GRANDEST OF TESTIMONIALS 1MMK1 nuwn t I I I -5 i I I SLY CUR From the Conn, State Capitol, IllrtforJ. FOR It Is $o because It strikes at the caue of Xw ( logittl, Irritated , Jnjtamed, Sluggith, or Oi .ricorkcd Tore. Sold throuKriouttbc world. Pottib Dutrn 1st CntM 1CM. CoRi'OkATtoir, Soli Proprietori, Hotofl. 03T How to I'rerent llmplM," 61 pigei. Ulu.. free. WEAK MEN CURED AS IF BY MAGIC. Victims of Lost Manhood should send at onco tor a uook tbat explains how lull manly vleor Is easily, quickly and permanently restored. No man suffering from weakness can nf t ord to lgnoro this tlmoly advice. Book tolls how Dftlll fttrnnr-th. rln- velopment ahd tone aro Imparted to every portion of tho body. Kent with posltlvo proofs (sealed) free to any man on application. ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO.H.Y. " HE NEVER FAILS Dr. THEEL 604 N. 6th St. PHILADELPHIA Win. .Vtrrn.awnru before J. F. Tnn ner, 1.. l,hlla..Bays: "I PuITered from the worn t case of Jlfoml poiionnnd Cl-cerHtlerriltloanilt-uiDful. One IIom1 (nlandorieadrcrtlslns specialist failed to curorae. I was Mi In find Imnc. Dr. (J. F. Tlii'cl cavo limtniit relief nntl cr- liiniiriitlf niirnl mr. Win. Cooler., nworn before N, P. Cbas. Khrenpfort, I'tilliu; "I suffered 6 jenrs from eelf-abuse and Its horrible results, was unlit for nny labor, ft mere skeleton. Doctored with tho best II otitic oimthlo and Alloimthlo Epeclailsts fcnd used all kind of no-called I'rce 1'reHcrlptloiiM " without relief. Ir. Tliool v.uh tho nntv ft no nhA in correct! r diagnose ray case nd permantly cure mo I am now married and father of two bright children. " Bend llvo two-cent Btamrs for bootc THUTII, with eworn statement, only Hook exposing an chemea and devices TO BWINDLE poor suffer ers. Hours, 0-3 ; evenings, fl-8.30; Wed and Bat evo'KS, B-10; Pua, 9-li TllKATMKNT BY .MAIL. Jfo TeHtlninnlnN published with out consent. Everything confidential, Layer's Lager and Pilsner Beers, Finest, Purest and Healthiest. Chris. Schmidt, a., 207 West Coal Street. BROM-KOLOA ALCOHOLIC, NERVOUS AND BILIOUS HEADACHES if PIMPLES .J Cured by this cranular effervescent and stlmu aam. ah install, euro lor sour siomacus nnu headaches, which often accumulate from having I n nigm out. JOHN F. CLEARY, BOTTLER OF CARBONATED DRINKS, 17 and IP Peach Alley, Shenandoah Hillions of Dollars Go up in smokc-evcry year. Take no frSKs but gee your nouses, stocK, tur nlturo, etc., insured in first-class ro- lfaltln .nmratitna na r.nM.ant.rl Kv rnAVin pattst. - - --w w - w iau pouiii run in Alo Life and Accidental Compaulei, Fine Groceries, Butter and Eggs, Flour and Feed. Our delivery wagon awaits your order. Good delivered promptly. WILLIAM H. nUSSER, 26 East Centre Street. Evan J. Davies, UVERY AND dertaking ! N. Jardin Street. Ourl Kiolesalo and Retail Jor Dealer. cco, Ac. Agent for Heading VI ug Co.'s Deer aud I'ortcr. it V Stri fll l 1 A I i in 1 1 jjC latest ft stock d from 25 l 11S S. Main St SHEZI softness of tba tkln Is Idt. by those who uio Pozioni'b Why Ho Ecsigned tho Leadership of the Liberal Party, TEE DEPOSITION OF THE SULTAN Would Not, Ho Say., lteincdy tho TurkMi Atrocities Dangers nf n Possible Wat with lttlssln- Urged to ltctalntho lead ership, ltnsohery ltcfuse. EDi.vnnnnii, Oct 10. Tho Emplro tlioator hero was packed with 4,000 auditors last nliiht to Hston to tho Karl of Itoso- bory, tho retiring loader of tho Liberal pnrty. It wns his atrrcomont to spook at this mooting which precipitated Lord lloscbory's action In resigning. In his letter to Sir. Ellis, tho flrst Llboral whip, Lord Ilosobory said in explanation of his resignation : "Whou I spoak, which I do this week, I must spoak my mlud without roferenco to party." Tromoudous cnthulasni grootod Lord Ilosobory upon his npponranco boforo tho audlonco, tho wholo assembly singing: "Ho's a Jolly good fellow." Sir Thomas Glbson-Cnrmlohaol, mem ber of parliament for tho Midlothian di vision of Edlnburghshlro (Mr. Gladstone's old constituency) prosldod at tho meeting. In opening tho mooting ho said that Lord Ilosobory was their clioson loader aud they woro in no hurry to desert him. Tho Earl of Ilosobory was pale with sup prossojl feoltng when ho uroso to mnko his address. Ho said In part that ho had re signed bocauso ho could not sacrlflco na tional iutorcst to personal ambition. Ho welcomed tho nnttonal agitation in Great Britain on behalf of Armenia, bocauso it would convince foreign governments of Groat Brltlon's unsuUlshuos and integ rity, and would strongthon tho hands of tho government. But tho present agitation, Lord Itoae l orr pointed out, differed from Mr. Glad stone's Bulgarian ngltatlon. Then Grent Britain was supported by llusla. Now wo havo llussla nnd her armies against us Ku-isln's declarations on tills point aro absolutely conclusive. Moreover, thou wo had to forco tho hands of an unwilling govcrnmont, whllo now tho govcrnmont is animated by tho same wishes as ourselves. They possessed unprintable dotiills, tho spanker sold, of crimes in horror surpassing all ho had over read. Their ferocity nnd cruelty seemed to transcend tho imagination of very fiends. By ndvlco of tho powers they had first doubted thoso massacres, but tho moro recent Constantinople massacres made it Impossible! to dony them. After referring to tho unspeakable gov ernment of Turkey, Lord Ilosobory pointed out that partial mousures would not suf fice. Tho wholo eastern question, ho said, was raisod. In doallug with tho various remedies proposed his lordship said: "Tho mcro deposition of tho Sultan would bo no remedy, as tho system, and not tho man, must bo tackled. Moro, this would bo lmpossiblo without a concert of tho powers, and if tho latter were nttained it would bo bettor to call on H to deal with tho larger lssuo involved. Tho proposal to withhold tho Cyprus tribute Is Impractl' cablo, as this Is paid to tho sultan's credi tors and not to tho sultnu, and It would bo like tickling tho tortolso's back to mako It laugh." Itcgardlng tho proposal to plnco the Dardanelles or Turkey In tho hands of IlUssin, Lord Ilosobory pointed out that neither of theso was Great Britain's to dlsposo off, and Russian methods, ho said.l wero not so ldoal as to warrant us In acquiescing. Ho nlso differed with Mr. Gladstone's proposal to cut off dlplomntlo relations with Turkey, but thoy differed, ho added, as friouds. After oloquoutly reminding his audience how Bright and Gladstono had been pub licly reviled for the advocacy of an un popular peuce policy, Lord llosobery de clared : "Although I am awaro that It Is un popular to advocate dlplomutlo mothods, I shall novor coaso to exert my voice and strength ngnlnst England engaging in such a dangerous war, of which you can see tho cloquont commencement, but no body living can see tho catastrophe of tho ond." Tho speech was oftou interrupted by ox clamatlons and tho desiro of tho audience that Lord Ilosobory thould retain tho leadership. When ho sat down tho entire audlonco roso and choorod vociferously. Augustlno Blrroll, mombor of parlia ment for tho west division of Fife, thou moved a resolution requesting that Lord Ilosobory should reconsider his resigna tion. This was carried unanimously, ilr. Asqulth strongly supported tho resolu tion. Lord Ilosobory, replying, said that his deciston to retlro was tho result of mature relloctlon, was absolute, and was taken undor a conviction of nocossity. If you havo ovor soon a little child in tho agony of summer complaint, you can rcalfro the danger of the troublo and appreciate tho value of instantaneous relief always afforded by DoWitt's Colic and Cholera Curo. For dysentery and diarrhoea it 13 a reliable remedy. Wo could not afford to recommend this as a curo unless it wero a curo. C. II. llageubuclu Terrible Oil KxploHlnii In Kneland. LoXDOJf, Oct 10. Throo of tho Anglo American Co.'s storngo oil tanks on tho railway near Huddorsfleld aro burning. Two terrible explosions havo occurred aud all traffic lias been stopped for many hours. Each of tho throo tanks hold 3,000 gallons of oil, The Weather. For eastern New York, eastern Pennsyl vania and New Jersey: Fair; slightly Warmer; threatening weather and ruin by tomonow. Heart Disease Relieved lu 30 Minutes. Dr. Agnew't Cure for tho Heart gives t fett relief in all of Organic or Symia tlietlc Heart Diioitfco in 30 minute, and speedily effects a cure. It is a jeerU-s8 remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Ureatli, Siuother lug Spell, l'uiti in't Side aud all symp toms of a Diseased Heart Ono dose con vinces. Sold at Kirlius drug store 1'lectrle Hitters. Electric Hitters is a medicino suited for any season, but perhaps moro generally needed in tlie tpring, when the languid exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid aud sluggish and tho hood of a tonto and altera tive is felt. A prompt uso of tills medicine has often averted long and pcrhajis fatal bilious fevers. No medicino will act more surely in counteracting nnd freeing tho sys tem from tho malarial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to Electric Hitters. Ouly fifty cents por bottle at A. Wasley's drug store. When you want good roofing, plumbing gas fitting, nr general tlnsmithing done call on S. F. Gallagher IS West Centre street Dealer Id stores 1-tf Prove Dr. Greene' Medicine in Vermont's Eminent Judge White Advises People to Use Dr. Greene's Nervura. It Will Cure Them. jtrnaE KnwiK Tho greatest and best known of our peoplo uso, praiso and recommend Dr. Greeno's Nervura blood and nervo remedy. Women in every walk of lifo enthusiastically pro claim tho wondorful powors of tills truly grand medicino to curo, to mako tho sick well, to givo hack health and strength to weak, tired, nervous and debilitated people. Hon. Henry Robinson, Mayor nf Concord, N. H., says, "I havo found health, strength, buoyancy and courago by tho uso of Dr. Greene's Nervura." Senator Frank I'lumley of Northfleld, Vt., says, 1 used Dr. Greene's rtcrvura lor ex haustion with cutiro success." States Attorney of VermonfW. H. Taylor, of Hardwick, Vt., says, "My wife profited by tho uso of Dr. Greeno's Nervura for neu ralgia, and extreme nervous condition aud sleeplessness. I havo no hesitation in rccom- mendiug its uso." Senator Geo. W. Randill of Waterbury, Vt., says, "Dr. Greene's Nervura cured mo. It is a good thing, yes, a grand thing, for I havo found it so in my case." Hon. Geo. W. Wing, Mayor of Moutpolier, Vt., says, "I havo used Dr. Greene's Nervura in my family with marked aud decided boneQt." Senator A'ictor I. Spear, of Braintrec, Vt., says, ny wllo was troubled with nervous debility bordering on uorvous prostration nnd had eczema. Dr. Greene's Nervura pro. ducod very satisfactory results." Senator George A. Morse, of Morrisvillo, Vt., says; "I havo used Dr. Greene's Ner vura in my family. It has been of benefit to us in sleeplessness arising from nervousness I recommend it to anybody." Aud now comes tho strong testimonial f HARLES DERR'S Barber Shop ! 12 ASeeit Centre Street. Our Hot Towel Shave s becoming popular. You will Ike It. mnkea.pecialtyof hair cutting. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUHE 4Uj jitrvou itueate r awing Mem ory. Impotency.Hleeplewtneaa, etc , cauil UJADUhOllUO uiuer j-.i'MtKni mm junto- They qulchltf ami gurtlif t Vitality In old or roana. ami fit a man for itu-ir, uuAinet8 or ro a fringe. 5 it. a mau lor viuuiiuumuwi ur luurnuno, mfnt In-annttv nnd Cnn ail runt tnn if taken In time. Their mn bI-wk immediate improve meat ana eiiecis auu itu waere uu o uero n. fist upon havine fha cennino AiftX Tablets. They have cured thousands nnd will curo you. We clve a nositive written cunriintfia to fitted, a cure In eacl or refund the money, I'rice 60 cents ir i-uckaee.pi fctxpackasea (lull treatment) for $.!.&. Uy mail.iu plain wrapper, upon rtveliit of price. Circular iree. AJAX REA1EDY CO., "i'ffi;S1,i1?.''' For sale In Shenandoah, and S. 1'. Klrllu, Druggist. by A. Washy Oil LOSS'S BOOK FREE lb nil mtliTW or ISHHOVS OI' 1'OIITri, ASH WOJ"v. 'J'S mi- ; i .t 1. uonndl -cure'v s(?.0ij i t r-uli- ft-, t. '' - imvt ihymall ttrlcm- .1st..' 1 on t- cur ... . M...I.ILI2, 1 fit ur cii.l. wu: ,c :jii.iailiSI.Phila.Pa. t'htchctcrTi I'nal!Ii Diamond Jtrni. EWfJYROYAL PiLLS OrUInulnndliniy uenuinr. iKJLHjitraHi Id Ked and t.M mcUlllo 2hoit, nai wua irnio m im 'Mlk0 y T XJ....- a imtii.,,,,, At Itruajtiall.lirMai-le. in lamr-t r inrtlculfcrs. titttmoaUU a4 ilif fP r.idIf.ilrHrr, tr return MolL 10,000 Ttlmonkli, , SamuJptr, 'AMSY PILLS? St II0 SUHE. S1N0 4C. f tm"W0r!A S Sftft BUAP-'1 Vlk-n UPICIFIC CO,PKILX..P For oalo l I'ovlniky's drug utotf, 58 liut Centre street. P Al W Ul Ml CRUS Pj Nervura the Best c. wiitnc of .Tudgo Edwin C. White, of Hydo Park, Vt., who is ono of Vermont's most eminent and widely-known statesmen nnd Judge of tho Probato Court. Judgo Whito says, "I havo used Dr. Greeno's Nervura blood and nervo remedy in my family anil am pleased to say, with good results. My wife had been troubled with indigestion, which produced nervousness which might havo been serious nnd at times troubled her greatly. Wo had tried many tilings for her relief, but without succes. "I saw tho wonderful cures claimed for Dr. Greene's Nervura nnd resolved to givo it a trial, and it gives mo pleasure to say, I am glad 1 did. My wifo now sleeps well and is greatly benefited from indigestion, having had only ono slight return ( where they had been dally) siuco taking tho Nervura. give permission to print tills unqualified testimonial." Can anyone licsitato to uso this great cure, Dr. Greeno's Norvura blood and nerve remedy, when so many eminent statesmen public otllciali and prominent men known all over our country advise you to use it bo cause it cured them or their families? You know that the words of these groat men aro given only in tho cause of truth and becauso thoy know Dr. Greeno's Nervura cures and they desiro to sco tho sick mado well. Dr. Greone's Nervura is a physician prescription, tho discovery of tho most suc cessful specialist in curing nervous and chronio diseases, Dr. Grseno, of 35 West lith St., New York city, hoilee it is of necessity perfectly adapted to curo, aud health and strcngtli always follow its uso. Dr. Greono can bo cdusulted without charge in regard to any caso, personally or by letter. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Q 8. 1'IUI.T.irs, M. D. Office : SO West Centre street. Can be consulted at all houra. p F. BURKE, M. D. 80 E. Lloyd itreet, Shenandoah. Office hours : 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 8 and 7 to . in. J II. I'OMKItOV. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Shenandoah, I'a. M.UUKKE. ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW. Onice Kgau building, comer ot Main one miiire itiretriH, nnenaiuloan. W. 81IOUMAKKK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. t'nrner Market and Centre streeta. pitOP JOHN JONEa, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Look Itox 05, Slalianoy City, l'n. Havln I! studied under some of the bom li London and Purls, will ulvo leaauii. studied lunterH on tne violin, guitar and vtwnl culture. Tcriw r.vmwuuuiti. AtiureM in care or htroune, tl: Swr.. miuilt.IIUUUU A gcuuino welcome waits you at JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Cor. ilnln and Coal Sts. JMnest whiskeys, been porter and ale coritanlly on lap. Choice temperance drinks and.clgara, Wanted-An Idea TVho can think or some simple Pro let your tdeaij they may bring you wealth. ..JOHN WKUDEKUUkN CO., Patent Attor- wrll Bey wubiogtoo, u. c. fur .-heir tl,tu prlto orttr lUt ot two tiundrsd Iut' wanted. One of tlio Men in Jail, tho Othor a Suicide, DESPERATE FIGHT WITH A POSSE, Tho I'njjltlvp HtU it MuMlml lirfnrp Tnlf lug If U Own l,lfo l'lt ill Mr, i Now llcml n thn Ucnitlt til tho Hank Kobbery lit ShcrhtiriK' M I n n. MlNXK.U'OMS, Oct. 10 The story of the rolilwry of tho bank of Sherburne ended tragically yustordny whou J. 1). Bair, ono of tho pair of murderous bnn tllts, when nil but captured, killed Mar shal Culllon, the leader of his pursuers, and sending a bullet Into his own brain. fell doad lit. tho foot of tho murdered mar shal's posso. Almost tho entire amount Ftolen from tho bank was recovered from tho body of tho doad man. Hair nnd his accomplice rodo their bl- yclos into tho llttlo town of Shorlmnu Wednesday afternoon, nnd in robbing the cash tray of ifl,ix murdered CnshlorThor- born nnd Olaf Ostran, a traveling sales man. Tho bandits sot out for tho south west, pursued by n largo pos.o. Tho rob bers soon separated. Yesterday Sail stopped at a farmhouse, nnd ton minute! later tho house was surrounded. The robbor darted for n window, out of which ho jumped. Marshal Gallloii was stationed there, but before ho could lovel his gun tho bandit sent a bullet through the breast of his victim. 'ilio bandit mounted his bicycle anil rode easlw;Mil nt a tremendous rate. Tht posso soon started In hot pursuit. Tin robbor was about a mllo in advance, and for five minutes inanaed to keep a good distance) In tho lend. His bicycle wn punctured, ond he left It by thosldoof the road and !et out on foot through a corn field. Deputy Sheriff Brayton was clo upon Ills heels, and opened lire with u double barreled shotgun. Tho bandit, seeing ho liail no chance to mnko his es cape, placed a revolver to Ills head and ' pent a ball through his brain. By the time tho sheriff reached him lie was dead. His j body was riddled with bullets. Another man, who is under arrest at , JacKson. tallies exactly with tho descrip tion of the second robber. Tho man killed is J. D. Sair, wno wasat one time at Heron Laku. The other is supposed to be Fred , l'ratt, who was seen with Sulr two days before tho robbery. Sairnnd l'ratt worked this year on n farm owned by an uncle oi ' i'ratt near Horn Lake A report Is made that a tall man entered i tho hank of Hnrdee, southe.istof huverno. la., vusterdnv ufteniuoii and coered tlie cashior with a revolver and doniauded tho I proceeds. Ho was handed out $700 and mado ills escape. Garfield's l.rotber n Sllvrrlte. GitAND ItAl'iDS, Mich., Oct. 10. Thomas Garfield, a brother of the lato president, James A. Garlleld, publishes a letter In Tho Democrat In which ho says: "I am opposod to allowing England or any Eu ropean power to bo consulted or to dictate in any way our flnnnclal policy. I am In favor of using gold and silver equally us money and treated nllko at our mints. I am In favor of capital, hut am opposed to having capitalists hoarding their money In a national bank vault or Investing It In government bonds. I am opposed to hav ing the principles of tho Republican party voiced by the banker bondholders of hum bard and Wullstroets,through thclrageut, Murk Ilnnna." ltussla's Czar l.enves 1'rnnee. Champ di: Ciialovs, Franco, Oct. 10. Russia's cmt witnessed tho rcvlow of tho French troops yesterday. Tho wholo of tho 70,000 troops which took part In the roviow woro drawn up in a doublo line along tho route to the station as tho car riage containing their majesties and Pres ident Faure, witli a plcturosrp.10 oscort of Arab horsemen, passed. The train with tholr mnjostles on board startod at U o'clock niuld tho vivas and cheers of tho spoctators. General Iioisdcffro and Ad- mlral Gurvnls accompany tholr majesties to tho frontier. round Murdered In the Woods. TROY, Pa., Oct 10. The body of Adam Dnlloy wns found yosterday In tho woods nonr this placo. The man had boon mur dered by some unknown portion, who had so arranged tho body and tho gun as to mako it nppoar that death resulted from accidental shooting. An examination of tho gun, however, rovoaled tho fact that both barrels wore loaded. A largo holo had been mado In Il.illey's abdomen by tho load from thomurderer's gun. Tho officials havo no posltlvo clue. Marvelous ltestllts. From n letter written by Rev. J. Guilder man, of Dimondalo, Mich., we are permitted to mako this extract : "I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results wero almost marvelous in the caso of my wife. Whllo I was pastor of the Iluptist church at Hives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed us if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery: It was (piiek in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free nt A. Wasley's drug store. Iteguhir size SUc and f 1.00. Another Alleged "Agreement." I.OXDON. Oct. 10 The It mie correspon dent of Tho Chronicle asserts that tho oznr nnd hord SullsLury have agreed to n settlement of tho Turkish crisis Involving the opening of tho Itosphorus to the war ships and merchantmen of the world. The sovereignty of the sultan Is to lie main tained, ho says, but the powers are to con trol tho collection of taxes and tho nomi nation of the ministers. llollel In Six Hours. Distressing kidney and bladder disease relieved In six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This now remedy is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in tho bladder, kidneys, back aud every iart of the miliary passages in mule or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by Shtipira'a phaunaey, 107 South .vlam street. For salo by P. P. D. "We arc uslns Bon Anil for cleaning Glass, Brasses, Mnrblcs, and Paint. Have never found Its equal." Bon The Aloitcrn Cleaner ( I I I t I I t I pepia. Railroad. SCHUYKILL DIVISION. flm-rianiKit 29, lsoit. Trnlnswiil leave Hbeimndoali after the abova dato for WlgKnns, (fllberton, Frnokrllle, Dark Water, St. Clnlr, Pottsville. Ilainblirg, lteftdlns, Pottstnwn, lMioculxvlilo, N'orrlstown ond Phli ndelpbla (Hronil street station) at 6 Oft and 1143 a. m. and -I 20 i, m. on week days. For Potto vllle aud lnteruu-dlate stations 9 10 a. m. SUNDAY. For Wlgiran, flllberton, Fraekvllle, Dark Water St. Clair, Pottsvllle, ot 0 OS, 9 40 a. m. and 3 10p. in. For Ilainblirg, Heading, Potttown, Pboenixvlllo, Norrlstowu, Philadelphia at 6 CO, 9 10 a. m., 3 10 p. in. Trains leave Frockvllio for Shenandoah at 10 10 a. in ami 12 11, 5 01, 7 42 and 10 27 p. m. Sunday, 11 13 a. in. anil 5 40 p. ni. Leave Pottavllle for Sbciinndoah at 10 15, 11 48 a. in. anil I 10. 7 15 and 10 00 p. in. Sunday at 10 40 a. in . 1 13 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, fllroad street station), for Shenandoah nt 5S7 and s 3S a. m., 4 10 and 711 p. in. v, ei-k da) s. .Hunihi) s leav e at 0 fiO a. m. Leave lhoud street station, Philadelphia, tor Sen (ilrt, Abury Park, Ocean (J rove. Long Itrauch, and intermediate stations, 1 03, G.aO, 8.2-1, 11.39 a. in , 2 as, 3 30, 1.0a p. in. week-days, 0 00 Saturdays only. SiiihIhv (fttop at luterlaken for Aslilirv Park), 1 OV 8.23 a Li-avo Uioad Street Station, Pblladclpbla, KOll NEW YOItK. . ,l,5M'r';" J.i'i', " 2 n. eek-das, 3 20, I 0o, t .TO, 3 13, 6 30, i. ;", io2i (Dliilng Can, lioon.m. n. u:i (Limited li') and 122 p. m. iirl. 140. 230 (Dining Car) 320,300, "i VI iDniliifc-Car, 1100 8.30, S12,100O, nimnM ( 1 1 p in , 1 2 i 20, - 3.1, 1.' .15. 2 30 , niKiit stiminys, jii, i oi, i oo, a la, l. IU2I, IDiiilng Car, II (XI n. in, Dininif Carl, I 00 Limited 1 S! Dining ( .11 .20. i. w, iiining Carl, 031, 50, 8 12, 10 uu p. in , 12 111 niitlit. Lxpress for llo.ton without change, 1100 a. in.. eek-days, and tt 50 p. in , dally. roil WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH. , ,"r 1't,""..rc "11",Ki0iV 3,r- tf1' ig "for), 112. a'is, "4 II (5 19 Congressional Linilted, Dlnlinr Car). 0 17. 0 55 (Dliiinir CarV. ? M, (V'"1" Cn.r ''-.'J!,- ,120',,..l!l,' 111., !2 09 1 12, I 41, ( 3 1(1 Congressional Lluillod, Dining Car), 0 55 (DIiiIiik Carl, 73 p. m. (DlnlugCar) and 12 05 nlKht. For Sea (ilrt, Spring Lke, Itelnior, Oernn Grove, Abury Park and Lorn; llrancb, 0 50, s 25 and 1 1 39 11 111., 3 30 and I 00 . 111. week days. Sundays, 8 23 a. 111. FOIt ATLANTIC CITY. Lave Itroad street station, Philadelphia (vta Delaware river bridge), expresi, 7 02 p, ni. daily. I-ave Market street Ferry, express, 8 50 a, m., 2 00, 4 00, SOO p. m Sundays, 8 15. 9 43 a. 111. Aieoliituodatlon, S00, S20, a. in,, 3 20 and 4 20 p. in., eek days. Sundays, 8 00, K 15 a. m., 4 00 and 5 00, p. ni. For Cape May, Anglessea, Wlldwood and Holly Peach, and Sea Isle City, Ocean City ond Avaioi. Express, 9 00 a. m., 4 00 p m, week days. Sundays, 9 CO a. in. Kxpies, 9 10 a. in., and 2 30, 4 20 p. m. w-ek days Sundays, 8 50 a. in. For Somen Point. Express, 8 50 a. m., 4 00 p. in. week days. Sundays, 8 43 a. m. S. M. Prevost, J. It. Wood, Ucu'l Manager. Gcn'l Pass'g'r Agtl READING R R SYSTEM IN EFFECT MAY 17. 1MVS. Trnlns leave Shenandoah as follows: For New York via Philadelphia, week daro. 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 11. 111., 12 18, 3 00 and 3 53 p. in 1 For New York via Maueh Chunk. we-k .l.v. 1 5 ? 7 M"- 1248 and 3 00 p. m. U L" .'iTi.11? "l"!..I.'i,1!.'Vj.em.'"'. -wcek . 2 10, 5 23, 7 20 a.m., 12 4S, 3 00 and 5 S3 p. m. Sun days, 2 10 a. 111. For Pottnllle, week days, 210:7 20 a. m..and 12 4S, 3 00 and 5 35 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 a. m. For Tamaqua and Mabanoy City, week dars. 2 10,5 23, 7 20 a. 111., 12 48, 3 00 and 3 33 p. m. For Vt llllanispnrt, Siinbury and Lewlsburg, 30 a. m., 1 SO and 7 25 p. m. Sundays, 3 23 a. in. For Maliatmr Plono. weekdays. 2 In. a 23. R 2PL 7 20, 11 30 a. in., 12 4S, 1 50, 3 00,5 55. 7 25 ond 9 M p. m. Sundays, 2 10, 3 23 a. in. V For Ashland and Shamokln, week days. 8 25. 7 20,1130 a. 111., 150,725 and 9 53 p. ni. Sun days, 2 23 a. in. For llaltlmoro, Washington and the West Tl H. k O. It. It., through trains h--, Iteadlnr Terminal. Philadelphia, (P. Sc It. V V.) at 8 20, 7 55, 11 1 a. in., 3 10 ami 7.27 n. u. Sundays. 8 20, 7 00, 11 20 a. in., 3 18 and 7 27 p. m. Addt Monal trains from Twenty-fourth nnd Chest nut streets station, week days, 1030 a. in. 12 20. 12 It 8 40 p in. Sundays, 1 35, 8 23 p. In. TliAINS FOIt SHENANDOAH. Lwive New York via Philadelphia, week du)s, 430,, 130, 4 30, 9 00 p. m. and nluht. Sundays, 0 00 p. in. Lnve New York via Maueh Chunk, week days, 4 30, 9 10 a. in., 1 30 and 4 15 p. in. Lnye Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week days, 4 20, 8 33, 10 05 a. in. aud 4 05, 0 30, 11 8C p. m. Sundays, 11 80 p. in. Ive Heading, week days, 133, 7 10, 10 08, 11 35 a. in., 0 00 aud 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 1 35 a. m. lAire Pottsvllle, weekdays, 2 35, 7 40 a. ml 12 30 and 6 12 p. in. Sundays, 2 13 a. ill. Iave Taniaquo, week days, a 18, a 50, 11 23 ni., 1 27, 7 20 and 9 41 n. m. Sundays, 3 18 a. m. Lonvo Mahanoy City, week days, 3 45, 9 21. 11 17 a. in., 2 08, 7 41 and 1008 p. m, Sundays, 8 43 a. ni. Iave Mahanoy Plane, week davs, 2 40. 4 00 630.9 37,1189 a. in., 1 12, 2 19, 5 20,-0 30, 7 37 and 10 33 p. in. Sundays, 2 40, 00 a. in. Leavo Wllliamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 10 a. in., 3 35 aud 11 41 p. in. Sunduys, 11 15 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leavo Philadelphia Cbostnut street war! and South strwt whaif for Atlantic City, Weekdays Expruaa, 9 Oil a. in., 3 00, 400, 5 00 p.m. Aeuolnniodatloii, 8 011 a. 111., 0 80 p. in. Sundays Ex pre, 00, 10 00 . in. Aevoin UKHlatlon, K 00 a. in., I IS p. in. IleturnliiK leave Atlantic OHy dopot, wron Atlantic ami Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express, 7 33, 9 00 a. III., 8 30, 5 30 p. in Aceoinuioihltloii, K 15 a. In , 132 ni Sillid s-Expres, I 00. 7 SO p. III. Aeeolnmo dali 7 13 a in , 4 13 p. i. Parlor Cars on all exprmw trains, '' A;.MWI5ltiAHI. o. O. HANCOCK, (.en 1 Superintendent. (ien'l Pass. Ag A Handsomo Complexion Is ono of the greatest charms a woman can possess. Pozzoki's Complexion 1'owukh gives It. loiL.l in e lor i I ov, ci, ;'s - i i I "I lK,..lUupll arte ce.eand ether wt.alin-s-eb.lroia any cause, use Sexir.e Pill,. Drains checked and full vigor quietly restored. . . ' H,nt.a. isca irusbfca tcault Lull. Mailed tor JLOOjOboxtj ii.uu. VYuh ?S.00 orders wc give a srar.ieelo cure or refund the money. ACdtess KIKLIN, Bhentndoah, Pa. Ami? V