The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 16, 1896, Image 3

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    .) TTFT
My hntl wero completely covered with Ec
and between my Angers the skin was
perfectly raw. I had to sit with both hnnds held
up, And awnv from the fire. My husband had I to
ilrcs and undress mo lilo a baby. I tried the
b-st physicians, but their medicines gave mo no
relief, and drove me almost craiy. I was ad.
vised to try Cuticuiia Kkmbiiius, and did so,
nltliuuirti my husband had to go twenty miles to
get them. As soon ns he got back, I used the
liuTir.criA, and In Jlet minute aUr the frit
appltmlion. I inn ptrftclly taiu, and ltpt
toumtli) all that night, I commenced
uslnn the CtrricunA llEMsmm I could get no
easo night or day. I could tint hwirto get warm,
It would put mo In n rsge of Itching. I always
keep the CUTicnrtA Kr.MEDirs In my house now,
and recommend them to nerybody, because of
their wonderful effect. Yours gratefully,
.AGNES M. HAHIUS, Tueh, Mecklenburg Co. Va
Srssnr Ccni Trratmiht ior Tohtcbiso, Div
rionisolICMoas. WsrrAbsthKtlthCoircos 80AP,
ntl spplicstlons ot CCTIcriu (olnttruntl, lh jrr.t
skin cure, and mild dotes of CCTICl'RA ltllOLViKT,
gretteit of humor cures.
Bold thromhont tho world. Price, CcTlccn. Wc.l
or, 35c.i IUsolts sr. . snu l. 1'oitsk Din
inn Cm. Cobp., 8ole Prop... lloston. ,
or" Uow to Ours Torturing Skla Utieues," free.
ONCI3 MORC In harmony
with tho world, 20OO
completely cured men aro
singing hnppy praises for
luu KreuiuBi, Kruiiu
est nnd most suc
cessful euro for sex weakness and
lost vigor known to
medical science au
) ncconntof tlilsu'on-
dcruf dlscorcrv, la
book form, with ref-
.crenccs nnd proofs,
will bo sent to suf
fering men (sealed) free Full manly vigor
permanently restored. Failure) impossible.
PCMohcater'ft English Diamond limnrf.
Original nnd Only Urnulnc . A
safe, alwj i-i-llable. ladiis ik
DruUt for CMchuttfM Knat ih lia-ff
nniMn(U itp.1 sin ft i;l,t ntullloTOW
JiHboxcs. itraloJ with blno ribbon. ToLo
lion and imitation: M JimfigtMi, cr icnd -If.
In stnmp r pwtlculfttl, tuntirooolais ul
ItclUf for I,ulU-." (f !. by return
pioit chii;f nci!Gi:ss,
Of the Fourth ward.
Subject to Citizens party rules.
F"lrst District.
Ok Suexandoaii,
Or DnoAD Mountain,
1 1
County Treasurer
Op Siiexandoaii,
-It J
County Treasurer.
irHarry Bradigan,
Emanuel Jenkyn,
Recorder of Deeds
Tho Rosy Froshnoss
And a velvety sftness ot the skin Is Inva
riably obtained bv those who uao I'ozioxi's
complexion foneur
I Wok
I I II K. .L
Add Their Tributo of Respoot U
Oandidato MoKinloyi
The Leading Stnteso!" the Union, Bom More
Delegation to tlin Itfpulillcnn Mecca,
nnil tlioCniidldatoSntmks to AH on TliHr
Duty ns Voters.
Oanto.v, O., Oct. 10. Tho first train
load of cnllor9 to ceo Jlnjor llolvlnloy yos
torday arrived In a special truln of six
cars over tho Cleveland, Canton and
Southern railroad. Tho party was com
posed of farmers nnd business mon from
northorn Wrlo county, i'a., anu were in
chargo of W. J. Sell. This delegation was
hold ton or flftoon minutes for a second
train of otght coachos Ullod with business
mon, fannors and othor citizens of Corry,
Pa., and tho two parties were combined
and marchodto the MoKlnloy homo, whoro
ono address sufllcod for both. S. A. Smith
spoke for the Corry party and W. S. Soli
for the Erlo party.
A delegation from wostorn NowIYork,
consisting of professional mon of the
cities, nnd farmers, dairymen and grape
growers from tho surrounding country,
arrived lator nnd paid their respects to
tho Ilopubllcnn standard bearer. Tho dele
gation, which flllod olght coachos, left
Dunkirk, N. Y., Wodnosday night. Tho
introductory nddross was mado by Con
gressman V. 1), Hooko, of Frodonla.
Tho most surprising evont of tho day
was tho Informal call of tho working pco-
plo of Canton. They came In thousands
from tho 123 factories, largo and small, In 1
this city, many of them with their wives j
nnd children. Thoro was an unusual
tremor in Major McKlnloy's voico when I
ho aroso to rospond to tho sentiments ot
tho vcnorablo spokesmen from local fao-1
tories who addressed him. j
To tho Pennsylvania delegations Major 1
McKlnley said :
"You aro horo because you love your
homos, your famillos and your country,
and bocauso you would have expression
glvon on tho third day ot Isovomber of
your highost hopes, your host thoughts
and your loftiost aspirations for this great,
freo country. If tho peoplo of this coun
try want to put into public administra
tion and law any settled policy, thoy must
havo both tho oxecutlvo olllco and tho con
gress of tho United States. You cannot
embody your purposes Into law by having
tho ono or the other you must havo both.
and I trust that tho pooplo of Pennsyl
vania nnd tho peoplo of all tho states of
tho Union will seo to It that tho national
house and tho souato of tho United States
aro not neglocted at tho polls noxt No-
In this contest wo havo tho aid and as
sistance of tens of thousands of Demo
crats, In every part of tho country, who
think moro oftho honor of tho government
than they do ot their old political associa
tion. Wo bid them welcome wolcomo '
allies In this great contllct for tho main
tenance of tho public honor. Some pooplo
say wo havo not enough monoy. The
troublo Is, my follow citizens, wo havo not
enough conlldouco to put In circulation
tho money wo uow havo. Wo havo just ns
much monoy as wo over had In nil our
history, and It Is as good as It over was,
but tho troublo Is thoso who havo It aro
distrustful of tho future and thoy won't
invest It In Industries and glvo employ
ment to labor. What wo want to do first
of all Is to restore public and prlvato con
fldonco. "
Major JIcKlnloy then quoted from
Macaulay's History of England to show
tho evils of a dobasod currency, and con
tinued :
"If thero Is any ono thing that should be
honost it Is the monoy that represents tho
wealth and labor of tho American nation.
Thou, my follow citizens, wo want an op
portunity to earn that monoy, and tho
way to do that Is not to do our work In
Europo, but to do It nt home. Tho way to
do that Is to restore tho protective policy
that wl)l put a tariff high enough upon
foreign competing goods that will onablo
us to do nil our own manufacturing and
prosorvo our homo markot for our own
American pooplo."
To tho Now York dologntlon Mr. Mc
Klnley said :
"You bring sunshlno nnd cheer nnd
promises ot un unprecedented Republican
majority this year In tho groat Empire
stato ot New York. I reoall, as I speak to
you, my visit to Dunkirk In October, 1804,
You wero then in tho midst of n great
stato and na tioiinl-contost. Tho result of
that election was evidently satisfactory.
That grand old citizen and veteran Ilo
publlcnn, Lovl P. Morton, was elected
governor of Now York by a phenomenal
majority, and with him a full Ilopubllcnn
stato tlckot.
"Tho great Einplro stato Is now re
spected everywhoro for her freo, independ
ent and poworful volco in tho oounsels of
the nation. Sho stand3 proudly oroct this
year for country, patriotism and national
honor. Sho rofusos to wonr n party yoko
which would load to national dishonor or
to repudiation. The glorious old flag Is
hor only banner. Sho rofusos to march
under any othor, and I am told that from
tho Uattory to Forty-socoud street, In tho
greatest city of tho country, "Old Glory"
waves her spotless stripes and stainless
stars upon every block and square, ap
pealing for natlonnl honor nnd exaltation
of tho American namo. It Is a sight which
Inspires tho young and makes tho old
young again. Lot It wnvo, holy bannorof
tho freo. It was never stnlnod In defeat,
nnd uevor will bo. It was uevor loworod
In dishonor, und nevor will bo."
It Is surprising to inatiy that foot Iwll
players and othor athletes regard a spmin or
bruise of so little consequence. One
reason of this Is, they know how to treat
such injuries so ns to reeovor from thein in a
few days, while others would be laid up for
two or three weeks, 4f not Ionsor. Writing
from Central State Normal School, Lock
Haven, Pa., Mr. W. II. Leech, captain of
the base ball club and gymnasium says : "I
take plensuro iustatiiiif, that ineniljers of our
bao 111 club and myself havo used Cham
berlain's Pain lUltn with most excellent re
sults. I unhesitatingly recommend it as tho
best remedy for sprains, swellings, cuts and
bruises, of auy that I know." For sale by
Gruhlor liros., drujrgits.
Ask your grocer for tho "Itoynl Patent-'
flour, and take no other brand. It is the best
flour inado.
Tho whole system la drained uud nude:
mined by indolent ulcers and open sores.
DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo speedily heals
them. It is the best. pile curo kuowu. C. H.
Something About the New Discovery For
Curing Dyspepsia.
The ltev. 1'. I. Hell, n highly esteemed
mitiMer reshlhiR In Wewlsport, Ch.viihh Co.,
X. Y., In a recent letter writes as follows:
"There lint never liceu anything that I have
taken that has relieved tho Dyspepsia from
which I have suireiod for ten years except
the new remedy tailed Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tnblcls. Since taking them I have had no
distress nt nil after eating and nguln after
hitil? years can fr.KKl' WKM.. I'.ev. F. I.
Hell, Weedsport, X. Y., formerly Malia,
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is a remarkable
teinody, not only because it Is a certain euro
for all forms nf Indigestion, but leoatiso it
I seems to act as thoroughly in old chronic
cases of Dyspepsia as well as In mild attacks
of Indigestion or blllousuoss. A person lias
dyspepsia simply beeauso tho stomach is
oenvorkcd, all it wants Is a harmless, veget
able remedy to digest the food and thus givo
it the much needed test.
Thlsls tho secret of tho success of this pe
culiar remedy. Xo matter how weak or how
much disordered the digestion may lie,
Stuart's Dyspepsia will digest tho food
whether tho stomach works or not. Xew
life and energy is given nut only to tho
stomach but to every organ and nerve in tho
body. A trial of this splendid medicine will
convince the most skeptical that Dyspepsia
and all stomach troubles can bo cu led. The
tablets are prepared by tho Stuart Chemical
Co., of Marshall, Mich., but so popular has
thi' remedy become that Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets can now be obtained at any drug
store at 50 rents per package. Send for book
on btoinacb diseases free.
Fcr Horse:, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hog?,
SOOPago Hook nn Treatment of Animals
nml Cbtirt ticut ! ret-.
A.A.lSphiiil .11. 'Uinul tlx, Unlit J cvcr. -Strain, Isainenenfl, Uliciimatlsii
!(!.--Iiritciiiiert Nnsnl nlpcuuvgt'd
!. -s -liiitn or limns Wornn.
K.E-t'nuiiIifs J I caves, l'lifiimnnla
lP.-('nlio or rlir liellrnclio.
1l.1.(lscarrInROt IlcmorrlinecB,
H. U. L'rlnnry nuil KlUury DIhchhca.
I. I.KrupllTO DlsrnNCH, Manse. -Discuses of Ditieatioo, Jaralyal.
Single Bottle (over 60 doses), - - ,00
titublo Onsc. with Specifies, MantulL
Veterluary Curo OH and Modlcator, S700
Jnr Veterinary Cure Oil 1,00
Bold fcy DmreliH) r itnt prepaid anywhere and la an;
qnatilttjr on rfflpt of ric
IllTiri.ItFTS'JIED.CO., MlAmmmamSt.1NwVork.
Tn nun nil Tffuri. Tha enlv anAnAnnfnl rrmedvfop
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness;
and Proetratlon, from owr-work or other causes.
1 per vial, or 6 viale and large vial powder for J5.
Sold by lruf(Iti,or icnt pMtpldoa receipt ol fNce.
IICXrilKKlS'SlbU. CO., Ill A 11S ttlUliua feU, Now York.
For fa1o nt Vovlnsky's drug store, 2S Knst
Centre btuct
You enn blame
yourself if you
do n't Ret real
'ood coffee to
i.ri.ik. Ordinary
cotlee is made de
licious bv adding
srn.ia'i. s.ivt.
for Seellg's.
, A little of this
kndmixture to
'cheap coffee
makes a delicious1
Ldrink and saves expense. I
Does This Mean Anything to You 7
If your truss don't hold you or is causing
pain, seo us at once. It may savo you j ears of
suffering. Wo havo cured hundreds of people
In Pennsylvania, andean refer you to patients
cured in your own town. Our treatment is
harmless and will not keep you from your
dally labor. Call and havo a talk with our
doctor. It will cost you nothing. Wo guaran
tee relief alter the first treatment, and our
prices aro reasonable.
The Dr. Miller Co., Philadelphia.
Seo Our Doctor Every Tuesday ut
UNION HOUSE, Ashland, Pa.
TMBISS 604 rfortFSixth St.
Ujt E SlEEiSldeentranceonCrcenSt
Slin SnrLPma. r.urjE GUARANTEED.
Y.'ur llitaultul lioirlrnt-c In Wmuiir.
mU stricture, blood poison,
Periuuiu-nllj-cuicd art tr every onocUe liu lulkil.
b ml ll c "lit stamiis lor bwlc Trutli. The onlv
eiipMntir. eflti uJn-. un '"rn t. 'iliuoiiliil-.
ro hii 8t.'M.. or ruitoJis nv voittii,
! V! ''t tuiti ni.SKASUS Ol' iUiI
AMI vyo.UKN. e'oih txiunctif-
ourely sPtiUi- .r'iVr,ii(--t rtr, Trsi luiutittiyiuall
iiritvy oui1cenl,rt' nJ n ,t a.'v, quick our
guaran-u-xttt-r ho" w Mttntling, I
will vo '. rlv euro yint. v,i ,u- or caX
UU 8R9f!.;hliiSt.Plii!a.Pa.
Barber Shop !
12 West Centre Street.
Our Hot Towel Shave
a bosoming popular. You will like It.
inakB a aioclalty of hntr cutting.
Fine Groceries,
Butter and Eggs,
Flour and Feed.
Our delivery wagon awaits your order. Good,
delivered promptly,
26 Bast Centre Street.
Srt llO BUHE. 5N0 4e. f 0"WOM 3 SMI
BUAP-t1 Witrox Opicinc Co,H(tii,P.
For sale at I'ovlnsky's druit store, 28 East
Centre atreel.
Charged with Sn-littttltig In Niiv York tn
the Amount nf s,10(l,()0(l.
I'llIL.MiKI.lMIIA. Oct. 1(1. l-'ur two yeara
the police of this country nnd nbroad havo
lieun loohlnu for Adolphus Cohen Coles,
who Is charped with having swindled Now
York Individuals nnd banks to tho largo
nKKrognto of f.'iiXl.OiK). Yesterday after
noon his former partner, Lcunurdii Mor-
relli, mot him nt 11 road stroet station, in
this city, nml n few moments later de
fectives placed tho funltlvo banker under
arrest. Ho denies his guilt.
According to Morrelll's Lry, Coles and
himself wore engaged In tli? bunking bus
iness for nearly two years. Dullness was
done principally with Italians. Deposits
wero received from individuals and from
bankers. Kvorythlng went swimmingly
until Dec. 24, 1801, when Coles Is said to
have sklppod with all the money ho could
lay his hands on, leaving his partner to
the mercy of the creditors. Jlorrolll says
ho was worth $100,000 beforo Christmas,
1S91, but the police think his oxcltnblo na
ture has caused him to oxnggoroto tho
Tip) banking firm failed and Blorrolll
says tho fall ot tho Morrelll & Colos Co.
brought with It tho failure of a number ol
prominent Italian bankora In tho oasturu
part of tho country.
Mnckln Will Contest Dismissed.
Chicago, Oct, 10. A now turn of nf
fairs was given to tho Iluddy-Maokln
$3,000,000 will contest yostorday. Attor
neys for Mrs. Ituddy appeared In tho su
premo court nml had hornppeal dismissed. 1
On tho donth of Thomas Mnckln, the
wealthy contractor, his widow, who has i
sinco becomo Mrs. Watson Ituddy. outered agreement us to the property with ,
tho two children nf Mr. Mnckln by a for
mer nmrriigo. Subsequently It was claimed '
that Mrs. Huddy had violated tills agree-1
ment, and in the lawsuit which followed '
Mrs. Huddy was defeated. Sho onrried th
cao to tho supreme court, a i ho ills
missal of thocaso was cntlreh unexpected, i
Another 1'olltli'til -Hunter. '
HrNTIXOTOX, V. Va . Oft. Ill At New-'
low, Way no comir.v, W Va., n row oc-j
currod In tho store of John Sholton among 1
a number of porions who were discussing i
tno political situation. Dow llobbs and
Iiuko Trlpplett were the lenders in the dif
ficulty, and It was not long beforo re
volvers wore flourished. Hobbs opened
lire mid tho second ball from his revolver
killed Tripplot. A number of shots wort
then fired at random, and when peace wn
restored Aaron Brock and John Sheltou
were each found to bo sorlously wounded,
llobbs made Ills u-.cnpo.
Another Georgia Lyiirlilng., Oct. 10. Miss Hlanche Gray,
a young lady of lino family, was going
from a friend's house to hor sister's, In the
northern part of Spalding county, whon a
negro slipped up behind her and assaulted
hor in a horrible manner. Tho negro,
Henry Milner, was caught and taken to
Griflln, where a crowd took lilm to n
grove, where ho was hung, and then shot
to death. A placard was attached to his
dead person : "Thus wo defend our wo
mou from outrage."
Tynan's Itelene Unciiiiilitlonnl.
Tynan, tho alleged Irlsli-American dyna
miter, was roleiKcd from prison at 1
o'clock last evening. Tynan's rclcnso is
unconditional and ho can remain in
Franco if ho wiilios. Tho news of Ills re
lease was comniunlcatcd to him by the
Rocretnry of the prefecture and tho com
missary. He was dcliKlitcd, and thanked
his jailers for their kindness during his
The llest lor Children.
"I bcliovo ChauiDcrla!n' Cough l!eniedy
is the best for children I over used, l-'or
croup it is unequalled. It Is a splendid seller
with us. T. M. Eckles, l'h. ()., Mnnuger
Wampum Pharmacy, Wampum, Pa." When
used as soon as tlie Urst symptoms appear,
that is as soon as tho child become hoarse or
oven after the croupy cough lias appeared, It
will prevent tho attack. The mothers of
croupy children should bear this iu mind ami
always keep tho remedy at hand. It is also
tho best medicine iu the world for colds mid
whooping cough. For sale at 2." und 50 cents
per bottlo by Gruhlor Bros,, druggists.
Ilild Up by Tun Women.
CniCilfi, Oct. 10. Colonel Henry Spiel
man, of 'few York city, a wealthy mer
chant nin club man, was hold up by two
women and robbed just as ho was leaving
tho Union Loaguo club ut 8:30 o'clock
AVoduosday evening. Tho assailants of
tho colonel secured f20nud a gold watch.
Clergyman and Wife Adjudged Insane.
W. Slllnni, recently pastor of tho Madison
Avonuo M. K. church, nnd his wifo Ida
wero both declared Insane yostorday by n
commission. Milam is tl years of ago and
his wifo 10. Milam has been a hard stu
dent and his wifo an invalid.
Cure for Headache.
Ae a remedy for all forms of Headacho
Electric lliften has proved tu ie the very
best. It effects a permanent euro and the
most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield
to its iullucni'c Weurgeall who arealllietitl
to procure a bottle, and givo this remedy a
fair trial. In ease of habitual coustlixitlon
Electric Hitters cures by giving the needed
tune to the bowels, and few cases long resist
the use of this medicine. Try It nine. Larue
Ixittles only 60 cents at A. Waslcy's Drug
Defaulting Hank Itooklteeper Caught.
Axxapolis, Mil., Oct. 1(1. Hlchard H.
fireen, Jr., the bookkeeper of the Farm
ers Milt Planters' National bank of thlg
pluoe, who disappeared ponding nn Inves
tigation of Ills books ou Tuesday, Sept. 15,
was yostorday arrested by the sheriff of
Huntingdon county, neur Urttftou, Pa.
Tho amount of his defnloatlon is said to
be about ),000.
Ilucklen's Arnica halve.
Tho best salvo iu tlie world for cut,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
01 ao pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisciction or niony refunded. Price
J6 ceuts per bos. I'or sale hv A. Wwiey.
A Defeiirte of the llanUurs.
Wasiiixoto., Oet. 10 Assistant Seoro
tnry Wlllium K Cttrtls,of the tronsury de
partinont,bas written a letter to Assistant
jsorrutiiry D.tbnoy, of tho doixtrtment of
tiirrlnulture, in whteh ha dofonda the Now
Virk Imukors from the allefrationB often
mjnlo that they aro Interested In tbo with-'
dru Willi of gold from the treasury.
I'olson Ivy, insect bites, bruises, scalds.
hul as, are quickly cured by DoWIlt's Witch
iny.ot oaivc, tuo gretit pllo curo. I. 11
with each
rfl Wl I HUU
R.-.mftt!meflneodiB reliable. monthlT. reculatlnir taedlclno.
tho jjureat drugs should be used.
Op- Peal's
x Ther are prompt. Bfcfo and certain
For Nile bv I. V. 1). KIRLIN. ShetiHndnah, Ph.
peppa. Railroad.!
Bi:iTDinEu!!l, 1890.
Trains will leave Slienamloab after the abin.
dnte for W'igKnnii, Oilliertoo, Krnekvllle, Dar)
Wnter, St. Clair, PotMvllle. llntnlxirt;, HeAillnv
Pottatmui, Phoenixvllle, NorrlMtuwn nnd Phi'
adelphla (Ilroad street station) nt GOft and IU'
a. in. ami 1 'JO p. in. on week ilnys. For Pott
villo and Intcrinediiitu stntlous 9 10 a. m.
For WlRKans, Gilberton, Frftckvllle, Dark
Water, St. Clnlr, l'ottnville, at 0 08, 9 40 a. m. an'
3 10 p. m. For UnmhtirK, ltendinfr, Potttowi.
PhociiixvlUc, NorrlHtowu, PhllaUelpbln ntOCC
9 10 n. m., 3 10 p. in.
Trains leave Frnckvllle for Shenandoah M
10 10a. in. and 1211, SOI, 7 12 and 1027 p. m
nununy, ii id a. m. nnn n p. m.
Leave I'otiHViuo lor nncnanuoan at 10 19, ll it
n. in. and -1 10, 7 15 mid 10 00 p. m. SilnuAy At
10 10 n. in., 5 13 p. ni.
Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), fot
Shenandoah nt 5 57 nnd 8 33 n, m., 4 10 and 71'
p. in. week days. Sundays leave nt 6 50 n. ra.
Leave llroaif street station, Philadelphia, lui
Sea OIrt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Ioni,
llrnneh, anil Intermediate ptatlniH, I 05, 0.50, 8.25
H. 39n. in., 2 as, 3.30, 4.05 p. in. week-nyn, 5 00
Suttmtnya only. Sunday- (atop at Interlaken
for Asbury Park), I 05, 8.25 n
Ieave llroad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Kprins, week-ilnyfl, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 5 13, C 00,
73X. K20. 950, 1021 (Dlnii.k' Car), 1100a.m.
I20ilnoon, 1233 (I.lmlti-il IK) and 122 p. tn.
DininuCarH), 1 10, 2 30 II K Cur) 3 20, 3 TO,
400, 5 00, 55i (Dlnliii Car, i.ou. 0 50, 8 12,10 00,
p. m., 12 01, nlKht Siinda, 3 20, 1 115, 4 50, 5 13,
I, 20, 83.1, 9 50, 1021, Dlulnir Car, 11 1 a. mM
1233,2 30 Dlnllin Cki), I no Limited 1 22DlnlllK
Cnr),3 20, SW, Hilling Car, U 35, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00
p. in., 12 01 nlk'lit.
Kxtiresa for lloHtnn withntit change, 1100 a
m., week-days, nml 0 50 p. in., daily.
For ISaltbnre and Wnalilnittnn, 8 50, 7 20, 8 81
10 30, 11 2B a. in., 12 09 (i'!3 Limited Din
Ink' Car), 1 12, 8 18, 4 41 (5 19 Cminresslonnl
Limited, Dlnlnic Cur), 0 17, 0 55 (Dining CarL
7AS (l)mhik' Car) p. m, nml 1205 night
week days. Sunday, 8 50, 7 20, 912, 1191 a.
111., 12 09 1 12, 4 41, ( 5 IB ('MucreNllniuil Limited.
DlnbiK Car), 055 IDIiiIiik Carl, 758 p. in
(Dlnlnt: Car) nnd 12 Of) nln'it.
I'or Sea (llrt, spring Lnke, lieiinar. Uowhi
(inne, Asbury 1'uik ami Lnu Uraneh, 650,
8 25 nnd 11 39 a in. 8 30 and 100 p. m. week
dns. SundnyH, 8 23 u. m.
Ij-avu llroad .Irei l .tatloll. PhllwJelullIu (vtk
Delnware rier bridue), express, 7 03 p. m.
Leave Market street Ferry, express, 8 SO a. in..
2 00, 4 00, ' 00 p. in Sundays, 8 15. 9 13 a. in.
Accommodation, ftoo, 20, a. in., 3 20 and 4 30
p. m , week days. Sundays, 8 00, 8 15 a. iu., 4 00
am) 5 00, p. in.
For Capo May, A inflow", Wtldwcxid ami
Holly Ileneh, mid bea Lin City, Ocean City and
Avalm. lixprew, 9 00 a. tu., 4 00 p in, wwk
da.. Sundays, 9 00a. m.
I'.xpre.s, 9 10 a. m., and 2 80, 4 30 p. In
w-ek day Sundays, 8 50 a. m.
For Somors Point. ExpreM. 8 80 a. lu., 100
p. in. week tlis. Sundays, 8 15 a. in.
S. JL Pbbvokt, J. II. M'oon,
Geu'l Manaicer. Gen'l PaiVr A Kit
Cured by thi granular effervescent and stimu
laut. Au Instant cure for sour stomachs and
headaches, which often accumulate (rum having
a nlyht out.
17 and Ii' Peacti, Alley, Shenandoah
package of
i UObl.
Onr barmlesi OXUt
l you wiuifc me ih-bi, gti
PeEisnirraaiS PiUSs
In resist. Tho eenulne (Dr. roal'sl never dlaap
IS KKFECT MAY 17. 1896.
Trutjis leave Kheimndoal) tw follows :
I'or New York via l'lillndelihtii, week days,
2 10, 3 25, 7 20 n. m.p 12 AS, 3 00 und 5 63 p. m
Suudayti, 2 10 n. m.
For New York via Mnuch Chunk, week da.
6 25, 7 20 . m., 12 IS and 3 00 p, m.
For IieadhiK and Fhtladelphla, week day,
2 10, 5 ai, 7 20 a.m., 12 IS, 3 00 and 5 53 p. m. 8un
d.ivf, 2 10 ft in.
For Iotts Ule, week days, 2 10; 7 20 n. ra., and
12 41, 3 00 and 5 35 p. in. bundays, 2 10 a. in.
For und Malmnoy City, week days,
210,3 25, 7 20 a. m., 12 3 00 und 3 3-5 p. m.
Sunda , 2 10 a. in.
For 'llliatnport, Sunhury and Lewlnburs
w eek days, 3 25, 11 30 a. in., 150 nnd 7 23 p.m.
HundATM, 3 23 n. ni.
For Slatinnov IMane, weekdavH. 2 10. 3 23. 5 23.
7 20, 11 30 a. in., 12 H, 1 M, 3 00,5 55, 7 25 and 9 CI
p. m. ftunuay, z iu, j in n. m.
7 20,1130 a, m., 1 50,725 anJ 955 p.m. ' Sun
dnyH, 2 25 n. in.
For naltltnoro, AVashhiRton and the Weol Tit
. iv r. ih. ifc-. MS"is4ii iiiin h- i iiuiuiug
Terminal, l'lilladelphia, (P. Sc It. 1 K.) at 8 20,
7 55,11 20 a. lu., 3 10 ami 7.27 p. l. Sundays,
3 20, 7 00, 11 20 n. in., 3 10 ami 7 27 p. m. Addl.
tionnl trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week flayn, iu ao a, m. 12 20,
12 16 8 40 p in. Sundays, 1 33, 8 23 p. iu.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
da)H,4 30, 8 (Oil. in., 1 30, 4 30, 9 00 p. m. and
nlk'lit. Sunilays.OOOp in.
Ifeavo New York ia Mnucti Chunk, week
Jays, 4 30. 9 10 n. ni., 1 30 and 4 13 p. m.
Lenre Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 05 n. in. and 4 05, 0 30, 11 8C
p. in. Snmlays, 11 80 p. in.
Leave Heading, week days, 135, 7 10, 10 08,
11 55 u. m., 0 00 nml 8 20 p. in. Sundays, 1 35 a, nv
Leave l'nttsville, weekdays, 2 35, 7 40 a.m.
12 30 ami 6 12JI.IU. Sundays, 2 35 a, in.
liave Tamaijua, week days, 3 18, 8 50, 11 28 a
in., 1 27, 7 20 mid 9 l:i p. in. Sundays, 8 18 a. m.
1-ave Mahnuny City, week days, 8 45, 9 31.
li 17 a. in., 2 03, 7 4 1 and 10 08 p. iu. Sundays, 8 41
a. in.
I.euve Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00
830, 9 87. 11 59 a. 111., 1 12, 2 19, 5 20, 0 20, 7 67 and
10 23 i.m. Sundays, 2 40, 00 n. in.
I.eavo Wlllianisport, week days, 7 42, 1010 a
in., 3 85 and 11 41 p. ni. Sundays, 11 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf am)
South street wliaif for Atlantic city.
Woekdn Hxprtnw, 900 a. ni., 2 no, 4 00. 5 0P
p. in. .Ueniniuodution, 8 01) a. iu., II 30 p in.
Sundays Hxprw, 9110, 1000 a. in. Aicm
nioilBtiun, 8O0a. in., 4 48 Ik m.
Ilfturntnif leave Atlantic City depot, oornei
Atlantic and Arkanvaa avenues.
Weekdays ISxproM, 783, 9 00 a. in.. 8 3n, Ic
p.m. Accoiiiimnlntlon, 8 13 a. in., 1.12 p. in
Siimlas- i:prins, I a), 7 30 p. in. Ai,.,mmu
dntiou. 7 13 a m., 1 15 p. iu,
l'arlnr Cars nn all eiprtw trains.
Gen'l SiiH,rliitand.iit. Gh'1 Pass. Am
A uenuino wek-moe walUyou at
Cor. fluln and Coal Sts.
Finest whiskey, beers porter and ale
oonstantly on lap. Choico temperance drinks
and cigars.
nilHons of Dollars
Go up In smoko every year. Take no
risks but get your houses, slock, fur
niture, etc., insured in nrst-class re-
, liable companies as represented by
Alto Life and Accidental CompaultM.