The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 14, 1896, Image 4

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Blectton Hbvice
Is llkn ntrnng lucillcliie, a
littlo lilt goes n lnii way. Wearu liotKului;
to troulilo ymi Willi olei-lion mlvicc lmt dimply
cnll your attention to our larito assortint'iit of
21 sheets of fuir iiinllty pper ami SI
envelope for 1(1 cenN: better iiinlity 15
rent, mill better still 25 cent. We ulo
enpply ongraved stationery and ranis.
a North Main St.
Clitirllo Irele l'uKtinutrr.
Vre-iitlcnt l(l!itil yesterday appointed
Charles l; Steele pnstmakter nf Minrnvillc,
to succeed John Toole, u signed. Mr. Steele,
is editor nnd prupiietui of t lie Minemille
Free 1'rotn and president of the l'irst Na
tional Hank of that town. Mr. Steele,
through his paper, is advocating tho election
of Mt'Kinlev and Holiait, and la a Liong
nupporter of Congressman lirtiinm. The ap
pointment is taken to ineHti that none hut
Kolil Democrats need apply at tho White
Imiso during the present ndminlstration.
Tho appointment is leceheil with nincli
sntlnfaction, and wecungmtulateoureditorial
Theories of cure may he discussed at length
liy physicians, hut tlir iiiH'erers want quick
relief; and One Minute Cough ('lire will give
it to them. A safe cure for children. It is
4tlio only harmless remedy that produces
immediate results." ''. II. Ilagenhuch.
Cor. Main & Lloyd Sts.
The Day-Light Store.
livery comer of our big store
bright with lots of light and
busy with crowds of interested
Cloaks Our Specialty.
vThere is nothing new or novel
ill cloakdoiu worth having
i that is' not in our grand assort
ment. Note Our Unequalled Prices.
Cloth Capes of wool beaver,
black or navy, no inches
sweep, 98c. Better cloth,
with velvet collar, pearl button
trimmed, and finished with
four rows of braid, Si. 39.
Richly Embroidered Capes
Of elegant cloth or plush,
from $2.50 to $35.00.
Ladies' Jackets.
411 the newest shapes and best
rnateriala at the famous low
prices tjiut Have made our store
so popular,
Dress Goods Department.
New things are coming every
day for this busy section of
our store. We aim to make
this department excel in style
and value and maintain our
reputation as leaders in low
JL Dr. J. W. Van Valzah's
W nPUTAl. PABl.OttS.
Denlstrv in all Its Branches,
3fr Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty.
pamiess titration.
Artificial Teeth Inserted,
All Work Guaranteed,
No stairways to
climb anymore.
fc 5,000 BARS Or
2 E. B. FOLEY, 3
MH Xettlo V. Troutman, of Frackvillo,
was the guest of town friends yesterday.
School Director V. T. Trozise circulated
among friends at Minersvillo yosturday.
lawyer A. W, Schalok, of I'ottavllle,
transacted legal business hero thUnftornooii.
Mrs. J. Stanton, of South Gilbert street, Is
visiting her parents in Minersvillo.
Joshua Holt, of Tamaqua, was a huslness
transactor in town to-day.
Samuel Mock, theelothlcr, made a business
trip to l'ottsvllle yesterday.
Messrs. 1". A. MeC'luro and Owen Farrell,
of that popular resort, lakeside, ware in
town yesterday.
Messrs. Sadler and Warner, of Catawissa,
were seen on our streets lo-day.
Mrs. John Martin has returned home from
a prolonged visit to I'.lklmrl, I ml .
William Waters, the South Main street
merchant, returned home from a two mouths'
trip to Wales anil Kuglaud.
J. ,1. Price, of dry goods fame, is transact
ing business 111 Now York.
Itev. Milukas, curate of tho LlthimnUn
church, has gono to llrooklyn on business.
Hrpuhllcull 3!nt Meeting To-night.
Congressman Charles N. Hriimm arrived In
town thi afternoon from Canton, O., where
hu introduced tho tlologatlon from Luzcrno,
Schuylkill and Northumberland counties to
ex-Governor William McKlnlcy, the liepub
licnn caudldato for President. In acknowl
edging the introduction the cundidate spoke
of Congressman ilriimm as a friend with
whom he had many years of pleasant inter
course In Congress. Mr. Ilriimm and Dr. J.
Czupke, late of Philadelphia, will address a
meeting in Itobbiiis opera house, to-night and
speeches will ho made in tho Polish, Lithu
anian and Knglish languages. Mr. Iiriimm
will bo the first speaker. Tho Lithuanian
band will attend.
l'lllille School Mutters.
An Important notice concerning applica
tions for admission to tho evening school ap
pears In another column of this issue.
Examinations commenced to-day and will
cloio next Monday. A general averago of
75 of all studies, and not less than ISO in any
one, will ho required fur "passing."
Iho teachers aro holding n meeting tins
afternoon to consider systems of marking
examination papers.
Deltlfieratle .'Mass Meeting.
A Democratic masi, meeting will bo held in
I'erguson'b thoatro on Monday evening, 10th
inst. Addresses will bo niado by Watson 1
Shepherd, Kw James W. Hyan, Ksq., and
othors. All voters aro requested to attend
and hear tho issues of tho day discussed. 5t
Conference nt StnilMiry.
At a conference at Sunbiiry on Monday
evening between attorneys repic-cntlng the
Thomas Coal Company, tho W in. Point Coal
Company, and Messrs. Helfenstein, Iiyan,
Witiner and Ilurkert, attorneys representing
claimants, It was agreed that $1(1,000 was to
be paid to coal dirt claimants in satisfaction
of their claims against the above turned
coal companies.
Itepalrs lit Miiliuimy l'lune.
Considerable repairs aro being mado at the
Mahanoy Piano and this has given riso to a
report that tho Gordon Planes will lesiime.
It Is argued that to relieve tho pressure of
tralhc to which it is subject tho Gordon
Plane is to be put into service.
A lilt lor Coughs find Colds.
What? I'aii-Tina, 23c. At Gnililer llroi.
hug store.
Willielm iind Until to Debute.
Arrangements nio being perfected fur a
joint (leliato between William Wilhelin, of
I'ottsvlllc, anil Claienco r. Kutli, of Slia-
moldn, to take placo to-moriow evening at
Jit. Cnrmcl. It is mineceh'.ary to state that
Mr. Willielm will talk the side of silver,
whilo Mr. llutli will arguo from the gold
standard stand point.
lllcyclo .11 , (.
Catawisi.1, on Saturday. October Mtli, will
he invailctl l.y wlicelinan from all parts of tlio
Ltitawl-Mi valley, who will attend the bicyclo
meet wlilch is being held hy the Faust
llicyclo works, of Ilrandoiivillc. Thero will
ho five contests, opv.n to all riders, including
a three-mile handicap. Among tho prizes
olleretl in a liamlsonie silver medal.
IliiniU Out.
Stlnoy I'unskl, employed at tho Jlanlo Hill
colliery, received lacerations of both hands
by falling eoal yesterday. The wounds aro
not of a very serious nature.
l'fngur Amputated.
John Sapulsky, an inside cmployo at Cam
bridge colliery, sulfuroil tho loss of the index
finger of tho left hand and sustained lacera
tions of tho right baud by a fall of clod at
tho colliery tliis morning. Ho is under the
treatment of J)r. J. C. Church.
Tho funeral of Nellie Coogan, a l-year-old
child who died from spinal meningitis, took
placo at !J;30 this nfternoon from the ve!
deueo of tho parents, on West Coal street.
Interment was made in tho Annunciation
Arm Amputated,
Alex. Rocers, a Polish minor employed at
Hear Kidgo colliery, was injured by a fall of
coal at tho Hear lodge colliery yesterday
afternoon. His left aim was amputated at
tho Miners' hospital. Tho victim resides at
Mahanoy Plane.
It doesn't matter much wliether sick head'
ache, biliousness, indigestion and eonstiiia-
tion aro mused by neglect or by unavoidable
circumstances ; DoWitt's Little Karly Iiisers
will speedily 'aire them all. C. II. Hagen-
Ivllleil by l alllut- Clod.
Charles Under, aged 30 years, was instantly
killed by a fall of clod at the Ituck Mountain
colliery at 11 o clock last night. The dc
ceased was employed as a laborer in a gang
way. He leaves a wife and child.
t. iitrtr .. tt.n inn, 1... ui,.,.,..i,.i,
l'a , John Duililow, iiveil (itt ycum, 1 month and
liMuyti Funeral will lake place on KrMav,
Itith lnt., nt 1 i. in. fcliarp, iron, tho family
rt-HMt-nce, 23 North Janlin t rift, whore tht
irviri!i will lie h 11(1. InU-rineiit In the Oilit
1VI low s' irmett-ry. JUlatlvcw ami frkiuU ami
m-mbiTM of tht' (i. A. It. mnl J. O. (). R re-
Kprctfullj 1,11 vi In I tf) fittt'lul. lM34t
asy to Take
asy to Operate
Arc feature peculiar to Hood's I'HR Small In
sUe, ta-.t less, cfUclent, thorough. As ona man
said : " You iu vt-r know you
have taken a pill f ill ft H nil
over," lie. C I. Hood & Co.,
Proprietors, LfAvell, Mass.
The only pills t j take ullh Hood's Sarsapailla.
Ottr store room which
has just been remodeled
is positively the Largest
Clothing House in the
county, and contains noth
ing but the very latest
styles in
Fall and
We have now a city store, city
Stock and exceedingly low prices.
We guarantee to give more value
and better satisfaction than any
other Clothing House in the
Our Overcoat Denartment this
year will surpass all our previous
efforts in styles and patterns.
L. GOLDIN, Prop.,
9 and 11 South Main St.
Miners' Hospital.
Thoro were sovcral admissions to tho State
Hospital, Fountain Springs, yesterday, and
tho usual quota of dispensary cases. Tho
admissions were as follows: William Kills,
21, Ashland, moulder, severo sprain of tho
kneo joint, received while playing ball :
Anthony l)rangnllnn, 30, Shenandoah, miner,
Kllaugowau collier)', hurnsof tho face, neck,
hands, arms, chest and back, caused by
explosion of gas. Dmngallis was sweeping
the gas from a manway when the explosion
occurred ; John Wolinsk, BO, (lilbertou,
miner, Draper colliery, bunts of tho face,
neck, hands, arms and back, caused by gas -,
I'eter I). Oeiger, 21, Tauiaqua, brakeiuan,
Heading Kailroad, arm twisted oil' near the
shoulder ill a wreck near Potts Grove. Tho
member was amputated, livery bono in the
lost arm, but tho part of one, was crushed ;
Michael Ualeigh, 4U, Itappahanuock, was
climbing a ladder at his home four weeks ago
when it broke. In striking tho ground
lialeigh sustained scvcie bruises of tho back,
and is now sull'ering from partial paralysis of
tho legs and forearm and his whole system
is shocked.
"Hoys will bo boys," but you can't afford
to loo any of them. lie ready for the green
apple hcasou hy having DoWitt's Colic and
Cholera Cure in tho C. H. Hagen
bueh. The Work ttt Vandals
Tho corner stone of tho new Keformed
church, at Girardville, which was laid on
Sunday last, was torn out of its placo on the
same evening and robbed of its contents,
which included $1.37 in coin, a copy of tho
Holy Iliblo, tho chinch records, and other
articles of nioro or less importance. Tho
robbery is belioved to havo been prompted by
spite, and suspicion points very strongly to
certain parties upon whom tho indignant
people of tho town aro venting their opinions
in strong terms. Evidence is being looked
up, and it is not unlikely that arrests will bo
mado this evening. Ashland Telegram.
I'm- style and I'lt
Quality and price in clothing, hats and gents'
furnishings, of which wo carry tho largest
stock in town, wo can compete with anyone.
Wo curry only tho best of makes such as
Hammerslougli Jlros., of Sew York, who
warrant overy article sold. Children's
novelties in large varieties.
I.. Ilurowicii,
One-Prico Clothier,
10-0-tf So. 10 South Main street.
Tliu AllhljIsllop'M Wit.
Arcbbisliup liyau'a wit breaks out unox-
lioctedly nt times, mid a good illustration of
it occurred at Lost Creok on Monday nl'tor
noon last, sbortlv beforo tlm rnnflrmnHnti
ferviees. Tlio Lost Creek cutlets, wVose
admiraUo drilliut; lias frequently oli'lted
ailinirtttion iu town, wero giving an ejtnibi-
tiou drill despito tbo rain. After a very
creditable performauce, which pleased his
Grace very much, ho began n short commen
datory address to thorn with "I am told you
are a temperance- organization, but I believe
you have had ft drop too much to-day,"
"ITrtir Ib T-mir T.tvfrV W'ltv fmilllrn dvehnnclii
and consequent misery. Dr. llobbs Littlo
Liver PilU will thru yoti easily and surely.
&oiu at jviriui B utuk sioru.
lEev. l'uttersou's New Charge.
Kcv. C. F. Patterson, who for many years
was tho pastor of St. Joseph's church, at
Ashland, has been appointed to tho Catholic
church at IMdlugtou, a suburb of Philadel
phia. Tho beautiful structure was recently
erected by tho Drexel family and adjoins tho
convent of tho lllt'sctl S.icrament, In which
Mis Catharine Drexel, who, though sho was
the lit lres tn millions, foisook the world for
tho eliltrch several yuan ago, ami by this
step caused a sensation ill tho social world in
which she was u recognized loader. His
sister, Miss Mary l'uttersou, who resides
with her parents at Ashland, will go to
Kiltlingtou and take charge of the piirucliial
At the Factory Shuo Store, a number of boys
and girls to give out tickets for beautiful
decorated parlor lami. tf
Volunteers of AhiitIpu,
First Lieutenant llaslam is training
young man from llerwick as an olllcer in tHe
ranks of tho Volunteers of America. Xext
Monday evening tho local Post will bo pre-
touted with colors, at which timo ourollintut
of soldiers and swearing in of recruits will
also take place. Tho organization is steadily
growing under command of Lleutenaut
Haslam. Stall' Captain Lindsay will present
the colors, and an admission of live cents will
ho charged. Tho meeting will be held In
Dougherty s hall.
llretiery nt I'oiiiitalu hniliitrs.
Tho machinery for tho new biowery to bo
erected at Fountain Springs has arrival from
I Addison, X. Y., where tho plant was In
' operation fori several years, Tho brewery
will be ereced on the Lnglo farm, near
Fountain Springs, and will bo operated under
the firm nino of Fugle & Schmidt.
to puti: a cou) ix oxi; day
Take Laatlvo liromo (uiuluo Tablets. All
druggists, refund tho money If it fails to euro.
25 cents.
ccma. i I " I - w ' i
If needing CARPETS look through our line and see the many
:c.i i... r- .-
uiiuuiui vini,iD iiiiv iu jiuv
Butterick paper patterns, the
always in stock. Bu'terick fashion
ssgP. J.
- -27
Deeds Ueeortlt'il.
From Daniel Xester to Solomon Kneppor,
lot in Xew Ilinu'gold.
From Peter Itanium ft lis to John Crowo
etnl., premises ill St. Clair.
I-rom Alexander Lineman etnl., to Con
rad Schcnck, piemises in Ashland.
Mandolins big stock
just received at
Brit linn's.
IOST. A t,'"'d flieiviv's Iiael.j;,- 'Millnhlo rc
1 ward sllllio liaM f'r r turn Id ilenluniin
V, lleneher. 10-1 l-2t
"AN'Ti:i' I., Ki.'lhu nnled nt unco to work
II on c:mii Kporii-nci d b:ni'ls nnlv need
apply nt the Ilr-vi-tune Manufacturing Company,
No. 150 North IkiwrrKKtriot. 10-ll-2t
lrANTKl lteliable 1 uli nr (ienttemcu who
can lead and x rite, at d are not afraid to
talk, for permanent sni.n i d itositton. Address
ii. j. uoiiht.intiiic, ciieii n toan, l'a., Tnuisient.
on tik::t. a dwiiiiuff
lute ctiiel. All t-Oi.VLHIenceH
J. U. Shane, on the iremites.
FOU SAU" A valuable mini mar IMntown.
Kxcellei.t house and barn and nil conven
ience. Aim v to H. tt. M- IIotlnK'tef. Kt-n..
bhcnandon'i, ia. 10-7 :jv
ITTOIt SALK A H'1'ontl.linitd nnnre ninno
i Aonlv U'ttlti,,.,U A un. r...nlll.K.nn.l
J1III9IV Blur,-.
Our crowded salesrooms indicate that wo are at
the head of the Coat, Cape and Wrap trade
1 of this town. Our Biiccesx has been made
by lmviiiK' t hirKO nnd well Bhx-tcd lot of
Knrmentf to how buyerH.
We Control Many Designs.
We sell at a Lower Price than any whore
ele bctfHiMS of eah-bought Komi nnd Rn
an aoeurate knowledj(u of the markets.
Wo cannot mention tho details of this depart
ment, but ntk nny of the many pigment buyers
who have purchased from ua and they will jlve
u tho best advertUlntf Unn ean have,
The Only Wholesale
Notion and Hosiery
Store in Shenandoah.
To increase ottr business we
hare starlet n retail system In
which we sell gomls ut wholesale
prices. Pay n visit to our estab
lishment ami citiinliiu our
Immense stock of hosiery,
notions and underwear. This is
a money saver (or everybody.
is flann,
Jo. 0 Eolith
Apply to
The largest, finest and best
selections of Ladies', Misses' and
Children's Coats and ladies'
Plush. Cloth and Fur Capes,
that has ever been shown in this
region, is now open l'or your
inspection. These garments ex
cel in quality, style and finish
and will be admired by all who
see them. All are marked at
prices below their real value.
We have also placed on sale a
large variety of Silks in plain
and figured gros grain, Dresden,
Satin Duchess, China, Japan,
Pcau dc Soie and Taffeta. Also
a large line of novelty and plain
dress goods, including all-wool
and silk and wool hennettas,
wool serges, mohair serges
plaids, cravenette cloth, etc.
on will mm hi tins popular
Dry Goods House always a
larger stock, a better assortment
and lower prices than you will
find with any of its competitors.
rerocni.ed standard of the world.
sheets given away free of charge.
North Wlain Street.
I will offer a cnrlond of nccla
mated liorcog which cnuhousoil
In nil kinds of weather and run
no rNk on any sickness. ThI
M ill ho tho lifft and nicest load
shipped Hit oenson. Co mo and
pee tliem, whether you buy or
not. Wo j;mmitco them all to
bo found and well broken to ail
Yes, I will do more!
Yon can take them and try
them for a few days, without
eot. If they do not suit you
bring them Imck. This Is posi
tively tho last shipment beforo
winter net iu. as tho Reason does
not permit transportation on
account of sickness netting iu.
They arc now at my atables.
Of Shenandoah,
In Robbins' Opera House,
And Continuing 10 Days.
Speelal attractions will be offered each even
ing, nnd the articles offered for Bale will be no
trashy proodH. Attend tho fair and nhlet tho
llremcn to raise fundg for the recent Improve
ments in their building and the acquisition of
new nimarntuB.
Admission - - 5 Cents.
Actual Bu-sihcss
Frohrv 5taH: -to FirUiv
During the past year great
improvements have been
made in book-keeping. We
have selected the best things
from each system and now
have them published, and
shall introduce them in all
our schools.
For first introduction we
will issue 100 combined
scholarships, good in all
departments, day and evening
sessions, three months, includ
ing books and stationery,
Four months, night session,
including books and station
ery, $15.00.
Four months, night session,
English alone, including
books, $12.00.
The system is thoroughly
practical and can be com
pleted by the average student
in three months.
Registrars. )
Carpets, Oil Cloths
d Window Shades,
i jutt received at 1
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.,
West Coal Street.
Go to tho Shenandoah Dental Eooms for
painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver
lilllngs. If your nrtlflcal teeth do not suit
you call to seo us. All examinations free.
Wo make all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns,
Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown
and Ilridgo work and all operations that per
tain to Dental Surgery.
No charges for extracting when plates aro
ordered. Wo aro tho only users of vitalized
air for tho painless extraction of teeth.
Dental : Rooms,
(Titmnn's Block!
East Centre Street.
Onlce Hours: 7 a. tu. to 8 p. m.
Beauty Unrolled
To tho admiring gazs of those who have n taste
lor really line wall paper is iuo oinpiay oinew
wall paper wrinkles we have Just reeived.Yot"
ean find any color or pattern you want for your
hall, bed room, parlor, dining room, kitchen or
cafe, from 5c up to per roll. Fine urtlstie
papers a specialty.
House, Sign and Decorative Painting
Satisfaction guaranteed. Kstlmatcs cheer
fully furnished. Send postal.
221 VT. Centre St., Shenandoah, l'a.
riuce Your Orders Now.
Wholesale nnd Retail
Liquor Dealer.
Cigars, Tobacco, &c. Agent for Reading
Brewing Co.' Beer and Torter.
11S and 11S S. Main St
By Purchasing Your
Groceries, Smoked Meats,
Flour and Feed at
Meluskey & Son,
10S S. Main St.
That is what everybody is inter
ested in, not only at present, but
all the time. If you want your
money's worth in exchange for
Or anything iu the line of gents
furnishing goods; for a necktie
or a neat fitting suit or stylish over
coat, call at the
Cor. Main and Cherry Sts.
An entire new stock of nil the latent style
Koods nt jiricos thnt will suit everybody.
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking !
13 N. Jardin Str1
f.,lUJ"fffJ""""",, ?