The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 17, 1896, Image 4

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    ISIection Bbvicc
N like strong medicine, it
little bit goes a Ion it way. c are not going
to trouble yon with cbrtioti udvice but simply
call your attention to our large of
21 sheets of fuii iinnlity paper and !2l
envelopes for 10 i r nl-: hctter quality in
cents, ami lictl r -till LTi i cuts. Wu tlw
supply engraved sluliuni'i v nnd uiril-.
North INlaln St.
3lHI'riitKO l.lcrilM'.
Joseph Malailis and Maggie Kasecrgtuii,
lioth of Malinnoy City.
John Kosliko anil Mm. Annie Itemogkicn
vagc, both of Wythe township.
.lameo Corolll, of liaaleton, and llomla
Orelaiula, of Kelayrca.
Calvin A. ilnuck. of liliigtown, and
Mini tula HorrhiB, of llrandonvllle.
l'or Mjlo and I'lt
Quality and price in clothing, lintnanil gouts'
furnishings, of which wo carry tho largest
stock in town, wo can compete with anyone.
Wo carry only the best of makes such as
llnmrncrslough Jlrox., of New York, who
warrant every article sold. Children's
noveltios In large varieties.
1.. IiKKOWK ll,
One-l'rire Clothier,
lO-fl-tf No. 10 South Main street.
Cor. Main &. Lloyd Sis.
The Day-Light Store.
Every corner of our big store
bright with lots of light and
busy with crowds of interested
Cloaks Our Specialty.
There is nothing new or novel
in cloakdoni worth having
that is not in our grand assort
ment. Note Our Unequalled Prices.
Cloth Capes of wool beaver,
black or navy, no inches
sweep, 98c Better cloth,
With velvet collar, pearl button
trimmed, and finished with
four rows of braid, Si.39-
Richly Embroidered Capes
Of elegant cloth or plush,
from $2.50 to $35.00.
Ladies' Jackets.
All the newest shapes and best
materials at the famous low
prices that have made our store
so popular.
Dress Goods Department.
New things are coming every
day for this busy section of
our store. We aim to make
this department excel in style
and value and maintain our
reputation as leaders in low
f 20 E. (M STREET.
Dr. J. W. VanValzali's
Denlstry In all Its Branches.
Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty, &
Painless Extraction.
I Artificial Teeth Inserted.
ik All Work Guaranteed,
No stairways
climb anymore.
5,000 BARS OF
1 ...SOAP 1
c'ven.E. B. FOLEY, 2
id w: ich ou i To
District No. I hi Convention Drnmnds
l'ottiivlllc yesterday. There were about fifty
delegates pusent, with District l'rcsi.Icnt
John Fahoy In the chair. The morning
session was taken up with routine work.
The afternoon session was an important
one. A pledge was sent to each Legislative
candidate, in which the anti-company -tore
bill introduced by Hon. Joseph Wyatt, who
is a candidate for re-election, was endorsed,
as was also linn. Uias Davis' semi-monthly
pay law. The candidates are asked to favor
all mining legislation endorsed by the 1'.
Jt. W.
The convention strongly condemned the
company store as a great and burdensome
evil, and calls upon business men to Join witli
them In opposition to the evil.
A resolution was adopted favoring the
election of ono inspector to each ten collieries,
and when tho term of the piesent inspector
esplros that he be elected by the people iu
the district.
Tho following resolutions were adopted :
WllKUKAs. The recent terrible calamity that
occurred at the Twin Shaft colliery, ritt.lon,
where fW lives were saeridced through the care
less negligence and stupidity of olllcials who
receive princely notaries from the state to see
that the mine laws now upon our statute hook
(that have been enacted to preserve life ami
limb) are properly enforced; therefore, be it
Unsolved, That M e the delegates iu conven
tion a-scmhlcd do hcnttlly deplore the nnnee
cvnary hiss of life In and around the anthrncite
coal region of Pennsylvania, believing and
knowing as we do that If the mine In-poctors
were more diligent in compelling the corpora
tions and mine owners In enforcing the mine
laws it would lessen fatal and nou-fntnl accidents
to a minimum as compared with the present
vv hole-ale slaughter.
Resolved, That evidence Is In abundance at
every colliery In the nntliracito region known
to almost every employe that the mine inpt c
tors, superintendents and mine bosses perv ert
the intent and obstruct the enforcement of the
mine law s to the gnat ditrliucnt of the miners
and laborers,
Itc-olvcd, That we appeal to all miners ami
laborers of the anthracite region to Join vv 1 1 1 1 us
In extending this organisation Into localities
where no slab bodies now exist, believing that
as we do unite they can belter secure and more
roadllv enforce nil observance of the laws
Intended for their protection.
The piesent Milium' llxainining Law was
strongly condemned, claiming it to be only a
fane. Knmnuel Jenkyn, candidate for i!e
cordcr and cx-Treasurer of tho I'. M V.,
was heartily endorted. A committee of one
from each legislative district was appointed
to oMain a pledge from candidates to support
legislation favorable to mine workers, and
that a committee of fivo be also appointed to
watch legislation at Harrisburg. Tho bill
introduced by Hon. Klias D.tvis, when a
member of tho Legislature, known as the
Semi-Monthly l'ay law, was commended as .1
groat benefit.
Inquire of the first person you meet how
our shoes wonr. That person will be our
customer all right. Everybody is.
I'.vxtoiiy Sikh: Stukk.
Social (lathering.
Tho homo of Councilman T. .f. James, 011
North West stieet, was the scene of a social
gatheiiug last evening. Tho evening was
very pleasantly spent, and tho singing and
dancing furnished by liciijainin liroxton was
highly appreciated by tho.-o present, among
which were tho following: Mr. and Mrs.
llenj.unin Ilroxtou, Mr. and Mi's. William
Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Shavick, Mr. and Mrs.
George Walters, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Karbel,
Mr. and Mrs. William Kmanuel, Mr. and
Mrs. James Tobln, Mr. and Mrs. John 1'ry
and Mrs. 1 terry, of Olyplmnt. A collation was
also served
TO (Willi A COLD IN O.Ni: D.W
Take Laxntlvo llromo Quinine Tablets. All
tlrussi'ta refill;1 !' money if it fails to cure.
35 cents.
Tho l'nir To-nlnht,
Tho Hcscuo Hook and Laddur Company
will begin their fair to-night in Ihihbins'
opera hoiit-o, and it will be continued for ten
days. Mnny valuable articles will be uttered
for salo, at a reasonable figure, and tho indi
cation. nro that the fair will be a successful
one. Tho company lias gone to considerable
expense recently in adding to their equip
ment, and tho citizens of tho town now have
an opportunity to show their appreciation in
the shapo of liberal patronage The boys de
servo it.
"Hoys will bo boys." but you can't afford
to lose any of them. Ho ready fur the green
apple season by having IMVltt's Colic and
Cholera Cure in tho house. U. It. Hugcu
buch. Kepuhllcai. l'lihlte Meeting,
V. A. Stone, Congressman from Allegheny
county, a brilliant orator, and D. C. Hcnning,
Lsci., of Pottsville, will address a ltepubllcau
public meeting iu Ferguson's theatre next
Wednesday evening. Campaign clubs from
Ashland, Mahanoy City, St. Nicholas, Lost
Creek and Win. l'enn will co-operate With
tho local clubs iu a dcmoubtiation Tire
(irant Hind will head tho parade.
l'uii-Tliuit What Is It?
The greatest cure for coughs and cold-. At
Oruhlcr Pros., drug store.
A I'oriuer ICesldeut's A'lslt.
Patrick Coogau, a former resident of Shen
andoah, nfter an ubsenco of twenty ytars, is
visiting fiiends in this county. Mr. Coogau
is now a prosperous business man of Water-
bury. Ho is a cousin of Cuil Coogau, the
ctlicicnt clerk in tho County Commissioners'
It doesn't matter much whether sick head
ache, biliousness, indigestion and constipa
tion aro caused by neglect or by unavoidable
circumstances; DoWitt'a Llttlo Parly ltisers
will speedily e.uio thein all. C. II. Hageu-
.Special Sermons.
Pev. James Moore, pastor of the Primitive
Methodist church, will to-moirow evening
commence a fceriea of tortuous. Tho subject
for tho opening onu will bo, "Was Josus uf
Nazareth tho Messiah 1" Morning subject,
"The Day of Peutecot." P cry body Invited
to thoe services.
Arro.ted for Marnier
Kdward J. Oaughan, of Mahanoy Plane,
as entered suit for slander against Mrs.
Thomas McAuneuy, of the same placo. The
cm was liefoie 'Squire M. J. Pey.iolds, uf
Mahanoy Piano, and will most likely be sent
to court for settlement.
Causes tully halt the sickness In tho world. It
retains tho digested food too long In the bowels
and produces biliousness, torpid liver, hull.
gestlon, bad taste, coated
tongue, sick heudache, In
somnia, etc. Hood's Pills
cure constipation and all its
results, easily and thoroughly, vsc. All druggists.
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Tho only Pills to take with Hood's Sarspparllla.
... I ........ , ..4 I.I ll 1
i iriiRi-n i rum ,ainmmirn. zrg i i ,i i i n i zi
The quarterly fusion of District ?o. 1. Vi I f . V,)
'lilted Mine Workers, covering Schuylkill 10J J ' "AW'
part of I.nrernc, Sortliimilwilnml, 1 7jr i&ffx JS-SilK.
iln nnd Carbon counties, was held at , r iL.S?fe' R. -SlxsSKSi 5
ftW.U.W.MUmM.UM.MM?2 ;
2 Shoes Retailed at Factory Prices, g
1 Bull Dogs
J $4.00 per
I Pair..
2 Strange that we should g
2j O be selling Bull Dogs,
8 but here is the how E:
3 of it : E
2 The newest style winter
2 shoe is called the
3 13 u 1 1 Dog, because
2 the toe of the shoe jE
3 is supposed to look
55 like a bull dog' nose.
Now you would na-
3 turally think this a
3 very homely shoe,
2 but it isn't. The sole
:2 is very heavy and
3 extension edsje, the
upper is calfskin, a
reddish brown color.
2 It is the most complete j
3 shoe vou ever had
3 on your foot, and is
made so it will not
3 bag out at the side.
3 They are being sold in :
3 regular stores all
2 over the country for s
$5 and $6 a pair, but
2 the ractory price is !:
1$4.00. 1
t Oa-
3 Checks with every pur- jj
3 chase, and $25 worth S
gets a beautiful 5
2 Mgr. EE
John Korrell, a carpenter, rosidiug at
Tsmaqus and employed on tho new church
being erected nt Patterson, met with a fright
ful accident yesterday afternoon. Ho wai
engaged on the topmost point of tho steeple
and lost his balance and fell a distance of
fifty feet headlong to tho ground. During
the fall he retained presence of mind, and
kept his arms outstretched, which saved him
from instant death. His arms struck first,
breaking the bones in both arms. One log
was alsu broken nnd his face was a perfect
jelly, lie was removed to his home, nnd this
morning takcu to tho .Miners' hospital. There
is llttlo hope for his recovery, as ho is in
jured Internally.
Tho Itoroiigh Council has accepted the
measurement of tho paving ou North Main
street, and tho contractors were paid in full.
Mine Inspector Stein was here last night
to attend the inquest on tho death of John
Under, who was killed at Puck Mountain
colliery last Wednesday, but as no witn
appealed tho inquest wus postponed.
Tho new truck has arrived, which cost
$1175.0(1. The company raised the full
amount excepting $o00, which will be appro
priated by tho liorough Council.
At the Jkritpcr.
Tho Draper colliery was compelled to cloo
down yesterday afternoon at 3:S0 o clook,
because of an nccidont to tho elevator.
Enoch Pall, rokidlug at (iilbertou, received
an injury to his foot by fall of coal
John (lergus, of (lllhortou, was cut about
the lack by n fall of coal. Neither of tho
injuries aro herious.
Silver Meeting,
A public meeting under tho auspices o'f
Mahanoy Silvor Club will be hold at ar
man's hall next Monday evening which wit
be nddiussod by J. H. Ponieroy, lVp, of towij
There I This
TW0 0F TI,E BtmoLAR8 CA""RE-
llnlil fite ltlntrl,,.. 11...... 41. ..........
Colliery Safe.
Two of tho masked burglars who pounced
upon nnd bound Thomas O'Connell, the
watchman at tho Cambridge colliery, on tho
morning of tho 10th Inst., and then blew
open tho safe In the colliery olllce, but failed
to get anything of value, are In custody.
The men under arrest are John Wilson nnd
(ins danger, two notorious crooks who hail
Irom Mt. (fennel nnd aro well known to the
police of many parts of the state Iloth were
released from the Sunhury jail but a few
days previous to the Cambridge robbery.
Wilson was In jail to await trial with Mike
Kline, of tills place, and two cithers for
attacking a watchman at tho Alaska collleiy.
near ML Cannot, but, like Kline, was
acquitted upon trial.
Tho arrests vvoro kept seeict at tho time
they wore made so as to not give the alarm to
the two masked burglars who aro still at
large, but as tho men under arrest nro known
to lie tho ringleaders, publication of tho facts
can work no injustice.
Wilson was tho first man arrested. Ho was
caught at ltivorside, opposite Danville, by C.
it I. I'ollceman Kleindentz, of Mahanoy City;
Watkins, of Jit. C'armel, and Lippict, of
Shamokin. Tho arrest was made on Wednes
day afternoon. Wilson spent tho night In
the lockup at Mahanoy City and on Thursday
afternoon was brought tp town and taken bc
foro Justico Cnrdln, who committed
him to the l'ottsvillo jail, In default
of Jl.POO, for further hearing. Ganger
was arrested on Thursday night, in Slia
mokln, by. C. & I. Policeman Lippict and
Constable Swift, of that plucc. Ho was
brought to town yesterday by Llppiett and
C. & I. I'ollceman Connors. After being
arraigned beforo Justico Cardln ho was com
mitted to tho l'ottsvillo jail In default of
$1,000 hail for further hearing. Iloth men
will bo given 11 hearing beforo Justice
Cardln on Monday morning, at 11 o'clock,
when the witnesses tho C. & I.polico havokept
in tho dark will bo produced. Hoth Wilson
and Ganger protest their innocenco nnd say
that prior to their arrest they had not been
in Shenandoah for over n year. This tho
police can easily disprovo and tho evidence
against tho men is very strong.
It is not likely that burglars will bother
with coal company properties iu tho region
for some time again. This case has been
worked up to set an example, as thero is no
stolen property to recover. Immediately after
the robbery tho country was Hooded with
telegrams and tho same day no less than ten
warrants wcro distributed among tho C. & I.
police in various parts of tho region. Tho
evidence upon which tho pollco worked and
its -ourco will probably develop at the hear
ing 011 Monday.
Last night, upon complaint of Councilman
j I). H. James, who is insido foreman at tho
; l ambrulgc colliery, Ulnet ol 1'ollce Tosh
and Policemen Lee and Stanton arrested
1 tlneo tramps found lounging at the lima
1 kiln. They aro held in tho lockup to await
identification, Mr. James having a suspicion
that tho men may havo been part of tho
masked quartette. Up to this afternoon
their identification had not been made.
Happenings Throughout the Kenton Chron
icled lor Hasty Perusal.
(illhciton has a number of cases of diph
theria. The Woman's Pcllef Corps hold their
auulverfary to-night.
William Pugh, an old resident of Cumbnla,
died on Wednesday and was buried tills after
noon. The official ballot will not bo ready to be
certified to the Commissioners beforo Tuesday
next. 20th Inst.
The last term of criminal court cost North
umberland county ?12,0U0 and thero were
scarcely n bnlf dozen convictions out of 272
cases letuniuil.
Miiutgci- K V. Ash, of tho Schuylkill
Traction Company, left yesterday for St.
Louis, where he will attend tho convention
of aticet railways.
Mr. Henry lluchanan and Miss Margaret
Iloyer were united in marriage at tho.M. P.
parsonage on Thursday, by Pev. W. H. Zwei
zlg, at (iilbertou.
Win. Clark and Michael Butler, of Oirard
ville, havo tied a match for $25 a side to take
placo on the 0th of next inuutli. Pach man
will shoot at seven live birds.
A. C. Moigtn, who is a student at Medico
Chiriurgical college, Philadelphia, has been
elected class president uf tho Senior class.
This will be pleasant rieWs to Jlr. Morgan's
many friends here,
Tho Supremo Castle of the Knights of tho
Cioldeu litgle, in session at Heading, approved
tho new military degree of Chivalry. The
request to adopt a juvenilo order was In
definitely postponed.
Tho Hook aud Ladder Company, of Maha
noy City, have received their new truck.
'Squire Lawlor was a visitor to Mahanoy
City last evening.
Hev. W. It. ZweUig, pastor of tho M. E.
church at tlllberton.paid tho Hi:kali sanctum
a pleasant call yesterday.
William Pooler, of St. Clair, was a town
visitor yesterday.
It. E. Darwisch, of Pottsville, was tho guest
of Mr. aud Mrs. Joseph Mandour yesterday
James Hurley, of Maizeville, and John
Grady, of Girardvillo, were town visitors
last evening,
Attorney S. G. M. Hollopeter will spend
tho Sabbath witli his family in Philadelphia,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Urch, of St, Clair,
were town visitors yesterday.
GuyC. Sterner was a l'ottsvillo visitor
Miss Jennie. Tempest, -Mrs. Hatter, and
daughter, Pearl, aud Mrs. A. D. . Gable, aud
family, were passengers to l'ottsvillo to-day.
P. J. Monaghau, tho dry gonls dealer, was
presented w ith a sou by his wife last evening.
T. It. Peddall, lri., Is wearing an unusu
ally broad smile to-day. It is uu nddition to
the fumily i 6on.
Miss Annie Coogau spent last evening at
Malianoy City.
George Folmor, candidate for County
Treasurer, circulated among the voters ot
Mahanoy City last niglit.
The 'Only Wholesale
Notion and Hosiery
Store in Shenandoah.
To iucTonse our lmine wo
lmvo btnrtod a retail system Iu
wlilcll wo sell kuoiU nt wholesale
.jirlcr. l'ay u visit to ouroutnu
lUliment nuil oxumlue our
liuiiieuso ttotk ot hosiery,
notions nnd underwear. This is
n money snver (or everybody.
Louis flann,
25 W. Centre St.
If needing CARPETS look through our line' and see the many
beautiful designs we have to show you. 1 "
Uutterick paper patterns, the recognized standard of the world,
always in stock. Bulterick fashion sheets given away free of charge.
27 North Main Street..
Olio Thousand Dollars Ottered.
Thompson's Diphtheria Giro Co., offers
$1,000 for nso of the Williamsport, Ta., Hospi
tal, for first case of diphtheria which its
lnedicinodoos not cure. Conditions aro that
patient must ho alive, and not on tho vergo
of death by the use of nntl-toxlno or some
other so-called remedy j tho company must be
notified when its medicine is begun to bo
used so that a representative can bo present
and see that tho instructions nro strictly car
ried out. Any registered physician Is in
vited to apply tho lnediclno according to
directions and seo for himself. Sold at
Khlin's drug store at B0 cents n bottle.
How aro your Kidneys? Por ten years I
snll'ered with pain in tho hick so sovero I
could hardly walk. After using two boxes of
Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Pills the pain
entirely disappeared. I feel better than I
ever have in my life. Ciias. S. Holmak,
Roc'y 21st Mo. Inf'try V. V., Iiutledge, -Mo.
For sale by S. P. Kirlln, druggist.
Means Success.
Our store room which
has just been remodeled
is positively the Largest
Clothing House in the
county, and contains noth
ing but the very latest
styles in
Fall and
We have now a city store, city
Stock and exceedingly low prices.
We guarantee to give more value
and better satisfaction than any
other Clothing House in the
Our Overcoat Department this
year will surpass all our previous
efforts in styles and patterns.
l. GOLDIN, Prop.,
9 and 11 South Main St.
Our crowded sale rooms Indicate that we ore nt
the head of the Coat, Cape and Wrap trade,
of this town. Our succewi hna been made
by having a largo nnd well hclected lot of
garment, to fehow buyer.
We Control Many Designs.
We sell nt a Lower Price than any where
eUe because of casl .'bought goods and an
an accurate knowledge of the murk eta.
Wo cannot mention the details of this depart
ment, but ask nny of the many pleased buyers
who have purchased from us and they will give
us the best adverting any firm can have,
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvety softness of the skin Is Inva
riably obtained by those who uso I'oszoni's
Complexion Powders
Hie largest, finest and best
elections of Ladies', Misses' and
Children's Coats and ladies'
Plush, Cloth and Fur Capes,
that has ever been shown in this
region, is now open for your
inspection. These garments ex
cel in quality, style and finish
and will be admired by nil who
see them. All are marked at
prices below their real value.
Ye have alf o placed en sale a
large variety of Silks in plain
and figured gros grain, Dresden,
Satin Duchess, China, Japan,
Peau de Soie and Taffeta. Also
a large line of novelty and plain
dress goods, including oil-wool
and silk and wool henricttas,
wool serges, mohair serges,
plaids, cravenette cloth, etc.J g
You will find in this Popular
Dry Goods House always a
larger stock, abetter assortment
and lower prices than you will
find with any of its competitors.
TTtOK SAI& A double- property, on Line
X' etrcet, iNog, i; una 135, for sale ehenn. In
quire of
Mrs. Felix McMnnnnmnn,
n Lint
"f ANTKD Reliable liullcs or (ceiitleincn who
enn rend nnd write, nnd are not afraid to
talk, for permanent salaried position. Ailtlrcfct
It. J. CoiiBtantiuc, Sliennndonli, la , Transient
OH Iti:XT. A dwcllliiff at No. 9 South
liite street. All coincidences. Annlv to
J. II. Slianc, on tho premises. l(MMf
FOIt SALIC A valuable farm near Wntftown, i'
Excellent house and bnrn and all conven-
iences. Apply to S.
Shenandoah, la.
M. Hollopeter, Ksq.t
Of Sliennndonli,
In Robbins' Opera House,
I OCT. If,
Ana Continuing 10 Days.
Special attractions will be offered cneh even
iiiKt nnd the articles ottered for sale ill be no
trashy K(iod. Attend the fair and a-slt the
tlremen to raise funds for the recent Improve
nients in their building and the acquisition oi
new apparatus,
Admission - - 5 Cents..
Ho to the Shenandoah
painless extraction of teetPr
ttul Tf i-tlf1.ol I'U
you call to see us. All
We mate an Kinaa on
Aluminum Crowns 11
and Bridge work and a (
tain to Dental Surgory.
No charges for extract
nnlerf tl. We are tho onl
air for tho painless extraction Vh,
Dental : Room
ITltman's Block)
East Centre Street.
Office Hours: 7 n. in. to 8 p, m
That is what everybody is imer-
ested in, not only at present,
all the time. If you want yl
money's worth in exchange
Or anything in the line of gents'
furnishing goods; for a necktie
or a neat fitting suit or stylish over
coat, call at the
Cor. Main and Cherry Sts.
An entire new stock ot all tho Intent style
Koods nt prices that will suit everybody.
Carpets, Oil Cloths
a4Ld Window Shades,
Just received at)-"--