(Pnetttttrt ficraUL r0L. XL-NO 260. SHENANDOAH, PA., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 189(3. ONE CENT. ft J. P. WILLIAMS 8c SON, SOUTH INIAIN STREET, SHENANDOAH, PA. BIG BARGAINS IN FINE - WOOLEN - UNDERWEAR ! Medicated Red Flannels, shirt and drawers, in all sizes, $ 1 .45 per suit. A better grade at $ t .75. Here is a surprising bargain in fine Camel's Hair Under wear, shirt and drawers, for $2.20. UP-TO-DATE HATTER and GENT'S FURNISHER, 15 E. CENTRE STREET. uarpets, -.n m .L1 and . . . Linoleums. I 'l CDCDirPT'CX North Main St., We still have the 49c window s.naaes. Best value ever T M offered. COLUMBIA : BREWING : COMPANY BREWERS OR Lager Beer, Porter and Ale. All the product of this brewery are made of pure malt and hops of which we buy the best and endeavor always to MAKE THE BEST that can possibly be produced. Reduction in Wall only. Come at once and tako advantage of the reduction, Tt-.-.-. W CZmrArx PAINTER, PAPEIt IIANOElt AND 1 nomas n. Snyder, vumusVAvnu. 23 S. Jardln St., Don't Take Any Risk. The chances are 16 to i that you will make your horses sick by feeding new oats A great deal of new oats now in market are stained, musty and light in weight. We offer a car of white oats strictly old sound and heavy. The price may be a little higher but the quality is right. One Car Choice Winter Wheat Middlings. CHOICE GOODS FRESH STOCIC New Mackerel This season's catch White aud Fat. Mixed Whole Spices for Pickling. Fancy Creamery Butter. Fiue Fresh Dairy Butter. Patted Ham aud Tongue. Lunch Tongue and Chipped Beef. Shredded Codfish. Corned Beef 10 cents a can. Good Laundry Soap--10 pieces for 25c. HIGH GRADE AND PURITY GUARANTEED. Strictly Pure Kettle Rendered Lard. . . . Pure Old Apple Vinegar. Our Spices are the Highest Grade and Strictly Pure. NEW CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS NEW FALL STYLES. Our stock of Floor Oil Cloth and Linoleum is larger than ever. The latest patterns and lowest prices. We invite attention to the largest stock of RAG CARPETS we have ever had. All grades and prices from 25 cents up. Q. W. KEITER, SHENANDOAH, A LARGE NEW STOCK OF PARLOR : SUITS Just Received. F-rom $25 Upwards. MAX LEVIT, NEW Window Shades, and Covers. Shenandoah, Pa. Paper. From 25 cents to 20 cents; from 10 cents to S ccnta. All other ?railci accordingly. This stock must be disposed of at once, in order tlint I can enlarge my store. These bargains will hold good for n short time Shenandoah, Pa. PENNA. The Heroic Mother Was Faithful Even Unto Death. BOTH PERISHED IN THE FLAMES Sha Went Back Into the Burning Building to KeBCue Her Boy and Was Smothered. The Charred Bodies Were Found Side by Side. One of the most striking exemplifications of the depth of a mother's love and devotion was furnished this morning at a sad amilr in Malianoy l'laue, when Sirs. Ellen ifiorden, wlfo of Cornelius Itloidcn, sacrificed hcrlifo by trying to savo her son, Daniel, aged nine years, from llro that was consuming her homo. Tho sad disaster carries with it pro fotind cil'cct. ISetwcon 1 and 1:30 o'clock this morning llamcs hroko out in the roar part of the houso and spread so rapidly that tho cntiro building was soon enveloped In llames. Tho structure was a two-story framo dwelling and tho flro was caused by a defcctlvo lluo. Tho upper rart of tho houso was occupied by the liiordcn family consisting of tho father, mother and two children, and the basement was occupied by Sirs. Dowd, a widow, and her three children. All tho latter iamily es caped from tho building without injury. Mr. liiordcn grabbed ono of his children as ho rusliod from tho burning building and Mrs. liiordcn followed, but upon learning that her son had not escaped tho noblo woman rushed back into tho building to get him out. liur heroic effort was fruitless, as sho was overconio by smoko Just as slio reached tho room where her son was sleeping and tho bodies of tho two were burned to a crisp. Tho charred remains of both mother and son were found in tlo ruins of tho building which was entirely destroyed. Tho theory is advanced by some that tho floor gave way and carried tho devoted mother and tho ob ject of her sterling an"eetions down into tho fiery mass below. lieu tho remains were removed from tho ruins they wore taken to tho homo of Jonas Smith, a brother of tho deceased. Tho unfortunate woman was iff years of ago and is survived by her husband and livo children. Mr. liiordcn, with ono of his sons, was in Whitelock's shoo store on Main street to-day, purchasing a pair of shoes for tho boy. Ho is 'heartbroken and says that lie only succeeded in escaping from tho building with tho trousors and shirt ho hurriedly put on when aroused from his slumber by tho cries of tho people outside. When the flro was discovered tho whistles of the simp at Malianoy l'lano and the engine houso at the head of tho plane were blown loud and long. The fire companies of Maha noy l'lano and Maizevillo responded, but a break in tho principal lino of hoso handi capped tho firemen. The newest tilings in Colored Iloiom Shirts at tho Up-to-date hat sturo. Applauded ICcputjllcuns. Tho Young Men's Democratic Club of Lost Creek held a meeting in Bender's Hull last night, and iu tho absence of tho Democratic speakers, it was unanimously decided to invito i Inn. Ellas Davis, tho Republican caudidato for Treasurer, and lion. Joseph Wyatt, candidate for Legislature in this dis trict, who happened to bo ill the vicinity, to address tho club on tho bills theu two gentle men had introduced in the Legislature for tho safety of the miners and for relict of oppressed workingmcu. Mr. Davis spoko on tho fight lie mado to secure the passage of tho two-weeks pay bill and Mr. Wyatt also ex plained tho difficulty ho experienced in tho passago of a bill for tho adoption by mining companies of a safety device to be used in lowering or hoisting men and material, and other bills in which ho was interested. At tho conclusion of their adrcsscs tho speakers received the heartiest kind of an ovationaud in mingling with the crowd were given general assurance of support in tho coming election. Kvndrlck House Vree Lunch Grand Army bean soup to-night. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. ltev. Morrison Improtliig, Itov. T. Maxwell Morrison, pastor of tho First Presbyterian church, of town, and who recently suti'ercd from a relapse at tho homo of his parents in Abondalo, Chester county. writes to an oillcial of tho above church that ho is slowly improving, and expects to be ablo to sit up in a day or so. llo is confident of tiltlmato recovery, and in this lie has tho wishes not only tho entire congregation, but the community at, largo. Ureiimui'rt New Itcstuurulit. Vegetable soup to-night. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. CoiIiavYiiccus Continues, The religious ivivul services at the M. L church still continue and are constantly becoming iiiore'iuterestiiig. At last night's meeting tho pastor reported a gain of 00 conversions. Tho church is greatly Mined To-night's song service will begin at 7:15 o'clock and at 7:30 tho pastor, llev. Alfred lleobner, will preach a sermon, lie will give an account of the great revival movement begun in Philadelphia yesterday, of special Interest to .Shenandoah at this time, Lvery body wolcomo. Wo have the finest line of (lent' Woolen Half Hone ever shown. At MAX LLVIT'S, 15 Last Centre street. It Was a Success. Tho birthday party hold at tho residenco of Miss Mary 1). (iriillths, on West Oak street, last evening, proved a success, both socially and financially. Tho attendance was largo, many from Malianoy City being present. Tho proceeds will bo dovoted to tho Young rcopio's uiuin or .u saints' church. Miss Ciriillths provoj it most enter. taliiing hostess, and thoso present departed woll pleased witli tho evening's enjoyments, To Newspaper Headers. Tho Miners' Advocate camo from tho press on Sat unlay morning and thousands of coplqs were freely distributed, but notwithstanding that fact many failed to get a copy, and they can obtain ono by calling or sending to tho olllco, No. 20 West Lloyd street. 2t THE REPUBLICAN RALLY. A ltlg lteceptloii to bo (iheu Congressman Stone. There will lie a big turn out of ltcpiililinins to-morrow night to welcome Congressman Stone, who will address a mass niccttiiii in Ferguson's theatre to-morrow ovening mi the Issues of tho campaign. The Ashland, Malianoy City and St. Nicholas niarrhing clubs have notified William Nciswcnter, of tho county executive committee, that they will iitlciate in the parado and tliecltlcns of town aro invited to contribute to tho success of tho event and furnish horses for tho parado. It will ho ono of tho star events of tho campaign and all voters loyal to the prlnclplo of sound money will help to make it a success. At KcpcliIitskl'H Arcado Cilfe Llvorjand onions to-night. Hot lunch to-morrow morning. Political' l'lng tiny. CniCAQo, Oct. 20. Chairman Jones, of tho Democratic national committee, issues fin nppcnl to Democratic votorsns follows: "Tho Amorican Man has always boon tho emblem of national honor, and It will al ways remain so. It Is too sncrod to bo prostituted to partisan purposes, as has boon attempted for tho first tlmo In this campaign. Its inilucnco has nlwiiyn boon for good to nil mankind, I therefore sug gost that on Saturday, Oct. 31, all thoso who deslro to presorvo tho country's honor nnd lndcpondouco; who lsillevo in tho rights of overy man, rich or poor, to enst a freo and untrummclod ballot; who oppo-u covornment by corporations and tho co ercion of voters, nnd dosiro that real and gcimino prosperity may onco again return obloss our pcoplo, display tho national colors nt their homos, their places of busi ness and whereovcrelsothoy may bo seen. Tho Itooill 111 Wheat. CHICAGO, Oct. 20. A further sensational advance of threo cents took pluco In tho prico of wheat yesterday morning. On Saturday December tho uctlvo specula tive future closed at 75Jc., but on tho "curb" it was quoted nt TiiJc Yesterday, boforo tho regular opening, "UJc. was tho ruling unolliclal quotation, anil whou trading on tho regulur board begun truns icUons ranged from 78J4c. to TOJic. It ilosed at 77Jic. bid. Mandolins big stock just received at lirumm's. Volunteers ,,r America CVlelirutc. The Volunteers of America hud a largo gathering last evening in Dougherty's hall, when Stall' Captain Lindsay, of Philadel phia, enrolled :)2 members of the local post and presented the national Hag and Volun teor standard to the post. The colors are tho red, white and blue. Cadet lirocious was Accepted and to-night will make her farewell address to her comrades ill tho armory on Centre street. On Wednesday she will goto Newark, X. .1. Miss Mamo Fishburn lias also been accepted as a cadet and will soon leave for Philadelphia, Miss Kickart and others will nKo take their departure on similar missions. The armory of the Volunteers is becoming too small and thej' will soon occupy Wilkinson's hall. .Since Lieutenant Italian has been hero he lias been very successful and lias succeeded in getting thirteen of our town people to go out as ollicers for the Vol unteers, t'adct Unangst has been sent here to assist and receive his training and Miss lieese, wlio became conveited some time ago iu tho Salvation Army, has volunteered to go out as an officer. Shoe making and shoo selling is our busi ness. We mako them good and sell them cheap. F.icTonv Shoe Srimi;. Death of Michael Kiilhiieli. .Michael Kalbach, of Womelsdorf, Ilerks county, father of .lames and Peter Kalbach, of town, died at his homo Saturday last, aged 63 years, and will be buried on Thursday. Mr. Kalbach was born in tho historic old Kalbach tavern, near lteruville, Ilerks county, which was built long before the Inv olution and was constructed as a post of defense agaimabtho Indians, who were troublesome aiVuiuurous at that time. It is an old lauduia' and was tho homo of the family for four1 generations. It's oueer lloiv ".nick Pau-Tiua cures coughs and colds, 25c. At (1 rubier llros., drug store, At Die Miners' Hospital. Dr. W. H. liuclier, of Sunbury, lias been appointed as dispensary surgeon at tho hospital. There aro ninety-one patients in the wards, and about sixty who are being treated in the dispensary. Tho institution is now being supplied with water from tho now reservoir, and tho supply is pure in quality, and abundant iu quantity. Mclvlliley ami llolmrt Flags, banuers, pendants, etc., fur Wednes day night. Five to 25 cents. Hoy's caps, 7 cents. Moikivk s Jt.vzAit, Hud a Nall'ow l.cupr. Harry Ganglia n, a conductor on the Scliuyl kill Tmctioii Compiuy lino, had a miraculous escape from death. In attempting to board the forward iut of a cur, ho slipped and fell upon tho track, but was dragged fruin be neath the wheels in tlmo to savo his life. Umbrellas ro-coveresl while you wait at lirumm's. Tho Ilonkiits Tulr The eonimittcu in charge of the L'cscuo Hook and Ladder Company's fair now being held iu Ilobbliu' opera house is constantly on the lookout fur unique and interesting attrac tions and this evening two very clover young dancers will make their debut. The regular attractions of tho fair aro sufficient to warrant the liberal jwtronage of tho public and nono may foar disappointment through a visit. l'or lteut. Douglierty's hall, recently vacated by the United LvaiigolicHl church. Excellent loca tion, steam heat and gas. Host ventilated hall in town. Apply of Mrs. Mary Dougherty. liurled This Alteriiouu. Nellie.tho flvo-yoar-old daughter of Thomas .Morgan.' oi uiinerton, who died Sunday evening after a brief illness, was buried this afternoon iu tho Oijk! iv ... tho WU. If y mako Consul General Lee Compelled the Spaniards to Back Down. COMMANDER M'INTOSH HAD GRIT i He Protected a Mexican Subject and Re plied to the Spanish Officials In Language Which Was More Forcible Than Elegant. Kkv Wpt, Ha., Oct. 20. For three hours last Friday tho United States and Spain were on the brink of war, and tho threatening situation was only relieved when the Sinuiish authorities ignomluotisly backed down and allowed tho Vigilancia to proceed to sea with Seiior Angel Fernandez still on board. When tho Vlgllnncia put into Havana tho Spanish authorities demanded che surrender of Fer nandez, a Moxican. Tho Spaniards alleged that Fernandez was not a Mexican, but a subject of Spain. Commander John Mcintosh, of tho Vig- ilancir, refused to surrender Fernandez. Then tho Spanish authorities told Mcintosh that if tlie Vigilancia attempted to go to sea wiih Fernandez on board sho would be sunk by tlit! gnus of Moro Castle. Captain Mcin tosh immediately laid the matter before Consul (ieneral Leo, who complimented the captain on his bravery and told him to take the Vigilancia tosea when he pleased. Consul (ieneral Leo was greatly enraged at tho threat to sink tho Vigilancia, and is reported to hae s.iid to Captain Mcintosh : "If the guns of Moro Castle sink your ship American warships will bo bombarding Havana in a few days. ' Captain Mcintosh returned to tho Vigil incia and Consul Leo informed Weyler that the vessel was going to sea, and that if any attempt was made to tako oil Fernandez or that If the vessel was II red upon Spain must take tho consequences. Weyler immediately summoned a cabinet council, aud while this council was considering the matter the Vigilicia began to weigh anchor. The Spanish officials on board protested, but Captain Mcintosh said iu vigorous language: "D your objections. My ship has been cleared. My consult lias told mo to go to sea. I am going, and I dare jou to try to prevent mo. fiet oil' my ship." With that the Yankee roughly shored tho Spaniards into the waiting boats, and tho Vigilancia, Hying the stars and stripes, started for tho mouth of the harbor, which is commanded by tho guns of Moro emtio. Slowly the Vigilancia entered tho mouth of tho harbor and then it was noticed that tho guns of Moro castle were turned on tho ship. The Vigilancia repeatedly signalled -Moro tattle: "I am going to sea," but no answer came from the fort until tho vessel was in blue water, and thou tho Spaniards ran up the signal which means "Good bye." It is said that Weyler is furious over the departure of the vessel and Consul Lee's course. It i-stated Weyler ordered tho com mandment of Moro to sink tho Vigilancia, but that at the last moment ho yielded to tho entreaties of his cabinet and countermanded tho order. At ltrecn'H Ithilto Cure. Vegetable soup will bo served as freo lunch to-night. Plenty for everybody. Oyster soup to-morrow morning. -Meals served at all hours. Watson's Li'tter Xnt Iti'cetviMl. VVashixuton, Oct. 20. I)eiitu tho fact that Vice Pri'-identi.il Candidate Watson insists that his letter of acceptance was mulled to . Senator Htttler hero livo days ago, tho latter says ho has nut yet reeoived it. Yosterdav ho authorized a letter to bo sent to Mr. Watson notifying him of tho fact. The Sow Turkish Minister lit Washington Washington, Oct. 20. Mnustapha Tuh sin Hey, tho now Turkish minister, ar rived hew yesterday and was mot by Ma voreni Hoy, tho retiring minister, and tho utlicials of tho legatluu. Tho hour was too Into to permit tho prosoiitatiuiMif his cre dentials to Secretary Olnoy, uiul this cero niony ami his mooting with tho president will occur this afternoon. Tho usual ex change of salutations is being awaited with moro than passing interest, owing to tho questions ponding between tho United States and Turkoy. Death Unilvr u rHllllig ltnof. ClIAItLOTTKSVILLU, Vll., Oct. 20. Tho nslipalt roof of a ono story lecture room used by the University of Virginia fell in yesterday upon livo workmen, two of whom, Ktiguno Hunch nnd Georgo Tucker, were killed and throo others injured. Lo renzo 1). Howon received a sculp wound uiul ugly cuts about tho face, V.W. Cham bers h probable fracture of tho skull, and Joseph Lamb was cut about the head. Tho building was being pur up iu place of ono of those burned a yeur ago. Aildlcks to Mabo :i I.i'gal right, Uobton, Oct. 20. President Addieks nnd Trersurer Miller, of tho Hay State (Jus company, are iu Boston in consulta tion witii attorneys, and it is understood that tapers are being drawn up to be laid before tho grand jury. During the after noon Thomas W. Law win wits in close consultation with Mr. Addieks, their tit Uiruoys and others interested on the Ad illcUs side of tho big oontrovercy, but tho nature of the busine.s transacted could not be learned. Heed rllids Ills Volco Again, Chicago, Oct. 30. Thomas 11. Heed spoko in tho Auditorium yostorday after noon to an audience which occuplod ovory inch of standing room. Mr. Heed was in troduced by George It. Peck, of Chicago, and wus wildly cheered as ho uroso to spunk. Ho spoko for about half an hour, dwelling particularly on thocurronoy uml tariff questions. sv.w t m:vu Nirwm Wo have tho very latest novoHles in Club, Shiold and liand Hows. Wo guaraqteo those goods to bo tho very latest, price iiid 50 J--it. & MAX LKVIT'S, 15 K. .reel. Sicken' Caf lunch to-morro jorning will I getablo soup. DON'T FAIL r TO CALL Oil US FOR LAMPS (o) You will declare our 88c Vase Lamp to be worth You can have them while tin last at 88 cents. -(o)- NEW PATTERNS OF FLOOR OIL CLOTH. -o)- GIRVIN'S 8 S. Main Street. Miss Srluill'er lintertnlned. Miss Ilattie Schatl'cr was handsomely en tertaincd by her Sunday school class lat evening, at the homo of her sister, Mrs. T J. Ilroiighall, ou West Oak street, prior to her departure to Pittsburg to-day, whcieshc will reside with her parents. The evening proved ono of enjoyment for those present, and Miss Seliall'er" was tho recipient oi a beautiful mirror and pearl piper cutter a tokensof friendship and remembrance from her class. An interesting musical prorati' was the feature of tho evening, piano soto being rendered by Misses Helen Price am'. Hannah Davis, a recitation by Miss Anna llccbner and singing by the teacher and the entire class, nftor which refreshments wen sened. The members of the class iu attend ance, were as follows: Misses Sadie Llngliam Helen Price, Hannah Davis, lictta Wiei Mattie Thomas, Josephino Daddow, Anna M and nizahcth M. llcebiier, Annie ISeiMall, Sylvia Tempest, Clara Lvorhart and Minnie Davis. Many of hor friends were at the dc pot this morning to sco her oil'. William Kuimir's ltarhtr .shop llasbcon removed frum 11 West Lloyd street to tho l'raiiey hotel building, corner id Coal and Jardiu streets, where ho mil hi pleased to seo all his customers at the new stand. 10-10-lw ltriuiiloii llle Itoiul Hurt. II. F. Faust, of liranilonville, is receiving quite a number of entries for tho road race that is to tako place at tiie abovo place on tho 21th inst. The course of tho nice is troui Frank F.verctt's hotel, round by way of the Shenandoah water wurks pumping statiun Lilt 'ies aro already reeeive.l I'nuii Muluimy City, I'ark Place, Delano anil ppton The I.ust Tuo lla-.nl S.ori. Don't miss the hi--t r.v i - nl II Horso and bicycle nu - I i-uim. from all points. 10-13-lUt l II I i s . 'J3 Mr. Sbui'llVr .Mm en Ills I iinill Harry nhuctler, wtm wus manager Keller s siore uere lor a numm-i oi years, and who recently accepted a position at I'm, burg, to-day looted his family to that eity where they will make their future limm v They take witli them the good wishos ii a large circle of friends, who weio reluctant to see tliein depart. TO cititi: A COI.H IN ii.m: hay Tako Ijixativo liromo 'Jiiinino Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure. 25 cents. A PLAIN TALK With ymi mi the subject of- WALL: PAPER. Many beautiful designs and color ing, must be ClOSSd Out nt once to make room for other goods. You will be surprised at the low prices asked for the quality offered. WINDOW SHADES Iu every style and price. This is one of our important lines. We carry the largest selection in all qualities, sizes, colors and styles. Consequently we are able to compete with any store regardless of si.e. We have about one dozen of those special S inch luce 'trimmed and first quality Oil Cloth shades mounted on spring rollers to hang at 6oc. See our line before you makc your purchases. F.J. Portz 8c Son, SIILNANDOAII. PA A CHOICE ARTICLE --OUR-- BEEF WINE AND IRON At 50c Per Bottle. OtMlY AT KIRLIN'S DRUG STORE, 6 South main Street. A