' Blection Hbvice h like strong medicine, n Utile lilt (ies a Ioiir way. We lire nnteniiiK to tronlile you with elertimi advice hut simply cull your attention to our la rue assortment of : BOX STATIONERY.: St sheets of fair nuality tapcr ami 21 envelopes for 10 cut-. hitter quality IS cents, and lietter still ii.'i cents. We also supply engraved stationery and i nrdi. HOOKS & BROWN a North Main St. MAHANOY CITY. JlitrnHthir l'ol-l'ntiri'l of News from lite Neighboring TnHli. 5Iaiiaoy City, Oct. 111. liev. I,. I,. I,olir. of Manheiin, l'a., has been extended a call to til o imstnrste of the IhiKlith Lutheran church which has heen vacant since the lusiRiiation of llov. Zimmerman. The election took ldaco at tho service lat night. The. date of the oponiun of Herskcr's opera house has liccn again postponed. Thu date is not announced. l'rice, one of our local bicyclists, won tho iiovico raeo at iiazleton on Saturday. JI. V. Kaust was in town this morniiiR, arranging for the thrce-niilo race meet at Itmiidonvlllc. Tlnce local bicyclists will enter. Cards are out announclnji tho wedding of Jtlss Maggie McKoone, daughter of Francis JIcKcono, of Mahnnoy l'Innc, and l'atrick Mahoney, tho West Centre street merchant tailor. Tho ceremony will take placo on tho 2Sth inst at tho Holy Howry church, Maha noy l'lane. Matliias Mock, an aged resident of town, who has liecn demented for some time, will ho removed to tho almshouse at Schuylkill Haven. Tho local foot ball team lost its game at Mauch Chunk on Saturday with the team of that placo by a scoie of SO to 0. Tho McKinlcy and Hobart Club of St. Nicholas will hold it meeting to-night and invites all Kcpuhlicans to attend. Many a day's work is lost by sick head ache, caused by indigestion and stomach troubles. HcWltt's Little liirly Iiisors aro the moat ell'cctual pill for overcoming such dilllculties. C. H. llagcnbuch. Illlil to lie Killed. This morning an old soriel horse, formerly owned by M. II. Kehlcr, was being led out of Sam Roberts' stable, and he slipped and fell breaking his right hind leg. The horso was killed by Dr. K. 1). hongacro. His age was estimated at !!." years Don't trillo away time when you have cholera morbus or diarrhoea. Fight them in tho beginning with DeWitt's Colic and Cholera Cure. You don't have to wait for results, they aro instantaneous, and it leaves tho bowels in healthy condition. ('. II. llagcnbuch. Itroko the Trotting Itrcnr.l, At tho llloomsburg ruies on Saturday "Allen Daro" was entered in the free-for-all nice, which was won by "Vcta," of Balti more, Md in U.lfl. With thu exception of "Alien Dare" all tho other horses entered were pacers in which raie he lowered the track trotting record from Sldt to S10. "Allen Date" broke tho Milton track record last week by lowering It from to 2171. "Allen Daro" has a promising futuie in storo. REMOVED TO 1C f flM VTffFPT In.llIlV 11 Jl HI wll IIJLL1 i.iDr. J. W. Van Valzah's V" I1PMTAI. PARLORS. Denlstry in all lis Branches, 3 Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty, Painless Extraction. Artificial Teeth Inserted, & All Work Guaranteed. No stairways to climb anymore. $ $ i i krui i'or t WILKINSON'S ELECTION SPECIAL ! oVi.' THE BEST EVIDENCE of our success is shown by daily increasing sale and hundreds 'l plcascdj lm crs who know it pays to buy at L. J. WILKINSON'S, MAIN STREET. Mmmmmmmmmmmid 5.000 BARS OF 2! I ...SOAP! TO BE BOLD S BARS FOR Ec. VE. B. FOLEY, 3 Jme . 27 WEST CENTRE STREET, rj TIIE BURGLARS 11ELD. I'osltlto Identification Sialic by Tito Willie-Men This Morning, John Wilson and Ous danger, the two men arrested last week on suspicion of being two of the masked burglars who bound the watchman and blow open tho safe at the Cambridge, colliery on the night of the nth inst., were brought up from tho l'ottsvllle jail this morning by C. & I, Policemen Wat- kins and I.ipplett, of Mt. LHnnel, and ar raigned at 11 o'clock before Justice Cardltt for a hearing. There were eight or tell ( '. A I. police at the hearing. Watchman Thomas O't'onncll told the story of tho attack and burglary as published in the Hkkai.ii at the time. Ho mid he could not identify any of tho men, localise they were masked when tjicy committed the acts. William Downs, a tramp, swore that he was in the boiler houe of tho colliery on the night of the llth Inst, wlicu four men came in. Tho men advised him to go to tho lockup for a night's lodging. The four men left the place, saying they were going to catch a freight train. Downs identified danger, one of the prisoners, as being one of the four men. John Smith, also a tramp, was tho next witness. Ho was in tho boiler house with Downs when tho four men entered and spoke to Downs. Smith was positive that both daugcr and Wilson wero two of tho four men. (Julto an altercation ensued between the two prisoners and tho two tramps on tho luestinu of identification, but the latter were not shaken in their testimony. danger protested that he had not been in Shenandoah for over a year and that at the time of the burglary ho was in Mt. Carmcl with four men, Harry Dooling, alias Shenan doah Harry, Jack O'llrien and two men named Woods and Dougherty. Wilson protostcd that ho was lcleased from tho Sunbiiry jail on tho 3rd inst, and from that date up to the time of his present arrest he was at work cutting up old rallroid sills at Iiiverside, opposite Danville. C. & I. Policeman Kleindeutz, of Mahanoy City, was the last witness. Ho testified that before ni resting Wilson ho had a conversation witli the proprietress of the liouso where Vi ilson stopped in Iiiverside and tho woman told him that Wilson arrived at the house on the loth inst. and never left the place after. This testimony was adduced to show that it was the morning after the burglary that Wilson hurried to Iiiverside. Justice Caidiu committed danger and Wilson to the l'ottsvillo jail in default of f 1,000 bail, each, to await trial. "Hoys will bo boys," but you can't atl'ord to lose any of them, lio ready for the green apple season by having DeWitt's Colic and Cholera Curo in the house. C. II. llagcn buch. Tito Hookies l'alr Opened. The fair of Itoscuo Hook and Ladder Com pauy Xo. 1 was opened in Hobbins' opera house Saturday evening under very auspicious circumstances. It will eoutinuotcn days and tho peoplo of Shenandoah and vicinity will , find in it much to interest and entertain i them. The exhibits are in great variety and very unique and care has heen taken to make all the arrangements for tho fair as much dillcrcnt from previous fairs as novelty and attractiveness could suggest. It should be patronized liberally by tho public, as the company's desire to equip itself as well as modern improvements can to protect proper ties from destruction by lire lias involved it in considerable expense recently and tho proceeds of the fair are depended upon to help defray tho cost. Tho small sums that may bo spent at tho fair will be nothing more than contributions towards solf-protection and therefore too much liberality cannot be shown. The First Lithuanian Hand furnished music Saturday night. 1 to cum: . cm.n in om: hay j Take Laxative Ilromo (Juinino Tablets. All ' druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. 25 cents. Death of IMunril Ilreniinii, Ldwanl Drennan, a former resident of Port Carbon, died in Xew York city of apoplexy. He was well known in railroad circles, and was considered an expert in that line. The funeral will take place from his mother's resmenco in run luruou lo-morrow morning It Hits the Spot That'll ltlglil. What? Pan-Tina for coughs and colds. (Iruhler Ilros., drug store. At I Leg Injured. I Peter Sliakinis had his left knee and foot , I badly cut and bruised by a fall of coal in the I Kllangowan colliery. It don't matter whether it 's silver or gold we oiler create bargains than any other liouscr To-day mid every day until sold wc offer one case of 40 dozen, superb quality, LADIES' VESTS AND PANTS, absolutely perfect goods in every respect; jersey ribbed, half bleached, pearl buttons, satin ribbon in neck, silk tip trimmings, silk tip self front. Election price, only 19c. each. THE CLOAK DEPARTMENT. We've n stock to enthuse over; wc think c have the cloak knowledge to buy better and sell cheaper than our neighbors. Our prices and su perb styles have struck the popular isticy tnnt s wlty we arc always busy. CLOTH CAPES 98c, $1.39 and upwards to $35.00. Stylish Jackets, correct in shape, finest finish and superb quality at prices that need no comment. LLOYD STREET. r h arles derr's Barber Shop ! 12 West Centre Street, Our Hot Towel Slinve a becoming popular, You will jtke 1. We Prosperity Means Success. -(o)- Our store room which hits just been remodeled is positively the Largest Clothing House in the county, and contains noth ing but the very latest styles in Fall and Winter Clothing. We have now a city store, city siocii anu exceedingly tow prices. We guarantee to give more value and better satisfaction than any other Clothing House in the county. Our Overcoat Department this year will surpass all our previous efforts in styles and patterns. - MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE, l. GOLDIN, Prop., 9 and 11 South Main St. PITHY POINTS. Happenings Throughout tho Iteglcm Cliron lcleil for llanty Perusal. Jobn August ItocuiKor, of Tamaqua, was found ilcad in his home. Death is attributed to an overdoso of laudanum. Ho lost bis wifo and child recently, which bore heavily upon bis mind. A brakeman on tho North 1'cnn branch of tho Philadelphia and Heading railroad yostcr day found in 0110 of the cars of his train an euvclopo containing a check drawn to tho amount of ? 107.20 and payable at a Philadel phia bank. The funoral of tho Into Mrs. bchomo, will tako place to-morrow morning, from her lato residenco in Ashland. Tho D.mvillo fair opens this week. IMItor W. 11. Wilson, of tho Jit. Carmel Item, is suffering from appeuedictis. Capt. II. J. Kellcy, of Ccntralla, is lying dangerously ill at his home. Archbishop Ityan has confirmed over 1,000 children and adults since bis advent into Schuylkill county last week. Next Friday will bo observed by tho public schools as Arbor Day. A bold- attempt was mado to rob the Hickory Itidge colliery oflico. Tho burglars were frightened off by tho watchman. Ta manna has 715 children between the ages of 8 and 13, who come under the Com pulsory Kducation.il Act. Some of the rings being mado for October brides aro in three shades of gold, twisted together in chain fashion. It is believed that Preston colliery slopo at Oiraidvillo will bo reopened inside of threo weeks. It is now cleared to tho water level, Secretary W. W. Wonder, of the Stato Firemen's Association, will visit Jit. Carmel to-morrow. Several largo tubular boilers liavo arrived at Shcimndoah City colliery and will bo placed in position this week. Henry Christ, of Mahanoy City, lias tho contract for erecting a wasery at Honey Ilrook. A. H. Ilolicb, of Gordon, caught a fawn on llroud Mountain. This is tho second ono that has been caught in that locality within tho past two months. Inquire of tiie first person you meet how our shoes wear. That person will bo our customer all riglit. Lveryljody is. Factokv Siioi: Store. Itlot at l.iittlmer. Constable I.edenbiirger, of JIabanoy City, had a lively time at Lattimer yesterday morning, and narrowly escaped serious in jury. The constable arrived tboro armed witli a warrant for tho arrest of ono I.uhick, a Hungarian, on tho charge of assault and battery and (threatening to burn down tho home of a countryman. The constable se cured his prisoner, and when about 100 yards away tho friends of I.uhick attacked tho olhecr with stones and firing shotsliftcr him. The prisoner was landed safely. I however. and taken to JIabanoy Cily. Tho constable received severe bruises about tho faco and head. Vov Style and "Tit Quality and price in clothing, hats and gents' furnishings, of which we carry the largest stock in town, we can compete with auyono. Wo carry only tho best of makes such as llammerslougb Ilros., of Xew York, who warrant every article sold. Children's novelties in largo varieties. I,. ItKFOWIC'H, One-rrice Clothier, 10-0-tf Xo. 10 South JIalu streoi,. A Human Unite, j Vosterday morning Joo Zalilskus, of Plum I alley, called a fellow countryman Into his1 house. After tho man hud been seated, Joe, for some unknown reason, attacked him with a hammer, hitting him on tho head and rendering him unconscious. Ho mado a second attack in which ho broke tho man's right jaw and relieved him of his front teeth. In tho meantime asoistauco was summoned and medical aid applied. He refuses to prose cute Zulitskus, but vowed that ho would shoot him at first sight. How are your Kidneys? If your kidneys aro not well, you are liable to contract Uheu mutUm, Neuralgia, (lout, Diulietes and other kiduoy troubles. Dr. llolilis Sparagus Kid ney I'ilU make healthy kidneys and a vigorous body. Sold at Kiilln's drug store. "Y" I loner lUslou JteM,rt. Tho following monthly report of the Flower .Mission connected witli the "Y" has been preonted for publication : Distribu tions, iiO boqucts of llowers ; S liaskets of fruit; 1 quart of soup; 2 glawoe of jelly ; 20 payos of litemturo ; lOgarmeuts. Wlvislts were mado, 50 cents received in donations and :w cents in collections. Tlio whole aytitem Is drained, und undui minwl by Indolent ulcere and open Boros. DoWltfa Witch Hazel Halve, speedily lionla tlieiu. It is the bet pile cure known. C, II. Iluecnbiicli, Muhlnc; l'repui-atlun., Tlio Lincoln ltcpublieau Club will hold a special meeting lo-niorrow evening to make preparations to tako part in the Jiepublican rally on Wednesday, All members aro re quested to bo present. FLYNN MULTIPLIES SUITS. Again ArresU tlio llurgcM mill Supervisor. An Injunction Suit. Chief Hurgeq Hums lias decided to make no more attempt to pull down tho obstruc tion on tho Anthony Flynn property until further instructed by the llorough Council. Ho says Flynn and his family can givo hall every time thoy aro arrested and at present nothing but a multiplication of suits could result. Chief Jlnrgess Hums nnd So Llewellyn wero this morning arrested oil I charges of surety and trespass on warrants issued by Justlco Neil Ilreniinii. nf Mali township, on complaint of Anthony Flynn. The olllcials gave bail in the sum of ?aoo each before Justice Lawlor. This morning (ieorgo J. Wndllnger. Fsq , nf l'ottsvllle, appeared before tho court at l'ottsvillo and asited that a preliminary in junction ho granted pending argument for a perpetual injunction to restrain the borough from teaiing down tho stono wall Flynn has erected on his property. ,1. II. Pomcroy and A. W. Schalck, Ksqs., objected to the applica tion, but agreed that the borough would do nothing further in tho matter until after argument and decision. The argument for tho permanent injunction will bo made next Jlonday. There! This Is ,luat the Thing. Red Flag Oil for sprains and bruises. At Oruhler Ilros., drug store. A Narrow Ksrapc, Frank Palonls, a resident of Peach alley, employod at tho Jlaplo Hill colliery, had a narrow cscapo from death while at work in the mine. Jlon in an adjoining breast, it is alleged, fired a shot without giving warning and a piece of flying coal struck Palonls on tho left side of tho head in tho region of tho temple. Dr. J. G. Church is attending tho injured man and says that had thccoaUtruck half an inch from tho placo where tho prin cipal wound was inflicted instant death would have resulted. If you want a fine wedding cake, let Otto makoit for you. Tho llitlet.m Jtuces, The bicyclo races at Hazleton on Saturday wero largely attended. Chas. A. Church, of Chester, won the ono-niilo professional race with little difliculty. W. II. Price, of jraha noy City, took first prize in the one-mile novice, and Howard lliirchill, of tho same place, was third in the five-mile handicap, which was won by H. K. Stuzman, of llead inif. It doesn't matter much whether sick head ache, biliousness, indigestion and constipa tion aro caused by neglect or by unavoidable circumstances ; DeWitt's Littlo Early liisers will speedily curo them all. C. H. llagcn buch. Former KeHldent Married. Aloxander Skrobul, a former resident of this town but now located at Jllnersvillc, where ho is conducting a butcher shop, was married on Thursday last to Miss Paulino Jlinch, of Pottsville. l'an-Tinal AVIiat Is If.' Tho greatest cure for coughs and colds. Gruhler Ilros., drug store. At Health ltfimrts. Ida Jenkins. Klycais of age and residing at No. 200 North Union street, is buffering from typhoid fever. Her brother, Hurry, is also n victim of the disease. Another brother, Edward, died from it on the 29th of August, last. Violet Fielders, 14 years of ago, West Oak street, is sull'ering from scarlatina. 8e Is caused by torpid llv r, which prevents diges tion and pernlN fond to ferment and putrlfy in the s- m icV.. T lea follow dizziness, headache, 5 Insomlna, ncnousness, and, II not relieved, bilious fever or blood ptsonlng. Hood's Pills stimulate tho stomach, rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con stipation, etc. 25 cents. Sold hy all druggists. The only 11113 to tako with Hood's Sarsaparllla. THE COAT SEASON. Our crowded salesrooms Indicate that wo aro at the head nf the Coat, Capo and Wrap trade of this town, Our succcm ha, heen made by havlnir a Inrirc and well delected lot ot garment to tdiow buyers. We Control Many Designs. We sell at a Lower Price thnn any whero eUe because of iwdi-hmiKht uonds und tut an accurate knowledge of the market. AVe cannot mention the detail nf this depart ment, but ask any of tho many pleased buyers ho have pure baaed from us and they will give us the hc&t advertWlnfc any firm can have. The Only Wholesale Notion and Hosiery Store inShenandoah. To IncrouiM) our buslne we have btartcd a retail system in which we nell t wholesale prices. Iayavisit to our estab lishment and examine our Immense stock of hosiery, notions and underwear. This is a money saver for everybody. Louis flann, 25 W. Centre St. M m ... .fi LADIES' COATS, MISSES' COATS, CHILDREN'S COATS. If needing CARPETS look through our line and see the many beautiful designs we have to show you. '"r " " Butterick paper patterns, the recognized standard of the world always in stock. Butterick fashion sheets given away free of charge. P. J. GAUGHAN, - 2t N. Main St. Beauty Unrolled To the admiring gnro of those who have a taste for really fine wall paper Is the display ofnew wall paper wrinkles we have Juitretielved.You can find any color or pattern you want for your hall, bed room, parlor, dining room, kitchen or cafe, from 5c np to per, roll. Fine artistic piipers a Bpeclnlty. House, Sign and Decorative Painting:, Satisfaction guaranteed. Estimates cheer fully furnished. Send postal. J. P. GARDEN, 224 "V. Centre St., Shenandoah, la. IMuce Your Ordern.Xow. Lauer's Lager and Pilsner Beers, Finest, Purest and Healthiest. Chris, Schmidt, Agt., 207 West Coal Street. M. C. WATSON, Wholesale and Retail Liquor Dealer. Clsnra, Tobacco, &c. Agent for Heading Brewing Co.'s Ileer and Porter. 11G and 11S S. Main St YOU CAN SAVE MONEY By Purchasing Your Groceries, Smoked Meats, Flour and Feed at Meluskey & Son, 105 S- Main St. Fine Groceries, Butter and Eggs, f Flour and Feed. Our delivery wagon awaits your order, delivered promptly. Goods WILLIAM. H. HUSSER, 26 East Centre Street. HAVE YOU SKKN THOSi: I'ltKTTY ' Carpets, Oil Cloths axd Window Shades, Jutt received at FRICKFS CARPET STORE. Hie largest, finest and best selections of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats and ladies' Hush, Cloth and Fur Capes, that has ever been shown in this region, is now open i'or your inspection. These garments ex cel in quality, style and finish and will be admired by all who see them. All are marked at prices below their real value. Ve have also placed en ?ale a larpe variety of Silks Ui plain and figured gros grain, Dresden, Satin Duchess, China, Japan, Peatt de Soie and Taffeta. Also a large line of novelty and plain dress goods, including ll-vool and silk and wool henriettas wool serges, niolmir serges, plaids, cravenette cloth, etc. You will find in this Popular Dry Goods House always a larger stock, a better assortment and lower prices than you will find with any of its competitors. MISCELLANEOUS. TflOIE SAU'l A double proncrtv. on Lino Iri j street, Nos. 133 and 133, for sale chenji (uire of street. Mrs. Felix McMannaman, on Line 10-lG-tf TjlOIt T1KNT. A dwelling at No. ? White street. All conveniences J, II. Shane, on tho premises. 9 South Apply to-10-9-tf mi nou salt;. A valuable farm near niiiRtowu. 1 Kxcellcnt bonne and barn ami all conven mi oar O. M. ienccs. Apply to H, bhennndoah, Pa. Ilollopeter, Ksr.. iu-i-aw AtVJIVJUAL. FAIR! RESCUE HOOK and LADDER COMP'Y NO. I Of Shenandoah, In Robbins' Opera House,. COMMKNCIXO If, Ana Continuing 10 Days. Special attrnetlons will be offered each even ing, and the articles offered for feale will be no tranby goods. Attend the fair and ntt the llremeu to raise funds for the recent improve ments in their building and the acquisition of new apparatus. Admission 5 Cents. OPEN EVERYDAY Go to the Shenandoah Dental Rooms fox painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silvci fillings. If your nrtifieal teeth do not suit you call to see us. All examinations free. We make all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns, Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown and Ilridgn work and all operations that per tain to Dental Surgery. No charges for extracting when plate'i are ordered. We aro the only users of vitalized air for the painless extraction of teeth. . "SHENANDOAH Dental : Rooms,. (Tltman'a Block) East Centre Street. Office Hours: 7 a. m. to 8 p. m. WINTER - GARMENTS I AVo give tho biggest bargains at rock bottom prices, honebt quality, all grades and styles in ....Men's, Boys' and Children's Overcoats In Melton's, Heavers, Chinchillas and Ulsters. Wo can suit you overytime. Business Suits,: Boys' and Children's Clothing: tu nil tlio Intent lunkra which have a tailor inmle npimtrauce, ami uro nent anil purftx-t In fliil.h. ROCHESTER CLOTHING HOUSE, Cor. Main and Cherry St. . Snin Itlock. I'rop Evan J. Dayies, LIVERY AND Undertaking ! 13 N. Jardin Street. Tho Rosy Froshnoso And a Telvety softness ot thj skin is inva riuuiyoDiainea by luoso wna use I'omoni uuwpieiion rowaer.