. Theophllus Zubcr as pastor cH St. Jolm'a Lutteuin church at Tuuiaqua. ROGERS' SILVER PLATED KNIVES AND FORKS, SPOONS, SUGAR SHELLS, BUTTER KNIVES AND SILVER PLATED NOVELTIES. 1 All Guaranteed. x GIRVIN'S, I 8 S, Main St., SHENANDOAH, PA. I LiiiminiiiiuuiiuiiuuuiiuniiiiimiiiuiuuimiuiS A HOLD UP. Kliilmel's Nere nnd lteoher I'rlglitc noil the Higliwaliieli, lloweer. At about ihe o'clock Saturday evening when William Kiiumel, Jr., of North Jardin street, was driving up tlio Catawlssa side ol' Locust mountain on his way home from Sheppton, two men suddenly jumped from the bushes at the roadside and exclaimed, "'Hold on, young man ; hold up a bit." One of the men grabbed the burse's bridle while the other walked towards the buggy. Kimim-l promptly wipped out a revolver which he pointed at the man who was approaching and asked, "Well, what do you want?" There was no answer. Until men tied back into the bushes as fast as their legs could carry them and Kimmcl continued his journey to town without further molestation. Anglo Limps, tho best lamps in the world for sale nt liruinm's. Tliu lteNCIlo Itull. The annual hall of tho Itescuo Hook & Ladder Company No. 1, will be lield on Fri day evening, Octobcr.lSOth, In Itobblns' opera house. Tho fair closes on Thursday evening. A first-class orchestra will furnish dancing nnisie for tho Kill, which will the event of tho season. 10-20-5t Dispensing AVItli the Oeriiiini. Tho congregation of the Iiuthany United Lvangollcal church has decided to dispenso with some of its services in Herman, and hereafter tho services on tho first nud third Sunday mornings of each mouth will be in Luglish. TO Cl'Ki: A COLO IN ONIJ DAY Tnko Laxative llromo Quinine Tablots. All druggists refund the money if itfalls to cure. 25 cents. Oietl lit the Almshouse. Itees Davis, a former resident of Yntes villo, died on Saturday at tho almshouse from general debility. Ho was about 55 years of age. William Morris, aged about -Is years and a former resident of St. Clair, died at the almshouse on Saturday from cramps. There's .lust What You AYiint. Pan-Tina (25c) for coughs and colds. Gruhlcr Pros., drug store. At A PLAIN TALK With you on the subject of WALL: PAPER. Many beautiful designs and color ing, must be Closed Olll -it once to make room for other goods. You will be surprised at the low prices asked for the quality offered. WINDOW SHADES In every style and price. This is one of our important lines. We carry the largest selection in all qualities, sizes, colors and styles. Consequently we are able to compete with any store regardless of size. We have about one dozen of those special 8 inch lace trimmed and first quality Oil Cloth shades mounted on spring rollers to hang at 6oc. See our line before you make youi purchases. F.J. Portz&Son, SHENANDOAH. PA, A CHOICE ARTICLE --OUR-- BEEF WINE tIRON At 50c Per Bottle. orvit-v AT KIRLIN'S DRUG STORE, 6 South Main Street. Cm V IU1 an, for to ts P'