The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 12, 1896, Image 1

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YOL. XL-NO. 253.
From $4.25 to $16.50. Made in the latest styles with hand
sewed and cemented scams. They are absolutely water
proof goods and prices 'guaranteed.
From $1.65 to $3.50. A very large assortment.
I,adie9 ana gent s, troin 50 cents ana upwaras.
Oil Cloths,
and . . .
. vJ .
NAe still have the 49c window
snaaes.. Best value ever
Lager Beer, Porter and Ale.
All the product of this brewery are made of
pure malt and hops of which we buy the best
and endeavor always to
that can possibly be produced.
j Reduction in Wall
i. pi I tyC From 25 cents to 20 cents; from 10 cents to 8 cents. All other grades
'M fMz accordingly. This btock must bo disposed of nt once, in order that I
' J VJi VfiV cau enlarge my store. These bargains will hold good for a short time
fllv. Pnmn nt nnc nnil nlrfl rulvAntnr'M nf tlm rfr1iif tlnti.
i ...
J.'jpl u 7 1
fi 23 S. Jardin St.,
Don't Take
The chances are 1 6 to i that
Seeding new oats A great deal of new oats now in market are stained,
uusty and light in weight. We offer a car of white oats strictly old
Iouud and heavy. The price may
-une uar urioice
P;hoice goodsfresh stock.
lew Mackerel This season's catch
aucy Creamery Butter.
ratted nam
unch Tongue and Chipped Beef.
Corned Heel
Good Laundry Soap
Strictly Pure Kettle Rendered I,ard.
. . . Pure Old Apple Vinegar.
Our Spices are the Highest Grade and Strictly Pure.
Our stocfc of Floor Oil Cloth and Linoleum is larger than ever. The
latest patterns and lowest prices. We invite attention to the largest
stock of CARPETS we have ever had. All grades and prices
from 25 cer ts up.
Oust Received.
From $25 Upwards.
Hue silks at surprising prices. We carry a full lino of
Window Shades,
and Covers.
9 North Main St.,
Shenandoah, Pa.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Any Risk
you will make your horses sick by
be a little higher but tlie quality is
winter wneat ivtiaanngs.
White and Fat.
Mixed Whole Spices for Pickling.
Fine Fresh Dairy Butter.
ana Tongue,
Shredded Codfish.
10 cents a can.
10 pieces for 25c.
- PErN rN.
Few Disasters Reported Along the
' Atlantic Coast.
Of the Crew Three Were Lost and the
Others Rescued With Difficulty by Life
Savers Heroic Rescue of a Crew
OH New England,
NEW YOHK, Oct. 13. Tho storm which
Weather Observer Dunn warned Now
York city would strlko horo by nightfall
Sunday arrived promptly on tlmo. It was
about 5 o'clock in tho aftornoon when It
began to rain, and from that tlmo it began
to blow, lightly at llrst, but gradually
working up to a very high pitch. Almost
a nillo a mlnuto was tho velocity it had at
tnlnod by 10:80 p. m., and tho oitects were
percoptlblo on all sides. Tho shipping in
terests in tho harbor, having received suf
ficient warning, had ample timo to pre
pare for tho approaching storm, and it is
not likely that any great loss will occur.
Although tho wind blow at a hurrlcnno
rate along tho Now Jersey coast very littlo
damage has been reported so far. Through
out tho country districts of Now Jersey
nothing more than telegraph poles and
trees aro reported down. Accompanying
tho wind storm was a heavy rain, which
in many parts fell in torrents for hours.
At Asbury Park and Long Brunch most
of tho damage was dono by tho great
waves which wore dashed up along tho
plors and beaches, but as preparations had
been mado for tho storm tho damage was
not heavy. At thoso placos the wind at
tained a volocity of about fifty miles an
hour, and those who watched tho ocean
from tho shore said thoy had novcr scon an
angrier sea or moro tcrrillo waves.
At Sandy Hook tho gnlo was experienced
at its worst. It blow great guns all day,
and continued throughout tho night.
Several coastwiso steamers which sailed
on Saturday returned yesterday and an
chored in tho Horsoshoo to rido out tho
Vessels Escape the Fury of tho Storm in
lloston Harbor.
IIostox, Oct. 13. Never beforo In tho
history of tho local woather bureau in this
city have tho warnings of this department
been so generally heeded as during tho
past forty-eight hours. With a perfectly
bluo sky and a light cast wind tho hurri
cane signal was hoisted at 2 o'clock Sat
urday afternoon, and has remained up
over sinco. With tho exception of two or
threo largo ocoan steamers every craft in
tho harbor remained at her anchorage,
and today there Is scarcely a vessel out
bido of Boston light.
Tho advancing West India storm mado
itself evident about twelve hours after tho
hurrlcnno signal was hoisted. Tho wind
shifted to tho northwest and sinco that
timo has increased constantly in foreo, at
taining tho highest velocity about 8
o'clock last night, when it blow llfty-flvo
mllos an hour. Along tho southern Now
England coast it is raining heavily, espec
ially at Block Island and Nantucket. As
usual, Block Island reported tho greatest
wind volocity, sixty-eight miles an hour.
With tho exception of tho wreck of the
Alsatian at Baker's Island, olf Salem
harbor, no other disasters have as yet beon
reported, although tho four masted
schooner Mabel Jordan, bound in from
Philadelphia in ballast, ran ashore early
in tho morning. Sho was hauled off Inter
without sorious damage and towod to this
Tlireo Sailors Drowned ami tlio Others
Kescued by Life Savors.
LEWES, Del., Oct. 12. At daybreak yos
terday tho American schooner Luther A.
Iloby, from Schlverie, Nova Scotia, for
Philadelphia, with a cargo of plaster,
struck near tho point of Capo Honlopen
while a torrlblo northeast galo was pro
vailing. Tho vossel pounded to plocos on
tho sands beforo tho life saving men could
get a lino to her. Threo of tho crew lost
their lives, and ilvo men wcroroscued after
an awful experlonco with tho clomonts.
Tho dead uro: Harry llilby, Thomas
Slmos and an unknown Norwegian sailor.
Ono of thoso killed lost his lifo by bolng
struck by tho mainmast whon it fell.
Tho survivors uro Captain W. II. Ma
lonoy, of Boston; Mato Goorgo A. Hop
kins, Fred Olson, Aloxandor ilclan and
Kdgar Lewes. Thoy uro being cared for by
tho cruw of lifo saving station No. 2. Thoy
wero rescued after thoy had given up all
hopo of reaching shore alive. When tho
6choonor went to piccos tho flvo men man
aged to get hold of tho deck house. On
this frail raft they were buffeted about at
tho mercy of tlio enormously high seas
until thoy wero seen by tlio lifo savers. A
ropo was thrown to them and thollvo men,
now nearly exhausted, wero hauled
through tho rouring surf to a place of
Tlio Storm nt Atlantic City,
Atlantic City, Oct. 12. A sovoro north-
oast storm bognn to rage along tho ooast
ubout U o'clock yesterday morning, and
hag continued with unabated fury. The
wind blow steadily about llfty-llvo mllos
nn hour. Tho government life crow re
ports no shipping disastors along tlio
coast. In this city tho storm did consider
ablo damngo. Along tho bench front tho
ocoan ran high up under tho now osnlan
udo and Into tho hotel lawns. At Massa
chusetts aveuuo tho burled hull of a
wrecked schooner which stranded thcro
lust year was torn from her bed by tlio
tidoa and drlvou with great force against
tho iron pier, tearing away 160 foot of tho
struoture. At Texas uvouuo tho Loo pier
was smashed luto by a piece of wreckage
and tho center piling torn away.
A Messugu from tlio Dead,
Nantucket.! Mass., Oct. 12. a bottlo
was picked up on tho south sldo of tho Isl
and by James C. McClovo, which con
tained the following message written on
a plcco of paport "Sept. 1U Wo are off
Nantucket twenty milos, uud about to
sink. Plcaso notify inv wife.. Mrs. Marv
Frazor, of Gloucester. "Wo win lievorrencn
shore alive." It was signed by John C.
Fra.or, and there was nothing which in
dicated tho namo of tho vossel.
Norwegian Itnrk Wrecked.
London, Oct. 13. Tho Norwegian bnrk
Mludo, Captain Holnertson, from Sliodino,
Nova Sootla, to Manchester, was wrecked
in tho Monal strait on Saturday night.
Lifeboats succeeded In rescuing tho crow
in an exhausted condition yesterday morn-
Intense Cold In England.
London, Oct. 13. Intensocold and snow
prevails in many parts of tho united king
dom and tho recont dostructlvo galo was
renowed on Saturday night. On many of
tho coasts there was numerous casualties
nud loss of lifo.
Saved from a Watery Oravo.
GLOUCESTEK, Mass., Oct. 12. Tho Bath
schooner AUatlan, with a cargo of lum
ber, nf tcr n hard tusslo with tho tremon
dous soas, kicked up by tlio northeast galo,
lies a total wrock on tho breakers off
Bakor's Island, whllo hor captain, James
Oliver, and his crow of two men aro in
debted to Captain Young, of tho lobster
sniaok Holon M. Butlor, of this port, for
their llvos. Tlio seas woro making a clean
breach ovor tho Alsatian and threo men
woro clinging to her sides when roscued
by tho crow of tho Butlor.
Tension Agent 'C'oiivlcted.
Willi amspokt, Pa., Oct. 12. In the
United States court horo James B. Deiv
worth was convlctod of unlawfully retain.
Ing a portion of a ponslon which ho had,
In tho capacity of pension agent, secured
for Mrs. Mary Flgg, a widow. Tho amount
alleged to havo boon kept by him is 883. A
motion for a now trial was mado, and
Douworth was hold In $1,000 ball. Two
years ago Mr. Douworth was a candldato
for department commander of tho G. A. II.
Three Years for nn Ex-Ilank Cashier.
Willi AMHi'OitT, Pa., Oct. 12. In tho
United States district court horo on Sat
urday A. It. Williams, ox-cashier of tho
Tradors' National bank, of Scranton, who
pleaded guilty to making false statomonts
of Indebtedness to tlio comptroller, was
sentenced to Ihrco years in tho peniten
tiary. Eight Thousand Mi'ncrs lEesume.
Nanticoke, Pa., Oct. 12. Tho various
collieries operated by the Susquehanna
Coal company resumed onfull tlmo today.
It Is said that tho company will continue
during tho remainder of 'this year, which
Is good nows at least 8,000 miners, laborers
and slnto pickers.
llrenimn'H Now Kestuurunt.
Clam soup to-night.
Oyster soup to-morrow morning.
A Dig Horse Sato Will lie Conducted In
.Sheiialidoiih by Htm Next Thursday.
Wnldron, the greatest horse shipper th's
country ever produced, will arrive here
1 bursday with Ins horses in his ten thous
and dollar palace horso cars. Wnldron
needs 110 intruductiou in this part, as overy
0110 is tniuilinr with tho maimer in whicl
he conducts a sale, lie hns his first time
to tako a herso from a town. When thoy
enter tho ring thoy must find a new homo.
Now, thoso who aio ill need of a hoic
should not miss this opurtunity. There
will be nil kinds of horses so that everyone
cau bu suited. It will pay the peoplo 111
this vicinity to, attend this big sale. Wal
dion'suiimo alone assures them of a gen
uine auction.
This big sale will tako placo at O'Hnra's
livery stables, corner Whito and Lloyd
streets, next Thursday promptly at 1 o'clock.
Tho weather will havo no bearing on this
sale. It will tako place rain or shlno. Come
and set a horse at your own price.
I.urge Funeral.
Tho funeral of Charles Walter, li-year-ohl
son of William and Margaret Aker, took
place yesterday afternoon from tho family
residence on East Coal street and was at
tended by a largo mimbor of relatives and
friends. Services wore held in tho Bethany
United Evangelical church, Rev. I. J. licltz,
tho pastor, officiating, assisted by Kev.
Sweigart, of Ashland. The pall boarerswero
Gcorgo Powell, Harry Christ, of Tamaqua,
Samuel Hart, Goorgo Williams, Peter HeUcr
and J. W. Major. Interment was mado in
tlio Odd Fellows' cemetery.
Father Matthew Day.
Temperanco societies in gay uniform, and
crowds of visitors througed tlio streets of
Glrardvlllo Saturday morning and afternoon
to participate and witness tlio parade in
celebration of Father Matthew's birthday.
Tho parado was witnossed by his Grace,
Archbishop Hyan, of Philadelphia. Aftor
tlio convention which was held in Pennsyl
vania Hall, tlio members of the socioties and
a largo number of visitors assembled in tho
Armory and danced well on toward midnight.
Keiulrlck House Free I.uueh
Oyster soup to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Moro Supplies.
The Kplinnl Hoard nn Rfilnrrtnt- aunnl.rl n
contract for 150 Webster's haudv dictionaries
tn Hooks A llrnu-n. Thin- will l.n ,,nt..,l
among tho pupils of tho Grammar and High
The 31, ;. .Heatings.
Tho revival meetings will continue in tho
Methodist Episcopal church ovory evening
this week. The pastor was greeted by lame
congregations at tlio sorvlces yesterday.
1 Here win uo song service at 7:1a this even
ing. Povival meeting follows tho vinnon.
The pastor will preach to-night. Everybody
invited. M. E. hymnals usod at tho meet
ings. lilt Him With a llrlck.
Saturday afternoon Felix Alor struck
Enoch Stauawlcz on tho head with a brick
aud Justico Cardin committed him to tho
lockup In dfault of $300 ball. Tho assault
took place in Whykawlcz's saloon on lint
Contro street aud a peculiar feature of the
case is that the men woro entire s traugcrs to
oacli other aud there was uodllliculty pro
coding tho attuck, Alox himself could give
no reason for it.
If you want a fluo wedding cako, let Otto for you,
Looks Over the Wall in Sympathy With
His Neighbors.
a Sequel to tho Case Which Has Worried
the Boara of Health and Borough Coun
cil For Many Months Threats of
Suits For Damages.
Thoro is war in tho First ward over a
nuisance created on .1 number of properties
by tho blocking of a creek which has been
a part of the natural drainage system of tlio
borough over sinco its incorporation, and
long boforc. Tho blockade has been estab
lished by ox-High Constable Anthony Flynn
and what the ultimate result will be no 0110
can at this time conjecture.
Tho creek flows from tho northern part of
town, in tho vicinity ot ll.iird's field, nnd
takos a southoast course until it strikes an
other creok at the suiithcrn end of Emerick
street. As the town has developed people
havo built heusos along tho banks and over
tho creok and so much has tho water eourso
been hedged that many people do not know
of its existence Of course ndvantago has
boon taken of tho creek for drainage pur
poses and its contents to day are notdesimblo
to havo flowing over any property and,
therefore, it is not surprising that tho resi
dents of tho First ward affected aro up in
arms. Tlio only question is, who is respon
sible for tho condition of affairs ? Somo
peoplo say Anthony I'lynn, others say the
Borough Council, and still others Maine, the
lawyers. Time, alone, will tell.
Years aso Flynn purchased a property on
South Emerick street. Tho creek mentioned
passed through the property, tlio dwelling
being so constructed as to leave a passago for
tho flowing waters beneath, and in tho yard
tho creek was covoied by old railroad sills.
Nobody complained about tho creek until
somo mouths ago, when tlio sills bceamo so
rotten that they caved in, partly Mucking
tho creek and allowing offensive odors to
make tho surrounding atmosphere unbear
able. Mr. I' lyun complained to the Borough
Council and Board of Health, claiming that
tho creek was a public sewerage and the bor
ough should cover it. Tho complaint fluctu.
atcd between tlio Board of Health and Bor
ough Council until it becamo a chestnut, and
finally it was thrown aside on an opinion by
tho Borough Solicitor, who stated that the
creek was a natural water course, and not a
public sewerage ; and, as the break was on
privato property, the borough was not liable
Mr. Flynn said it was a public sewerage, as
tho borough had given parties permits to run
sewerage lines to tho cieek. This the bor-
oueh otticials denv. Tliev sav thev hare
given permits tS havo tiie streets dug up for
tho laying of sewerage pipes, but at no timo
does it designato where the lines shall dis
charge, only in cases of public sewerage.
Mr. Flynn then appealed to tho law and,
through George J. Wadlinger, Esq., brought
suit against the borough for damages 111 tress
pass. This suit is still pending. Pecciitly
Mr. Flynn's lawyer advised him, so it Is
claimed, to build a stone wall across tlio creek
so as to stop it flowing ovor his property and
then lay such sewerage pipes as would servo
his own purpose. Mr. I-lyun decided to fol
low the advice, but first told his neighbors
what he proposed doing. They became
greatly alarmed and called upon tho Iloroggh
Council. The Borough Solicitor adhered to
his former opinion aud said tlio best thing for
tho Council to do would bo to await tho re
sult of Mr. Flynn's suit for damages, as that
would settle tho question as to whethor tlio
creek was under the jurisdiction of tho bor
ough. Mr. Flynn waited a few days and then
started work on his wall. Ho filially suc
cooded in putting up an effectual breastwork
and the rain of last night did tho rest. The
water and sowerago first formed a pool, then
swelled by degrees until it became a dam.
Tho wall is a high ono. Tlio water had to go
somo place, how over, and it has llowed over
the adjoining premises, Tho basements on
tho J. 11. Moiiaghau property are Hooded to a
depth of two and a half feet, ami Michael
Graham, Health Ollicor Conry, Edward Mc
Guiuness aud other adjoining property
owners aro driven to desperation. Cleary,
the bottler, has several wagons in tho yard
next to his establishment aud this morning
it looked as if they would soon be filiating.
The languago the afllicted parties are using
has given the atmosphere of tlio vicinity a
sulphurous odor aud it Is hardly safe for any
body having anything to do with the manage
ment of tlio borough affairs to go within gun
shot distance of tlio scene. Meanwhile Mr.
Flynn looks ovor his stono wall with great
coinplauccncy, but occasionally deals out bits
of sympathy to his alilicled neighbors,
whobe only hope of satisfaction lios in suits
against tho borough. Should the court de
cide that Mr. Flynn is responsible for tho
condition of affairs they will only havo a
pour man to call upon for damages, Tho
First ward will no doubt be well represented
at tho Borough Council meeting next Thurs
day night.
dailies Young Coining.
James Young, tho brilliant young Balti
more tragedian, who has heretofore produced
several lino plays here, will again visit
Shenandoah, and 011 Thursday night, Octo
ber 15, will give our theutre-goern a treat in
tlio piosoutfttion of that inspiring and ro
niautlo comedy, "David Garrlek." Mr.
Young has made a bott of friends and ac
quaintances hero, who will be glad to seo him
Tako laxative Bromo Qulnlno Tablets. All
druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure.
23 cents.
Frost Defeated,
Goorgo Frost, tho local bicyclist, was
defeated by Howard Burchlll, of Jlalianoy
City, in u ono-milo bicycle race nt Lakeside
Saturday aftornoon. Little interest wag
manifested In tho raco and but littlo money
changed hands.
At llreeu's ltlnltu Cafe.
Bakod potatoes and sausage will lie served
as froo lunch to-night. Plenty for every,
Oyster soup, free, to-morrow morning.
Meals served at all hours.'
You will declare our 88c
Vase Lamp to be worth $1.25.
You can have thtm while they
last at 88 cents.
8 S. Main Street.
Archhlshiip ICjan Will Coinu to Slieunn
donll This Keening.
Tho Very lieverend P.J. Ilyan, Archbishop
of the Philadelphia diocese, after confirming
largo classes of children in the Catholic
churches of Mahanoy Piano and Girardville,
proceeded to Ashland. Ho was met at tho
lattor place by tho Ancient Order of Hi
bernians, Knights of St. Joseph aud Knights
of St. Mauritius, headed by tho Emmet Band,
all of which formed an escort to tlio Arch
bishop to the residonco of Kev. Father Mc
Gcttigan. Yesterday and this morning was
spent in conducting confirmation services in
St. Joseph's and St. Mauritius' churches and
this afternoon tho Archbishop proceeded to
St. Mary .Magdalene church at Lost Clock,
where 300 children were confirmed. This
evening the Archbishop will arrive hero and
officiate at confirmation services in the Ger
man Catholic church. To-niorfow morning
a class will be confirmed in the Annunciation
church. Services in tho Polish and Lithuan
ian churches will follow, but it is not likely
that the latter will bo held beforo Wednesday
Itlckort's Cure.
Our free lunch to-morrow morning will
consist of something special in hot lunch.
Illrthilay l'arty.
A birthday party was held Saturday even
ing at tho residenco of Mr. and Mrs. T.
Phillips, on North Market street, in celebra
tion of tlio 11th anniversary of their
daughter, Barbel. Tho party was attended
by Ida Portz, Annie BurkliHrt, Nellio
Watkins, Emma Bellis, Frances Klein, Mary
Lambert, Bachcl and May Phillips, Niece
Graeber, Willie Watkins, Willie Phillips,
Fritz Klein, Elmer B.ivics, Elwoml Thomas,
Samuel Small, Harry Stickler, John Graeber
and Harry Cocan.
At Keprhlutkl's Aleiido Cafe.
California bean soup to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Coal Irain Wrecked.
A Gordon cugino pulling fifteen cars of
western coal toward Girardville, Saturday
ovenlng, loft the rails about 7:30 o'clock and
took four cars witli it. Both tracks were
blocked for threo or four hours.
Jtemeinlier If You Ilae n Cough or Cold,
Pan-Tina always cures, 2oc. At Gruhler
Bros., drug store.
Umbrellas ro-covered whllo you wait at
Twenty-four sheets of paper
;nnl 2 1 envelopes to each box.
10, I5, 20 and 25 Cents.
Per Box 2Sc.
We still hold the name of giv
ing the best quality goods for the
least money.
F.J. Portz Sc Son,
At 50c Per Bottle.
6 South Alain Street.