wjJfPT";''"M"JW",5'r ' 7 rpnn A PECULIAR REMEDY. It Created Great Ravoo Along tlu Now Jersey Ooaat. SEVERAL PLA0E3 INUNDATED Purifies and Beautifies by restoring to healthy activity the Clogged, Ir ritated, Inflamed, Slug gish, Overworked Pores. Bold throughout lh wotll. Pom Debo ud Cat. Co.p.JloleProp.. Botnn, y. 8. A. iJr Uow 10 Purifr mi DMUtifj tht Bktn," milled free. MCBJof ( QuIckly.Tlioronglily, Four out of Ave who sudor nervousness, I mental worry, attacks oC " tlio blnoa," ore but paying tlio penalty of early excesses. Vic tims, reclaim your manhood, regain your vigor. Don't despair. Send for book with explanation and proofs. Mailed (scaled) f reo. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, H. PChtthcntcr KncUnh Diamond II ran J. ENNYROYAL PSLLS Itrlirlnnl anI flnlv tannine. A BArt, &lwy reliable, ladics nsk c brnnift for Cktchetler$ KnatUh J,ia'f(h Itasca, e1od with b!a ribbon, 1 nLo iy no other. Ktfuit dangeroxu ubtttu V Hon and imitations. Al JiraffKUtt , or ami 1. In Ptamri tor partlcuUn, teMlnionUlj ftml "ItelUf for mUvS in MUr, by return ChlrliMtrrChe-mltttlCo.,MalrtntQUBr, llb.ul Juit Only Ilnvc New Hay. lleen Formed Along the Coa.t, but Old Shonl. nnil Hun Have hi 3lnny Place lleen romidcc Awny Property Los. IneitleHhlble. New YonK, Oct. 14. Tho groat storit of '00 has not been relegated to tho nnnnli of tho past, nml tho story hnq not half beer tr.1,1 Vr fni. l.nni, nbln tn nctl lnato tho ilnmoRO wrought by tho wind j r,,r !l" f"""" of Indigestion, but because it Something- About the New Discovery Tor Curing Dyspepsia. The Ilev. F. I. Hell, a highly deemed minister roldlng It) Woedsport, Cayuga Co., X. Y., In k recent letter write as follows: "There has never been anything tlmt I havo taken that Inn rolluved tlio Dyspepsia from which I have suffered for ten years except the now remedy called Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Since taking them I hnvo had no di-dress at nil after eating and aiialti after lima yours can m.kkp wkm.. liov. F. I. Hell, Weeihport. X. Y., formerly Idalla, ( lllll. sluart'i Dyspepsia Tablets is n remarkablo remoily, not only because it Is n cortuln cute POLITICAL CARDS. JjWK CHIEF 11U1SGESS, PIERCE WALKER, Of the Fourth wnrd. Subject to Citizen party rules, VOTE FOR JOSEPH WYATT, Op Shksandoaii, FOR REPRESENTATIVE, F"lrst District. vote: for FRANK C. REESE, Of Shenandoah, FOR REGISTER. VOTE FOR HON. ELIAS DAVIS Op IIboad Mocstain, 1 County Treasurer VOTE FOR v "i; ,-r'CA CAT MED Cv -k' . . I V B 1 . I Of Suesandoaii, -Fon- County Treasurer. VOTE FOR Harry Bradigan, 4 Of Siiexakdoaii, -FOIt- I PROTH0N0TARY VOTE FOR Emanuel Jenkyn, Op Jouett, -FOK- 7 Recorder of Deeds Thp Rosy Froshnoss And a relvety softness of the akin Is Inva riably obtained by those who use Pozzoxra Oomplexlou lowuer. nnd tho waves, nor to Ray how far roach' Iiir was tho fury of tho galo. But ns fnt ns tho cyo can sco from uny point along tho Hhoros of Loiifr Island, along tho Jcr soy const, In over tho lowlands, nnd lr, sotno Instnncos over tho highlands, wher ovor ono may turn, thcro nro tho ovldouco! that a luirrlcano has becnpasslng througb this soctlon of tho country. It was the tail of a Btorm that camo from tho Indlos broad nnd dostructlvo, lifted tho sons to e giant height and forced In tho waters' wltc a swoop that carried them high ovor th land to begin tlio work that tho wind and rain would finish. For two days and a night tho galo blow with ovor Increasing fury, nnd yesterday thoro was a steady downpour of rain tc complete tho mlsorablo devastation al ready well done. Thousands spont tho dnj at tho beaches, not to enjoy tho sunshine and tho merry plncos at tho soasldo, but tc viow tho work of dostruction and to look upon tho piles of twisted rafters, broken spiles, upturned pavilions, overthrown cottages and tho ruins of resortsof amuse ment that in former days were tho pride and tho Joy of thoo who havo mndo the lwach their suinmor homo. Handsome lawns that havo beautified tho grounds ol tho hotels at tlio benchos havo been torn up llko plowed fields, and on Monday, when tho storm was at its height, the hugo structures thomselveslnmanyplnees wore threatened by tho waves. At Iirlghton liench and at Manhattan. at Kdgemoro, at Far Hockaway, and at n dozen other points nlong tho sea line, the fust incoming waters swept under the very foundations of tho buildings, and more than once tiioy shook and shivered tinder tho terrlflo pounding of tho seas. Ono hotel did go down, unable to stand tho forcos turned against It. That wns the Brunswick, at fcea Islo City, tho !Inct structure of its kind In that section. How many smaller buildings wore caught up by tho wind and wrecked, or inundated, is up to tho presont moment an unknown j quanlty. It Is certain, however, that the number is largo, if for no other reason than tho'reports that havo already como in nro to tho effect that in sonio sections wholo districts on tho coast were clean swept of tho f ramo buildings that for years have served for evory purpose from a bath house to a homo. Nor was It along tho coast alono that , tho fury of tho galo manifested itself. Jer sey City was in plncos practically inun dated. Boats were n valuablo acrmlsltlon, both for purposes of removal nnd for pur poses of locomotion. Tho railroads in that soction of Now Jersey were sufferers to the extent of suspending business for a period, and many of tho smallor towns in that stato had to bo content with a lone 6omo existence for all traillc in and out of thoso places was stopped. Tho wires of Sandy Hook wero down for many hours, and when communication was again established It was only to learn I that never beforo had such a hurricane boon experienced. Fortunatoly pooplo and dwellings nliko tit tho old Hook wero built for storms, and the damage there was slight, if tho scare was great. House holders at Aslmry Park and Long Branch, for tho suinmor visitors had long since taken their doparture, gathered to watch tho fury of tho seas, wonder stricken and amazed at tho grontnoss of tho wators, for while tho watchers at Asbury wero gazing tho famous boardwalk, tho Xow Era inon umout and n thousand and ono beauties and attractions of tho magnificent water lug place wore swept away, and thoso who stood by tho boach at tho branch looked upon a destruction Just as dlro. But Conoy Island was tho greatest suf ferer. Ono may not now stroll through the well remembered walks fronting ou tho boach, but ho may climb woarlly over tho masses of ruins that mark tho old paths or stand afar and view tho wrockod pavilions and water chutes and ico slides. Tho light and airy beer gardons that stood upon tho shore, nnd tho bathing houses nnd iloats, from tho farthormost oornor of Manhattan to way beyond tho end of tho Bowory at Wost Brighton, a point that marks the end of a long lino of amusomctit places, ono and all havo fallon, And with thoso that wore bad, thoso that wero good havo also gone down. Soldl's concert hall at Brighton is among tho lattor. Tho ruins of two walls aro all that mark of tho hugo struoturo. It Is bollovod that sov oral hundred thousand dollars would not cover tho value of tho plncos thus do stroyod. On Monday tho tido was hlghor than anybody remembered It to bo bofore, but yosterday morning It was still higher than nt tho previous Hood. It only needed this to complete tho dovastntlon along tho bonchos. Tho seas simply swept over the adjoining districts, hundreds of feet bo yona what long ago had been flxod as tho lino of safoty. As n result dwellings wero Hooded, and some of thorn aro not yet safo from collapse. If tho authorities at AYnsh lngtou would make a survey of tho coast from Sandy Hook to Capo May, as It is fit present, they would find many errors In the carefully marked maps thoy now pos sess. Nut only have new bays been formed, but tho old shoals and bars In nuitiy places have been pottndod ivwtiy. Ill such it force of witter us hurled ittlf in giant breakers iigulnt tho sands, it 1 little wonder tlmt grout stretches have been eHteti nut of tlu coast line, Unit new streams inland have Iwun formed and that now tho mtirsli land along the Jersej ooust lb llko some now funned nou. The old landmarks are burled under touit of Kami. At Anglesey und other pbtoen n grant deal of damage wus done. Several build lugs.lneludlug ouruusaolH nnd dancing pa vilions, wero wrookod. Sovornl adjoining villages buffered greatly from tho rnvngee of the storm, among thoni being Holly Beach. At tills place cottages belonging to John Ii. Burke, of Philadelphia, and Frank K. Smith, mayor of Holly Bench borough, wero laid in ruins. Jtlioumutlsni Cured In Day. "Mystic Curo" for Eheumatism and Neu ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon tho system Is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first doso greatly benefits: 75 cents, Sold by 0, II. Hagenbuch, Druggist, Shenandoah, seetiH to act m thoroughly In old chronio cnes of Dyspopsln as well as In mild attacks of indigestion or biliousness. A person has dyopeptia simply because the stomach ii overworked, all It want Is a harmless, veget able remedy to digest the foud and thus glvo It tlio much needed rest. This is tho ocrct of tho success of this pe culiar remedy. Xo matter how weak or how much disordered tho digestion may bo, Stuart's Dyspepsia will digest tho food whether tho stomach works or not. Xow life and euergy is given nut only to tho stomach but to every organ and nervo in tho body. A trial of this splendid medicine will convince tho most skeptical that Dyspepsia and all stomach troubles can ho cured. The tablets are prepared by the Stuart Chemical Co., of Marshall, Mich., but so popular has the remedy become that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets can now be obtained at any drug stoic at 50 cents pir package. Send for bonk on stomach diseases free. r'HARLES DERR'S Barber Shop ! A JURY'S NOVEL VERDICI. i 12 West Centres Street. Our Hot Towel Shave H in-t-o-nmg pnpnlir Yu wilt 1fcp It. We m ,ke nfllieitnlt) nf bftlr cutting. HUaVaPHREYS' v$2 'VETERIHARYSPECIFICS lor Horses, Cattle, Shoop, Dogs, Hog;, AND F0ULTR7. SOOTnao Donh nit rrt-ntinpiitnf Animals nud Churl hent Free. ccnnscFcTcrs, Congestions, Inllnimnntlon A.A.iMiltml .tl.'til nult in, il 1 1 k 1'nver. JI.Il.Mialus, J.amcttrss, itlii-niiiatlsm. C.C.ItHtcitiitcr, nsnl Uischurgua. .D.ltotM or 3rubs, Worms. l'.K.Cnughs, Ilrnvcs, rnt'umonla V.K.f'nllc or (irlprs, Jlellrncbc. ;.:. Mtncnrrlaun, IleitiurrbiiRCH. ll.ll."Ui-lnury ntul Kidney JHsetiBcs. J.I.Criiiiilvo DIsrnNFfl, ninnsc. J.K lliacasca of Jllgeutlont rarnlysl. Single Bottle (over 60 doses), - ,00 Htablo Cnsc. with Specifies, ManuaL Veterinary Cure Oil and Jtodlcatoii $7.00 Jnr Vctcrlunry Cure Oil, 1,00 Sold cynrnrtl.lit er.Dt prvptlj ftajwbrre and Inter qmiitltr on receipt of prlce- lll'JiriinETS'JItn. CO., ill & Jismillam Ft., Ke-Tott. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. In iisn 3f) vpnr. Tha cult nernNflful rfimedff for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from orer-work or other causes. 1 per or 6 rials and largo vial ponder, tot $5. Sold by Lraggliu.or MOt jxnt j'ld on receipt of price. IltMl'lIUElb' BbU. fa, 1 H A 1 U ttlUUm bU, Itswlork. Kor ailu nt l'oviiHk a ilrug it ore, JS Kurt Cwitr street. The Srcntid ill n Taint I'rlro Tight t'nu. ilrti-d iiT IVInnsliillghtrr. Nr.w Vohk, O.-t 14. A novel verdict wns reiuloretd before Justice Smytholti the eriiiilnnl brntichof tho supremo court ye terdav nfternoon. It wns In tho case of Gcorgo Jones, who was on trial for man slaughter. .Tonos wns second in a prize fight on July 8 last In 11 stable. Tho ilght ors wore John S. Hogner, II! years old, and Henry Horldguos, BO years old. Tho latter tiled from Injuries received In tho fight. Tho jury dellboratodfornivirlythree hours 1 over tho ovldoiioo, nnd convicted Jones of manslaughter in tho second degree. The I novelty of tho verdict Is that they rcoom-1 mended oxtrnmo clomoncy, nnd that sen-1 tenco Ijo suspetulod. William Koennn, IS yours old, was placed on trial for man-1 slatlghtor for having participated in the samo prlzo fight. Merchant Crnti ford Iterntits. St. lA)Ut9, Oct. H. Dougald Crnwford, tho big dry goods morcltant who dis charged thirteen of his mon last Saturday beonuso thoy announced tholr intention to vote for Bryan and Sowall, has ropentod his action, and over his own signature, In i public lottor, says ho will tnko tho mon back. In part ho" says : "I havo Invited all of tho mon to occupy tholr former po sitions without los9 of salary since they left my employ. A man in nnger often makos mistakes, but I do not bcllovo he loses any of his manhood by admitting his error, t doslro ovory man in my em ploy to vote as ho pleases, but I boliovo that ovory man who carefully studios ex isting conditions should vote for McICln- ley." Vessel nnd Crow ClUen Up for Lost, BOSTON", Oct. H. Tho owners of the barkontino Thomas J. Stewart, bound from Weehawkcn to this port, havo given tho vessel up for lost. Tho Stewart left Now York Sept. 8 via Sandy Hook. Tito vessel was loaded deep with over 1, 1U0 tons of coal. Tito presumption is tlmt sho wns caught in tlio hurricane on Sept. 8 und 11 and capsized. Tho Stewart was com manded by Captain T-i. C. Blake, of Brewer, Mo., and her first mate was Jo seph Connors, of North Castine, Mo. The cook was Charles W. Gray, of Orlnnd, Me. Tho crew were Dutchmen, l'hllip Boyn ton, of Bangor, who was learning naviga tion, wns also on hoard, making tho on- tire ship's crew eleven men. Author Iu MaurUrs Vitnornl. London, Oct. 11. Hainpsteiid church was crowded yesterday with friends nnd rohttlvos of tho late George Du Maurier, tho artist-author, who tiled on Thursday last, and whoso remains wero cremated tit Woking on Saturday. The funeral cere monies attracted n largo crowd of artistic and llti-rarvmnn nndothers, Including tho ontire staff of Punch. Canon Aingar olll elated, and four bearers carrlod tho bier, upon which was n gold casket containing the uslies of DuMaurler. Tho casket, after tho funeral ceremonies, wero interred In tho church yord undor a yew treo. Tho Horn! wreaths Included several from ac tresses who havo played tho part of Trilby. Tour Vi-sscls "Washed Anliorc', VlNF.VAim Haven, Mass., Oct, 14. Tho vlnlont northeast gale which began Sun day morning has not abated, and nil Mon day night the wind blew nt a rate of forty miles an hour. Tho harbor is full of ships, nvd more dainago resulted Monday night than at any tlmo during the galo. Tho British schooner Sower went asharo em tho beach. Tho schooner Fatinlta parted her moorings and went ashore at tho head of tho harbor. Tho cutboat Einnia Louise and tho Bethel steumer Helen May wero also driven ashore. TKRi. v-.4 Norm Sixth St. ih aKSn&J 3i1 wo cn Green St. PHILADELPHIA. C - C- GUARANTEED. iSv l.jUITinl,ttAilltX(Cy;r nud II sAJ STniCTunr., lood Poison, Vij. TfrGENCRAL DLu'LlTY, LOST VlCOH, EXCESSES AND ALL OTHr? (fg&$J-E7'rCCTS OF YOUTHrUL ''VP FOLLY OF BOTH SEXES Pern Nine ntly cured cfliPPu ono tle Jms lulli-d. 10ST MANH0C3 AND S:.UflE 0R3ANS RSTCR'J. No matter whiitfctir-rirlvd frtnter'! riiiou i),v"torfand aplnl lit claim, write, irtiit or eaj-, iM Mr. Tiicil ktio moro nJwut tbeio dlw-iwi t.n-1 tow to ti it " ri luc-titfUU iban U otheri eoiuMnH, nn.l ttr all ltn ll too, to tbilr nor row. Poor attl ltd'li. Ii tou ro rt-b i iu-1 t iciIuiUcJ, anj you Uh ta get Hoiit.it ami iSJIirul trmtnitnt, trjr onoo more ti.tl lr. Tlit-vl. anlbeUlcjrTou ,.i lv y If euro Is nlbk-. No l4Ht'ptlon no Fule llcprfucittuttoii, 1'n.h ouci curwl lu to 10 In. bod Ilo IT't. nt dtaruH Tot Trulli Best of all for Blnclo or Marrloi!, touii or old. Only lluok ci tMialaft q'jncki. Iluun: U 3. Fu in?; ii 3. Houra for exatn luailunaudtrfattaentlnKemliigh (hi i an dangerous cmsci, dllj, OtoS. Wid.cndSaUeTB..jtolO. Sun.,Utoia. Trc.l nieut by ninll. ftrlcteit Btvrocy luiirnnlfrd. PokUI vrly t luvtt'kt cliitrgf latLUcltytur tbu hemt try ulinf nl. DO. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To all euffpm. or I.ItltOKS OV VOUTH, ;tm t uii oi-i:Ai:s iw Hits A.N 15 WOJiKV 'J-9 paevt coin twund;v cuiely aeuiw-ti ih, u tUd't.. 1 f .ttutfiiibnmll atnct'r O'lfH; in I and r-irt-. iulclt our crunran" "if. v him tier tnw standing, X Kill Ivt'yc-" "u. Wilt or cud. rjR HPR 320 !i. 15fn St. PfcHd.Pa. The llest lnr Cldlilren. "I believe ChaiiiDcrlain's Cough Remedy is the best for children I ever used. For cioup it is unequalled. It is a splendid seller tilth us. T. M. Kcklcs, I'll. G Manager Wanipum I'hnrniacy, Wampum, l'a." When used as soon as the first symptoms appear, that is as soon ns the child becomes hoarse or even after the croupy cough has appeared, it will prevent tho attack. Tho mothers of croupy children should bear this In mind and always keep tho remedy at hand. It is also tho best medicine in tho world for colds and whooping cough. For sale at and 50 cents per bottle by Gruhlor Bros., druggists. A Handsome Complexion is one of the greatest charms a woman can posseas. TozzoNi'a Complexion I'orrsnn gives it. 0 in t H0 3ufi S'1''' PJV'MOIVAH S SAFE For sale nt l'ovlinky's ilrnir storn, 2S Eat Centre street. Sharp-ib, inters for Cuba, New Yomc, Oct. 11 Tho World says: Gcorgo Bartelett, fonnorly u United States goveriynent scout nt Wounded Kuco, S. D., tiR-fono of tho bust shnrpshooters In tho country, has boon engnged by tho Cu bans in this city to tnko a band or urtv sharpshooters to Cuba to aid tho insur gents, Tho sharpshooters are in hiding In different parts of tho city, whero they will remain until thoy receive Instructions from their loader to bo ready to sail from a port a short distance from New lork. I.lcctrlo Hitters. Electric Hitters Is a medicine suited fur any season, but perhaps more generally needed tn the snrim:. when the hiiiiiitid exhausted feeling Prevails, when tho liver Is torpid and I sluggish and tho need of a tonic nnd altera tive is telt. A ptompt use nl tilts medicine has often aveited long and perhaps fatal bilious levers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and fleeing tho sys tem Irmu tin- mala ml pnisun. lteaiiacue, Indigoftion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to Klectric Hitters. Only fifty cents per bottle at A. Nasloy s drug stole. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. c. S. PHILLIPS, JI. 1). OIUcoi 80 Went Centre street, Cun beoommltod at all hours. p F. 11UUK15, 31. V. SO X. Lloyd trt, Bbouattdaah, Offlco hours I 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to V p. m. J. " l'OMUitoy. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Hhenaiuloah, 1'n. -4- M. UUItlClt. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ofllc Bgan hulldlng, corner of Main and Centre street., Shenandoah. siioifAKi:it, ATTOUKEY-AT-LAW. Corner Market nud Centre streH. PKOF JOHNJONBS, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, l'a. Having .tudled under some of the beti master m London and l'arls, will give lesson, on the violin, guitar and vocal culture, Term, reasonable. Addreu In care of Ktrouao, the eweler, Shenandoah, AN ELEGANT BUTTON FREE with each package of 1 1 PORAL IltS SWEET CA CIGARE AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE a collection ore WITHOUT COST. ! ii tjwTn l i , J.,lll,li.lilill..it,.hll s "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES EVERY WOitfiMrt Sometltxe. needs a reliable, monthly, Tcgulatlng medicine. Onlr I'arralose ani tho purest drug, should be usea. If you want the beat, i,ct Or. PeaS's Pennyroyal PaSSs Tber are prompt, safe ami certain In roBo't. The k-enulnefDr. l'eal'.l nrTerdump uolut. Beat anywhere, 81.00. Addreu j?ha.i Medicine Co., Cicvcluu, O, For salo bv P. P. D. KIlil.IN, Shenandoah. Pa. R R SYSTEM pera. Railroad. Urging tluliin Agtilnst the IlrltUli. London, Oct. 11. A dls.ii.itch from Ber lin to Tho Stundaril snvs that reports havo been received from Tripoli that tho khu nfa hits u.ketl the sulbtus of Witdnl, Bag- hlrml, Baruti, Sokata and Gitndo to i-up-port him in repelling the British advance In tho Soudan, or otherwise the Christians will conquer all tif the Mahometan states nf Africa. The khalifa nl suggests to thtwe mil tuns that thoy attack the Kttro pOHii Mittleiuent ou the Bentte and the Mger. It is tirpriintf to many that foot hall players and other athletes regard a sprain or bruit of so little coniequence. Due reaaou of this is, they know how to treat kiich injuries w as to recover from them iu a few days, while others would be laid up for two or three weeks, if not longer. WrltliiK from Central State Normal School, Lock Haven, Pa., Mr. W. II. Loach, captain of tho Ixso ball club and gymnasium says : "I tako pleasure instating, that member. of our bate 111 club and myaolf liavo used Cham berlain's Pain Ilalin 1 with most excellent re sults. I unhesitatingly recommend it us tlio bet remedy for sprains, swellings, cuts aud bruises, of any that I know," For sale by (1 miller Bros., druggists. IN EFFECT MAY 17. 1890. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows : for Now York la l'hilnilelnhla. week dflv. 210, SSi, 7 20 n. m., 12 IS, 3 00 and 5 53 p. n. Sundays, 2 10 n. in. For New ork via Mnuch Chunk, week davr 5 in, 7 20 a. 111., 12 ts nnd 3 0) p. m. For lti-ndlug and I'hlladelphin, week dayt 2 10, 5 2.1. 7 M a.m., 12 t i, 3 0 nud S 55 i. m. Bun davs, 2 10 a. in. For I'ottsvllle, week nays, 'i 10; 7 -jo a. m., anr 2 -IS, 3 Oi) and 5 55 p. 111. Hundays, 2 10 a. ni. For Tiunanim and Mahanoy City, week dart, 210,5 25, 7 20 a. m., 12 4S, 3 00 and 5 55 p. ru Sundays, 210 a. m. For w Ulianistiort. Hunliury anil Lewlsbuni weekdays. 3 23, 1130 a. in., 150 and 7 23 p. m Humlars, 3 25 n. 111. For ialianoy l-iane, wceKuays, i iu. a si, 02a 7 20. 11 SO a. III.. 12 4S, 1 50, 3 00,5 55, 7 25 and 8 6f p. in. sunuays, z iu, s n. in. For Ashland and Shntnnkln, week days, 8 25. 7 20,1130 n. in., 180,725 and 9 55 p.m. Sun dnvs, S 23 11. in. For Uftltlmore, Washington anil the WealTl.' II. ,tO. It. It., through trains leu-1 lteadlnt Terininal. 1'hiladclphln, (F. .t It. If X.) at 3 20, 7 55, 112a. 111., 3 10 nnd 7.27 p. 1 Sundays 3 20,7 00,1120 a.m., 3 40 and 7 27p.m. Addi tional trains from Twenty-fourth nnd Chest nut streets station, week flays, 10 30 a. in. 12 20. 12 It 8 40 p.ln. Sundays, 1 35, 8 23 p. m. TKAIN3 FOI! SHENANDOAH. Leave New York via Philadelphia, weeV days, 4 80, 8 00 a, 111., 130, 4 30, 9 00 p. In. and night. Sundays, 0 00 p. tn. lxiave New York via Maucli Chunk, week days, 4 30, 9 10 a. III.. 1 30 nud 4 15 11. 111. lavt) Philadelphia, ltt-adlng 'terminal, week days, 4 20, 8 31, 10 05 n. 111. aud 4 03, 0 30, 11 SI n. 111. Sandavs. 11 30 11. 111 I.eave Heading, week days, 135, 710, 10 OA 11 53 a. in., G 00 and 8 20 p. 111. Sundays, 1 a3 a. pi Ixave Pottsvlllc, weekdays, 2 35, 7 40 a. m. 12 30 nnd a 12 p. 111. Sundays, 2 35 a. in. I.fuvu Tainaiiia. week dayn, 3 IS, 850, 11 58 m., 1 27, 7 20 nnd 9 43 p. m. Sundays, 3Mn.ni leave Mahanoy City, week day., 8 45, 9 2J 11 47 a. m., 2 03, 7 4 1 nnd 10 08 p. 111. .Sundays, 3 it n. in. Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00. 630,9 37, 11 59 a. Ml., 1 12, 2 19, 5 20, 0 96, 7 57 ant! 10 23 p. in. .Sundays, 2 40, CO a.m. Leave Wlllinmsport, week days, 7 42, 1010 a 111., 3 35 and 11 41 p. 111. Sundays, 11 15 p. in. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Iuve Philadelphia Clieetnut strett warl bd South strectwliail tor Atlantic uny. W. ekihiys Eipn-Bs, 9 Oil a. 111., 2 00, 100, 5 00 p. in. Aeeoiunioilatlon, K 00 n. 111., 30 p. 111. Hiinday. lpn, 9011, 1000 a ni. Aucoiu. motlutiou, M)0n. 111., 1 13 p. 111. HeturnliiK leave Atlantic City depot, cornel Atlantic- and Arknn.n. nvenue.. H'kda Kxiiriw. 7 35, 9 00 a. lu., 8 30, 5 00 li.lil. AecuninmtlatUui, h 15 u In, 4 32 p.m. Sunday. Hxpn-Ki,, 4 00. 7 30 11. 111. Accommo dation, 7 15 a. Ill , I 15 p. 111. Parlor Car. 011 all oxprea. trains. I. A. HWEIOAKI), (1. O. HANCOCK, tlen'l Superintendent. (ten'l P.. Air A genuine welcome walteyoti at JOE WYAIT'S SALOON, Cor. Haiti and Coal Sts. Plnwt whiskey, livers porter anl ale enpttantly on tap. Oboice toioperanw rirtuka ami citfars. 8CHUYKIIX DIVISION. Skiti:miii:u2j, 1890. Train- will Icuve Slu'imiulonti lifter the bor date for W'lpunnM, (!ilbirtnn, Kruokllle( Dark Water, St. Onlr, rottaville. HamburK, HeaHn(ir, I'ottstoivn, I'hofnixvllle, Norritovn and Phil, adelplila (Itrnad street station) nt GO and 1145 a. in. and I 20 ii. in. on week days. For Pottu file and intermediatn etatlona 9 10 a, m SUNDAY. For WlRKan. Ollberton, IJVackvllle. Dark Water, St. Clair, Pott-tvlllo, at 6 0S, 9 40 a. m. and 3 10 p.m. For Hamburg. Heading, Pottstown, rhoenlxvllle, Norritowu, Philadelphia at 6 POL J 40 a. in., 3 10 p. tn. Trains leave rracKvine lor Shenandoah M 10 40 a. in. and 12 11, 5 01, 7 42 and 10 27 p. m. Sunday, 11 13 a. in. and 5 40 p. in. Ieave PottvHle for Shenandoah at 10 15, 11 iS a. ni. nnd 1 40, 7 15 and 10 00 p. in. Sunday at 10 40 a. in., 5 15 p. m, heavu Philadelphia, (Hroad street station), fox Shenandoah at 5 57 and 835 n, in., 4 10 and 711 p. in. week days. Sundays leave nt 6 50 a. m. Leave Drond ftreet station, Philadelphia, tor Sea Ulrt, Ahbury I'ark, Oeean Grove, Long; Branch, and Intermediate stations, 4 03, 5.50, 8.25, 11.39 a. in., a 3. 3.30, 4 05 p. in. week-days, 5 00 Saturdays only. Sunday (stop at Intcrlaken for Anbury Park), 4 (rt, 8.25 a, Irfave Broad btrtet Station, Philadelphia, FOIt NEAV YOItK. Impress, week-days, 3 20, -1 VS, 4 50, 5 15, 5 50. 73.1, ft'JO, 9!, 1021 (Dining Car), HOOrt.m. 12 0 noon, 12 35 (Limited la) und 4 22 P. in. DhdnKCurtl, 1 40, 2 30 (I)inlnjr Cnr) 3 20,3 50, 4 0),5OO, 5 5fl( Dining ('ail, 0 00. 0 50, 8 12,10 00. p. m., 1201,nlKht. Sunday, 3 20, 4 05, 150,515, " lu si, iMninjr iiri, u ut n. m 12 35, 2 3D J DItilt.K C'nrJ , 4 00 ll.lmlted 1 22 DinlllK Car, 5 20, 5 53, Diniun Car, 035, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. in., 12 01 lifjilit. Kxprins for Itontoii without elianse, 1100 a. in., week-days, and G 50 p. m.t dally. FOK WASHINGTON AND Tim SOUTH. For Haltlmre and WivshliiL'ton, 3 50, 7 20, 8 81, Jin? Car), When you waut good rooflug, plumbine gas fitting, or general tinsmithing doiio call on E. F. Gallagher 18 Yest Centre street Dealer lr 8tc-ca l-tf K juiiiiinre nnu W ashington, 3 50, 7 30, 8 8 1123 a. in., IS 09 Mill Limited Dl If). 1 12. 3 IS. 4 41 (5 19 IV,nL.r,.H.Inn Limited, Dining Car), 6 17, 6 55 t Dining Car), 7 5H (Dining Car) p. in., nml 12 05 night weeK uaj-B. nuunnyH, 3 no, 7 20, 9 12, 1123 a. m., 12 09 1 12, 4 11, ( 5 II Cougrewloiinl Limited, DIubiK Carl, 6 55 (Dining Carl, 7 5a p. m. (Dining Car) and 1203 night. For Sea (llrt, Spring Lake, Ilelmnr Oeron firnvo, Anbury Park and Lung Ilrnni h. 0 VI. 825aud U39n in., 330 and 100 p. iu. week day.. Sunday., 8 25 a. m. FOK ATLANTIC CITY. Leavollroad utraet tptatlou, Phlladi IpMa (na Delaware river bridge), eprc, 7 u. m. dally. I.eave Market .treet Ferry, eiiirem,. tr, to., 2 00, t 00, f 00 p. Ill Sunday., 8 I". 9 45 in Aeeouililiulatlon, 8 00, 8 20, a. In,, 3 ll unci 120 p. in., w eek day.. Sundays, 8 Ou, I ' a. m . 4 00 and 500. p. tn. For CHIM. Htl.V. i niplaaM..., V'll.l........t ana 1T..I1.. ll..n..l. .. ...i CI ...I- ..... i ..." ,n.i.., mi, am 1.1. ,.,ty. ii.-hi, , i and week Avaioi. Kipre, UuOa. m., 4 Co p uayH. .-luuiiaya, v wa. m. Kipiea., 9 10 a. la., and asn. 4 jh p. m. "ni ov. Siindaya, 80 a. m. For Hutnvra Pnlut. Rxprum. m , 4 00 p. in. week day.. Sunday., 8 IS a m B. M. I'cmmr, - j, u, w ,, ,r, Oen'l Jlanager. Gen'! I'iu- t r Aall nillions of Dollars Go up In smoke ovory year. Tako ne risks but get your houses, stock, fur nlture, etc., insured lu first-class re liable companies as represented by DAVID FAUST, iScLW' Also Life and Accidental Compauloa. BROM-KOLOA ALCOHOLIC, NERVOUS AND BILIOUS HEADACHES Curod by this granular effervescent and tlmu Innt. An itiHtant euro for sour stomachs and headaches, which often accumulate from having a night out. JOHN F. CLEARY, BOTTLER OF CARBONATED DRINKS, 17 and 1 9 Peach Alley, Shenandoah Jib