The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 07, 1896, Image 2

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    c V eINIjNIi HeKALD ?" 7' ttatll,,,e11',,vr f"11,"
iilromieil fruin tliu list of coin? Ii It not n
lTAIll.lMli:i 187U.
Published every KvitiImk, Kicci't Htni!n5nt
8 BotTJi Jaiuuk .Htiii:kt, Nbah Ckstbk.
Tho lloralil in dcllvcirtl in Hhefiniulnnn Ami tho
lurronndlitK towns fop six cent n week, iwiy
Able to tho carrlcri. Hy iiiaII S3.U0 a ynnr, or as
centt mouth, ptiynlde In advance. Advi'itlfo
mcntn clmrKC'dnci'oniliiKtoftimccnnd position.
The publishers reserve the rluht to change tho
fiosltlou of mlicrtisriiients whenever tho 1I
ICAtlou ot news ilemanils It. The rlitht Is
roserveJ to reject any Advertisement, whether
paid for or not, that tho publishers may deem
improper. AdvcrtlsliiK rates mado known
upon application.
Eutcrixl at the postolllcn at Shenandoah, l'a., as
ocond class mall matter.
ton riiwiraaT,
Of Ohio.
(lAltltirr A. HOllAltT,
Of Now Jersey.
fnct that tho reason tlio silver dollar was
dropped wis because it was entirely out of
circulation at the time of thu"crimoof 1K73"
of which you speak so much? From 17112
to 1S73 there woio (100,000 silver dollars coined
under free coinage. Slnco the first of
January to tho first of October, l'tm, ten
muntlis, there were coined 13,(112,012 silver
dollars. I)oo this look as If silver was
"demonltlzed ?"
Those are questions of vital Interest to
every wage-earner, business man and Investor
In 'the county, and they should ret vivo a
direct and positive answer from you, without
any equivocation. You are a candidate for
Congress and seeking their votes. If elected
you will bo railed upon to cast your vote as
tho people's representative, and it is Just that
the latter know how you stand upon those
Speak out, Sir. Shepherd, in plain Anglo
Saxon, and to the point.
OAf.UfllfA. A, OltOW,
Of Susquehanna.
Of Krle
Evening Herald
wi:i)NEsiay, (Kroin:ii 7, imm.
l'ltTi: TION AND I 1:1:1: tkaiih
Tvt'U,ty-seeii Venrs of l'rot'etlon
(18(13 to 1 K!CI) decreased our public
debt Ml, 7 l7,:inl,K7K.
Time Years of Tree Trade (lHll.'l to
1KIMI) lliereuseil our public debt
Tlieso are the lihtincst reasons why
McKlnll-y should 1 levied president,
tlio sooner the better.
lie secureil the nomination
At tins slUer coinentlon
lly the fervid notation
Ot his chin.
lie has traveled through the nntlon
And disturbed the pntnitntiuii
lly tho loud vociferation
Of bis lungs.
Since Vermont's late ilcinoiibtratioii
He Is making bis migration
To bis Western reservation
On Ids car.
With the wbolo conglomeration,
l'opoeratle aKKreKation,
llowliiiK Dervish collocation,
llhm liard-erank amalgamation,
Ifn will view tho situation
At the campaign's termination,
On bis back.
Tvtii tjiilet Weddings Hecol (led lletler
l'liteinent Mownivnt Defeated.
Maiianov City, Oct. ".A quiet home
wedding took placo this morning, nt Ilvo
o'clouk, in which Miss Maud Pair anil lleiiln-
inlit V. liclscr weio united In marriage by
Itcv. II. A. Kelsor, 1). I)., pastor tho In
formed church. Tho ceremony was wltnejtfcd
by Inunedlato relatives of the couple, who
left town on the (1:00 a. hi. 1. & li. train for a
trip to Philadelphia and New York.
Miss Uessle Wllthow and William Holl'cl.
blacksmith ill the employ of C. I). Killer,
wcro married here last evening at tho resi
dence of Itnv. ii. M. Ilock, pastor of thu
Cerman I.utlierau church. Tho wedding
was n surprise to the friends of the couple.
At a meeting or the llorough Council last
night an attempt to amend tho street pave
ment ordinance so as to provide that brick,
cement or flagstone bo used was defeated,.
Tho vote stood 7 to 7 and President William
11. Jones cast the deciding vote against tho
The paving of .Main street with vitrified
brick is finished. A little more than two
squares havo been paved and tho cost was
Tho funeral of Mrs. Mary, wlfo of Patrick
Campbell, of Park Place, took placo in town
to-day. Itequicm mass was held in St. Caul
cus church, liuv. P. C. McEnroe officiating.
Wo propose addressing secral questions
to Watson Shepherd, candidate for Congress
on the Democratic ticket, and lliefeo in
tcrrogatories have a direct bearing upon the
contest in which Mr. Shepherd is olio of the
factors. As a candidate for olllcc, he should
not refuse to niitucr any question that may
be tho means of defining Ills position upon
the issues of the contest. The readers of the
IIi:uai.i aiu perfectly familiar witti Mr.
Shcplieid's gicnt contortion ail wlieicin lie
hanged bis views on the financial question
in tin- short space of three mouths voting
nod udMnating the adoption of the gold
Uiinilaid at the Allcutown convention, while
u ii delegate of the le-convencd convention
lit Ilarrisbuig thric mouths later, he
mwIIiihciI the flee silver pill uitbouta wry
.'i Hut during the iuteiim of tbcM) two i
hi ntiuiiH .Mr. sheplicul was nominated
1 i i i.ii. less by a euuventioii that cniIor
I u ilm.igo ulatfoini, audit was liui(lh7to
bt i pi i it it liiat he would do uilienvLafj thai
a-ci ii llic liomination, and ynTt the
p alio, in. '0cn it is consideivjf'tTrat the one
a -ij.imibf h'.-iil'e has bciUjgo' occupy a j-uit
ill the halls of Coligros?
In less than four wieks tho gloat contest
between the contending folios will have
closed, and beforo casting their ballots for
either candidate lor Congicss the voters have
a right to know how 'they stand upon certain
i-eonomic quistilis. Mr. lhuinm, as the lie
publican himiri'icc, has defined his position in
an uililil-ss to the voters of this and adjoining
towns, but the people of Shenandoah have
yet to bear the voice ol tho Democratic
caudidate. Thcrefoie, it is in older for Mr.
Shepherd to answer certain questions and to
plate himself right bcfoio tho people of the
If you havo over scon a little child In tho
agony of summer complaint, you can icalizc
tlio danger of tho trouble and appreciate tho
value of Instantaneous relief always allbrded
by DoWitl's Colic and Cholera due. For
dysentery and diarrhoea it is a reliable
remedy. e could not allord to recommend
this as a cuio unless it were a cure. C. It.
fOnl)- by Coutliiuliu; the lold Standard
Can Sectionalism be Heled."
Hath, Mo , Oct. 7. Hon. ArthiirSowul),
Jji'inocnitii' candidate iorvlro piosidontpf
tho United Slates, ln-t night inmfli imbue
his letter of aecoptniiee lull ho says: 1
"lam alail to express my -alisfartlull tlrit
tho pbilfnrni of mir parlv. wlileli luvroni
innliiliil iny lili limit nlh- i.nyjJffTs linn
otly and lullv ilivl.initoryrtnl its jir.n-
cipli's". mid i'sjieci ills.jjtftthi" alisnrliiiig
The gieat majority of the voters of
Schuylkill county are laboring people, who
earn their wages by hard work. They
naturally deBire their dollars whether they
lie of gold, silver or gricnhacks to have as
great puich.ising power as possible. You have
stated, Mr. Shepherd, that you are in favor of
the Chicago platfunn, which declares fortho
fice and unlimited coluago of silver at the
latlo of 111 to 1. In unison with llryau and
other free silver advocates, it is reasonable to
suppose that you believe thu adoption of free
coinage of silver will raise thu price of all
cjiuiuodilies. With this incieased cost
of living, will the wages of the miners and
others bo coriespondingly increacd? Can
you i ito an instance wheie wages have risen
Willi lite increased price of the nicesMiries of
lite ' If you believe the gold standard dollar
Ijuj'j too much, how aiu tho wagc-caihui to
be prollt' d by a clieapurdollaraudauiucreaM:
fu the prici of all commodities? Can the
g virnnii lit tlx the rate of wages in the same
l.iv u. a makes SS-ceut dollars f Docs not
t!i' employer control the rate of wages, no
n mei hat the wagc-curiicr bus to pay fur
In loud and clothing, and doos the employer
i r pi.v nioio than he has to jy? i)o you
t i n i ii-workiuyuieu of Schuylkill county
.!!. -liny the purchasing power of their
i .i- "lie half '! Will not tho adoption of
f :. i ihcr bring about that state of attain?
imuig the miuers of the Mahanoy
v.i i y ilieic are many provident men. Tiny
h ue uorkeil hard and succcudeil in laying
u ub a portion of Urn.' wages. Some have
t ,i -.iiiius iiivestid in property, some in
t savings bauks, while others aie shaiu
p tiki- in building and hull associations.
t of this money bus been laid aside under
f i istlng stapdaid. Do you think It fair
t ) ,i-k them to accept a 53-cent dollar ill pay
un ut for tiio 100-cent dollar they deposited
in tin .' institutions? Is nut this in line
with the platform upon which you wero
nominated? Perhaps you are a depositor In
u building and loan association. The money
that Is deposited vt us worth 100 cents on the
dollar. Is it reasonable to suppose that tli
thrifty wage-earner will vote to reduce by
one-half tho actual value and purchasing
nowcr of tlicir savings and investments? It
it right to compel them to accept 53 cents for
every dollar they deposited?
Do you believe that silver was "demoui
tUcd" in 1"3, and that it was dono "secretly
and stealthily?" Js it not a fact that tho
hill was printed in full thirteen times? Can
? you produce a slnglo silvor dollar that was
t dDinonitUed by au act of Cougross? Is
'4Uii,ta fuct ,,iat ,,iul,i"' ''"'I'ly declared
llnaiiehil U-o, . ni ijifrTwmi'li, as vim sav, 1
took my si in 1 'u.ijBn tho liiiiirsnf triumph
M'imii',1 ii'inui" JJid when nn'niriint iiinney
changers HiLflTiiniiMit the wnrld lioasted
that thu enkffjfTesI, uf tho Aiiui'iKin innssu--was
"Tld&! principloi have 1 un of late in
ubo.yAni'ii, hutnnly because ilioso wliulu we
t li.JS Iril to Ii lal 1 1 1 n I ii llioin havo failed to
oii. Those pi'lncijilus cnu never die. VCa
have rescued our party from those who.
uutlei' the Inllueiii'iMif tho money power.
Imvo controlled ami debased, it. Our mis-
sliui now is to roscuc from thlssiune power
mill its furelBii nllios our own beloved
"Wo nro told that tho country has pros
pered under tho prusuiit inonetnry sl.ind
nrd, that its wealth has enormously in
creased. Granted; Imt, in whose hands? In
tho hands of the factors of tho nation'
wonlth In peace. Its defenders In war? Have
they tho prosperity which was theirs mj
lato as ovon twenty yoar .i to? I dony it.
Ihey deny it. onl) nfllrni it mivo tlin-e
whoso Interests it is to do so, whoso profit
would diminish an prosperity returns to
tho-i' mi whoso distress they thrive?
' "j lie hei iniinev In ll.e wi rli'.' isiioiie
to. i go I fur I hoe who have uol it. lint
how is it with tho '.'') per cent of our
people who h.ivo 'got It to Kid!'' Howls
It with thn-e who must buy this 'best
money In the world' with tho products of
their own liilmr? Those lira the iienple for
whom thu Duinovriitlo party would legis
late. "Xot by our policy, hut only by tho con
tin nance of the gold standard can section
alism bo revived. Neither shall our oppo
nents bo permitted to terrify the people by
predictions that temporary ill-turbances
or panic will cnnio from tho policy wo pro
pose. Tlie A nieriuin puuplo will ho loyal
to tho nation s money, will stand behind
it mid looinl.-.i i it at wh.itever value thoy
themselves may put upon It.
"Hehlml tho strong entrenchment of
tho gold standard nro gathered nil thoso
favored classes it has fostered, tho only
dungorims chis-o of the land. Avnrlce
mid unholy greed nro there, every trust
and combination is there K cry monop
oly Is there, led by the greatol monopoly
of all, tho monopoly of thu power of ifold.
With us in our nssimlt upon those on
tiiuehments nru nil the-o unselfish who,
not now stillorlng theni-elvos, cannot rest
content with condition.-, an full of buffer
In for others."
A Sure Cure for Coughs and Colds.
That's what Pan-Tina is, 25c. AtOruhlcr
Ilros., drug store.
Literary Note from The Century Co.
Dr. S. Weir Mitchell has for many months
been gathering material for his 'romance,
"Hugh Wynne, Krco Quaker," which is to
bo the leading serial of Tho Century during
the coining year. Tho novel is a story of the
lievolutionary War and of Philadelphia
society during the period from 1833 to 17o3.
Tho Historical Socioty of Philadelphia gave
Dr. Mitchell fice access to itsgrcat collections
of family letters, deposited in its firo-prouf
rooms by nearly all the older Philadelphia
families the Shlppcus, McKeans, Logans,
etc. Among these family archives, with
their intimate icvelations, and in the old
gazettes, Dr. Mitchell found much of his
material. lie also visited and studied all tho
localities oChis story except Yorktown.
i:pcrlcnco Tells It All.
The well known adage, "experience is a
dear teacher" was never more forcibly ex
emplified than in the case of diplitlieiia.
llxperieni'O has taught thoso who survive it
that it is the most dreadek disease known.
Kxpericnce lias taught us that not a single
diphtheria patient ever died where Thomp
son's Diplitlieiia Cure was used according to
Diiccliniis. This valuable medicine is sold
by leading druggists everywhere at 30 cents
a bottle. The nailer can well allord to be
guided by the furtunu expciicnee of others
and keep Thompson's Diphtheria Cure handy
in the liuuse all the lime. Fur sale at Kiilin's
Charged with Meul'nir Tors.
Lo-t on. O -t. 7. Walter Michael Cuttle,
desciibeil us nn Ani'-riean merchant. Kiln
Castle, his wife, anil Fred Castlo. hi son,
It) years of ago, were arre-ted yesterday at
tho Hotel Cecil, and subsequently ar
raigned ut tho Marlborough street polico
court, charged with .sUMllnp; suveral sable
and chinchilla ..uins of a total value of
bWTi from lm ri n's of this city. The latter
claim that the stolen goods wero found in
tho prisoners' trunks. Mrs. Cistle, whim
taken into custody, said: 'Mytjo.l! We
bought most of tho things In (ienevn, and
one skin wo bought from n boy In the
street." Mr. and Mrs. Castlo were re
mauilcil for a week, ball being refused,
and the boy was dUehargeil.
Connecticut's Hepublie.iu Mitjirlt3'.
IlAini'Dltl), Oct. 7. -Of the lfW towns in
tho state, elections were Ivld Monday in
1IW. lteturiis have been received from 1111
of thi'su towns, those not heard from be
lli! Isolated and wil hunt wire communi
cation, and containing so low voters as to
boot inconsiderable ii.ipnrtnlico. Of tho
Ml towns heard from 1.11 havo elected the
Republican ticket, which shows u gain of
towns over the election of last year.
Thoso towns havo given Republican ma
jorities averaging about 100, Indlcntlngnn
upproxlnint" majority In tho state of 15,
0U0. H publicans claim 15,000 and Demo
crats concede 10,000.
nlassworkers llejert ii Iledllrtlon.
5IIU.VII.I.K. N. ,T , Oct. 7 -The Hint
glass blowers' commit too yesterday after
noon notified Whltall. Tatum Ac Co, that
tho workmou would not return to work
nt tho SO por cunt, reduction asked for by
tho company. Following upon tho notice
cmno tho stoppage of tho workmen's credit
nt tho company's stores. H 1ms been tho
custom for n groat many of tho blowers to
bo given cteillt in tho summer, when the
factorlos nro closed, mill havo It dodiiotcd
from their wngos in the winter. Tho com
pany will now nppoal to tho blowers di
rect, disregarding tho association, hut It Is
said that few, if any of tho men, will re
turn to work nt the reduction. It Is tho
Intention of tho company to employ non
union mull in tho event of their old cm
ployos refusing to go to work. Tho union
men iny, however, that non-union men
cannot do tho skilled work required.
Poison Ivy, Insect bitoi, hrulsos, scalds,
burns, are quickly cured by DoWllt's Witch
Hazel Halve, thu great pllo euro. C. H.
Murder Mystery In Council lllufTs.
Council Hix't rs, In., Oct. ".Mrs. Soo
mln h. Axe, of Omaha, was found dead In
tho xtreot oarly In tho morning. Kho had
lieen shot in tho head four or ilvo tlmos.
Any one of tho wounds would have proh
nbly proved fatal Instantly. Mrs. Axo was.
a dressmaker, about 60 years of ago. It Is
believed sho was murdered to provont her
from telling something damaging about
tho murderer. Ono man says ho hoard tho
man mid woman quarreling, and heard
tho man call tho woman a liar.
The Clevclamls nt Orccuwlrli.'
Giikkxwich, Conn., Oct. ".Mrs. Clove
land, wife of tho president, three children
and her maids arrived hero yosterday
afternoon in President Clark's prlvato car.
They wero met nt tho station by Miss
Helen llenedict mid driven to tho Done
diet mansion, Indian Harbor. President
Cluvelnnd Is expected hero this afternoon
on tho yacht Oneida.
Tho whole system Is drained and nndci
mlncd by indolent ulcers and open sores.
DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo speedily heals
them. It is the best pllo cure known. C. H.
Illngins Will n"t "withdraw.
Wilmington, Del., Oct. 7. Secretary
W. H. C. Colquhoun, of tho Republican
state central commlttoo, gave out an of
ficial statement lut nsght declaring that
neither John C. Higglns, the Republican
candidate for governor, nor Robert Q.
Houston, candidate for congress, would
withdraw from tho ticket. Ho said that
such a thing has not been considered, and
that both candidates nro in tho light to
Dunrortli Says 11111 Will Support llryau.
Nkw Yoiik, Oct. 7. KUlot Danforth,
chairman of tho Democratic stnto com
mittee, has returned to town after buying
hail an Interview with Senator Hill, nt
iVlbany. Ho nssured calleri nt head
quarters that tho senator would glvu his
adhesion to both tho national and stato
Democratic tickets. Mr. Dauforth left It
to bo questioned, however, if Sount. Hill
will accept the Chicago platform.
Don't tiillo away time whon you havo
cholera morbus or dianhnea. Fight them in
tho beainning with DeWltt's Colic iil'.d
Cholera ('nro. You don't have to wait for
results, they aro instantaneous, and it loavus
tnu mmois m neiiiiuy couuitiiiu. l. ji
Tour to tho I South bi lVimsjUaiila Kail-
The last of tho very atUwctivo early Autumn
tours tillered by tho Pennsylvania llailroad
will leave Now York and Philadelphia
October t!l.
Alter the experience of the pant few years
it is hardly Decennary lo.ssv that these out
ings aru plumed with the utmost uaiu
Suffice it to say that all arrangements are so
adjusted as to alfurd the bent possible means
of visiting each place to the best advantage.
The tour covers a period of ten days, find
includes the battlefield uf (iettysburg.
picturesque Blue Mountain, I.ur.iy Caverns,
iUsie City, the Natural llridge, (Iruttoes of
tho Shenandoah, the cilies of Ulchmoud and
Washington, and Mt. Vernon.
The ruund-trip rate, iucliidingrlll necessary
cxpoiiMje, is $S5 frum New York, 33 from
Philadelphia and proportionate rates from
other points,
Tho tour will bo in charge of one of tho
company's Tourist Agents. Ho will ho assisted
by an experienced, lady as Chaperon, whose
especial charge will bu ladies unaccompanied
tho gold dollar was to bo the legal unit
OI severest trial and test prnvo
In regard to Hood's Sarsaparilla
st, Greatest SVSerit
i Secured by a peculiar Combina
tion, Proportion and l'roccss
unknown to others which
naturally and actually produces
Ireatest Cures
Shown by thousands of honest,
voluntary testimonials which
naturally and actually produce
Greatest Sales
According to tho statements of
druggists all over tho country.
In these threo points Hood's
Sarsaparilla is peculiar to Itself.
H i -B
Is the best Itis the Ono True Blood Purifier.
by male escort.
Special trains o
for the exclusivo u.
tho entire round ti l
For detailed it:
Agents or toTouri
New York, or Itoor1
Philadelphia. H
to Juki: aJom in onVday
Tako Laxativo Ilftmo Quinluo Tablets. A 1
druggists rcfuiidho monoy if It falls to euro.
05 cents. yr
parlor cars aro provided
,o of tho party, in which
pfrom Now York Is made.
lerary apply to Ticket
t Ageut, 110(1 Hroailway,
411, IlroadHtreet Station,
ltrtital Murder by u Hoy.
Amir.viLi.i:, .S. C, Oct. 7. Willcdgo
Mtilono, iv boy 11 years old, went with a
shotgun tKiii'idored woman, Mnttlo Hull-
man, who owed him twenty-live cents,
and told hor ho would shoot her if sho did
not lili)- htm. i-die replied that sho hud no
monoy. anil liowoulil liavoloshoot. ilicro
upon ho leveled the gun, emptied both
barrels into her head mid killed her. Ho
Is ill Jail.
Judge Denny Withdraws.
I,EXlN"i.Ti)v, Ky., Oct. ". Judge G.
Denny, Jr., who announced himself a Re
publican cimdldatu for oongross In tho
sjuvemh district, has made public niard
withdrawing from lha contest. This
leaves llreckenritlgo a nlonr Hold, with tho
support ot the gold standard voters of
both purtlosj
Hie Weather.
For eastern Veunsvlvanla ami New Jer
sey: Fair; winds shifting to northwest
erly ; looler. j
lluy Keystone Hour. Ho sure that the name
I.KPtiia & liAEit, Ashland, Pa., is printed on
every sack.
Kugrnvcil Invitation.
Notwithstanding the fact that we have one
of the finest job offices in tho interior of the
state, new material is being added to laeii
abreast of the times and to meet tho want) of
our patrons. Itesldes tho addition of auum
her of tho latest faces of job type, we aro now
preiiared to furnish wedding Invitations, ball
programs, etc., equal to tho finest work of
tho engraver ut one-fourth the annum
charged for this class of woik. Call at our
ntlice, ordrop us a postal curd, when In need
of these things or any kind of job work
You will bo well pleased with tho workman'
ship mid tho prices.
It doesn't matter much whether sick head
ache, biliousness. Indigestion and constlna
tlon nro caused by neglect or by unavoidable
circumstances ; DoWitt's Little Early Klsers
will speedily cure them all. C. 11. liugen
Whon you want good roofing, plumbing
gas fitting, or general tinsmlthing dono call
on K. F. Gallagher 13 West Centre Btreot
Dealer iv. stc-ea Mr
ii,,, rjM! are tne only pi us to rauo
rlOOU S FlllS wttlillood'sSarsaparilla.
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.,
West Coal Street.
(liiveriiincnt VrMi-Ia Aro Keeping n C1od
Vt atch on SiMperU at .Inelinoiivllle,
jACKSON'VIt.tX. Oct. '!. The crovprnincnt
has put it strict watch upon Jacksonville,
to prevent nny filibustering expedition
from leaving port. Tho cruiser Nownrlc
is now anchored ofT tho St. John's bnr,
where a commanding view of tho entrance
to tlio river is to bo had. Tho rovenuocut-
tors Houtwcll nnd Morrill nro miehorcd In
tho stream nt tho foot of Liberty street,
within 2U0 yards of tho filibustering steam
ers Threo Friends mid Commodore, which
nro tlod nt tho riuiio wharves. Captain
Ivllgore, of tho Houtwcll. sold that both
cutters would remain hero to prevent n
suspected expedition from getting away.
Tho luferonco was also drawn from his
remarks that tho stay of tho Newark ot
tho mouth of tho river will bo indefinite
Captain Kllgoro has positive Instruc
tions not to allow nny of tho alleged fili
bustering; vessels to leavo port without
permission of tho collector of customs,
who In turn communicator with tho treas
ury department. With such permission
tho Dauntless left for Brunswick, Gn., on
Monday to ongago In towing, Tho Com
modore was to havo loft port vestordnv to
do Romo towing ou the coast, nnd It was
given permission to go providing an officer
from tho Houtwcll could bo placed on
uonru. llio boat dill not go, but remains
tied up nt tho whurf watched by tho two
llosldos nil this deputy mnrshnlst nro
stntlonod on tho Threo Friends nnd tho
Commodore, and thero Is not oven a pos
sibility that tho anticipated expedition
can leavo port.
An Innocent Man l'ardnunl.
WASHINOTON', Oct. 7. A pathetio story-
Is brought to light through tho granting
of a pardon by tho president to Georgo
Jones, nHas "Marsh Marked Jako." Jones
was tried and sentenced In Indiana in 1891
to two years nnd ix months for robbinga
postolllce. Making allowances for good
conduct his time will expire In four
months, yet there is every reason to be
lieve that ho was itinoco:it. In passing
upon tho application for pardon tho presi
dent says that thodetoctlvos who procured
Jones-arrest ana conviction now repre
sent that investigation since his convic
tion and facts that havo coino to their
knowledge havo satlsilod them that tho
convict was a victim of mistaken identity.
l'mtolllfo Mife liiiiiin Open.
Pokt Ml'ltiiAY, N. J., Oct. 7. Ihirclors
forced an entrance into tho postollleo hero
early In the morning, drilled tho safe, put
in enough explosives to blow it to pieces,
ignited tho fuse, mill after tho powder had
dono Its work hastily gathered up all tho
stamps and money that was In the safe
anil took their departure. Jin Smith is
unablo to say just how much monoy and
stamps were In tho safe, but tho amount
Is believed to bo considerable. Tho snfo
was completely wrecked nnd tho furniture
of the ollico was ruined.
Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La
Grippe when Laxativo Ilromo Quinine will
cure you in one day. Put up in tablets con
venient for taking. Guaranteed to cure, or
money refunded. Price, 25 cents. For sale
by Kirlin's Pharmacy.
Tho Cambria Iron works nt JohiiRtown,
Pn., closed down tndny,ntTeetlng3,IM0 mou
lt is roiKirted that half ot tho town of
Guayaquil, Ecuador, has been wiped out
by lire.
John A. Marshall, whoso mangled body
was found on tho railroad track near Klt-
tanulng Point, Pa., was probably robbed
and murdered.
Tho number of Christian Endeavor so
cieties in Pennsylvania increased from
8,W33 last year to 4,03d this year. Total
membership, 4'J,Uli.
The Kentucky Horso Hreeders' associa
tion meeting, which opened at Lexington
yesterday, offers i'j.OUO in purses. Hoso
Croix won the !l-year-ol:l race, wortn
Full Details Gladly Given.
A Railroad Official's Experience.
nected with railroad construction In
Nebraska,wrltcsi "My heart troubled
and pained mo for 19 years. Shortness of
breath was tho constant and most common
symptom. Intense, excruciating pain, gener
ally followed any sovcro exertion. Faintness,
hunger wit bout any appetite; fluttering that
'mado mo clutch my breast, and palpitation
that often staggered mo as If I would falL
wcro frequent attacks. Again, everything
would turn black If I arose from a stooping
pasture quickly. Sleepless nights with tholr
prostrating unrest wero
numerous and I could
get no rest day or night,
I consulted leading phy
sicians and tried adver
tised remedies. They
gavo me no relief. Ono ot
Dr. Miles' circulars described my caso so
exactly that I took Dr. Miles' Now Heart
Curo and I am now a well man. I hopo
overy ono troubled with heart diseaso will
try Dr. Miles' romoiies. If they willwrlto
mo personally, I will gladly give them full
details of my experience." Enw. Edmonds.
P. O. Box C5, David City, Nebraska.
Dr. Miles' Heart Curo Is sold on guarantee
that first bcttlo benefits or monoy refunded,
Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure
For Weak and Run-Down People from
Childhood to Q!d Age.
WHAT iT IS! "'he rlzhrstof nil restorative
trotnU, ii-iiuutfo it replaces the name subatancei
to tut- blood aid crvn tlint are exhausted in
rt-r.. twoliif -ifivinrr fluid by diflene, fndfireetion,
hii ! it .UK ovrvt urk, v, jrry, oxcchub, abuse, etc,
WHAT; IT OOES ! Up malting the blppd
r ,ni the JiKPhtlotitujrfMt, it create
f a 'l- --'i, 1 1 u-t lo i nd titrciiptl.. Tlie nerv s ho Ma u runttn Lratn Incomes and
Jrnr. rrt"t.'rinffoBtTitalty and topin(r all
M utinja t'rt'U and neaknPMfn either Bex, It ha
r-cq-i t1 , nndf 'i fMniilrpitnlatnrit Uworthita
JT; ipl.t poM. . OnehnxlnrUfiweok. Price&c.or
AtoxtKH DriisidtB or by mail, Itonlt 1 rt'i.
tm OK-.,tai.t ft. PhlladeLohla,
Docs This Mean Anlhir.g lo You 7
"II j our truss don't hold you 01 lsrniHng
pain, see us ut once. It inuy h.ive you ol
sullerliig. V e have cured Iiimdieds ot people
1:1 l'riinsylvuiiiu, audi .111 reler jou tu p.tiieut
lured ill your own tmvn. Our treatment Is
li iiiulevt and iill not keep you (rum yo'.ir
l.uly labor. Call and niive a talk Willi our
ilo. tor. H will uost jou liotlilng. We guaran
tee relief alter the ilibt tieutiiicnt, and our
pilees uio reasonable,
Tlio Dr. Miller Co., Philadelphia.
Sco Our Doctor livery Tuesday ut
UNION HOUSE, Ashland, Pa,
00000000 aoooooooftoeooaoqioo
To alt sufferers of KltHOItS OV VOtlTII,
AND n'O.UU.N. lus iiusea: cloth boundiu
cu rely sealed n J mall r d free. Treninientby nnul
trlcUy ontldenU&l, bq 1 H tioslllve, qulc our
iruarfte'pl. o matter bow lens tnnduib 1
wlllpo' Ively cure you. Write or ci.L
RR nnn329H.l5ihSt.Phlla.Pa.
A Handsomo Comploxion
la ono of the greatest charms a woman can
possess. Poizohi'o CourLBXiOM Powuua
gives It.
I had chronic diarrlioea for ten years,"
says L. W. Kichlcin, a Justice of the l'eaco
at South Hasten, Pa. "No remedy afforded
mo real relief until I was induced hy
Chas. T. Kilian, tho druggist, to try Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
licmedy. It cured me and for a year I havo
had no return of the trouble." It has also
cured ninny others, among them old soldiers
who had contracted tho diseaso in tho army
and given up all hopo of recovery. Tor salo
by liruhlcrHros., druggists.
Cooper 11 Tie with Until.
Washington-, Oct. 7. According to tho
figures prepared by K. C. Spoonor, tho na
tional circuit bioyclo follower, Eddlo Uald
and Tom Cooper, who compotcd hero on
Monday, uroxtlod for championship hon
ors, each having slxty-llvo points to his
credit. Hoth B.ild nnd Cooper suy tho tlo
was nindo. Tho report that Hald led hy
two points wns duo to tho different sys
tems of keeping points, but the offlcinl
llgtires placo tho men us even. Cooper now
Miys ho will challenge Hald to 11 mutch
race for UU 11 side tu settle the matter.
Hellef In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder discuses
relicvod in six hours hy tlio "New Great
South American Kidney Curo." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness in rolieving pain In
the bladder, kidneys, back and every fart
of tho urinary passages in male or feinalo.
It relieves retention of water and pain In
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief and curo this is your rcnirdy.
iiold by Kkapira's phatmaey, 1U7 South Main
Two Kllluil In a I'lelght Vl'recli.
Pirisuritti, Oct. 7. -At 1:80 o'clook in
the morning: tut extra freight train 011 the
I'enusvlvnnlu railroad broke in two near
Uonohuo Station. The two sections col
lided, nnd fourteen curs of merchandise
were wrecked. Ilntkeman Jllko Hulllday
was probably fatally Injured. Another
brnkemun was also liadly hurt. Noah
Greenwood, a rosldontof llomowood, who
was riding on tho train, had his right iirm
cut off. Ail unknown colored man, steal
ing u ride, was Instantly killed. Another
unknown tramp was burled under the
The Ilest for Children,
"I believe Chamberlain's Cough Itcmedy
is tho best for children I ever used. For
croup It Is unequalled. It is a splendid seller
with us. T. JI. Ecklcs, I'b. G Manager
Wampum Pharmacy, Wampum, Pa." When
used as soon us the first symptoms appear,
that is as soon as the child Jeromes Jiwse or
even after tho crotipy coughyiffi
will prevent the attack, ffffmWnDt
croupy children should bear ts. jm)4doiJ
always keep tho remedy at liaTdJaaj; laVUri
tho nest medicine in tlio woriui tofcolilsatid,
l Diphtheria
-ICur.a? dx
Read what others who have
used it say:
I have used Thompson's Plphtherla i
Cure In my family and cured three of
my children of the Diphtheria and
know it Is a sure cure, I twl that every .
one should know or It, for Diphtheria la
h disease that bailies most of the doctors. '.
If your medicine la kept In the house
and rsed acordlnr to directions as oon
as the throat hvulns to get sore, they
will never know they had the Dlphthe- I
You are at liberty to use the alwve
testimonial, which I will be Kind to sub
stantiate to persons w ho will cull to see
me. Your reiectfiilly,
John Stry ker, bergeant of Tollce,
Wtlllamsport, Fa.
This certlflei that for several months
I have been using TliompHon's 1)1 ph.
therfaCureln my family and reard It
as the best and most speedy remedy for
colds and Bore throat I have ever
known, I do not hesitate to recom
mend it. O. I), Venepacker, 1). V.
lastor Grace M. K. Church,
Will lamsiort, l'a.
Ihaveused your Diphtheria Cure In
my family and It works like a charm. It
docsitfl work quick, and that Is what
you want In Diphtheria or croup. I
would not do without It.
lies pert fully,
G. M. Warner, WlUUmaport, To.
The above testimonials arc
authentic nnd we invite you to
correspond wih the writers.
Oiperia Cwe Co.,
Vor Halo nt Kirlin's tlrujr btore.
Tee ims to Hire.
If you want to hire a safe and reliable
tenn for driving or for working purposes
pay Shields' livery stable u visit. Teams
constantly ou hand at reasonable rates.
No. 410 East Centre street.
Opposite Keadlne railroad ntatlon.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
i 1 t nfc'X..
HiT bottle by Orubler Bros., drUW.
Barbey's Bohemiajn Beer.