The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 14, 1896, Image 1

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    jT0L. il-NO. 255. 'SHENANDOAH, PA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOMtt U, 1800. ONE CENT.
Myb&AtSWf Jm:m " " " continue regardless of the rainy wether. It
wts&Zto'imL !
1 jv-iSv Oust Received.
From $4.25 to 16.50. Mode in the latest styles with hand
' sewed and cemented f cams. Tbey arc absolutely water
proof goods and prices guaranteed.
I From $1.65 to 3.5a. A vcrylinrgc assortment.
Fine silks at surprising prices.
Ladies' and gent's, from 50 cents and upwards.
Oil Cloths,
and . . .
snaaes. best value ever
Lager Beer, Porter and Ale.
All the product or this brewery are made of
pure malt and hops of which we buy the best
and endeavor .always to
that can possibly be produced.
Eduction in Wall
From .25 cents to 20 cents;
accordingly. ThU sttrtk
can enlarge my store
Come at onw-Aiid take advantage of the
- T J
- Jardln St., Shenandoah, Pa.
?he chances are i6to i that yon
lig new oats A great deal of
and light in weight. We oiler
and heavy. The price may be
I j One Car Choice Winter Wheat Middlings.
klaekerel This season's catch
anc Creamery Butter.
Patted Ham
mirdi Trmo-iif nufi fMiinnfr1 Hfif
Corned Beef
Good Laundry Soap -
irictly Pure Kettle Rendered Lard,
. . . Pure Old Apple
Our Spices are
aa n ,( i rtinu uil w i ni
iJJur stoc
oitst patU
ur stock of Floor Oil Cloth and
st patterns and lowest prices.
ock of RAQ CARPETS ve have
jm 25 cents up
31 lt,INAIJl-JVJ-M-l,
$25 Upwards.
We carry a full line of
Window Shades,
and Covers.
North Main St.,
Shenandoah, Pa.
from 10 cents to 8 cents. All other grades
must bo disused of at once, in order that I
TIicbo bargains, will hold good for a short time
Any Risk.
will make your horses sick by
new oats now in market are stained,
a car ot white .oats stnctlv old
a little higher but the quality is
White and Fat.
Mixed Whole Spices for Pickling.
Fine Fresh Dairy Uutter.
and Tongue.
Sslirrvlrtad Pnrlfittli
10 cents a can.
- 10 pieces for 25c.
the Highest Grade and Strictly Pure.
Linoleum is larger than ever. The
We invite attention to the largest
ever had. All grades and prices
- rINJ l"M-.
Veteran Campaigners, Palmer and Buck'
ner, Compelled by a Railroad Wreck
to Disappoint an Audience Assembled
to Meet Them at Nashville.
DtJLTJTlt, Minn., Oct 14. "William Jen
nings llryan and his party arrived In this
city shortly after (1 o'clock Inst evening,
and tho cumlldnto made two speeches horo.
Tho day's campaigning tour had covered
tho route from Minneapolis to Duluth,
and at overy station of worthy slzo along
tho lino Sir. Bryan spoko to goodly crowds.
Upon his arrival In this city ho was mot
by a reception cominlttoo, and, with Mrs.
Bryan, was escorted to tho St. Louis hotel
for dlnnor. Ho was then drtvon to tho
Lyceum thonter, whoro ho addressed an
enthusiastic meeting of women. Thenco
ho proceeded to tho car barn, which was
packed to the utmost with tho laboring
men of Duluth. Hero Mr. llryan was pre
sented with tho last utotisll necessary for
the signing of a silver bill when It should
reach him, providing ho should bo elected
an clegnnt silvor Ink bottle, filled with
tho Hum necossary for tho purposo.
Charles A. Towno was chairman of both
meetings, and nt each of them ho pre
sented tho nomlneo In a neat speech.
3Iorc lViinnylvnuIatit Visit IMcKlutcy.
Caxto.v, O., Oct. II. A special train of
six coaches arrived yostcrday, aftor bolnpr
on tho road slnco 5 o'clock Monday even
ing. I hey were minors, mechanics and
other citizons of tho Lohlgh Vnlloy of
Pennsylvania. Tho inclement weather
still continued, and tho visitors were tnkon
to tho Tubernaclo, whoro Major Mclvlnley
wtnt to rocelvo their irreotlnrts. Thoy rhvo
him a most enthusiastic reception and ap
plauded his address to tho echo. Tho vis
itors wore Introduced by ox-Congressman
Charles N. Ilrumm.
Campaigners Pelnyeil liy n Wreck.
Nashville, Oct. 14. John M. Palmer
and fci. H. Iluckucr, who wero to have
spokenln thisclty last night, did not reach
hero untllmldniiht,thodoluy being; caused
by a wreck on tho Louisville and Xush
vlllo railroad. A largo audience had as
sembled at tho Opera House and was ad
dressod by Dr. William Kverltt, of Massa
chusetts, who spoko for tho National
Democratic ticket and platform.
Fusion Talk In North Carolina.
ItALEIUII, JJ. C, Oct. 11. Tho Populist
conimltteo moots tonight to consider the
Democrats' proposition to fuse. Chairman
Ayer said today that it would not be ac
cepted In Its prosont shape. Ho said tho
Populists wero satisfied with their con
gressional arrangements already nmdo
with tho Republicans, but tho arrange
ments which nlonoremained possible was
tlio displacing of Watson (Dora.) by
Guthcrio (Pop.) for governor, or tho mak
ing of any arrangement betweou those
two as to senator and governorship, ex
cept that Watson must como from tlio
head of any tlokot thus arranged.
Indiana' flold Standard Tarty.
INDIA.VAI'OLIS, Oct. 11. Tho stftto board
of elections yesterday decided that tho
electoral ticket of tho National Democrats
should bo called tho gold standard tlokot.
The board had previously notified Mr.
Pickens, tho chairman of tho stato cen
tral conimltteo of tho National Democrats,
that tho ticket uould not go on tho ballot
under tho namo of National Domocratio,
and requested him to send In another
name. This Mr. Pickens declined to do,
stating that tho party which ho roprosented
was tho only National Domocratio party,
and that tho namo was descrlptlvo as well
as legal.
At Kenclilnskl'H Arcade Cafe.
Oyster soup to-night.
Hot lunch to-inorrow morning.
I'eru'n Chamber of Deputies IEefuse to
LeguMco Tliem.
Lima, Oct. 14. Tho chambor of deputloa
yesterday rejected tho senate's project to
provldofor the registration of and thus to
legulizo non-Cathollo marriages.
In Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia Protest
ants cannot bo legally marrlod without
becoming Itoman Catholics. Tho project
referred to In tho nbovo dispatch was de
signed to correct this nhuso as regards
Peru. Tho Chicago Methodist ministers
callod the attention of Prosldont Clovo
land to the pecularlty of tho marriage law
in thoso countrlos.
A subsequent report gavo a spoclflo case
or a air. llazeltlno anil a Miss Wood, i'ro-
tcstnnts and Amorlcnn citizons, who wore
marrlod according to their faith In Cnllao,
all posslblo means bolng tnkon to comply
with the laws of civil registration. A do
creo issued by Sonor Ilantln, tho Peruvian
secretary of stato, refuses civil registration
to Mr. Hazeltlno's marriage with MlsJ
Wood, speclllcally on tho ground that It
was not celebrated acoordlng to tho rites
established by tho council of Trent. This
case was made tho subject of reprosenta
Hons by tho state department to tho gov
ununontof Peru.
Ilrenntiii's Now lte.taunuit.
llcnn soup to-liiiiht.
l'oa soup to-morrow morning,
G. A. It. Special Meeting.
Tlio members of Watkiu Waters Post Xo.
IK), G. A, It., are re-iioited to attend a
special meeting of the Post to bo held at
Maley's Jewelry store, North Mala street,
on Thursday, 15th lust., nt 7:30 p. la., to
nmko arnuiL'emcnts for attending the funeral
of Comrade John D.uhlow. Ily order of
It Htxnv KISKNIIAUT, Cuuiiimnder,
The Last Thii Days or Sport.
Don't miss tho last races at Hazleton,
October 23rd and 21th i S1.000 in purses.
Horso and bicyclo races. Uxcurslon rates
from all points.
lu-13-10t II- n JvEVN, ec y.
Itiilny Wciitlidr Wimt Mop
orso Snip.
To-morrow afternoon, at 0110 o'clock,
Wnliirou's big horse sale lioglii mid will
continue regardless of tlio rainy weather. It
will bo remembered that some time ago ho
conducted a side hero in the street when the
rain poured down in torrents ami lie wys he
will do the same thing to-morrow. His
horses arrived last night in his own palace
horso car, which is a horse parlor 011 wheels.
Tho horses were taken at onco to O'llara's
livery stables, where the side will lie held.
All the local judges of horses in the city pro
noutieo this by far the hest lot that he, or
any tyio else, over brought to Shenandoah.
In fu$t many of tho wisest ones said they
were too good for this market and that It is
almost a pity to put such horses up at auction
in this town. Howevor, Waldron says that
overy 0110 must and will bo sold, no matter
how small a bid is made, as that is how ho
does business and every 0110 hero knows from
past experience that he docs not run a mock
sale. Until ho started coming hero town
peoplo never saw a genuino horse sale witli
no by bidding, and now that tuey have found
0110 who doos business In a business way they
should stand up and patronize him, and not
listen to tho groans of a couple of disgruntled
anilsclfish dealers. Ho has horses of every
size, color and description and will exchange
before tho sajo if so desired.
Lincoln Will. Hall
At Bobbins' opora house, Thursday evening.
Another View nf the Content from n Dem
ocratic 1'nrty Leader.
Chicago, Oc. 11. Chairman Jones, of
tho Domocratio national comnilttoo, gavo
out a statement last night characterizing
as absurd tho figures showing tho prob
able result of tho oloctlon as given out by
Senator Quay. Chairmnn Jones statos
that In all tho statos classod by Senator
Quay as doubtful a comploto and linr
monlous fusion between tho Democrats,
Populists and silver Republicans exists,
rendering them certain for Urynn. For
tho samo reason ho clnssos as doubtful tho
states of Iowa, Ohio and Wisconsin, and
and claims for Ilrynn tho electoral votes
of Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky,
Michigan, .Minnesota, North Dakota and
West Virginia, nil of which wero claimed
for Mclvlnley by Mr. Quay. Tho table
given out by Chairmnn Jones glvos 81
votes fts certain for McKlnlcy, 27'J for
llryan and t7 as doubtful.
At llrceii's Itlalto CiUo.
Nico scalloped oysters will be served ai
free lunch tu-uight. Plenty for everybody
Vegetable soup to-morrow morning.
Meals served at all injurs.
Thu SIllKlng i:aiignllit.
w I!ov. V. V. Davis, of Ashland, tho singing
evangelist, was greeted by a largo congroga
tlou in tlio .u. t:. chinch lust night, lie is so
favorably known as a singer of the gospel,
many ciiuio from distant towns to hear him
notwithstanding tho inclement weather. All
wero led under tlio power of song to acknowl
edge tlio truth. In deep sympathy witli the
revival spirit of tlio meeting, liov. Davis
most aptly adapted his selections to tlio ono
great purpose of tho service. In tlio quiet
stillness while he sang, the thought of many
was directed heavenward. Ho will be
followed to his new field in Oregon by the
prayers of many people.
Kendrlrk Holme free I.tinch.
Vcgctablo soup to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Important Nnlici1.
Notico is hereby given to all parties having
their properties connected with the I'lyim
sotter, to meet in Mellct's hall on Wednesday
evening, tlio 11th inst., at 7:30 o'clock, for
tho purpose of adopting some plan to remedy
the present evil that exists from that source.
Ily order of
' Patrick Coxttv,
Health Ollicer,
Michael Graham,
10-13-St J. II. Mon-aciiian.
lllrthday l'arty.
"A birthday party was given Miss Emma
Isgato last evening at tho homo of her
parcuts,on West Apple alley. Singing, glanc
ing and games wero indulged In, after which
a supper was Berved. Tho following woro
present : Hannah Loeb, Annie Marshall,
Hazel Marshall, Edna Myers, HattloStaufier,
L'dlth Itoyers, John Ilrlght, Harrison Ilrlght,
John Kelly, Joseph Loeb, Willie James, Ells
worth Echer, David ltogcrs, Albert lilacknou,
John Williams, Albert Kerposky, Talley
Kcrposky, Albert Hoggs, Willie Isgato, Mrs.
David Ilrlght, Mrs. Charles Illacknon, Mrs.
George Isuate, Mrs. Annie Kelly, Louiso
Hiudtuarcli and Sarah lingers.
lllckert'tt Cute,
Our freo Iuuch to-morrow morning will
consist of nice vegctablo soup.
livening School.
Hoys and girls wishing to attend the even
ing schools, which commence, next Monday
evening, can secure permits at the office in
the Main street bchool building, Thursday
and Friday of this week, at 6:30 a, m. and
1 p. m.
Hoys can also secure permits on Saturday,
noxt, October 17th, from 1 to 5 p. in,, at same
place. tf
ICemelllber It Volt llato it Cough or Cold,
Pan-Tina always cures, 35c At Gruliler
lire., drug store.
Tall itl Coal,
Anthony Seduskoy, a minor, had his back
and shoulders severely cut and bruited by
a full af coal in tho Turkey linn colliery this
morning. Ilo.was removed to his homo on
West Cherry street und attended by Dr. J. C.
Hood Time l'roinUcd.
Attend tho Lincoln club ball at Itobbius'
opera house on Thuixlay night. Musio by
a first-claw, orchestra.
((runted u Pension,
Henry Hienliart, of Ilrownsvllle, who
korvod us a corporal in Co. A., 173rd Itegt.,
Pa, Infantry, was yestonlay granted a
pension of fO a mouth. Application was
made through cx-Justlce W. II. Shocuiakcr.
Tako Laxitivo llromo Quiulito Tablets. All
druggists 1 efuud the money If lit fails to euro.
23 cents.
to the
The Lat'er Enters Ball and a Denial on a
Charge of Malicious Mischief Lawyers
and a Commttteo of Council In
vestigate the Muddle.
Tho loading topic of local discussion is tho
controversy over tlio First ward sewerage
question and dllllculties arising from the
matter aro multiplying daily. Last night an
arrest followed and at least two families are
on tho vergo of slander suits. Last night
Michael (Imliam was arrested on a warrant
issued by Justice llrcnnan, of Mahanoy
township, charging him witli malicious mis
chief, on oath of Anthony l'lynn. Mr.
Graham appeared before Justice Lawlor, of
town, and cntvied $300 bail fur nppearaiico at
court. Tlio cliargo against Mr. (Jnihain i
that during tho flood caused by the stone
wall Mr. Klyim built across tho creek Mr.
(Iralinm toro down part of his fence and al
lowed the water to flow back fiom (iniliam's
property on to Flynn's. .Mr. (iraliam said
this morning that a board was torn from the
fence, hut not by him. Ho now has ills war
paint on and lias decided to put a fourteen
foot fenco nt tho limerick street end of his
property and will also post a notico at the
1'cach nllry end, warning teamsters to not
enter upon the property without his permis
sion. The etl'ect of this will be to close in
Mr. l lyini and force him to provido means
forgetting coal, etc., into Ids house. And
thus tho complications for want of a 5100
covering for a sewer continue to multiply and
it is hard to tell whoro they will end. It is
certain, however, that tho money law suits
will eat up will many times counterbalance
tlio cost of remedying thu original sourco of
complaint. It seems to lie a case of light to
tlio bitter end, regardless of cost.
On tho other hand, there are neighboring
property owners who tako a conservative and
calm view of tlio situation. Among tliem are
Health Officer Conry, J. 11. Monaghun and
also Michael (iraliam. They have de iscd a
plan calling for co-operation of all owners of
sewers that discharge into tlio troublesome
creek, whereby the course of tho creek may
be diverted from the l'lynn property without
interfering with tlio natural How. Ily this
means it is hoped to restoie peaco
in tlio community once more. The
proposition calls Into interest almost a third
of tho propel ty owners in tlio town, so that
tii6 pro rata sliaro of the expense will hardly
run up to the dollar mnr. Tho creok re
ceives tlio discharges from all tho sewer lines
on C'eutie, Lloyd and Coal streets, east of
Main street and west of limerick street, ?o
tlio number of property owners interested is
very large. It is maintained that sumo
amiciible settlement had better bo made now
and thus avoid considerable expense
in tlio future. There seems to bo little doubt
that the borough will be sustained in its
position before tho court that tho cieck is a
natural water course, and should tho court
thus determine, all who may ho contaminat
ing the creek by sewerage connections may
be indicted, or compelled to cut oil' the con
nections, or both. These interested property
owners aro called upon to meet in Mullet's
hall to night at 7:30 o'clock, and the result of
their deliberation will bo awaited with in
terest. This afternoon A. V. Schalck, V.i., of
Pottsville, counsel for the borough, J. II.
1'omeroy, Ksij., the ISorough Solicitor, and
members of tlio law and street committees of
Council visited tlio Flynn property and
vicinity to sco what authority, if any, tho
borough had In a Hording a remedy and
abating tho cause of the troublo and at
the same time glean evidence for use on the
trial of Mr. Flynn's suit against the borough
for damages in trespass and which is soon to
bo tried. Tlieso nlliclals will report at the
Council meeting to-morrow night.
James Young, who is well known in Shen
andoah, will bo at the tbeatro Thursday
night. "David Garrick," a lino comedy, will
bo the bill.
Orange IUoshoiiis.
James J. Coakiey, the prosperous young
dry goods merchant, of North Main street,
was married at 10 o'clock this morning in St.
Patrick's cathedral, on Fifth Avenue, New
York city. The happy bride is Miss Nellie
F. Connor, of New York city, daughter of
tho late Michael Connor, and formerly of
Ashland. Miss Lizzio Connor, sister of tho
bride, was the bridesmaid and Joliu'O'Uearn,
of this town, the groomsman. After the
ceremony there was a reception at tho homo
of the bride, at 831 Park Avenue, New York
city, and In the iifteruoon the bridal couple
started on their tour. After making visits of
teverald.iyscach to Philadelphia mid Wash
ington they will como to town. The Hkiiali)
joins tho many friends of Mr. Coakiey and
his bride in wishes of prosperity and happi
ness. There Neter Wim n Helter Cure
Than Pan-Tina for coughs, 35c. At Gruhlor
ISros., drug store.
Odd IVUous, Attention,
A meeting of Shenandoah Lodge, No, 591
I. O. O. F will be held at Heilly's hull, at
12 o'clock noon, on Friday next, to arrange
to attend tho funeral of our late brother,
John Daddow, of Mineral Lodge, No. 3!o.
Funeral at 1 p. in., to proceed to Odd Fellows'
cemetery. All Odd Fellows uie ropteted to
be present, ily order of
Jons D. Tkkzirk, X. (!.
Attest : JosKi-ii Disks, Sec'y. 10-1 l-at
If you want a lino wedding cake, let Otto
make It for you.
Sent to the Almshouse.
Says the Pottsville Chroniale: "William
Mitchell, who thirty yours ago was rendered
a helpless cripple by a mine accident at
Kecse's old colliery at Fisldmch, cume from
Shenandoah this luorulng and asked 'Squire
McCool If ho could bo placed in the almshouse."
Do you enjoy a good hearty laugh'' Go r r i -n. CTODF JH
and see Jamea ning play "David Garrick" ' r -J 1 V I"- 1 - T
on Tbnrsilfiv it YnoMl billili till vnu I i
cry. 16 South Main Street.
You will declare our 88c
Vase Lamp to be worth $1.25.
You can have them while they
last at 88 cents.
8 S. Main Street.
The ri liblshott Depart,.
Archbishop liyau closed his visit to this
town last night by confirming 700 children in
St. George's Lithuanian Itoman Catholic
church, mi South .lardin street. At 0:30 last
night the Anhhishop was escorted to the
church from the Polish parsonage, on Xortli
Jaidin street, by tho First Lithuanian bund
and the Lithuanian Catholic societies num
bering close upon a thousand members. The
Archbishop will not pay another visit to this
vicinity until tour years hence. It was four
years ago that his previous visit Was mode
To-day ho is ollicia ting at confirmation ser
vices in St. John's and St. Patrick's churches'
in Pottsville. Visits to New Philadelphia,
Port Carbon, St. Clair, llcchersville. Miners
villc, Treiunnt and Schuylkill Haven will
follow, and it is expected the tour will close
next Tuesday. This morning tho Arch
bishop was waited upon at tlio Annunciation
parsonage by the Ladies' Aid Society of the
Annunciation church. At 11 o'clock be
visited St. Michael's Greek Catholic church,
but was there only us tho guest of lii v.
Cornelius Laurisiu, the pastor, as tho priests
of this denomination otliciato at tho confir
mations in their own churclios. At I o'clock
this afternoon tho Archbishop left for l'ott
villo, via the Pennsylvania railroad.
Umbrellas ro-covcred while you wait at
The Keiimt Mcrlinc;.
The revival meetings In tho M. D. churili
aru still in progress. This evening, at 7:30
o'clock, liov. Alfred Heebnor, the pastor,
will, by special request, attempt to auswei
the question under discussion between some
young men, "How do wo stand rulatuo to
the future in view of the clear teachings oi
God's Word ?" livening service at 7:15.
cordial invitation to all.
Shenandoah theatre-goers will givo James
Young a line audienco Thursday night
Everybody wants to see him in "Dav.d
31 1 s, I'go At lloiiie.
Mrs. I'go, who was suddenly taken
seriously ill while on a visit to Mt. Carmel
friends, has suthciently recovered, and is now
at tho home of lior son, Joseph, on West
Oak street.
You Will bo Surprised
When you see our ladies two dongola button
shoes. You'll pay $1.50 In other stores fur
shoes no better.
I'At'Toitv Sum; Stoiic,
tf J. A. Movint, Manager.
With yuu on the subject of
Many beautiful designs and color
ing, must lie Cl0S6d Out at once
to make room for other goods.
You will be surprised at the
low prices asked for the quality
offered .
111 every style and price. This
is one of our important lines.
We carry the largest selection
in all qualities, sizes, colors
and styles. Consequently we
are able to compete with any
store regardless of size. Ve
have about one dozen of those
special 8 inch lace trimmed
and first quality Oil Cloth shades
mounted on spring rollers
to hang at 6oc.
See our line before you make
your purchases.
F.J. Portz 8c Son,
At 50c Per Bottle.
6 South Main Street.
IP n).
V . -